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A functional thylakoid membrane module of photosynthesis was isolated from cell free extracts of Anacystis nidulans by stepwise sequential ultracentrifugation. The thylakoid membrane fractions sedimenting at 40,000×g, followed by 90,000×g and finally at 150,000×g were collected. These fractions had all the components of electron transport chain, ATP synthase, phycobiliproteins, ferredoxin-NADP reductase but no ferredoxin. Five sequential enzymes of Calvin cycle viz phosphoriboisomerase, phosphoribulokinase, RuBP carboxylase, 3-PGA kinase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were found to be associated with thylakoid membranes. Among the three different thylakoid fractions, the 150,000×g fraction showed highest activities of these enzymes and also higher rate of whole chain electron transport activity on chlorophyll basis. An important finding was that the 150,000×g fraction showed appreciably higher rate of R-5-P+ADP+Pi dependent CO2 fixation in light compared to the other two fractions, indicating the efficiency of this fraction in utilizing ATP for Calvin cycle. This thylakoid membrane fraction represents a fully functional module exhibiting a synchronized system of light and dark reactions of photosynthesis. Most of the components of this module remained together even after sucrose density gradient centrifugation. This is the first report on the isolation of a photosynthetic module involving membrane and soluble proteins.  相似文献   

A guanidine-HCl extraction of lens capsule basement membrane dissolves collagenous material. This material was fractionated on an Agarose A-5M column. Fractions 1, 2 and 3 were further purified and partially characterized immunochemically and by amino acid analysis. Fraction 3 has a molecular weight of 55,000 when compared with collagen type I standard. The CNBr peptide pattern and composition of fraction 3 are different from those of alpha 1 (IV) 95K and alpha 2 (IV) 95K chains. The results described suggest the presence of a new chain in lens capsule basement membrane.  相似文献   

Ejaculated human spermatozoa were subjected to nitrogen cavitation (600 psi for ten min) to remove the plasma membrane (PM). Electron microscopic examination of the cavitated cells revealed that 33% of the PM was removed from the sperm which includes both the head and tail regions. The released membrane was separated from the cavitated cells by centrifugation followed by a discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. A single membrane population was resolved at the 1.0 M sucrose interface. Examination of the isolated membranes by electron microscopy revealed vesicles of various sizes displaying unit membrane structures. Biochemical analysis of the isolated membranes showed a threefold enrichment in the surface membrane marker 5' nucleotidase and also suggested little contamination by enzymes from the cytosol (lactate dehydrogenase) or mitochondria (cytochrome oxidase). Analytical lipid analysis of the isolated membranes revealed a 26-fold enrichment in the distribution of cholesterol, an 11-fold enrichment of phospholipids, and a cholesterol:phospholipid molar ratio of 0.83. Also found was a twofold increase in glycosphingolipids which are ubiquitous components of PM in eukaryotic cells. These data indicate that the membrane vesicles isolated after nitrogen cavitation are primarily PM.  相似文献   

Long-term acclimation to irradiance stress (HL) of the green alga Dunaliella salina Teod. (UTEX 1644) entails substantial accumulation of zeaxanthin along with a lowering in the relative amount of other pigments, including chlorophylls and several carotenoids. This phenomenon was investigated with wild type and the zea1 mutant of D. salina, grown under conditions of low irradiance (LL), or upon acclimation to irradiance stress (HL). In the wild type, the zeaxanthin to chlorophyll (Zea/Chl)(mol : mol) ratio was as low as 0.009 : 1 under LL and as high as 0.8 : 1 under HL conditions. In the zea1 mutant, which constitutively accumulates zeaxanthin and lacks antheraxanthin, violaxanthin and neoxanthin, the Zea/Chl ratio was 0.15 : 1 in LL and 0.57 : 1 in HL. The divergent Zea/Chl ratios were reflected in the coloration of the cells, which were green under LL and yellow under HL. In LL-grown cells, all carotenoids occurred in structural association with the Chl-protein complexes. This was clearly not the case in the HL-acclimated cells. A beta-carotene-rich fraction occurred as loosely bound to the thylakoid membrane and was readily isolated by flotation following mechanical disruption of D. salina. A zeaxanthin-rich fraction was specifically isolated, upon mild surfactant treatment and differential centrifugation, from the thylakoid membrane of either HL wild type or HL-zea1 mutant. Such differential extraction of beta-carotene and Zea, and their separation from the Chl-proteins, could not be obtained from the LL-grown wild type, although small amounts of Zea could still be differentially extracted from the LL-grown zea1 strain. It is concluded that, in LL-grown D. salina, xanthophylls (including most of Zea in the zea1 strain) are structurally associated with and stabilized by the Chl-proteins in the thylakoid membrane. Under HL-growth conditions, however, zeaxanthin appears to be embedded in the lipid bilayer, or in a domain of the chloroplast thylakoids that can easily be separated from the Chl-proteins upon mild surfactant treatment. In conclusion, this work provides biochemical evidence for the domain localization of accumulated zeaxanthin under irradiance-stress conditions in green algae, and establishes protocols for the differential extraction of this high-value pigment from the green alga D. salina.  相似文献   

A genetically defined, serologically identified antigen of the rat lymphocyte membrane (AgF-1) has been isolated. Viable spleen and lymph node cells, prepared by Ficoll-Hypaque density centrifugation from Fischer rats, were radioiodinated with soluble lactoperoxidase. Extracts obtained with Nonidet P-40 were shown to contain numerous radiolabeled proteins including cell-surface globulin. AgF-1 was isolated from these extracts by precipitation with a highly specific alloantibody in conjunction with xenospecific anti-globulin antibody and polyethylene glycol (PEG). The use of PEG greatly increased the efficiency of the double antibody technique. The putative antigenic peak was eluted from sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) and specific antigenic activity was recovered. Removal of the SDS from these eluates was achieved by equilibration with urea and passage over an anion exchange resin. Renaturation, as evidenced by specific inhibition of complement-mediated cytotoxicity, occurred upon the removal of urea by dialysis. The m.w. of the purified antigen was estimated to be 35 to 40,000 daltons by SDS-PAGE and was unaffected by reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol. Amino acid composition was roughly similar to those reported for the major histocompatibility antigens of the rat and other species.  相似文献   

At areas of adhesion between outer membrane (OM) and inner membrane (IM) in gram-negative bacteria, newly synthesized membrane constituents are inserted, and bacteriophage infection occurs. We describe here the isolation of these sites from cell membrane fractions of Salmonella anatum. Sucrose density gradients yielded membrane vesicles of the OM and IM; their mutual cross-contamination was low, as measured by 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate and beta-NADH-oxidase activities. To mark the areas of lipopolysaccharide synthesis in the envelope (the adhesion sites), we infected S. anatum with phage epsilon 15, which causes a rapid change (conversion) in the cell's O-antigenic composition from serogroup E1 to E2; lipopolysaccharide of type E2 also serves as receptor for phage epsilon 34. We found that the fractions of intermediate density (Int. M) from briefly converted cells bound both phage epsilon 34 and E2-specific antibody. In the electron microscope, epsilon 34 was seen to have absorbed with a high degree of significance to the Int. M fraction of briefly converted cells, but not to the Int. M fraction of unconverted cells. Furthermore, the Int. M fractions of briefly converted cells coagglutinated anti-E2-coated Staphylococcus aureus, whereas the OM and IM fractions showed comparatively little agglutination. In addition, Int. M material exhibited elevated phospholipase A1 and A2 activities comparable to those of the OM fraction; the IM was essentially phospholipase free. Our data indicate that this membrane fractionation allows one to isolate from Int. M regions a variety of activities associated with adhesion sites.  相似文献   

Abstract Highly purified preparations of inner, i.e. cytoplasmic and intracytoplasmic, membranes and outer membranes were isolated from Nitrobacter hamburgensis strain X14 by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation of cell-free extracts. The two membrane fractions differed markedly in morphology, density, and protein composition as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The inner membrane fraction was enriched in NADH oxidase and nitrite oxidase activity. It contained four major protein bands of apparent M rs of 28 000, 32 000, 70 000, and 116000. The outer membrane fraction was characterized by the presence of 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate and contained two major proteins of apparent M rs of 13 000 and 50 000. There was no evidence for differences between cytoplasmic and intracytoplasmic membranes.  相似文献   

The function of the syncytiotrophoblast in maternal-fetal exchange is related to the properties of its microvillous (maternal-facing) and basal (fetal-facing) plasma membranes. We have previously reported the properties of the microvillous membrane (Smith, C.H., Nelson, D.M., King, B.F., Donohue, T.M., Ruzycki, S.M. and Kelley, L.K. (1977) Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 128, 190–196), and now describe the purification and partial characterization of the basal plasma membrane. Sonication and incubation with EDTA were used to isolate selectively the basal cell membrane. These steps were followed by a more conventional purification by centrifugation. The trophoblast was disrupted and its microvillous membrane and cytoplasmic contents were removed by sonication. The exposed basal cell membrane was selectively released from the underlying basal lamina by sonication in the presence of EDTA and further purified by discontinuous Ficoll gradient centrifugation. The material at the 4–10% Ficoll interface consisted of smooth membrane vesicles with internal microfilaments. It was 45-fold enriched in dihydroalprenolol binding activity and 11-fold enriched in ouabain binding activity. Other enzymatic analyses, including alkaline phosphatase, cytochrome-c oxidase, cytochrome-c reductase and galactosyl transferase indicated low contamination by other organelles. This procedure yields a preparation of relatively high purity which should be suitable for investigation of transport and other functions of the basal surface membrane of trophoblast. In principle, the purification procedures used may be applicable to other transporting epithelia.  相似文献   

The cell surface complex (Detering et al., 1977, J. Cell Biol. 75, 899-914) of the sea urchin egg consists of two subcellular organelles: the plasma membrane, containing associated peripheral proteins and the vitelline layer, and the cortical vesicles. We have now developed a method of isolating the plasma membrane from this complex and have undertaken its biochemical characterization. Enzymatic assays of the cell surface complex revealed the presence of a plasma membrane marker enzyme, ouabain-sensitive Na+/K+ ATPase, as well as two cortical granule markers, proteoesterase and ovoperoxidase. After separation from the cortical vesicles and purification on a sucrose gradient, the purified plasma membranes are recovered as large sheets devoid of cortical vesicles. The purified plasma membranes are highly enriched in the Na+/K+ ATPase but contain only very low levels of the proteoesterase and ovoperoxidase. Ultrastructurally, the purified plasma membrane is characterized as large sheets containing a "fluffy" proteinaceous layer on the external surface, which probably represent peripheral proteins, including remnants of the vitelline layer. Extraction of these membranes with Kl removes these peripheral proteins and causes the membrane sheets to vesiculate. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the cell surface complex, plasma membranes, and Kl-extracted membranes indicates that the plasma membrane contains five to six major proteins species, as well as a large number of minor species, that are not extractable with Kl. The vitelline layer and other peripheral membrane components account for a large proportion of the membrane-associated protein and are represented by at least six to seven polypeptide components. The phospholipid composition of the Kl-extracted membranes is unique, being very rich in phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol. Cholesterol was found to be a major component of the plasma membrane. Before Kl extraction, the purified plasma membranes retain the same species-specific sperm binding property that is found in the intact egg. This observation indicates that the sperm receptor mechanisms remain functional in the isolated, cortical vesicle-free membrane preparation.  相似文献   

A glial hyaluronate-binding protein (GHAP) with an isoelectric point of 4.3-4.4 was isolated from human brain white matter. The 60-kDa glycoprotein appeared to be quite resistant to proteolysis, and comparison with GHAP from a viable glioma removed at surgery showed that the protein isolated from autopsy material was not a degradation product resulting from postmortem autolysis. The protein was localized immunohistochemically with mouse monoclonal and rabbit polyclonal antibodies in cerebral white matter. Only small amounts could be found in the gray matter. After enzymatic deglycosylation, an immunoreactive 47-kDa polypeptide was obtained. Two amino acid sequences of GHAP showed a striking similarity (up to 89%) with a highly conserved region of cartilage proteins (bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan and rat and chicken link protein). However, the amino acid composition and other amino acid sequences suggested that there are also differences between brain-specific GHAP and cartilage proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Spinach cDNA libraries, made from polyadenylated seedling RNA, have been constructed in pBR322 and the expression vector gt11. Recombinant plasmids or phage for 14 intrinsic and peripheral thylakoid membrane proteins and one stromal protein have been identified. They encode components containing antigenic determinants against the lysine-rich 34 kd, the 23 kd and 16 kd proteins all associated with the water-splitting apparatus of the photosystem II reaction center, the ATP synthase subunits gamma, delta and CFo-II, the Rieske Fe/S protein of the cytochrome b/f complex, subunits 2, 3, 5 and 6 of the photosystem I reaction center, plastocyanin, ferredoxin oxidoreductase, chlorophyll a/b-binding apoproteins of the lightharvesting complex associated with photosystem II, and the small subunit of the stromal enzyme ribulose bisphosphate corboxylase/oxygenase. The cDNA inserts lack complementarity to plastid DNA but hybridize to restricted nuclear DNA as well as to discrete poly A+-mRNA species. The precursor products obtained after translation of hybrid selected RNA fractions in a wheat germ assay are imported and processed by isolated unbroken spinach chloroplasts. The imported components comigrate with the respective authentic proteins.  相似文献   

Platelet membrane glycoproteins IIb and IIIa were isolated and purified from human platelet membranes using lentil lectin affinity chromatography and electrophoretic elution from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis of a mixture of the purified proteins against monospecific antisera showed antigenic uniqueness of the separate polypeptides. Computerized analysis of autoradiographs of two-dimensional tryptic 125I peptide maps revealed that the two glycoproteins had completely different structures. Monospecific anti-glycoproteins IIb and IIIa Fab'2 fragments, either singly or in combination, induced platelet agglutination but did not inhibit or alter the platelet aggregation response to physiologic stimuli. The results demonstrate that human platelet membrane glycoproteins IIb and IIIa are separate molecular entities. In the native state, the membrane macromolecular IIb.IIIa complex may play an important role in mediating platelet-platelet interactions.  相似文献   

The 42,000 major outer membrane protein of Chromatium vinosum was purified by a combination on ion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and isoelectric focusing. Upon isoelectric focusing, the final material produced four major hands. Three of the four bands were isolated and analyzed for similarity or differences. Protease peptide maps and cyanogen bromide maps of the three isoelectric species were identical. When the isolated isoelectric species were refocused, each produced multiple isoelectric species, suggesting that the procedure used was generating the multiple charged species. Protease treatment of the isolated outer membrane produced a 31,000 fragment from the 42,000 protein. This fragment was isolated by preparative sodium sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Although the amino acid compositions of the 42,000 protein and its 31,000 trypsin fragment were different, their polarity index was the same (45%). The amino-terminal sequences of the 42,000 protein and 31,000 trypsin fragment were identical, and it concluded that the amino-terminal was buried in the membrane.  相似文献   

The outer membrane fractions of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, which were extracted from whole cells with cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide and CaCl2, contained four major outer membrane proteins (MOMP) of 39, 37, 36 and 30 kDa. The 39 kDa MOMP of A. actinomycetemcomitans was sequentially purified by extraction with Zwittergent 3-14 detergent, anion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. Analysis of amino acid composition and N-terminal amino acid sequence of 20 residues of purified 39 kDa MOMP was performed. Although some of the periodontitis patient sera reacted strongly with 39 kDa and 30 kDa MOMP in crude outer membrane fractions, purified 39 kDa MOMP showed decreased immunoreactivity with the human sera.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to the Mr 31,000 major integral membrane protein of the human erythrocyte band 7 region were used to identify the corresponding polypeptide chain and epitope-carrying fragments on immunoblots. Analysis of the erythrocyte membrane, membrane fractions, and cytosol revealed that the Mr 31,000 band 7 integral membrane protein is unique and not related to any of the other water-soluble or membrane-bound band 7 components. Cross-reacting proteins were identified in the membranes of other mammalian erythrocytes and in cell lines of epithelial and lymphoid origin. Proteolytic digestion of intact human erythrocytes or erythrocyte membranes demonstrated that the band 7 integral membrane protein has an intracellular domain larger than Mr 12,000; it does not have an extracellular one. One of the monoclonal antibodies was employed for the isolation of band 7 integral membrane protein by immunoaffinity chromatography; subsequent Edman degradation revealed a blocked N-terminus.  相似文献   

Gengliosides generally provide a small portion of the complex carbohydrate content of cell surfaces. An exception is the central nervous system where they comprise up to 5–10% of the total lipid of some membranes. This tissue is unique in that the quantity of lipid-bound sialic acid exceeds that of the protein-bound fraction. Over 30 different molecular species have been characterized to date. These range in complexity from sialosylgalactosyl ceramide with 2 sugars to the pentasialoganglioside of fish brain with 9 carbohydrate units. Virtually all cellular and subcellular fractions of brain that have been carefully examined contain gangliosides to one degree or another, but the majority of brain ganglioside is located in the neurons. Their mode of distribution within the neuron has not been entirely clarified by subcellular studies. Calculations based on reported values for axon terminal density and synaptosomal ganglioside concentration in the rat reveal that nerve endings contribute less than 12% of total cerebral cortical ganglioside. It is concluded that the plasma membranes of neuronal processes contain most of the neuronal ganglioside. These and other considerations suggest the possibility that gangliosides may be distributed over the entire neuronal surface.  相似文献   

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