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Summary Fundamentally, theoretically, there is only one process underlying genetic and cultural evolution: natural selection. Organism fitness-enhancement (adaptive significance) is one of its practical mechanisms; group formation and maintenance is another, often but not always through fitness-enhancement; and need-fulfillment is still another. If Durham can accept that formulation, and switch from organism-thinking to instruction-thinking (Cloak, 1975: 178), he will free himself from two handicaps: First, he can forget his worries about reductionism and determinism (1976a: 100, 101). Under this general theory of natural selection, cultural evolutionis biological evolution, continued by other (nongenetic) means. Second, he will spare himself the appearance of anthropomorphism, mentalism, and wishy-washiness attendant on his discussion of kinds of significance, other than adaptive significance, of cultural behaviors (1976a: 102–106, 115).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Meerschweinchenzirbeldrüse lassen sich elektronenmikroskopisch helle und dunkle Pinealzellen sowie einzelne Gliazellen nachweisen. In den bei weitem überwiegenden hellen Pinealzellen zeichnet sich ein Teil der vesicle-crowned rodlets (VCR) durch lokale Auftreibungen aus. Von VCR deutlich abzugrenzen sind die vesicle-crowned balls (VCB). Erstmalig beschrieben wird das Vorkommen von sog. Zylindern, die als Vorstufen von VCB aufgefaßt werden. In den relativ seltenen dunklen Pinealzellen, die sich durch chromatinreiche Kerne und elektronendichtes Zytoplasma auszeichnen, sind Vesikel, VCR, VCB und Zylinder seltener als in hellen Pinealzellen. Die reichlich vorhandenen marklosen Nervenfasern finden sich vor allem in perivasculären Räumen, seltener im Parenchym. Synapsen zwischen Nerven und Pinealzellen wurden nicht beobachtet. In den Zirbeldrüsen trächtiger Meerschweinchen zeichnen sich in der 2. Hälfte der Tragzeit die hellen Pinealzellen durch stärkere Lappung der Kerne, gehäuftes Auftreten von laktiven Zonen, Vermehrung von Mitochondrien, glattem ER, agranulären Vesikeln, VCR, VCB und Zylindern aus. Die dunklen Pinealzellen nehmen während der Tragzeit an Zahl zu. Post partum bilden sich diese Veränderungen innerhalb einer Woche zurück. Längerer Aufenthalt der Tiere in Dunkelheit führt zu einer Aktivierung der hellen Pinealzellen mit auffallender Vermehrung der VCR und zu einer Zunahme der dunklen Zellen. Unter Dauerbelichtung kommt es in den hellen Zellen zu einer Abnahme fast aller Zellorganellen und zu einer starken Vermehrung der VCR, die nach 70 Tagen auch Formveränderungen aufweisen. Nach Reserpinbehandlung beobachtet man eine Verminderung und degenerative Veränderungen der VCR. Es wird diskutiert, daß die VCR als prae- bzw. postsynaptische Strukturen der Erregungsübertragung von Nerven zu Pinealzellen bzw. von Pinealzellen untereinander dienen könnten.
The fine structure of the pineal gland of normal, pregnant and experimentally affected guinea-pigs
Summary By means of electron microscopy light and dark pinealocytes can be distinguished in the guinea-pig pineal gland. Glial cells are rare. In the light pinealocyte. the most frequent cell type, some vesicle-crowned rodlets (VCR) show circumscribed thickenings. From these structures vesicle-crowned balls (VCB) have to be clearly distinguished. Furthermore cylinders occur, which, it is suggested, are precursors of VCB. Dark pinealocytes characterized by chromatin-rich nuclei and electron-dense cytoplasm are rare and contain fewer vesicles, VCR, VCB and cylinders than light pinealocytes. Numerous non-myelinated nerve fibres are situated within perivascular spaces, a few also in the parenchyma. Synapses between nerve fibres and pinealocytes were not observed. In the pineal gland of pregnant guinea-pigs the following changes can be observed in the second half of gestation. The light cells show many nuclear indentations and an increase of active zones, mitochondria, smooth ER, agranular vesicles, VCR, VCB, and cylinders respectively. The dark cells increase in number. After birth these changes reverse to normal within one week. Constant darkness leads to an activation of the light cells accompanied by an increase of the VCR and to an increase in number of the dark cells. Under constant illumination the light cells show a decrease of their organelles and a strong increase of the VCR. After 70 days the VCR also show a change in shape. Following reserpine treatment the VCR decrease in number and show signs of degeneration. It is discussed that the VCR function as pre- or postsynaptic structures and that they are involved either in transmitting impulses from nerve fibres to pinealocytes or from one pinealocyte to the other.
Untersuchung unter Leitung von Univ.-Doz. Dr. L. Vollrath.  相似文献   

Apparently factual disagreement on the level(s) at which selection operates often results from different interpretations of the term selection. Attempts to resolve terminological problems must come to grips with a dilemma: a narrow interpretation of selection may lead to a restricted view on evolution; a broader, less precise, definition may wrongly suggest that selection is the centre of a unified, integrated theory of evolution. Different concepts of selection, therefore, should carefully be kept apart.  相似文献   

In order to test the Methanochondrion concept, uptake of adenine nucleotides in various membrane preparations of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was studied. The uptake showed properties which are in general interpreted as indicative of a transport mechanism: (i) kinetics in the time range of minutes, (ii) temperature dependence, (iii) substrate specificity and (iv) failure to remove the substrate by extensive washing.However, nucleotide transport as an interpretation of this uptake can definitely be excluded. Not only an exchange mechanism of the mitochondrial type, but also a general exchange or an uniport mechanism was ruled out. In contrast, the nucleotide uptake was shown to be actually a tight and specific binding of ADP and ATP to binding sites at the interior side of the cell membrane. This was conclusively demonstrated in protoplasts obtained from M. thermoautotrophicum cells. In these protoplasts which do not contain internal membranes also nucleotide binding was observed, but only after disruption of the plasma membrane by osmotic lysis, which leads to the exposure of binding sites.  相似文献   

Droogers  P.  van der Meer  F.B.W.  Bouma  J. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(1):83-91
The capacity of a soil to supply roots with water and nutrients for crop growth is important when defining sustainable land management which implies maintenance of production and reduction of production risks. Not only the amount of available water is important but also its accessibility, which differs among different soil structures. Different structures within one soil series were associated with three types of management: (i) conventional, temporary grassland (Conv), (ii) biodynamic, temporary grassland (Bio) and (iii) conventional permanent grassland (Perm). Transpiration of barley plants, under identical circumstances, and the associated rooting patterns, were measured in five large undisturbed cores from each of the three soil structures. Management had significantly changed bulk density, organic matter content and porosity. Measured transpiration showed significant differences with highest amounts for Perm followed by Conv and lowest amounts for Bio. Rooting pattern characteristics, defined as the relation between a series of hypothetical extraction zones around each root and the volumes of excluded soil were determined for the three structures. These rooting pattern characteristics were most favourable for Perm, followed by Bio and Conv, respectively. The water supply characteristics, defined as the number of days the soil can satisfy a transpiration demand of 5 mm d-1 as a function of a hypothetical extraction zone, reflects the capacity of the soil to supply roots with water. These water supply characteristics combined with the rooting pattern characteristics were used to quantify the accessibility of soil water. Accessibility was highest for Perm and Conv with 95% and 94% respectively, followed by Bio with 68%. When used in a simulation model and compared with simulations implicitly assuming total accessibility, measured transpirations were better simulated by introducing the expression for water accessibility.  相似文献   

R. Jarosch 《Protoplasma》1968,65(4):363-377
Zusammenfassung Es werden verschiedene Vorgänge an sehr zarten Pseudopodien beschrieben und mit Hilfe der an submikroskopischen Fibrillen (schraubig gebauten Mikrofibrillen und Mikroröhrchen der Elektronenmikroskopie) auftretenden Torsionsspannungen und Rotationen gedeutet.
On the dynamics of slender pseudopodia of bog amebae
Summary Different processes which occur on very slender pseudopods are described. They are interpreted with the help of torsional forces and revolutions of the submicroscopic fibrils (helical microfibrils and microtubules in electron microscopy).

Zusammenfassung Mischungen aus dem Mycel sweier weißer oder zweier brauner Stämme des Kulturchampignons hatten keinen Einfluß auf den Fruchtkörperetrag.Bei Mischungen aus einem weißen und einem braunen Stamm was dagegen der Ertrag immer niedriger als erwartet und das Mycel verschwand verhältnismäßig schnell. Der Ertragsausfall beruht in der Regel auf einer Unterdrückung des braunen Stammes.Herrn Prof. von Sengbusch zum 65. Geburtstag in Dankbarkeit und Verehrung gewidment.  相似文献   

Two sets of backcross matings were performed to test for linkage between genes coding for the Ia-like antigens (Ia) and the B erythrocyte antigens (Ea-B) of the chicken. Evidence is presented which indicates that the la antigens are determined by a single codominant locus and that theEa-B and Ia loci are on the same chromosome. Failure to detect a single recombinant between theEa-B and Ia loci out of 208 progeny suggests close linkage of the two genes with a map distance of up to about 2 centimorgans. The Ia genes are thus included in theB major histocompatibility complex of the chicken.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Einleitung ist das Ziel der Arbeit in den wesentlichsten Punkten herausgestellt.Die Bursastrukturen (Bursavelum und Rippen bzw. Papillen) der parasitischen Strongylina lassen sich von den entsprechenden Bildungen der freilebenden Rhabditina, vor allem der Gattung Rhabditis, ableiten und in ihren Einzelgliedern homologisieren.Die im Laufe der Phylogenie bei den Strongylina auftretenden strukturellen Transformationen lassen sich auf einige wenige, relativ einfache morphogenetische Grundvorgänge zurückführen, die da sind: Wachstumsallometrien, Materialkompensationen, Organverschmelzungen und Spaltungen (Fissationen), Rudimentationen und ähnliche Vorgänge.Innerhalb der Strongylina Bursa ist ein Gefälle der Wachstumsgradienten feststellbar, das sich vom Zentrum der Bursa sowohl nach distal als auch proximalwärts abschwdcht. Zunehmende Förderung der zentral gelegenen Organe (Rippen) führt zu entsprechender Reduktion der peripheren Bursastrukturen, was vor allem im terminalen Schwanzabschnitt auffällt und zur Ausbildung des oft nur noch als Rudiment vorhandenen Dorsalrippenkomplexes führt. Letzterer entspricht in seiner Gesamtheit der Schwanzspitze der peloderen Rhabditiden mit den Papillen 9 und 10.Die bei Rhabditis moist getrennten Papillen 7 und 8 sind bei allen Strongylina zu einer Rippe (Externodorsal-Rippe) verschmolzen, die jedoch in manchen Aberrationen durch Abspaltung eines akzessorischen Astes ihre wahre Natur (als Verschmelzungsprodukt) zu erkennen gibt (Atavismus).Da dieselben Transformationsvorgänge innerhalb der Strongylina mehrfach unabhängig voneinander wirksam geworden sind, treten bestimmte Strukturformen als Parallelbildungen in verschiedenen phylogenetischen Union auf (polytope Entstehung).Zahlreich untersuchte Bildungsabweichungen (Aberrationen), deren Bedeutung für die Morphologie kurz umrissen wird, erschöpfen sich in den gleichen strukturellen Transformationstypen, die auch bei der Evolution der verschiedenen Union der Strongylina nachweisbar sind. Die Aberrationen führen daher häufig zu Atavismen oder zu Parallelvariationen (homologe Variationen").Die Zahl der Umwandlungsmbglichkeiten (Potenzen) der Bursastrukturen innerhalb der Strongylina ist beschränkt (Paripotenz im Sinne Haeckers). Bestimmte Arten (und Entwicklungshnien) haben jeweils nur bestimmte Potenzen realisiert. Andere können jedoch latent (virtuell) im Kryptotypus vorhanden sein, ohne normalerweise in Erscheinung. zu treten. In bestimmten Aberrationen können sie jedoch plötzlich realisiert werden, so ihr latentes Vorhandensein demonstrierend (Pluripotenz).Wie lange bestimmte Potenzen in einer Gruppe erhalten bleiben konnen, verdeutlichen auch die Schwanzhocker weiblicher Nematoden, als zum Bauplan der Nematoden gehbrende Bildungen. Die Potenz zur Ausbildung dieser Strukturen kommt offensichtlich sehr vielen Nematoden-Arten zu, wird jedoch nur in relativ wenigen Fällen, aber innerhalb der verschiedenen Gruppen bald hier, bald dort (disjunkte Verbreitung), realisiert. Es handelt sich bei den Schwanzhöckern um rudimentäre Organe, die bei keiner Nematoden-Art mehr voll ausgebildet erhalten sind. Ihre Rudimentation beruht zum Teil auf Materialentzug, als Folge von Unkonstruktionen der Schwanzregion, wobei die Adultstadien zuerst betroffen werden (Aphanisie nach Sewertzoff).Bei den in Chiropteren parasitierenden Strongylacanthinae haben sich Schwanzhöcker noch bei allen Arten erhalten, was ein offensichtlich archaisches Merkmal darstellt. Bei anderen Nematoden, denen sie nur im Larvalstadium zukommen, treten sie wohl durch Fötalisation in seltenen Fällen auch bei den adulten Stadien wieder auf.Alle speziellen Bursaformen der Strongylina lassen sich durch relativ wenige und einfache Transformationsvorgänge aus einem durch Abstraktion gewonnenen diagrammatischen Typus ableiten (Prinzip der variablen Proportionen" nach Troll).Die typisierten Umwandlungsvorgänge decken sich weitgehend mit den von Remane allgemein gefaßten strukturellen Typen der Realmutationen. Da sie bei den beobachteten Aberrationen, deren Entstehung auf dem Wege über Realmutationen sehr wahrscheinlich ist, in homologer Weise auftreten, kann das innerhalb der Strongylina zu beobachtende Evolutionsphänomen auf Realmutationen zurückgeführt warden.Obwohl sich die untersuchten strukturellen Transformationen in dem systematisch relativ wait gefaßten Rahmen einer Unterordnung abspielen (transspezifische Evolution nach Rensch), handelt es sich bei der von uns bevorzugten Terminologie (nach Woltereck und Remane), unter Berücksichtigung des Charakters der Umwandlungen, doch nur um Vorgänge, die in den Bereich der Mikroevolution fallen.  相似文献   

Summary A protocol for obtaining regenerated fertile plants from mesophyll protoplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana is reported. Protoplasts were isolated from leaves of 21-to 28-day-old Arabidopsis plants grown in a controlled environment. Sustained divisions were achieved when protoplasts were embedded in beads formed by 1.4% sodium alginate in the presence of 50mM CaCl2 in 0.4 mannitol, which was then exchanged againts modified B5 medium. About 0.4%–0.6% of the protoplasts developed into colonies of which 80%–90% formed shoots and subsequently regenerated to fertile plants. Seeds harvested from more than 200 independently regenerated plants were sown and germination frequencies of more than 95% were obtained. Furthermore, the F1 plants did not show any evidence of somaclonal variation on visual inspection. This protocol was originally developed for Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia; however it was shown to be applicable also for the genotypes Wassilewskija, Landsberg erecta and Estland though with differing efficiencies.Abbreviations FDA fluorescein diacetate - CM culture medium - SRM shoot regeneration medium - SEM shoot elongation medium - RM rooting medium - PE plating effciency - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - Kin kinetin - 2-iP 2-isopentenyladenine - GA3 gibberetic acid  相似文献   

Summary When purified protoplasts of Pleurotus cornucopiae IFO9614 were incubated with a mixture of cell wall lytic enzymes, they were found to increase their size. Their average diameter increased from 4.3 m to 31 m after 65 h incubation at 24° C. The presence of cellulase ONOZUKARS in the enzyme mixture had a significant effect on the formation of giant protoplasts. Regeneration frequency of giant protoplasts in a medium containing 0.5 M sucrose was 3.5%, approximately six times that of normal protoplasts.  相似文献   

On the basis of symposium contributions onChlorella, Hibbertia, Eucalyptus, Ambrosia and on numerical approaches some fundamental problems of (bio)systematics, evolution, and taxonomic categories are discussed: Methods available for analysing affinities; conflicting evidence from phenetic, biochemical, cytogenetic and other analyses; further classification problems in cases of intermediacy, etc. While sibs of various levels and their natural hierarchy often can be objectively defined, this appears impossible for particular taxonomic levels itself (e. g. species). A single objective taxonomic system of organisms is unrealistic. Certain guiding lines for relative and practicable concepts of species and genus are proposed.Presented at the symposium Speciation and the Species Concept during the XIIth International Botanical Congress, Leningrad, July 8, 1975.  相似文献   

Summary Production of cephamycin and clavulanic acid by Streptomyces clavuligerus is controlled by the phosphate concentration. Phosphate represses the biosynthesis of cephamycin synthetase, expandase and clavulanic acid synthetase. In the presence of 2 mM phosphate, the specific activities of expandase, cephamycin synthetase and clavulanic acid synthetase were higher than in the presence of 75 mM phosphate. The specific activity of cephamycin synthetase is maximal with an initial phosphate concentration of 10 mM, whereas the specific activity of expandase is maximal with 1 mM phosphate. A correlation between cephamycin synthetase specific activity and expandase specific activity was established at phosphate concentrations higher than 10 mM. This shows that the expandase is an important enzyme in the mechanism by which the phosphate concentration affects the biosynthesis of cephamycin.  相似文献   

In inactive stick insects ramp-wise stretching of the femoral chordotonal organ excites the slow extensor tibiae motoneuron. In active animals the same stimulus decreases the firing rate of this motoneuron. The time-course of increased and decreased activity of this motoneuron can be seen with triangular stimulation.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

This paper defines a four-tiered, hierarchical system for classifying subsistence production types in Nepal and uses the system to describe the subsistence communities of central Nepal. The system first divides Nepal into a grid of homogenous parts or cells, second, it divides, the cells into ridge-valley slope sequences, third, defines production types for the ridge-valley slope sequences, and, finally, distinguishes local variants of the production types. After describing these tiers, I apply these categories to the northern portions of the central and western development regions where I have done research. I then define how representatives of Nepal as a whole are the production types defined for the central and western development regions. Finally, the paper locates some completed studies within its framework.  相似文献   

Summary Monolayers of six different cell lines were investigated with respect to ionic coupling using micro-electrode techniques. In parallel, survival after Co--irradiation of monolayer- and spheroid cultures of these lines was compared. It was found that spheroids of coupled cell lines were more radioresistant than monolayers (contact effect). However, cell coupling did not enhance the survival of monolayers over single cells. This suggests that the contact effect is a tissue phenomenon requiring cellular interaction but is expressed only under conditions of three-dimensional growth.  相似文献   

A sub-adult grey seal was caught and tagged with a satellite relay data logger at Tihällan (61°2800N, 17°2540E), Sweden, on 21 August 1992. We tracked it for 115 days during which time we recorded 841 locations, data on 3556 dives and 80 haulout periods. It travelled 730 km in the first 12 days to the southern Archipelago Sea. It stayed most of the remaining time within 25 km of a haulout site, with a major exception of an 8-day trip of 520 km. Dive shape and swimming activity were used to distinguish dive types. Square-shaped foraging dives were more common over the midday period. Haulout periods were more common during the night.  相似文献   

Russell L. Malmberg 《Planta》1979,146(2):243-244
Sixteen genetic lines of peas were screened for their ability to regenerate whole plants from callus cultures. Epicotyl sections from germinating seeds were placed on callus-inducing medium; the resulting callus was subcultured monthly and was tested every other month for its regeneration ability. Six lines were found that would regenerate after 2 months' growth as callus. Four of these continued to regenerate after 4 months and, of these, two after 6 months. The cultivars Frosty and Alaska were among the lines that would not regenerate at all.Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 8932  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zwei Seren des Phänotypus Ch1SS, die unter Standardtestbedingungen keine Pseudocholinesteraseaktivität aufwiesen, wurden mit Hilfe der Stärkegel-Elektrophorese, der Mikromanometrie und mit immunologischen Methoden näher untersucht.Nach elektrophoretischer Auftrennung läßt sich in diesen silent gene-Seren eine Pseudocholinesteraseaktivität nachweisen; im Vergleich zu der Aktivität von Normalserum erscheint diese sehr gering und läßt sich nur in der c4-Zone erkennen. Die Identifizierung gelingt mit Hilfe spezifischer Färbeverfahren unter Verwendung verschiedener Substrate und Inhibitoren.Die quantitative Bestimmung von Pseudocholinesteraseaktivität im silent gene-Serum mit mikromanometrischen Methoden ergab eine Aktivität von 2–3% gegenüber den Kontrollen (Benzoylcholin als Substrat).Durch Immunisierung von Kaninchen mit gereinigtem Pseudocholinesteraseprotein wurden Antiseren erhalten; zwischen silent gene-Serum und diesen Antiseren konnten Präzipitationsreaktionen im Immuno-Diffusionstest, in der Immuno-Elektrophorese und mit einer Immuno-Adsorptionsmethode nachgewiesen werden. Diese Ergebnisse lassen annehmen, daß bei den von uns untersuchten Fällen das silent gene im Pseudocholinesterasepolymorphismus eine Enzymproteinsynthese steuert; das nachgewiesene Pseudocholinesteraseprotein scheint sich qualitativ von dem Enzymprotein des Normalserums zu unterscheiden.
Two sera without pseudocholinesterase activity corresponding to the homozygous phenotype Ch1SS are examined by electrophoretical, manometric, and immunological methods.These silent gene sera show no activity under the common conditions (spectrophotometric assay).After electrophoretical separation of silent gene serum an esterase activity is found which can be identified as pseudocholinesterase activity, although it is weak in comparison with the activity of usual sera. The pseudocholinesterase activity of silent gene serum can be demonstrated only in the zone c4 where 90% of the total activity is present if usual serum is inserted. The identification has been achieved by staining procedures applying several substrates and inhibitors.Quantitative estimation of this pseudocholinesterase activity was carried out by micromanometric assays with benzoylcholine as substrate. The activity of silent gene sera was 2–3% of normal serum.Antisera against human pseudocholinesterase-protein have been obtained by immunization of rabbits with a highly purified enzyme protein. Between these antisera and the homozygous silent gene sera precipitates were found in immuno double-diffusion tests and immunoelectrophoresis. They could be identified as pseudocholinesterase protein by esterase staining under various conditions.Quantitative estimations have been carried out by immuno-adsorption assays comparing the amount of antibody fixed by usual serum and by silent gene serum.The results presented in this paper suggest that the silent gene in pseudocholinesterase polymorphism induces in these two cases the synthesis of an enzyme protein which is similar to the enzyme protein of usual pseudocholinesterase. The weak activity is due to a qualitative difference between silent gene enzyme protein and the normal pseudocholinesterase protein. A structural alteration of the enzyme protein is assumed to be more likely than a quantitative difference in protein synthesis.

Einige der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit wurden auf dem 2nd Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Wien 1965, vorgetragen.

Wesentliche Teile dieser Arbeit werden von R. A. Hofmann der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Freiburg i. Br. als Inauguraldissertation vorgelegt.  相似文献   

As culture-bound syndromes, Japanese shinkeishitsu (constitutional neurasthenia) and taijinkyfush (anthropophobia) have received considerable attention in the Japanese literature. While these disorders are viewed as diagnostically distinct from Western psychiatric categories, recent studies by the Japanese suggest some affinity with Western social phobias, depression, and schizophrenia. The paper reviews this literature and offers suggestions for further cross-cultural research.This paper was accepted for publication prior to the compilation of Volume 13, No. 2, Neurasthenia in Asian Cultures. Consequently it does not refer to the papers in that volume, several of which are very relevant to the discussion in this paper.  相似文献   

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