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Apical hook opening in tobacco seedlings can be induced by a single red light pulse and this induction can be reverted by a subsequent far-red light pulse. The slow hook opening kinetics and the reversibility of an inductive light pulse even after 8 h of darkness indicate the involvement of stable phytochrome. Compared with wild-type, transgenic BN1 seedlings which overexpress rice phytochrome A exhibit a higher sensitivity to low irradiance red light pulses. Moreover, in BN1 seedlings an inductive red light pulse is only partially reversible even after 30 min, whereas wild-type tobacco seedlings show complete reversibility during the entire hook opening process. The data found show that rice phytochrome A is active in transgenic tobacco seedlings in controlling hook opening and that the introduced rice phytochrome A and the endogenous stable phytochrome behave differently in this response.  相似文献   

Dark-grown Arabidopsis seedlings develop an apical hook by differential elongation and division of hypocotyl cells. This allows the curved hypocotyl to gently drag the apex, which is protected by the cotyledons, upwards through the soil. Several plant hormones are known to be involved in hook development, including ethylene, which causes exaggeration of the hook. We show that gibberellins (GAs) are also involved in this process. Inhibition of GA biosynthesis with paclobutrazol (PAC) prevented hook formation in wild-type (WT) seedlings and in constitutive ethylene response (ctr)1-1, a mutant that exhibits a constitutive ethylene response. In addition, a GA-deficient mutant (ga1-3) did not form an apical hook in the presence of the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC). Analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings expressing a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-repressor of ga1-3 (RGA) fusion protein suggested that ACC inhibits cell elongation in the apical hook by inhibition of GA signaling. A decreased feedback of GA possibly causes an induction of GA biosynthesis based upon the expression of genes encoding copalyl diphosphate synthase (CPS; GA1) and GA 2-oxidase (AtGA2ox1). Furthermore, expression of GASA1, a GA-response gene, suggests that differential cell elongation in the apical hook might be a result of differential GA-sensitivity.  相似文献   

The contents of spectrophotometrically measurable phytochrome A (PhyA) and phytochrome B (PhyB) and the corresponding immunochemically detectable apoproteins (PHYA and PHYB) were examined in dark- and light-grown tissues of the aurea mutant of tomato and its wild-type (WT). The amount of PHYA in etiolated aurea seedlings was found to be about 20% of that in the WT; this PHYA showed no photoreversible changes in absorbance, no downregulation of the level of PHYA in light-grown seedlings, and no differential proteolysis of Pr and Pfr species in vitro which was seen in the case of the WT. By contrast, the amount of PHYB in aurea seedlings was not significantly different from that in WT seedlings. Phytochrome isolated from green leaves of the aurea mutant and purified by ion-exchange chromatography showed a red/far-red reversible spectral change, and its elution profile during chromatography was essentially similar to that of PHYB. The results indicate that aurea is a mutant that is deficient in photoactive PhyA at the etiolated stage, when it contains a spectrally inactive PHYA. However, the mutant contains spectrally active PhyB in its green tissue as does the WT.  相似文献   

Summary In Amaranthus seedlings the disappearance of the unstable P fr form of phytochrome does not involve dark reversion to P r . The rate constant for the decay of total phytochrome under continuous illumination is directly related to the proportion in the P fr form. This relationship allows calculations to be made of the proportion of P fr under continuous far-red illumination where the amount is too low to be measured directly.  相似文献   

Evidence for bound phytochrome in oat seedlings   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Phytochrome is consistently observed in pellets centrifuged from homogenates of etiolated, 5-day-old oat seedlings. The majority of pigment associated with the pellet cannot be removed by buffer washes, nor can appreciable quantities of additional phytochrome be adsorbed onto the sedimented material. Over 70% of phytochrome in the pellet is released by 1% Triton X-100.  相似文献   

Baumgartner, N. and Fondeville, J. C. 1989. Photocontrol of the hypocotyl hook opening of Sinapis alba seedlings. Involvement of phytochrome and a high irradiance response.
A statistical evaluation of the hypocotyl hook opening (hook opening index) was used for measurement of the hook angle in lots of etiolated Sinapis alba L. cv. Albatros seedlings. Studies of the kinetics for hook opening were carried out in continuous fluorescent white, blue and red light (6, 15 and 40 μmol m-2s-1) with 2-day-old dark-grown seedlings. At the beginning of the irradiation period the photoresponse in red light was the opposite to that in blue (low photon fluences). Blue rapidly induced the hook opening (in less than 20 min), while red produced hook tightening (photon fluences up to 70 mmol m-2), which precedes the normal progressive hook opening. For low fluences, the data were consistent with the involvement of phytochrome and a specific blue light photoreceptor. A phytochrome effect was observed in the hook opening, dependent upon a high irradiance response (HIR). This HIR (like that for the inhibition of the hypocotyl elongation) was characterized by a wavelength response curve with maxima in the blue and far-red regions of the spectrum.  相似文献   

Jen JJ 《Plant physiology》1977,59(4):628-629
Presence of phytochrome in two kinds of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), the yellow lutescent strain and cherry tomatoes (L. esculentum Mill. var. cerasiformecv. Red Cherry), was established by measuring the absorption difference spectra of the whole fruit after irradiation with red and with far red light. Phytochrome content was determined in yellow lutescent tomatoes and decreased gradually during the ripening period.  相似文献   

Summary In the cotyledons of mustard seedlings (Sinapis alba L.) amylase activity can be induced by phytochrome. In the dark amylase activity remains low. Gibberellic acid (GA3) does not stimulate an increase of amylase activity in this system. Inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis strongly inhibit the increase of amylase activity mediated by phytochrome. In gel electrophoresis amylase from mustard seedlings reveals 3 bands. The electrophoretic pattern is the same for extracts from dark-grown and from irradiated seedlings. When mustard amylases were incubated with starch the pattern of products was similar to that produced by commercially available barley -amylase and not similar to that produced by Bacillus subtilis -amylase.  相似文献   

E. Schäfer  B. Marchal  D. Marmé 《Planta》1971,101(3):265-276
Summary The in vivo phototransformation kinetics of mustard hook and cotyledon phytochrome exhibit a deviation from a single first order curve, quite similar to that for pumpkin hooks as reported in a previous paper (Boisard, Marmé and Schäfer, 1971). The P frPrkinetics can be characterized by the ratios fr, I · P fr I / fr, II · P fr, II and where P fr I and P fr II are two populations of phytochrome molecules which convert to P rwith a first order half-life of and . These ratios depend on the length of time of etiolation. The ratio fr, I · P fr I / fr, II · P fr, II is independent of the amount of total P frpresent at the beginning of the P frPrphototransformation after a non-saturating dose of red light. The half-lives of the two populations, however, depend on the concentration of total P frinitially present. P frPrphototransformation kinetics with different light intensities show that reciprocity holds.  相似文献   

Tomato seedlings absorbed increasing amounts of nitrate-N. The total uptake was doubled as the concentration of nitrate was quadruplicated. NO3?N absorption seemed to be accompanied by efflux of OH? ions which shift the pH of the media to the alkaline side. A minor fraction of the absorbed nitrate accumulated in the tissues while the major part was assimilated into peptides and proteins. The dry matter gain was by the end of experiment relatively higher than the control samples raised on nitrogen-free nutrient solution. Nitrate assimilation seemed to involve its reduction down to ammonia level. Since neither nitrite nor ammonia was recovered in the tissue-medium system, it was postulated that the rate of reduction was slower than the rate of product assimilation. The first step in nitrate reduction (nitrate→nitrate) appeared to be limiting while further reduction steps occurred rapidly and accompanied by simultaneous assimilation of ammonia. The enzyme responsible for the first step of nitrate reduction,i.e., nitrate reductase, was extracted from tomato shoots and roots. The activity in root extract amounted to about 30% of that of the shoot. This may suggest the localization of nitrate reduction in the leaves and realizes the relation between nitrate metabolism and photosynthesis.  相似文献   

To analyse the control of rice phytochrome A (phyA) overexpression (wild type or variously mutated) on gene regulation, transgenic tobacco lines overexpressing various rice phyA constructs were crossed with transgenic tobacco lines containing mustard Lhcb1 or Chs1 promoters fused to the uidA reporter gene (-glucuronidase). It was demonstrated that the temporal pattern of competence to respond to phytochrome was not altered by rice phyA overexpression. Also, overexpression of rice phyA did not change the spatial pattern of gene expression. The responsiveness to red and far-red light, on the other hand, depended on the type of overexpressed rice phyA in a structure-function relation: the serine-to-alanine mutant mediated an enhanced response both under continuous red and far-red light, whereas the N-terminal deletion mutant showed a dominant negative effect under continuous far-red light and even after red light pulses. However, the effectiveness of rice phyA overexpression depended on the promoter construct and the developmental stage of the seedlings. The Lhcb1 promoter also conferred -glucuronidase activity in etiolated seedlings. This dark expression could be decreased by a long-wavelength farred light pulse given early in development (24 h after sowing), indicating that this phenomenon is under the control of stable types of phytochrome.Abbreviations Chs1 chalcone synthase - GUS -glucuronidase - Lhcb1 type 1 light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein - NTD N-terminal deletion mutant of rice phyA - phyA phytochrome A - phyB phytochrome B - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - RW rice wild-type phyA - S/A serine-to-alanine mutant of rice phyA - XAN wild-type tobacco cv. Xanthi We thank N.-H. Chua (Rockefeller Univ., New York, USA) and J. Stockhaus (Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany) for providing seeds from tobacco lines overexpressing the diverse rice phyA proteins. The work was supported by a grant from the Human Frontier Science Program and a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 388). K.E. is a recipient of a Landesgraduierten-förderung fellowship  相似文献   

G-proteins in etiolated Avena seedlings. Possible phytochrome regulation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
L C Romero  D Sommer  C Gotor  P S Song 《FEBS letters》1991,282(2):341-346
The molecular mechanism of light signal transduction in plants mediated by the photosensor phytochrome is not well understood. The possibility that phytochrome initiates the signal transduction chain by modulating a G-protein-like receptor is examined in the present work. Etiolated Avena seedlings contain G-proteins as examined in terms of the binding of GTP as well as by cross-reaction with mammalian G-protein antibodies. The binding of GTP was regulated in vivo by red/far-red light. The possible involvement of G-proteins in the phytochrome-mediated signal transduction in etiolated Avena seedlings has been implicated from the study of the light regulated expression of the Cab and phy genes.  相似文献   

Roots of tomato seedlings can be induced to coil by treatment with ethylene. The extent of coiling is dependent on the level of ethylene to which the seedlings are exposed and can be prevented by the incorporation of Ag ions into the growing medium. In contrast to all other tomato mutants examined, roots of the mutant diageotropica do not reorientate their growth in response to ethylene. The results of an agar penetration test indicate that roots of this mutant are agravitropic. The relationship between gravitropism and root coiling, and the origin of the ethylene modified growth pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Photographic observations on germinating seedlings of Lepidium sativum L., Cucumis sativus L., and Helianthus annuus L. showed that the hypocotyl hook is not present in the seed but forms during the early stages of growth. Evidence that gravity plays a major role in inducing curvature of the hypocotyl, and in maintaining the hook once it has been formed, was obtained from clinostat experiments, from the use of morphactin to remove geotropic sensitivity and from inversion of seedlings to change the direction of the geostimulus. In L. sativum and H. annuus gravity perception seemed to be the only mechanism responsible for hook formation. In C. sativus hook formation was additionally aided by the mode of emergence of the cotyledons from the seed coat but gravity played an indirect role in regulating such emergence. Further evidence that hook formation is linked to a georesponse was derived from a comparison of hypocotyl development in wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings with that of an ageotropic mutant, hook formation being found to occur only in the wild type. Hook formation and maintenance is discussed in terms of contrasting geosensitivity between the apical and basal ends of the hypocotyl and it is suggested that light-induced hook opening is a reversal to a condition of uniformly negative georesponse throughout the hypocotyl.  相似文献   

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