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A major component of the plant nuclear genome is constituted by different classes of repetitive DNA sequences. The structural, functional and evolutionary aspects of the satellite repetitive DNA families, and their organization in the chromosomes is reviewed. The tandem satellite DNA sequences exhibit characteristic chromosomal locations, usually at subtelomeric and centromeric regions. The repetitive DNA family(ies) may be widely distributed in a taxonomic family or a genus, or may be specific for a species, genome or even a chromosome. They may acquire large-scale variations in their sequence and copy number over an evolutionary time-scale. These features have formed the basis of extensive utilization of repetitive sequences for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies. Hybrid polyploids have especially proven to be excellent models for studying the evolution of repetitive DNA sequences. Recent studies explicitly show that some repetitive DNA families localized at the telomeres and centromeres have acquired important structural and functional significance. The repetitive elements are under different evolutionary constraints as compared to the genes. Satellite DNA families are thought to arise de novo as a consequence of molecular mechanisms such as unequal crossing over, rolling circle amplification, replication slippage and mutation that constitute "molecular drive".  相似文献   

Surface-spread pachytene chromosomes are several times the length of metaphase chromosomes and the decondensed chromatin loops are attached to a well-defined axis (Weith and Traut, 1980). This arrangement permits detailed DNA sequence localization by in situ hybridization. We show that two probes to low-frequency repeated sequences (20 to 50 copies) which locate the centromere proximal in the mouse X metaphase chromosome between bands A1 and A3 (Disteche et al., 1985) and which map 5.5 cM apart (Disteche et al., 1989), hybridize to two distinct chromatin regions 3 to 5 microns apart on a 25 microns long pachytene X chromosome core.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin and highly repeated DNA sequences in rye (Secale cereale)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Secale cereale DNA, of mean fragment length 500 bp, was fractionated by hydroxylapatite chromatography to allow recovery of a very rapidly renaturing fraction (C0t 0–0.02). This DNA fraction was shown to contain several families of highly repeated sequence DNA. Two highly repeated families were purified; (1) a fraction which renatured to a density of 1.701 g/ cc and comprised 2–4% of the total genome, and (2) polypyrimidine tract DNA which comprised 0.1% of the total genome. The 1.701 g/cc DNA consisted of short sequence repeat units (5–50 bp long) tandemly repeated in blocks 30 kb long, while a portion of the polypyrimidine tract DNA behaved as part of a much larger block of tandemly repeated sequences. The chromosomal location of these sequences was determined by the in situ hybridisation of radioactive, complementary RNA to root tip mitotic chromosomes and showed the 1.701 g/cc sequences to be largely limited to the telomeric blocks of heterochromatin, accounting for 25–50% of the DNA present in these parts of the chromosomes. The polypyrimidine tracts were distributed at interstitial locations with 20–30% of the sequences at three well defined sites. The combined distributions of the 1.701 g/cc DNA sequences and polypyrimidine tracts effectively individualised each rye chromosome thus providing a sensitive means of identifying these chromosomes. The B chromosomes present in Secale cereale cv. Unevita, did not show defined locations for the sequences analysed. — The data are discussed in terms of the structure of the rye genome and the generality of the observed genomic arrangement of highly repeated sequence DNA.  相似文献   

Organization of DNA sequences highly repeated in tandem in rice genomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Digestion of the total genomic DNA from rice Oryza sativa L. cv. C5924 with EcoRI generated an intense band of a DNA fragment of about 0.36 kb long. The DNA fragment cloned into pUC19 was used to hybridize with the total rice genomic DNA partially digested with EcoRI. A ladder of bands of DNA fragments with multiplied length of 0.36 kb was observed, demonstrating that this sequence occurs in tandem in the genome. The copy number of the sequence estimated by dot blot hybridization analysis was 2000-3000 copies per haploid genome from callus or seedling of C5924. This sequence was present in other O. sativa cultivars, such as Sasanishiki in 700-900 copies, Koshihikari in 3400-4300, and Nipponbare in 4600-6000 copies. Another rice species, O. glaberrima, also had this sequence in 540-680 copies, but four lines of foxtail millet had none. The DNA fragments containing the repeated sequences in Nipponbare were then cloned into lambda EMBL3, and sequences of nine units consecutively repeated and an AT-rich sequence connected with them in a phage clone could be determined. Each repeating unit showed sequence divergency mostly by substitution of bases in a range from 3% to 7%, when compared with a 355-bp consensus sequence. Analyses of the substituted bases indicate that these are due to spontaneous mutations which occurred at random, after reiteration of a unit sequence by unequal crossing over events. Gene conversion within the repeated sequences might have further diversified their sequences.  相似文献   

Rye DNA sequences renaturing with a C0t <0.02 mol·sec/l, are largely undigested by the restriction enzyme HindIII. These HindIII-spared sequences are mostly located in telomeric heterochromatin. When digested with EcoRI* and cloned into the EcoRI site of pBR 325, these sequences yielded clones of two classes when hybridized to a probe of rapidly renaturing DNA. One class contains a DNA sequence which is a major constituent of the telomeric heterochromatic blocks, while the other is a minor component of the highly repeated DNA of the genome. The major component was sequenced, its chromosomal distribution mapped using wheat-rye addition lines and its distribution in meiotic prophase nuclei determined. The minor component is present in significant amounts in wheat as well as in rye and is localized at the terminal heterochromatic regions of three rye chromosomes but not in the major blocks of heterochromatin.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization using 3H-RNA probes has been used to localize the sequences found in two satellites of density 1.705 g/cc and 1.672 g/ cc to specific sites within the chromosomal complement. A detailed analysis of the sites on the X chromosome was carried out using the scute series of inversions to relate the heterochromatic breakpoint relative to the location of the sequence on this chromosome. It has also been possible to establish the order of arrangement of 1.705 and 1.672 DNA at the heterochromaticeuchromatic junction on chromosome 3(R). A mitotic map is provided. The Tm of hybrids formed in situ showed that the hybrids were representative of the sequences being analyzed. The two satellites also were traced through a number of purification procedures to show that a covalent linkage may be likely between the 1.705 g/cc and 1.672 g/cc satellite as predicted from in situ hybridization analyses.  相似文献   

Giemsa-stained chromosomes as prepared for light microscopy, and including G-banded, C-banded, and FPG-stained chromosomes, were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Although suitable for light microscopy, these chromosomes were too flat for a close examination of their fine structure by scanning electron microscopy. The surface of Giemsa-positive regions was rough and bright, whereas that of unstained or poorly stained regions was smoother and less bright. Giemsa-staining, therefore, seems to produce the bulkiness of the chromosomes. On topographical examination by scanning electron microscopy, the transparent chromosomes as observed with the light microscope proved to be footprints. Stereographical examinations of surface-spread chromosomes showed that minimally stretched chromosomes were composed of a mass of nodular and twisted looping fibers with an average diameter of about 300 Å. The substructure of these chromosome fibers was not determined. The kinetochore region was discernible as a constriction in the mass of the chromosome fibers, and was distinguishable from gaps by the presence of several chromosome fibers parallel to the axis of the chromatid. The organization of the chromosome fibers, however, was disordered rather than regular.  相似文献   

A novel type of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) marker was developed for the mapping of cereal rye (Secale cereale). Primer pairs were synthesized targeting the insertion sites of three individual copies of the R173 family of rye specific repeated DNA sequences. While one primer was derived from a sequence within the respective R173 element, the second primer corresponded to a flanking region. The complex banding patterns obtained in rye allowed not only the mapping of the three R173 elements to certain chromosome regions of 1RS (the short arm of rye chromosome 1) but also the mapping of an additional 3-10 easily identifiable bands per primer pair to other rye chromosomes. Linkage mapping of a polymorphic 1R band derived from three rye cultivars demonstrated the presence of nonallelic, dominant markers in two independent crosses. Because of the high copy number of the R173 family (15,000 copies per diploid rye genome), its dispersion over the entire length of all chromosomes and the high number of markers obtained per primer pair, PCR markers based on the R173 family provide an almost unlimited source for well-spaced markers in rye mapping.  相似文献   

Summary Clones from a family of highly repeated sequences present in a heterochromatin rich maize line have been characterized by sequencing and chromosome location. The repeats differ from each other in length and degree of sequence homology, and show areas rich in purine and pyrimidine. In situ hybridization experiments indicate that the repeats are mainly located in the knob heterochromatin of the A chromosomes and the centromeric heterochromatin of the B chromosome. However, in addition to previously published data, some copies are also distributed in euchromatic regions of the A chromosomes and in the distal heterochromatic block of the B chromosome. The results are discussed in relation to the centromeric activity of maize heterochromatin.Research work is sponsored by C.N.R. Italy, Special grant I.P.R.A., Subproject 1, Paper No. 300  相似文献   

Summary Satellite DNA isolated from female Elapid snakes contains nucleotide sequences which are quantitatively derived from the W sex-determining chromosome. Certain of these sequences are highly conserved in vertebrates, including mammals, where they are arranged in a sex-specific pattern in Southern blots. Sex reversed mice (Sxr) show a DNA arrangement of these sequences in conformity with their phenotypic sex, suggesting that this DNA is closely connected with the determination of sex. In situ hybridization of the snake sequences with mouse chromosomes reveals a concentration of related DNA at the proximal tip of the mouse Y chromosome. The possible nature and significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Cheng Z  Stupar RM  Gu M  Jiang J 《Chromosoma》2001,110(1):24-31
Highly repetitive tandem DNA sequence repeats are often associated with centromeric and telomeric regions of eukaryotic chromosomes. The rice tandem repeat Os48 is organized as long arrays of a 355 bp monomer and is mainly located in the telomeric regions. The chromosomal locations of the Os48 sequence were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on rice pachytene chromosomes. The majority of the Os48 loci are associated with brightly 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained and knob-like heterochromatin in rice pachytene chromosomes. As with other DNA sequences located in the heterochromatic regions, the cytosines of the CG and C(A/T)G sites within the Os48 repeat are heavily methylated. Surprisingly, a proportion of the FISH signals are highly decondensed and deviate significantly from the DAPI-stained periphery of the pachytene chromosomes. This highly decondensed chromatin structure has not been reported in pachytene chromosomes prepared from alcohol/acid-fixed meiotic samples in any other eukaryotic species. The condensation of the Os48 sequences is dynamic during prophase I of meiosis. The FISH signals derived from the Os48 repeat progress from a condensed configuration between leptonema and early pachynema into a decondensed structure from middle pachynema to diakinesis, and then return to a condensed form at metaphase I.  相似文献   

R S Kota  B S Gill  S H Hulbert 《Génome》1994,37(4):619-624
The chromosome 1R of rye, or the midget chromosome, is necessary for plump, viable seed development and fertility restoration in the alloplasmic line with rye cytoplasm and a hexaploid wheat nucleus. The midget chromosome of rye represents 1/15th of the physical length of the chromosome 1R of rye. C-banding analysis indicated that the centromeric and pericentric region (approximately 30% physical length) of the midget chromosome is heterochromatic and the distant 70% physical length is euchromatic. These data suggest that the midget chromosome may represent the pericentric region of the long arm of chromosome 1R. In contrast with earlier reports, our results indicate that an array of rye-specific repeated sequences (both dispersed and tandem) are present on the midget chromosome. Various rye-specific repeated DNA sequences that are present on the midget chromosome will be useful in constructing a long-range map and studying the genomic organization of the midget chromosome. It is unclear if any of these repeated DNA sequences are involved in the origin of the midget chromosome.  相似文献   

2B rye plants selected for high (H) or low (L) B transmission rate were studied at pachytene and metaphase I of meiosis to determine the relationship between synapsis, bivalents at metaphase I, and B transmission rate. The results show that the 2 B chromosomes (Bs) form bivalents at pachytene in both the H and L lines, whereas the frequency of bivalents at metaphase I is much higher in the H than in the L line. This demonstrates that B transmission is mainly related to the proper association of Bs at metaphase I, as well as that synapsis of the 2 Bs in the L line is normal, but the bivalent is not consolidated by a chiasma in most cases. Crosses were made between 2B plants of the H and L lines in all combinations (H x H, H x L, L x H, and L x L) to obtain 4B plants. Similarly, bivalent formation at pachytene and metaphase I was studied. The results show that 4B plants of the H x H and L x L classes differ significantly at pachytene and metaphase I since the former forms more bivalents. The heterozygous 4 Bs of the H x L and L x H classes show intermediate values. The relation H x H > H x L > L x H > L x L was consistently found for the variables transmission rate, bivalents at pachytene, bivalents at metaphase I, and B mean chiasma frequency. A maternal effect was also found. Our data suggest that there are two separate mechanisms acting upon synapsis and chiasma formation in H and L B chromosomes: (i) there is variable efficiency of the control of synapsis at early stages of meiosis; and (ii) there is variable efficiency of the control of the number of chiasmata.  相似文献   

Summary The detailed morphology of the pachytene chromosomes and microsporogenesis have been studied in a diploid (2 n=30) American species, Ipomoea crassicaulis (Bth) B. L. Robinson. Idiogram of the pachytene chromosomes is presented and taking advantage of the extreme precision that pachytene analysis can lend, karyological characteristics of the haploid complement have been worked out in detail and individual chromosomes are identified. The course of meiosis was normal and over ninety five percent of pollen were found stainable. The urgent need for extending similar studies to other taxa in this economically important genus for unravelling phyletic relationships has been stressed.
Zusammenfassung Bei der diploiden amerikanischen Ipomoea crassicaulis (Bth) B.L. Robinson (2 n=30) wird die Morphologie der Pachytänchromosomen und die Mikrosporogenese untersucht. Das Idiogramm der Pachytänchromosomen wird aufgestellt und unter Ausnutzung der großen Präzisionsmöglichkeit der Pachytänanalyse werden die charakteristischen Daten des haploiden Chromosomensatzes erarbeitet und alle Chromosomen identifiziert. Die Meiose verläuft normal und liefert zu mehr als 95% guten Pollen. Die Notwendigkeit umfassender ähnlicher Untersuchungen bei anderen taxonomischen Einheiten aus dieser wirtschaftlich wichtigen Gattung zwecks Klärung phylogenetischer Beziehungen wird nachdrücklich hervorgehoben.

The 5-methylcytosine content of highly repeated sequences in human DNA.   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Previously, we found much tissue- or cell-specificity in the levels of 5-methylcytosine (m5C) in the total human genome as well as in DNA fractions resolved by reassociation kinetics. We now report that there were even greater differences in the m5C content of the highly repeated, tandem EcoRI family of DNA sequences from different human organs or cell populations. The ratio of m5C levels in this DNA fraction from brain, placenta, and sperm was 2.0:1.2:1.0. At a HhaI site in this repeat family, sperm DNA was 5-10 fold less methylated than somatic DNAs. In contrast, the highly repeated Alu family, which is approximately 5% of the genome, had almost the same high m5C content in brain and placenta despite marked tissue-specific differences in m5C levels of the single copy sequences with which these repeats are interspersed. These data show that very different degrees of change in methylation levels of various highly repeated DNA sequences accompany differentiation.  相似文献   

Surface-spread polytene (SSP) chromosomes of salivary glands from late third-instar larvae were used for the construction of an electron microscopic (EM) photo map of the entire genome of D. hydei. In comparison with the light microscopic chromosome map of Berendes (1963), based on squash preparations, the EM micrographs depict some 40%–50% more bands. — Two different types of chromosome constrictions are described. One type is assumed to be caused by differential distribution of chromosomal proteins; the other one appears to represent underreplicated sections in the salivary gland chromosomes.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H.J. Becker on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Observations on gross morphology of pachytene chromosomes in nine accessions ofDigitaria comprising six species have been made. Based on the morphology of chromosomes at pachytene they have been grouped into four different types. Occurrence of 18-chromosome types inD. decumbens, D. macroglossa andD. valida has been reported for the first time. A comparative study of pachytene chromosome morphology amongst the diploids and between diploid and tetraploids in conjunction with the taxonomical studies has been suggested as a means for obtaining information towards the understanding of the origin, evolution and identification of parental species of several tetraploids. The information so obtained would ultimately benefit the forage breeding programme.  相似文献   

Origin of B chromosomes in cultivated rye.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K Niwa  S Sakamoto 《Génome》1995,38(2):307-312
Cultivated rye (Secale cereale) and its weedy relative (S. segetale) carry B chromosomes. The B chromosomes are known to be morphologically alike at somatic metaphase and they are of the standard type in natural populations. To clarify the cytogenetic relationship between the standard B chromosomes of S. cereale and those of S. segetale, we made four crosses between Afghan S. segetale with two standard B chromosomes as a pistillate parent and Turkish, Iranian, Korean, and Japanese S. cereale, all with two standard B chromosomes as pollen parents. We observed the pairing of B chromosomes at diakinesis in pollen mother cells in all F1 hybrids with four standard B chromosomes, two from each of the pistillate and the pollen parents. The degree of pairing of B chromosomes in all F1 hybrids with four standard B chromosomes was similar to or somewhat lower than, that in parental strains with four standard B chromosomes. These results showed that the standard B chromosomes in S. segetale from Afghanistan are homologous with those in S. cereale from Turkey, Iran, Korea, and Japan. We therefore propose monophyletic origin of the standard B chromosomes in S. segetale and S. cereale.  相似文献   

Summary Four repetitive sequences from Avena murphyi have been isolated and their genome organization studied in different species of the genus Avena. A tandem sequence array was found for the Avena species that contain the C genome. Three other dispersed sequences present in the A and C genomes were arranged in a genomespecific manner. The fact that no major differences in the hybridization patterns were found between species with the same basic genome is consistent with the current taxonomy of Avena species.  相似文献   

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