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Wildfire is an important ecological disturbance factor in most Mediterranean ecosystems. In the Mediterranean Basin, most shrub species can regenerate after fire by resprouting or seeding. Here, we hypothesize that post-fire regenerative syndromes may potentially co-vary with traits directly related to functional properties involved in resource use. Thus, seeders with a shorter life span and smaller size would have lower water-use efficiency (WUE) than re-sprouting species and would take up nutrients such as nitrogen from more superficial parts of the soil. To test this hypothesis, we compared leaf 13C and 15N signatures from 29 co-existing species with different post-fire regeneration strategies. We also considered life form as an additional explanatory variable of the differences between post-fire regenerative groups. Our data support the hypothesis that seeder species (which mostly evolved in the Quaternary under a Mediterranean climate) have lower WUE and less stomatal control than non-seeders (many of which evolved under different climatic conditions in the Tertiary) and consequently greater consumption of water per unit biomass. This would be related to their smaller life forms, which tend to have lower WUE and shorter life and leaf lifespan. Differences in 15N also support the hypothesis that resprouters have deeper root systems than non-resprouters. The study supports the hypothesis of an overlap between plant functional traits and plant attributes describing post-disturbance resilience.  相似文献   

High diversification of woody seeder lineages is characteristic of the south-western cape floristic region (CFR), South Africa, which has been explained as a consequence of its mild Mediterranean climate and reliable winter rainfall. Such climatic regime reduces the risk of post-fire recruitment failure, acting as an ecological filter that favours seeder populations, thus promoting genetic differentiation and diversification in seeder populations, as previously seen in the South African heath Erica coccinea. To explore this hypothesis further, genetic population structure was investigated in two Mediterranean Erica species, one seeder (Erica umbellata) and the other resprouter (Erica australis), using nuclear microsatellites. These two species are endemic to the western Mediterranean Basin and co-occur in heathlands of the Strait of Gibraltar region. Mean annual rainfall in this region is similar to that from the south-western CFR, but summer stress is more marked and winter rainfall is much less reliable. Contrary to what was found in E. coccinea, average genetic diversity levels were considerably lower in seeder populations (E. umbellata), regardless of an apparently higher gene flow among them. No differences in genetic differentiation among populations were found between the two species. The occurrence of less favourable climatic conditions for post-fire recruitment in the western Mediterranean compared to the south-western CFR may affect seeder populations more strongly than resprouter and may thus account for lower levels of within-population genetic diversity in the seeder E. umbellata. In addition, putatively higher migration rates in the seeder E. umbellata, may contribute to reduce its potential for genetic differentiation. This study provides evidence that high divergence of seeder populations is not a general rule in fire-prone, Mediterranean-type ecosystems.  相似文献   

Many woody plant species in fire disturbed communities survive disturbance events by resprouting. The resprouting life history is predicted to be costly to plants as resources are diverted into storage for post-fire regrowth rather than allocated to current growth, and resprouting species typically grow more slowly than seeder species (species that do not resprout after disturbance events). Differences in allocation to current growth are also predicted to make resprouter species poorer competitors compared to seeder species. We tested the predictions that the evolution of a resprouter life history is associated with slow growth, increased allocation to storage, and low competitive ability in woody plant seedlings. We grew eight phylogenetically independent pairs of seeder and resprouter species in competition and no competition treatments in a field experiment near Sydney, Australia. The presence of competitors reduced plant growth rates across taxa and fire response life histories. However, relative to seeder species, resprouter species were not slower growing, they did not allocate more resources to storage, and they did not have lower competitive abilities. We propose that differences in resource allocation to storage are not responsible for differences in growth rate and competitive ability. Rather, growth rate and competitive ability in seedlings are associated with key aspects of plant life history such as life-span and body size at maturity. These traits that are sometimes, but not always, related to fire response life histories.  相似文献   

Question: In relation to a single fire, do repeated wildfires in Mediterranean type ecosystems (1) reduce plant species richness or diversity; (2) modify patterns of abundance or dominance of plant species or (3) alter plant composition? Location: Pinus halepensis dominated communities of Catalonia, northeastern Iberian Peninsula, western Mediterranean Basin. Methods: Regional, paired design with 14 study sites, each consisting of a once burnt area (1994) and a twice burnt area (1975–1993 and 1994). Ten years after the last fire, we recorded all vascular plant species present in nested plots and quantified their relative abundances on transects. We compared species richness, diversity, dominance and relative abundance and species‐area correlations between paired once and twice burnt areas and assessed their floristic composition similarity. Results: No statistically significant differences were found in species richness or diversity. Slopes of species‐area correlations were higher in once burnt areas. In twice burnt areas, dominance by one or two species was higher. P. halepensis showed lower relative abundance and nanophanerophytes showed higher relative abundance. No differences were found for resprouter, seeder or resprouter‐seeder species. Floristic composition similarity between paired areas tended to be higher in less productive sites. Conclusions: Fire recurrence had contrasting effects on species richness at different spatial scales. Repeated burning reduced the relative abundance of the dominant tree species, which resulted in a higher relative abundance of shrubs. It also promoted the dominance of herbs, particularly Brachypodium retusum. However, it did not change the relative abundance of regenerative groups. Paired areas were more similar as they were more Mediterranean in terms of climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Though observations on re-colonisation of post-fire sites in the Mediterranean Basin are plentiful, there still is an ongoing debate on the interrelation of fire regimes and species traits related to fire adaptation. Most of the studies found are restricted to particular species or claim to present community attributes. Therefore they often lack information for the evaluation of evolutionary evidence and historical contingency of the local fire regime and other abiotic conditions, which may act as selective pressure for plant regeneration strategies. Indeed, knowledge about the success of regeneration mechanisms and their interrelation with ecological factors is essential for the interpretation of the high spatio-temporal variability found in post-fire species performance. Such knowledge would be necessary to assess the potential of different regeneration mechanisms to cope with ongoing land-use and climate change—a crucial scientific challenge. A summary is given of the knowledge about the limits and potential of plant regeneration mechanisms after fire in the Mediterranean Basin, along with corresponding studies conducted in other parts of the world with similar climatic conditions in order to present the fullest possible picture. Moreover, the positive or negative impacts of particular parameters of a fire regime on different regeneration strategies (post-fire seeders, resprouters, and facultative resprouters) are explained and discussed in the light of published literature. To conclude, reference is made to scientific gaps that need to be filled in order to analyse species resistance and community resilience absorbing possible climate or land use changes.  相似文献   

The genus Erica L., with more than 600 species, and a high number of endemics, represents the most remarkable example of floristic diversity in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR). It is largely confined to nutrient-poor, acidic, sandy soils, being one of the most characteristic element of fynbos. The ability to survive fires, resprouting from a lignotuber, is a common trait among Euro-mediterranean Erica species. In contrast, resprouting is fairly uncommon among ericas in the CFR (less than 10%). Most of them are killed by fire, regenerating only but readily by seed germination. An extensive survey on the resprouting ability of South African Erica species was carried out and the pattern of geographical distribution of resprouters and seeders in the CFR was determined. The geographical distribution of these two regeneration classes was related to a climatic gradient of seasonality along the CFR. A pattern of higher proportions of resprouter species towards the mediterranean, strongly seasonal northwestern CFR and the non-seasonal eastern CFR and summer rainfall area outside the CFR was identified. The number of resprouter species reaches a maximum in the eastern CFR and is lower in the southwestern CFR despite the overall higher concentration of species in this subregion. Summer drought strongly influences the effectiveness of post-fire regeneration and growth (i.e. new recruits plus survivors) of Erica species, and is the major selective force accounting for the pattern of distribution of seeders and resprouters in the CFR. A mild mediterranean climate with reliable autumn-winter rains and a short summer drought, typical of the mountain areas of the southwestern CFR, favours recruitment of seeders but hampers recruitment of resprouters. Resprouter species persist and become dominant under harsh conditions for recruitment (severe summer drought) and would coexist with seeders under situations of no summer stress. Diversification is associated with seeder lineages. Hence, number of seeder species will be higher than number of resprouters, especially in the southwestern CFR, where favourable conditions for recruitment allow a massive concentration of seeder species, many of them narrow endemics.  相似文献   

Enriched genomic libraries were used to isolate and characterize dinucleotide microsatellite loci in Erica coccinea, a South African Cape fynbos heath species with distinct resprouter and seeder populations. Microsatellites were required to investigate the effect of the contrasting demographic pattern driven by these two post-fire responses in the population genetic structure of seeder and resprouter forms within this species. Eight microsatellite loci were characterised and amplified a total of 106 alleles in 2 samples each of 30 individuals from 1 resprouter and 1 seeder population. Mean allele numbers were 7.88 and 11.0 for the resprouter and seeder population, respectively. Both populations showed similar average observed and expected heterozygosity levels, H O(resprouter) = 0.683, H O(seeder) = 0.696; H E(resprouter) = 0.726, H E(seeder) = 0.756, and average positive inbreeding coefficients F IS(resprouter) = 0.058, F IS(seeder) = 0.080. This set of microsatellite loci will be used to conduct a population genetic survey of seeder and resprouter populations throughout the range of the species. Cross-species transferability was also assayed in four other South African and four European species of the genus Erica, supporting their potential use for population genetic analyses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Post-fire regeneration is a key process in Mediterranean shrubland dynamics, strongly determining the functional properties of the community. In this study, a test is carried out to determine whether there is co-variation between species regenerative types and functional attributes related to water use. METHODS: An analysis was made of the seasonal variations in leaf relative water content (RWC), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf moisture (LM) and live fine fuel moisture (LFFM) in 30 woody species of a coastal shrubland, with different post-fire regenerative strategies (seeding, resprouting or both). KEY RESULTS: RWC results suggest that the studied resprouters have more efficient mechanisms to reduce water losses and maintain water supply between seasons. In contrast, seeders are more drought tolerant. LDMC is higher in resprouters over the course of the year, suggesting a more efficient conservation of nutrients. The weight of the phylogenetic constraint to understand differences between regenerative strategies tends to be important for LDMC, while it is not the case for variables such as RWC. CONCLUSIONS: Groups of species with different post-fire regenerative strategies (seeders and resprouters) have different functional traits related to water use. In addition to the role of phylogenetical constraints, these differences are also likely to be related to the respective life history characteristics. Therefore, the presence and abundance of species with different post-fire regenerative responses influence the functional properties of the communities.  相似文献   

Several Cape species of the genus Erica are known to present seeder and resprouter phenotypes, and this variation seems to have a genetic basis. Therefore, this genus provides ideal model systems for using to elucidate the evolution of nonsprouting or seeder and resprouter life-histories in woody, fire-recruiting plants. A simple simulation model was developed to identify, under life-history optimality, the ecological conditions (viz. rainfall conditions and fire frequency) that conferred a selective advantage to the seeder phenotype over the resprouter in a given Cape Erica species. The model illustrated that the seeder life-history was able to invade and replace a resprouter population only under a mild mediterranean climate, with short, moderate summer droughts. This simulation approach will contribute to a better understanding of the biogeographical pattern of seeder and resprouter lineages of one of the paradigmatic fynbos woody taxa throughout the Cape floristic region.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean ecosystems, fire is a strong selective agent among plants, and the different post-fire regeneration strategies (e.g. resprouting and non-resprouting) have implications for other plant traits. Because young plants of non-resprouters need to grow quickly and mature well before the next fire, we predict that they should possess leaf traits related to increased efficiency in growth and resource acquisition compared with resprouter species. To test this hypothesis, we measured specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen and carbon concentrations and leaf physiological traits, including gas exchange parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence, in 19 Mediterranean species cultivated in a common garden. Both cross-species and phylogenetically informed analyses suggest that non-resprouters have better physiological performance at the leaf level (i.e. higher photosynthetic capacity) than resprouters. All these results suggest that non-resprouter species are able to take greater advantage for vegetative growth and carbon fixation than resprouters during periods when water is readily available. The contrasted physiological differences between resprouters and non-resprouters reinforce the idea that these two syndromes are functionally different (i.e. they are functional types).  相似文献   

Local ecosystem resilience to fire disturbance can be influenced by multiple factors, from topography and climate, to fire history and pre-fire structure of biotic communities. Here we investigated the factors affecting post-fire recovery of scrub vegetation in areas under Mediterranean climate affected by frequent fires. We hypothesized that, under comparable climatic and topographic conditions, geological factors (with bedrock type as a proxy) would be at least as important as fire history in explaining patterns of post-fire recovery. We surveyed scrub vegetation in a mountain study area in Portugal, using a stratified random sampling scheme, with fire frequency, time since last fire, and bedrock type (granite vs. schist) as stratifying layers. Based on vegetation and plant community data from 40 plots, we analyzed total species richness and composition, and the relative abundance of functional groups defined on the basis of general (non fire-specific) life-history traits. We found that, at a local scale, lithology can override fire history in determining post-fire recovery. Vegetation plots on granite exhibited a considerable development of tall scrubs and higher values of total species richness. They also hosted higher numbers of animal-dispersed woody species, of trees and tall scrubs, of woody deciduous species, and of forest, edge and tall scrub species. Differences in the post-fire development of scrub vegetation and in the functional profile of plant communities highlight the need to consider local geological diversity when establishing priorities for post-fire active restoration under scenarios of limited resources.  相似文献   

1. Valuable insights into mechanisms of community responses to environmental change can be gained by analysing in tandem the variation in functional and taxonomic composition along environmental gradients. 2. We assess the changes in species and functional trait composition (i.e. dominant traits and functional diversity) of diverse bee communities in contrasting fire-driven systems in two climatic regions: Mediterranean (scrub habitats in Israel) and temperate (chestnut forests in southern Switzerland). 3. In both climatic regions, there were shifts in species diversity and composition related to post-fire age. In the temperate region, functional composition responded markedly to fire; however, in the Mediterranean, the taxonomic response to fire was not matched by functional replacement. 4. These results suggest that greater functional stability to fire in the Mediterranean is achieved by replacement of functionally similar species (i.e. functional redundancy) which dominate under different environmental conditions in the heterogeneous landscapes of the region. In contrast, the greater functional response in the temperate region was attributed to a more rapid post-fire vegetation recovery and shorter time-window when favourable habitat was available relative to the Mediterranean. 5. Bee traits can be used to predict the functional responses of bee communities to environmental changes in habitats of conservation importance in different regions with distinct disturbance regimes. However, predictions cannot be generalized from one climatic region to another where distinct habitat configurations occur.  相似文献   

Regeneration mode is one of the key attributes determining population structure and dynamics of plant species. We investigated long-term patterns after fire in the cover of plant species in a 100-year chronosequence of burned Pinus brutia forests in a humid Mediterranean climate region in Turkey. Significant trends were present in the change of cover in major species through post-fire chronosequence, and species with similar trends were clustered in relation to their regeneration modes. Obligate resprouters increased their cover from the early post-fire years to the later stages, while cover of obligate seeders with a soil seed bank increased in the early years, but then decreased through time. Facultative resprouters were at an intermediate position, with an increase in cover until mid-successional stages and then a decrease through time. The cover of the only obligate seeder with a canopy seed bank (P. brutia) followed a linear increasing trend during the succession. When species with the same regeneration mode were grouped, the same trends were observed with more explained variances. A few life-history traits were enough to explain the observed trends. Our study shows that regeneration mode is an explanatory functional grouping system for describing long-term post-fire dynamics of Mediterranean Basin woody species. We suggest that regeneration mode must be a major component of any vegetation or forest stand dynamics model in the Mediterranean Basin. This result has important implications for the management of Mediterranean Basin ecosystems, and can potentially be extrapolated to other Mediterranean-type fire-prone ecosystems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The genus Erica represents the epitome of plant biodiversity in the South African Cape region. It includes seeder and resprouter species, but both species diversity and narrow endemism are tightly associated with the seeder habit. It also includes 'mixed' species, in which both seeder and resprouter life histories are found. This intraspecific variation in life history is genetically based. METHODS: The cotyledonary region and basal stem of seeder and resprouter seedlings of two 'mixed' species, Erica calycina and E. coccinea, were examined to detect morphological and anatomical differences in axillary bud development between regeneration forms. KEY RESULTS: While at least some bud activity was observed for resprouter seedlings, none was detected for seeder seedlings. A closer examination allowed the detection of some axillary buds in seeder seedlings of the two species, but they appeared in an unequivocally atrophied state. CONCLUSIONS: The seeder and resprouter life histories are two character states and the seeder one (i.e. loss of resprouting) is derived within these two Erica species. Results allow the hypothesis that the loss of resprouting in a fire-prone scenario such as the Cape fynbos has promoted high diversification rates in seeder Erica lineages.  相似文献   

Stirlingia latifolia, a common shrub of Banksia woodlands ofSW Australia, is a highly successful resprouter species recoveringfrom fire by multiple sprouting of new shoots from its upperroot stock. in comparison with the congeneric fire-sensitive(obligate seeder) species Stirlingia tenuifolia it exhibitsa low shoot:root dry weight ratio and high concentrations ofstored starch in the cortical tissue of its roots. The relationshipbetween root reserves of starch and development of newly sproutingshoot material following fire is examined in S. latifolia afterspring and summer burns. During the initial 2-5 month periodafter fire, levels of stored starch in the roots fall by 50-75%,followed by a slow increase as plants reproduce and the attainmentof pre-fire starch levels by 1·5-2 years after the fire.Starch reserves of roots can be further reduced by shading theregenerating shoots to limit their input of photosynthates andalmost totally eliminated by monthly removal of successive flushesof new shoots over a 10-12 month period. New shoots continueto sprout until all the starch is eliminated. The data are discussedin relation to the fire-induced reproduction of S. latifoliaand its ability to thrive in very frequently burnt habitats.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Fire response, Proteaceae, resprouter, shoot:root ratio, starch storage, Stirlingia latifolia  相似文献   

Plant community recovery (species richness, diversity and composition) of a post-fire Mediterranean shrubland was monitored over a seven year period (1998–2005) under experimental drought and warming that simulated the environmental conditions forecast for this area in the coming decades. Species richness and Shannon's index were positively correlated with accumulated precipitation in the growing season and both variables were negatively affected by reduced water availability in drought plots. The relative abundance of the different species in both treatments was linearly correlated with their relative abundance in control plots. Moreover, we found species-specific responses to treatments. Drought and warming treatment reduced the competitive ability of the obligate seeder tree Pinus halepensis against native resprouter shrubs and consequently, the transformation from shrub to pine tree dominated vegetation was slowed down. Conversely, the water use strategy of Globularia alypum may allow this species to maintain a dominant position in drought plots. Therefore, future drier and warmer conditions in Mediterranean areas may severely affect plant community recovery after a disturbance, due to the existence of both abundance-dependent and species-specific responses that may change inter-specific competitive relationships.  相似文献   

Juli G. Pausas 《Plant Ecology》2006,187(2):249-259
In the Mediterranean Basin, landscape patterns are strongly human-modified. In recent decades, because of industrialisation and rural exodus, many fields have been abandoned, generating changes in the landscape pattern. In this framework, I aim to study the effect of landscape pattern on landscape dynamic processes in the Mediterranean Basin using simulation models and considering that fire may interact with landscape pattern. First I generate a gradient of five artificial random landscapes. In each landscape I include four species types growing in the Mediterranean Basin, each type with different plant traits (Quercus, Pinus, Erica and Cistus types). In each landscape scenario, each species covers 30% of the landscape but with a different spatial distribution, from the coarsest-grained (L1) to the finest-grained (L5). Then, the dynamics of each of these five landscapes were simulated for 100 years using the FATELAND simulation model. Simulations were run with six fire regime scenarios in each landscape scenario (no fire, mean fire interval of 80, 40, 20, 10 and 5 years). Landscape attributes were computed for the initial and the final landscapes. As expected, the results suggest that, as expected, some species increase and others decrease depending on the fire regime. However, the results also show that different landscape structures produce different dynamics and thus that there is a clear interaction between landscape pattern and fire regime. For instance, coarse-grained spatial patterns generate slower dynamics than fine-grained patterns, and fire-sensitive species are maintained longer under coarse-grained patterns (i.e., fragmentation accelerates extinction of fire-sensitive species).A draft version of this paper was presented at the Special Symposium “Global Change and Landscape Fires” held during the IALE World Congress, in Darwin, Australia, 13–17 July 2003.  相似文献   

Gidi Ne'eman  Ido Izhaki 《Ecography》1998,21(5):535-542
The study reported here describes for the first time the similarity between pre- and post-fire spatial patterns of the trees in a Mediterranean pine forest demonstrating that the pre-fire ancestor microsite is occupied also by the next generation. Although Aleppo pine Pinus halepensis Mill, is an obligatory post-fire seeder, it is adapted to regenerate in its pre-fire growing microsite. thus keeping suitable growing sites from generation to generation. We studied the effect of the dead burned adult pines on the density and size of their recruited saplings 2, 5, 11 and 20 yr after fire. A comparison of pine sapling density and size was made between the "near" zone (under the former effect of the burned canopy) and the'far'zone (beyond the former effect of the burned canopy).
In the site 2 yr after fire, seedling density was 56% higher in the "far" zone than in the'near'zone, but seedling .size was similar. However in the site 20 yr after fire, densities were similar in both zones, but the size was bigger by 89% in the "near" zone. Thus, population recruitment after fire seems to peak near the burned pine trees rather than at u distance from them, in contrast to Janzen's original'distance hypothesis' model suggested for undisturbed rainforest. Mere we present a new hypothetical model for the spatial pattern of post-fire regeneration of obligate seeder tree species forming open forests. It is proposed that in such trees the microsites which were kept by the burned adult trees, which are killed by the fire, are also the favorable regeneration microsite for the post-fire generation.  相似文献   

Post-fire sprouting of dormant buds in resprouter plants is facilitated by stored carbohydrate reserves, with starch being the critical reserve. Starch is mainly stored in xylem parenchyma ray tissue of woody underground organs, such as burls, lignotubers, and roots. We carried out a comparative analysis of the pattern of starch storage and the proportion of parenchymatic ray tissue in the upper root or cotyledonary region of seedlings from seeder and resprouter forms within two Cape Erica (Ericaceae) species: E. coccinea L. and E. calycina L., which were raised in the greenhouse under controlled irrigation. We also explored the root-to-shoot allocation patterns of seeder and resprouter seedlings in these two species. Resprouter seedlings of both species showed higher relative amounts of upper-root starch and upper-root storage tissue as well as a higher root-to-shoot allocation than their seeder counterparts. Pronounced swelling of the upper root region suggests ontogenetic development of a lignotuber in the resprouter forms of the two Erica species. The distinct allocation of starch in roots seems to be genetically determined and would account for the apparent differences in the root-to-shoot allocation patterns between both regeneration forms from the early seedling stage.  相似文献   

Abstract. We explore patterns of diversity of plant functional types (PFTs) in Mediterranean communities subjected to landscape‐scale fire disturbances in a mosaic of uncultivated and old fields stands. We use regenerative and growth form attributes to establish two sets of PFTs of perennial species living in shrublands and pine forests of NE Spain. We test the following hypotheses: 1. Fire frequency decreases regenerative PFTs diversity by negatively selecting attributes with low regenerative efficiency. 2. Fire history has more influence on regenerative than on growth form PFTs. 3. The lowest diversity of growth form PFTs will be in old fields without recent fires. We surveyed stands of different combinations of fire and land use histories. Fire history included areas without fires in the last twenty years (unburned), sites burned in 1982 (1‐burned), and sites burned in 1982 and 1994 (2‐burned). Land use histories considered terraced old fields, and uncultivated stands on stony soils. We analysed patterns of PFT abundance and diversity at the stand level, and across the landscape (among stands absolute deviations from sample medians of the relative cover of PFTs). At the stand level, fire had more influence on the diversity patterns of regenerative PFTs than on growth form PFTs. Fire decreased the diversity of regenerative PFTs, due to the elimination of the species without effective mechanisms to post‐fire regeneration. This effect was not observed across the landscape, but seeders showed more variation in stands with longer history without fire. Land use contributed to explain the diversity patterns of growth form PFT (i.e. the number of growth form PFTs was lower in uncultivated, unburned sites), but it did not influence regenerative PFTs diversity. Patterns of PFTs diversity reflect the response to ecological processes operating at the landscape level. Overall, regenerative and growth form PFTs appear to be more sensitive to the fire history than to the past land use.  相似文献   

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