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Walking and symmetrical running gaits of 26 genera of primates are analyzed using numerical and graphical methods described previously. The raw data are 1701 feet of 16 mm motion picture film mostly exposed at 64 frames per second. Adult monkeys and apes usually use the walking trot or diagonal-sequence walks. Individual monkeys occasionally use lateral-sequence walks resembling those that are usual for human infants. Human children moving on hands and feet use gaits ranging from the walking pace through the lateral-sequence walks to the walking trot. An infant macaque studied from age 17 hours to 96 days first walked with a lateral-sequence, diagonal-couplets gait and then gradually shifted to the diagonal-sequence, diagonal-couplets gait of the adult. Few non-primates use the diagonal-sequence walks which are typical of primates. Typical support sequences are figured. Relative placement of feet and consequent slight asymmetry are described.  相似文献   

The gaits of the adult SWISS mice during treadmill locomotion at velocities ranging from 15 to 85 cm s–1 have been analysed using a high-speed video camera combined with cinefluoroscopic equipment. The sequences of locomotion were analysed to determine the various space and time parameters of limb kinematics. We found that velocity adjustments are accounted for differently by the stride frequency and the stride length if the animal showed a symmetrical or an asymmetrical gait. In symmetrical gaits, the increase of velocity is provided by an equal increase in the stride length and the stride frequency. In asymmetrical gaits, the increase in velocity is mainly assured by an increase in the stride frequency in velocities ranging from 15 to 29 cm s–1. Above 68 cm s–1, velocity increase is achieved by stride length increase. In velocities ranging from 29 to 68 cm s–1, the contribution of both variables is equal as in symmetrical gaits. Both stance time and swing time shortening contributed to the increase of the stride frequency in both gaits, though with a major contribution from stance time decrease. The pattern of locomotion obtained in a normal mouse should be used as a template for studying locomotor control deficits after lesions or in different mutations affecting the nervous system.  相似文献   

Widely accepted relationships between gaits (footfall patterns) and center of mass mechanics have been formulated from observations for cursorial mammals. However, sparse data on smaller or more generalized forms suggest a fundamentally different relationship. This study explores locomotor dynamics in one eutherian and five metatherian (marsupials) mammals—all small-bodied (<2 kg) with generalized body plans that utilize symmetrical gaits. Across our sample, trials conforming to vaulting mechanics occurred least frequently (<10% of all trials) while bouncing mechanics was obtained most commonly (60%); the remaining trials represented mixed mechanics. Contrary to the common situation in large mammals, there was no evidence for discrete gait switching within symmetrical gaits as speed increased. This was in part due to the common practice of grounded running. The adaptive advantage of different patterns of center-of-mass motion and their putative energy savings remain questionable in small-bodied mammals.  相似文献   

Quadrupedal locomotion of primates is distinguished from the quadrupedalism of many other mammals by several features, including a diagonal sequence (DS) footfall used in symmetrical gaits. This presumably unique feature of primate locomotion has been attributed to an ancestral adaptation for cautious arboreal quadrupedalism on thin, flexible branches. However, the functional significance of DS gait remains largely hypothetical. The study presented here tests hypotheses about the functional significance of DS gait by analyzing the gait mechanics of a primate that alternates between DS and lateral sequence (LS) gaits, Cebus apella. Kinematic and kinetic data were gathered from two subjects as they moved across both terrestrial and simulated arboreal substrates. These data were used to test four hypotheses: (1) locomotion on arboreal supports is associated with increased use of DS gait, (2) DS gait is associated with lower peak vertical substrate reaction forces than LS gait, (3) DS gait is associated with greater forelimb/hind limb differentiation in force magnitudes, and (4) DS gait offers increased stability. Our results indicate that animals preferred DS gait on the arboreal substrate, and LS gait while on the ground. Peak vertical substrate reaction forces showed a tendency to be lower in DS gait, but not consistently so. Pole ("arboreal") forces were lower than ground forces in DS gait, but not in LS gait. The preferred symmetrical gait on both substrates was a grounded run or amble, with the body supported by only one limb throughout most of the stride. During periods of bilateral support, the DS gait had predominantly diagonal support couplets. This benefit for stability on an arboreal substrate is potentially outweighed by overstriding, its associated ipsilateral limb interference in DS gait and hind foot positioning in front of the hand on untested territory. DS gait also did not result in an optimal anchoring position of the hind foot under the center of mass of the body at forelimb touchdown. In sum, the results are mixed regarding the superiority of DS gait in an arboreal setting. Consequently, the notion that DS gait is an ancestral adaptation of primates, conditioned by the selection demands of an arboreal environment, remains largely hypothetical.  相似文献   

Following a survey of the problems associated with the comparative study of measures of physique in domesticated and laboratory animals, techniques were developed for the measurement of body build in the adult albino laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus). They involved anesthetisation of the animals and the use of calipers and a simple apparatus devised for the purpose. The 17 measures taken on 100 rats, 50 of each sex, are detailed and the reasons for excluding others given. Intercorrelations of all the measures and their reliability co-efficients, which were judged satisfactory, are presented. The tables of intercorrelations, one for each sex, were factor analysed separately, and rotations to simple structure performed. Two factors were identified, one having factor saturations on measures of body length and the other similarly defining body width. This pattern was similar for the two sexes and a single index of body build was therefore proposed in which the length of the rear foot is divided by the width of the shoulder girdle and multiplied by 100 to avoid decimals. The use of the index in other investigations is mentioned.  相似文献   

In contrast to the inverse relation of heart rate to body mass in adult mammals, the heart rate of immature fetuses is unrelated to body mass and approximately constant among different species. With maturation, fetal heart rate decreases in a large mammal but tends to increase in a small mammal. These maturational changes reduce the difference between the heart rate of a term fetus and the heart rate which is "appropriate for body mass" as calculated by means of the allometric equation for adults. The comparative physiology of fetal heart rate supports the hypothesis that immature fetuses of small and large mammals have similar oxygen consumption rates per unit body mass.  相似文献   

Few data are available for assessing the relative testicle size of orang-utans, Pongo pygmaeus, so measures were obtained for 31 individuals of varying age. It was shown that the volume of the testicles, calculated from in situ measures of testicle length and breadth, closely approximates testicle weight when multiplied by the specific gravity of solid tissue. Growth curves for body weight and data published for wild specimens were evaluated to obtain the weight most characteristic of male Pongo, and the ratio of testicle weight to body weight was calculated. The mean ratio for individuals with fully adult stature is 0.034, similar to but smaller than that of humans at about 0.050, and larger than the ratios reported for 5 gorillas at 0.013. The testicles mature faster than the body, however, so the mean ratio for young adult orang-utans is about 0.056 and resembles the ratio for humans more closely than the full adults. The differences between the ratios for a monogamous gibbon species, orang-utans, and humans is accounted for when testicle size relative to the weight of the female is considered. This is consistent with a sperm dilution effect produced by variation in the size of the female reproductive tract. The small relative testicle size of the gorilla is anomalous and requires verification as does the application of female size to scale the testicles. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many mammalian species display sexual dimorphism in the pelvis, where females possess larger dimensions of the obstetric (pelvic) canal than males. This is contrary to the general pattern of body size dimorphism, where males are larger than females. Pelvic dimorphism is often attributed to selection relating to parturition, or as a developmental consequence of secondary sexual differentiation (different allometric growth trajectories of each sex). Among anthropoid primates, species with higher body size dimorphism have higher pelvic dimorphism (in converse directions), which is consistent with an explanation of differential growth trajectories for pelvic dimorphism. This study investigates whether the pattern holds intraspecifically in humans by asking: Do human populations with high body size dimorphism also display high pelvic dimorphism? Previous research demonstrated that in some small-bodied populations, relative pelvic canal size can be larger than in large-bodied populations, while others have suggested that larger-bodied human populations display greater body size dimorphism. Eleven human skeletal samples (total N: male = 229, female = 208) were utilized, representing a range of body sizes and geographical regions. Skeletal measurements of the pelvis and femur were collected and indices of sexual dimorphism for the pelvis and femur were calculated for each sample [ln(M/F)]. Linear regression was used to examine the relationships between indices of pelvic and femoral size dimorphism, and between pelvic dimorphism and female femoral size. Contrary to expectations, the results suggest that pelvic dimorphism in humans is generally not correlated with body size dimorphism or female body size. These results indicate that divergent patterns of dimorphism exist for the pelvis and body size in humans. Implications for the evaluation of the evolution of pelvic dimorphism and rotational childbirth in Homo are considered.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the body's center of gravity during level walking were analyzed in 50 normal subjects and 47 patients. The three-dimensional displacements of the center of gravity were computed by the integration of force plate data. The energy levels and the power requirements of the center of gravity were also calculated, and the average and standard deviation of these variables were determined for normal and pathological gaits. The sex-related variation in normal gait, as suggested by previous force plate studies, was clearly demonstrated in our study. The parameters obtained from the displacements and the energy variations of the center of gravity are considered useful in the evaluation of stability and efficiency for pathological gaits.  相似文献   

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