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Spores of the fern, Onoclea sensihilis L., suffer a disruption of normal development when they are cultured on media containing colchicine. Cell division is inhibited, and the spores develop into giant spherical cells under continuous white fluorescent light. In darkness only slight cell expansion occurs. Spherical cell expansion in the light requires continuous irradiation. Photosynthesis does not seem to be involved, since variations in light intensity do not affect the final cell diameter; the addition of sucrose to the medium does not permit cell expansion in darkness; and the inhibitor DCMU does not block the light-induced cell expansion. Continuous irradiation of colchicine-treated spores with blue, red or far-red light produces different patterns of cell expansion. Blue light permits spherical growth, similar to that found under white light, whereas red and far-red light promote the reestablishment of polarized filamentous growth. Although ethylene is unable to induce polarized cell expansion in colchicine-treated spores in darkness or white and blue light, it enhances filamentous growth which already is established by red or far-red irradiation. Both red and far-red light increase the elongation of normal filaments (untreated with colchicine) above that of dark-grown plants, but under all 3 conditions the rates of volume growth are identical. Light, however, does cause a decrease in the cell diameters of irradiated filaments. These data are used to construct an hypothesis to explain the promotion of cell elongation in fern protonemata by red and far-red light. The model proposes light-mediated changes in microtubular orientation and cell wall structure which lead to restriction of lateral cell expansion and enhanced elongation growth.  相似文献   

The underlying mechanism of photoinhibition of stem elongation by blue (BL) and red light (RL) was studied in etiolated seedlings of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska). Brief BL irradiations resulted in fast transient inhibition of elongation, while a delayed (lag approximately 60 minutes) but prolonged inhibition was observed after brief RL. Possible changes in the hydraulic and wall properties of the growing cells during photoinhibition were examined. Cell sap osmotic pressure was unaffected by BL and RL, but both irradiations increased turgor pressure by approximately 0.05 megapascal (pressure-probe technique). Cell wall yielding was analyzed by in vivo stress relaxation (pressure-block technique). BL and RL reduced the initial rate of relaxation by 38 and 54%, while the final amount of relaxation was decreased by 48 and 10%, respectively. These results indicate that RL inhibits elongation mainly by lowering the wall yield coefficient, while most of the inhibitory effect of BL was due to an increase of the yield threshold. Mechanical extensibility of cell walls (Instron technique) was decreased by BL and RL, mainly due to a reduction in the plastic component of extensibility. Thus, photoinhibitions of elongation by both BL and RL are achieved through changes in cell wall properties, and are not due to effects on the hydraulic properties of the cell.  相似文献   

 Gravity directs the early polar development in single cells of Ceratopteris richardii Brogn. It acts over a limited period of time during which it irreversibly determines the axis of the spore cell's development. A self-referencing calcium selective electrode was utilized to record the net movement of calcium across the cell membrane at different positions around the periphery of the spore during the period in which gravity orients the polarity of the spore. A movement of calcium into the cell along the bottom and out of the cell along the top was detected. This movement was specific, polarized, and strongest in a direction that opposed the vector of gravity. Treatment with nifedipine, a calcium-channel blocker, diminished the calcium current and caused the cell to lose its responsiveness to the orienting influence of gravity. Results shown suggest that calcium plays a crucial role in the ability of a single cell to respond to gravity and in the subsequent establishment of its polarity. Received: 13 June 1999 / Accepted: 1 September 1999  相似文献   

Plant size is largely determined by the size of individual cells. A number of studies showed a link between ploidy and cell size in land plants, but this link remains controversial. In this study, post-germination growth, which occurs entirely by cell elongation, was examined in diploid and autotetraploid hypocotyls of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Final hypocotyl length was longer in tetraploid plants than in diploid plants, particularly when seedlings were grown in the dark. The longer hypocotyl in the tetraploid seedlings developed as a result of enhanced cell elongation rather than by an increase in cell number. DNA microarray analysis showed that genes involved in the transport of cuticle precursors were downregulated in a defined region of the tetraploid hypocotyl when compared to the diploid hypocotyl. Cuticle permeability, as assessed by toluidine-blue staining, and cuticular structure, as visualized by electron microscopy, were altered in tetraploid plants. Taken together, these data indicate that promotion of cell elongation is responsible for ploidy-dependent size determination in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl, and that this process is directly or indirectly related to cuticular function.  相似文献   

The cytokinins benzylaminopurine, kinetin and isopentenyladenine induce photomorphogenesis in dark-grown gametophytes of the fern Ceratopteris richardii. At sub-nanomolar concentrations each altered the rate and pattern of cell division, elongation and differentiation, mimicking aspects of the light-mediated transition from filamentous to prothallial growth. Untreated dark-grown gametophytes grow as narrow, elongate, asexual filaments with an apical meristem. Cytokinin treatments as low as 10(-12) M reduced the length-to-width ratio through decreased cell elongation, increased periclinal cell division and induced the formation of rhizoid initials in the cells immediately below the apical meristem. Higher concentrations (10(-9)-10(-8) M) induced conversion of the meristem from apical to notch morphology. Cytokinins induced both red- and blue-light-mediated photomorphogenic events, suggesting stimulation of both phytochrome and cryptochrome signaling; however, cytokinin treatment only partially substituted for light in that it did not induce hermaphroditic sexual development or spore germination in the dark. Additionally, cytokinins did not increase chlorophyll synthesis in dark-grown gametophytes, which unlike angiosperms are able to produce mature chloroplasts in the dark. Cytokinin treatment had only slight effects on light-grown gametophytes. These results suggest evolutionary conservation between angiosperms and pteridophytes in the role of cytokinins in regulating photomorphogenesis.  相似文献   

Rhizoids of the fern Ceratopteris richardii Brogn. usually emerge 40 h after germination is initiated by light, and more than 90% of them emerge growing in a downward direction. However, when the spores are germinated on a clinostat, the emerging rhizoids show no preferential orientation. This indicates that under normal 1 · g conditions the initial growth direction of rhizoids can be oriented by gravity. If the orientation of the spores is changed 3 h or less after the start of germination, the growth direction of most emerging rhizoids becomes downward relative to the new orientation. However, if the orientation of the spores is changed by 180° 8 h or more after germination is initiated by light, most rhizoids emerge growing upward; i.e., the same direction as if there had been no orientation change. Emerged rhizoids also do not change their direction of growth if their orientation is changed. These results indicate that the growth direction of emerging rhizoids is set by gravity prior to actual emergence, and that the time of full orientation responsiveness is limited to a period ranging from the initiation of germination to about 3–4 h after the start of germination. There is a gravity-oriented nuclear movement beginning at about 13 h after germination, and this movement appears to predict the initial growth direction of rhizoids.These studies were made possible by grant NAGW 1519 to S.J.R. and grant NGT-51065 to E.S.E., both from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

The Photocontrol of Spore Germination in the Fern Ceratopteris richardii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes how different wavelengths of light regulatespore germination in the fern Ceratopteris richardii. This speciesdoes not exhibit any dark germination. Maximum photosensitivityof the spores is reached 7 to 10 d after imbibition. An increasein the red light fluence above the threshold fluence of 1016quanta.m–2 leads to a corresponding increase in germination.In sequential irradiation experiments, farred light can reversethis red light-mediated germination to the level observed withthe far-red light control. Blue light fluences above 1020 quanta.m–2can also block the germination response to red light. Moreover,this antagonistic effect of blue light is not reversed by subsequentirradiation with red light. It is therefore concluded that phytochromeand a distinct blue light photoreceptor control C. richardiispore germination. These interpretations are entirely consistentwith the published literature on other fern genera. (Received November 28, 1986; Accepted April 6, 1987)  相似文献   

Plants, in general, have a high proportion of their CpG and CpNpG nucleotide motifs modified with 5-methylcytosine (5mC). Developmental changes in the proportion of 5mC are evident in mammals, particularly during gametogenesis and embryogenesis, but little information is available from flowering plants due to the intimate association of gametes with sporophytic tissues. In ferns, sperm are uninucleate and free-swimming and thus are easily isolated. We have examined 5mC in DNA isolated from fern sperm and other tissues with methylation-sensitive and -insensitive restriction enzyme isoschizomers, Southern blots probed with chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal RNA genes and end-labeled restriction fragments. We conclude that fern sperm DNA is methylated to a similar or greater degree than DNA isolated from either sporophytes or gametophytes.  相似文献   

The homosporous fern Ceratopteris richardii exhibits a homorhizic root system where roots originate from the shoot system. These shoot-borne roots form lateral roots (LRs) that arise from the endodermis adjacent to the xylem poles, which is in contrast to flowering plants where LR formation arises from cell division in the pericycle. A detailed study of the fifth shoot-borne root showed that one lateral root mother cell (LRMC) develops in each two out of three successive merophytes. As a result, LRs emerge alternately in two ranks from opposite positions on a parent root. From LRMC initiation to LR emergence, three developmental stages were identified based on anatomical criteria. The addition of auxins (either indole-3-acetic acid or indole-3-butyric acid) to the growth media did not induce additional LR formation, but exogenous applications of both auxins inhibited parent root growth rate. Application of the polar auxin-transport inhibitor N-(1-naphthyl)phthalamic acid (NPA) also inhibited parent root growth without changing the LR initiation pattern. The results suggest that LR formation does not depend on root growth rate per se. The result that exogenous auxins do not promote LR formation in C. richardii is similar to reports for certain species of flowering plants, in which there is an acropetal LR population and the formation of the LRs is insensitive to the application of auxins. It also may indicate that different mechanisms control LR development in non-seed vascular plants compared with angiosperms, taking into consideration the long and independent evolutionary history of the two groups.  相似文献   

Homosporous ferns have extremely high chromosome numbers relative to flowering plants, but the species with the lowest chromosome numbers show gene expression patterns typical of diploid organisms, suggesting that they may be diploidized ancient polyploids. To investigate the role of polyploidy in fern genome evolution, and to provide permanent genetic resources for this neglected group, we constructed a high-resolution genetic linkage map of the homosporous fern model species, Ceratopteris richardii (n = 39). Linkage map construction employed 488 doubled haploid lines (DHLs) that were genotyped for 368 RFLP, 358 AFLP, and 3 isozyme markers. Forty-one linkage groups were recovered, with average spacing between markers of 3.18 cM. Most loci (approximately 76%) are duplicated and most duplicates occur on different linkage groups, indicating that as in other eukaryotic genomes, gene duplication plays a prominent role in shaping the architecture of fern genomes. Although past polyploidization is a potential mechanism for the observed abundance of gene duplicates, a wide range in the number of gene duplicates as well as the absence of large syntenic regions consisting of duplicated gene copies implies that small-scale duplications may be the primary mode of gene duplication in C. richardii. Alternatively, evidence of past polyploidization(s) may be masked by extensive chromosomal rearrangements as well as smaller-scale duplications and deletions following polyploidization(s).  相似文献   

The cytokinin benzyladenine inhibited endogenous hypocotyl elongation in intact etiolated seedlings of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). In hypocotyl segments, the inhibitory effect of benzyladenine on growth was clearly detectable in the presence of indoleacetic acid. Fusicoccin-induced elongation was unaffected by the presence of cytokinin. The effect of cytokinin on elongation of the segments was determined by measuring changes in fresh weight, a linear function of extension growth. The effect of benzyladenine on hypocotyl growth was at least as large in segments prepared from red-light-grown seedlings as in those from seedlings grown in total darkness. A comparison was made between the inhibitory effects of cytokinin and blue light. The use of the calcium chelator ethyleneglycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N, N′-tetraacetic acid indicated that calcium ions are required for manifestation of benzyladenine-induced inhibition.  相似文献   

Ceratopteris richardii is an aquatic fern grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is proven to be a productive model system for studies in the genetics, biochemistry, and cell biology of basic biologic processes that occur in early gametophytic development. It provides several advantages to biologists, especially those interested in gravitational biology, polarity development, and in the genetics of sexual development. It is easy to culture, has a relatively short life cycle, and offers an array of attractive features that facilitate genetic studies. The germination and early development of large populations of genetically identical spores are easy to synchronize, and both the direction of polarity development and cell-level gravity responses can be measured and readily manipulated within the first 24 h of spore development. Although there is no reliable transformation system available yet in Ceratopteris, recent studies suggest that the technique of RNA interference can be used to block translation of specific genes in a related fern, Marsilea, and current studies will soon reveal the applicability of this approach, as well as of other transformation approaches, in Ceratopteris. A recently completed expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing project makes available the partial sequence of more than 2000 cDNAs, representing a significant percentage of the genes being expressed during the first 24 h of spore germination, when many developmentally interesting processes are occurring. A microarray of these ESTs is being constructed, so especially for those scientists interested in basic cellular phenomena that occur early in spore germination, the availability of the ESTs and of the microarray will make Ceratopteris an even more attractive model system.  相似文献   

During elongation of the Arabidopsis hypocotyl, each cell reacts to light and hormones in a time- and position-dependent manner. Growth in darkness results in the maximal length a wild-type cell can reach. Elongation starts at the base and proceeds in the acropetal direction. Cells in the upper half of the hypocotyl can become the longest of the whole organ. Light strongly inhibits cell elongation all along the hypocotyl, but proportionally more in the upper half. The ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) is known to stimulate hypocotyl elongation in the light. Here we show that this stimulation only occurs in cells of the apical half of the hypocotyl. Moreover, ACC application can partially overcome light inhibition, whereas indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) cannot. On low-nutrient medium (LNM) in the light, elongation is severely reduced as compared to growth on rich medium, and both ACC and IAA can stimulate elongation to the levels reached on a nutrient-rich medium. Furthermore, microtubule orientation was studied in vivo. During elongation in darkness, transverse and longitudinal patterns are clearly related with rates of elongation. In other conditions, except for the association of longitudinally orientated microtubules with growth arrest, microtubule orientation is merely an indicator of developmental age, not of elongation activity. A hypothesis on the relation between microtubules and elongation rate is discussed.  相似文献   

New round cells of Boergesenia forbesii, which develop fromprotoplasts, form crossed polylamellate cell walls. The frequencyof the shift in microfibril orientation in generating wall layerswas affected not by the photoperiod, but by the total lengthof the illumination period. The dependency of the shift uponlight intensity and quality, and its inhibition by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylureaindicated that the shift in fibril orientation was primarilydependent upon photosynthesis. KCN and NaN3 strongly inhibitedwall thickening but the frequency of the shift only a little.Therefore, the system controlling microfibril orientation functionsindependently of wall synthesis. Both colchicine and cytochalasinB did not affect microfibril orientation as well as wall synthesisin Boergesenia cells. (Received August 1, 1981; Accepted December 14, 1981)  相似文献   

Summary Three nuclear mutations that affect tolerance to the herbicide paraquat have been selected in the fern Ceratopteris richardii. Two of the mutations, pq2 and pq45 are allelic and confer low and moderate tolerance, respectively. A third mutation, pqa6, is not linked to the other two and significantly enhances the level of tolerance when in combination with either pq2 or pq45. The pqa6 mutation does not independently confer tolerance in the absence of the other mutations.  相似文献   

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