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G蛋白偶联受体二聚化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高灿  池志强 《生命科学》2001,13(5):193-197
G蛋白偶联受体是细胞膜受体最大的家族,参与调节多种生理过程,在信号识别及转导中具有重要作用,传统观点认为G蛋白偶联受体作为单体起作用,近年来,越来越多的证据表明,G蛋白偶联受体不仅能以二聚体形式存在,而且在细胞信号转导中起重要作用,尤其是对阿片受体异源二聚体的研究,推动了这一领域的研究。本文综述了G蛋白偶联受体二聚化研究进展,以及同源和异源二聚体的结构与功能。  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体(G protein-coupled receptors,GPCRs)是具有7个跨膜螺旋的蛋白质受体,是人体内最大的蛋白质超家族.GPCRs能调控细胞周期,参与多种植物信号通路以及影响一系列的代谢和分化活动.简要介绍了GPCR和G蛋白介导的信号转导机制,GPCRs的结构和植物GPCR及其在植物跨膜信号转导中的作用,并对GPCR的信号转导机制及植物抗病反应分子机制的研究提出展望.  相似文献   

Fan XL  Ma L 《生理科学进展》2001,32(4):334-336
近年来发现一些G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)能在细胞膜上形成同源或异源双聚体,并证实受体的双聚化为一些有重要生理功能的GPCR在细胞膜上的表达和信号转导的启动所必需,进一步研究表明,一些GPCR的双聚化不仅可以改变受体与配体结合的特异性和亲和力,而且影响GPCR介导的信号转导的调控,这些结果提示,GPCR之间以及GPCR与其它蛋白在细胞膜上的相互作用是调控GPCR转导信号的一个新途径。  相似文献   

昆虫多巴胺及其受体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴顺凡  徐刚  齐易香  夏仁英  黄佳  叶恭银 《昆虫学报》2013,56(11):1342-1358
多巴胺(dopamine, DA)是脊椎动物和无脊椎动物体内一种重要的生物胺, 其参与调控了昆虫的多种生理反应和行为过程, 如学习与记忆、 认知、 性取向、 抉择、 运动以及型变等。多巴胺主要通过结合特异性的G蛋白偶联受体, 即多巴胺受体(dopamine receptors, DARs)来发挥生理作用。本文综述了多巴胺在昆虫中的调控、 分布及所参与的生理功能, 如多巴胺调控昆虫的交配、 发育、 嗅觉以及运动行为等, 特别对DARs的信号转导、 生理功能以及药理学等方面进行了详细评述。昆虫的DARs大致可分为两大类: D1-like DARs和D2-like DARs。D1-like DARs包含有2种亚型, 分别为DOP1和DOP2。DOP1仅能偶联胞内cAMP的上升, 而DOP2不仅可以起胞内cAMP的上升, 还可偶联胞内Ca2+的释放。 D2-like DARs仅包含有1种亚型DOP3, 其被激活后引起胞内cAMP的降低。DA通过激活不同的DARs可偶联不同的第二信使系统, 所产生的下游细胞反应则与昆虫的各种行为相关, 而对昆虫DARs的药理学研究将有助于我们开发特异性的杀虫剂用于害虫防治。  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体二聚化在受体的转运和信号转导中起着重要的调节作用.为了验证甘丙肽2型受体(GalR2)是否形成同源二聚体,本实验分别构建了N端带FLAG和HA标签的GalR2融合蛋白,并转染到HEK293A细胞中.Western blot发现,除了相当于GalR2分子量的位置有条带之外,在大约2倍于GalR2分子量的位置...  相似文献   

目的观测G蛋白偶联受体激酶5(G protein-coupled receptor kinase,GRK5)在帕金森病α-synuclein转基因小鼠模型中的表达变化情况,了解GRK5在帕金森病中的可能作用,为发现帕金森病发病机制和探索更好的治疗方法提供新的方向。方法采用Western blotting和实时荧光定量PCR技术对具有不同的人alpha synuclein(hα--syn)表达水平的帕金森病α-synuclein转基因模型小鼠以及3月龄,6月龄以及9月龄A53T突变型帕金森病α-synuclein转基因模型小鼠脑组织进行GRK5的RNA和蛋白水平检测,与同窝阴性对照小鼠进行比较。结果各组帕金森病α-synuclein转基因小鼠与阴性对照小鼠相比,GRK5蛋白表达水平均有不同程度的增加,并且随着转入的hα--syn蛋白表达水平的高低而有所变化。3月龄和6月龄帕金森病转基因模型小鼠与同月龄阴性对照组小鼠相比,GRK5的mRNA和蛋白水平没有变化;而9月龄帕金森病转基因模型小鼠与同月龄阴性对照组小鼠相比,GRK5的mRNA和蛋白水平都有所增加。结论帕金森病α-synuclein转基因模型小鼠具有更高表达水平的GRK5。  相似文献   

2012年度诺贝尔化学奖授予了美国科学家罗伯特.莱夫科维茨(Robert J.Lefkowitz)和布莱恩.克比尔卡(Brian K.Kobilka),以表彰他们在G蛋白偶联受体研究中的贡献。从Robert J.Lefkowitz最初研究β-肾上腺素受体(β-adrenergic receptor,β-AR)减敏机制时发现β-arrestin1至今已有20多年,随着对β-arrestin在细胞信号转导中作用研究的逐渐深入,发现β-arrestin参与β-AR的减敏、内化和降解;近年来又发现,依赖β-arrestin的β-AR信号转导通路具有"偏向激活"现象,并提示这种依赖β-arrestin的"偏向激活"信号转导通路具有心脏保护作用。β-肾上腺素受体阻滞剂的发现和临床应用被视为20世纪药物治疗学上里程碑式的进展,是药物防治心脏疾病的最伟大突破,很多心血管药物都以β-AR为靶点。但是,由于目前受体药物均是针对受体本身的调控,这样在阻断了受体介导的病理性信号通路和功能的同时,也阻断了受体介导的正常生理性信号通路和功能,造成了严重的毒副作用。所以,研发能选择性阻滞β-AR过度激活介导的病理性信号通路和功能的同时,保留受体介导的正常生理性信号通路和功能(如β-arrestin信号通路)的药物,对治疗心血管疾病有重要意义,受体功能选择性的配体药物将成为未来药物的研究方向。该文将回顾β-arrestin的发现过程,综述其与β-AR的相互作用,期望能为心脏疾病的药物治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)在大脑信号传递中至关重要,而在阿尔兹海默症(AD)中,G蛋白偶联受体通过调控α-、β-及γ-分泌酶分泌、淀粉样前体蛋白(APP)生成及β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)降解,直接影响β-淀粉样蛋白在神经系统信号级联反应;另外,阿尔兹海默症中β-淀粉样蛋白的生成可以扰乱G蛋白偶联受体功能.因此,阐明G蛋白偶联受体与阿尔兹海默症发病之间的关联有助于开发以G蛋白偶联受体为靶点的阿尔兹海默症治疗药物.  相似文献   

神经肽是一类由神经分泌细胞分泌、用于调节生物胞间信号传递的信号分子,其信号分子的膜定位、相应胞内信使的激活以及一系列级联反应的引发,是由存在于细胞表面的特异性受体分子来完成的。神经肽及其受体能够调控昆虫的几乎所有生命活动,在昆虫生长发育中起着关键作用。家蚕Bombyx mori作为鳞翅目昆虫的模式物种,是昆虫生长发育与生理学研究的重要模型。特别是家蚕基因组测序完成后,越来越多的家蚕神经肽及其受体被鉴定,并发现其在家蚕的生长发育、取食消化、蜕皮、滞育、繁殖、吐丝结茧等各种生理活动中都发挥了重要的调节作用。本文综述了家蚕重要神经肽的种类及其对家蚕取食消化、蜕皮变态、生殖发育等的调控作用,探讨了神经肽通过结合特异性受体而激活细胞内ERK、TOR等下游信号通路的分子作用机制,以期为昆虫神经肽及其受体研究提供借鉴和参考,并以此推进家蚕功能基因的研究,促进蚕丝产业的发展。  相似文献   

蛋白酶激活受体-2是一种细胞膜表面受体,属于G蛋白偶联受体家族,广泛分布于全身多种组织器官,激活后参与许多疾病的发生和发展过程,尤其在中枢神经系统中所起的作用受到人们越来越多的关注。  相似文献   

Functional asymmetry of G‐protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR) dimers has been reported for an increasing number of cases, but the molecular architecture of signalling units associated to these dimers remains unclear. Here, we characterized the molecular complex of the melatonin MT1 receptor, which directly and constitutively couples to Gi proteins and the regulator of G‐protein signalling (RGS) 20. The molecular organization of the ternary MT1/Gi/RGS20 complex was monitored in its basal and activated state by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer between probes inserted at multiple sites of the complex. On the basis of the reported crystal structures of Gi and the RGS domain, we propose a model wherein one Gi and one RGS20 protein bind to separate protomers of MT1 dimers in a pre‐associated complex that rearranges upon agonist activation. This model was further validated with MT1/MT2 heterodimers. Collectively, our data extend the concept of asymmetry within GPCR dimers, reinforce the notion of receptor specificity for RGS proteins and highlight the advantage of GPCRs organized as dimers in which each protomer fulfils its specific task by binding to different GPCR‐interacting proteins.  相似文献   

The neuron-specific G protein-coupled receptor interacting scaffold protein (GISP) is a multidomain, brain-specific protein derived from the A-kinase anchoring protein-9 gene. We originally isolated GISP as an interacting partner for the GABA(B) receptor subunit GABA(B1). Here, we show that the protein tumour susceptibility gene 101 (TSG101), an integral component of the endosomal sorting machinery that targets membrane proteins for lysosomal degradation, also interacts with GISP. TSG101 co-immunoprecipitates with GISP from adult rat brain, and using GST pull-downs, we identified that the eighth coiled-coiled region of GISP is critical for TSG101 association. Intriguingly, although there is no direct interaction between GISP and the GABA(B2) subunit, their co-expression in HEK293 cells increases levels of GABA(B2). GISP also inhibits TSG101-dependent GABA(B2) down-regulation in human embryonic kidney 293 cells whereas over-expression of a mutant GISP lacking the TSG101 binding domain has no effect on GABA(B2) degradation. These data suggest that GISP can function as a negative regulator of TSG101-dependent lysosomal degradation of transmembrane proteins in neurons to promote receptor stability.  相似文献   

Dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs) consistently emerge as a critical substrate for the etiology of some major psychiatric disorders. Indeed, a central theory of substance use disorders (SUDs) postulates that a reduction in D2R levels in the striatum is a determining factor that confers vulnerability to abuse substances. A large number of clinical and preclinical studies strongly support this link between SUDs and D2Rs; however, identifying the mechanism by which low D2Rs facilitate SUDs has been hindered by the complexity of circuit connectivity, the heterogeneity of D2R expression and the multifaceted constellation of phenotypes observed in SUD patient. Animal models are well‐suited for understanding the mechanisms because they allow access to the circuitry and the genetic tools that enable a dissection of the D2R heterogeneity. This review discusses recent findings on the functional role of D2Rs and highlights the distinctive contributions of D2Rs expressed on specific neuronal subpopulations to the behavioral responses to stimulant drugs. A circuit‐wide restructuring of local and long‐range inhibitory connectivity within the basal ganglia is observed in response to manipulation of striatal D2R levels and is accompanied by multiple alterations in dopamine‐dependent behaviors. Collectively, these new findings provide compelling evidence for a critical role of striatal D2Rs in shaping basal ganglia connectivity; even among neurons that do not express D2Rs. These findings from animal models have deep clinical implications for SUD patients with low levels D2R availability where a similar restructuring of basal ganglia circuitry is expected to take place.  相似文献   

Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that in NIH3T3-5HT2A cells, 5-HT-induced AA release is PLA2-coupled and independent of 5-HT2A receptor-mediated PLC activation. Although 5-HT2A receptor-mediated PLC activation is known to be Galphaq-coupled, much less is understood about 5-HT2A receptor-mediated PLA2 activation. Therefore, the studies presented here were aimed at elucidating the signal transduction pathway linking stimulation of the 5-HT2A receptor to PLA2 activation. By employing various selective inhibitors, toxins, and antagonistic peptide constructs, we propose that the 5-HT2A receptor can couple to PLA2 activation through two parallel signaling cascades. Initial experiments were designed to examine the role of pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins, namely Galphai/o, as well as pertussis toxin-insensitive G proteins, namely Galpha12/13, in 5-HT-induced AA release. Furthermore, inactivation of both Gbetagamma heterodimers and Rho proteins resulted in decreased agonist-induced AA release, without having any effect on PLC-IP accumulation. We also demonstrated 5-HT2A receptor-mediated phosphorylation of ERK1,2 and p38. Moreover, pretreatment with selective ERK1,2 and p38 inhibitors resulted in decreased 5-HT-induced AA release. Taken together, these results suggest that the 5-HT2A receptor expressed in NIH3T3 cells can couple to PLA2 activation though a complex signaling mechanism involving both Galphai/o-associated Gbetagamma-mediated ERK1,2 activation and Galpha12/13-coupled, Rho-mediated p38 activation.  相似文献   

The family of G protein-coupled receptors constitutes about 50% of the therapeutic drug targets used in clinical medicine today, although the mechanisms of ligand binding, activation and signal transduction for G protein-coupled receptors are not yet well defined. This review discusses ongoing research using the photoaffinity scanning method to map the bimolecular interface between class II G protein-coupled receptors and their ligands. Furthermore the available computer model of class II peptide ligand docking into the receptor, based on the positional constraints imposed by the photoaffinity scanning analyses, will be discussed briefly. The ultimate goal of these efforts is to understand the molecular basis of receptor binding and therefore to generate a template for rational drug design.  相似文献   

Apelin is a novel neuropeptide involved in the regulation of body fluid homeostasis and cardiovascular functions. It acts through a G protein-coupled receptor, the APJ receptor. We studied the structure-activity relationships of apelin at the rat apelin receptor, tagged at its C-terminal end with enhanced green fluorescent protein and stably expressed in CHO cells. We evaluated the potency of N- and C-terminal deleted fragments of K17F to bind with high affinity to the apelin receptor, and to inhibit cAMP production and to induce apelin receptor internalization. We first characterized the internalization and trafficking of the rat apelin receptor. This receptor was internalized via a clathrin-dependent mechanism and our results suggest that receptor trafficking may follow a recycling pathway. We then tried to identify the amino acids of K17F required for apelin activity. The first five N-terminal and the last two C-terminal amino acids of K17F were not essential for apelin binding or the inhibition of cAMP production. However, the full-length sequence of K17F was the most potent inducer of apelin receptor internalization because successive N-terminal amino-acid deletions progressively reduced internalization and the removal of a single amino acid at the C-terminus abolished this process. Finally, the most novel observation of this work is that hypotensive actions of apelin peptides correlate best with the ability of those ligands to internalize. Thus, apelin receptor signaling and endocytosis are functionally dissociated, possibly reflecting the existence of several conformational states of this receptor, stabilized by the binding of different apelin fragments to the apelin receptor.  相似文献   

Sec1p/Munc18 (SM) proteins are believed to play an integral role in vesicle transport through their interaction with SNAREs. Different SM proteins have been shown to interact with SNAREs via different mechanisms, leading to the conclusion that their function has diverged. To further explore this notion, in this study, we have examined the molecular interactions between Munc18c and its cognate SNAREs as these molecules are ubiquitously expressed in mammals and likely regulate a universal plasma membrane trafficking step. Thus, Munc18c binds to monomeric syntaxin4 and the N-terminal 29 amino acids of syntaxin4 are necessary for this interaction. We identified key residues in Munc18c and syntaxin4 that determine the N-terminal interaction and that are consistent with the N-terminal binding mode of yeast proteins Sly1p and Sed5p. In addition, Munc18c binds to the syntaxin4/SNAP23/VAMP2 SNARE complex. Pre-assembly of the syntaxin4/Munc18c dimer accelerates the formation of SNARE complex compared to assembly with syntaxin4 alone. These data suggest that Munc18c interacts with its cognate SNAREs in a manner that resembles the yeast proteins Sly1p and Sed5p rather than the mammalian neuronal proteins Munc18a and syntaxin1a. The Munc18c-SNARE interactions described here imply that Munc18c could play a positive regulatory role in SNARE assembly.  相似文献   


Residues of the second extracellular loop are believed to be important for ligand recognition in adenosine receptors. Molecular modeling studies have suggested that one such residue, Gln 167 of the human A 3 receptor, is in proximity to the C2 moiety of some adenosine analogs when bound. Here this putative interaction was systematically explored using a neoceptor strategy, i.e., by site-directed mutagenesis and examination of the affinities of nucleosides modified to have complementary functionality. Gln 167 was mutated to Ala, Glu, and Arg, while the 2-position of several adenosine analogs was substituted with amine or carboxylic acid groups. All compounds tested lost affinity to the mutant receptors in comparison to the wild type. However, comparing affinities among the mutant receptors, several compounds bearing charge at the 2-position demonstrated preferential affinity for the mutant receptor bearing a residue of complementary charge. 13, with a positively-charged C2 moiety, displayed an 8.5-fold increase in affinity at the Q167E mutant receptor versus the Q167R mutant receptor. Preferential affinity for specific mutant receptors was also observed for 8 and 12. The data suggests that a direct contact is made between the C2 substituent of some charged ligands and the mutant receptor bearing the opposite charge at position 167.  相似文献   

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