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In a recent survey in Oklahoma (USA), 52 free-ranging coyotes were examined for the presence of sarcocysts. Two of these coyotes were found infected with sarcocysts in skeletal muscle. By light microscopy, the cyst wall was thin and smooth. Ultrastructurally, the cyst wall had minute villar protrusions. The sarcocysts were 14.4 to 50.4 microm wide and 46.8 to 99 microm long. This is the first report of Sarcocystis sp. sarcocysts in the skeletal muscle of coyotes.  相似文献   

In September, 1973, a live male 2-3 day old white-tailed deer (Odocoileur virginianus) with multiple anomalies of the head and forelimbs was found near Lethbridge, Alberta. Notable gross findings inculded brachygnathia inferior, atypical incisor tooth alignment, medially folded ears, humero-radial arthrogryposis and bowing of the radius and ulna. Hematologic determinations indicated increased erythrocyte, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. Histopathologic examination revealed mineralized spherites in the cerebellum and midbrain.  相似文献   

Nine of 16 free-ranging coyotes (Canis latrans) from central Oklahoma (USA) had naturally acquired infections of Hepatozoon americanum. Infections were confirmed by recognition of tissue stages closely resembling H. americanum in skeletal and cardiac muscle. At the time coyotes were collected they were infested with a variety of ticks, including adult Gulf Coast ticks (Amblyomma maculatum). We propose that the high prevalence of H. americanum in this small sample of free-ranging coyotes and the ability of these same animals to harbor adult populations of A. maculatum is an important component of the epizootiology of canine hepatozoonosis in North America.  相似文献   

Twenty free-ranging coyotes (Canis latrans) in Oklahoma (USA) were examined for the presence of naturally occurring infections with Hepatozoon americanum and to determine if bone lesions attributable to H. americanum were present. Although eight of the 20 free-ranging coyotes were found to be naturally infected with H. americanum, no bone lesions were detected. In addition, two coyote pups were exposed to H. americanum oocysts collected from experimentally infected ticks and the course of the resulting infection was followed. Both experimentally infected coyotes developed hepatozoonosis detectable by specific muscle lesions beginning 4 wk after exposure. Bone lesions were detected grossly and histologically at necropsy. Histologic evidence of periosteal bone proliferation ranged from segmental areas of plump hypercellularity and thickening of the periosteum, with minor degrees of osteogenesis, to extensive proliferation of woven bone and periosteal hypercellularity and thickening. Nymphal Amblyomma maculatum that fed on one of the experimentally infected coyote pups became infected and mature H. americanum oocysts were recovered when the ticks molted to adults. These results demonstrate that coyotes in some parts of Oklahoma are naturally infected with H. americanum, that experimentally infected coyotes can develop clinical disease, including characteristic bone lesions, and that A. maculatum nymphs can acquire infections by feeding on them.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence, by years, ofE. parva in Alberta rodents is presented in tabular form covering the period 1946 to 1959. The infection rate was 5.1.% in 1946, 3.3% in 1957 and less than 1% thereafter.It was found that the lungs of Alberta rodents have a characteristic mold flora comprised chiefly of:Penicillium spp., Beauveria bassiana, Aspergillus spp. and perhapsScopulariopsis brevicaule, Cladosporium spp. andChrysosporium pannorum. Trichophyton mentagrophytes and anotherTrichophyton were isolated from the livers, spleens or lungs of six rodents. Phycomyces blakesleeanus was isolated from the lungs of two rodents trapped in northern Alberta.  相似文献   

Recent discovery of a supernumerary dental anomaly in two‐toed sloths led to an extensive review of extant sloth specimens to look for additional anomalies. In total, 881 museum specimens were examined. These revealed two primary types of anomalies, hyperdontia (extra teeth) and anodontia (loss of teeth), occurring at a rate of 2.4% (n = 21). Two‐toed sloths, Choloepus, were more likely to have hyperdontia in the anterior dentition, whereas three‐toed sloths, Bradypus, experienced anodontia more frequently with the upper caniniforms. Both genera experienced both anomalies. The majority affected the upper dentition, with only three specimens exhibiting mandibular anomalies. Beyond the patterns of tooth positioning, all anomalies were random with respect to age, sex and geography. A few specimens not counted in the initial assessment expressed incomplete anodontia, indicating that the loss occurred postnatally and was not an embryological anomaly. For Bradypus, the findings provide new support for the hypothesis that the taxon represents a neotenic lineage and opens new possibilities about its relationship to the extinct ground sloths with a suggested rooting above that of the basal position it typically occupies for Folivora.  相似文献   

We examined dental anomalies, including oligodonty, polydonty, connation, rotation, and misalignment in 510 gray foxes and 150 red foxes from southern Illinois (USA). Dental anomalies were significantly more common (x 2 = 11.5, df = 1,p < 0.001) in gray foxes (n = 177; 34.7% of sample) than red foxes (n = 25; 16.6% of sample), and more common in male than female gray foxes (x 2 = 3.88, df = 1,p < 0.05). Polydonty was very uncommon, as expected for species in which the normal dental complement is close to the primitive eutherian number. In both species, the most prevalent anomaly was loss of the last lower molar. Loss of the upper or lower first premolar was also common. Thus, oligodonty almost always involved the smaller anterior (P1 and P1) or posterior (M3) teeth of the dental arcade. Conversely, the large carnassial teeth, with complex occlusal patterns and shearing surfaces, appeared to be highly conserved with only three anomalous individuals (0.4%) among all specimens.  相似文献   

Canine heartworms in coyotes in Illinois   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) disease affects wild canids and may be a factor impacting the health and population dynamics of coyotes (Canis latrans). Coyotes may serve also as a potential reservoir for transmission of these parasites to domestic dogs. We investigated 920 coyotes harvested by hunters and trappers throughout Illinois (USA) from 1995-1997. The objectives of the study were to: 1) survey the regional prevalence and intensity of heartworms in coyotes in Illinois, 2) determine whether heartworm intensity correlates with physical condition, particularly body weight and winter fat levels, and 3) evaluate the relationship between heartworm infections and the reproductive success of females. Prevalence of heartworms statewide was 16.0%. Prevalence was significantly higher in males (17.7%) than in females (14.1%; P = 0.04) and was higher in the older age-classes (P < 0.0001). The regional prevalence of heartworms increased from northern to southern Illinois. Intensity ranged from 1 to 111 with a mean of 8.7 (SD = 13.2) worms. Intensities did not differ significantly between sexes (P = 0.53) or among age-classes (P = 0.84). Most infected coyotes had low intensity infections, 78.2% carried < 12 heartworms, 11.6% had 12-24 worms, and 10.2% were infected with > 24 worms. Body weights were not correlated with the presence of heartworms, nor were levels of kidney fat and marrow fat. However, reproductive success was lower in infected females. The percent of yearling females that bred was lower among infected females, as was the number of offspring produced by adults > or = 3.5 yr old. Our study demonstrates that heavy infections adversely affect fur quality and reduce fecundity of some females, but these effects are small and few coyotes (4.1%) had enough worms to trigger them. Coyote populations have increased in Illinois during the past 20 yr, but prevalence and intensity of heartworm disease appears to have changed little in that period. We conclude that heartworm disease is only a minor factor influencing coyote population dynamics in Illinois.  相似文献   

A discriminant analysis was performed in a sample of 303 children with developmental disorders (DD) and 303 healthy controls (C) in order to test whether some oro-dental and physical minor anomalies could discriminate these groups of children. DD sample comprised 176 mentally retarded (MR) children. 70 children with impaired hearing (IH) and 57 children with impaired vision (IV). The control group included 303 healthy subjects, matched for sex and age. The analysis comprised seven common oral and dental anomalies: median diastema, hypodontia, impacted teeth, microdontia, dens invaginatus, upper lip frenulum and frenulum of the tongue. Minor physical anomalies were assessed by the method proposed by Waldrop et al., as the average number of minor anomalies per individual (W1) and as the weighted score of minor anomalies (W2). Three discriminant functions were obtained by analysis of nine initial variables. Distinct discrimination and considerable distances were found between the centroids of the controls and all groups of DD children. The first two discriminant functions were significant for discrimination between the groups and they explained 98.6% of the total variance. The first function contained 90.2% of information and was defined by the number and weighted scores of minor anomalies. The second variable explained 8.4% of the total variability and was defined by three dental anomalies. The results obtained by the discriminant analysis show that application of dental and minor physical anomalies enables discrimination between the group of healthy children and the groups of children with different developmental disorders.  相似文献   

Three fragmentary maxillae and an isolated upper molar from the Upper Eocene locality of Wai Lek (Krabi Basin, South Thailand) belonging to the small anthracotheriid Siamotherium krabiense display strongly abnormal morphologies that are particularly unusual among the dental anomalies recorded in both extant and fossil mammals. Variation and atavism can be ruled out, and the other hypothetical origins of these anomalies, particularly the occurrence of odontomes and inbreeding, are discussed. Dental anomalies, Anthracotheriidae, Asia, atavism, variation, inbreeding.
Stéphane Ducrocq and Jean-Jacques Jaeger, Laboratoire de Paléontologie, Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution, Case Courrier 064, Université Montpellier II, Place Eugéne Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cédex 5, France (SD's current address: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany); Yaowalak Chaimanee and Varavudh Suteethorn, Department of Mineral Resources, Geological Survey, Rama VI Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand; 14th November, 1994; revised 27th July. 1995.  相似文献   

Radio-collared coyotes (Canis latrans) were relocated every 15 min during continuous 24-h sampling periods. The data were used to estimate patterns of home-range use by coyotes. Utilization of the the home range was found to vary spatially and behaviourally. Spatial use was determined by relative amounts of time coyotes spent and amounts of distance they travelled within each are of their home ranges. Behavioural use was based on identification of three types of movement patterns that werew postulated to represent three general kinds of behaviour: (1) resting behaviour, (2) hunting or investigative behavour, and (3) ranging or traveling behaviour. Spatial and behavioural uses of the home range area were found to be interrelated; core areas in which animals spent most of their time were also used primarily for resting or hunting. In areas in which animals spent little time, coyotes exhibited primarily ranging behaviour. Use patterns were postulated to be the result of coyotes' selection of areas due to unique vegetal, faunal, or physiogfaphic characteristics. Temporal variatrions in home-range use were found and were postulated to result from seasonal and diel changes in coyote behaviour due to the annual reproductive cycle, the seasonal and diel cycle of temperature, possible cycles in prey behaviour.  相似文献   

Severe death loss was observed in captive coyotes, Canis latrans. Of 48 coyotes in one kennel, 22 (46%) died within a 7 day period. Cause of death was determined to be acute fibrinopurulent (bacterial) broncho-pneumonia and pleuritis. Streptococcus equisimilis was isolated from the lungs of two coyotes examined.  相似文献   

Dental abnormalities including polydonty, oligodonty, extra roots, different root morphotype, root fusion, different crown morphotype, crown reduction, partial crown eruption, supernumerary cusp, irregularities in the position of the teeth, and malocclusion were studied in a set of 785 red foxVulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) skulls (401 males, 273 females, and 111 individuals of unknown sex) from the Czech Republic. Three hundred sixty one cases of deviations from normal were found in 170 specimens (21.7%). Most of the deviations were variants within a genetically determined range. The prevalent dental variants included an extra root of M1 (5.7% specimens), and different root morphotype of P1 (1.9% specimens). On the other hand, the real dental anomalies, eg polydonty, occurred seldom within the population. P1 1 and M3 were missing significantly more frequently among females than among males unlike the other deviations, which were divided equally between the sexes. No differences were found between the left and right side of the jaw. Irregularities in the position of the teeth and oligodonty (excluding P1 1, M3) appeared significantly more abundantly on mandible, whereas extra roots and polydonty were more common on the maxilla. There was no relationship between the incidence of dental abnormalities and the relative mandible and rostrum length.  相似文献   

Blood films from 60 mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and 67 pintail (A. acuta) ducks, collected in Alberta and the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, during 1973 and 1974, were examined for blood parasites. Twenty-two (37%) of the mallards and fourteen (21%) of the pintails were infected with one or more species of hematozoa. Infections of Leucocytozon simondi occurred more frequently (86%) than Haemoproteus nettionis (22%) in the infected birds. Trypanosoma avium occurred in one individual of each species of duck; one pintail harbored an unidentified microfilaria. Differences of prevalence between species are predicted on the basis of host attractancy to vectors and/or host habitat selection, and are discussed.  相似文献   

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