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When cells dissociated from Dictyostelium discoideum slugs were cultured in roller tubes, they formed agglomerates in which prestalk cells were initially dispersed but soon sorted out to the center and then moved to the edge to reconstitute the prestalk/prespore pattern. To examine the mechanism of sorting out, individual prestalk cells were traced by a videotape recorder. The radial component of the rate of movement toward the center of the presumptive prestalk region was calculated. Prestalk cells did not move randomly, but rather directionally toward the center. Their movement was pulsatile, with a period of ca. 15 min, and accompanied by occasional formation of cell streams, thus resembling the movement observable during cell aggregation. These results favor the idea that prestalk cells sort out to the prestalk region due to differential chemotaxis rather than differential adhesiveness. After formation of the prestalk/prespore pattern, the prestalk region rotated along the circumference of the agglomerates. This appears comparable to migration of slugs on the substratum, the rate of rotation being similar to that of slug migration. To examine the processes of pattern formation during development, washed vegetative cells were cultured in roller tubes. Prespore cells identified by antispore immunoglobulin initially appeared randomly within the agglomerates, but then nonprespore cells accumulated in the center and finally moved to the edge to establish the prestalk/prespore pattern, the processes being similar to those of pattern reconstruction with differentiated prestalk and prespore cells.  相似文献   

Single ion channels with different conductances and gating characteristics were observed in the plasma membrane of the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum by means of the patch-clamp technique in the cell-attached mode. The predominant channel type shows outward current flow, probably carried by K+ ions. The slope conductance of this channel is 9 pS and its probability to be open increases with depolarization of the membrane. The channel is observed from 1 to 8 h after the beginning of starvation.  相似文献   

We have analyzed a developmentally and spatially regulated prestalk-specific gene and a prespore-specific gene from Dictyostelium. The prestalk gene, pst-cathepsin, encodes a protein highly homologous to the lysosomal cysteine proteinases cathepsin H and cathepsin B. The prespore gene encodes a protein with some homology to the anti-bacterial toxin crambin and has been designated beejin. Using the lambda gtll system, we have made polyclonal antibodies directed against a portion of the protein encoded by pst-cathepsin and other antibodies directed against the beejin protein. Both antibodies stain single bands on Western blots. By immunofluorescence and Western blots, pst-cathepsin is not present in vegetative cells or developing cells during the first approximately 10 h of development. It then appears with a punctate distribution in a subset of developing cells. Beejin is detected only after approximately 15 h of development, also in a subset of cells. Pst-cathepsin is distributed in the anterior approximately 1/10 of migrating slugs and on the peripheral posterior surfaces of slugs. Beejin is distributed in the posterior region of slugs. Expression of both pst-cathepsin and beejin can be induced in subsets of isolated cultured cells by a combination of conditioned medium and extracellular cAMP in agreement with the regulation of the mRNAs encoding these proteins. We have used the antibodies as markers for cell type to examine the ontogeny and the spatial distribution of prestalk and prespore cells throughout multicellular development. Our findings suggest that prestalk cell differentiation is independent of position within the aggregate and that the spatial localization of prestalk cells within the multicellular aggregate arises from sorting of the prestalk cells after their induction. We have also found a class of cell in developing aggregates that contains neither the prestalk nor the prespore markers.  相似文献   

The nuclear ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles containing rapidly labeled RNA were isolated from interphase cells of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum and characterized. The size of the isolated RNP particles was small (10S to 50S) in comparison with that of nuclear RNP particles found in higher eukaryotes. These small RNP particles do not seem to be artifacts due to degradation during the preparation of nuclear extracts. The rapidly labeled RNA of the nuclear RNP particles was heterogeneous in size and a considerable amount contained polyadenylic acid sequences. Synthesis of RNA in the nuclear RNP particles was resistant to a relatively high concentration of actinomycin D. The protein component of the RNP particle consists of at least four proteins with molecular weights of 80,000, 66,000, 60,000, and 42,000. Thus it is suggested that almost all of the nuclear RNP particles containing rapidly labeled RNA in interphase cells are RNP complexes consisting of Heterogeneous nuclear RNA and several protein species.  相似文献   

The differentiation-inducing signals (DIFs) currently known in Dictyostelium appear unable to account for the full diversity of cell types produced in development. To search for new signals, we analyzed the differentiation in monolayers of cells expressing prestalk (ecmAO, ecmA, ecmO, ecmB and cAR2) and prespore (psA) markers. Expression of each marker drops off as the cell density is reduced, suggesting that cell interaction is required. Expression of each marker is inhibited by cerulenin, an inhibitor of polyketide synthesis, and can be restored by conditioned medium. However, the known stalk-inducing polyketide, DIF-1, could not replace conditioned medium and induce the ecmA or cAR2 prestalk markers, suggesting that they require different polyketide inducers. Polyketide production by fungi is stimulated by cadmium ions, which also dramatically stimulates differentiation in Dictyostelium cell cultures and the accumulation of medium factors. Factors produced with cadmium present were extracted from conditioned medium and fractionated by HPLC. A new factor inducing prespore cell differentiation, called PSI-2, and two inducing stalk cell differentiation (DIFs 6 and 7) were resolved. All are distinct from currently identified factors. DIF-6, but not DIF-7 or PSI-2, appears to have an essential carbonyl group. Thus Dictyostelium may use extensive polyketide signaling in its development.  相似文献   

Abstract. It is very likely that oscillatory cAMP secretion and cAMP relay organize postaggregative cell movement in the cellular slime molds. We present evidence indicating that cAMP signaling may also be involved in the formation of the prestalk/prespore pattern in slugs of Dictyostelium discoideum. Reduction of cAMP relay in slugs caused by caffeine increased the proportion of prespore tissue. An even stronger increase was observed in a mutant with a very low CAMP-relay response. The effects on pattern resulting from a reduction of cAMP relay are not due to a reduction in the amount of cAMP in the slug, but to an as yet undefined property of oscillatory cAMP signaling.  相似文献   

Cells from the pseudoplasmodial stage of Dictyostelium discoideum differentiation were dispersed and separated on Percoll gradients into prestalk and prespore cells. The requirements for stalk cell formation in low-density monolayers from the two cell types were determined. The isolated prespore cells required both the Differentiation Inducing Factor (DIF) and cyclic AMP for stalk cell formation. In contrast, only part of the isolated prestalk cell population required both cyclic AMP and DIF, the remainder requiring DIF alone, suggesting the possibility that there were two populations of prestalk cells, one independent of cyclic AMP and one dependent on cyclic AMP for stalk cell formation. The finding that part of the prestalk cell population required only a brief incubation in the presence of DIF to induce stalk cell formation, whilst the remainder required a considerably longer incubation in the presence of both DIF and cyclic AMP was consistent with this idea. In addition, stalk cell formation from cyclic-AMP-dependent prestalk cells was relatively more sensitive to caffeine inhibition than stalk cell formation from cyclic-AMP-independent prestalk cells. The latter cells were enriched in the most anterior portion of the migrating pseudoplasmodium, indicating that there is spatial segregation of the two prestalk cell populations. The conversion of prespore cells to stalk cells took longer and was more sensitive to caffeine when compared to stalk cell formation from cyclic-AMP-dependent prestalk cells.  相似文献   

When aggregating amoebas of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum are disaggregated and morphogenesis is reinitiated, the amoebas will reaggregate in less than 110th the original time. When aggregating amoebas are disaggregated and resuspended either in full nutrient medium or in buffered salts solution containing dextrose, they retain this developmentally acquired capacity to rapidly reaggregate for approximately 1 hr and then lose it completely in a synchronous and discrete step which we have referred to as the “erasure event.” In this report, it is demonstrated that micromolar concentrations of cAMP completely block this transition from the developmental to vegetative state, and that other cyclic nucleotides also inhibit it, but they do so at 20-fold higher concentrations. Neither the hydrolysis products of cAMP nor the vegetative chemoattractant folic acid inhibit dedifferentiation at concentrations as high as 10?3M, demonstrating a specificity for cyclic nucleotides and cAMP in particular. The addition of cAMP at any time during the lag period preceding the erasure event inhibits it and addition immediately after the erasure event reverses it. Since cAMP may inhibit the transition from the developmental to vegetative state intracellularly or extracellularly, we have also examined the intracellular concentration of cAMP and the levels of cAMP binding sites on the cell surface during the erasure process. Evidence is presented that the majority of cAMP binding sites on the cell surface are not necessary for the inhibition of erasure by cAMP. The results of these latter studies are discussed in terms of alternative models for the involvement of cAMP in the transition from the developing to vegetative state.  相似文献   

The cytokinin N6-(delta 2-isopentenyl)adenine (i6Ade) is produced during the development of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum, and functions in this organism as the immediate precursor of the spore germination inhibitor, discadenine. The metabolism of i6Ade in axenic cultures of D. discoideum Ax-3 amoebae has been investigated in the present study. An enzyme activity that specifically catalyzes the degradation of i6Ade has been detected in Ax-3 amoebae. This enzyme is similar to the cytokinin oxidases present in higher plant systems and cleaves the N6-side chain of i6Ade to form adenine. Discadenine synthase activity was also detected in axenically cultured Ax-3 amoebae. The cytokinin oxidase activity detected in Dictyostelium decreased during aggregation and development of Ax-3 amoebae and in starving Ax-3 amoebae maintained under either fast-shake (230 rpm) or slow-shake (70 rpm) conditions. In the latter case, the fall in enzyme activity was accelerated by treatment with cyclic AMP. In contrast to these results, discadenine synthase activity in Ax-3 amoebae rose sharply during the culmination phase of development, exhibited little change in starving Ax-3 amoebae maintained under fast-shake conditions, and fell under slow-shake conditions unless the amoebae were treated with cyclic AMP. Possible functions of the Dictyostelium cytokinin oxidase and the significance of the i6Ade metabolism observed in vegetative Dictyostelium amoebae are discussed.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum prestalk cells and prespore cells from migrating slugs and culminating cell aggregates were isolated by Percoll density centrifugation. Several activities relevant to the generation, detection, and turnover of extracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) signals were determined. It was found that: the two cell types have the same basal adenylate cyclase activity; prespore cells and prestalk cells are able to relay the extracellular cAMP signal equally well; intact prestalk cells show a threefold higher cAMP phosphodiesterase activity on the cell surface than prespore cells, whereas their cytosolic activity is the same; intact prestalk cells bind three to four times more cAMP than prespore cells; no large differences in cAMP metabolism and detection were observed between cells derived from migrating slugs and culminating aggregates. The results are discussed in relation to the possible morphogenetic role of extracellular cAMP in Dictyostelium cell aggregates. On the basis of the properties of the isolated cells we assume that a gradient of extracellular cAMP exists in Dictyostelium aggregates. This gradient appears to be involved in the formation and stabilization of the prestalk-prespore cell pattern.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum pseudoplasmodia exhibit a gradient of the cytosolic free Ca2+-concentration ([Ca2+]i) along their anterior-posterior axis involved in cell-type specific differentiation. [Ca2+]i is high in prestalk and low in prespore cells. We determined the content and localization of calcium and other elements in cryosectioned cells of pseudoplasmodia and fruiting bodies by X-ray microanalysis. Granular stores rich in Ca, Mg and P were identified. Average Ca was higher in prespore than prestalk granules (225vs 111 mmol/kg dry weight). Total Ca stored in granules was also higher in prespore than prestalk cells. The amount of P and S in granules differed between the two cell types indicating different store composition. In spores mean granular Ca was 120 mmol/kg dry weight. Stalk cells had smaller granules with 360 mmol Ca/kg dry weight. Complementary to microanalysis, vesicular Ca2+-fluxes were studied in fractionated cell homogenates. The rate of Ca2+-uptake was higher in pellet fractions of prespore than prestalk amoebae (4.7 vs 3.4 nmol/min x mg). Ca2+-release was greater in supernatant fractions from prestalk than prespore cells (16.5vs 7.7 nmol/10(8)cells). In summary, prestalk and prespore cells possess qualitatively different, high-capacity stores containing distinct amounts of Ca and probably being involved in regulation of the anterior-posterior [Ca2+]i-gradient.  相似文献   

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