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【背景】对寄生蜂与寄主之间关系的研究是寄生蜂有效利用的基础。寄生蜂雌蜂通常选择最适于子代蜂发育的寄主进行产卵。【方法】在室内26℃条件下,研究了橘小实蝇蛹体型大小对蝇蛹俑小蜂产卵和生长发育的影响。采用饥饿方法处理3龄橘小实蝇幼虫以获得体型大小(用体质量表示)差异较大的寄主蛹,供寄生蜂选择寄生。【结果】蝇蛹俑小蜂显著偏好寄生体型中等的寄主蛹,然而,随着寄主体型的增大,后代雌性比率增大,且寄主蛹个体大小与后代雌蜂体型大小存在显著的正相关;橘小实蝇蛹个体大小对蝇蛹俑小蜂后代发育历期和寿命无显著影响。【结论与意义】蝇蛹俑小蜂雌蜂能够根据寄主蛹质量来调整后代数量和性比,以使后代适应度最大化。  相似文献   

为检验“寄主体型大小-质量假说”,采取饥饿方法处理菜粉蝶(Pieris rapae)高龄幼虫,以获得体型大小(用体质量表示)差异大于同一自然地理种群内个体间差异的寄主蛹,然后供聚寄生蜂-蝶蛹金小蜂(Pteromalus puparum)寄生,观察寄生蜂在不同大小寄主蛹内的后代数量、性比以及体型大小。结果表明,蝶蛹金小蜂1次攻击产出的后代蜂数随寄主蛹体质量增加而显著增多,蛹中平均出蜂314.97头·g-1。蝶蛹金小蜂后代的雌性比例随寄主蛹质量的增大而显著提高,后代雌蜂和雄蜂的体型大小(后足胫节长度)均随寄主蛹质量的增大而显著增大。可见,蝶蛹金小蜂母蜂能够根据寄主蛹质量来调整后代数量和性比,以使后代适应度最大化。最后,就蝶蛹金小蜂产卵策略及其影响因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

詹月平  周敏  贺张  陈中正  段毕升  胡好远  肖晖 《生态学报》2013,33(11):3318-3323
寄主大小模型认为寄生蜂后代性比与寄主大小相关,寄生蜂倾向于在大寄主上产出更多雌性后代,在小寄主上产出更多雄性后代.探讨了以家蝇蛹为寄主时,蝇蛹佣小蜂后代产量和性比变化;单次寄生情况下,寄主大小及寄生顺序对寄生蜂后代性比等影响.结果表明,蝇蛹佣小蜂的产卵期为(8.93±3.34)d,单头雌蜂能产雌性后代(34.11±16.34)头和雄性后代(11.04±8.87)头,且雄性百分比为0.24±0.11.随成蜂日龄的增大,寄生蜂产生雄性后代的比率显著增加.蝇蛹佣小蜂在寄生家蝇蛹时,会优先选择寄生个体较大的蛹;在单次寄生的情况下,蝇蛹佣小蜂倾向于在较大的家蝇蛹内产出更多的雌性后代.  相似文献   

为探究容性寄生蜂对不同龄期寄主幼虫的选择性及其子代蜂发育表现的关联,通过双选试验观察了斑痣悬茧蜂(Meteorus pulchricornis)对斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)不同虫龄幼虫的寄生选择,并观察了与子代蜂适合度相关的特性表现.结果表明:斑痣悬茧蜂在4龄与5龄之间未表现出偏好,在2龄和3龄、3龄和4龄之间显著偏好较低虫龄;结茧率在不同寄主虫龄间无显著差异,羽化率随寄主虫龄增大而减小,寄生2、3龄幼虫的子代蜂显著高于寄生5龄;寄生5龄幼虫的子代蜂死亡率比寄生2龄的高2.5倍,比寄生3龄的高5.4倍.寄生3龄幼虫的子代蜂发育历期最短(11.9 d),比寄生4龄幼虫的短6.8 d,比寄生2龄幼虫的短4.7 d;子代蜂体型大小在寄生的寄主虫龄间无显著差异.根据研究结果推测,斑痣悬茧蜂在寄生时可能不是根据寄主龄期来评价寄主品质,而是基于寄主体型大小进行评价.  相似文献   

为明确寄主体型大小对副珠蜡蚧阔柄跳小蜂产卵选择及繁殖的影响,在室内观察了副珠蜡蚧阔柄跳小蜂在不同大小的橡副珠蜡蚧上的产卵量、寄生率、发育历期及性比。结果表明:在选择性和非选择性的产卵试验条件下副珠蜡蚧阔柄跳小蜂对中型个体寄主(长4.0 mm,宽3.4 mm)的寄生率最高;小蜂的产卵量在选择性试验时,以大型寄主(长4.8 mm,宽4.0 mm)体内的最高(67.0粒),非选择性试验时,以中型寄主(长4.0 mm,宽3.4 mm)体内的最高(131.0粒),小型寄主(长3.2 mm,宽2.9 mm)体内产卵量最少(61.5粒);副珠蜡蚧阔柄跳小蜂后代出蜂数与寄主体型的大小呈显著正相关,雌性比则随寄主体型的增大而增减小,发育历期则受寄主体型的影响不明显。综上所述,副珠蜡蚧阔柄跳小蜂雌蜂能够根据寄主质量来调整产卵量及后代性比,以使后代适应度最大化。  相似文献   

"选择-表现"假说认为,成虫应该选择有利于子代发育的高品质寄主,但在寄主选择中,除了寄主品质外,其他因素也可能影响寄主选择决策。寄主选择研究通常以成虫为对象,而对那些初龄幼虫选择寄主的寄生性昆虫很少关注。以1龄幼虫积极搜寻寄主的寄生性花绒寄甲为模式生物,采用双选试验设计,观察了花绒寄甲初孵幼虫在不同体重青杨天牛幼虫之间、在已被寄生与健康的黄粉虫蛹之间的寄生选择性;然后采用回归设计,观察了花绒寄甲寄生若干不同体重的青杨天牛幼虫后的发育表现。研究结果表明,花绒寄甲1龄幼虫对体型较大的青杨天牛幼虫的选择偏好显著大于对体型较小的寄主幼虫的选择,选择大体型幼虫的比值比是选择小体型幼虫的4.55倍;对已被寄生的寄主黄粉虫蛹的选择偏好显著大于对健康寄主蛹的选择,选择已被寄生寄主的比值比是选择健康寄主的12.57倍。寄生青杨天牛幼虫的花绒寄甲幼虫发育历期平均为11.49 d、蛹历期为26.67 d、幼虫发育至成虫的羽化率50%,这些发育表现与寄生时青杨天牛幼虫的体重没有显著关系。但刚羽化寄甲成虫体重与寄生时寄主的体重存在显著的正直线关系:寄生时的寄主体重每增大0.01 g,羽化出的寄甲成虫体重增大近0.08%;方差分析寄甲成虫体重在不同寄主体重水平之间的差异表明,从体型较大寄主中羽化的寄甲成虫体重显著大于从体型较小寄主中羽化的成虫。研究结果说明,花绒寄甲初孵幼虫在寄主选择决策时,在寄主体型大小与被寄生状态之间可能采取折衷对策,而且对体型大小不同的寄主选择与子代发育适合度表现存在一致性,从而支持"选择-表现"假说。  相似文献   

为检验基于经典搜寻理论的最优膳食模型的预测——产卵雌蜂应该选择最适于子代蜂发育的寄主种进行产卵,本研究以斑痣悬茧蜂(Meteorus pulchricornis)及其寄主斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)和粘虫(Mythimna separata)的幼虫为材料,在控制寄主体型大小和龄期影响的基础上,分别在体型大小相近和日龄相同的3个水平上观察了斑痣悬茧蜂对2种寄主幼虫的选择偏好,并观察了子代蜂生长发育适应度表现。在观察期(1h)内,当2种寄主幼虫的体型相近或者龄期相同的情况下,斑痣悬茧蜂对粘虫的产卵器刺扎次数以及寄生率(用结茧率表示)均高于斜纹夜蛾;而在斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内发育出的子代蜂茧重和体型均大于粘虫,成蜂寿命无显著差异。最后,对斑痣悬茧蜂的寄主选择和子代发育表现不一致现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1956-1958年间, 作者在南京考查菜粉蝶天敌, 发现重要种类有:黄金小蜂(Pteromalus puparum(L.))、广大腿蜂(Brachymeria euploeae Westwood)、菜粉蝶黑疣姬蜂(Pimla sp.)和黄绒茧蜂(Apantelesglomeratus(L.))等数种。幼虫期寄生蜂的寄生率平均为3.3%, 蛹期为53.86%。黄金小蜂为蛹寄生蜂, 一年发生11-12代(室内), 以幼虫或蛹在寄主蛹壳内越冬, 寄生率平均为50.52%, 高者可达80%以上;雌峰率为65.12%;羽化率为93.17%。广大腿蜂寄生率平均为3.34%, 蛹寄生, 雌蜂率为58.43%。菜粉蝶黑疣姬蜂在国内寄生于菜粉蝶, 尚属初次报导。单寄生于越冬寄主蛹内, 寄生率为1.91%。黄绒茧峰只在一头菜粉蝶幼虫中发现, 寄生率为3.3%。黄金小蜂为菜粉蝶生物防治较合理想的一种寄生蜂, 但不能终年抑制菜粉蝶的猖獗。作者建议:(1)增加早春黄金小蜂的虫口数量;(2)解决8月间寄主数量的不足, 从而使黄金小蜂充分发挥其寄生能力, 达到菜粉蝶生物防治的目的。  相似文献   

夏诗洋  孟玲  李保平 《昆虫学报》2012,55(9):1069-1074
在寄生蜂行为生态学研究中, 通常将寄主体型大小作为寄主品质的主要性状来探究寄生蜂的搜寻行为机理, 而忽略寄生蜂体型大小的意义。为揭示聚寄生蜂雌蜂体型大小对其产卵决策的影响, 在严格控制寄主菜粉蝶Pieris rapae蛹体型大小(体重)的情况下, 于室内观察了不同体型大小的蝶蛹金小蜂Pteromalus puparum雌蜂的产卵行为, 并调查了子代蜂数量(窝卵数)、 性比和体型大小的变化。结果表明: 雌蜂在寄主上的驻留时间随其自身体型增大而缩短, 但随寄主体重增大而延长。窝卵数和余卵量受到雌蜂体型大小的显著影响, 均随雌蜂体型增大而显著增加(P<0.05); 但子代蜂性比不受雌蜂体型大小的显著影响 (P>0.05)。子代雌、 雄性体型大小均与雌蜂体型大小无关, 但子代雌蜂体型随寄主体重增大而增大。结果证实, 雌性蝶蛹金小蜂体型大小影响其部分产卵决策。因此, 在建立聚寄生蜂产卵决策模型中应考虑雌蜂体型大小这一重要变量因素。  相似文献   

【目的】明确多寄主型寄生蜂蝇蛹俑小蜂Spalangia endius对不同类型新寄主的偏好选择与适应性。【方法】选择分别以瓜实蝇Zeugodacus cucurbitae、南瓜实蝇Z.tau和家蝇Musca domestica的蛹为寄主饲养的蝇蛹俑小蜂成蜂,比较研究其对上述3种寄主中其他2种非饲养寄主的选择行为、寄生选择及适应性。【结果】与家蝇蛹相比,以瓜实蝇蛹为饲养寄主的蝇蛹俑小蜂成蜂偏好选择和寄生南瓜实蝇蛹,且在南瓜实蝇蛹上产生更多的子代;以南瓜实蝇蛹为饲养寄主的蝇蛹俑小蜂成蜂偏好选择和寄生瓜实蝇蛹,且在瓜实蝇蛹上产生更多的子代;而以家蝇蛹为饲养寄主的蝇蛹俑小蜂成蜂对瓜实蝇蛹和南瓜实蝇蛹的选择数量以及在选择和非选择试验条件下的寄生率与子代数量上并无显著差异。此外,以瓜实蝇和南瓜实蝇蛹为饲养寄主的蝇蛹俑小蜂成蜂分别更容易适应南瓜实蝇和瓜实蝇蛹。【结论】基于3种蝇的生态位关系,推测蝇蛹俑小蜂偏好选择和更容易适应与其饲养寄主有重叠生态位的新寄主。  相似文献   

Parasitoid-induced mortality of house fly, Musca domestica L., pupae and parasitoid progeny emergence by four species of pteromalid parasitoids, Muscidifurax raptor Girault & Sanders, M.zaraptor Kogan & Legner, Spalangia cameroni Perkins and S.endius Walker, were determined for a 24 h exposure period using parasitoid: host ratios ranging from 1:2 to 1:50. When the number of parasitoids was held constant (n = 5) and the numbers of hosts varied, and when the number of hosts was held constant (n = 100) and the number of parasitoids varied, both the number of pupae killed per parasitoid and the number of parasitoid progeny per parasitoid increased with increasing parasitoid:host ratios to reach an upper limit asymptotically. Maximum values were, respectively: M.raptor (14.7, 11.1), M.zaraptor (12.3, 9.3), S.cameroni (16.9, 5.5), S.endius (14.8, 9.7) with no consistent effects attributed to parasitoid interference. For M.raptor and S.cameroni at parasitoid:host ratios of 1:10, the pupal mortality and progeny emergence were determined for a 24 h exposure period when hosts were distributed in poultry manure at four levels of aggregation ranging from clumped to uniform. Pupal mortality was least in clumped distributions, while parasitoid progeny emergence was not significantly different.  相似文献   

Larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Ypeunomutidae), cause severe economic damage to cabbage, Brassica oleracea L. variety capitata (Brassicaceae) and related vegetables in Thailand. Overuse of broad-spectrum insecticides for diamondback moth control is a serious problem and has obscured the contributions of indigenous parasitoids. Our objectives were to identify indigenous diamondback moth parasitoids in northern Thailand and to assess their potential for natural control. Six parasitoid species were reared from diamondback moth larvae and pupae collected in 1990 and in 2003-2004. These included the larval parasitoid Cotesia plutellae Kurdjumov (Braconidae), a larval-pupal parasitoid Macromalon orientale Kerrich (Ichneumonidae), and pupal parasitoids Diadromus collaris Gravenhorst (Ichneumonidae) and Brachymeria excarinata Gahan (Chalcididae). Single specimens of Isotima sp. Forster (Ichneumonidae) and Brachymeria lasus Walker (Chalcididae) also were reared from diamondback moth hosts. C. plutellae was the dominant larval parasitoid and was often reared from host larvae collected from fields sprayed regularly with insecticides; parasitism ranged from 14 to 78%. Average parasitism by M. orientale was only 0.5-6%. Parasitism of host pupae by D. collaris ranged from 9 to 31%, whereas B. excarinata pupal parasitism ranged from 9 to 25%. An integrated pest management (IPM) protocol using simple presence-absence sampling for lepidopterous larvae and the exclusive use of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) or neem resulted in the highest yields of undamaged cabbage compared with a control or weekly sprays of cypermethrin (local farmer practice). IPM programs focused on conservation of local diamondback moth parasitoids and on greater implementation of biological control will help alleviate growing public concerns regarding the effects of pesticides on vegetable growers and consumers.  相似文献   

Xanthopimpla stemmator (Thunberg), a solitary endoparasitoid of lepidopteran stemborer pupae, was recently imported into East Africa as a candidate biological control agent of gramineous stemborers. Suitability of Busseola fusca Fuller, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), Eldana saccharina (Walker) and Sesamia calamistis Hampson, for the development of X. stemmator was studied in the laboratory. One- to 6-day-old laboratory reared pupae of the four stemborer species were exposed to naïve X. stemmator females. All host pupae and ages were acceptable for oviposition. The parasitoids inflicted multiple probe wounds on 67.8% of pupae exposed. B. fusca, C. partellus and S. calamistis were equally suitable with 56.4, 59.4 and 52.3%, respectively, of probed pupae leading to emergence of adult parasitoids. E. saccharina was less suitable with only 22.6% of probed pupae producing parasitoids. Emergence of parasitoids did not differ significantly across the six pupal ages for B. fusca and S. calamistis, but varied for C. partellus and E. saccharina. No parasitoids emerged from 6-day-old E. saccharina pupae. Realized fecundity of females reared on the four stemborer pupae showed that fewer progeny were produced by females emerging from E. saccharina than females reared on the other three stemborer species. Eldana saccharina may be a poor host for X. stemmator in Kenya, but this parasitoid is a potential candidate for biological control of B. fusca, C. partellus and S. calamistis.  相似文献   

【目的】蝇蛹金小蜂Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae(Rondani)是杨梅园等果园果蝇类害虫蛹期常见寄生蜂种类,在对果蝇类害虫的生物防治上具有重要价值。本文旨在探讨使用家蝇蝇蛹为替代寄主繁育蝇蛹金小蜂的方法。【方法】探讨分别以家蝇蛹和果蝇蛹繁育的蝇蛹金小蜂对家蝇和果蝇蝇蛹的选择性,并比较了在两种寄主上繁育的蝇蛹金小蜂在大小、寿命、产卵期、后代产量和性比等方面的差异。【结果】结果表明与果蝇蛹相比,家蝇蛹明显较大,在家蝇蛹上发育的蝇蛹金小蜂后代个体也明显较大;家蝇蛹和果蝇蛹发育的寄生蜂雌蜂寿命为(13.4±4.11)和(3.94±2.49)d、产卵期分别为(11.4±4.11)和(3.13±2.42)d、单头雌蜂后代雌蜂数量分别为(34.31±31.83)和(7.88±3.58)头,在家蝇蛹上繁育的寄生蜂明显具有较长的寿命和产卵期、更多的雌雄蜂后代数量;在对家蝇蛹和果蝇蛹的选择上,繁育自家蝇和果蝇的蝇蛹金小蜂雌蜂选择频率的差异不大。【结论】利用家蝇蛹繁殖的蝇蛹金小蜂在寄生果蝇蛹时具有更大优势,在繁殖蝇蛹金小蜂控制杨梅园等果蝇的为害时,可以选择家蝇蛹作为替代寄主。  相似文献   

The bethylidCephalonomia stephanoderis Betrem is an ectoparasitoid that prefers to oviposit on the prepupae and pupae of the coffe berry borerHypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). It has the ability to distinguish unparasitized from parasitized hosts and rarely lays more than one egg per host. The mechanism of this host discrimination byC. stephanoderis was investigated under laboratory conditions. For this, parasitoid eggs that had been deposited on host pupae were removed and pupae were then offered (individually and collectively) to individual female wasps. A total of 92% of individually offered hosts and 93% of collectively offered hosts were not parasitized. It is concluded thatC. stephanoderis recognizes a marking pheromone deposited into or onto the host, preceding, during, or after oviposition which enables female parasitoids to avoid self and conspecific superparasitism.  相似文献   

Several recent models examining the developmental strategies of parasitoids attacking hosts which continue feeding and growing after parasitism (=koinobiont parasitoids) assume that host quality is a non-linear function of host size at oviposition. We tested this assumption by comparing the growth and development of males of the solitary koinobiont endoparasitoid, Cotesia rubecula, in first (L1) to third (L3) larval instars of its preferred host, Pieris rapae and in a less preferred host, Pieris brassicae. Beginning 3 days after parasitism, hosts were dissected daily, and both host and parasitoid dry mass was determined. Using data on parasitoid dry mass, we measured the mean relative growth rate of C. rubecula, and compared the trajectories of larval growth of the parasitoid during the larval and pupal stages using non-linear equations. Parasitoids generally survived better, completed development faster, and grew larger in earlier than in later instars of both host species, and adult wasps emerging from P. rapae were significantly larger than wasps emerging from all corresponding instars of P. brassicae. During their early larval stages, parasitoids grew most slowly in L1 P. rapae, whereas in all other host classes of both host species growth to pupation proceeded fairly uniformly. The growth of both host species was markedly reduced after parasitism compared with controls, with the development of P. brassicae arrested at an earlier stage, and at a smaller body mass, than P. rapae. Our results suggest that C. rubecula regulates certain biochemical processes more effectively in P. rapae than in P. brassicae, in accordance with its own nutritional and physiological requirements. Furthermore, we propose that, for parasitoids such as C. rubecula, which do not consume all host tissues prior to pupation, that parasitoid size and host quality may vary independently of host size at oviposition and at larval parasitoid egression.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the pupal age of Calliphora erythrocephala (Meigen) on the reproductive biology (in terms of number, size, developmental time and longevity of progeny) of the parasitoid Melittobia acasta Walker. Melittobia acasta females of uniform size were given five C. erythrocephala pupae from one of four experimental age groups: 17–24 h, 24–48 h, 48–72 h and 72–96 h, for parasitization. The mean number of progeny produced from the experimental age groups for a 24 h period were 2, 7.6, 15.6 and 13.6, respectively. The parasitoids preferred hosts that were 48–72 h old. There were no significant differences in the mean development time (18.2 days) and size of progeny (mean head width = 0.38 ± 0.01 mm) produced from the experimental host age groups. The longevity of progeny from the four host age groups varied (range: 4–39 days), with those from the 48–72 h group living longest (mean = 25 days). The F1 females from the 48–72 h group were reproductively more successful than those from the other groups, producing a mean F2 progeny of 912 individuals when compared with 867, 801 and 757 individuals from the 24–48 h, 72–96 h and 17–24 h age groups, respectively. These findings make significant contributions to our knowledge of the breeding and utilization of this parasitoid for the biological control of dipteran flies in pigsties and poultry houses.  相似文献   

Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) is a gregarious larval-pupal parasitoid of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. Under laboratory conditions, we explored the reproductive attributes including the functional response of O. sokolowskii and the impact of mutual interference among female parasitoids on progeny production and progeny sex ratio. In the functional response experiment, groups of 1–50 late instar larvae were exposed to groups of five female parasitoids for 48 h. Both Holling's disc equation (type II response) and Williams and Martinez's model (type III response) fit significantly better than the null-model assuming density-independent parasitation efficiency. Williams and Martinez's model was only marginally better than Holling's disc equation which explained 82% of the variation in the number of parasitized hosts. According to Holling's disc equation, the estimated maximum number of hosts parasitised during 48 h was 17 per group of five parasitoids, the estimated attack efficiency of a single female parasitoid (a) was 0.0024 larvae per hour, and the estimated handling time of a single female (T h) was 14.4 h per host. In the mutual interference experiment 50 host larvae were exposed to different numbers of female parasitoids (P=5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50) for 48 h. With increasing numbers of conspecifics, the proportion of male progeny increased and total number of progeny per parasitoid decreased, yielding an estimated mutual interference constant (m) (±SE) of 0.95±0.14. The total number of wasps emerging from individual host pupae increased with increasing number of conspecifics. The age-specific fecundity of O. sokolowskii was investigated by providing 10 host larvae daily to individual female parasitoids. After 3 days of oviposition, 90% of the females were still alive and had achieved 76.4% of their lifetime fecundity. The proportion of female progeny decreased with female age. No relationship was found between female longevity and lifetime fecundity. The results suggest that parasitoid and host densities influence the progeny production and sex allocation strategy of O. sokolowskii. The information obtained from this study would help to develop a mass-rearing protocol for O. sokolowskii.  相似文献   

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