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The galls induced by Cecidomyiidae, Diptera, are very diverse, with conspicuous evidence of tissue manipulation by the galling herbivores. Bud galls, as those induced by an unidentified Cecidomyiidae species on Marcetia taxifolia, Melastomataceae, can be considered as one of the most complex type of prosoplasma galls. The gall-inducer manipulate the axillary meristem of the plant in a way that gall morphogenesis may present both vegetative and reproductive features of the host plant. Herein, we analyzed traces of determinate and indeterminate growth in the bud gall of M. taxifolia, looking for parallels between the features of the leaves and flowers, natural fates of the meristematic cells. The bud galls are induced by the cecidomyiid fly, and are formed by the connation of eight leaf primordia, a common process in ovary morphogenesis. The bud gall corresponds to a pistil-shaped gall morphotype, with anatomical features similar to those of an hypanthium and sepals. The gall mimics an ovary, which has protective barriers at the apex, and a nutritive tissue (with storage of lipids and proteins) or a placenta, respectively, at the basal portion. The redifferentiation of the promeristem into a nutritive tissue at the base of the gall confers a determinate destiny to the axillary bud. Comparatively, the gradients of cell expansion and of accumulation of primary metabolites also indicate that the gall and the ovary are convergent structures. Some constraints of the host plant cells, such as the absence of lignification, and the accumulation of polyphenols, lipids and terpenoids, are not altered and may confer chemical protection for plant tissues and the larva against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Galls on Bauhinia cupulata (Fabaceae) were investigated in two physiognomies of the Cerrado, riparian and dry forest, in the municipality of Barreiras (Western Bahia, Brazil) from October 2012 to July 2014. Four insect gall morphotypes were found. They were characterized based on shape, color, indumentum, plant organ of occurrence and galling taxon. A new galling species, Schizomyia barreirensis, is described, illustrated (larva, pupa, male, female and gall) and compared to other Neotropical congeneric species.  相似文献   

In this study, the mortality factors acting upon the galling psyllid Neopelma baccharidis Burckhardt (Homoptera) caused by its host plant, Baccharis dracunculifolia De Candole (Asteraceae) were analysed. In March 1999, 982 galls of the same cohort were randomly marked on 109 individuals of B. dracunculifolia in the field. Galls were censused each month during their development, from April to August, and dead galls were collected and analysed for mortality factors. Gall dehiscence rates were calculated for each month. The major mortality source of N. baccharidis was gall dropping (13.2% of the original cohort), which is probably a normal outcome of previous mortality caused by the other factors observed in this study. Unknown factors killed 11.7% of this gall population and were ascribed to plant resistance during gall development. Empty galls represented 7.7% of the observed mortality and may be a consequence of egg retention or egg mortality/abortion related to variations in plant quality. Shoot mortality was high during the dry season and killed 7.5% of the galls, but this impact was minimized after the third month from gall formation due to the ability of nymphs to accelerate development and emerge from galls on dying shoots. However, the size of dehisced galls on dead shoots tended to be smaller, possibly affecting adult performance. Mortality of N. baccharidis attributed to B. dracunculifolia strongly controlled the galling insect population, killing 40.7% of the original cohort of galls. Plant‐mediated mortality was caused by often neglected factors acting predominantly during the first 3 months of development, which are critical to gall survivorship. These results reinforce the importance of bottom‐up forces in plant‐insect systems.  相似文献   

Yearly population fluctuations of M. pustulae were investigated at 19 sites in Kyushu. In sites where a platygastrid is the only parasitoid of the midge, the percentage parasitism was very low in the incipient stage of the outbreak of the midge populations. After the number of midges reached a peak, the midge populations declined as the percentage parasitism increased, and then the outbreak ceased. On the other hand, in several populations no outbreak was found and the percentage parasitism was constantly at a high level. Therefore, the immediate cause for the outbreak seemed to be a decline of the percentage parasitism. Like the midge, the platygastrid has one generation each year, and its females also emerge in spring to deposit their eggs within host eggs. The decline of the percentage parasitism seemed to be mainly affected by the time lag between emergence periods of M. pustulae and the platygastrid. In the midge populations parasitized by both the platygastrid and a eulophid (Chrysonotomyia sp.), an extinction of the population was observed, resulting from parasitism by the latter, Chrysonotomyia sp. is polyphagous and multivoltine, and is a late parasitoid, as discussed byAskew (1975). When the density of the midges is very low, the platygastrid may leave the host eggs unparasitized, while Chrysonotomyia sp. may not, because the mature galls are conspicuous.  相似文献   

Anna Traveset 《Oecologia》1994,98(1):72-75
This study investigated the potential negative effect that psyllids may have on the production of viable seeds in Pistacia terebinthus, a wild plant species with a circummediterranean distribution. Manipulative experiments, involving the application of insecticide, showed that the reduction in fruit maturation is rather low, not exceeding 10%. This is mainly due to other factors that determine seed inviability. Such factors include those intrinsic to the plant, such as parthenocarpy and seed abortion, and extrinsic to it, such as seed predation by chalcidoid wasps. There is much variation in the frequency of psyllids per plant; such variation appears uncorrelated with variables decribing plant size, fecundity, and distance to fruiting conspecifics. No consistency in the incidence of psyllids on a given individual plant was found between years.  相似文献   

The Plant Vigor Hypothesis (PVH) proposes that natural selection on female oviposition choice results from higher fitness of larvae on more vigorous and larger plant modules. For six consecutive years we tested the PVH predictions by investigating the effect of shoot size of Bauhinia brevipes (Fabaceae) on the oviposition preference and offspring survival of the gall-midge Schizomyia macrocapillata (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Additionally, we analyzed the effects of bottom-up and top-down mortality forces on the system. The hypersensitive reaction (bottom-up effect) accounted for more than 90% larval mortality of S. macrocapillata, making available few galls to be found and killed by natural enemies (top-down effect). Smaller shoots were always more abundant while longer shoots were rare. Nevertheless, the percent number of galls induced by S. macrocapillata was up to 10-fold greater on the largest shoots, corroborating the preference prediction of the PVH. Schizomyia macrocapillata should use over-exploit larger shoots to maximize the preference for, and consequently increase the performance on these shoots. Our results partially support the performance prediction of the PVH: (1) the observed survival was higher than expected on longer shoots, and (2) the ratio of survival per shoot was positively related with shoot length only in 2 years. Thus, we found a link between female preference and larval performance on large-sized shoots, at least in some years. The gall-midge attack pattern in this study might be an evolved response to maximize the female preference and increased larval performance on longer shoots of the host plant.  相似文献   

Numerical changes and distribution patterns of the pine needle gall midge, Thecodiplosis japonensisUchida etInouye , were studied during the period from 1978 to 1979 in a young plantation of Pinus thunbergii in Shiga Prefecture, Japan. The survivorship curve of this species was characterized by a low mortality of larvae in galls and two high mortalities before the formation of galls and during the overwintering period in soil. The within and between-trees distributions of eggs and larvae in galls were examined by using the regression method. The egg distribution per shoot was aggregative both within and between host plants. The within-tree variations in numbers of eggs per shoot were related to the differences in the abundance of available needles for oviposition per shoot among the canopy layers. The between-tree variations reflected the heterogeneous emergence of adult females in the study plot. The degree of aggregation increased from egg to gall stage in both within- and between-tree distributions and the increase was explained by the different mortality of larvae within trees and the inversely density-dependent mortality between trees. The distribution patterns in the soil habitat stages were examined by the patchness index (). This species showed aggregative distributions in soil stages. There was a correlation in spatial patterns of adult emergence between the successive generations. The distribution properties of this species were discussed in connection with the population dynamics and the availability of host plants in the study plot.  相似文献   

Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (Anacardiaceae) (Brazilian peppertree) is one of the most serious terrestrial invasive plants in Florida. The leaf galling psyllid, Calophya latiforceps Burckhardt (Hemiptera: Calophyidae), was discovered feeding on the Brazilian peppertree in Bahia, Brazil, in 2010, and is being evaluated for release as a biological control agent. In order to understand how this candidate biological control agent affects the growth of S. terebinthifolia, we measured the effect of the psyllid on photosynthesis, leaf chlorophyll content and plant growth. Infested plants had lower photosynthesis compared to uninfested plants 30 and 45 days after gall initiation, and chlorophyll content was lower over a 70-d period. Plant height was reduced 31% and biomass 11% after three months of infestation. Results of these studies suggest that C. latiforceps will negatively affect the growth of the Brazilian peppertree if released in Florida.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Populations of creosote bush ( Larrea tridentata (DC) Coville), were studied in Arizona to determine whether associated gallformers (Cecidomyiidae: Asphondylia spp.) were more abundant on water-stressed or nonstressed plants. Gall densities were measured along a steep elevational gradient that extended from mesic, higher elevations to lower elevations in the desert; and in the Grand Canyon where severely water-stressed and relatively unstressed plants occurred adjacently. At the Grand Canyon site, the responses of creosote bush to water stress were also studied.
2. The number and densities of Asphondylia species increased both at lower elevations and locally on water-stressed plants in the Grand Canyon, indicating that climatic and local conditions influence gallformer abundance in the same way.
3. Five of the eight Asphondylia species studied at the Grand Canyon site were more abundant on stressed plants, two species were more abundant on nonstressed plants and one species showed no preference for either plant type.
4. Densities of most species on stressed plants were positively correlated with the number of meristematic terminals per branch, which were more numerous on stressed plants, due to a bushier architecture. Flower gallformers were more abundant on nonstressed plants, which produced more flowers. Gall densities did not correlate with chemistry measurements, although these parameters also varied with level of stress.
5. These results suggest that gallforming species respond variably to plant stress, even within a closely-related lineage, and that there are effects of stress on plants, including architectural changes, that may be more important to herbivores than biochemical effects emphasized by White (1984) and others.  相似文献   

The hitherto unknown larva of Lopesia spinosa Maia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is described and the geographical distribution of the species is extended in Brazil to Delfinópolis in Minas Gerais; Altinópolis and Jundiaí in São Paulo. Diagnostic characters of the species and illustration of the larva are presented.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Differences in the chemical and physical traits of plants caused by both genetic and habitat characteristics may influence attack by herbivores. Leaves of Qualea parviflora (Vochysiaceae), a common tree of different habitats in the Brazilian Neotropical savannas (cerrado), are susceptible to severe attack by herbivorous free-living and gall-forming insects. Attack by free-living and gall-forming insects within and between populations of Q. parviflora were examined and it was determined to what extent genetic variability (detected by RAPD markers), phenotypic characteristics of the plants and habit traits influence the number of free-living and gall-forming insect species and individuals attacking the plants, and the intensity of attack.• Methods On four occasions in 2000, leaves were sampled from ten individual trees in each of three types of vegetation in the cerrado: campo sujo, cerrado sensu stricto and cerradão at the Ecological Station of Pirapitinga (ESP), in Três Marias, north-western Minas Gerais, Brazil. Genetic variability was detected by RAPD markers, and concentrations of nutrients, phenols and tannins, sclerophylly and pre-dawn water potential of leaves were measured. Water and nutrient contents in the soil below each tree characterized the habitat. The free-living and gall-forming herbivorous insects were determined.• Key Results Of 69 RAPD markers analysed, 41 were polymorphic and were used for analyses of genetic variability of Q. parviflora. Most of the variability occurred within habitats, accounting for 97·65 % of the genetic variability. Plants in the cerrado sensu stricto and campo sujo were the most similar. There were no significant associations between genetic similarity and the chemical and physical traits of Q. parviflora, or with habitat, nor was there significant correlation between phenotypic and habitat traits. Increasing concentrations of tannins and sulphur, C : N ratio and sclerophylly correlated with increasing percentage of leaf area damaged by herbivores. Decreased sclerophylly, concentration of tannins and C : N ratio, and increased concentration of nutrients in leaves correlated with increased severity of attack by gall-forming insects.• Conclusions Nutrient concentration in the soil had more influence, indirectly, on free-feeding insects than did composition of Q. parviflora leaves. However, gall-forming insects are affected more by leaf quality, attacking fewer sclerophyllous leaves, with larger nutrient but smaller tannin concentrations.Key words: Cerrado, genetic variability, gall attack, herbivory, insect galls, plant quality, Qualea parviflora, RAPD, Vochysiaceae  相似文献   

Youngomyia matogrossensis Proença & Maia a new species of Cecidomyiidae (Insecta: Diptera) that induces cylindrical hairy galls on leaves of Pouteria torta (Mart.) Radlk. (Sapotaceae) is herein described and illustrated (larvae, pupal exuviae, male and female). The galler, gall and host plant were collected at Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães, in the state of Mato Grosso (Brazil). New morphological data and photographs of pupal exuviae, male and female of Youngomyia pouteriae Maia, 2001 are also provided.  相似文献   

  • 1 Aquatic larvae of the pyralid moth Parapoynx rugosalis Möschler repeatedly construct protective cases by cutting portions (discs) from leaves of the waterlily Nymphaea ampla and sandwich themselves between the disc and the underside of the host leaf. Construction of a new case requires leaving the old case, thus increasing exposure to predators and parasites.
  • 2 In an experiment, larvae with protective cases experienced no mortality due to predation by fish, whereas larvae without cases experienced substantial predation.
  • 3 In a series of choice tests, larvae preferentially selected young, tender leaves over old, tough leaves for construction of cases, and larvae spent significantly less time completing their shelters when cutting discs from young, tender leaves.
  • 4 A partial explanation of why larvae select young, tender leaves for construction of their protective shelters may be that exposure time to predators during construction is minimized.
  • 5 The same mechanism linking preferences for tender leaves to reduced exposure to predators during construction may also apply to other insect herbivores exhibiting leaf-rolling or case-building behaviour.

Synchronization between the appearance of herbivorous insects and their host-plant phenology is a critical event, especially for short-lived insects such as gall midges. We studied a natural population of Pseudasphondylia neolitseae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induces leaf galls on Neolitsea sericea (Lauraceae) to evaluate the effect of synchronization on gall density in the subsequent generation. To do so, we combined quantitative data on host resources with time lag between emergence and host-available seasons. The gamma distribution model was applied to the emergence curve of P. neolitseae and the normal distribution model to the daily changes in the number of host buds suitable for oviposition; the latter model was transformed into an available-resource curve based on the mean number of host buds required for a single female to realize her eggs. By superimposing the emergence curve on the available-resource curve and calculating overlapped area, the degree of synchronization was evaluated more accurately than previous studies, which had treated only the time lag. The number of females that synchronized with host buds affected gall density in the next generation.  相似文献   

以入侵植物空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb)、本土近缘种莲子草(Alternan-thera sessilis(L.)DC)、生防昆虫莲草直胸跳甲(Agasicles hygrophila(Selman&Vogt))和本地昆虫虾钳菜披龟甲(Cassida pi...  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the gall-midge subtribe Baldratiina (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) was reconstructed from molecular (partial sequence of the mitochondrial 12S rDNA), morphological and ecological data sets, using 16 representative species of most of the genera. The morphological and ecological data were combined in a single character matrix and analyzed separately from the molecular data, resulting in an eco-morphological cladogram and a molecular cladogram. Attributes of galls and host associations were superimposed on the molecular cladogram in order to detect possible trends in the evolution of these traits. The cladograms resulting from the two independent analyses were statistically incongruent, although both provide evidence for the monophyly of the genera Baldratia and Careopalpis and the paraphyly of the genera Stefaniola and Izeniola. The results suggest a minor impact of the morphological characters traditionally used in the classification of the Baldratiina, whereas ecological data had a major impact on the phylogenetic inference. Mapping of gall and host attributes on the molecular cladogram suggests that multi-chambered stem galls constitute the ancestral state in the subtribe, with several subsequent shifts to leaf galls. It is concluded that in contrast to other studied groups of gall insects, related baldratiine species induce different types of galls, attesting to speciation driven by gall-type shifts at least as often as host shifts.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(3):762-771
In situ preservation of fossil insect damage in plant fossils is an excellent tool to study the coevolution of flora and fauna through geological time, but finding both damage and the insect causing that damage in the same specimen is a very rare phenomenon. Galling is a common form of angiosperm leaf damage, which can be regarded as a kind of extended phenotype of the causal insects, essentially the gall midges, but galls usually lack remains of the insects themselves. Here we report the in situ occurrence of a gall midge (Insecta, Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) as well as its pupal exuviae on the abaxial cuticular surface of fossilized leaf cuticle fragments of Fabaceae leaves (cf. Albizia) that also bear galls, recovered from the latest Neogene (Rajdanda Formation, Pliocene) sediments of the Chotonagpur Plateau, Jharkhand, northeastern India. This Pliocene gall midge features well-preserved legs, segmented antenna with distinct and enlarged scape, elongate curved setae, and longer than broad terminal plate of the ovipositor lamellae. The in situ presence of a gall midge on a host fabaceous leaf cuticle indicates the existence of a host-ectoparasite relationship in the ancient warm and humid tropical monsoon-influenced forests of eastern India during the Pliocene. This is the first authentic fossil record of an in situ phytophagous insect of Cecidomyiidae from India, as well as southeast Asia. Although the identification of the recovered phytophagous insect associated with the fossil leaf cuticle is only possible to family level, this find reveals that such plant-insect relationships existed in the Pliocene of eastern India.  相似文献   

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