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Grass frogs, Rana pipiens, will detour around a barrier to reach prey on the other side. However, if the distance between prey and barrier is short, frogs attempt to push through the barrier and reach the prey directly. The relationship between the probability of detouring and the distance between prey and barrier is the same whether the frog's starting position is 4 cm or 8 cm from the barrier. This suggests that frogs measure the absolute separation between the two objects. To discover whether the retinal elevation of the bottom of the barrier contributes to measuring this distance, the relationship between the frequency of detouring and barrier-prey distance was examined in several experiments in which the retinal position of the bottom of the barrier was manipulated. No evidence was obtained that the barrier's retinal elevation helps in gauging distance.On the other hand, retinal elevation influences strongly how far a frog lunges to reach its prey. It is suggested that different cues to distance are applied to the two classes of object because, under natural circumstances, it is difficult to judge where a barrier emerges from the ground. A barrier may be hard to detect below the horizon because of the low contrast between it and the ground, or because vegetation and ground litter mask where the barrier meets the ground. In contrast, the prey's movements make it easily detectable against a stationary background and the prey's short height means that partial occlusion will have little effect on its apparent vertical position in the visual field.  相似文献   

Stereo or ‘3D’ vision is an important but costly process seen in several evolutionarily distinct lineages including primates, birds and insects. Many selective advantages could have led to the evolution of stereo vision, including range finding, camouflage breaking and estimation of object size. In this paper, we investigate the possibility that stereo vision enables praying mantises to estimate the size of prey by using a combination of disparity cues and angular size cues. We used a recently developed insect 3D cinema paradigm to present mantises with virtual prey having differing disparity and angular size cues. We predicted that if they were able to use these cues to gauge the absolute size of objects, we should see evidence for size constancy where they would strike preferentially at prey of a particular physical size, across a range of simulated distances. We found that mantises struck most often when disparity cues implied a prey distance of 2.5 cm; increasing the implied distance caused a significant reduction in the number of strikes. We, however, found no evidence for size constancy. There was a significant interaction effect of the simulated distance and angular size on the number of strikes made by the mantis but this was not in the direction predicted by size constancy. This indicates that mantises do not use their stereo vision to estimate object size. We conclude that other selective advantages, not size constancy, have driven the evolution of stereo vision in the praying mantis.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Vision in our three-dimensional world’.  相似文献   

Lake Michigan mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi, respond to both live and artificial (e.g., vibrating sphere) prey with an unconditioned movement towards the source of vibration, followed by a step‐by‐step approach and final strike at the source. In addition to these well‐studied, whole‐body movements along the horizontal plane of the substrate, sculpin exhibit a little‐studied behavior in which the vertical position of the fish's head can vary from being flush with the substrate to several cm's above the substrate. To test the hypothesis that sculpin can determine source elevation via mechanosensory cues, we measured head elevation of blinded fish as a function of source elevation and distance as fish approached a small (3 mm radius), 50 Hz vibrating sphere. At distances associated with pre‐strike positions (< 2 cm), head elevations were positively correlated with source elevation before but not after pharmacological blocking of the lateral line with CoCl2. These results demonstrate that sculpin are able to determine source elevation using mechanosensory cues alone and that in the absence of visual and olfactory cues, vertical orientation of the head towards the source requires the lateral line system.  相似文献   

Cost‐benefit models of escape behaviour predict how close a prey allows a predator to approach [flight initiation distance (FID)] based on cost of not fleeing (predation risk) and cost of fleeing (loss of opportunities). Models for FID have been used with some success to predict distance fled (DF). We studied effects of foraging opportunity cost of fleeing and examined differences between age‐sex groups in the omnivorous Balearic Lizard, Podarcis lilfordi. Balearic lizards forage on the ground for invertebrate prey and climb the thistle Carlina corymbosa to forage on its inflorescences. We studied escape behaviour in three experimental groups, with human beings as simulated predators: lizard foraging above ground on C. corymbosa, foraging on the ground away from thistles and on the ground with cut inflorescences. Flight initiation distance was shorter for lizards with cut inflorescences than for (1) lizards above ground due to the greater risk above ground due to conspicuousness of black lizards on yellow flowers; and (2) lizards on ground away from flowers due to the cost of leaving while feeding. The only age‐sex difference was slightly greater FID for adult males than subadults, presumably because larger adult males are more likely to be attacked by predators. Other potential factors affecting this difference are discussed. Experimental group and age‐sex group did not interact for FID or DF. Because lizards foraging on inflorescences above ground fled to the base of the plants to refuge provided by spiny thistle leaves, their DF was shorter than in the other groups, which fled across the ground, usually without entering refuge. DF did not differ between groups on the ground or among age‐sex groups. The predicted shorter DF for lizards with cut inflorescences than on ground without inflorescences did not occur. We hypothesize that the opportunity cost was small due to the abundance of blooming thistles and that DF may be less sensitive to opportunity cost than FID.  相似文献   

A morphometric analysis of 20 different facial features of reef fishes was carried out in order to assess cues which could serve for predator recognition. 105 different species of 35 different families were included in this study. The main features of potential discriminatory value were head width, head shape, the size of the mouth and its shape, the shape of the eyes, their diameter, and the distance between the eyes. Color and pattern were of no potential discriminatory value. Discriminant function analysis showed that two cues, the distance between the eyes and the size of the mouth, were sufficient for good predator recognition. The camouflage of piscivorous cues by predatory fish is discussed. The mimicry of piscivorous cues by some prey fishes as an anti-predator strategy is suggested for two types of false eye spots simulating the frontal aspect of a piscivore.  相似文献   

In many systems, the number of prey killed by predators increases with prey density. This in turn generates higher levels of the indirect signals that prey use to assess predation risk. A model developed by Peacor (2003) showed that prey that respond to predator cues without accounting for conspecific density will consistently over‐ or under‐estimate risk and therefore invest improperly in anti‐predator defense. We tested this model using Rana temporaria tadpoles as prey and Aeshna cyanea dragonfly larvae as predators. As assumed by the model, prey reduced risky activity with increasing concentrations of predator kairomones and increased activity at high prey density. However, prey did not react to changes in cue or density if the ratio of cue‐to‐density remained constant. Prey therefore monitored their per capita risk, strongly supporting Peacor's model.  相似文献   

1. Larvae of Macromia illinoiensis Walsh are often colonised by the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, a recent invader to North America. To determine how mussel attachment affects an individual's foraging behaviour, we quantified capture of Hexagenia limbata Hexes mayfly prey and the distance moved by newly‐molted final instars before and after an individual's colonisation with zebra mussels. 2. In night trials, larvae sprawled above the sand, and caught more mayflies than individuals in daytime trials, but the estimated distance travelled did not differ. When resting under a layer of sand with only its eyes exposed during the day, an individual could capture a mayfly prey using a sit‐and‐wait ambush strategy. When sprawled above the sand, some larvae caught prey that rested on their legs. 3. When mussel‐free, individuals captured more prey than they did when carrying zebra mussels, although mussel attachment per se did not affect the estimated distance that a larva moved. 4. During day trials, but not night ones, the increasing mussel load of colonised individuals decreased prey capture and the distance moved in an apparent step‐wise function. Although the number of mussels carried did not differ, night foragers carried a heavier load. Independent of time of the day, the distance an individual travelled when mussel‐free was predictive of the number of prey it caught when colonised, suggesting that the greater general activity of some individuals helped mitigate negative effects that mussel attachment had on prey capture. 5. Our results add to a growing number of negative effects of zebra mussel colonisation on sprawling and hiding dragonfly larvae. Although the impact of these costs on dragonfly populations remains to be determined, a decrease in this guild of predators whose life cycle spans aquatic and terrestrial habitats might have cascading effects across ecosystems.  相似文献   

The ability of prey to recognize and adequately respond to predators determines their survival. Predator‐borne, post‐digestion dietary cues represent essential information for prey about the identity and the level of risk posed by predators. The phylogenetic relatedness hypothesis posits that prey should respond strongly to dietary cues from closely related heterospecifics but respond weakly to such cues from distantly related prey, following a hierarchical pattern. While such responses have mostly been observed in prey at their first encounter with predators, whether prey maintain such hierarchical levels of investment through time remains unclear. We investigated this question by exposing Rhacophorus arboreus tadpoles to the non‐consumptive effect of gape‐limited newt predators Cynops pyrrhogaster that were fed one of five prey diets across a gradient of phylogenetic relatedness: frog tadpoles (Rhacophorus arboreus, Rhacophorus schlegelii, Pelophylax nigromaculatus, and Hyla japonica) and medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Predators’ diet, time, and their interaction significantly influenced tadpole activity level. We found support for the phylogenetic relatedness hypothesis: Investments in defense were stronger to cues from tadpole diets than to cues from fish diet. However, such a hierarchical response was recorded only in the first four days following predator exposure, then gradually disappear by day 8 on which the tadpoles exhibited similar activity level across all predator treatments. The findings suggest that, at least under the threat of gape‐limited predators, prey use phylogenetic information to evaluate risk and appropriately invest in defense during early encounters with predators; however, energy requirements may prevent prey from maintaining a high level of defense over long exposure to predation risk.  相似文献   

A particularly unusual visual system exists in the visually guided aquatic predator, the Sunburst Diving Beetle, Thermonectus marmoratus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). The question arises: how does this peculiar visual system function? A series of experiments suggests that their principal eyes (E1 and E2) are highly specialized for hunting. These eyes are tubular and have relatively long focal lengths leading to high image magnification. Their retinae are linear, and are divided into distinct green-sensitive distal and UV and polarization-sensitive proximal portions. Each distal retina, moreover, has many tiers of photoreceptors with rhabdomeres the long axis of which are peculiarly oriented perpendicular to the light path. Based on detailed optical investigations, the lenses of these eyes are bifocal and project focused images onto specific retinal tiers. Behavioral experiments suggest that these larvae approach prey within their eyes’ near-fields, and that they can correctly gauge prey distances even when conventional distance-vision mechanisms are unavailable. In the near-field of these eyes object distance determines which of the many retinal layers receive the best-focused images. This retinal organization could facilitate an unusual distance-vision mechanism. We here summarize past findings and discuss how these eyes allow Thermonectus larvae to be such successful predators.  相似文献   

Although adult parasitoids spend a majority of their lives above ground, females of several species must search for their host in the water or on the soil. Adult parasitoids above ground can use a variety of sensory cues to detect their hosts from a distance. However, their sensory cues can be impaired from volatile chemicals, and their visual stimuli can be decreased while submerging or burrowing in the water of soil during their search for their hosts. Searching underwater or underground would incur high foraging costs, that is, time and energy consumption and increase risk of drowning. Therefore, to reduce such costs and increase searching efficiency, the decision on where to start submerging or burrowing for attacking hosts is important for parasitoids. Furthermore, there are no studies that have examined the cues of submerging or burrowing parasitoids on their exploit for the decision to attack their hosts. We have examined the cues used by the egg parasitoid Tiphodytes gerriphagus attacking underwater hosts. We compared the searching behaviors of T. gerriphagus among four oviposition site conditions. The four sites investigated were oviposition site with both host adult chemical residues and presence of eggs, with only the presence of eggs, with only the host adult chemical residues, and without any cue. Our results indicated that T. gerriphagus more frequently contacted and submerged at oviposition sites with the adult residues rather than at oviposition sites without them. Nonetheless, the presence of underwater host eggs did not affect the host‐searching behavior. This suggests that T. gerriphagus decided to submerge at the oviposition site in response to the adult residues. Furthermore, our observation also suggested that T. gerriphagus has already detected that the adult residues might be volatile before contacting the oviposition site. Finally, we will discuss the exploitation patterns of host‐searching cue by parasitoids that need to submerge from the context of its reliability and detectability problems.  相似文献   

Nycthemeral rhythm is an important biological trait that allows animals to escape predation and competition and, conversely, to coincide with mutualists. Although laboratory studies have shown that the rhythm depends on both endogenous factors and cyclic environmental cues, the latter is often poorly understood, particularly in the wild. Because insects are mostly ectothermal organisms, their activity rhythm is often thought to depend directly on ground temperature. In Mediterranean habitats, Cataglyphis ants are well known for their unusual thermoresistance, allowing them to forage in summer at the central hours of the day when the ground reaches temperatures that are lethal to their competitors. However, we show that the rhythm of Cataglyphis floricola in south‐western Spain is governed by light cues rather than by temperature. First, variations in ant traffic at the nest entrance were better explained by solar elevation angle than by ground temperature on both seasonal and daily scales. Second, if ants waited for the ground to reach a threshold temperature to start their activity, we would expect similar temperatures regardless of the opening hour. However, we found a significant increase in ground temperature as opening hour got later in the day. Third, by using a simple experimental set‐up that increased the apparent solar elevation over the nest entrance, we provoked a delay of nest closure time. We discuss the relevance of these results with respect to the life history of Cataglyphis species and their possible consequences in relation to global warming.  相似文献   

To determine whether perching dragonflies visually assess the distance to potential prey items, we presented artificial prey, glass beads suspended from fine wires, to perching dragonflies in the field. We videotaped the responses of freely foraging dragonflies (Libellula luctuosa and Sympetrum vicinum—Odonata, suborder Anisoptera) to beads ranging from 0.5 mm to 8 mm in diameter, recording whether or not the dragonflies took off after the beads, and if so, at what distance. Our results indicated that dragonflies were highly selective for bead size. Furthermore, the smaller Sympetrum preferred beads of smaller size and the larger Libellula preferred larger beads. Each species rejected beads as large or larger than their heads, even when the beads subtended the same visual angles as the smaller, attractive beads. Since bead size cannot be determined without reference to distance, we conclude that dragonflies are able to estimate the distance to potential prey items. The range over which they estimate distance is about 1 m for the larger Libellula and 70 cm for the smaller Sympetrum. The mechanism of distance estimation is unknown, but it probably includes both stereopsis and the motion parallax produced by head movements.  相似文献   

Todd A. Crowl 《Hydrobiologia》1989,183(2):133-140
Laboratory experiments were performed in clear and turbid water to determine the effects of prey size, orientation, and movement on the reactive distance of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) when feeding on crayfish (Procambarus acutus). In clear water, the reactive distance increased linearly with an increase in prey size, and prey movement resulted in a significant increase in the reactive distance. Prey orientation (head-on versus perpendicular) did not change the reactive distances. In moderately turbid water, the reactive distance did not increase with increased prey size, and prey movement did not result in any changes in the reactive distance. The absence of any effects of prey orientation in clear water or prey movement in turbid water is inconsistent with results from studies using different species (primarily planktivorous fish). I propose that largemouth bass change their foraging tactics as prey visibility changes. When prey are highly visible (low turbidity), predators attack (react) only after prey recognition, which is based on multiple cues such as prey size (length, width) and movement. When prey are less visible (high turbidity), predators attack immediately upon initial prey sighting, which does not depend on prey size or movement.  相似文献   

1. Environmental cues associated with prey are known to increase predator foraging efficiency. Ladybird larvae are major predators of aphids. The sugary excretion of aphids (honeydew) has been proposed to serve as a prey‐associated cue for ladybird larvae. 2. Ladybird larvae are regularly found on the ground moving between plants or after falling off plants. The use of prey‐associated cues would be particularly beneficial for ladybird larvae on the ground in that such cues would help them to decide which plants to climb because aphids are patchily distributed within as well as amongst plants and, as a result, many plants are either not infested with aphids or do not host an aphid species of high nutritional value for ladybird larvae. 3. Laboratory experiments with larvae of Hippodamia convergens Guérin‐Méneville (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were carried out to explore whether honeydew accumulated on the ground is used as a foraging cue. The study also investigated whether, if honeydew is a foraging cue, larvae show differential responses to honeydew of high‐quality prey Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris compared with that of low‐quality prey Aphis fabae Scopoli (both: Homoptera: Aphididae). 4. Hippodamia convergens larvae stayed longer in areas containing honeydew but did not engage in longer bouts of searching. Furthermore, larvae did not distinguish between honeydew from high‐ and low‐quality aphid prey.  相似文献   

Binocular depth perception mechanisms in tongue-projecting salamanders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tongue-projecting salamanders (Bolitoglossini) combine extreme speed and high precision in prey capture. They possess all requirements for stereoscopic depth perception: frontally oriented eyes, a substantial amount of direct ipsilateral projection in addition to the contralateral one, and binocularly driven neurons. Extracellular recordings were made from retinal afferents in the tectum as well as from the somata of tectal neurons. RF-sizes of afferents and tectal neurons were determined, and the response properties of tectal neurons were tested under monocular and binocular conditions with stimuli of different size and velocity. While RF-sizes and response properties of binocular neurons during binocular and contralateral stimulation were similar, ipsilaterally stimulated neurons exhibited much smaller RFs, lower spike rates and different size preferences.Furthermore, the contralateral retinotectal projection from one eye and the ipsilateral from the other are in register. While retinal afferents are distributed linearly over the tectal surface, most tectal neurons are activated by a retinal area corresponding to the frontal visual field; this results in a magnification of this region. The two monocular receptive fields of binocular neurons exhibit zero disparities (horopter) at distances that coincide with the maximum reach of the tongue. We hypothesize that bolitoglossine salamanders (as well as amphibians in general) make use of two kinds of disparities: (1) between the maps in the left and right tectal hemisphere, coding for the lateral eccentricity of an object, and (2) between the ipsilateral and contralateral retinotectal map, coding for the distance. The presence of substantial direct ipsilateral afferents in bolitoglossine salamanders appears to be the basis for a fast computation of object distance, which is characteristic of these animals.Abbreviations Ax/Ay coordinates of a recorded afference - Nx/Ny coordinates of a recorded neuron - RF receptive field - RFc contralateral receptive field - RFi ipsilateral receptive field - RFx/RFy coordinates of a receptive field center - RGC retinal ganglion cell  相似文献   

Chemical signals released by predators or injured prey often induce shifts in the traits of prey species, which may in turn affect species interactions. Here we investigate the role that chemical cues play in mediating species interactions in the littoral food web of lakes. Previous studies have shown that predators induce shifts in the morphology, life history, and behavior of the freshwater snail Physella, but the ecological consequences of developing these inducible defenses are not well documented. We observed habitat use of the freshwater snail Physella gyrina along a depth gradient in a natural lake, and found they increased their use of covered habitats with increasing depth. We hypothesized that this habitat shift was due to changes in the level and type of predation risk, and that the habitat shift would affect periphyton standing crops. These hypotheses were tested in a mesocosm experiment in which we manipulated the presence of molluscivorous fish and crayfish. Predators were confined to cages and snail density was identical in all treatments, so any effects of predators were mediated through trait shifts induced by chemical cues. In the presence of fish, Physella moved under cover, but in the presence of crayfish, Physella avoided cover and moved to the water surface. These non‐lethal effects of predators on snail habitat use influenced the interaction between snails and their periphyton resources. In the presence of fish, periphyton standing crop in covered habitats was reduced to just 8% of periphyton in the absence of fish. Crayfish had no significant effect on periphyton in covered habitats, but they reduced periphyton in near‐surface habitats to 39% of the standing crop in the absence of crayfish. The combined effects of fish and crayfish were generally intermediate to their individual effects. We conclude that because chemical cues often have strong effects on individual traits and trophic interactions are sensitive to trait values, chemical cues may play an important role in shaping the structure and dynamics of food webs.  相似文献   

A diversity of fishes release chemical cues upon being attacked by a predator. These cues, commonly termed alarm cues, act as sources of public information warning conspecifics of predation risk. Species which are members of the same prey guild (i.e. syntopic and share predators) often respond to one another's alarm cues. The purpose of this study was to discriminate avoidance responses of fishes to conspecific alarm cues and cues of other prey guild members from responses to unknown damaged fish odours and novel odours. We used underwater video to measure avoidance responses of freshwater littoral species, namely fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), finescale dace (Chrosomus neogaeus), and brook stickleback (Culaea inconstans), to both injured fish cues and novel non‐fish odours. The cyprinids (minnows and dace) showed significant avoidance of minnow cues over swordtail cues, morpholine, and the control of distilled water and tended to avoid fathead cues over cues of known prey guild members (stickleback). Cyprinids also significantly avoided cues of stickleback over unknown heterospecific cues (swordtail) and tended to avoid stickleback cues over morpholine and the distilled water control. Stickleback significantly avoided fathead minnow extract over the distilled water and tended to avoid stickleback and swordtail over distilled water. We conclude that fishes in their natural environment can show dramatic changes in behaviour upon exposure to alarm cues from conspecifics and prey guild members. These responses do not represent avoidance of cues of any injured fish or any novel odour.  相似文献   

The pre‐eminent model of flight initiation distance assumes that the function relating predation risk to distance between predator and prey is constant. However, the risk–distance function can change dramatically during approaches by predators. Changes in predator behavior during approach and in availability of benefits (e.g. food or potential mates) may alter risks and/or costs during encounters. Thus, prey should be able to respond appropriately to changes in cues to risk, such as predator approach speed. Under the assumption that prey assess risk in real time, it was predicted that flight initiation distance (distance between predator and prey when escape begins) decreases when approach speed increases and increases when approach speed decreases during an encounter. Effects of single, abrupt changes from slower to faster approach or the reverse were studied in a lizard, Anolis lineatopus. Flight initiation distances were determined solely by final approach speed, being nearly identical for: (1) continuously fast approaches and approaches initially at the slower and finally at the faster speed and (2) for continuously slower approaches and approaches initially at faster and finally at slower speed. Escape should be adjusted to match changes in risk and cost caused by changes in predator behavior, ability to escape, and costs of escape as attacks unfold. A recent model by Broom and Ruxton [Behavioural Ecology (2004) vol. 16, pp. 534—540] predicts that cryptic prey should stay motionless until detected, then flee immediately. Our results suggest that current escape models can be applied to prey escape strategies when cues to risk change, by assuming that prey base decisions on the current relationship between risk and distance. Empirical studies are needed to test predictions concerning continuous risk assessment.  相似文献   

The introduction of predator species into new habitats is an increasingly common consequence of human activities, and the persistence of native prey species depends upon their response to these novel predators. In this study, we examined whether the Largespring mosquitofish, Gambusia geiseri exhibited antipredator behavior and/or an elevation of circulating stress hormones (cortisol) to visual and chemical cues from a native predator, a novel predator, or a non‐predatory control fish. Prey showed the most pronounced antipredator response to the native predator treatment, by moving away from the stimulus, while the prey showed no significant changes in their vertical or horizontal position in response to the novel or non‐predator treatments. We also found no significant difference in water‐borne cortisol release rates following any of the treatments. Our results suggest the prey did not recognize and exhibit antipredator behavior to the novel predator, and we infer that this predator species could be detrimental if it expands into the range of this prey species. Further, our study demonstrates prey may not respond to an invasive predator that is phylogenetically, behaviorally, and morphologically dissimilar from the prey species' native predators.  相似文献   

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