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Dead or moribund raptors (n = 75) representing 11 species were collected between 1971 and 1981 from various locations in Florida. Samples of bran, muscle, liver and adipose tissue were analyzed for DDT, DDE, DDD, dieldrin, and PCB's. Detectable concentrations of DDT or its metabolites were found in 100% of all samples of muscle and liver, and 77% all samples of brain. Dieldrin was determined to be present in 91%, 93%, 87% and 78% of all samples of brain, muscle, liver and adipose tissue, respectively. Lethal or hazardous concentrations of dieldrin were found in brain samples from three birds, but DDT and PCB's were present at sublethal concentrations. When species were grouped according to their dietary habits, it was not possible to identify any trends in pesticide concentrations.  相似文献   

Samples of tail muscle from 32 American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) in Florida were analyzed for contaminant concentrations to provide preliminary information on the potential public health hazard of meat consumption. Detectable levels were found for eight metals; copper, zinc, iron, chromium, mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic. Mean residue was highest for mercury (geometric mean = 0.61 ppm). DDE, DDD, DDT, dieldrin, heptachlor epoxide, lindane, and PCB's were found. Mean residue concentrations were compared by lake. Alligators appeared to be suitable monitors of environmental pollution. Concentrations of contaminants found in these animals probably pose little threat to public health. However, recommendations must await analysis of larger sample sizes and information on amount and frequency of meat consumption. Alligators killed for human consumption should continue to be monitored for contaminant residues.  相似文献   

Summary In addition to the investigations on environmental pollutants in rookeries in 1982 and 1983, further examinations were made in 1986. Decreasing residues of DDT in livers of nestlings and eggs, and increasing residues of Lindan in livers of nestlings were determined. In contrast, the concentrations of Lindan in eggs diminished. As reported for 1982 and 1983, the PCBs were mainly found in industrialized areas and pesticides in rural environments.  相似文献   

Pine voles (Microtus pinetorum) were collected from pesticide-treated orchards in New York (USA) and fed to three captive American kestrels (Falco sparverius) for 60 days to evaluate potential hazards from soil-borne persistent insecticides. Three control kestrels were fed uncontaminated laboratory mice (Mus musculus). The pine voles contained an average of 38 ppm lead, 48 ppm DDE and 1.2 ppm dieldrin (wet weight). The kestrels accumulated sublethal amounts of lead (1 ppm lead wet weight) in their livers. In contrast, DDE and dieldrin accumulated in the tissues and brains of kestrels to toxicologically significant concentrations. Control kestrels remained healthy and accumulated insignificant concentrations of the contaminants. The results indicated raptors may not be significantly at risk from lead residues in soil and biota following field applications of lead arsenate. However, sublethal effects may be expected from the level of contamination by organochlorine pesticides.  相似文献   

In well-controlled experiments using white leghorn chickens and Japanese quail, dietary polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT and related compounds produced no detrimental effects on eggshell quality. A drastic reduction in hatchability of chicks occurred with 10-20 ppm PCBs, but no detrimental effects on eggshell quality, egg production or hatchability were found with 0.5 and 1.0 ppm PCBs, or DDT up to 100 ppm. Dietary PCBs potentiated a vitamin E-selenium deficiency in the chick, increased exudative diathesis, and decreased plasma glutathione peroxidase levels. Dietary PCBs induced hepatic microsomal benzopyrine hydroxylase. Dietary levles of 100 or 200 ppm inorganic mercury as HgSO4 or HgCl2 had little effect on egg production, hatchability, shell quality, morbidity and mortality. Methylmercury chloride, however, at levels providing 10 or 20 mg Hg/kg of diet, severely affected all of these parameters. Even though the present experiments demonstrate that neither DDT nor PCBs has any effect on eggshell quality in chickens and Japanese quail, they may cause thinning of eggshells in other species. Controlled experiments are lacking. Eagles, ospreys and pelicans all consume fish which in many areas of the world are known to contain methyl mercury. The thinning of eggshells in the species in the wild may have been due, at least in part, to environmental contamination with methylmercury rather than DDT, DDE or PCBs, as has been claimed.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the α-tocopherol plasma concentrations in healthy free-ranging nestlings of the white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) (n = 32), osprey (Pandion haliaetus) (n = 39), northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) (n = 25), common buzzard (Buteo buteo) (n = 31), and honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus) (n = 18) as well as of free-ranging adults of the white-tailed sea eagle (n = 10), osprey (n = 31), and northern goshawk (n = 45). α-Tocopherol plasma concentrations were determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. α-Tocopherol plasma concentrations in nestlings of osprey, white-tailed sea eagle, and northern goshawk did not differ significantly amongst the species, but the common buzzard and honey buzzard nestlings had significantly lower α-tocopherol plasma concentrations than nestlings of the other species (both P < 0.001). Adult male ospreys and white-tailed sea eagles had significantly higher α-tocopherol concentrations compared to adult females (both P < 0.005). Adult ospreys and northern goshawks had significantly higher α-tocopherol plasma concentrations compared to their nestlings (both P < 0.001). In adult female northern goshawks, plasma concentrations of α-tocopherol increased significantly before egg laying (P < 0.001). These results demonstrate α-tocopherol plasma concentrations in birds of prey to be species specific and influenced by age and reproductive status.  相似文献   

The sera of 617 feral pigs, collected from three widely separated areas of northern and central New South Wales, were examined for antibody to Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) virus and to Ross River virus. Haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody was detected to MVE in 58% of sera and to Ross River virus in 15% of sera. Neutralization tests suggested that the MVE HI antibody resulted from infection with MVE virus in the summers of 1971-1972 and 1972-1973 when the virus was not known to be active in New South Wales. These same tests suggested that more than one flavivirus infected the feral pigs in the summer of 1973-1974 and that Kunjin virus was active in the summer of 1975-1976.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aus fünf niedersächsischen Brutkolonien der Saatkrähe wurden 1982 und 1983 98 Eier und 112 Nestlinge gesammelt und auf Rückstände an chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen untersucht. Zwei Kolonien befanden sich in der Nähe von Industriegebieten, die restlichen in Gebieten mit intensiver bzw. weniger intensiver landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung. Die Rückstandskonzentrationen lagen insgesamt relativ niedrig, was mit der Stellung der Saatkrähe im trophischen System erklärt werden kann. Chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe scheinen die Bestandsentwicklung nicht zu beeinflussen. Industrienahe Kolonien wiesen deutlich höhere PCB-Konzentrationen auf. Während der Nestlingsentwicklung nahm der Anteil niedrigchlorierter PCB deutlich zu. Diese Substanzen dürften in den Brutgebieten aufgenommen werden und sich anreichern. Wahrscheinlich werden niedrigchlorierte PCB in den geringer kontaminierten Überwinterungsgebieten metabolisiert, so daß später in den Eiern überwiegend hochchlorierte PCB nachzuweisen sind. Proben aus Kolonien mit landwirtschaftlich intensiver genutztem Umfeld enthielten in Einzelfällen vergleichsweise hohe Rückstände an Lindan und ß-HCH. Die Konzentrationen an DDT und hochchlorierten PCB nahmen von 1982 nach 1983 ab, die Lindan- und HCB-Konzentrationen hingegen nur in Eiern. Ob diese Abnahme einem längerfristigen Trend entspricht, ließ sich noch nicht beantworten.
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in eggs and livers of Rooks (Corvus frugilegus) from rookeries in Lower Saxony (Northern Germany)
Summary HCB, HCH isomeres, DDT and its metabolites and PCBs were determined in 98 eggs and 112 livers of nestlings which were collected from five rookeries in different environments of Lower Saxony in 1982 and 1983. Two colonies were situated near industrial sites, the others in more or less intensive used rural areas. The concentrations found are comparingly low due to the low trophic level of the rook. No influence on the development in numbers of breeding pairs was detected. (In fact, the numbers of breeding pairs have increased since a couple of years.) Eggs as well as nestlings from rookeries near industrial sites were considerably higher contaminated in respect to high chlorinated PCBs than those in agriculturally used areas. No evident differences of the residues were found between the stages of development. An increase of the concentration of lower chlorinated PCBs from young nestlings to older ones was detected. The amount of lower chlorinated PCBs compared with the total PCB content was 16 % in eggs and 72 % in livers of old nestlings. The lower chlorinated and less persistent PCBs may be taken up to a higher extent in the more industrialized areas and, consequently, will be accumulated. Probably, the latter will be metabolized in the lower contaminated wintering areas, so that the higher chlorinated PCBs will remain and will cause the PCB residues in eggs. The concentrations of -HCH often were only slightly above the limit of detection. Eggs and livers of nestlings of a rookery of intensively used rural environment showed by far the highest Lindane concentrations. Likewise, DDT and its metabolites showed higher concentrations in samples from this rookery compared with the samples of a rookery situated in a less heavily exploited area. In 1983, the concentrations of DDT including its metabolites and of high chlorinated PCBs were lower than in 1982 all stages of development considered. The concentrations of Lindane and HCB were lower only in eggs. The question, wether these facts indicate a trend towards lower residues, cannot be answered so far.

Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH), the terminal enzyme of the glycine betaine synthetic pathway was purified 245-fold from the mitochondria of Atlantic and Chesapeake Bay oyster populations acclimated to 350 mosm, using ammonium sulfate precipitation, anion exchange, and affinity chromatography. BADH from both populations functions at its maximum rate at 50-55 degrees C over a broad pH range (7.5-9). BADH activity is also modulated by increased [Na(+)] and [K(+)]. Although BADH from both populations has a similar V(max), BADH from Bay oysters has a substantially lower affinity for its substrate, betaine aldehyde, (K(m) = 0.36 mM), than BADH from Atlantic oysters (K(m) = 0.1 mM). Despite kinetic differences, BADH from both Atlantic and Chesapeake Bay oysters have the same molecular weight based on electrophoretic analysis. These differences in BADH enzyme kinetics between the two oyster populations probably partially explain the lower glycine betaine synthesis rates and concentrations in Chesapeake Bay oysters. J. Exp. Zool. 286:238-249, 2000.  相似文献   

DDT and DDE were detected in the milk of 51 nursing mothers in Costa Rica. In the provinces of Puntarenas, Guanacaste and Limón, where a campaign against malaria took place during the last three decades and where crops are intensively sprayed, the amount of total DDT ranges from 0.12 to 2.60 ppm (mean 1.27 ppm), comparatively, the data of total DDT yielded an average of 0.11 ppm (range 0.01-1.22 ppm) in the provinces of San José, Heredia and Cartago, not so intensively exposed to pesticides. Higher concentrations of the metabolite DDE in 100% of the samples indicated chronic contaminations.  相似文献   

The Delaware Bay is characterized as having greater nutrient and turbidity levels than the Chesapeake Bay. In reference to these differences, a one year study was conducted to identify any similarities and differences in the phytoplankton populations in these estuaries. The results indicated patterns of similarity in the diatom composition, with the total phytoplankton assemblage forming two site groups along a salinity gradient in each bay. These site groups were associated with stations located in the tidal fresh-oligohaline and meso-polyhaline regions of both estuaries. The seasonal concentrations of diatoms and total phytoplankton in both of these regions were higher in the Chesapeake Bay.Subtle differences between the two estuaries include a more diversified and abundant assemblage of neritic phytoplankters (including dinoflagellates) are present in the lower Chesapeake Bay. In contrast, a diatom dominated community is more characteristic of Delaware Bay. It is suggested the entry of neritic species into lower regions of the estuaries was enhanced by the reduced amount of rainfall and flow rates that occurred during the study period. The greater success of neritic species in the Chesapeake Bay is attributed to the lower turbidity of that estuary compared to Delaware Bay.  相似文献   

Fascioloides magna (Bassi 1875) was recovered from 227 of 312 (73%) white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in southern Texas between 1971 and 1975. Deer from age classes more than 1 year old had infection rates of from 64 to 84%. Few dead flukes were found. Flukes occurred exclusively in the livers of infected animals and were paired in 256 of 301 (85%) fibrous hepatic capsules. The prevalence of immature flukes with an average of one immature per infected liver was similar in all age classes, suggesting a relationship between fluke pairing and maturation.  相似文献   

Stalk rot was present in each of 78 maize crops and six hybrid maize trials examined between 1971 and 1975. Fusarium culmorum was the main cause of the disease and was isolated from 67 of the 82 samples from which isolates were made. Lodging was found to be related to, and a natural succession of, the earlier wilting symptom caused by infection with F. culmorum. Yield losses were estimated in 39 crops between 1973 and 1975 and the disease caused a mean reduction of 18-7% in cob weight and 11-2% in 1000-grain weight of infected plants over the 3 yr of the survey.  相似文献   

A total of 87 brains from harvested and collected wapiti and red deer (Cervus spp.) were examined grossly and microscopically between 1973 and 1977 in a 2104 ha. preserve. Prevalence of infection significantly increased from 26.6% of the sample in 1973 to 64.3% in 1975 (P less than .05). A decline to 47.7% in 1977 (P greater than .05) was not significant. However, the number of clinical cases was significantly higher in 1976-1977 (P less than .02) than previously reported in 1973-1975.  相似文献   

C. D. PRIEST 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):25-34
Olver, M. D. &; Kuyper, M. A. 1978. Breeding biology of the Whitebreasted Cormorant in Natal. Ostrich 49:25-30.

From 1972–1975 Whitebreasted Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo bred at the Cedara Dam, Natal, South Africa (29 32S, 30 17E), and from 1973 they fished for food at Midmar Dam, 5 km away and carried the food back to the nestlings. Breeding occurred from April to October and was preceded by a period of courtship. Nesting material was collected by the males and the nests built by the females. The mean clutch size for 1972–1973 was 3,1. Both parents incubated the eggs and guarded the nest and chicks. Growth of the chicks was studied in 1972–1973. The mean number of chicks reared was 1,6 per nest although seven nests contained three nestlings. At 28 days they left the nest when alarmed, but could not fly until 49 days old. The average flying age appeared to be about 53 days. The height of the nests above the ground seemed to determine the nest leaving age. Of the 186 eggs laid in the 60 nests observed over two years, 74% hatched. Fledging success was 52% of eggs laid and 69% of eggs hatched. Chick mortality seemed to be caused mainly by falling from the nests and dying of starvation.  相似文献   

A study of the incidence of Salmonella spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus-like organisms, and clostridium botulinum in samples collected at five stations located in the Upper Chesapeake Bay, a major estuary on the Atlantic Coast of the United States, was conducted in December 1973 through December 1974. C. botulinum types B and E were detected in 12.3% of the total sediment samples examined. V. parahaemolyticus was recovered from 10.4% of a total of 86 water, sediment, and suspended sediment samples. Of 131 samples examined for the presence of Salmonella spp., approximately 3% were found to be positive for serologically confirmed Salmonella isolates. Shellfish examined during the investigation were also found to be free of enteric pathogens. The low frequency of occurrence of V. parahaemolyticus was attributed to the low salinities encountered at the sites included in the study. A low incidence of Salmonella spp. in the Upper Chesapeake Bay samples was found, whereas the distribution of C. botulinum appeared to be both random and autochthonous. A strong relationship between presence of potential pathogens and other generally accepted microbiological indicators of pollution was not observed.  相似文献   

Small subunit rRNA sequences were amplified from Amoebophrya strains infecting Karlodinium micrum, Gymnodinium instriatum and an unidentified Scrippsiella species in Chesapeake Bay. The alignable parts of the sequences differed from each other and from the previously reported rRNA sequence of the Amoebophrya strain infecting Akashiwo sanguinea in Chesapeake Bay by 4 to 10%. This is a greater degree of difference than sometimes found between sequences from separate genera of free-living dinoflagellates. These sequence differences indicate that the Amoebophrya strains parasitizing dinoflagellates in Chesapeake Bay do not all belong to the same species. In spite of their relative dissimilarity, the sequences do group together into a single clade with high bootstrap support in phylogenetic trees constructed from the sequences.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper (Yoshioka, H., et al. (1984) J. Biochem. 95, 937-947), we reported that 1,1-di(p-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloro-ethylene (DDE) induced the phenobarbital (PB)-inducible form of microsomal cytochrome P-450 (P-450(PB-1) in rat liver. In order to study more precisely the molecular events responsible for the induction of this particular form of cytochrome P-450 by the two chemical compounds, we determined the amounts of the mRNA coding for P-450(PB-1) in the liver of rats given a single dose of PB or DDE. RNA was extracted from the livers of the treated rats and the determination of the specific mRNA was carried out by using the rabbit reticulocyte lysate translation system and by a dot hybridization method using cloned P-450(PB-1) cDNA (Fujii-Kuriyama, Y., et al. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 79, 2793-2797) as the probe. The amounts of P-450(PB-1) mRNA determined by these two methods at various time points of the induction process showed good agreement. These observations further confirmed the induction of an identical form of cytochrome P-450 by DDE and PB. The maximum level of P-450(PB-1) mRNA, which was about 8-fold higher than the control level, was attained at 20-30 h and at 48-72 h after the administration of PB and DDE, respectively. The mRNA level showed a rapid decrease after the peak in the liver of PB-treated rats, but the decrease was much slower with DDE-treated rats. We conclude that DDE had a more persistent inducing effect on the mRNA level than PB, although these two compounds induced an identical form of cytochrome P-450 in the liver microsomes of the animals.  相似文献   

The capacity of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans to reduce different concentrations of hexavalent chromium in shake flask cultures has been investigated. A. ferrooxidans reduces 100% of chromium (VI) at concentrations of 1, 2.5 and 5 ppm, but in the presence of 10 ppm only 42.9% of chromium (VI) was reduced after 11 days of incubation. A. thiooxidans showed a lower capacity to reduce this ion and total reduction of chromium (VI) was only obtained for concentrations of 1 and 2.5 ppm, whereas 64.7% and 30.5% was reached for 5 and 10 ppm, respectively, after 11 days. A continuous flow mode system was subsequently investigated, in which A. thiooxidans was immobilized on elemental sulphur and the acidic medium obtained was employed to solubilize chromium (III) and to reduce chromium (VI) present in a real electroplating waste [30% of chromium (III) and 0.1% of chromium (VI)]. The system enabled the reduction of 92.7% of hexavalent chromium and represents a promising way to treat this type of waste in the industry.  相似文献   

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