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For the Argentine ant Linepithema humile, bioclimatic models often predict narrower optimal temperature ranges than those suggested by behavioural and physiological studies. Although water balance characteristics of workers of this species have been thoroughly studied, gaps exist in current understanding of its thermal limits. We investigated critical thermal minima and maxima and upper and lower lethal limits following acclimation to four temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 degrees C; 12L:12D photoperiod) in adult workers of the Argentine ant, L. humile, collected from Stellenbosch, South Africa. At an ecologically relevant rate of temperature change of 0.05 degrees Cmin(-1), CTMax varied between 38 and 40 degrees C, and CTMin varied between 0 and 0.8 degrees C. In both cases the response to acclimation was weak. A significant time by exposure temperature interaction was found for upper and lower lethal limits, with a more pronounced effect of acclimation at longer exposure durations. Upper lethal limits varied between 37 and 44 degrees C, whilst lower lethal limits varied between -4 and -10.5 degrees C, with an acclimation effect more pronounced for upper than lower lethal limits. A thermal envelope for workers of the Argentine ant is provided, demonstrating that upper thermal limits do likely contribute to distributional limits, but that lower lethal limits and limits to activity likely do not, or at least for workers who are not exposed simultaneously to the demands of load carriage and successful foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

Variation in temperature imposes selection pressures on organisms. In variable environments, organisms must adopt fixed or plastic strategies that enable persistence over a broad range of temperatures. In coarse-grained environments, where the thermal variation among generations exceeds that within generations, selection should favor developmental plasticity. Here, we compare the degree of developmental plasticity of thermal tolerances between populations of Drosophila melanogaster from environments with relatively high (Marlton, NJ, USA) and relatively low (Miami, FL, USA) variance in temperature among generations. We predicted that flies from Marlton would exhibit a greater plasticity of thermal tolerances than would flies from Miami. Flies from both populations were reared in three ecologically relevant treatments, after which we assessed knockdown and chill-coma recovery times. Flies from both populations responded plastically to temperature, but flies from New Jersey did not exhibit greater plasticity. Our results complement previous comparative studies and indicate that selection favors plasticity of thermal tolerances equally in these populations.  相似文献   

The effects of acclimation temperature on insect thermal performance curves are generally poorly understood but significant for understanding responses to future climate variation and the evolution of these reaction norms. Here, in Acheta domesticus, we examine the physiological effects of 7-9 days acclimation to temperatures 4 °C above and below optimum growth temperature of 29 °C (i.e. 25, 29, 33 °C) for traits of resistance to thermal extremes, temperature-dependence of locomotion performance (jumping distance and running speed) and temperature-dependence of respiratory metabolism. We also examine the effects of acclimation on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) enzyme activity. Chill coma recovery time (CRRT) was significantly reduced from 38 to 13 min with acclimation at 33-25 °C, respectively. Heat knockdown resistance was less responsive than CCRT to acclimation, with no significant effects of acclimation detected for heat knockdown times (25 °C: 18.25, 29 °C: 18.07, 33 °C: 25.5 min). Thermal optima for running speed were higher (39.4-40.6 °C) than those for jumping performance (25.6-30.9 °C). Acclimation temperature affected jumping distance but not running speed (general linear model, p = 0.0075) although maximum performance (UMAX) and optimum temperature (TOPT) of the performance curves showed small or insignificant effects of acclimation temperature. However, these effects were sensitive to the method of analysis since analyses of TOPT, UMAX and the temperature breadth (TBR) derived from non-linear curve-fitting approaches produced high inter-individual variation within acclimation groups and reduced variation between acclimation groups. Standard metabolic rate (SMR) was positively related to body mass and test temperature. Acclimation temperature significantly influenced the slope of the SMR-temperature reaction norms, whereas no variation in the intercept was found. The CCO enzyme activity remained unaffected by thermal acclimation. Finally, high temperature acclimation resulted in significant increases in mortality (60-70% at 33 °C vs. 20-30% at 25 and 29 °C). These results suggest that although A. domesticus may be able to cope with low temperature extremes to some degree through phenotypic plasticity, population declines with warmer mean temperatures of only a few degrees are likely owing to the limited plasticity of their performance curves.  相似文献   

Researchers commonly rely on indices of heat tolerance to infer the limits of performance in nature. Unfortunately, many methods are used to estimate heat tolerance, creating difficulties when synthesizing or comparing results among studies. Here, we relate several measures of heat tolerance based on the concept of a performance curve.  相似文献   

Olfaction provides chemical information to an animal about its environment. When environmental conditions change, individuals should be able to adequately maintain function. Temperature may influence olfaction in a double manner, as it modifies the concentrations of gaseous compounds and affects biological processes. Here, we address acclimatization to environmental temperature in the olfactory system of Drosophila melanogaster using heat and cold treatments. Because the consequences of temperature shifts persist for some time after the treatment's end, comparison of olfactory behaviors at the same temperature in treated and untreated flies allows us to infer the biological effects of temperature in olfaction.At intermediate odorant concentrations heat always generates a reduction of olfactory sensitivity, as they would be expected to compensate for the increase of volatiles in the air. Cold produces the opposite effect. These changes are observed in both sexes and in natural populations as well as in standard laboratory stocks.Short applications suffice to cause detectable olfactory perception changes, but even prolonged temperature treatments have only a transitory effect. Together, these results suggest that olfaction in Drosophila underlies acclimatization to environmental temperature. However, sensitivity changes are not immediate and may cause imperfect adjustment of olfactory function for short time periods.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide gas is used as an insect anesthetic in many laboratories, despite recent studies which have shown that CO(2) can alter behavior and fitness. We examine the effects of CO(2) and anoxia (N(2)) on cold tolerance, measuring the rapid cold-hardening (RCH) response and chill coma recovery in Drosophila melanogaster. Short exposures to CO(2) or N(2) do not significantly affect RCH, but 60 min of exposure negates RCH. Exposure to CO(2) anesthesia increases chill coma recovery time, but this effect disappears if the flies are given 90 min recovery in air before chill coma induction. Flies treated with N(2) show a similar pattern, but require significantly longer chill coma recovery times even after 90 min of recovery from anoxia. Our results suggest that CO(2) anesthesia is an acceptable way to manipulate flies before cold tolerance experiments (when using RCH or chill coma recovery as a measure), provided exposure duration is minimized and recovery is permitted before chill coma induction. However, we recommend that exposure to N(2) not be used as a method of anesthesia for chill coma studies.  相似文献   

Acclimation to environmental change can impose both costs and benefits to organisms. In this study we explored to what extent locomotor behaviour of Drosophila melanogaster is influenced by developmental temperature and adult temperature in both the laboratory and the field. Following development at 15, 25, or 31 °C, adult flies were tested for locomotor activity at all developmental temperatures in the laboratory before and after exposure to a cold shock and in the field for their ability to locate resources after a cold shock. Both test (15, 25, and 31 °C) and developmental temperatures strongly affected locomoter activity, with flies developed at 25 °C having the highest activity at all three test temperatures before the cold shock. After the cold shock flies developed at 15 °C had higher activity compared with flies developed at 25 and 31 °C when tested at 15 and 25 °C, and flies developed at 25 °C had the highest activity when tested at 31 °C. Furthermore, flies developed at 31 °C showed longer recovery times following the cold shock at test temperatures of 15 and 25 °C. However, flies acclimated at 15 °C during development did not recover faster at 15 and 25 °C compared with flies developed at 25 °C. There were no significant correlations between recovery time and locomotor activity at any of the test temperatures. Flies developed at 15 °C and exposed to a cold shock before release in the field were much more successful in locating a resource at low field temperatures compared with flies developed at 25 and 31 °C. Our results provide support for both the beneficial acclimation hypothesis and the optimal developmental temperature hypothesis, but the results are highly context dependent and change with the temperature experienced by the individual during its lifetime.  相似文献   

It has now been well established that insects can respond to variation in their environment via acclimation, yet the extent of the response varies among populations and environmental characteristics. One under-investigated theme which may contribute to this variation concerns acclimation effects across the life cycle. The present study explores how acclimation in the larval stage of Culex pipiens affects thermal relations in the adult stage. Mosquitoes were reared in a full factorial design at 18 or 26 °C as larvae and adults, then critical thermal maxima (CTmax) and metabolic rate–temperature relationships (MR–T) were determined for all 4 treatments. CTmax was positively affected by both larval and adult acclimation treatments. MR–T slope was significantly affected only by adult treatment: warm acclimated adults had on average shallower slopes and higher y-intercepts than cool acclimated ones. These results demonstrate that larval acclimation effects can alter adult phenotypes in a species whose life cycle includes two drastically different environments, an aquatic and a terrestrial stage. Studying insects with complex life cycles, especially those with aquatic or subterranean larval stages, can provide valuable information on the effects of thermal variability and predictability on phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

(1)Final temperature preferendum of juvenile (0.9–1.9 g) and adult (5.2–12.5 g) angelfish Pterophyllum scalare were determined with acute and gravitation methods. The final preferenda were similar, independent of the method and development stage (29.0–31.1°C).
(2)The critical thermal maxima (CTMax) for juveniles were 36.9°C, 37.6°C, 40.6°C, 40.8°C and for adults 38.4°C, 38.6°C, 41.0°C, 42.1°C. Adult angelfish CTMax was slightly higher than in juveniles (1°C; P<0.05); the endpoint of CTMax was the onset of spasms.
(3)The acclimation response ratio for both stages had an interval of 0.33–0.44; these values are in agreement with results for subtropical and tropical fishes.
(4)Therefore it is recommended that angelfish cultivation should be consistent with temperatures that do not change abruptly throughout the year and temperature maximum does not exceed 30°C.

The effects of the radioresistance factor rar-3 on the X-ray induction of various types of genetic damage in immature oocytes (about stage7) of Drosophila melanogaster were studied.

The dose-reduction factors previously postulated for rar-3 with respect to dominant lethals (1.58), sex-linked recessive lethals (1.87), non-disjunction of major chromosomes (1.58), and homologous interchanges (1.58)_were confirmed experimentally. It is concluded that all effects attributed arbitrarily to rar-3 are contributed by the single genetic factor rar-3.

No difference were found in quality of sex-linked recessive lethals (Y suppression, distribution over the X) induced in either rar-3 or rar-3+. Recombination frequencies were normal in unirradiated rar-3.  相似文献   

E. Vogel 《Mutation research》1973,20(3):339-352
After fluoride treatment of mature and immature oocytes of Drosophila females, a clear-cut dose-dependent decrease in fertility and fecundity was observed. The hatchability of mature oocytes was reduced by as much as 35%. When immature oocytes were treated, a pronounced dose-dependent reduction in fecundity occurred.

Exposure of mature sperm to NaF resulted in a slight decrease in fertility, comparable to the effect obtained with immature oocytes. Of the criteria used to measure possible mutagenic effects of NaF (sex-linked lethals, partial and total X- and Y-chromosome losses), only the rate of total losses was enhanced significantly.

The slight mutagenic effect of NaF on mature sperm was not related to the strong antimutagenic activity observed, when applied simultaneously with any of the several chemical mutagens. NaF treatment drastically reduced both the Trenimon-induced decrease in fertility and Trenimon-induced increases in recessive lethal mutation frequencies and rates of partial and total chromosome losses. The inhibitory effect of NaF was less pronounced with 1-phenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazene (PDT), a poor chromosome breaker in Drosophila, and absent for A 137, a weak mutagen which so far has failed to induce chromosomal aberrations in Drosophila. Therefore, the data are interpreted as being the result of a specific fluoride inhibition of chemically induced chromosomal breakage.

In mature and immature oocytes, the decreases in fertility and fecundity, and increase in recessive lethal frequency (mature oocytes) produced by Trenimon were also suppressed in the presence of fluoride. However, since Trenimon failed to produce a significant rise in X losses and NDJ in both stages, the effect of NaF on these mutational classes was, of course, not testable.  相似文献   

Thermal acclimation in Daphnia magna was studied on various levels to test the recent “oxygen-limited thermal tolerance” hypothesis. Preference behaviour in a thermal gradient was determined by both, ambient temperature and corresponding oxygen concentration. Swimming activity depended on aerobic energy provision and reflected the match or mismatch of oxygen supply and energy demand at different ambient temperatures. Thermal acclimation modified both types of behaviour and more slightly heat tolerance. Perfusion and haemoglobin properties turned out to be central control variables to adapt oxygen transport to varying energy demands at different ambient temperatures. Exceptional advantages of Daphnia as an experimental model organism allowed to confirm on a behavioural, physiological and biochemical level that thermal acclimation is strongly based on the adaptation of oxygen transport allowing unidirectional shifts of the thermal tolerance range to warmer or colder temperatures.  相似文献   

Despite much focus on species responses to environmental variation through space and time, many higher taxa and geographic areas remain poorly studied. We report the effects of temperature acclimation on thermal tolerance, desiccation rate and metabolic rate for adult Chirodica chalcoptera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) collected from Protea nerifolia inflorescences in the Fynbos Biome in South Africa. After 7 days of acclimation at 12, 19 and 25 degrees C, critical thermal maxima (mean+/-s.e.: 41.8+/-0.2 degrees C in field-fresh beetles) showed less response (<1 degrees C change) to temperature acclimation than did the onset of the critical thermal minima (0.1+/-0.2, 1.0+/-0.2 and 2.3+/-0.2 degrees C, respectively). Freezing was lethal in C. chalcoptera (field-fresh SCP -14.6 degrees C) and these beetles also showed pre-freeze mortality. Survival of 2 h at -10.1 degrees C increased from 20% to 76% after a 2 h pre-exposure to -2 degrees C, indicating rapid cold hardening. Metabolic rate, measured at 25 degrees C and adjusted by ANCOVA for mass variation, did not differ between males and females (2.772+/-0.471 and 2.517+/-0.560 ml CO2 h(-1), respectively), but was higher in 25 degrees C-acclimated beetles relative to the field-fresh and 12 degrees C-acclimated beetles. Body water content and desiccation rate did not differ between males and females and did not respond significantly to acclimation. We place these data in the context of measured inflorescence and ambient temperatures, and predict that climate change for the region could have effects on this species, in turn possibly affecting local ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

通过氮磷添加控制试验,对湖南城步(CB) 、湖北秭归(ZG)、河南内乡(NX)、河北临城(LC)和北京平谷(PG)5个种源的栓皮栎1年生幼苗的叶片温度耐性指标(耐寒性、耐热性及耐温范围)及相关生理指标(叶片养分浓度、非结构性碳水化合物及其组分和养分利用效率)进行测定,研究养分对植物种内不同地理种源的温度耐性影响.结果表明:不同种源的栓皮栎养分吸收与氮磷利用效率对氮磷添加存在显著差异但地理趋势不明显.PG在N、P及其二者复合添加的情况下均具有较高的氮磷利用效率,NX则在不同处理下磷利用效率均处于最低水平,CB在磷添加的情况下对磷的利用效率最高.与对照相比,养分(N、P或NP)添加能明显增加PG和LC的耐寒性,但N添加降低了NX的耐寒性.同时,养分添加在一定程度上增加了ZG、NX和LC的耐热性.耐温范围与耐寒性相反,表现为养分添加降低了PG和LC的温度耐受范围, 而增加了NX的温度耐受范围.偏相关分析表明,耐寒性与叶片可溶性糖浓度呈显著正相关;耐热性与叶片P呈显著负相关,与N/P呈显著正相关;叶片耐温范围与叶片物质浓度无显著相关性.因此,不同地理种源对养分利用程度及其效率可能与源生地土壤环境条件有关,表现出一定的局域适应特征,从而增加了温度耐性对养分响应的复杂程度.  相似文献   

Much interest exists in the extent to which constant versus fluctuating temperatures affect thermal performance traits and their phenotypic plasticity. Theory suggests that effects should vary with temperature, being especially pronounced at more extreme low (because of thermal respite) and high (because of Jensen's inequality) temperatures. Here we tested this idea by examining the effects of constant temperatures (10 to 30 °C in 5 °C increments) and fluctuating temperatures (means equal to the constant temperatures, but with fluctuations of ±5 °C) temperatures on the adult (F2) phenotypic plasticity of three thermal performance traits – critical thermal minimum (CTmin), critical thermal maximum (CTmax), and upper lethal temperature (ULT50) in ten species of springtails (Collembola) from three families (Isotomidae 7 spp.; Entomobryidae 2 spp.; Onychiuridae 1 sp.). The lowest mean CTmin value recorded here was -3.56 ± 1.0 °C for Paristoma notabilis and the highest mean CTmax was 43.1 ± 0.8 °C for Hemisotoma thermophila. The Acclimation Response Ratio for CTmin was on average 0.12 °C/°C (range: 0.04 to 0.21 °C/°C), but was much lower for CTmax (mean: 0.017 °C/°C, range: -0.015 to 0.047 °C/°C) and lower also for ULT50 (mean: 0.05 °C/°C, range: -0.007 to 0.14 °C/°C). Fluctuating versus constant temperatures typically had little effect on adult phenotypic plasticity, with effect sizes either no different from zero, or inconsistent in the direction of difference. Previous work assessing adult phenotypic plasticity of these thermal performance traits across a range of constant temperatures can thus be applied to a broader range of circumstances in springtails.  相似文献   

The effects of calcium ions (Ca2+) on the stability of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) peroxidase (AKPC) have been studied. The thermal stability of AKPC was improved by the addition of Ca2+; the melting temperature increased by 20 °C and the deactivation energy by 26 kJ mol−1. AKPC was stable in a selection of organic solvents but was less active with 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) than under aqueous conditions. Ca2+-free AKPC retained more activity in the presence of organic solvents due to its better maintenance of the rate of compound I formation with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) compared to AKPC-Ca2+. AKPC retained at least 75% activity over 24 h in the pH range 3.0–10.5 and about 50% over 1 month at pH 7.0 or 5.5, irrespective of the Ca2+ content. AKPC-Ca2+ was considerably more resistant to inactivation by H2O2 than Ca2+-free AKPC suggesting that the presence of Ca2+ boosts turnover under oxidizing conditions. AKPC has been applied as an alternative to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in glucose concentration assays; the presence of Ca2+ or of the Ca2+ chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid made no difference to the final result. The possibility is discussed that addition and removal of a labile Ca2+ from AKPC could be used to control enzyme activity both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

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