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Electron microscopic observations on the adrenal cortex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Three strains of B. thetaiotaomicron have been isolated from caeca of BALB/c-nu/+ mice of SPF. These Bacteroides are obligately anaerobic, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming and non-motil without flagella rods. A characteristic of staining is deep at ends and stainless at the medium of a rod. The isolation and identification of these strains has been reported in 1987. This paper introduced only the results of EM observations. Under the SEM, the unstained area of rods is always showing a concavity, which is just a nucleoid in sections under the TEM. Many lamellar corpuscles have been found in cell plasma. Some of them have been secreted out of the cells. The chemical properties and physiological functions of them are unknown.  相似文献   

A strain of food-poisoning bacterium has been isolated by Jin Jiexiang (1963) in China from the fermented cornflour that has gone bad. These pathogenic microorganism has been identified and named Pseudomonas by Zhao Naixin in 1988, which is the same species as P. cocovenenans. The characteristics of them were conformed to these of the species P. cepacia of section 2 of the genus Pseudomonas. In view of the fact that the fine structures of the above mentioned three strains of Pseudomonas have not been described yet, we decided to observe them with electron microscope. Results indicate there are many things in common among the three strains, such as: appearing short rods, 0.6-0.8 microns in diameter by 1.5-2.0 microns in length, one polar multiflagella; non-pili, non-capsules, non-endospores; containing intranuclear inclusions (electron-dense bodies or concentric laminae bodies), accumulating intracytoplasmic PHB granules; forming filaments, minicells and bizarrecells; producing extracellular cellulose-like materials by the three strains have not been reported previously.  相似文献   

The gross and microscopic anatomy of epidermal glands has been studied in laboratory maintained tokays (Gekko gecko), and house geckos (Hemidactylus bowringii) captured from the wild throughout the year. Annual testicular activity in the house gecko has also been studied. While no significant differences in glandular development at various times have been observed in G. gecko, there are clear-cut annual cycles in H. bowringii. The evolution of epidermal glands in gekkonid lizards is reviewed; the cellular dynamics of beta-glands are compared with those of unspecialized epidermis; the possibility that gekkonine epidermal glands respond to quantitative variation in circulating testosterone titers is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the pancreas of the domestic fowl was studied electron microscopically. The extrapancreatic nerve is composed mostly of unmyelinated nerve fibers with a smaller component of myelinated nerve fibers. The latter are not found in the parenchyma. The pancreas contains ganglion cells in the interlobular connective tissue. The unmyelinated nerve fibers branch off along blood vessels. Their synaptic terminals contact with the exocrine and endocrine tissues. The synaptic terminals can be divided into four types based on a combination of three kinds of synaptic vesicles. Type I synaptic terminals contain only small clear vesicles about 600 Å in diameter. Type II terminals are characterized by small clear and large dense core vesicles 1,000 Å in diameter. Type III terminals contain small clear vesicles and small dense core vesicles 500 Å in diameter. Type IV terminals are characterized by small and large dense core vesicles. The exocrine tissue receives a richer nervous supply than the endocrine tissue. Type II and IV terminals are distributed in the acinus, and they contact A and D cells of the islets. B cells and pancreatic ducts are supplied mainly by Type II terminals, the blood vessels by Type IV terminals.This work was supported by a scientific research grant (No. 144017) and (No. 136031) from the Ministry of Education of Japan to Prof. M. Yasuda  相似文献   

Protein synthesizing activity of the rat hypothalamic arcuate nucleus following partial or total deafferentation of the medial basal hypothalamus was studied by light and electron microscopic autoradiography when administering tritiated leucine into the lateral ventricle. There were significantly more grains over the arcuate nucleus 21 days after disconnection of this hypothalamic region than over the intact nucleus. Isolation of a temporal cortical region induced similar changes in the isolated area, although this effect was not so pronounced as in the arcuate region. Data suggest that the protein synthesizing activity of arcuate neurons increases significantly after interruption of neural connections of the medial basal hypothalamus. It is assumed that the effect is primarily due to transneuronal alteration and/or interruption of inhibitory afferents.  相似文献   

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