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A new species, Liacarus paraborealis sp. n., was found in Khabarovsk Territory. It is characterized by the presence of a long, covering rostrum and connivent but completely divided lamellae with parallel inner margins; by the absence of translamella and the middle tooth between the lamellae; by the presence of a long spire of the trichobothrium; and by the presence of relatively short interlamellar hairs.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the data on oribatid mites of the family Liacaridae and their distribution in the Caucasus. Two new species, Liacarus subiasi from Azerbaijan (differing from the known species in the shape of cuspids and short lamellae) and Dorycranosus musaevi from Daghestan (differing from closely related D. splendens (Coggi, 1898) and D. punctulatus Miheli?i?, 1956 in the presence of the smooth notogaster, wide distal lamellar cuspids, and also in the absence of inner cuspid tooth and the presence of longer ventral setae), are described. The species status of D. punctulatus is reestablished. Liacarus lencoranicus Krivolutsky, 1967 and L. nitidulus Krivolutsky, 1967 are synonymized with L. coracinus C.L. Koch, 1898. D. zachvatkini Kuliev, 1962 (= D. ibericus Dzaparidze, 1973) is redescribed. Data on species variability of Adoristes poppei (Oudemans, 1906) and A. ovatus Koch, 1849 are given.  相似文献   

A new subgenus, Sacculoribatella subgen. n., of Oribatella and 3 new species the families Hermanniellidae (Hermanniella aliverdievae sp. n.), Oribatellidae (Oribatella caspica sp. n.), and Scheloribatidae (Pachygena makarovae sp. n.) are described from the Caucasus.  相似文献   

A new species, Viracochiella orientalis sp. n., from the southern part of Sakhalin is described. The species differs in the shape of cuspises with strong medial teeth and in the absence of translamellae. The smooth notogaster, shorter interlamellar and genital setae, and some other characters distinguish this species from V. tuberculata. This species differs from V. sergienkoae in the number of genital setae (V. sergienkoae has five pairs), shorter interlamellar setae, smooth trichobothria, fine pore areas without borders of sclerotization, and thin hysterosomal setae.  相似文献   

A new oribatid mite species, Protoribates aethiopicus sp. n., from Ethiopia is described. This species is morphologically similar to Protoribates dentatus (Berlese, 1883), but differs from it in the longer lamellae and notogastral setae, shorter adanal setae ad 1 and smaller notogastral porous areas, as well as in the presence of two claws on all legs.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the data on the oribatid mite fauna of the family Suctobelbidae Grandjean, 1954, recorded from the Caucasus. The distribution of 47 species of the genera Suctobelba Paoli, 1908, Suctobelbella Jacot, 1937, and Suctobelbila Jacot, 1937 in the territory of the Caucasus is shown. The following five new species and four new subspecies are described: Suctobelba cornigera sp. n., S. flagelliseta sp. n., S. scalpellata caucasica ssp. n., Suctobelbella (Suctobelbella) liacariformis sp. n., S. (S.) acutidens pilososetosa ssp. n., S. (S.) subcornigera maculata ssp. n., S. (Flagrosuctobelba) diversosetosa arilloi ssp. n., S. (F.) nana sp. n., and S. (F.) sensillinuda sp. n. Four species belonging to the genus Suctobelbella changed their status: S. (S.) acutidens duplex (Strenzke, 1950) stat. n., S. (S.) acutidens sarekensis (Forsslund, 1941) stat. n., S. (S.) subcornigera vera (Moritz, 1964) stat. n. and S. (Flagrosuctobelba) forsslundi moritzi Mahunka, 1987 stat. n. S. (S.) hammerae (Krivolutsky, 1965) was synonymized to S. (S.) acutidens duplex. The genus Suctobelbila and the species Suctobelbila dentata europaea Moritz, 1974, Suctobelba altvateri Moritz, 1970, S. atomaria Moritz, 1970, S. secta Moritz, 1970, Suctobelbella (S.) acutidens sarekensis, S. (S.) hastata Pankow, 1986, S. (S.) subcornigera vera stat. n., S. (Flagrosuctobelba) ancorhina Chinone, 2003, S. (F.) elegantula (Hammer, 1958), S (F.) flagellifera Chinone, 2003, S (F.) granifera Chinone, 2003, S. (F.) forsslundi moritzi Mahunka, 1987 stat. n., and S. (F.) multiplumosa (Hammer, 1979) are recorded from the Caucasus for the first time. A key to the species is given.  相似文献   

During recovery succession, structural and functional changes in oribatid mite communities occur: the number of species increases, the structure becomes more complex, the proportion of surface-living and nonspecialized forms increases, and the role of parthenogenetic species decreases. The direction of succession is to form a community characteristic of the zonal type of vegetation. Four stages are selected. The colonization-accumulation stage involves the initial accumulation of organic matter due to activity of microorganisms. Oribatids are not numerous at this stage. The unstructured stage is characterized by unstable monodominant communities of parthenogenetic oribatids with short life cycles. The next stage is structuring, when the proportion of parthenogenetic forms decreases, and that of nonspecialized forms increases. Communities are monodominant. The final stage is stabilization. The proportion of parthenogenetic species decreases noticeably. The generic and species composition of the communities stabilizes. The community achieves zonal features.  相似文献   

Two species of oribatid mites of the genus Benoibates (Oribatida, Oripodidae), i.e., Benoibates bolivianus Balogh & Mahunka, 1969(a) and Benoibates minimus Mahunka, 1985, are recorded for the first time in Costa Rica. Both are redescribed in details, using drawings, images and SEM micrographs, on the basis of Costa Rican specimens. An identification key to the known species of Benoibates is given.  相似文献   

The morphology of the juvenile stages of two oribatid mite species, Eueremaeus oblongus and Eremaeus hepaticus, is described. Diagnostic characters of larvae and nymphs of these species are given.  相似文献   

Two new species of oribatid mites of the genus Macrogena (Oribatida, Ceratozetidae) are described from alpine soils of the South Island of New Zealand. Macrogena brevisensilla sp. n. and Macrogena abbreviata sp. n. differ from all species of this genus by the tridactylous legs and by the comparatively short interlamellar setae, respectively. New generic diagnosis and an identification key to the known species of Macrogena are provided.  相似文献   

Five species of the subgenus Galumna (Galumna) (Acari, Oribatida, Galumnidae) are registered in the Philippine oribatid mite fauna. A new species, Galumna (Galumna) makilingensis sp. n., is described; it is most similar morphologically to Galumna (Galumna) tokyoensis Aoki, 1966, but differs from the latter by the morphology of porose areas Aa and Ap, rostral setae, and length of interlamellar setae. Three species, Galumna (Galumna) crenata Deb & Raychaudhuri, 1975, Galumna (Galumna) cf. exigua Sellnick, 1925 and Galumna (Galumna) khoii Mahunka, 1989, are recorded in the Philippines for the first time. The species Galumna (Galumna) crenata is redescribed. An identification key to the Philippine species of Galumna (Galumna) is given.  相似文献   

Two new species of oribatid mites of the genus Scapheremaeus (Oribatida, Cymbaeremaeidae), Scapheremaeus gibbus sp. n. and Scapheremaeus luxtoni sp. n., are described from New Zealand. Scapheremaeus gibbus sp. n. is morphologically most similar to Scapheremaeus humeratus Balogh & Mahunka, 1967, but differs from the latter by the number of notogastral, genital and adanal setae, morphology of bothridial setae, position of adanal lyrifissures and absence of humeral processes. Scapheremaeus luxtoni sp. n. is morphologically most similar to Scapheremaeus yamashitai Aoki, 1970, but differs from the latter by the morphology of notogastral and rostral setae, morphology of leg solenidia φ2 and development of humeral processes. The species Scapheremaeus zephyrus Colloff, 2010 is recorded for the first time in New Zealand. An identification key to the known New Zealand species of Scapheremaeus is provided.  相似文献   

A new species, Punctoribates tschernovi sp. n. (Oribatida, Punctoribatidae), is described from the forests in Azerbaijan. The new species differs from the similar Punctoribates sphericus Shaldybina, 1987 in a larger size, the presence of notogastral setae and a small tooth at the end of the rostrum, a smooth anterior edge of the tutorium, and an elongated porose area Aa.  相似文献   

The multicomponent oil gland secretion of Collohmannia gigantea, a middle-derivative mixonomatan oribatid mite, is demonstrated to possess alarm pheromonal and allomonal properties. Four components of the secretion, namely the monoterpenes neryl formate, neral, geranial and the aromatic 2-hydroxy- 6-methyl-benzaldehyde (2,6-HMBD), showed moderate to strong alarm pheromonal activity in adult mites. Naturally elicited response is due to neral (about 50% of the secretion) and probably 2,6-HMBD (only 5% of the secretion, but strong alarm pheromonal activity). This is the second report of an alarm pheromone in Oribatida. Tridecane and pentadecane (=the hydrocarbon fraction of the secretion) did not evoke evident behavioural reactions, and most likely serve as solvents and spreading agents for the pheromonal-active components. Alarm reactions were characterized by a short recognition phase (waving movements with legs I), followed by shrinking back and panic escape from the scent source. In addition, all six components of the oil gland secretion, including the hydrocarbons, exhibited strong allomonal properties against a model oribatid predator, the scydmaenid beetle, Euconnus (Tetramelus) oblongus. Considering the widespread semiochemical properties of oil gland secretions in astigmatid mites (=a highly derivative oribatid group), these results furnish evidence for a phylogenetically early origin of defensive and communicative roles of oil gland secretions in oribatids. These roles include alarm communication, defence and the production of anti-fungal compounds.  相似文献   

Two new species of oribatid mites of the family Galumnidae, Allogalumna monodactyla sp. n. and Galumna (Galumna) paracalcicola sp. n., are described from dark loamy soil under crown of Ficus sp. in southern Vietnam. Allogalumna monodactyla sp. n. is the first identified member of Allogalumna recorded for Vietnam. The identification keys to the species of Allogalumna from the Oriental region and species of Galumna (Galumna) from Vietnam and the calcicola-group are given.  相似文献   

The fauna of oribatid mites in soils of the polar Ural mountains (the lower Malaya Paipudyna River, Labytnangi District, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, 67°06′N, 65°20′E) was studied. Samples from the upper soil layer and litter were collected along a transect running from the floodplain to the mountain lichen tundra (from 150 to 520 m a.s.l.. A total of about 10 thousand mites belonging to 82 species of 34 families were collected, and the distribution of some species in various biotopes was recorded. 46 species and 11 families (Hypochthoniidae, Euphthiracaridae, Phthiracaridae, Nanhermanniidae, Trhypochthoniidae, Cepheidae, Eremaeidae, Thyrisomidae, Micreremidae, Passalozetidae, and Scutoverticidae) are new to the fauna of the polar Urals. Together with these new taxa, the oribatid fauna of the polar Urals comprises not less than 106 species of 34 families. This fauna consists mainly of species with the wide polyzonal geographical distribution.  相似文献   

The oribatid mite genus Galumna (Oribatida, Galumnidae) is recorded for the first time in Nepal. A new species, Galumna tetraporosasp. n., is described from soil of secondary mixed broadleaved forest. It is most similar morphologically to G. tokyoensis Aoki, 1966 and G. valida Aoki, 1994, however, it differs from both by the absence of interlamellar setae and the presence of two pairs of notogastral porose areas Aa. Galumna granalata Aoki, 1984 is redescribed on the basis of specimens from Nepal. Galumna floridae (Jacot, 1929) and G. hexagona Balogh, 1960 are transferred to the genus Notogalumna; G. mauritii Mahunka, 1978 is transferred to the genus Dimidiogalumna.  相似文献   

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