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Faba bean (Vicia faba L. cv. Fiord) plants were raised in agrowth room for 5 weeks and then transplanted to a hydroponicsystem. After 48 h for acclimation, nine plants were removed(day 0) for the measurement of nitrogenase activity by acetylenereduction (AR), for determination of nodule number and noduleweight, volume of the active N2 fixing region (VAR), and volumeof the senescent N2, fixing region (VSR). Half the nodule populationon a further 18 plants was excised, and nine of these plantswere assayed for AR. The nine plants from which the noduleshad been removed (treated plants) and nine control plants witha full complement of nodules, were left to grow for 5 d, afterwhich they were all harvested and assayed. The average weight of nodules and VAR remained constant in thecontrol plants between day 0 and day 5, whereas the nodulesleft on the treated plants increased in weight by 1.2 timesand VAR by 2.2 times. By day 5, VAR per plant was the same inthe control plants as in the treated, whereas VSR of controland treated plants increased by 4.6 and 2.2 times, respectively.Removal of half of the nodules at day 0 halved the AR activityper plant, but specific activity remained the same. After 5d, however, the nodules of the treated plants showed the sametotal activity as those of the control. Thus the specific activityof the nodules left on the treated plants doubled after 5 din response to excision. The indeterminate nodule of faba bean appears to be able toincrease its specific activity substantially in response toincrease in the demand for fixed N. N2 fixation per nodule wasresponsive to substrate supply, in that halving the number ofnodules on a plant induced the remaining nodules to increaseactivity, presumably because they could use the assimilate previouslydistributed over a larger number of nodules. Victa faba, faba bean, nodule number, nodule activity, acetylene reduction, volumes of active and senescent N2 fixing regions of nodules, hydroponic system  相似文献   

Exogenous DNA has been administered to roots of Vicia faba inwhich this DNA stimulates an increase in acid deoxyribonucleaseactivity. This enzyme activity is associated with vesicles whichfollow whatappears to be the cytological pathway of foreignDNA in host tissues.  相似文献   

以蚕豆(Vicia fabaL.)气孔保卫细胞为材料,研究了酪氨酸蛋白磷酸酶(protein tyrosine phosphatases,PTPases)的抑制剂氧化苯胂(phenylarsine oxide,PAO)、钒酸钠(NaVO3)和Zn2 对外源一氧化氮(NO)调控蚕豆气孔运动的影响。结果表明,NO供体硝普钠(sodium nitroprusside,SNP)能诱导蚕豆气孔关闭,其效应在0.001~0.1 mmol.L-1浓度范围内随着SNP浓度的增大而增强;不同浓度的PAO、NaVO3和Zn2 对光诱导的气孔张开几乎没有影响,但都可以抑制黑暗或SNP诱导的气孔关闭,表明酪氨酸蛋白磷酸酶参与NO调控蚕豆气孔运动的信号转导过程,在NO调控蚕豆气孔运动中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Some Effects of Abscisic Acid and Water Stress on Stomata of Vicia faba L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vicia faba seedlings grown under a plastic tent in the laboratorywere either watered well throughout their growth period or weresubjected to a water stress treatment for several days priorto an experimental treatment. The effects of a further waterstress treatment or an application of an aqueous solution ofabscisic acid (ABA) on the stomata of these plants were determined.Stomata of previously water-stressed plants proved to be moresensitive than stomata of well watered plants to ABA appliedthrough the petiole via the transpiration stream and sprayedonto leaf surfaces. Stomata of previously water-stressed plantsclosed more rapidly and to a greater degree than stomata ofwell watered plants. The hormone had only a small effect whenapplied directly to epidermal fragments removed from both groupsof plants. Stomata of plants which had received a water stresspretreatment were less sensitive to a subsequent period of waterstress than were stomata of previously well watered plants.It is proposed that stomatal adaptation to water stress maybe related to changes in the hormonal balance of the plant.  相似文献   

Plants of faba bean cv. Fiord were grown under controlled conditions,without mineral N, in coarse river sand. Twenty-five days aftersowing when plants had at least eight fully opened leaves andwere nodulated and actively fixing N2, half were topped andkept debudded for 21 d. Changes in dry weight, N2 fixation (acetylenereduction activity), soluble carbohydrate, starch, soluble Nand total N in plants were monitored over the period. Both debudded and control plants grew and accumulated dry matter.Debudding resulted in a significant increase in the concentrationof soluble carbohydrate, starch and soluble N. but had onlya small effect on the total N concentration. A strong positivelinear relation between total plant weight and N content ofboth control and debudded plants showed that even under conditionsof excess supply of carbohydrate, faba beans have little capacityto store N. Soluble N accumulated in debudded plants presumablybecause less N was needed for the formation of new tissues thanin control plants. AR continued to increase throughout the experimentin control plants but declined in debudded plants from 6 to13 d after debudding and remained low until the end of the experiment.The decline was associated with an increase in available carbohydrateand in soluble N. The results of this experiment are consistentwith a feed back control of N2 fixation by the soluble poolof N.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Vicia faba, faba bean, debudding, soluble N, inhibition of N2 fixation  相似文献   

Energetics of Amino Acid Uptake by Vicia faba Leaf Tissues   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
The uptake of [U-14C]threonine and of (α-14C]aminoisobutyrate (α-AIB) by Vicia faba leaf discs is strongly pH dependent (optimum: pH 4.0) and exhibits biphasic saturation kinetics. Kinetics of α-AIB uptake at different pH values indicate that acidic pH values decrease the Km of the carriers while the maximal velocity remains nearly unaffected. Similar results were obtained for both system 1 (from 0.5 to 5 millimolar) and system 2 (from 20 to 100 millimolar).

After addition of amino acids to a medium containing leaf fragments, alkalinizations depending both on the amino acid added and on its concentration have been recorded.

The effects of compounds which increase (fusicoccin) or decrease (uncouplers, ATPase inhibitors, high KCl concentrations) the protonmotive force were studied both on the acidification of the medium and on amino acid uptake by the tissues. There is a close relationship between the time required for the effect of these compounds on the acidification and that needed for inhibition of uptake.

Studies with thiol inhibitors show that 0.1 millimolar N-ethylmaleimide preferentially inhibits uptake by the mesophyll whereas 0.1 millimolar parachloromercuribenzenesulfonate affects rather uptake by the veins.

New evidence was found which added to the electrophysiological data already supporting the occurrence of proton amino acid symport in leaf tissues, particularly in the veins.


Invertase activity has been determined at intervals along primaryroots of Vicia faba as they elongated from 0·5 to 8 cm.Little activity was evident in 0·5–1·0 cmlong primaries but in those 2–8 cm in length the mainpeak of enzyme activity was associated with the region of cellelongation. Changes took place in the pattern of invertase activityalong the primary roots as they lengthened and these changeshave been correlated with fluctuations in both the rate of rootelongation and the supply of sucrose to the root from the cotyledons.The presence of a root cap did not increase the activity ofthis enzyme in the apical 1 mm of these roots. Invertase activity was higher in lateral root primordia thanin most parts of the primary root basal to the meristem, presumablybecause of the presence of sucrose in the adjacent cavity inthe cortex of the primary root. The peaks of invertase activityfound basal to the region of cell elongation in 3–8 cmlong primary roots probably resulted from the development ofroot pnmordia in these parts of the root.  相似文献   

High Respiratory Activity of Guard Cell Protoplasts from Vicia faba L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rate of O2 uptake was about 29 times higher in guard cellprotoplasts (GCPs) than in mesophyll protoplasts (MGPs) on aChi basis. The O2 uptake was inhibited by respiratory inhibitors,but stimulated by respiratory uncouplers. On a Chi basis, theactivities of Cyt c oxidase and NADH-Cyt c reductase, mitochondrialenzymes, were about 27 and 35 times higher in GCPs than in MCPs.On a Chi basis, the ATP content was about 9 times higher inGCPs. The amount of ATP in GCPs was decreased by respiratoryinhibitors, an energy transfer inhibitor, and uncouplers ofoxidative phosphorylation. On a volume basis, GCPs had 8- to10-fold higher respiratory activities than MCPs, but had a lowChi content and lacked the activity of NADP-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase (NADP-GAPD), the Calvin cycle enzyme. From theseresults, we concluded that oxidative phosphorylation plays amain role in ATP production in guard cells and that guard cellshave a heterotrophic feature. Salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM)in combination with KCN or NaN3 strongly inhibited O2 uptake,indicating the presence of cyanide-resistant respiration inguard cells. Phenylmercuric acetate (PMA), a potent inhibitorof stomatal opening, reduced the ATP content of GCPs by about90%, whereas it had a relatively small effect on the ATP levelof MCPs. The specific effect of PMA on GCPs is discussed. (Received March 24, 1983; Accepted June 8, 1983)  相似文献   

以蚕豆叶片下表皮条为材料,研究了微丝在气孔运动中的作用。利用肌动蛋白纤丝专一性抑制剂──细胞松弛素B(CB)预处理后,再用诱导气孔运动的因子处理表皮条,在显微镜下观测气孔孔径的变化。结果显示,用CB处理开放或关闭状态气孔,其开度均不发生变化;CB处理使微丝解聚,气孔运动被抑制;且CB处理后气孔的运动是可以恢复的。实验进一步表明,开放气孔经10mg/L的CB预处理后,ABA、Ca2+及暗诱导气孔关闭的作用均不同程度地受到抑制,推测微丝可能参与ABA、Ca2+及暗诱导的气孔关闭过程;关闭气孔经10mg/L的CB预处理后,K+和(或)光诱导气孔开放的作用受到抑制,推测微丝可能参与光及K+诱导的气孔开放过程。  相似文献   

New Karyotypes of Vicia faba L.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Five new karyotypes of V. faba are presented and the types and positions of the structural changes combined in the construction of these new karyotypes are described. All their chromosomes are easily distinguishable by morphological criteria. These new chromosome complements are presently used to study the inter- and intrachromosomal distribution of induced chromatid aberrations and related problems.  相似文献   

The paper describes a method of somatic embryo induction in callus and suspension cultures of Vicia faba L. Callus was induced from immature cotyledons (green maturity stage) of white-flowering horse bean lines cultured on L2 medium (Phillips and Collins 1979) supplemented with 1% sucrose, 0.7% agar and different concentrations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The medium with 2.5 M 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid was found optimum for embryogenic callus induction. Somatic embryos developed after transfer of the callus to media lower or zero 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and increased level of sucrose (2.5%). The release of somatic embryos from the callus was more apparent after transfer to liquid medium. There were various stages of somatic embryo development, i.e. globular, heart-shaped and torpedo ones.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts of 10 cultivars of V. faba were isolated from etiolated shoot-tips and tested for their regeneration capacity. After purification, protoplasts were embedded in sodium alginate and cultivated in the medium of Kao and Michayluk (1975) containing 0.5 mg·1–1 of each 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, naphthylacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine. Depending on cultivar, division frequencies of up to 40% were obtained. Six weeks after embedding, protoplast-derived calluses were transferred to Gelrite-solidified media with different combinations of growth regulators. A two step protocol (auxin high/low) was tested for its ability to induce somatic embryogenesis. The formation of globular structures was observed, but no embryo formation could be achieved. In contrast, cultivation of protocalluses on medium supplemented with thidiazuron resulted in shoot development in cultivar Mythos. To generate mature plants, the shoots were grafted onto young seedlings. In order to optimize the in vitro-conditions, different concentrations of thidiazuron alone or in combination with naphthylacetic acid were tested, showing that an increase of thidiazuron and the addition of naphthylacetic acid positively affects both the viability of protocalluses and the regeneration frequency.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BA 5-benzylaminopurine - GA3 gibberellic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - Kin kinetin - KM Kao and Michayluk - MS Murashige and Skoog - NAA naphthylacetic acid - TDZ thidiazuron - Zea zeatin  相似文献   

We report the presence of oxalate in the organic acid fraction of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) nodule cytosol. Using both high-performance liquid chromatography and enzymic assays, high levels of oxalate were detected (70.4 [plus or minus] 2.4 mM). To study the potential role of oxalate as an energy-yielding substrate for nitrogenase activity, free bacteroids were isolated from nodules and found to oxidize oxalate in support of C2H2 reduction under O2 tensions that were lower than those required to oxidize succinate, another dicarboxylate commonly detected in legume nodules. Symbiosomes of broad bean, isolated for the first time from amide-producing nodules, were provided with [14C]oxalate and found to have uptake kinetics with a lower affinity [Km(oxalate) = 330 [mu]M] than that for free bacteroids [Km(oxalate) = 130 [mu]M]. In anaerobic preparations of symbiosomes supplied with purified oxyleghemoglobin, O2 consumption was stimulated by oxalate from 20.2 [plus or minus] 0.8 nmol O2 min-1mg-1 protein to 24.5 [plus or minus] 1.1 nmol O2 min-1 mg-1 protein but always remained lower than the rate of O2 consumption in free bacteroids (32.2 [plus or minus] 1.4 nmol O2 min-1 mg-1 protein). Under these conditions, C2H2 reduction activity was 9.7 [plus or minus] 0.8 and 15.1 [plus or minus] 0.9 nmol C2H4 min-1 mg-1 protein for symbiosomes and bacteroids, respectively. These data support the suggestion that oxalate may play a role as a carbon substrate in support of N2 fixation in broad bean nodules.  相似文献   

The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on the formation of osmoticallyactive solutes and on cell wall synthesis in guard cells wereexamined using sonicated abaxial epidermal strips of Vicia fabaL. incubated with 14C-glucose at pH 4 and 6. Radioactivity wasincorporated mainly into malate,sucrose, starch and cell-wallfractions. 14C- Glucose uptake by the guard cells was reducedwhen 1 µm ABA was added. Malate formation, which was moreactive at pH 6 than at 4, was inhibited by ABA at pH 6, butnot at pH 4. Conversion of 14C-glucose into 14C-sucrose wasstimulated by ABA at both pH values. Release of radio activesolutes (composed mainly of glucose and malate)from the guardcells into the medium was more active at pH 6 than at pH 4.ABA stimulated there lease at both pH values. Turnover of starchwas more remarkable when the pH value was 6. ABA inhibited thesynthesis of starch, but did not affect its degradation. Cell-wallsynthesis inthe guard cells was also inhibited by ABA, the inhibitionrate being greater at pH 4 than at pH 6.These results suggestthat ABA may have two different actions on stomatal movement:to changethe metabolic activities in the guard cells so as tolower the concentration of osmotically active solutes, and tochange the mechanical properties of cell walls by modulatingcell-wall metabolism. (Received September 7, 1987; Accepted November 30, 1987)  相似文献   

Cell-wall synthesis in guard cells of Vicia faba L. was examinedusing sonicated epidermal strips incubated with [14C]glucose.The cell walls of the guard cells incorporated [14C]glucoseat a lower level in the dark than in the light. Stomatal aperturein the epidermal strips was reduced by application of 1 µmabscisic acid (ABA) in the light but not in the dark. The ABAtreatment reduced the incorporation of [14C]glucose into thecell walls especially in the light. Fractionation of the labeledcell-wall components revealed that ABA inhibited the synthesisof pectic substances and cellulose, but did not affect hemicellulosesynthesis. Microautoradiographs of the cell-wall fraction ofthe epidermal strips showed that a large amount of radioactivitywas distributed at both ends of the guard cells in the absenceof ABA and that removal of pectic substances from the cell-wallfraction resulted in uniform distribution of the radioactivityin the cell walls of the guard cells. These results indicatedthat the synthesis of pectic substances was active at both endsof the guard cells and was inhibited by ABA. Measurement ofspecific activities of neutral sugars in the guard-cell wallsshowed that polymers composed of galactose underwent activeturnover and that synthesis of glucans was inhibited by ABA.These results revealed a strong correlation between the stomatalmovement and the synthesis of pectic substances and cellulosein the guard cells, suggesting that the cell-wall metabolismin the guard cells may play a role in the regulation of stomatalmovement. (Received October 9, 1987; Accepted March 9, 1988)  相似文献   

D. G. Rowlands 《Chromosoma》1957,9(1):176-184
Summary InVicia faba two groups of chromosomes can be distinguished and consequently correlations of chiasma frequency can be calculated between the groups and also within the group of small chromosomes. A negative correlation was demonstrated during some analyses while positive ones occurred in others, in fact a wide range of coefficients could be calculated by both methods. It is suggested that negative correlation of chiasma frequency occurs only when reproduction of the chromosomes is precipitated or pairing delayed, so that the degree of pairing may be affected in plants where many chromosomes are present or where the chromosomes are large in size. Such correlations can have no influence on recombination, but rather they are the occasional outcome of the mechanism controlling chiasma frequency.  相似文献   

The growth in area of the first eight leaves of broad bean plantswas investigated in growth room experiments. Plants were grownat either 20 or 14 °C or transferred from 20 to 14 °C.Rates of leaf appearance and unfolding increased with temperature.The duration of growth of a leaf increased with leaf numberfor the first five leaves and then remained constant The meangrowth rate declined or remained constant with increasing leafnumber Durations of growth were shorter and growth rates largerat 20 °C than at 14 °C Plants responded immediatelyto the change in temperature Final areas of leaves which expandedafter transfer from 20 to 14 °C were larger than those grownat 20 °C Vicla faba L., broad bean, leaf expansion, temperature responses  相似文献   

Summary Diallel crosses between seven inbred lines obtained from different botanical groups including the two known subspecies of V. faba permitted study of the genetics of seventeen quantitative characteristics; there were very few significant reciprocal differences, and in all cases but one they were only weakly dependent on genotype. These results accord very well with those obtained from a study on population distances among thirty unselected populations of V. faba; many of these lie very close, forming a strong nucleus, which carries the maximum of potentialities of the species and from which different populations branch. Nevertheless differentiation occurs: the genetic system which regulates seed length shows overdominance in the positive sense in some lines, but partial or complete dominance in the negative sense in the rest of the studied lines. Interpretations suggesting that V. faba has suffered very little intraspecific differentiation are substantiated by the studies showing the presence of a partial incompatibility system; this is stronger in the Central European populations studied, weak (to various degrees) in the Spanish ones and absent in at least one population of the paucijuga group.  相似文献   

KASSAM  A. H. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(2):265-271
Wilting of leaves of Vicia faba L., which occurs when the pressurepotential (p) is zero, and the leaf-water potential () at wiltingboth depend entirely upon the solute potential at incipientplasmolysis (so) and not on soil-water status. Wilting in V.faba is acropetal; this is consistent with the hypothesis thatthere is a gradient of decreasing so up the plant and that wateris transferred from the lower to the upper leaves, hasteningthe overall water loss from the lower leaves to the point whenp is zero. The gradient in so up the plant is of the order of3–8 bar. It is proposed that wilting when p>0 (i.e. > so) shouldbe ‘apparent wilting’ and that when p0 (i.e. so),‘true wilting’.  相似文献   

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