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刘宁  张儒 《昆虫学报》2011,54(10):1087-1093
阿尔茨海默症 (Alzheimer′s disease, AD), 是一种以脑中β-淀粉样蛋白 (β-amyloid peptide, Aβ)沉积为主要病理改变的神经退行性疾病。在果蝇Drosophila模型中建立淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白 (amyloid precursor protein, APP)的剪切通路模拟Aβ的产生过程, 有望建立一种快速筛选治疗AD药物的动物模型。我们利用经典的Gal4/UAS系统, 将现有的APP/BACE/DPsn果蝇品系连续杂交, 通过同源重组的方法构建表达两个拷贝的APP/BACE/DPsn稳定可遗传的转基因果蝇新品系。进一步的实验结果表明: 与不表达APP/BACE/DPsn的对照果蝇w/y; APP/Cyo; BACE-DPsn/TM6BTb相比, 表达两拷贝APP/BACE/DPsn的 w/y; elav-APP; BACE-DPsn果蝇的最长寿命为52 d, 比对照组(69 d)缩短了17 d, 为对照组果蝇的75%; 中位生存时间为39 d, 比对照组(49 d)缩短了10 d, 为对照组的80%; 平均寿命为37 d, 比对照组(47 d)缩短了10 d, 为对照组的79%。同时, 表达两个拷贝APP/BACE/DPsn的果蝇所产卵的羽化时间比对照果蝇延长了3 d; 其羽化成虫的理论值为1∶9 (11%), 而实际羽化率仅为5.2%。结果提示, 由elav-Gal驱动在果蝇泛神经元内过表达APP/BACE/DPsn, 可以缩短果蝇寿命、 干扰果蝇胚胎正常发育。该果蝇有可能作为初步筛选AD治疗药物的动物模型, 为AD治疗新药的发现提供工具。  相似文献   

The development of Drosophila imaginal discs serves as a model system to understand how genes determine the shape and size of an organ. The identification of genes involved in this process is an important step towards this goal. Here we describe a P-element based enhancer trap screen for genes expressed in the larval imaginal discs. Our aim was to establish a large collection of enhancer trap lines each showing expression of Gal4 in imaginal discs. To this end, we improved the well established P-element vector pGawB in order to obtain higher in vivo transposition frequencies. In addition we chose an F1-screening approach using UAS-GFP as a reporter gene. This system permits the efficient screening of larval and pupal stages of living animals and the detection of imaginal gene expression patterns through the transparent cuticle. The procedure has been optimized for high-throughput. 2'000 P-element insertions have been established which exhibit expression in imaginal discs.  相似文献   

Isolation of mesoderm-specific genes expressed in the Drosophila embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N Meisen  S Baars  F Jiménez 《Gene》1988,74(2):457-464
Tissue differentiation during embryonic development involves activation of specific genes. To isolate genes selectively expressed in mesoderm and nervous system in the Drosophila embryo, we have screened a cDNA library with molecular probes enriched in specific gene sequences from both tissues. In this way, we have isolated six mesoderm-specific genes, as demonstrated by in situ hybridization to embryo sections. Two of these genes, expressed during muscle differentiation, are described here for the first time. These genes have been localized in the 17A region of the first chromosome and in the 60A region of the second chromosome, respectively. No neural-specific genes were identified using this approach, most probably because of the low sensitivity of detection methods which combine filter hybridization techniques with the use of complex probes.  相似文献   

The 1,4-dihydropyridine derivative 2,6-dimethyl-3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-4-(Na carboxylate)-1,4-dihydropyridine (1,4-DHP) was studied for antimutagenic effects in the dominant lethal test and in the sex-linked recessive lethal test of Drosophila melanogaster. The observed effects were compared with those of the radioprotectors cysteine and cysteamine and with those of the phenolic antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). In a wide range of concentrations, including low ones, 1,4-DHP reduces the frequency of EMS-induced genetic damage (point mutations and chromosome breakage). A reduction of the mutation rate induced by EMS in adults could be observed independently of the developmental stages (larvae or imago) pretreated with 1,4-DHP. The protective effect of this new antimutagen against the alkylating agent depended on both the 1,4-DHP dose and the level of the EMS-induced mutation rate. The effect of 1,4-DHP was more pronounced than that of the studied radioprotectors. It is concluded that dihydropyridine-type compounds are able to protect eukaryote germs cells from genetic damage produced by direct-acting mutagens such as EMS.  相似文献   

Crebelli R 《Mutation research》2000,464(1):129-135
Chemical mutagens are currently regulated and labelled on the basis of their hazardous properties defined in hazard classification schemes. The strength and type of experimental evidence is used as the only criterion for classification in categories which express different levels of concern for the possibility of adverse effects - notably transmissible genetic alterations - in humans. Differently from the classification of carcinogens, no consideration is given to potency, nor to the mechanism of action. The rationale of such hazard based classification is that the hazardous property of a chemical is an intrinsic feature, which is expressed independently of dosing. Changing of dose level results in a mere change in the probability to observe an adverse effect, but not in its potential occurrence. The lack of theoretical threshold underlying this approach can be envisaged, in principle, for stochastic processes such as DNA damage, which can be triggered by single molecular interactions. On the other hand, indirect mechanisms of genotoxicity, involving multiple interactions with non-DNA targets, are expected to show a threshold. At variance to DNA reactive agents, chemicals acting with threshold-mediated mechanism do change also qualitatively their toxic properties depending on the dose level. Possible problems arising in the application of hazard based schemes for the evaluation of chemicals with threshold-mediated mechanism of action are discussed, using the spindle poisons benzimidazole fungicides as an example.  相似文献   

Obesity and cardiovascular disease are among the world's leading causes of death, especially in Western countries where consumption of high caloric food is commonly accompanied by low physical activity. This lifestyle often leads to energy imbalance, obesity, diabetes and their associated metabolic disorders, including cardiovascular diseases. It has become increasingly recognized that obesity and cardiovascular disease are metabolically linked, and a better understanding of this relationship requires that we uncover the fundamental genetic mechanisms controlling obesity-related heart dysfunction, a goal that has been difficult to achieve in higher organisms with intricate metabolic complexity. However, the high degree of evolutionary conservation of genes and signalling pathways allows researchers to use lower animal models such as Drosophila, which is the simplest genetic model with a heart, to uncover the mechanistic basis of obesity-related heart disease and its likely relevance to humans. Here, we discuss recent advances made by using the power of the Drosophila as a powerful model to investigate the genetic pathways by which a high fat diet may lead to heart dysfunction.  相似文献   

The effect of 1,4-dihydroisonicotinic acid derivative (1,4-DHINA), glutapyrone, on the frequency of sex-linked recessive lethals (SLRL), which were induced by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) in spermatozoa, was studied in Drosophila males and females under different exposure conditions. This test was used to analyze repair processes in EMS mutagenesis. Glutapyrone manifested the protective effect after precultivation of males at the stage of larvae and females with glutapyrone. This preparation was shown to have no effect on the frequency of EMS-induced mutations under other conditions (precultivation and subsequent cultivation of mature males with glutapyrone). These data confirmed a key role of indirect mechanisms responsible for the effect of the examined antimutagen. Glutapyrone may be assumed to improve the synthesis or functioning of enzymes involved in the repair of O6-ethylguanine. After adaptive treatment of Drosophila with low doses of the mutagen, glutapyrone increased the fertility of parents but did not suppress chemical mutagenesis.  相似文献   

In order to rapidly identify a substantial fraction of the genes with a unique and essential role in vertebrate development, the laboratory of Nancy Hopkins at MIT has performed a large insertional mutagenesis screen in zebrafish using a pseudotyped retroviral vector as the mutagen. We have recovered mutations in about one-quarter of the embryonic essential genes in this organism, and have identified the mutated genes in nearly all of these (333). As the ease of gene identification allowed us to clone the mutated genes for nearly all of the mutants rather than prioritizing based upon the initially observed phenotypes, this has provided an unbiased view of the diversity of genes required for vertebrate development as well as a large collection of mutants to be screened for more specific phenotypes. In collaboration with other labs, we have screened the insertional mutant for the development of a variety of organs and cell types, as well as phenotypes that could represent disease models, such as cystic kidney and hepatomegaly. Furthermore, while all of these mutants are embryonic lethal in their homozygous state, we are investigating the heterozygous adults for additional phenotypes, such as cancer predisposition.  相似文献   

2D gel electrophoresis followed by microsequencing has been used to purify and identify a protein (catalogued in the database as SSP5111) from Drosophila wing imaginal discs of third instar larvae that showed significant differences in their level of expression when compared with other imaginal discs of the same age. The microsequence data showed identity with amino acids encoded by the human proliferation association gene, pag, which is a thiol-specific antioxidant. By virtue of this homology we have cloned and sequenced two cDNAs that appear to define the peroxiredoxin family of Drosophila. One of them, Jafrac1, encodes the SSP5111 protein searched, had 194 amino acids and mapped in the region 11E in the X chromosome. The other, Jafrac2, encodes a protein of 242 amino acids and mapped in the region 62F in the 3 L chromosome. Both new peroxidases contain two conserved cysteines and share homology with other peroxidases that extends over the entire sequence and ranges between 47% and 76%. An antiserum raised against the SSP5111 protein showed significant changes in the amount of protein in different stages of Drosophila development, being a major product in early embryos. In 2D gels the antibody not only recognizes the SSP5111 polypeptide but also a related one (catalogued in the database as SSP6107) that exhibits identical amino-acid sequence over at least 85% of its sequence. The data also suggest that the SSP5111 polypeptide could be a maternal-effect product.  相似文献   



For insects the sense of smell and associated olfactory-driven behaviours are essential for survival. Insects detect odorants with families of olfactory receptor proteins that are very different to those of mammals, and there are likely to be other unique genes and genetic pathways involved in the function and development of the insect olfactory system.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have performed a genetic screen of a set of 505 Drosophila melanogaster gene trap insertion lines to identify novel genes expressed in the adult olfactory organs. We identified 16 lines with expression in the olfactory organs, many of which exhibited expression of the trapped genes in olfactory receptor neurons. Phenotypic analysis showed that six of the lines have decreased olfactory responses in a behavioural assay, and for one of these we showed that precise excision of the P element reverts the phenotype to wild type, confirming a role for the trapped gene in olfaction. To confirm the identity of the genes trapped in the lines we performed molecular analysis of some of the insertion sites. While for many lines the reported insertion sites were correct, we also demonstrated that for a number of lines the reported location of the element was incorrect, and in three lines there were in fact two pGT element insertions.


We identified 16 new genes expressed in the Drosophila olfactory organs, the majority in neurons, and for several of the gene trap lines demonstrated a defect in olfactory-driven behaviour. Further characterisation of these genes and their roles in olfactory system function and development will increase our understanding of how the insect olfactory system has evolved to perform the same essential function to that of mammals, but using very different molecular genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cre transgenic mice can be used to delete gene sequences flanked by loxP sites in specific somatic tissues. We have generated vavCre transgenic mice, which can be used to inactivate genes specifically in adult hematopoietic and endothelial cells. In these animals, a Cre transgene is expressed under control of murine vav gene regulatory elements. To assess their usefulness, vavCre transgenic mice were bred with R26R mice, which express a lacZ reporter gene only in cells where Cre-mediated recombination has occurred. VavCre/R26R double-heterozygous offspring were analyzed by beta-galactosidase histochemistry and flow cytometry. VavCre-mediated recombination occurred in most hematopoietic cells of all hematopoietic organs, including the hematopoietic progenitor-rich bone marrow. Recombination also occurred in most endothelial and germ cells, but only rarely in other cell types. The recombination in both hematopoietic and endothelial lineages may partly reflect their putative shared ontogeny and provides a unique tool for simultaneous pan-hematopoietic and endothelial mutagenesis.  相似文献   

An explant culture system has been developed for the long-term maintenance of colonic tissue from the rat. Explants of 1 cm2 in size were placed in tissue-culture dishes to which was added 2 ml of CMRL-1066 medium supplemented with glucose, hydrocortisone, beta-retinyl acetate, and either 2.5% bovine albumin or 5% fetal bovine serum. The dishes were placed in a controlled-atmosphere chamber which was gassed with 95% O2 and 5% CO2. The chamber then was placed on a rocker platform which rocked at 10 cycles per min causing the medium to flow intermittently over the epithelial surface. The explants were incubated at 30 degrees C. The viability of the tissue was measured both by incorporation of specific precursors into cellular macromolecules and by monitoring of tissue morphology with light and electron microscopy. Cultured rat colon was able to metabolize benzo[alpha]pyrene, 7,12-dimethylbenz[alpha]anthracene, aflatoxin B1, dimethylnitrosamine, 1,2-dimethylhydrazine, and methylazoxymethanol acetate into chemical species that bind to cellular DNA and protein.  相似文献   

The gene Mst87F is exclusively expressed in the male germ line and is subject to translational regulation. The Mst87F mRNA is transcribed in the primary spermatocytes, stored for three days and then subsequently translated in the post-elongation period of spermiogenesis. Here we report on the isolation of a cluster of four small genes closely related in structure and function to Mst87F. These genes are located at polytene band 84D on the right arm of chromosome three and are named Mst84Da, Mst84Db, Mst84Dc and Mst84Dd. All four genes encode putative proteins composed primarily of a repetitive motif of cysteine-glycine-proline. The genes are exclusively expressed in the male germ line. The poly(A) tail of the Mst84D mRNAs increases in length at day three of pupal development, the time at which a similar change in Mst87F mRNA and translation has been shown to begin. In addition we have identified a conserved 12 base pair element within the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of each gene which is also found at an identical position in Mst87F and which has been demonstrated to be the structural element for translational control of Mst87F expression (Sch?fer et al., 1990 EMBO J. 9, 4519-4525). We have mapped the gene cluster to a small deletion associated with a rotund mutation at 84D. Although flies with a homozygous deletion of the cluster still produce motile sperm, electron microscopic examination revealed numerous malformations in the ultrastructure of the axoneme resulting in a drastic reduction of motile sperm.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to review the use, in mutagenesis, of various mathematical models to describe the dose-response relationship and to try to identify thresholds. It is often taken as axiomatic that genotoxic carcinogens could damage DNA at any level of exposure, leading to a mutation, and that this could ultimately result in tumour development. This has led to the assumption that for genotoxic chemicals, there is no discernible threshold. This assumption is increasingly being challenged in the case of aneugens. The distinction between 'absolute' and 'pragmatic' thresholds is made and the difficulties in determining 'absolute' thresholds using hypothesis testing approaches are described. The potential of approaches, based upon estimation rather than statistical significance for the characterization of dose-response relationships, is stressed. The achievement of a good fit of a mathematical model to experimental data is not proof that the mechanism supposedly underlying this model is operating. It has been argued, in the case of genotoxic chemicals, that any effects produced by a genotoxic chemical which augments that producing a background incidence in unexposed individuals will lead to a dose-response relationship that is non-thresholded and is linear at low doses. The assumptions underlying this presumption are explored in the context of the increasing knowledge of the mechanistic basis of mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. The possibility that exposure to low levels of genotoxic chemicals may induce and enhance defence and repair mechanisms is not easily incorporated into many of the existing mathematical models and should be an objective in the development of the next generation of biologically based dose-response (BB-DR) models. Studies aimed at detecting or characterizing non-linearities in the dose-response relationship need appropriate experimental designs with careful attention to the choice of biomarker, number and selection of dose levels, optimum allocation of experimental units and appropriate levels of replication within and repetition of experiments. The characterization of dose-response relationships with appropriate measures of uncertainty can help to identify 'pragmatic' thresholds based upon biologically relevant criteria which can help in the regulatory process.  相似文献   

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