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In July 1994, we were able to collect airborne fungal spores and pollen grains over the Adriatic Sea from the upper deck of the Oceanographic Ship Urania (CNR). The biological particles were collected using a modified Lanzoni VPPS 1000 sampler (operating at a flux of 10 LPM), on glycerine-gelatine coated microscopic slides. Not only were the airborne concentrations of different organisms estimated, their viability was also tested with a 1% TTC solution. Particles were collected for 60 min (i.e. a volume of 600 liters of air sampled) at every 2 h from 0600–2100 h. Up to 689 pollen grains/m3 and an impressive 48 990 spores/m3 were collected daily. Forty-two fungal taxa were identified and the most abundant spores collected were Cladosporium (82.6%), Smuts (4.8%), Ascospores (2.8%), Basidiospores (2.1%) andAlternaria (1.7%). 20 pollen taxa were identified, and the dominant pollen were Urticaceae (57.9%), Graminaceae (20.7%), Fagaceae (2.4%), Plantaginaceae (1.4%), Pinaceae (1.3%) and Eucalyptus (1.1%). The most abundant captures were done at 0800 and 1000 h (17.8 and 16.7% respectively) and at 1400 and 1600 h (13.2 and 13.8% respectively). Pollen viability per species ranged from 0 to 100%, but for the most abundant taxa, it ranged from 3.8 to 75%, and averaged 27.7%. Maximum viability was found at 0800 and 1200 h. Pollen concentrations were of the same order of magnitude as the ones found on the mainland (Brindisi, Chieti, Matera). However, its specificity was evident. Future work should therefore look more at the pollen transport process which should account for this different assemblage of pollen.  相似文献   

Pollen grains are abundant micro-organisms in the summer or dry season outdoor atmosphere. Moreover, they are fragile organisms, living for only a few days and their constant chemical interactions with their surrounding environment makes them prime candidates as biological indicators of ambient conditions. Volumetric samples were taken at different altitudes (3900–4400 m) on the Popocatepetl volcano (5452 m), 70 km south-east of Mexico City (2240 m). Results from September–October 1992 show that: (1) Local airborne pollen emission is negligible, most plant species found along the altitudinal transect being entomophilous. Indeed, maximum in vivo pollen viability was found at 4100 m a.s.l., where very few total airborne pollens were collected. (2) Regional pollen transport is found under 4000 m a.s.l., where pollen viability is discontinuous, being either below 50% or over 75%. (3) There is a long distance transport layer of pollen and spore dispersal below Mean Cloud Base, but over maximum wind speed, at a height of 4200–4300 m a.s.l., where pollen were found highly viable (>80%). (4) Pollen concentration or viability were not correlated with wind speed, relative humidity or temperature. However, the same factors were all significant regarding spore concentrations.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to identify the possible existence of groups of species in the genera Audouinella (Rhodophyta), Cystoseira (Phaeophyceae) and Cladophora (Chloropyta) with significantly similar distribution patterns (chorotypes), in the western Mediterranean Sea and the Adriatic Sea. Of the 98 species studied, 59 were grouped into 11 chorotypes, whereas 39 species remained ungrouped. Thirty‐eight species were included in a generalist chorotype, whereas 6 chorotypes were monospecific. The relationships with the environmental factors that could explain the chorotypes are discussed.  相似文献   


The results of a floristic study of benthic marine macroalgae on rocky substrata from the Tremiti Islands (Adriatic Sea) are presented. The list of taxa at specific and infraspecific level consists of 226 Rhodophyceae, 59 Fucophyceae and 36 Chlorophyceae. Of these 321 taxa, 147 are newly reported from the Tremiti Islands. Data on the reproductive phenology of each species, and comments on some species of particular interest are also given.  相似文献   

Human-made structures, such as groynes, breakwaters, seawalls, pier pilings and floating pontoons, are becoming common features of the landscape in urbanised coastal and estuarine areas. Despite this tendency few studies have focused on their ecology or on their potential impacts on natural assemblages of organisms. When artificial structures are introduced in areas with little or no hard substrata, they not only provide novel habitats, which enables the colonisation of sandy areas by hard-bottom dwelling species, but they can also provide suitable habitats for exotic species. Along the north-east coast of Italy, sandy shores are protected from erosion by a line of breakwaters, which runs almost uninterrupted for about 300 km. These structures provide habitat for a variety of macroalgae and invertebrates and also for the invasive green alga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides. The aim of this study was, therefore, to investigate patterns of distribution of this alga on breakwaters in Cesenatico. In particular, we compared the density of thalli, biomass, length and degree of branching of C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides between the landward and the seaward sides of breakwaters, to test the hypothesis that sheltered habitats (landward) represent more suitable habitats than exposed habitats (seaward). In general, the landward side of breakwaters supported greater numbers of thalli of C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides than seaward sides. Thalli grew longer and more branched in sheltered habitats, leading to an overall larger biomass of the alga on the landward side of breakwaters. The presence of sheltered human-made hard substrata in the vicinity of major trading ports and sources of eutrophication could enhance the dispersal of invasive species across regional and geographic scales. Thus, the effects of artificial structures and introduced species on coastal assemblages cannot be evaluated separately, but their synergistic nature should be considered in planning strategies for conservation of biodiversity in coastal habitats.  相似文献   

The relationship between the suctorian Ephelota gemmipara and the large hydroid Eudendrium racemosum from the North Adriatic Sea has been studied over its full annual cycle. Ephelota gemmipara settles on the perisarc of the hydroid, usually close to the hydranths in order to exploit the hydroid's food discharges. The life cycle of E. gemmipara is influenced by temperature variations and by its relationship with the host. The hydroid shows an active phase in the summer, and it gets through the adverse winter season forming resting stages. In April, when temperature increases, the hydroid starts its active phase and it is colonized by suctorians. From May to September the suctorians produce multiple buds (swarmers) that detach from the parental cells to settle on an Eudendrium colony. The abundance of the suctorian peaks in September, with more than 1.2 million ind. m?2. Their proliferation coincides with the maximal abundance of their host and the highest water temperatures. On the contrary, sexual reproduction and the encystment occur when the temperature and the abundance of E. racemosum decrease. Lastly, we also report the presence of symbionts such as bacteria and the parasitic protozoans Tachyblaston ephelotensis and Enigmocoma acinetarum.  相似文献   

An analysis of the distribution of the phytoplankton standing crop during a period of high stability characterized the relative influence of northern Italian rivers and Mediterranean waters on the Adriatic Sea. The region influenced by northern Italian rivers was marked by low community diversities, relatively high chlorophyll a standing crops and cell densities, high microplankton to nannoplankton community volume ratios, and the dominance of Nitzschia seriata. To the contrary, the region influenced by Mediterranean waters exhibited high community diversities with prominent oceanic and warm water elements, low chlorophyll a standing crops and microplankton cell densities, low microplankton to nannoplankton ratios, and a relatively conspicuous coccolithophore flora.Nannoplankton populations remained relatively constant throughout the Adriatic. However eutrophication resulted in a marked increase in the microplankton component of the community, with the diatom Nitzschia seriata serving as a prime indicator of the process, even in regions several hundred kilometers downstream from nutrient sources.Even under relatively low rates of river discharge, the influence of northern Italian rivers could be traced along the entire western sode of the sea to the Otranto Strait, with low north to south and high west to east gradients resulting from the effect of a cyclonic surface circulation pattern on inflowing Mediterranean waters in the south and river discharge in the north.  相似文献   


In August 2003, dense turfs formed by the filamentous red alga Womersleyella setacea (Hollenberg) R. E. Norris were found in the open part of the Bay of Boka Kotorska, on the shore of Montenegro (southern Adriatic Sea). The habitat and morphology of the alga are described and the impact of the massive development of this species on the structure of the algal communities is discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of calanoid copepod belonging to the family of Ridgewayiidae is described from an anchialine cave on the small island of Badija, Croatia. In the new species Badijella jalzici, body length varies from 720-870 µm in both sexes. The prosome is 6-segmented, the female urosome is 4-segmented and 5-segmented in the male. The antennules are symmetrical and 26-segmented in the female, and 23-segmented on right side in the male, with two areas of geniculation. The caudal rami are symmetrical and longer than wide. The mouthparts and swimming legs 1-4 are identical in both sexes. The female fifth leg is biramous and symmetrical; the male fifth legs are strongly developed, asymmetrical, biramous on both sides, endopods 2-segmented and exopods 2-segmented and complex in structure.  相似文献   

The paraphyletic diatom genus Nitzschia comprises over 1000 morphologically distinct pennate taxa, known from the benthos and plankton of freshwater, brackish, and marine environments. The principal diagnostic characters for delimitation of Nitzschia species include valve shape, the position and structure of the raphe, presence/absence and shape of the proximal raphe endings and terminal raphe fissures, areola structure, and specific morphometric features such as cell size, and stria and fibula density. In this study, we isolated 12 diatom strains into culture from samples collected at the surface or greater depths of the southeastern Adriatic Sea. Morphological analyses included LM, SEM, and TEM observations, which, along with specific morphometric features, allowed us to distinguish three new Nitzschia species. These findings were congruent with the results of phylogenetic analyses performed on nuclear‐encoded SSU (18S) rDNA and chloroplast‐encoded rbcL and psbC genes. One of the new species (Nitzschia dalmatica sp. nov.) formed a lineage within a clade of Bacillariaceae containing members of the Nitzschia sect. Dubiae, which was sister to Psammodictyon. A second lineage was part of a novel clade that is significantly distinct from other Nitzschia species sequenced so far and includes Nitzschia adhaerens sp. nov. and N. cf. adhaerens. A further new species was found, Nitzschia inordinata sp. nov., which appeared as the sister group to the N. adhaerens clade and the conopeoid Nitzschia species in our phylogenetic trees. Our findings contribute to the overall diversity of genus Nitzschia, especially in identifying some deep branches within the Bacillariaceae, and highlight under‐scoring of this genus in marine plankton.  相似文献   


A new association, Chrysopogono grylli-Nerietum oleandri, situated in the south of Croatia, is proposed. According to its floristic structure, physiognomy and ecology, it belongs to the Rubo ulmifolii-Nerion oleandri alliance (Tamaricetalia, Nerio-Tamaricetea). It is the only association with Nerium oleander in Croatia. This community has developed along a temporary watercourse as a vegetation exclave (extrazonal stand) within the climazonal evergreen forest vegetation of the Oleo-Ceratonion alliance. The association has a thermophilous character and a large number of companions from the Quercetalia ilicis and Scorzonero-Chrysopogonetalia communities. This report compares the floristic composition of this association with others of the Rubo ulmifolii-Nerion oleandri alliance from other Mediterranean areas. The Croatian association is most similar to the Spartio-Nerietum oleandri association from the Ionian side of Calabria (south Italy). The syntaxonomic status of the Montenegrin association Andropogono distachyi-Nerietum oleandri was determined, and the status of the stands with Nerium oleander is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, salinity, inorganic and organic nutrients on the growth and physiological performance of Fibrocapsa japonica have been investigated in strains isolated from the northern Adriatic Sea, where intense and regular blooms have occurred since 1997 in coastal waters during summer. Strains isolated at different times and from different locations appeared homogeneous in terms of both physiological responses and molecular (ITS-5.8S rDNA) characteristics. Growth rates were higher at temperatures between 20 and 26 °C and in a salinity range of 30–35 (0.7 div day−1). The temperature of 16 °C inhibited growth, more markedly at the lowest and highest salinity values, a result also confirmed by a lower photosynthetic efficiency and by an increase in cell volume due to impaired division. Higher cell concentrations were obtained with macronutrients at f/2 levels than in a fivefold diluted medium. Comparing the utilization of 200 μM nitrate to that of different N sources (inorganic and organic), F. japonica showed an efficient growth with equivalent amounts of ammonia, urea and amino acids, such as glycine and tryptophan; glutamate was less effective, while methionine had toxic effects. Organic phosphate, administered as glycerophosphate, could also sustain F. japonica growth, probably on account of an alkaline phosphatase whose activity was enhanced in the presence of the organic form. Vitamins were necessary for growth, though no further stimulation was observed when a surplus of vitamin B12 (3 nM) was added. The addition of 11.7 μM iron instead of 2.3 μM, as well as that of humic acid, with or without macronutrients, did not enhance algal growth either. These results led us to hypothesise that F. japonica blooms became more frequent due to a general seawater temperature increase and to the availability of organic forms which, in coastal anthropized areas, are especially abundant in summer periods.  相似文献   

Summary  In the Late Cretaceous the carbonate platforms modified the organization of their depositional systems owing to vast and complex geologic events. In this view, detailed analyses have been made on Senonian shelf-to-slope rudist-bearing limestones resting on pre-Coniacian erosive surfaces or slope facies in the Nurra region (northwestern Sardinia, Italy), in the central-southern Apennines and in the Gargano area (central-southern Italy). The main characteristic of the analyzed deposits is the spreading of rudists in a context of foramol-type calcite-dominated benthonic sediment-producer communities. The reconstructed Senonian depositional environments match a large complex of unprotected shelves that produced loose, diagenetically stable mollusc-dominated bioclastic debris which were not involved in significantin situ cementation processes. High energy episodes led to repeated and more or less total remobilization of the sedimentary sheet. On the shelves, both storm- and wind-induced currents and waves exercised a strong driving control on the sedimentary arrangement of the shifting biogenic sediments. The latter constituted large coalescing sheets of winnowed, loose, fine-to-coarse skeletal sands. Sandy sediments were easily involved in remobilization processes across the shelves toward the redepositional sites. Transport modality largely depended on the granular composition of the sediments. The early and almost continuous sweeping of the finer fraction (bioeroded-derived silt) resulted in an effective pre-sorting of the skeletal debris stored in the Senonian open shelf settings.In situ preservation potentiality of the produced skeletal material was low and huge amounts of sands may have concurred in forming slope aprons. In the studied successions a two-stage evolution is documented during the Senonian.
–  - All over the latest Turonian-early Campanian interval the rudist-bearing shallow neritic platforms retreated, with seabed opening and deepening, and an underfeeding of the slope occurred. Probably, only where rudists strongly dominated the shelf assemblages (as in the case of the southern Tethyan carbonate platforms), their relatively high rate of bioclastic sediment production and supply might partially compensate for the increased accommodation space reducing the effects of the early Senonian transgressive phase.
–  - In the late Senonian a huge amount of foramol skeletal sands prograded over the upper slope by means of impressive gravitative flows suggesting that main depocenters moved down-slope. The persistence of healthy, producing foramol open-shelves may be inferred by the occurrence of compositionally coherent displaced skeletal sands even if reduced findings of late Campanian-Maastrichtian shallow water limestones are known characterized by a clear upward shallowing trend. A reduced accommodation space in shallow water settings may have enhanced the high off-bank sand dispersion via an increased winnowing action exerted on loose foramol-bioclastic sediments in periods in which the shelf tops were exposed to intense current winnowing. The generalized down-slope migration of the main depocenters occurred during the late Senonian regressive phase.
Owing to the peculiar characteristics of the foramol-type open shelves (e.g., physiography, sediment production and composition), the sediment distribution patterns of the Senonian rudist-bearing carbonate factories and their response to sea level fluctuations were strongly modified with respect to the commonly accepted carbonate platform chlorozoan standard model. Major progradational episodes of marginal sands occurred during both relative lowstands and terminal highstands of sea level. During transgressive phases only where the sediment production was sustained (southern Tethyan carbonate platforms), the rudist-bearing depositional systems might have dampened the typical drowning tendency of the foramol open shelves.  相似文献   

The genus Cyclocodon Griff. was reduced by C. B. Clarke in 1881 into a section of the genus Campanumoea. Our LM and SEM observations on pollen morphology show that the pollen of all the three species in the former is 3-colporate with the exine sparsely high-spinulose, whereas that of the two species in the latter is 5~8-colpate with the exine relatively densely short-spinulose. SEM observations on seed-coat indicate that the primary ornamentation of the seed-coat of the two species in Campanumoea (s. str. ) is characterized by regular and polygonal areoles which are much larger than the radial walls in diameter and by the bead-like secondary ornamentation on the radial walls, while that of the three species in Cyclocodon is characterized by irregular-shaped areoles which are nearly equal to the radial walls in diameter and by the rope-like secondary ornamentation on the radial walls. Thus, the pollen morphology is closely correlated with the seed-coat morphology. Taking the characteristics of pollen, seed-coat and gross morphology into consideration, the genus Cyclocodon is restored, separate from Campanumoea (s. str. ). One new combination, Cyclocodon celebicus (B1.)Hong, is made in the present paper. The genus Cyclocodon is con-sidered closely related to Platycodon rather than to Campanumoa.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe surroundings of the Cortiou sewage are among the most polluted environments of the French Mediterranean Sea (Marseilles, France). So far, no studies have precisely quantified the impact of pollution on the development of organisms in this area.MethodsWe used a fluctuating asymmetry (FA) measure of developmental instability (DI) to assess environmental stress in two species of radially symmetric sea urchins (Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus). For six sampling sites (Cortiou, Riou, Maire, East Maire, Mejean, and Niolon), levels of FA were calculated from continuous and discrete skeletal measures of ambulacral length, number of pore pairs and primary tubercles.ResultsFor both species, the most polluted sampling site, Cortiou, displayed the highest level of FA, while the Maire and East Maire sampling sites displayed the lowest levels. A. lixula revealed systematic differences in FA among sampling sites for all characters and P. lividus showed differences in FA for the number of primary tubercles.ConclusionsStatistical analyses of FA show a concordance between the spatial patterns of FA among sampling sites and the spatial distribution of sewage discharge pollutants in the Cortiou area. High developmental stress in these sampling sites is associated with exposure to high concentrations of heavy metals and many harmful organic substances contained in wastewater. FA estimated from structures with complex symmetry appears to be a fast and reliable tool to detect subtle differences in FA. Its use in biomonitoring programs for inferring anthropogenic and natural environmental stress is suggested.  相似文献   

The Chondrymeniaceae Rodríguez-Prieto, G. Sartoni, S.-M. Lin & Hommersand, fam. nov., is proposed for Chondrymenia lobata. Analyses of rbcL sequences place the new family in a large gigartinalean assemblage that comprises the Cystocloniaceae–Solieriaceae complex. Plants are decumbent and growth takes place by division of multiple apical cells at the margin of the blade. Thalli consist of an outer cortex of subspherical to elongate cortical cells arranged in anticlinal rows, a subcortex of cells cross-linked by lateral arms, and a large central medulla composed of primary medullary filaments intermixed with numerous rhizoidal filaments. Male stages are reported in monoecious individuals. Inactive carpogonial branches consist of a two-celled filament that is directed inwards from the supporting cell. Functional carpogonial branches are oriented outwardly, with the carpogonia and trichogynes pointed towards the thallus surface. After presumed fertilization, the carpogonium fuses with the hypogynous cell and transfers the zygote nucleus. The hypogynous cell, in turn, fuses with the supporting cell which contains many haploid nuclei. The resulting fusion cell functions as an auxiliary cell that cuts off a single gonimoblast initial, which produces the gonimoblast filaments. Gametophytic cells close to the auxiliary cell unite with it to form a placental fusion network of variable size and outline, and a placental fusion cell. Proximal gonimoblast cells fuse with the placental fusion cell, while the distal cells differentiate into branched chains of subspherical carposporangia. The superficial similarity of the outwardly developed osteolate cystocarp is responsible for Kylin's (1956) placement of Chondrymenia in his family Sarcodiaceae; however, the manner in which the placenta is formed is more like that seen in the Cystocloniaceae–Solieriaceae complex.  相似文献   

The marine planktonic dinophyceaen genus Azadinium is a primary source of azaspiracids, but due to their small size its diversity may be underestimated and information on its biogeography is still limited. A new Azadinium species, A. zhuanum was obtained from the East China Sea and Yellow Sea of China by incubating surface sediments. Five strains were established by isolating single germinated cells and their morphology was examined with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Azadinium zhuanum was characterized by a plate pattern of Po, cp, X, 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6C, 5S, 6′′′, 2′′′′, by a distinct ventral pore at the junction of Po, the first and fourth apical plates, and a conspicuous antapical spine. Moreover, Azadinium poporum was obtained for the first time from the Mediterranean by incubating surface sediment collected from Diana Lagoon (Corsica) and a new strain of Azadinium dalianense was isolated from the French Atlantic. The morphology of both strains was examined. Small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA), large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences were obtained from cultured strains. In addition, LSU sequences were obtained by single cell sequencing of two presumable A. poporum cells collected from the French Atlantic. Molecular phylogeny based on concatenated SSU, LSU and ITS sequences revealed that A. zhuanum was closest to A. polongum. French A. poporum from Corsica (Mediterranean) and from the Atlantic showed some genetic differences but were nested within one of the A. poporum ribotypes together with other European strains. Azadinium dalianense from France together with the type strain of the species from China comprised a well resolved clade now consisting of two ribotypes. Azaspiracid profiles were analyzed for the cultured Azadinium strains using LC–MS/MS and demonstrate that the Mediterranean A. poporum strain produced AZA-2 and AZA-2 phosphate with an amount of 0.44 fg cell−1. Azadinium zhuanum and A. dalianense did not produce detectable AZA. Results of the present study support the view of a high diversity and wide distribution of species belonging to Azadinium. The first record of AZA-2 producing A. poporum from the Mediterranean suggests that this species may be responsible for azaspiracid contaminations in shellfish from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The population genetic structure of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting in the eastern Mediterranean was assessed by sequencing a fragment of the control region of the mitochondrial DNA (n = 190) and seven microsatellites (n = 112). The two types of markers revealed genetic structuring (mtDNA: γst = 0.212, P < 0.001; nDNA F st = 0.006, P < 0.001), thus indicating that both females and males are philopatric and that gene flow between populations is restricted. Mitochondrial DNA data indicate that the female populations nesting on the islands of Crete and Cyprus have suffered a recent bottleneck or colonization event. However, no bottleneck or founder effect was revealed by nuclear markers, thus indicating male-mediated gene flow from other populations that would increase nuclear genetic variability. Crete, and to a lower extent Cyprus, are thought to play a central role in such male-mediated gene flow that may reduce the negative effect of genetic drift or inbreeding on the small populations of Lebanon and Israel. This population structure indicates that assessing population relevance only on the basis of genetic variability and size would be misleading, as some populations not fulfilling those requirements may play a relevant role in genetic exchange and hence contribute to the overall genetic variability.  相似文献   

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