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生态工程是“模拟生态系统原理而建成的生产工艺体系”,这是在七十年代的系统生态学基础上于八十年代明确提出来的(马世骏,1983年)。这个概念把生态学,特别是系统生态学,从一个应用基础学科推向发展为应用技术学科,使生态学更加紧密地结合经济建设各  相似文献   

生态工程原理在经济建设中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类社会活动都是破坏旧的平衡,建立新的平衡的过程。当今大多数自然环境都受到人为活动的干扰。纯粹自然生态环境已不多见。在我国,随着大规模的经济建设和国土开发,人为活动加于自然环境的干扰将以前所未有的规模进行。在经济建设和开发活动中,以何种方式塑造人工生态系统,以期达到高的生产力,高的经济效益和生态效益,使资源能永续利用,为人类繁衍提供物质基础和优良环境,是许多学者正在寻求的目标。马世骏教授根据多年的系统生态学研究,并对我国传统经验进行了总结,提出了生态工程设想,受到各地重视,在国外也有一定反  相似文献   

(Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 5.Trees Ⅱ.Y.P.S.Bajaj, Ed., Pp.640. ISBN 0-387-19158-5(Springer-Verlag, 1989) 在木本植物组织培养的应用的讨论中,A.D.Krikorian提出,尽管已经取得了很大的进步,但严格说来,植物组织培养方法作为一种常规方法仍还为时过早。尽管组织培养方法尚未用作林业的通用方法,但最近却取得了惊人的进展。似乎现在就木本植物才难以进行体外培养。最近,正陆续出版一些详细描述果树组织培养大量成功的书册。第五册是Y.P.S.Bajaj编辑的极好的植物生物技术连载本,Biotechnology in Agricul  相似文献   

生态工程——生态系统原理的应用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
在生态系统动态过程中,有两个起主要作用的基本功能,即(1)通过一定相互协调的结构与功能所形成的动态平衡;(2)以多层营养结构为基础的物质转化、分解、富集与再生,此两个功能效率高低决定生态系统的兴衰及其稳定状态。每个过程中都包含复杂的物理过程、化学过程和生物过程,其中生物起着传递、触媒乃至建造者的作用(参看附图1、2、3、4)。在长期演化和适应过程中,不仅建立了相互制约的食物链类型的联系,而且形成了独特生活习性的明确分工,分级利用自然界提供的物质,正是由于此种原因,使有限空间内能  相似文献   

微生态工程在生态畜牧业上的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
微生态工程在生态畜牧业上的应用李维炯,倪永珍(北京农业大学100094)ApplicationofMicroecologicalEngineeringinEco-AnimalHusbandry.¥LiWeijiong;NiYongzhen(Beiji...  相似文献   

张旭 《生物学通报》2012,47(5):22-25
以北京什刹海的水体治理为案例,引导学生通过分析水域生态恢复的相关资料,揭示生态工程原理和生成生态工程概念,尝试设计具体的生态工程案例而实现知识迁移.  相似文献   

涡虫作为扁形动物的重要种类,具有一定的典型性,为教学实验和科学研究常用的一种实验动物. 已有的关于涡虫的饲养方法,一般都偏重于考虑单纯的投饵和换水,往往很难持久,更难生殖繁衍.  相似文献   

食物链是物质能量流动的渠道,它在农业上的应用越来越广泛。本文从物质能量转化定律出发,阐明了食物链的加环,建立多层多种立体结构和多级循环转化的生产体系,提高农业生态系统生产力的途径,以及食物链原理在防治病虫杂草和动物危害方面的应用。  相似文献   

流式细胞仪原理及其在奶牛性别控制上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流式细胞仪分离得到的定性奶牛精子,借助人工授精技术或其他相关技术已经生产出许多预知性别的后代奶牛。流式细胞仪分离精子的原理是基于携带有X或Y性染色体精子的DNA含量不同。高性能的流式细胞仪可以达到每小时分离1.5~2×108个精子,并且准确率可达到90%。该项技术的应用使得奶牛的人工授精和低温保存技术更为便利,并且该项技术也可以用于其他养殖动物X、Y精子的分离。  相似文献   

杉木的混农林业   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
杉木是中国南方的重要用材树种,栽培十分广泛,人工造林历史在一千年以上,目前杉木人工林达1.0×10~7ha。杉木林地混种农作物是杉木产区的传统习惯,并形成一种独特的栽培制度,通过林粮间作,以耕代抚,既有农业收益,又抚育了杉木,促进了幼林的生长。这项经验在杉木产区长期世代相传,且因地制宜,在问作方式、作物种类等方面不断发展,如间种方式上有先农后林、林农同时或先林后农等,间种作物种类还有油料作物、经济作物  相似文献   

We refine the information available through the IPCC AR5 with regard to recent trends in global GHG emissions from agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU), including global emission updates to 2012. Using all three available AFOLU datasets employed for analysis in the IPCC AR5, rather than just one as done in the IPCC AR5 WGIII Summary for Policy Makers, our analyses point to a down‐revision of global AFOLU shares of total anthropogenic emissions, while providing important additional information on subsectoral trends. Our findings confirm that the share of AFOLU emissions to the anthropogenic total declined over time. They indicate a decadal average of 28.7 ± 1.5% in the 1990s and 23.6 ± 2.1% in the 2000s and an annual value of 21.2 ± 1.5% in 2010. The IPCC AR5 had indicated a 24% share in 2010. In contrast to previous decades, when emissions from land use (land use, land use change and forestry, including deforestation) were significantly larger than those from agriculture (crop and livestock production), in 2010 agriculture was the larger component, contributing 11.2 ± 0.4% of total GHG emissions, compared to 10.0 ± 1.2% of the land use sector. Deforestation was responsible for only 8% of total anthropogenic emissions in 2010, compared to 12% in the 1990s. Since 2010, the last year assessed by the IPCC AR5, new FAO estimates indicate that land use emissions have remained stable, at about 4.8 Gt CO2 eq yr?1 in 2012. Emissions minus removals have also remained stable, at 3.2 Gt CO2 eq yr?1 in 2012. By contrast, agriculture emissions have continued to grow, at roughly 1% annually, and remained larger than the land use sector, reaching 5.4 Gt CO2 eq yr?1 in 2012. These results are useful to further inform the current climate policy debate on land use, suggesting that more efforts and resources should be directed to further explore options for mitigation in agriculture, much in line with the large efforts devoted to REDD+ in the past decade.  相似文献   

陈谦  郑芳  周新 《生命的化学》2000,20(5):231-234
侵染检测 (Invaderassay)技术是无需进行聚合酶链式反应 (PCR )的一种DNA(RNA)的检测与定量分析技术[1] ,具有无污染、特异性与敏感度高、操作简便等优点 ,可以广泛运用于基因突变、单核苷酸多态性(singlenucleotidepolymorphism ,SNP)检测、核酸定量分析以及基于病人基因型的指导临床个体化用药中[2 ] 。它是美国ThirdWaveTechnology公司的专利技术[3] 。以下对其基本原理与应用前景作一简要介绍。1 .信号探针的切割1 .1 反应体系组成  侵染检测反应体系中 ,包…  相似文献   

生物芯片是指将大量生物讯息密码(寡核苷酸、cDNA、基因组DNA、蛋白质等)以预先设计的方式固定在玻片、硅片等固相载体上组成的密集分子阵列,可分为核酸芯片、蛋白芯片、芯片实验室三类.生物芯片技术的本质是生物信号的平行分析,它利用核酸分子杂交、蛋白分子亲和原理,通过荧光标记技术检测杂交或亲和与否,可迅速获得所需信息.高效、快速的生物芯片技术以其无与伦比的优势,已在医学、分子生物学等领域显现出巨大的应用价值,具有非常广阔的发展前景。 Abstract:Bio-chip is a molecular micro-array,which is composed of some biological message codes (e.g.ohgonucleotides,cDNA,genome DNA,protein,and so on) arranged on solid surfaces in light of a engineering design in advance.There are three kinds of Bio-Chips,i.e.,nucleic acid chip,protein chip,and chip “lab”.The essence of Bio-Chip technology is a parallel analysis for biology message.It is based on the principle of nucleic acid molecule hybridization or protein immunochemistry.The occurrence of hybridization/immunoreaction is detected by fluo-labelled technology.Then the needed message can quickly be obtained.Efficient and fast Bio-Chip technology has already exhibited enormous applied value in medical science and molecule biology field because of incomparable superority.Moreover,it possesses very wide development prospect.  相似文献   

生物芯片技术的原理与应用   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
池晓菲  舒庆尧 《遗传》2001,23(4):370-374
生物芯片是指将大量生物讯息密码(寡核苷酸、cDNA、基因组DNA、蛋白质等)以预先设计的方式固定在玻片、硅片等固相载体上组成的密集分子阵列,可分为核酸芯片、蛋白芯片、芯片实验室三类,生物芯片技术的本质是生物信号的平行分析,它利用核酸分子杂交,蛋白分子亲和原理,通过荧光标记技术检测杂交或亲和否,可迅速获得所需信息。高效、快速的生物芯片技术以其无与伦比的优势,在已医学、分子生物学等领域显现出巨大的应用价值,具有非常广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

College of Agronomy (Academy of Agricultural Sciences) is one of the 15 colleges in theNorthwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry. It was established from the De-partment of Agronomy of and Department of Agricultural Research Center in the Arid Areaof Northwestern Agricultural University,Wheat Research Center, Institute of Grain Crops,  相似文献   

RNA病毒感染性克隆的构建原理及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
构建RNA病毒感染性克隆是对RNA病毒实施反向遗传操作技术的前提和基础,本文综述了RNA病毒感染性克隆的构建原理、方法及应用。  相似文献   

cDNA-AFLP技术及其在基因表达研究中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
cDNAAFLP是一种新的研究基因表达的技术,具有重复性好、稳定、可靠的特点,可对生物体转录组进行全面、系统的分析。简单介绍了cDNAAFLP的基本原理和技术特点,并对其在构建转录连锁图、与EST序列的互相转化、基因表达特性研究及分离特异表达基因等方面的应用进行了概述。  相似文献   

离子束是指一束具有一定能量的质量数小于或等于4的带电离子束,离子束注入技术是生物物理技术,具有生理损伤小、突变谱广和突变频率高等特点。离子束与生物体的相互作用是我国具有独立知识产权的生物物理技术,我国科学家在上世纪80年代已经发现了离子束注入的生物效应,并将这一原理应用于植物诱变育种。本文主要概述了低能离子束注入对生物体的作用原理,以及该技术在植物育种、微生物品种改良和遗传改良上的应用,最后还小结了离子束注入技术在研究领域存在的问题并对其未来发展方向提出展望。  相似文献   

The central challenge from the Precautionary Principle to statistical methodology is to help delineate (preferably quantitatively) the possibility that some exposure is hazardous, even in cases where this is not established beyond reasonable doubt. The classical approach to hypothesis testing is unhelpful, because lack of significance can be due either to uninformative data or to genuine lack of effect (the Type II error problem). Its inversion, bioequivalence testing, might sometimes be a model for the Precautionary Principle in its ability to ‘prove the null hypothesis.’ Current procedures for setting safe exposure levels are essentially derived from these classical statistical ideas, and we outline how uncertainties in the exposure and response measurements affect the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL), the Benchmark approach and the “Hockey Stick” model. A particular problem concerns model uncertainty: usually these procedures assume that the class of models describing dose/response is known with certainty; this assumption is however often violated, perhaps particularly often when epidemiological data form the source of the risk assessment, and regulatory authorities have occasionally resorted to some average based on competing models. The recent methodology of Bayesian model averaging might be a systematic version of this, but is this an arena for the Precautionary Principle to come into play?  相似文献   

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