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InDrosophila melanogaster, male wing vibration, a key element of courtship behaviour, is most efficiently induced by a female-specific contact pheromonecis, cis 7,11 heptacosadiene (7, 11 HD), which is the main mature female cuticular hydrocarbon in the CS laboratory strain. A study of 63 strains from around the world revealed that flies from Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean are unique in showing low levels 7,11 HD and high levels of the position isomer 5,9 HD. This difference maps to chromosome III, perhaps indicating a simple genetic control of the 7,11 HD: 5,9 HD ratio. Females from strains with high levels of 7,11 HD showed higher levels of mating and mated more rapidly than females with low levels of 7,11 HD. The results are discussed in light of recent discoveries of genetic differences betweenD. melanogaster strains from Africa and those from elsewhere around the world.  相似文献   

Summary Mother-offspring data for alcohol dehydrogenase genotypes of a vineyard cellar population of D. melanogaster are best explained by a model that allows 21% of females in the population to mate twice with an 83% level of sperm displacement. A population model with multiple mating and sperm displacement is examined theoretically. A formula for the effective population size is derived under this model. Multiple mating increases the effective population size relative to single mating.  相似文献   

We examined the genomic occurrence of the transposable elementpogo in over 120 strains ofDrosophila melanogaster, from around the world and from different eras. All had multiple copies of a 2.1 kilobase (kb)pogo element, and multiple copies of several size classes between 1.0 and 1.8 kb. There were differences between strains in intensities or presences of deletion-derivative size classes, suggesting current or recent mobility in the species. We were unable to find anypogo-hybridization in eight other species in the genus, in three subgenera, or in the relatedScaptomyza pallida. Thepogo element may be a ‘middle-aged’ element in the genome ofD. melanogaster, having entered the species since its divergence from its sibling species, but long before theP andhobo elements.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of a suite of 12 morphometric wing characters was examined in 16 natural populations ofDrosophila melanogaster from Eastern Europe and Central Asia using principal component analysis. The posterior wing compartment was found to differ in shape between the Eastern European and Central Asian populations. This result is in agreement with data on wing shape variation from exposure to high and low temperatures under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Drosophila melanogaster normally have six thoracic legs and no abdominal legs. However, one or two legs often appear in the first abdominal segment ofbithoraxoid mutants. The extent to which these extra legs develop is determined both by thecis-regulatory action ofbithoraxoid lesions onUltrabithorax and by the number of copies of the adjacent homeotic geneabdominal-A. Thebithoraxoid region does notcis-regulateabdominal-A.  相似文献   

Determinants of male courtship success in Drosophila melanogasterwere examined in groups of five males sequentially presented with five individual females. Thirty-three percent of males never mated, while approximately half of the males mated two or three times. Rapid courtship initiation was associated with male success in early matings only. Male size was important for courtship outcome, but the size distributions of mating and nonmating males and their progeny numbers indicate balancing rather than directional selection on size- dependent courtship success.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogastermales initiated aggressive behavior toward other males and defended territories several hours after they were able to court and mate females. Males that were 3 days or more posteclosion were more successful at holding territories than younger males. Three-day-old males established territories more readily and escalated more often against territory residents than males that were 1 day old. Residents did not usually force young males from territories until they were a few hours posteclosion. The development of territorial behavior was not affected by familiarity or prior exposure to females. Males held in isolation established territories more quickly and behaved more aggressively than males held in groups. Males that previously held territories were more likely to reestablish them after a disturbance.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare measures of general activity and sexual behavior for various genotypes within a strain of Drosophila melanogaster, which had known differences in mating speed. Three inbred lines of D. melanogaster differed significantly in mating speed when tested in female-choice and in single-pair experiments. Analyses of locomotor activity and sexual activity of females and males revealed no significant differences between the inbred lines. An analysis of the interplay between female and male courtship behaviors enabled the examination of signal-response differences between the inbred lines. The inbred lines with intermediate and slow mean mating speed showed a decreased number of significant transitions between female and male behavioral responses. This decrease was more severe in the slow mating line. Further, the intermediate- and slow-mating females and males displayed courtship responses toward signals of the opposite sex that were different from those of the fastmating line. Models of the relationship between behavioral activity and mating speed in Drosophila are discussed and a different explanation for variation in mating speed among the three inbred lines is considered.  相似文献   

Phototaxis was measured in young, middle-aged, and oldDrosophila melanogaster flies of both sexes. The apparatus allowed us to measure the tendency to go toward light, independently of the time needed to do so; under such conditions, phototaxis is dissociated from locomotor activity. The percentage of photopositive flies decreased slightly with age (93.96, 80.17, and 78.97%, respectively, in young, middle-aged, and old flies). Results are discussed in connection with previous data for which the tendency to go toward light and the time to do so were not dissociated.  相似文献   

Summary The mutationbicaudal (Bull, 1966) causes embryos to develop a longitudinal mirror image duplication of the posteriormost abdominal segments, while head and thorax are missing. These embryos occur with varying frequencies among eggs laid by mutant females, irrespective of the paternal genotype. Recombination and deletion mapping indicate thatbicaudal (bic) is a recessive, hypomorphic, maternal-effect mutation mapping at a single locus on the second chromosome ofDrosophila melanogaster close tovg (67.0±0.1). The frequency of bicaudal embryos depends on the age of the mother, her genetic constitution and the temperature at which she is raised. Best producers are very young females hemizygous forbic (bic/Df(2)vg B ) at 28° C. Under these conditions 80% to 90% of the eggs which differentiate can show the bicaudal embryo phenotype. Upon ageing of the mother the frequency of bicaudal embryos declines rapidly, and most of the eggs develop the normal body pattern. Temperature shift experiments suggest a temperature-sensitive period at the onset of vitellogenesis.The mutation causes several types of abnormalities in the segment pattern of theDrosophila embryo, which are interpreted as various degrees of expression of the mutant character. The most frequent abnormal phenotype is the symmetrical bicaudal embryo with one to five abdominal segments duplicated. Less frequent are asymmetrical types, in which the smaller number of segments is always in the anterior reversed part. Other phenotypes are embryos with missing or rudimentary heads, and embryos with irregular gaps in the segment pattern. In bicaudal embryos, the pole cells, formed at the posterior pole of the egg prior to blastoderm formation, are not duplicated at the anterior. The significance of thebicaudal phenotypes for embryonic pattern-formation inDrosophila is discussed.  相似文献   

Female fecundity, oviposition preference and specificity on one normal and two novel food media were assayed on four laboratory populations ofDrosophila melanogaster, revealing considerable among- and within-population variation in oviposition preference. Overall, there was a significant tendency of females to prefer novel media to their normal banana food as an oviposition substrate. Specificity in the populations was fairly high, implying that a large proportion of females tended to lay the majority of their eggs on the preferred medium. The results showed that oviposition preference for a given food medium could be affected by the alternative provided, and that, consequently, oviposition preference for a given food medium versus another cannot be predicted based upon a knowledge of what the preference for each of the two media was versus a common third medium. Specificity, on the other hand, was not significantly affected by the type of alternative food media provided in a given trial. Moreover, comparison of results from fecundity and oviposition preference assays also showed that the egg laying behaviour ofDrosophila females in response to different food media may be different in choice versus no-choice situations. Thus, a substrate on which fecundity is higher than on another, when assayed in a no-choice situation, may not be preferred over the other substrate when a choice between the two is provided to the ovipositing females. The latter two results point to possible complexity in the responses of females to various oviposition substrates based upon the overall setting of the assay, including the alternative substrates present for egg laying.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, biological rhythms, aggression and mating are modulated by group size and composition. However, the fitness significance of this group effect is unknown. By varying the composition of groups of males and females, we show that social context affects reproductive behaviour and offspring genetic diversity. Firstly, females mating with males from the same strain in the presence of males from a different strain are infecund, analogous to the Bruce effect in rodents, suggesting a social context-dependent inbreeding avoidance mechanism. Secondly, females mate more frequently in groups composed of males from more than one strain; this mitigates last male sperm precedence and increases offspring genetic diversity. However, smell-impaired Orco mutant females do not increase mating frequency according to group composition; this indicates that social context-dependent changes in reproductive behaviour depend on female olfaction, rather than direct male-male interactions. Further, variation in mating frequency in wild-type strains depends on females and not males. The data show that group composition can affect variance in the reproductive success of its members, and that females play a central role in this process. Social environment can thus influence the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

From the first test cross progenies of control (no larval transfers; no ethyl methanesulphonate), physical stress (two larval transfers; no ethyl methanesulphonate) and 0.75% ethyl methanesulphonate (two larval transfers; 0.75% ethyl methanesulphonate)-treated F1 (Oregon K +/dumpy black cinnabar, dp b cn) males ofDrosophila melanogaster, respectively, 6,10 and 52 wild-looking first test cross males were again test crossed to obtain second generation. The overall percentages of male recombination detected in the second test cross progenies, in the three sets of experiments, were statistically the same as those in the first test cross progenies. Thus the enhanced male recombination caused by physical stress (with or without ethyl methanesulphonate) was transmitted to next generation. Non-reciprocal male recombination was observed indp b but not inb cn region in both first and second test cross progenies. Three abnormalities, (i) production of wild-type flies in majority overdp b cn type, (ii) Non-Mendelian segregation atdp b andcn loci and (iii) sex-ratio differences fordp bcn and +b cn types observed in test cross progenies of F1 males ofDrosophila melanogaster were transmitted to next generation when induced with 0.75 % ethyl methanesulphonate but not when these abnormalities were induced with physical stress. The data suggest possible association of non-reciprocal male recombination, segregation distortion and sex-ratio imbalance inDrosophila melanogaster. In fact these may be representing different aspects of the same phenomenon  相似文献   

Summary Protein synthesis in egg follicles and blastoderm embryos ofDrosophila melanogaster has been studied by means of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Up to 400 polypeptide spots have been resolved on autoradiographs. Stage 10 follicles (for stages see King, 1970) were labelled in vitro for 10 to 60 min with35S-methionine and cut with tungsten needles into an anterior fragment containing the nurse cells and a posterior fragment containing the oocyte and follicle cells. The nurse cells were found to synthesize a complex pattern of proteins. At least two proteins were detected only in nurse cells but not in the oocyte even after a one hour labelling period. Nurse cells isolated from stages 9, 10 and 12 follicles were shown to synthesize stage specific patterns of proteins. Several proteins are synthesized in posterior fragments of stage 10 follicles but not in anterior fragments. These proteins are only found in follicle cells. No oocyte specific proteins have been detected. Striking differences between the protein patterns of anterior and posterior fragments persist until the nurse cells degenerate. In mature stage 14 follicles, labelled in vivo, no significant differences in the protein patterns of isolated anterior and posterior fragments could be detected; this may be due to technical limitations. At the blastoderm stage localized synthesis of specific proteins becomes detectable again. When blastoderm embryos, labelled in vivo, are cut with tungsten needles and the cells are isolated from anterior and posterior halves, differences become apparent. The pole cells located at the posterior pole are highly active in protein synthesis and contribute several specific proteins which are found exclusively in the posterior region of the embryo. In this study synthesis of specific proteins could only be demonstrated at those developmental stages which are characterized by the presence of different cell types within the egg chamber, while no differences were detected when stage 14 follicles were cut and anterior and posterior fragments analyzed separately. The differences in the pattern of protein synthesis by pole cells and blastoderm cells indicate that even the earliest stages of determination are reflected by marked changes at the biochemical level.  相似文献   

The biochemical properties of three allozymes coded by theEst-6 locus, two common forms (EST-6S and EST-6F) and one rare form (EST-6VF), were studied. The results show the existence of differences in isoelectric point, activity, activation energy, Km, and temperature coefficient among the three variants, especially between the two common forms and the one rare form. The specific activity of the rare enzymatic variant seems to be less affected by temperature variation. The possible significance of these findings in relation to the mechanism of reproduction is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Foraging-stage third-instar larvae from most wild-type (normal) Drosophila melanogaster stocks are generally repelled by light. To identify factors that affect the larval photoresponse, we elucidated the effects of age, temperature, and time on the photoresponse of larvae from a wild-type Canton-S stock. In addition, we analyzed the larvae from the LI2 isofemale line, which are unresponsive to light in a photoassay. To determine whether LI2 larvae behave abnormally on other behavioral paradigms, in comparison to Canton-S controls, we tested larvae in taste and olfactory assays and observed them to determine whether they dispersed in a food source. Like Canton-S larvae, LI2 larvae and other isofemale lines whose progenitors were collected from the same natural population are responsive to taste and olfactory stimuli. Moreover, LI2 larvae disperse in the food source, as do Canton-S larvae tested in the dark. Larvae expressing parasbl mutations, which respond normally to light but not to chemical stimuli, do not disperse normally in the food source, suggesting that dispersal may be mediated by perception of chemical cues.  相似文献   

The toxicity and mutagenicity of 1-amino-2-naphtho-4-sulphonic acid were analysed inDrosphila melanogaster. Rate of development and viability were the two parameters employed to study the toxicity. The frequency of dominant lethals was scored to evaluate the mutagenic effect of the chemical on male and female germ cells. Concentrations of 250 mg and above/100 ml wheat cream agar medium were found to be significantly toxic. Significant number of dominant lethals was induced even by a concentration as low as 50 mg/100 ml medium. Male germ cells were more sensitive than female germ cells.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure for pole cell isolation has been developed that takes advantage of theDrosophila melanogaster maternal effect mutantmat(3) 1. Embryos derived from homozygousmat(3)1 mothers form exclusively pole cells. By outcrossing we could substantially increase the expressivity of the original mutant stock. We further introduced theTM8 balancer chromosome, which carries the dominant temperature sensitive mutationDTS-4. This allows the accumulation of large homozygousmat(3) 1 fly populations by eliminating the heterozygous flies at the restrictive temperature.Early embryos were mechanically fragmented and the cells were isolated by means of metrizamide step gradients. The isolated cells were demonstrated to exhibit the various ultrastructural and histochemical characteristics of pole cells. The isolated cells were transplanted into genetically marked host embryos. The germ line mosaics that were obtained indicate that the isolated cells represent functional pole cells.Proteins synthesized by the isolated pole cells during short term in vitro labelling with35S-methionine were compared to the proteins synthesized by blastoderm cells fromOregon-R embryos. At least one protein could be demonstrated in the pole cell samples that is not synthesized byOregon-R blastoderm cells.The method allows a fast and gentle isolation of highly enriched pole cell populations which are a prerequisite for the biochemical analysis of germ cell determination and differentiation.  相似文献   

Oviposition preference for ureasupplemented food was assayed by simultaneous choice trials on five pairs of closely related laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster.Each pair of populations had been derived from a separate ancestral population about 85 generations prior to this study. One population in each pair had been subjected to selection for larval tolerance to the toxic effects of urea; the other population served as a control. Considerable variation in oviposition preference was seen both within and among populations, with four of the ten populations showing a significant mean preference for ureasupplemented food. The degree of specificity shown by individual females was surprisingly high, leading to a bimodal distribution of oviposition preference in some populations. Overall, selection for larval tolerance to urea did not significantly affect oviposition preference. However, the data indicated that pairwise comparisons between randomly selected populations from the two larval selection regimes would lead to a range of possible outcomes, suggesting, in several cases, that selection for larval urea tolerance had led to significant differentiation of adult oviposition preference for urea in one or the other direction. The results, therefore, highlight the importance of population level replication and caution against the practice, common in ecological studies, of assaying oviposition preference in two populations that utilize different hosts in nature, and then drawing broad evolutionary inferences from the results.  相似文献   

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