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Interleukin (IL)-18 and IL-22 are key components of cytokine networks that play a decisive role in (pathological) inflammation, host defense, and tissue regeneration. Tight regulation of cytokine-driven signaling, inflammation, and immunoactivation is supposed to enable nullification of a given deleterious trigger without mediating overwhelming collateral tissue damage or even activating a cancerous face of regeneration. In fact, feedback regulation by specific cytokine opponents is regarded as a major means by which the immune system is kept in balance. Herein, we shine a light on the interplay between IL-18 and IL-22 and their opponents IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP) and IL-22BP in order to provide integrated information on their biology, pathophysiological significance, and prospect as targets and/or instruments of therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Fusion proteins consisting of the 24 kDa nuclear form of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2), associated with the hormone binding domain of oestrogen receptor (HBD), convey oestrogen inducibility to FGF-2. When stable HBD-FGF-2 HeLa cell lines were transiently transfected with an interleukin 6 (IL-6) construct, the IL-6 promoter activity was downregulated by the addition of oestradiol. Moreover, in these cell lines, the function of the FGF-2 nuclear localisation sequence was abolished by its fusion to HBD, while addition of oestradiol restored the location of the chimera to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Pikas DS  Eriksson I  Kjellén L 《Biochemistry》2000,39(15):4552-4558
Functional interactions of heparan sulfate (HS) with selected proteins depend on distinct saccharide sequences which are generated during biosynthesis of the polysaccharide. Glucosaminyl N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferases (NDSTs) catalyze both the N-deacetylation and N-sulfation reactions that initiate the modification of the (GlcNAc-GlcA)(n) polysaccharide backbone. The N-acetyl/N-sulfate exchange is restricted to certain regions of the polysaccharide chains, and only these can be further modified by glucuronyl C5-epimerization and O-sulfation at various positions. To investigate whether NDST isoforms influenced differently the structure of HS, murine NDST-1 was overexpressed in human kidney 293 cells, and the structure of the HS produced was compared to HS from NDST-2 overexpressing cells [Cheung, W. F., Eriksson, I., Kusche-Gullberg M., Lindahl, U., and Kjellén, L. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 5250-5256]. The level of N-sulfation increased from 40% in control cells to 60% and 80%, respectively, in NDST-1 and NDST-2 transfected cells. Interestingly, the increase in N-sulfation was accompanied by an increased chain length, while no effect on IdoA content or O-sulfation was seen. The most extended N-sulfated domains were found in HS synthesized by NDST-2 transfected cells. Since both the N-deacetylase and the N-sulfotransferase activities were lower in these cells than in the NDST-1 overexpressing cells, we conclude that, in addition to the level of enzyme expression, the NDST isoform also is important in determining the N-sulfation pattern in HS.  相似文献   

The developing vertebrate retina produces appropriate ratios of seven phenotypically and functionally distinct cell types. Retinal progenitors remain multipotent up until the last cell division, favoring the idea that extrinsic cues direct cell fate. We demonstrated previously that fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors are necessary for transduction of signals in the developing Xenopus retina that bias cell fate decisions (S. McFarlane et al., 1998, Development 125, 3967-3975). However, the precise identity of the signal remains unknown. To test whether an FGF signal is sufficient to influence cell fate choices in the developing retina, FGF-2 was overexpressed in Xenopus retinal precursors by injecting, at the embryonic 16-cell stage, a cDNA plasmid encoding FGF-2 into cells fated to form the retina. We found that FGF-2 overexpression in retinal precursors altered the relative numbers of transgene-expressing retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and Müller glia; RGCs were increased by 35% and Müller glia decreased by 50%. In contrast, the proportion of retinal precursors that became photoreceptors was unchanged. Within the photoreceptor population, however, we found a twofold increase in rod photoreceptors at the expense of cone photoreceptors. These data are consistent with an endogenous FGF signal influencing cell fate decisions in the developing vertebrate retina.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) is a member of a large family of structurally related proteins that affect the growth, differentiation, migration, and survival of many cell types. The human FGF-2 gene (encoding residues 1–155) was synthesized by PCR from 20 oligonucleotides and cloned into plasmid pET-32a. A high expression level (1 g/liter) of a fused protein thioredoxin/FGF-2 was achieved in Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3). The fusion protein was purified from the soluble fraction of cytoplasmic proteins on a Ni-NTA agarose column. After cleavage of the thioredoxin/FGF-2 fusion with recombinant human enteropeptidase light chain, the target protein FGF-2 was purified on a heparin-Sepharose column. The yield of FGF-2 without N- and C-terminal tags and with high activity was 100 mg per liter of cell culture. Mutations C78S and C96S in the amino acid sequence of the protein decreased FGF-2 dimer formation without affecting its solubility and biological activity.  相似文献   



Emerging antituberculosis drug resistance is a serious threat for tuberculosis (TB) control, especially in Eastern European countries.


We combined drug susceptibility results and molecular strain typing data with treatment outcome reports to assess the influence of drug resistance on TB treatment outcomes in a prospective cohort of patients from Abkhazia (Georgia). Patients received individualized treatment regimens based on drug susceptibility testing (DST) results. Definitions for antituberculosis drug resistance and treatment outcomes were in line with current WHO recommendations. First and second line DST, and molecular typing were performed in a supranational laboratory for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) strains from consecutive sputum smear-positive TB patients at baseline and during treatment.


At baseline, MTB strains were fully drug-susceptible in 189/326 (58.0%) of patients. Resistance to at least H or R (PDR-TB) and multidrug-resistance (MDR-TB) were found in 69/326 (21.2%) and 68/326 (20.9%) of strains, respectively. Three MDR-TB strains were also extensively resistant (XDR-TB). During treatment, 3/189 (1.6%) fully susceptible patients at baseline were re-infected with a MDR-TB strain and 2/58 (3.4%) PDR-TB patients became MDR-TB due to resistance amplification. 5/47 (10.6%) MDR- patients became XDR-TB during treatment. Treatment success was observed in 161/189 (85.2%), 54/69 (78.3%) and 22/68 (32.3%) of patients with fully drug susceptible, PDR- and MDR-TB, respectively. Development of ofloxacin resistance was significantly associated with a negative treatment outcome.


In Abkhazia, a region with high prevalence of drug resistant TB, the use of individualized MDR-TB treatment regimens resulted in poor treatment outcomes and XDR-TB amplification. Nosocomial transmission of MDR-TB emphasizes the importance of infection control in hospitals.  相似文献   

Amplification of the H region has been previously observed in methotrexate (MTX)-resistant strains of Leishmania major and in unselected laboratory stocks of L. tarentolae. We now show that selection of L. major with the structurally unrelated drugs primaquine or terbinafine generated resistant lines exhibiting H region amplification and 23- and 12-fold cross-resistance to MTX, respectively. These and other drug-resistant lines bearing H region amplification also exhibited weak cross-resistance to primaquine and terbinafine, associating the amplified H region with pleiotropic resistance to MTX and other drugs. In contrast, lines selected for chloroquine or pentamidine resistance did not show H region amplification or this pattern of drug cross-resistance. The primaquine- and terbinafine-selected lines exhibited wild-type levels of dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase and normal uptake and accumulation of MTX, and the MTX resistance of these lines was not reversed by verapamil. These data suggest that the mechanism of MTX cross-resistance associated with H region amplification is novel and distinct from that mediated by overexpression of MDR genes in multidrug-resistant mammalian cells. Structural studies indicated that the amplified H region DNA in these L. major lines was largely (possibly exclusively) extra-chromosomal and consisted of circular inverted repeats joined at two DNA rearrangement junctions. Southern blot analyses showed that these rearrangement junctions were identical in four independent cell lines, suggesting that these sites are "hotspots" for DNA rearrangement. H region amplification in all of these lines was conservative, defined as retention of the chromosomal H region locus without structural alteration or reduction in copy number. This finding is consistent with an over-replication/recombination model for amplification of the H region.  相似文献   

Immunological homeostasis is often maintained by counteractive functions of two different cell types or two different receptors signaling through different intermediates in the same cell. One of these signaling intermediates is protein kinase C (PKC). Ten differentially regulated PKC isoforms are integral to receptor-triggered responses in different cells. So far, eight PKC isoforms are reported to be expressed in macrophages. Whether a single receptor differentially uses PKC isoforms to regulate counteractive effector functions has never been addressed. As CD40 is the only receptor characterized to trigger counteractive functions, we examined the relative role of PKC isoforms in the CD40-induced macrophage functions. We report that in BALB/c mouse macrophages, higher doses of CD40 stimulation induce optimum phosphorylation and translocation of PKCα, βI, βII, and ε whereas lower doses of CD40 stimulation activates PKCδ, ζ, and λ. Infection of macrophages with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major impairs PKCα, βI, βII, and ε isoforms but enhances PKCδ, ζ, and λ isoforms, suggesting a reciprocity among these PKC isoforms. Indeed, PKCα, βI, βII, and ε isoforms mediate CD40-induced p38MAPK phosphorylation, IL-12 expression, and Leishmania killing; PKCδ and ζ/λ mediate ERK1/2 phosphorylation, IL-10 production, and parasite growth. Treatment of the susceptible BALB/c mice with the lentivirally expressed PKCδ- or ζ-specific short hairpin RNA significantly reduces the infection and reinstates host-protective IFN-γ-dominated T cell response, defining the differential roles for PKC isoforms in immune homeostasis and novel PKC-targeted immunotherapeutic and parasite-derived immune evasion strategies.  相似文献   

We generated transgenic (TG) mice overexpressing fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2 protein (22- to 34-fold) in the heart. Chronic FGF-2 overexpression revealed no significant effect on heart weight-to-body weight ratio or expression of cardiac differentiation markers. There was, however, a significant 20% increase in capillary density. Although there was no change in FGF receptor-1 expression, relative levels of phosphorylated c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase and p38 kinase as well as of membrane-associated protein kinase C (PKC)-alpha and total PKC-epsilon were increased in FGF-2-TG mouse hearts. An isolated mouse heart model of ischemia-reperfusion injury was used to assess the potential of increased endogenous FGF-2 for cardioprotection. A significant 34-45% increase in myocyte viability, reflected in a decrease in lactate dehydrogenase released into the perfusate, was observed in FGF-2 overexpressing mice and non-TG mice treated exogenously with FGF-2. In conclusion, FGF-2 overexpression causes augmentation of signal transduction pathways and increased resistance to ischemic injury. Thus, stimulation of endogenous FGF-2 expression offers a potential mechanism to enhance cardioprotection.  相似文献   

We characterized the effects of classical erythromycin resistance mutations in ribosomal proteins L4 and L22 of the large ribosomal subunit on the kinetics of erythromycin binding. Our data are consistent with a mechanism in which the macrolide erythromycin enters and exits the ribosome through the nascent peptide exit tunnel, and suggest that these mutations both impair passive transport through the tunnel and distort the erythromycin‐binding site. The growth‐inhibitory action of erythromycin was characterized for bacterial populations with wild‐type and L22‐mutated ribosomes in drug efflux pump deficient and proficient backgrounds. The L22 mutation conferred reduced erythromycin susceptibility in the drug efflux pump proficient, but not deficient, background. This ‘masking’ of drug resistance by pump deficiency was reproduced by modelling with input data from our biochemical experiments. We discuss the general principles behind the phenomenon of drug resistance ‘masking’, and highlight its potential importance for slowing down the evolution of drug resistance among pathogens.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the 197-residue 22 kDa fragment from chicken pectoralis muscle was determined to be as follows: K-K-G-S-S-F-Q-T-V-S-A-L-F-R-E-N-L-N-K-L- M-A-N-L-R-S-T-H-P-H-F-V-R-C-I-I-P-N-E-T-K-T-P-G-A-M-E-H-E-L-V-L-H-Q-L-R- C-N-G-V- L-E-G-I-R-I-C-R-K-G-F-P-S-R-V-L-Y-A-D-F-K-Q-R-Y-R-V-L-N-A-S-A-I-P-E-G-Q- F-M-D-S- K-K-A-S-E-K-L-L-G-S-I-D-V-D-h-T-Q-Y-R-F-G-H-T-K-V-F-F-K-A-G-L-L-G-L-L-E- E-M-R-D- D-K-L-A-E-I-I-T-R-T-Q-A-R-C-R-G-F-L-M-R-V-E-Y-R-R-M-V-E-R-R-E-S-I-F-C-I- Q-Y-N-V-R-S-F-M-N-V-K-H-W-P-W-M-K-L-F-F-K, where h stands for 3-N-methylhistidine. The amino acid sequences of the 22 kDa fragment and its equivalent fragment from chicken ventricle and gizzard muscle myosins were also determined by our group. Predicted secondary structures of these 22 kDa fragment regions and of the reported chicken embryo myosin revealed some possible structural differences.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Thymidine phosphorylase (TP) catalyzes the conversion of thymidine to thymine and 2-deoxyribose-1-phosphate. The latter plays an important role in induction of angiogenesis. As such, many human malignancies exhibit TP overexpression that correlates with increased microvessel density, formation of aggressive tumors, and dismal prognosis. Because TP is frequently overexpressed in cancer, pro-drugs were developed that utilize TP activity for their bioactivation to cytotoxic drugs. In this respect, TP is indispensable for the pharmacologic activity of the chemotherapeutic drug capecitabine, as it converts its intermediary metabolite 5'-deoxyfluorouridine to 5-fluorouracil. Thus, loss of TP function confers resistance to the prodrug capecitabine, currently used for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer and breast cancer. However, drug resistance phenomena may frequently emerge that compromise the pharmacologic activity of capecitabine. Deciphering the molecular mechanisms underlying resistance to TP-activated prodrugs is an important goal toward the overcoming of such drug resistance phenomena. Here, we discovered that lack of TP protein in drug-resistant tumor cells is due to unsplicing of its pre-mRNA. Advanced bioinformatics identified the family of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNP) H/F as candidate splicing factors potentially responsible for impaired TP splicing. Indeed, whereas parental cells lacked nuclear localization of hnRNPs H1/H2 and F, drug-resistant cells harbored marked levels of these splicing factors. Nuclear RNA immunoprecipitation experiments established a strong binding of hnRNP H1/H2 to TP pre-mRNA, hence implicating them in TP splicing. Moreover, introduction of hnRNP H2 into drug-sensitive parental cells recapitulated aberrant TP splicing and 5'-deoxyfluorouridine resistance. Thus, this is the first study identifying altered function of hnRNP H1/H2 in tumor cells as a novel determinant of aberrant TP splicing thereby resulting in acquired chemoresistance to TP-activated fluoropyrimidine anticancer drugs.  相似文献   

We have studied the conditions required to reactivate oxygen evolution in NaCl-washed Photosystem-II particles. Restoration of oxygen evolution by Ca2+ revealed an heterogeneity in these Photosystem-II particles: 30% possess a low affinity site for Ca2+ (1–2 mM), 70% a high affinity site for Ca2+ (50–100 μM), even in the absence of the 24 kDa protein. The sole effect of the 24 kDa protein added back to Photosystem-II particles shortly before illumination was to stabilize oxygen evolution. Added back more than half an hour before, to Photosystem II particles at a high chlorophyll concentration, it increased oxygen evolution from approx. 40% of the control to 60–70% of the control. After reconstitution, an appreciable fraction of the low-affinity site for Ca2+ was still present.  相似文献   

Pye DA  Vivès RR  Hyde P  Gallagher JT 《Glycobiology》2000,10(11):1183-1192
The interaction of heparan sulfate (HS) (and the closely related molecule heparin) with FGF-1 is a requirement for enabling the growth factor to activate its cell surface tyrosine kinase receptor. However, little is known about the regulatory role of naturally occurring cell surface HS in FGF-1 activation. We have addressed this issue by utilizing a library of HS oligosaccharides, which are defined in both length and sulfate content. Mitogenic activation assays using these oligosaccharides showed that HS contained both FGF-1 activatory and inhibitory sugar sequences. Further analysis of these oligosaccharides showed a clear correlation between FGF-1 promoting activity and their 6-O-sulfate content. The results, in particular with the dodecasaccharide sequences, suggested that specific positioning of 6-O-sulfate groups may be required for the promotion of FGF-1 mitogenic activity. This may also be true for 2-O-sulfate groups though the evidence was not as conclusive. Differential activation of FGF-1 and FGF-2 was also observed and found to be mediated by both oligosaccharide length and sulfation pattern, with different specific O-sulfate positioning being implicated for the promotion of different growth factors. These results suggest that variation and tight control of the fine structure of HS may allow cells to not only control their positive/negative responses to individual FGFs but also to change specificity towards promotion of different members of the FGF family.  相似文献   

Yue Y  Grossmann B  Galetzka D  Zechner U  Haaf T 《Genomics》2006,88(6):772-778
Expression of Robo receptor molecules is important for axon guidance across the midline of the mammalian central nervous system. Here we describe novel isoform a of human ROBO2, which is initially strongly expressed in the fetal human brain but thereafter only weakly expressed in adult brain and a few other tissues. The known isoform b of ROBO2 shows a more or less ubiquitous expression pattern, suggesting diverse functional roles. The genomic structure and distinct expression patterns of Robo2a and Robo2b have been conserved in the mouse, but in contrast to human ROBO2a mouse Robo2a is also abundant in adult brain. Exons 1 and 2 of human ROBO2a lie in an inherently unstable DNA segment at human chromosome 3p12.3 that is associated with segmental duplications, independent chromosome rearrangements during primate evolution, and homozygous deletion and loss of heterozygosity in various human cancers. The 5' end of mouse Robo2a lies in a <150-kb DNA segment of break in synteny between mouse chromosome 16C3.1 and the human genome.  相似文献   

Blower SM  Chou T 《Nature medicine》2004,10(10):1111-1116
'Hot zones' are areas that have >5% prevalence (or incidence) of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB). We present a new mathematical model (the amplifier model) that tracks the emergence and evolution of multiple (pre-MDR, MDR and post-MDR) strains of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We reconstruct possible evolutionary trajectories that generated hot zones over the past three decades, and identify the key causal factors. Results are consistent with recently reported World Health Organization (WHO) data. Our analyses yield three important insights. First, paradoxically we found that areas with programs that successfully reduced wild-type pansensitive strains often evolved into hot zones. Second, some hot zones emerged even when MDR strains were substantially less fit (and thus less transmissible) than wild-type pansensitive strains. Third, levels of MDR are driven by case-finding rates, cure rates and amplification probabilities. To effectively control MDRTB in the hot zones, it is essential that the WHO specify a goal for minimizing the amplification probability.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a causative agent of gastritis and peptic ulceration in humans. As the first step towards development of a vaccine against H. pylori infection, we have attempted to identify protective antigens. A potential target of vaccine development would be a H. pylori specific protein, which is surface-exposed and highly antigenic. We identified a 22 kDa outer-membrane protein (Omp22) from H. pylori, which was highly immunoreactive. By screening a H. pylori genomic DNA library with rabbit anti-H. pylori outer-membrane protein antibodies, the omp22 gene was cloned and 1.4 kb of the nucleotide sequence was determined. One open reading frame, encoding a 179-residue polypeptide, was identified and the amino acid sequence deduced showed homology with peptidoglycan-associated lipoproteins. The sequence was conserved among other H. pylori strains. Omp22 protein is expressed as a precursor polypeptide of 179 residues and undergoes lipid modification and cleavage of an 18 amino acid signal peptide to yield a mature protein. Omp22 protein in H. pylori as well as recombinant Omp22 protein expressed in E. coli was localized into the outer membrane and exposed on the cell surface. Omp22 may have the potential as a target antigen for the development of a H. pylori vaccine.  相似文献   


Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common form of chronic rheumatic disease affecting children worldwide, with some features similar to adult rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the present study, we aim at investigating novel markers that will allow in the future for tailored, more personalized treatment strategies. Hence, taking notice of several reports proving the role of local acidosis as a causal link between inflammatory diseases and related pain, and the involvement of several carbonic anhydrases (CA, EC isoforms in articular diseases, we evaluated in JIA patients the expression of these metalloenzymes. We identified that JIA patients show high levels of active CA IX and XII isoforms. Our results represent the first evidence of the identification of these enzymes as potential therapeutic targets and development of novel innovative therapies for arthritis, also considering that the two isoforms are validated antitumor targets.  相似文献   

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