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A new way of studying RNA-protein complexes, using neutron small angle scattering in solution, is described and was applied in the case of the system, yeast valyl-tRNA synthetase, interacting with its cognate and non cognate yeast tRNAs. It was shown that, when limited amounts of tRNA (either cognate or non cognate) are added to valyl-tRNA synthetase, a complex consisting of two enzyme molecules and one tRNA molecule is first formed. It is subsequently dissociated to a one to one complex when more tRNA is present in the solution. The association curve shows a maximum for a molecular ratio, enzyme over tRNA, equal to 2.  相似文献   

The mode of recognition of tRNAs by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and translation factors is largely unknown in archaebacteria. To study this process, we have cloned the wild type initiator tRNA gene from the moderate halophilic archaebacterium Haloferax volcanii and mutants derived from it into a plasmid capable of expressing the tRNA in these cells. Analysis of tRNAs in vivo show that the initiator tRNA is aminoacylated but is not formylated in H. volcanii. This result provides direct support for the notion that protein synthesis in archaebacteria is initiated with methionine and not with formylmethionine. We have analyzed the effect of two different mutations (CAU-->CUA and CAU-->GAC) in the anticodon sequence of the initiator tRNA on its recognition by the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in vivo. The CAU-->CUA mutant was not aminoacylated to any significant extent in vivo, suggesting the importance of the anticodon in aminoacylation of tRNA by methionyl-tRNA synthetase. This mutant initiator tRNA can, however, be aminoacylated in vitro by the Escherichia coli glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase, suggesting that the lack of aminoacylation is due to the absence in H. volcanii of a synthetase, which recognizes the mutant tRNA. Archaebacteria lack glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and utilize a two-step pathway involving glutamyl-tRNA synthetase and glutamine amidotransferase to generate glutaminyl-tRNA. The lack of aminoacylation of the mutant tRNA indicates that this mutant tRNA is not a substrate for the H. volcanii glutamyl-tRNA synthetase. The CAU-->GAC anticodon mutant is most likely aminoacylated with valine in vivo. Thus, the anticodon plays an important role in the recognition of tRNA by at least two of the halobacterial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

Yeast valyl-tRNA synthetase and its complexes with yeast tRNAVal were investigated by means of analytical ultracentrifugation. A molecular weight of 125 700 +/- 1500 and a sedimentation coefficient (SO 20, w) of 6.3 +/- 0.3 were found for the native enzyme. When the enzyme (3--60 muM) was mixed with its cognate tRNA, several types of complex were observed, depending on the relative amounts of the two macromolecules. In the presence of equimolecular amounts of tRNA and enzyme, a complex formed by the association of one of each molecule was observed with a sedimentation coefficient of about 7.3 S. However, for tRNA/enzyme stoichiometries lower than one, beside the 1 : 1 complex, a complex of higher molecular weight was observed, with a sedimentation coefficient of about 10.0 S which fits with the association of two valyl-tRNA synthetase molecules with one tRNA molecule. This 2 : 1 complex was predominant from tRNA/enzyme stoichiometries lower than 0.3. It dissociated into the 1 : 1 complex upon addition of monovalent salts or MgCl2, suggesting the electrostatic nature of the interaction in this association. All these association and dissociation phenomena were detected over a large range of pH (6.0--7.5) and in various buffers.  相似文献   

Different conformations have been identified for the enzyme valyl-tRNA synthetase from yeast inside its complex with one tRNA molecule by neutron scattering. One form is identical to that of the free enzyme in solution; the other form is more contracted, having a radius of gyration which is smaller by 10% and a specific volume which is smaller by 1%. The contracted conformation has been found for the complexes with tRNAVal and tRNAAsp in phosphate buffer (pH 6.3) provided the ionic strength is lower than about 150 mm. In higher ionic strength (up to about 500 mm) the enzyme still forms a complex with tRNAVal but its conformation remains that of the free protein in solution. In the complex with tRNA3Leu, the enzyme conformation is that of the free state even at the lowest ionic strength examined (that of the phosphate buffer, 60 mm). The free enzyme is an elongated molecule of radius of gyration 40 Å (a compact protein of the same molecular weight would have a radius of gyration of 30 Å).The positioning within the complex of tRNAVal, on the one hand, and tRNA3Leu, on the other, is very different. The first tRNA is intimately associated with the enzyme, lying predominantly closer to the centre of mass of the complex than the protein. In the complex with tRNA3Leu, the tRNA lies further away from the centre of mass of the complex than the protein.Small concentrations of tRNAVal, tRNAAsp, tRNA3Leu or Escherichia coli 5 S ribosomal RNA cause the enzyme to aggregate into dimers, trimers and higher aggregates provided the ionic strength of the buffer is below 150 mm. In higher ionic strength or for [RNA]: [enzyme] > 1 the aggregates are dissociated to yield the one-to-one RNA-enzyme complex.  相似文献   

The interaction between phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase from yeast and Escherichia coli and tRNAPhe (yeast), tRNASer (yeast), tRNA1Val (E. coli) has been investigated by ultracentrifugation analysis, fluorescence titrations and fast kinetic techniques. The fluorescence of the Y-base of tRNAPhe and the intrinsic fluorescence of the synthetases have been used as optical indicators. 1. Specific complexes between phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase and tRNAPhe from yeast are formed in a two-step mechanism: a nearly diffusion-controlled recombination is followed by a fast conformational transition. Binding constants, rate constants and changes in the quantum yield of the Y-base fluorescence upon binding are given under a variety of conditions with respect to pH, added salt, concentration of Mg2+ ions and temperature. 2. Heterologous complexes between phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (E. coli) and tRNAPhe (yeast) are formed in a similar two-step mechanism as the specific complexes; the conformational transition, however, is slower by a factor 4-5. 3. Formation of non-specific complexes between phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (yeast) and tRNATyr (E. coli) proceeds in a one-step mechanism. Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (yeast) binds either two molecules of tRNAPhe (yeast) or only one molecule of tRNATyr (E. coli); tRNA1Val (E. coli) or tRNASer (yeast) are also bound in a 1:1 stoichiometry. Binding constants for complexes of phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (yeast) and tRNATyr (E. coli) are determined under a variety of conditions. In contrast to specific complex formation, non-specific binding is disfavoured by the presence of Mg2+ ions, and is not affected by pH and the presence of pyrophosphate. The difference in the stabilities of specific and non-specific complexes can be varied by a factor of 2--100 depending on the ionic conditions. Discrimination of cognate and non-cognate tRNA by phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (yeast) is discussed in terms of the binding mechanism, the topology of the binding sites, the nature of interacting forces and the relation between specificity and ionic conditions.  相似文献   

The molecular interactions between valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS) and tRNA(Val), with the C34-A35-C36 anticodon, from Thermus thermophilus were studied by crystallographic analysis and structure-based mutagenesis. In the ValRS-bound structure of tRNA(Val), the successive A35-C36 residues (the major identity elements) of tRNA(Val) are base-stacked upon each other, and fit into a pocket on the alpha-helix bundle domain of ValRS. Hydrogen bonds are formed between ValRS and A35-C36 of tRNA(Val) in a base-specific manner. The C-terminal coiled-coil domain of ValRS interacts electrostatically with A20 and hydrophobically with the G19*C56 tertiary base pair. The loss of these interactions by the deletion of the coiled-coil domain of ValRS increased the K(M) value for tRNA(Val) 28-fold and decreased the k(cat) value 19-fold in the aminoacylation. The tRNA(Val) K(M) and k(cat) values were increased 21-fold and decreased 32-fold, respectively, by the disruption of the G18*U55 and G19*C56 tertiary base pairs, which associate the D- and T-loops for the formation of the L-shaped tRNA structure. Therefore, the coiled-coil domain of ValRS is likely to stabilize the L-shaped tRNA structure during the aminoacylation reaction.  相似文献   

Incorrect aminoacylations catalysed by E. coli valyl-tRNA synthetase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
R Giegé  D Kern  J P Ebel 《Biochimie》1972,54(10):1245-1255

To correct misactivation and misacylation errors, Escherichia coli valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS) catalyzes a tRNA(Val)-dependent editing reaction at a site distinct from its aminoacylation site. Here we examined the effects of replacing the conserved 3'-adenosine of tRNA(Val) with nucleoside analogs, to identify structural elements of the 3'-terminal nucleoside necessary for tRNA function at the aminoacylation and editing sites of ValRS. The results show that the exocyclic amino group (N6) is not essential: purine riboside-substituted tRNA(Val) is active in aminoacylation and in stimulating editing. Presence of an O6 substituent (guanosine, inosine, xanthosine) interferes with aminoacylation as well as posttransfer and total editing (pre- plus posttransfer editing). Because ValRS does not recognize substituents at the 6-position, these results suggest that an unprotonated N1, capable of acting as an H-bond acceptor, is an essential determinant for both the aminoacylation and editing reactions. Substituents at the 2-position of the purine ring, either a 2-amino group (2-aminopurine, 2,6-diaminopurine, guanosine, and 7-deazaguanosine) or a 2-keto group (xanthosine, isoguanosine), strongly inhibit both aminoacylation and editing. Although aminoacylation by ValRS is at the 2'-OH, substitution of the 3'-terminal adenosine of tRNA(Val) with 3'-deoxyadenosine reduces the efficiency of valine acceptance and of posttransfer editing, demonstrating that the 3'-terminal hydroxyl group contributes to tRNA recognition at both the aminoacylation and editing sites. Our results show a strong correlation between the amino acid accepting activity of tRNA and its ability to stimulate editing, suggesting misacylated tRNA is a transient intermediate in the editing reaction, and editing by ValRS requires a posttransfer step.  相似文献   

Animal mitochondrial translation systems contain two serine tRNAs, corresponding to the codons AGY (Y = U and C) and UCN (N = U, C, A, and G), each possessing an unusual secondary structure; tRNA(GCU)(Ser) (for AGY) lacks the entire D arm, whereas tRNA(UGA)(Ser) (for UCN) has an unusual cloverleaf configuration. We previously demonstrated that a single bovine mitochondrial seryl-tRNA synthetase (mt SerRS) recognizes these topologically distinct isoacceptors having no common sequence or structure. Recombinant mt SerRS clearly footprinted at the TPsiC loop of each isoacceptor, and kinetic studies revealed that mt SerRS specifically recognized the TPsiC loop sequence in each isoacceptor. However, in the case of tRNA(UGA)(Ser), TPsiC loop-D loop interaction was further required for recognition, suggesting that mt SerRS recognizes the two substrates by distinct mechanisms. mt SerRS could slightly but significantly misacylate mitochondrial tRNA(Gln), which has the same TPsiC loop sequence as tRNA(UGA)(Ser), implying that the fidelity of mitochondrial translation is maintained by kinetic discrimination of tRNAs in the network of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

D Kern  R Giegé  S Robre-Saul  Y Boulanger  J P Ebel 《Biochimie》1975,57(10):1167-1176
Two forms of baker's yease valyl-tRNA synthetase have been purified to apparent homogeneity by classical methods. It was demonstrated that one of the two forms of the enzyme originates from the other by proteolysis, the respective amounts of each form depending on the physiological state of the yeast. The species mainly isolated from exponential growing yeast cells is a monomer of 130,000 daltons molecular weight. In stationary phase cells or in commercial yeast the major species is a degraded monomer of 120,000 daltons molecular weight ; however when the purification is carried out in the presence of phenylmethyl-sulphonyl fluoride, or diisopropylfluorophosphate large amounts of the not - degreded monomer can be obtained. Of great practical usefulness is the fact that large amounts of the native enzyme can be obtained pure after only two chromatographic steps on DEAE-cellulose and hydroxylapatite. The kinetic constants for valine, ATP and tRNAVal were determined, as well as the optimum aminoacylation conditions. It was found that the specific activity of the nondegraded valyl-tRNA synthetase is higher than that of the proteolysed enzyme for the aminoacylation reaction. On the contrary, both forms have the same ATP-pyroposphate exchange activity. The amino acids composition of the native enzyme was established. The tryptic fingerprints of the two valyl-tRNA synthetases were studied. Essentially similar maps were obtained. The number of the spots in the fingerprints indicates that the enzymes contain a high proportion of repeated sequences.  相似文献   

Assuming that the L-shaped three-dimensional structure of tRNA is an architectural framework allowing the proper presentation of identity nucleotides to aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases implies that altered and/or simplified RNA architectures can fulfill this role and be functional substrates of these enzymes, provided they contain correctly located identity elements. In this work, this paradigm was submitted to new experimental verification. Yeast aspartyl-tRNA synthetase was the model synthetase, and the extent to which the canonical structural framework of cognate tRNAAsp can be altered without losing its ability to be aminoacylated was investigated. Three novel architectures recognized by the synthetase were found. The first resembles that of metazoan mitochondrial tRNASer lacking the D-arm. The second lacks both the D- and T-arms, and the 5'-strand of the amino acid acceptor arm. The third structure is a construct in which the acceptor and anticodon helices are joined by two connectors. Aspartylation specificity of these RNAs is verified by the loss of aminoacylation activity upon mutation of the putative identity residues. Kinetic data indicate that the first two architectures are mimics of the whole tRNAAsp molecule, while the third one behaves as an aspartate minihelix mimic. Results confirm the primordial role of the discriminator nucleotide G73 in aspartylation and demonstrate that neither a helical structure in the acceptor domain nor the presence of a D- or T-arm is mandatory for specific aspartylation, but that activity relies on the presence of the cognate aspartate GUC sequence in the anticodon loop.  相似文献   

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