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A field trial in Zimbabwe investigated the efficacy of insecticide-treated cattle as a barrier to prevent the re-invasion of tsetse, Glossina morsitans and G. pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae), into cleared areas. The original tsetse barrier consisted of insecticide-treated odour-baited targets, at an operational density of four to five targets per km2, supported by insecticide-treatments of cattle with either deltamethrin dip (Decatix, Coopers) at two-weekly intervals, or deltamethrin pouron (Spoton, Coopers) at monthly intervals, in a band approximately 20 km wide from the re-invasion front. Tsetse catch, and trypanosomiasis incidence in nine sentinel herds was recorded for 7-8 months, respectively, before the targets were removed, leaving only the insecticide treatment of the local cattle to stem the re-invasion of tsetse. After the removal of the target barrier, the tsetse readily invaded the trial area and the incidence of trypanosomiasis in sentinel herds increased, while their PCVs decreased. After seven months without the targets in place, trypanosomiasis prevalence in the local stock had reached alarmingly high levels; the trial was terminated prematurely and the target barrier re-deployed. Immediately after the re-deployment of the target barrier, the tsetse catch in the trial area reverted to acceptable levels along the re-invasion front, and trypanosomiasis incidence in the sentinel cattle decreased. It is concluded that, under the conditions of the field trial, the insecticidal treatment of local cattle did not in itself form an effective barrier to tsetse re-invasion. By contrast, the target barrier performed as was predicted by mathematical and experimental analysis, and readily cleared the tsetse infestation and reduced trypanosomosis incidence in the trial area.  相似文献   

Trypanosomiasis control increasingly involves financial input from livestock owners and their active participation. If control is carried out on smaller scales than in the past, methods such as aerial and ground spraying and sterile insect techniques will have reduced application. There will be increased reliance on trypanocidal drugs, and bait methods of tsetse control--where flies are attracted to point sources and killed. If drug resistance develops, cheap and simple bait methods offer the only means of disease control that might be applied, and paid for, by stockowners themselves. The methods have been effective in some circumstances, but not in others, and it is important to understand the reasons for the successes and the failures. Analysis is presented of the results of two Tanzanian tsetse control campaigns involving the use of insecticide-treated cattle. Between 1991 and 1996, following the introduction of widespread dipping in the Kagera Region, trypanosomiasis declined from >19000 cases to <2400 and deaths from >4000 to 29. On four ranches in the region, tsetse have been almost eliminated and trypanosomiasis prophylaxis is no longer used. Similarly aggressive use of pyrethroids on Mkwaja Ranch in Tanga Region has not had such dramatic effects. Tsetse and trypanosomiasis are still common, despite high levels of prophylaxis and the deployment of approximately 200 odour-baited targets. The difference in the results is attributed to a combination of the much smaller area covered by treated animals at Mkwaja, a greater susceptibility to re-invasion and a more suitable habitat for the flies. A better understanding of the dynamics of the use of insecticide-treated cattle is needed before we can predict confidently the outcome of particular control operations.  相似文献   

In Zimbabwe, studies were made of the effect of host behaviour on the feeding success of Glossina pallidipes Austen and G. morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae) attracted to cattle of different age and sex. The mean feeding rates for male and female G. pallidipes attracted to oxen were 60% and 58%, respectively, compared to 33% and 53% for male and female G. m. morsitans. The feeding rate of G. pallidipes varied between oxen and was inversely correlated with a host's rate of defensive leg movements, which, in turn, was positively correlated with the density of Stomoxys spp. (Diptera: Muscidae) caught in the vicinity of the host. Tsetse were significantly less successful in feeding from young cattle. For G. pallidipes, the feeding rate on calves (<6 months) was 11%, whereas for male and female G. m. morsitans the rates were 12% and 20%, respectively. Significantly lower feeding rates were apparent for cattle aged up to 2 years, when the feeding rate for G. pallidipes (31%) was still significantly less than that on mature oxen (68%). Feeding rates for G. pallidipes on adult female cattle were lower than those on oxen (45% vs. 61%). The lower feeding rates in young animals were attributed to higher rates of defensive movements. The results suggest that higher rates of defensive activities by young cattle reduce the risk of them contracting trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out in Zimbabwe of the responses of tsetse to cattle treated with deltamethrin applied to the parts of the body where most tsetse were shown to land. Large proportions of Glossina pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae) landed on the belly ( approximately 25%) and legs ( approximately 70%), particularly the front legs ( approximately 50%). Substantial proportions of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood landed on the legs ( approximately 50%) and belly (25%), with the remainder landing on the torso, particularly the flanks ( approximately 15%). Studies were made of the knockdown rate of wild, female G. pallidipes exposed to cattle treated with a 1% pour-on or 0.005% suspension concentrate of deltamethrin applied to the (a) whole body, (b) belly and legs, (c) legs, (d) front legs, (e) middle and lower front legs, or (f) lower front legs. The restricted treatments used 20%, 10%, 5%, 2% or 1% of the active ingredient applied in the whole-body treatments. There was a marked seasonal effect on the performance of all treatments. With the whole-body treatment, the persistence period (knockdown > 50%) ranged from approximately 10 days during the hot, wet season (mean daily temperature > 30 degrees C) to approximately 20 days during the cool, dry season (< 22 degrees C). Restricting the application of insecticide reduced the seasonal persistence periods to approximately 10-15 days if only the legs and belly were treated, approximately 5-15 days if only the legs were treated and < 5 days for the more restricted treatments. The restricted application did not affect the landing distribution of tsetse or the duration of landing bouts (mean = 30 s). The results suggest that more cost-effective control of tsetse could be achieved by applying insecticide to the belly and legs of cattle at 2-week intervals, rather than using the current practice of treating the whole body of each animal at monthly intervals. This would cut the cost of insecticide by 40%, improve efficacy by 27% and reduce the threats to non-target organisms and the enzootic stability of tick-borne diseases.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in the distribution of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae) and its main host, cattle, were examined in a cultivated area of the plateau of eastern Zambia. During four consecutive years, the tsetse and cattle populations were monitored along a fly-round transect traversing the two main vegetation types in the study area. These were miombo, a one-storied open woodland with the genera Brachystegia and Julbernardia dominant, and munga, a one- or two-storied woodland where the principal tree genera were Acacia, Combretum and Terminalia. Concurrently, a capture/mark/release/recapture (CMRR) exercise was conducted along two other transects also traversing both vegetation types. The index of apparent abundance of tsetse (IAA) in miombo increased at the beginning of the rainy season (November), reached its peak at the end of the rainy season (April) and was low during the cold season (May to late August), but especially the hot dry season (September to late October). The IAA of tsetse in munga showed a pattern that was the reverse of that in miombo. The seasonal changes in the IAA of tsetse in both vegetation types were in accordance with changes in the movement patterns of tsetse between the two vegetation type as observed using CMRR. The distribution and abundance of cattle along the transect also showed a seasonal trend. This was especially so in munga, during the first three years of observations, where cattle abundance increased gradually from June onwards, reached a maximum at the end of the hot dry season (October-November) and declined steeply at the start of the rainy season (November-December). In both vegetation types, the monthly mean IAA of tsetse was positively correlated with the abundance of cattle in the previous month. It is concluded that the distribution of tsetse in cultivated area of the eastern plateau of Zambia undergoes substantial seasonal changes, which can partly be attributed to changes in the distribution of cattle. The implications of these observations for the control of tsetse are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. To disentangle cause and effect in previously observed relationships between fat content and flight activity in male tsetse ( Glossina spp.), three groups of flies were fed at different intervals to raise their fat content to different levels before their flight activity was recorded. The greater the mean daily blood intake, the higher the fat content and the greater the subsequent spontaneous flight activity, thereby using up almost all of the fat reserves before the next blood meal. It is proposed that although male flies would benefit from maximum food intake to permit maximum flight associated with mate-seeking, they do not in fact feed as often as possible either in the field or the laboratory. This is explicable if energy acquisition is constrained by an additional mortality risk associated with feeding.  相似文献   

The situation of human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) is poorly known in Gabon. Most of the historical foci have not been investigated for more than 15 years. Few cases are passively recorded from the historical focus of Bendjé; they involved mainly fishermen but determining their contamination site is difficult because of their mobility due to their activity. The presence of these cases in that focus could favour its reactivation if the vector is still there. In order to assess a potential transmission risk in that area, an entomological survey has been carried out in it. Traps were set up during four days in different habitats used by humans during their daily activities. Three species of tsetse flies (Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. pallicera newsteadi and G. caliginea) were caught and two species of trypanosomes (Trypanosoma vivax and T. brucei s.l.) were identified by PCR. These results suggest the presence of an animal transmission cycle. Human-flies contact was confirmed in all type of habitats but no transmission was quantified in the mangrove.  相似文献   

Ten years after the large-scale tsetse control campaigns in the important cattle rearing areas of the Faro and Deo Division of the Adamaoua Plateau in Cameroon, the seasonal distribution and abundance of tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) were determined. During a period of 12 consecutive months (January-December 2005), the tsetse population was monitored along four trap transects consisting of a total of 32 traps and two flyround transects traversing the study area, which comprised the tsetse-infested valley, a buffer zone and the supposedly tsetse-free plateau. Throughout the study period, a total of 2195 Glossina morsitans submorsitans and 23 Glossina tachinoides were captured in the traps and 1007 G. m. submorsitans (78.8% male flies) were captured along the flyround transects. All G. tachinoides and almost all G. m. submorsitans were captured in the valley. Five G. m. submorsitans were captured in traps located in the buffer zone, whereas no flies were captured in traps located on the plateau. The index of apparent abundance (IAA) of G. m. submorsitans was substantially higher in the areas close to game reserves. In the remaining part of the valley, where wildlife is scarce and cattle are present during transhumance (dry season), the IAA of tsetse was substantially lower. In this part of the valley, the abundance of tsetse seemed to be associated with the presence of cattle, with the highest IAA during transhumance when cattle are present and the lowest apparent abundance during the rainy season when cattle have moved to the plateau. It is concluded that the distribution of tsetse in a large part of the valley undergoes substantial seasonal changes depending on the presence or absence of cattle. The repercussions of those findings for the control of tsetse in the valley and the probability of reinvasion of the plateau are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of Glossina austeni Newstead and Glossina brevipalpis Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) were studied in the three main vegetation types in Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. During a period of 12 months, a trap transect consisting of 38 H-traps traversing the three vegetation types was monitored. The Index of Apparent Abundance (IAA) for G. brevipalpis was high in indigenous forest and open grassland but lower in exotic plantations. Glossina austeni, on the other hand, was captured mainly in or adjacent to indigenous forest. The seasonal trend in the IAA did not differ between vegetation types. The findings on the distribution of G. brevipalpis are in contrast with the historic records. Historically, this species was considered to be restricted to areas with a dense overhead canopy and high relative humidity. The repercussions of these findings for the epidemiology of livestock trypanosomiasis and the control of tsetse in Zululand are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The hourly and quarter-hourly distribution of larval deposition by female Glossina morsitans Westw. was studied at various temperatures. At constant temperature and humidity, peak larviposition occurred 8–9 h after lights on. The effect of confining the flies to daily (LD 12:12 h) regimes of at least twenty-five consecutive cycles that included a sudden increase in temperature of c. 6°C for 2 h was a significant reduction in depositions during each period of increased temperature, and a significant increase before the heat impulse. When the temperature was allowed to fall rapidly, larviposition rate doubled in the following 15 min.  相似文献   

Flying mate detection and chasing by tsetse flies (Glossina)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Male tsetse flies, probably Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw., were video-recorded in the field as they took off and chased other tsetse flies. Chasers responded (took off) to a target fly at a maximum distance of c. 55 cm, when it subtended c. 1.6o to their eye (–1 foveal ommatidial subtense). Chased targets were always within this range (mean subtense at take-off = 3.2o) and approaching the chaser. The most significant difference between chased and non-chased targets was in the rate of approach of the target fly in terms of the increase in its image size immediately before the chaser took off ( 21o s−1), especially as its relative increase (690% s-1 P< 0.005). No feature of the target's translational velocity, nor any relationship between that and the image size approached this level of significance. Chasers seemed to 'slipstream' their target at c. 20 cm directly behind it, perhaps suggesting target identification by speed matching. Chases were apparently abandoned when the target image shrank from covering at least two of the chaser's foveal ommatidia to covering only one. Parallax-free measurements of flight speeds indicated a preferred, stable mean groundspeed of 4.8±0.1 m s_1 (SE), at a mean wing-beat frequency of 209±3 Hz.  相似文献   

The two subspecies of Glossina palpalis (Robineau-Desvoidy) occurring in Liberia could be reliably separated morphometrically by measuring the width of the terminal dilatations of the male inferior claspers. Subspecies differentiation of female flies was less conclusive. Identification of flies from fifty-four sites revealed that most of Liberia lies in the belt of Glossina palpalis palpalis. However, pure and substantial populations of G.p.gambiensis Vanderplank occur north of 8 degrees 20'N in the north-west of Liberia.  相似文献   

Primer sets for five different ungulate loci were used to obtain individual microsatellite DNA profiles for 29 Mashona cattle from a herd in Zimbabwe. There were 3-13 alleles for each locus and, using the entire suite of five loci, each animal within the herd, including closely related individuals, could be unequivocally distinguished. Wild-caught Glossina pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae) were fed on specific cattle and the bloodmeal was profiled 0.5-72 h after feeding. The individual specific sources of the bloodmeals, including mixe meals produced by allowing tsetse to feed on two different cattle, were reliabl identified up to 24 h after feeding. The technique was used in field studies of hos selection by G. pallidipes and G. morsitans morsitans Westwood (Diptera Glossinidae) attracted to pairs of cattle. When the pair comprised an adult and a calf, 100% of meals were from the adult. For some pairs of adult cattle, tsetse were biased significantly towards feeding on one animal, whereas for other pairs there was no such bias. In general, feeding was greater on the animal known to have lower rate of host defensive behaviour. Results suggest that relatively slight differences in the inherent defensive behaviour of cattle produce large difference in host-specific feeding rates when the hosts are adjacent. For flies attracted to pair of cattle, < 2% contained blood from both hosts. The DNA profiling technique will be useful in studying the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases of livestock.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of odour-baited targets treated with 0.8% deltamethrin in controlling Glossina austeni Newstead and G. brevipalpis Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) was evaluated in Zululand, South Africa. Targets were initially deployed in the three habitat types (grassland, woodland and forest) of two adjacent areas at a density of four targets per km(2). One area functioned as the treatment block (c. 35 km(2)) and included the focus of the target deployment, and the second area functioned as a barrier block (c. 40 km(2)) against tsetse fly re-invasion from the untreated area to the south. After 8 months, targets were removed from open grassland in both areas and target density in wooded habitats and sand forest was increased to eight per km(2). Twelve months later, all targets were removed from the barrier block and used to increase target density in the wooded and sand forest habitats of the treatment block to 12 per km(2). This target density was maintained for 14 months. In the treatment area, a 99% reduction in G. austeni females occurred after 13 months at a target density of eight per km(2) in wooded habitat; this was maintained for 22 months. Reduction in G. brevipalpis was less marked. The relatively poor reduction in G. brevipalpis is attributed to the high mobility of this species and its distribution throughout less wooded and more open habitats.  相似文献   

Recent studies of Palpalis group tsetse [Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Kenya] suggest that small (0.25 × 0.25 m) insecticide-treated targets will be more cost-effective than the larger (≥1.0 × 1.0 m) designs currently used to control tsetse. Studies were undertaken in Zimbabwe to assess whether small targets are also more cost-effective for the Morsitans group tsetse, Glossina morsitans morsitans and Glossina pallidipes. Numbers of tsetse contacting targets of 0.25 × 0.25 m or 1.0 × 1.0 m, respectively, were estimated using arrangements of electrocuting grids which killed or stunned tsetse as they contacted the target. Catches of G. pallidipes and G. m. morsitans at small (0.25 × 0.25 m) targets were, respectively, ~1% and ~6% of catches at large (1.0 × 1.0 m) targets. Hence, the tsetse killed per unit area of target was greater for the larger than the smaller target, suggesting that small targets are not cost-effective for use against Morsitans group species. The results suggest that there is a fundamental difference in the host-orientated behaviour of Morsitans and Palpalis group tsetse and that the former are more responsive to host odours, whereas the latter seem highly responsive to visual stimuli.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the responses of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and Glossina pallidipes Austen resting in a refuge to various host stimuli. Tsetse took off in response to 100% ox odour, 0.08% carbon dioxide or a visual stimulus consisting of a 0.75 × 0.75 m black target placed c . 5 m from the refuge moving at 4o s-1, but the level of response was low with only 35%, 19% and 29% responding, respectively. Tsetse did not take off in response to any one of 25% ox odour, 0.8% carbon dioxide, acetone (3 μg 1-1) or octenol (0.03 μg 1-1). In the absence of any host stimuli, flies emerged from the refuge later on hotter days (35–37oC) than on cooler days (32–34.5oC). Male G.pallidipes emerging later in the afternoon contained significantly more haematin than those emerging relatively earlier. There were no significant differences between the responses of G.m. morsitans and G.pallidipes. It is suggested that the initial activation of resting flies is primarily mediated through endogenous, rather than host, stimuli.  相似文献   

Abstract Tsetse are vectors of trypanosomes that cause diseases both in humans and livestock. Traditional tsetse surveys, using sampling methods such as Epsilon traps and black screen fly rounds, are often logistically difficult, costly and time-consuming. The distribution of tsetse, as revealed by such survey methods, is strongly influenced by environmental conditions, such as climate and vegetation cover, which may be readily mapped using satellite data. These data may be used to make predictions of the probable distribution of tsetse in unsurveyed areas by determining the environmental characteristics of areas of tsetse presence and absence in surveyed areas. The same methods may also be used to characterize differences between tsetse species and subspecies. In this paper we analyse the distribution of Glossina morsitans centralis, Glossina morsitans morsitans and Glossina pallidipes in southern Africa with respect to single environmental variables. For G.m.centralis the best predictions were made using the average NDVI (75% correct predictions; range > 0.37) and the average of the maximum temperature (70% correct predictions; 27.0–29.2°C). For G.m.morsitans the best prediction was given by the maximum of the minimum temperature (84% correct predictions; range > 18.8°C), and for G.pallidipes , also by the maximum of the minimum temperature (86% correct predictions; range > 19.6 °C). The following paper compares a range of multivariate techniques for making predictions about the distribution of these species in the same region.  相似文献   

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