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Mating and consequently reproductive success in male vertebrates are predominantly determined by intermale competition and female mate choice. Their relative importance however, is still poorly understood. We investigated the interrelationship between male dominance rank — a formal indicator of male competitive ability — female mate choice, and male mating success in a multimale-multifemale group of captive chimpanzees. In addition, we examined the relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive success determined by genetic paternity analysis over a 13-yr period in the same captive population. We related the frequencies of sociosexual behaviors to the female anogenital swelling stage and female fertile phase as determined by urinary and fecal progestogen analysis. Rates of behaviors in both sexes increased with increasing intensity of female swelling, but they were not influenced by the timing of the fertile phase. Male mating success was clearly related to male dominance rank, with high-ranking males performing the overwhelming majority of copulations. This was mainly due to both rank-related rates of male soliciting behavior and intermale aggressiveness during the period of well-developed female anogenital swelling. Although females solicited copulations mainly from the high-ranking males and thus expressed a mate choice based on rank, their overall contribution in initiating copulations and thus influencing male mating success was low. The data on paternity from the population, which always contained 4 adult males, revealed that -males sired the majority (65%) of offspring. We conclude, that male dominance rank is an important determinant of male mating and reproductive success in captive (and presumably wild) chimpanzees and that female mate choice is of minor importance in modulating male reproductive outcome.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of tundra-nesting Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus tundrius was studied over 7 years on a 450 km2 study area in the Keewatin District of Canada's Northwest Territories. Peregrines showed strong fidelity to nest sites; none of 25 males ringed changed territories, while five of 38 females ringed were recorded changing territories. Such changes usually occurred after nesting failure. Annual turnover of territorial adults was estimated to be 22% (15% for males and 26% for females). Annual mortality of adults was estimated to be 17% (15% for males and 19% for females). If we assumed that territory vacancies, in addition to mate replacements, were indicative of mortality, then maximum annual mortality was estimated at 24% for each sex. Territories were held only by adult Peregrines. The oldest male on territory was at least 7 years old, the youngest was 2. The oldest female on territory was at least 7 years old, the youngest was 3. Territories were held by individuals of each sex for at least 6 years. One pair remained together for at least 4 years. Less than 4% of all young Peregrines produced on the study area in the first 5 years of the study were recruited into the breeding population. More male than female young were recruited despite an even sex ratio among nestlings. Peregrines did poorly in their first breeding attempts. The single young female recruited into the study population dispersed more than three times the median dispersal distance of six recruited males, suggesting that other females probably dispersed beyond the boundaries of the study area.  相似文献   

Andrew Jenkins 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):385-392
Jenkins, A.R. 2000. Factors affecting breeding success of Peregrine and Lonner Falcons in South Africa. Ostrich 71 (384): 385-392. Breeding success was recorded for three Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, populations in South Africa over nine years, and for Peregrine and Lanner Falcon, Ebiarmicus, populations in an area of sympatry over three years. The objectives of the study were to measure geographic and interspecific variation in reproductive performance, and determine environmental correlates of productivity. Territory occupancy, the frequency of breeding per occupied territory and clutch size did not vary significantly between the three Peregrine populations. However, Peregrine breeding success was generally lower on the Cape Peninsula (1. 11 young fledged per territorial poir), higher in the Soutpansberg (1.36) and highest on the Orange River (1.70). Overall, fledging rates of Soutpansberg Peregrines and Lanners were not significantly different, although annual productivity of the Lonner population was consistently higher. Neither species' breeding success was significantly depressed by the presence of close neighbouring pairs of the other, suggesting that they were not active competitors. Breeding performance of Peregrines on the Cape Peninsula correlated strongly with spring weather conditions: egg and hatchling survival was lower in wet years, and fledging rates were higher in warm years. Annual productivity of Orange River Peregrines correlated positively with the height of the river at the onset of breeding, and productivity of Soutpansberg Peregrines was higher in seasons following years of high rainfall. Elements of the physical structure of the nesting habitat (exposure of the nest ledge, height of the nest cliff) correlated positively with Peregrine breeding performance. Breeding success of Soutpansberg Lanners was largely unaffected by any of the environmental variables considered. Overall, it is proposed that Peregrine productivity reflected variation in the physical environment and its affect on prey availability.  相似文献   

本研究通过对比研究卧龙和雅安圈养大熊猫Ailuropoda melanolenca来探讨环境变化对雌性圈养大熊猫繁殖习性的影响。中国保护大熊猫研究中心卧龙核桃坪基地(卧龙基地)和雅安碧峰峡基地(雅安基地)的海拔分别是1 848 m±20 m和1 080 m±42 m,2个基地的海拔相差近800 m。通过对比研究10年间13只雌性圈养大熊猫在不同基地(各5年)的繁殖习性,发现其从卧龙基地到雅安基地以后,每胎产仔数的差异有高度统计学意义(P0.01),在卧龙基地的平均每胎产仔数为1.66±0.27,雅安基地为1.28±0.24;在卧龙基地的平均发情时间为90.05 d,雅安基地为75.54 d,在雅安基地的平均发情时间比卧龙基地早14.5 d(P0.05);雌激素峰值在卧龙基地平均为136.1 ng/mg Cr,雅安基地为129.7 ng/mg Cr(P=0.47);在卧龙基地的平均孕娠期为120.3 d,雅安基地为115.3 d,差异无统计学意义(P=0.38)。本研究结果显示,在圈养大熊猫的管理中需要重视环境因子的影响,将来也需要进一步加强光周期和温度对大熊猫发情影响的研究。  相似文献   

Models of mutual mate choice predict that when the costs of mating indiscriminately increase, so may the choosiness of the conventionally non-choosy sex. In a series of behavioral trials, we tested both male and female chemo-reception and mate choice in the hide beetle, Dermestes maculatus. Using olfactometer bioassays we found that males detected and responded more rapidly to individual mated females but had a limited ability to detect virgin females or discriminate between virgin and mated females when presented simultaneously. Both mated and virgin females were unable to detect the presence of virgin males. Copulation behaviors were comparable when males were presented with a virgin or mated female either individually or simultaneously. However, when presented simultaneously, virgin females had a higher probability of receiving a copulation than their mated counterparts. Our data show that males respond to variation in female reproductive status, but that female propensity to mate does not change. We suggest that mutual mate choice may be an important force, even in systems in which there is apparently strong selection for female mate discrimination.  相似文献   

A multiple regression analysis of current reproductive success (goslings fledged) on three male and female life-history traits (age, previous breeding periods, previous successes) was carried out for 31 semicaptive pairs of barheaded geese Anser indicus. Of the female variables, age proved positively and the number of previous nesting periods negatively related to current success. The latter relationship suggests that incubation has costs in terms of future fecundity for the female. Of the male variables, age was negatively and the number of previous fledging successes positively related to current reproductive success. Attempts with additional data to explain these findings in the male either by a positive feedback of success on future success or by differences in male quality gave inconclusive results, as did earlier attempts to demonstrate reproductive costs in geese and swans. In monogamous species with long-term pair bonds, where male and female share most of their life history but specialize in different activities, reproduction may affect the sexes in different ways. If the correlations between life-history traits of mates are not accounted for, individual strategies or constraints may be obscured by opposing effects in the mate.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(6):1670-1681.e7
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Dispersal is a process that increases genetic diversity and genetic connectivity of populations. We studied the turnover rate of breeding adults and genetic population structure to estimate dispersal in Peregrine Falcons in Finland. We used relatedness estimates among Finnish Peregrine Falcons over a 5‐year period, genotyping over 500 nestlings with 10 microsatellite loci to reveal the rate of turnover. Our results reveal a high turnover rate (21.7%) that does not seem to be correlated with the breeding success of the previous year. The extent of population genetic structure and diversity, and possible signs of the population crash during the 1970s, was assessed with a reduced dataset, excluding relatives. We found genetic diversity to be similar to previously studied falcon populations (expected heterozygosity of 0.581) and no population genetic structuring among our sampled populations. We did not find a genetic imprint of the past population bottleneck that the Finnish Peregrine population experienced. We conclude that high dispersal rates are likely to have contributed to maintaining genetic diversity across the landscape, by mixing individuals within the species’ distribution in Finland and thus preventing genetic structuring and negative effects associated with the population decline in the 1970s.  相似文献   

Capsule Numbers of breeding Peregrines are now higher than ever recorded and the recovery of the species within the UK has continued since 1991.

Aims To estimate the current Peregrine breeding population and its changes over time by recording breeding evidence and nesting range occupancy at known and potential Peregrine eyries.

Methods Attempts were made to check all potentially suitable Peregrine nesting locations for signs of Peregrine occupation. Causes of nest failure were documented where possible. Estimates of occupancy of nesting ranges that could not be visited were based on the proportion of ranges occupied from visited nesting ranges in the same region.

Results In 2002, 1530 Peregrine nesting ranges were estimated to be occupied, comprising 1456 pairs or single birds confirmed as in occupation, and 74 estimated extras (5% of total occupied nesting ranges) that were not visited. Including non‐breeding singletons holding nesting ranges, the UK and Isle of Man figure of ‘Ratcliffe pairs’ was 1437. This showed a 12% increase from 1991 and a 64% increase from the 1930s. However, there were geographical differences in change, with rapid expansion in the south of England tempered by declines in northern Scotland.

Conclusions The primary reasons for the population increase is primarily because of range expansion driven by a plentiful food supply and perhaps an increased tolerance of human disturbance. In areas where the species has declined, various factors (separately or in combination) including reduced food supply and persecution are likely to be involved.  相似文献   

Our understanding of fundamental organismal biology has been disproportionately influenced by studies of a relatively small number of ‘model’ species extensively studied in captivity. Laboratory populations of model species are commonly subject to a number of forms of past and current selection that may affect experimental outcomes. Here, we examine these processes and their outcomes in one of the most widely used vertebrate species in the laboratory – the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). This important model species is used for research across a broad range of fields, partly due to the ease with which it can be bred in captivity. However despite this perceived amenability, we demonstrate extensive variation in the success with which different laboratories and studies bred their subjects, and overall only 64% of all females that were given the opportunity, bred successfully in the laboratory. We identify and review several environmental, husbandry, life‐history and behavioural factors that potentially contribute to this variation. The variation in reproductive success across individuals could lead to biases in experimental outcomes and drive some of the heterogeneity in research outcomes across studies. The zebra finch remains an excellent captive animal system and our aim is to sharpen the insight that future studies of this species can provide, both to our understanding of this species and also with respect to the reproduction of captive animals more widely. We hope to improve systematic reporting methods and that further investigation of the issues we raise will lead both to advances in our fundamental understanding of avian reproduction as well as to improvements in future welfare and experimental efficiency.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides disrupted reproduction and killed many raptorial birds, and contributed to population declines during the 1940s to 1970s. We sought to discern whether and to what extent territory occupancy and breeding success changed from the pesticide era to recent years in a resident population of Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus in southern Scotland using long‐term (1964–2015) field data and multi‐state, multi‐season occupancy models. Peregrine territories that were occupied with successful reproduction in one year were much more likely to be occupied and experience reproductive success in the following year, compared with those that were unoccupied or occupied by unsuccessful breeders in the previous year. Probability of territory occupancy differed between territories in the eastern and western parts of the study area, and varied over time. The probability of occupancy of territories that were unoccupied and those that were occupied with successful reproduction during the previous breeding season generally increased over time, whereas the probability of occupancy of territories that were occupied after failed reproduction decreased. The probability of reproductive success (conditional on occupancy) in territories that were occupied during the previous breeding season increased over time. Specifically, for territories that had been successful in the previous year, the probability of occupancy as well as reproductive success increased steadily over time; these probabilities were substantially higher in recent years than earlier, when the population was still exposed to direct or residual effects of organochlorine pesticides. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that progressive reduction, followed by a complete ban, in the use of organochlorine pesticides improved reproductive success of Peregrines in southern Scotland. Differences in the temporal pattern of probability of reproductive success between south‐eastern and south‐western Scotland suggest that the effect of organochlorine pesticides on Peregrine reproductive success and/or the recovery from pesticide effects varied geographically and was possibly affected by other factors such as persecution.  相似文献   

Four female Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus breeding on the Kola Peninsula, Russia, were fitted with satellite-received transmitters in 1994. Their breeding home ranges averaged 1175 (sd = ±714) km2, and overlapped considerably. All left their breeding grounds in September and migrated generally south-west along the Baltic Sea. The mean travel rate for three falcons was 190 km/day. Two Falcons wintered on the coasts of France and in southern Spain, which were, respectively, 2909 and 4262 km from their breeding sites. Data on migration routes suggested that Falcons took a near-direct route to the wintering areas. No prolonged stopovers were apparent. The 90% minimum convex polygon winter range of a bird that migrated to Spain encompassed 213 km2 ( n  = 54). The area of the 50% minimum convex polygon was 21.5 km2 ( n  = 29). Data from this study agree with others from North America that show that Falcons breeding in a single area do not necessarily follow the same migratory path southward and do not necessarily use the same wintering grounds.  相似文献   

In many species, mating with multiple males confers benefits to females, but these benefits may be offset by the direct and indirect costs associated with elevated mating frequency. Although mating frequency (number of mating events) is often positively associated with the degree of multiple mating (actual number of males mated), most studies have experimentally separated these effects when exploring their implications for female fitness. In this paper I describe an alternative approach using the guppy Poecilia reticulata, a livebearing freshwater fish in which females benefit directly and indirectly from mating with multiple males via consensual matings but incur direct and indirect costs of mating as a consequence of male sexual harassment. In the present study, females were experimentally assigned different numbers of mates throughout their lives in order to explore how elevated mating frequency and multiple mating combine to influence lifetime reproductive success (LRS) and survival (i.e. direct components of female fitness). Under this mating design, survival and LRS were not significantly affected by mating treatment, but there was a significant interaction between brood size and reproductive cycle (a correlate of female age) because females assigned to the high mating treatment produced significantly fewer offspring later in life compared to their low-mating counterparts. This negative effect of mating treatment later in life may be important in these relatively long-lived fishes, and this effect may be further exacerbated by the known cross-generational fitness costs of sexual harassment in guppies.  相似文献   

In species in which paternal care has an important impact on the offspring's fitness, concealment of reproductive status has been proposed as a strategy employed by females to prevent males from practicing desertion and polygamy, which would then lead to monogamous or polyandrous mating systems or both. We investigated whether the female's reproductive status is being concealed in golden-headed lion tamarins, which exhibit extensive paternal care and a mainly monogamous/polyandrous mating system. We used a combination of behavioral observations and endocrine data to determine female reproductive status and to examine changes in sociosexual behaviors over the ovarian cycle and between conceptive and nonconceptive cycles. Females clearly signaled their reproductive status by way of proceptive sexual presenting. Males showed increased frequencies of anogenital sniffing and mounting during the fertile period, indicating that they detected changes in olfactory and behavioral cues emitted by females, and they adjusted their mounting behavior accordingly. Males and females also remained in closer proximity before and during the fertile period, which suggests the existence of mate guarding. We discuss a possible function of behavioral advertisement of reproductive status in shaping the mating system in Leontopithecus chrysomelas.  相似文献   

The sex-specific slopes of Bateman's gradients have importantimplications for understanding animal mating systems, includingpatterns of sexual selection and reproductive competition. Intersexualdifferences in the fitness benefits derived from mating withmultiple partners are expected to yield distinct patterns ofreproductive success for males and females, with variance indirect fitness predicted to be greater among males. These analysesassume that typically all adults are reproductive and that failureto produce offspring is non-adaptive. Among some species ofcooperatively breeding birds and mammals, however, non-breedingadult alloparents are common and may comprise the majority ofindividuals in social groups. The presence of a large numberof non-breeding adults, particularly when coupled with greatersocial suppression of reproduction among females, may alterthe relative variance in direct fitness between the sexes, therebygenerating an apparent contradiction to Bateman's Paradigm.To explore quantitatively the effects of non-breeding alloparentson variance in reproductive success, we used genetic estimatesof parentage and reproductive success drawn from the literatureto calculate the relative variability in direct fitness forfemales and males in alloparental and "other" societies of birdsand mammals. Our analyses indicate that in mammals and, to alesser extent, in birds, variability in direct fitness is greateramong females in species characterized by the presence of non-breedingalloparents. These data suggest that social interactions, includingsocial suppression of reproduction, are powerful determinantsof individual direct fitness that may modify sex-specific patternsof reproductive variance from those described by Bateman.  相似文献   

Having previously documented experimentally the need for ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation (290–315 nm) in the light environment of captive female panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis) to ensure hatching success of their eggs, we investigated optimal UVB irradiation levels. From 1996–1998 28 hatchling female panther chameleons were raised to maturity and bred (using vitamin and mineral‐fortified insect diets low in vitamin D) in nine different artificial UVB light environments. Seven of the environments included long (12 hr/day) low irradia‐tion exposures ranging from 1.7 to 22 μW/cm2 UVB, with a corresponding conversion of provitamin D3 to photoproducts in in vitro models of 0.18 to 1.52% in 2 hr. Two environments included short (0.5 and 1.0 hr/day), high irradiation exposures of 55 and 49 μW/cm2 UVB, respectively, with a corres‐ponding conversion of provitamin D3 to photoproducts in in vitro models of 8.3% to 14.6% in the respective 0.5‐ and 1.0‐hr time periods. Females raised with the mid‐level long/low exposures (5–15 μW/cm2 UVB; 0.52–1.32% conversion to photoproducts in in vitro models) produced viable eggs with a significantly higher percentage of hatching compared to those with the extreme (highest or lowest) long/low exposures. Those raised with the short‐/high‐exposure environments produced viable eggs with a generally high percentage of hatching, but success was variable. The results and techniques for light quality assessment are interpreted, with recommendations for practical application by the herpetoculturist desiring to successfully breed panther chameleons in captivity. Zoo Biol 21:525–537, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Strategic ejaculation is a behavioural strategy shown by many animals as a response to sperm competition and/or as a potential mechanism of cryptic male choice. Males invest more mating resources when the risk of sperm competition increases or they invest more in high quality females to maximize their reproductive output. We tested this hypothesis in the false garden mantid Pseudomantis albofimbriata, where females are capable of multiply mating and body condition is an indicator of potential reproductive fitness. We predicted male mantids would ejaculate strategically by allocating more sperm to high quality females. To determine if and how males alter their ejaculate in response to mate quality, we manipulated female food quantity so that females were either in good condition with many eggs (i.e. high quality) or poor condition with few eggs (i.e. low quality). Half of the females from each treatment were used in mating trials in which transferred sperm was counted before fertilisation occurred and the other half of females were used in mating trials where fertilisation occurred and ootheca mass and total eggs in the ootheca were recorded. Opposed to our predictions, the total number of sperm and the proportion of viable sperm transferred did not vary significantly between female treatments. Male reproductive success was entirely dependent on female quality/fecundity, rather than on the number of sperm transferred. These results suggest that female quality is not a major factor influencing postcopulatory male mating strategies in P. albofimbriata, and that sperm number has little effect on male reproductive success in a single mating scenario.  相似文献   

The frequency of extreme meteorological events such as heat waves and rainstorms is predicted to increase with climate change. However, there is still little information about how extreme weather influences reproduction in animals. It may not only affect breeding success but might also alter offspring sex ratio if males and females are differentially sensitive to meteorological conditions during development. We investigated the relationship between meteorological conditions and reproductive success over 6 years in a house sparrow population in central Europe. We found that hatching success increased with the number of extremely hot days (daily maximum >31°C) and decreased with the number of extremely cold days (<16°C) during incubation, although the latter effect held only for clutches with relatively short incubation periods. Fledging success was unrelated to weather variables. However, the frequency of extremely hot days had a negative effect on fledglings’ body mass and tarsus length, although both of these traits were positively related to average temperature. Additionally, fledglings’ body mass increased with the length of period without rainfall before fledging. Male to female ratio among fledglings did not differ from 1:1 and did not vary with weather variables. The magnitude of the effects of extreme meteorological events was usually small, although in some cases comparable to those of ecologically relevant predictors of reproductive success. Our results indicate that meteorological conditions have complex effects on breeding success, as the effects of extreme weather can differ between different aspects of reproduction and also from the effects of overall meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

动物的繁殖活动关系到整个种群的生存与灭绝, 繁殖投入和繁殖成功率是繁殖生态学研究的重要内容。从繁殖投入的划分入手, 综述了小型哺乳动物的繁殖投入和繁殖成功率之间的关系及其影响因素、分子生物学技术在繁殖生态学中的应用等, 阐述了小型哺乳动物能够根据自身的状态调整每次繁殖活动中的时间投入和能量分配, 采取不同的繁殖对策。这些繁殖对策是长期自然选择的结果, 其目的都是为了最大限度地提高自身的适合度。并且指出分子生物学技术在繁殖生态学中的应用将大大加快这一研究领域的快速发展。  相似文献   

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