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Eosinophils are an important feature of immune responses to infections with many of the tissue-invasive helminth parasites. The cytokine IL-5 and a high-affinity double GATA-binding site within the GATA-1 promoter are critical for eosinophilopoiesis. In this study, we believe we demonstrate for the first time that defects in eosinophilopoiesis are associated with impaired resistance to Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. Primary and secondary infections were established in wildtype (WT), IL-5(-/-) and DeltadblGATA mice. Resistance to secondary infections was impaired in IL-5(-/-) and DeltadblGATA mice, with significantly more larvae able to reach the lungs 2 days p.i. Pulmonary inflammation was minimal in all strains in the first 2 days of both primary and secondary infections, suggesting that eosinophil-dependent resistance occurred before larvae reached this site. Intestinal worm burdens and/or parasite egg production in primary infections were greater in animals with defective eosinophilopoiesis. While larvae did reach the gut by day 3 of secondary infections of WT and IL-5(-/-) mice, worms were expelled by day 7, even in the complete absence of eosinophils in tissues of the small intestine. This and our previous studies indicate that N. brasiliensis are likely to be exquisitely sensitive to attack by eosinophils soon after entry into the skin. Eosinophils in the gut may make a modest contribution to resistance on first exposure to the parasite, but are not required for expulsion in either primary or secondary infections. In order to mount an effective immune response it may be vital for the host to identify and attack the parasite before it implements immune evasion strategies and migrates to other anatomical sites. These observations may be of particular significance for the development of successful vaccines against hookworms and other nematodes.  相似文献   

Rats were immunized through an initial infection with 1,000 filariform larvae (L3) of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis and after complete expulsion of worms they were challenged with 1,000 L3 of Strongyloides venezuelensis to investigate whether cross-resistance developed against a heterologous parasite. Nippostrongylus brasiliensis-immunized rats developed a partial cross-resistance against S. venezuelensis migrating larvae (MSL3) in the lungs and adult worms in the small intestine. The population of MSL3 in the lungs were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in immunized rats (22.0 +/- 7.4) compared with controls (105.0 +/- 27.6). The populations of adult worms, egg output and fecundity were initially decreased but from day 14 post-challenge they did not show any significant difference between immunized and control rats. However, the length of worm in immunized rat was revealed as retardation. Peripheral blood eosinophilia was significantly decreased (P < 0.05) on day 7 post-challenge and then gradually increased, which peaked on day 42 post-challenge when most of the worms were expelled. These results suggest that peripheral blood eosinophilia is strongly involved in the worm establishment and expulsion mechanisms.  相似文献   

The daily administration of inhibitors of histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine to rats infected with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis prevented the onset of the rapid phase of worm expulsion. These findings lend strong support to the importance of amine release and Mast cell discharge in worm expulsion.  相似文献   

The permeability of the gut mucosa to macromolecules has been examined in 4 different strains of rats infected with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (N. brasiliensis). There is a marked increase in mucosal permeability during the infection. In addition, a considerable strain difference is observed in both worm burden kinetics and the kinetics of intestinal permeability. The dose-response and drug treatment experiments in outbred Wistar rats suggest that increased mueosal permeability is a function of the worm burden. However, the increased permeability is related neither to the rapid phase of worm expulsion nor to the rise in intestinal mast cell numbers.  相似文献   

Symons L. E. A., Gibbins J. R. and Jones W. O., 1970. Jejunal malabsorption in the rat infected by the nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. International Journal for Parasitology, 1: 179–187. The rate of jejunal absorption of a range of substances absorbed actively or by diffusion was depressed in the rat infected by the nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. The degree of malabsorption of actively absorbed substances was directly related to the severity of the infection.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal nematodes require energy for active establishment in the gut against intestinal flow and peristaltic motion. In this study we employed CellTiter-Glo Luminescent Cell Viability Assay to measure the ATP value of individual adult Nippostrongylus brasiliensis during the course of immune-mediated expulsion from the small intestine in rats. The ATP values of adult worms taken from the lumen of the distal small intestine were lower than worms collected from the lumen of the proximal small intestine. Moreover, values from worms in the lumen of the proximal small intestine were lower than those from worms in the mucosa, the preferred site of adult N. brasiliensis. The reduction of ATP values in worms from each region was observed not only at expulsion phase, but also at established phases of the infection suggesting that energy metabolism of the parasites is independent of host immune response. When adult worms with low ATP values on day 12 post-infection were implanted surgically into the small intestine of na?ve rats, the worms re-established in recipients and completely restored the ATP values. Short in vitro culture of adult worms under low oxygen tension resulted in low ATP value in the worms. These results suggested that adult worms were dislodged from their preferred site by intact energy metabolism activity.  相似文献   

Mucosal mast cell (MMC) responses and worm recovery rates in rats infected with Echinostoma hortense were investigated from day 3 to day 56 post-infection (p.i.). Experimental infected group showed apparently higher number of MMC in each part of the small intestine than that of the control group. The number of MMC in the duodenum increased gradually after the infection and reached a peak on day 35 p.i. Thereafter, the number of MMC continued to decrease at a slow pace. The kinetics of MMC responses in the upper and lower jejunum were similar to that of the duodenum, but the number of MMC in the jejunum was lower. The worm recovery rate decreased with respect to time of which it was markedly reduced on day 49 and 56 p.i. The duration in which a high number of MMC appeared was similar to that in which a low rate in worm recovery was recorded. These results indicate that intestinal mastocytosis may play an important role in the expulsion of E. hortense.  相似文献   

The intestinal histopathology and in situ postures of Gymnophalloides seoi (Digenea: Gymnophallidae) were studied using C3H/HeN and C57BL/6 mice as experimental hosts; the effects of immunosuppression were also observed. The metacercariae isolated from naturally infected oysters, 300 or 1,000 in number, were infected orally to each mouse, and the mice were killed at days 3-21 post-infection (PI). In immunocompetent (IC) mice, only a small number of flukes were found in the mucosa of the duodenum and jejunum during days 3-7 PI, with their large oral suckers pinching and sucking the root of villi. The intestinal mucosa showed mild villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia, and inflammations in the villous stroma and crypt, with remarkable goblet cell hyperplasia. These mucosal changes were almost restored after days 14-21 PI. In immunosuppressed (IS) mice, displacement as well as complete loss of villi adjacent to the flukes was frequently encountered, otherwise the histopathology was generally mild, with minimal goblet cell hyperplasia. In these mice, numerous flukes were found, and it seemed that they were actively moving and rotating in situ. Several flukes were found to have invaded into the submucosa, almost facing the serosa. These results indicate that in IC mice the intestinal histopathology caused by G. seoi is generally mild, and the flukes do not penetrate beyond the mucosa, however, in IS mice, the flukes can cause severe destruction of neighboring villi, and some of them invade into the submucosa.  相似文献   

Interleukin-5 (IL-5) transgenic mice were used to assess the immunological features of CSF eosinophils from mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis. CSF eosinophils were hypodense by day 14 post infection (p.i.). CSF eosinophils survived longer in vitro than peritoneal eosinophils collected from cadmium sulphate (CdSO4) -treated normal IL-5 transgenic mice. Apoptosis was measured by Annexin V binding and the presence of a distinct laddering pattern of DNA fragmentation on agarose electrophoresis. Regardless of the presence or absence of Actinomycin D, CSF eosinophils collected from IL-5 transgenic mice from days 15–36 p.i. exhibited less apoptosis than peritoneal eosinophils collected from uninfected IL-5 transgenic mice. CSF eosinophils collected from A. cantonensis infected C57BL/6 mice at days 15–34 p.i. showed elongation of survival time and less apoptosis during in vitro cultivation. Reduced apoptosis was noted only in CSF eosinophils, but not in peritoneal eosinophils recovered from the same infected IL-5 transgenic mice. CPP32/Caspase 3 activity of cultured peritoneal eosinophils from both infected and uninfected IL-5 transgenic mice was higher than that of cultured CSF eosinophils. Stimulation with A23187 readily induced apoptosis of peritoneal eosinophils, but not CSF eosinophils or peritoneal eosinophils cultured with mouse recombinant IL-5. The latter cells were morphologically identical to hypodense eosinophils. RT-PCR analysis indicated that bcl-2 and bcl-xL mRNA expression was higher in CSF eosinophils compared with peritoneal eosinophils and this expression in the latter cells was upregulated after culture with mouse recombinant IL-5. These results suggest that CSF eosinophils, shifting to hypodense status through an accumulation from peripheral blood, are resistant to apoptosis. These changes may explain the long-lasting, helminthotoxic and neurotoxic actions of CSF eosinophils in A. cantonensis infection.  相似文献   



Recent studies have confirmed the presence of viable Chlamydia in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of pediatric patients with airway hyperresponsiveness. While specific IgG and IgM responses to C. pneumoniae are well described, the response and potential contribution of Ag-specific IgE are not known. The current study sought to determine if infection with Chlamydia triggers the production of pathogen-specific IgE in children with chronic respiratory diseases which might contribute to inflammation and pathology.


We obtained BAL fluid and serum from pediatric respiratory disease patients who were generally unresponsive to corticosteroid treatment as well as sera from age-matched control patients who saw their doctor for wellness checkups. Chlamydia-specific IgE was isolated from BAL and serum samples and their specificity determined by Western blot techniques. The presence of Chlamydia was confirmed by species-specific PCR and BAL culture assays.


Chlamydial DNA was detected in the BAL fluid of 134/197 (68%) patients. Total IgE increased with age until 15 years old and then decreased. Chlamydia-specific IgE was detected in the serum and/or BAL of 107/197 (54%) patients suffering from chronic respiratory disease, but in none of the 35 healthy control sera (p < 0.0001). Of the 74 BAL culture-positive patients, 68 (91.9%, p = 0.0001) tested positive for Chlamydia-specific IgE. Asthmatic patients had significantly higher IgE levels compared to non-asthmatics (p = 0.0001). Patients who were positive for Chlamydia DNA or culture had significantly higher levels of serum IgE compared to negative patients (p = 0.0071 and p = 0.0001 respectively). Only 6 chlamydial antigens induced Chlamydia-specific IgE and patients with C. pneumoniae-specific IgE had significantly greater levels of total IgE compared to C. pneumoniae-specific IgE negative ones (p = 0.0001).


IgE antibodies play a central role in allergic inflammation; therefore production of Chlamydia-specific IgE may prove significant in the exacerbation of chronic, allergic airway diseases, thus highlighting a direct role for Chlamydia in asthma pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Interleukin-5 (IL-5) transgenic mice were used to assess the immunological features of CSF eosinophils from mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis. CSF eosinophils were hypodense by day 14 post infection (p.i.). CSF eosinophils survived longer in vitro than peritoneal eosinophils collected from cadmium sulphate (CdSO4) -treated normal IL-5 transgenic mice. Apoptosis was measured by Annexin V binding and the presence of a distinct laddering pattern of DNA fragmentation on agarose electrophoresis. Regardless of the presence or absence of Actinomycin D, CSF eosinophils collected from IL-5 transgenic mice from days 15–36 p.i. exhibited less apoptosis than peritoneal eosinophils collected from uninfected IL-5 transgenic mice. CSF eosinophils collected from A. cantonensis infected C57BL/6 mice at days 15–34 p.i. showed elongation of survival time and less apoptosis during in vitro cultivation. Reduced apoptosis was noted only in CSF eosinophils, but not in peritoneal eosinophils recovered from the same infected IL-5 transgenic mice. CPP32/Caspase 3 activity of cultured peritoneal eosinophils from both infected and uninfected IL-5 transgenic mice was higher than that of cultured CSF eosinophils. Stimulation with A23187 readily induced apoptosis of peritoneal eosinophils, but not CSF eosinophils or peritoneal eosinophils cultured with mouse recombinant IL-5. The latter cells were morphologically identical to hypodense eosinophils. RT-PCR analysis indicated that bcl-2 and bcl-xL mRNA expression was higher in CSF eosinophils compared with peritoneal eosinophils and this expression in the latter cells was upregulated after culture with mouse recombinant IL-5. These results suggest that CSF eosinophils, shifting to hypodense status through an accumulation from peripheral blood, are resistant to apoptosis. These changes may explain the long-lasting, helminthotoxic and neurotoxic actions of CSF eosinophils in A. cantonensis infection.  相似文献   



Several studies on the association of TNF-alpha (−308 G/A), IL-6 (−174 G/C) and IL-1beta (−511 C/T) polymorphisms with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) risk have reported conflicting results. The aim of the present study was to assess these associations by meta-analysis.


A total of 14 eligible articles (1665 cases/1687 controls) were included in this meta-analysis. The results suggested that there was no obvious association between the TNF-alpha (−308 G/A) polymorphism and PCOS in the overall population or subgroup analysis by ethnicity, Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) in controls, genotyping method, PCOS diagnosis criteria, and study sample size. Also, no obvious association was found between the TNF-alpha (−308 G/A) polymorphism and obesity in patients with PCOS (body mass index [BMI] ≥ 25 kg/m2 vs. BMI < 25 kg/m2). Regarding the IL-6 (−174 G/C) polymorphism, also no association was found in the overall population in heterozygote comparison, dominant model, and recessive model. Even though an allelic model (odds ratio [OR] = 0.63, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.41–0.96) and a homozygote comparison (OR = 0.52, 95% CI = 0.30–0.93) showed that the IL-6 (−174 G/C) polymorphism was marginally associated with PCOS. Further subgroup analysis suggested that the effect size was not significant among HWE in controls (sample size ≤ 200) and genotyping method of pyrosequencing under all genetic models. Similarly, there was no association between the IL-1beta (−511 C/T) polymorphism and PCOS in the overall population or subgroup analysis under all genetic models. Furthermore, no significant association was found between the IL-1beta (−511 C/T) polymorphism and several clinical and biochemical parameters in patients with PCOS.


The results of this meta-analysis suggest that the TNF-alpha (−308 G/A), IL-6 (−174 G/C), and IL-1beta (−511 C/T) polymorphisms may not be associated with PCOS risk. However, further case–control studies with larger sample sizes are needed to confirm our results.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12863-015-0165-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate whethere there is cross-reactivity between Dirofilaria immitis and three intestinal nematodes of dogs. In ELISA, D. immitis-infected dog sera obtained at the 4th molting stage (9-11 weeks) and microfilaremic stage (25-30 weeks) were shown to be highly reactive with crude extract of T. canis. In immunoblotting, some antigenic fractions, 44, 57, 88, 100 kDa of crude extract of T. canis, were found to be positive reaction with sera of dogs infected with D. immitis. However, little or no cross-reaction were observed between sera of D. immitis-infected dogs and crude extract antigen of T. vulpis or A. caninum. These result suggest that there are partial cross reaction between sera of D. immitis-infected dogs and the antigen of T. canis.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii Korean isolate (KI-1) tachyzoites were inoculated intraduodenally to BALB/c mice using a silicon tube, and the course of infection and immune responses of mice were studied. Whereas control mice, that were infected intraperitoneally, died within day 7 post-infection (PI), the intraduodenally infected mice survived until day 9 PI (infection with 1 × 10(5) tachyzoites) or day 11 PI (with 1 × 10(6) tachyzoites). Based on histopathologic (Giemsa stain) and PCR (B1 gene) studies, it was suggested that tachyzoites, after entering the small intestine, invaded into endothelial cells, divided there, and propagated to other organs. PCR appeared to be more sensitive than histopathology to detect infected organs and tissues. The organisms spread over multiple organs by day 6 PI. However, proliferative responses of splenocytes and mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells in response to con A or Toxoplasma lysate antigen decreased significantly, suggesting immunosuppression. Splenic CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-lymphocytes showed decreases in number until day 9 PI, whereas IFN-γ and IL-10 decreased slightly at day 6 PI and returned to normal levels by day 9 PI. No TNF-α was detected throughout the experimental period. The results showed that intraduodenal infection with KI-1 tachyzoites was successful but did not elicit significant mucosal immunity in mice and allowed dissemination of T. gondii organisms to systemic organs. The immunosuppression of mice included reduced lymphoproliferative responses to splenocytes and MLN cells to mitogen and low production of cytokines, such as IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-10, in response to T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

The growth and development of Gymnophalloides seoi were studied in C3H/HeN mice and effects of immunosuppression of the host on the worm development were observed. Two hundred metacercariae of G. seoi were orally administered to each mouse, and worms were recovered on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 and 21 post-infection (PI). The worm recovery rate was significantly higher in immunosuppressed (ImSP) mice than in immunocompetent (ImCT) mice except on days 1 and 3 PI. The worms attained sexual maturity by day 3 PI with eggs in the uterus, and worm dimensions and the number of uterine eggs continuously increased until day 14 PI in ImSP mice. Worms recovered from ImSP mice were significantly larger in size than those from ImCT mice on days 1 and 3 PI, and the number of uterine eggs was significantly larger in ImSP mice on days 5 and 7 PI. Genital organs such as the ovary, testes, and vitellaria, that were already developed in the metacercarial stage, grew a little in size until day 14 PI. The results show that the C3H/HeN mouse is, though not excellent, a suitable laboratory host for G. seoi.  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficacy of ronidazole for treatment of Tritrichomonas foetus infection, 6 Tritrichomonas-free kittens were experimentally infected with a Korean isolate of T. foetus. The experimental infection was confirmed by direct microscopy, culture, and single-tube nested PCR, and all cats demonstrated trophozoites of T. foetus by day 20 post-infection in the feces. From day 30 after the experimentally induced infection, 3 cats were treated with ronidazole (50 mg/kg twice a day for 14 days) and 3 other cats received placebo. Feces from each cat were tested for the presence of T. foetus by direct smear and culture of rectal swab samples using modified Diamond's medium once a week for 4 weeks. To confirm the culture results, the presence of T. foetus rRNA gene was determined by single-tube nested PCR assay. All 3 cats in the treatment group receiving ronidazole showed negative results for T. foetus infection during 2 weeks of treatment and 4 weeks follow-up by all detection methods used in this study. In contrast, rectal swab samples from cats in the control group were positive for T. foetus continuously throughout the study. The present study indicates that ronidazole is also effective to treat cats infected experimentally with a Korean isolate of T. foetus at a dose of 50 mg/kg twice a day for 14 days.  相似文献   

In intestinal helminth infections, Th2 immune respones are generally associated with mucin secretion for worm expulsion from the host intestine. In particular, IL-4 and IL-13 are the important cytokines related with intestinal mucus production via STAT6 signalling in nematode infections. However, this perspective has never been studied in Gymnophalloides seoi infection. The present study aimed to observe the STAT6 signalling and cytokine responses in C57BL/6 mice, a mouse strain resistant to infection with this trematode. The results showed that worm expulsion occurred actively during days 1-2 post-infection (PI), when goblet cells began to proliferate in the small intestine. The STAT6 gene expression in the mouse spleen became remarkable from day 2 PI. Moreover, G. seoi infection induced a significant increase of IL-13 from day 4 PI in the spleen of infected mice. Our results suggested that goblet cell hyperplasia and worm expulsion in G. seoi-infected mice should be induced by STAT6 signalling, in which IL-13 may be involved as a dominant triggering cytokine.  相似文献   

We developed a sandwich ELISA for the detection of circulating Toxoplasma gondii MIC10 antigens. In T. gondii culture supernatant, MIC10 was detected in a growth dependent manner. Mice were infected with a lethal dose of either a virulent RH strain, an avirulent Beverley strain or a sub-lethal dose of a PLK strain of T. gondii. MIC10 appeared 2 days after infection and increased gradually in the sera of RH-infected mice. A detectable but significantly lower amount of MIC10 was observed in the sera of mice infected intraperitoneally with Beverley tachyzoites. In contrast, the MIC10 antigen in mice sera following oral infection with Beverley cysts was below detectable levels during the course of the experiment. In sera of PLK-infected mice, MIC10 was predominantly observed between late acute and early chronic phase. Our data show that the kinetics of circulating MIC10 differs depending on the strain and route of infection.  相似文献   

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