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High-density (n > 1012 cm?3) argon-mercury plasma produced by a short (t ~ 20 μs) high-power pulsed discharge in argon with an admixture of mercury vapor at a discharge current of ~50 A, an argon pressure of ~4 mm Hg, and a mercury vapor pressure of ~10?3 mm Hg was studied using optical spectroscopy and radio physics methods. It is found that the lifetime of this plasma after the end of the discharge pulse is up to 10?2 s. It is shown that such an abnormally long lifetime of such an afterglow plasma, as compared to the plasma of an argon discharge without an admixture of mercury vapor, is related to the long residence time of atoms and ions of both argon and mercury in highly excited states due to chemi-ionization processes involving long-lived metastable argon ions. It is suggested that dissociative recombination of highly excited molecular ions of argon play an important role in the transfer of excitation to argon atoms and ions that are close to autoionization states.  相似文献   

Results are presented for experimental studies of the plasma glow in a high-current pulsed magnetron discharge by using a high-speed optical frame camera. It is found that the discharge plasma is inhomogeneous in the azimuthal direction. The plasma bunches rotate with a linear velocity of ∼1 cm/μs in the direction of electron Hall drift, and their number is proportional to the discharge current. Plasma inhomogeneities in the form of plasma jets propagate in the form of plasma jets from the cathode region toward the anode. It is shown analytically that the formation of inhomogeneities is caused by the necessity to transfer high-density electron current across the magnetic field.  相似文献   

A self-consistent model describing the influence of a pulsed discharge on H2-air mixtures is developed. The model includes the processes of ionization, dissociation, and excitation of the gas molecules by electron impacts; a set of ion-molecular reactions determining the time evolution of the charged particle densities; the processes involving electronically excited atoms and molecules; and a set of reactions describing the ignition of hydrogen-oxygen mixtures. Results are presented from simulations of the oxidation dynamics of hydrogen molecules in a stoichiometric H2-air mixture and the ignition of such a mixture under the action of a pulsed high-current discharge. The simulation results are compared with available experimental data and calculations performed by other authors.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the nonthermal decomposition of nitrous oxide (N2O) in a nonequilibrium plasma is investigated experimentally. A numerical model of the process is constructed and used to simulate the decomposition of N2O in a high-current pulsed discharge. The most important channels for decomposition are revealed by analyzing the results obtained. The role of the charged, electronically excited, and vibrationally excited components is examined. It is shown that the mechanism for the thermally nonequilibrium decomposition of N2O in a high-current pulsed discharge is governed by the reactions involving ions and electronically excited molecules.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the current-voltage characteristics and spatial and temporal parameters of the plasma in a high-current pulsed magnetron sputtering system with a 10-cm-diameter plane disk cathode. It is shown that the plasma density in such a system is three orders of magnitude higher than that in conventional dc magnetron discharges and reaches 1013 cm−3 at a distance of 250 mm from the cathode at a peak discharge current of 500 A. The plasma propagates from the cathode region at a velocity of 1 cm/μs in the axial direction and 0.25 cm/μs in the radial direction. Optical emission spectroscopy shows that the degree of plasma ionization increases severalfold with increasing discharge current, mainly at the expense of the sputtered material.  相似文献   

Relativistic microwave electronics faces the problem of using high currents of relativistic electron beams; i.e., it is possible to use beams the current of which is lower than that of actually existing high-current accelerators. We show the possibility of increasing the power of radiation generated in a plasma relativistic microwave oscillator (PRMO) due to an increase in the absolute value of current. For the beam currents close to the value of limiting vacuum current, the efficiency of microwave generation decreases; therefore, we study PRMO schemes with a high value of limiting vacuum current, i.e., schemes with a small gap between a hollow relativistic electron beam and the waveguide wall. The results of the experiment and numerical simulation are discussed.  相似文献   

A study is made of the relation between the kinetic processes involving carbon-containing species and the intensity ratios of different emission lines in synthesizing diamond films in a microwave discharge plasma. The intensity ratios of the emission lines are measured as functions of the pressure, composition, and flow rate of the gas mixture. The kinetic processes involving carbon-containing components are simulated under conditions close to the experimental ones. It is shown that the intensity ratios of different pairs of lines can be used to control diamond film deposition.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the destruction of chlorofluorocarbon (CF2Cl2) molecules in a methane-oxygen (air) gas mixture whose combustion is initiated by a high-current slipping surface discharge. It is found that a three-component CH4+O2(air)+CF2Cl2 gas mixture (even with a considerable amount of the third component) demonstrates properties of explosive combustion involving chain reactions that are typical of two-component CH4+O2 mixtures. Experiments show the high degree of destruction (almost complete decomposition) of chlorofluorocarbons contained in the mixture during one combustion event. The combustion dynamics is studied. It is shown that the combustion initiated by a slipping surface discharge has a number of characteristic features that make it impossible to identify the combustion dynamics with the formation of a combustion or detonation wave. The features of the effects observed can be related to intense UV radiation produced by a pulsed high-current surface discharge.  相似文献   

The resonant excitation of plasma (Langmuir) oscillations during the microwave breakdown of a low-pressure gas is studied both analytically and numerically using the simplest uniform model. It is shown that, because of a significant delay in electron heating and cooling, this effect ensures that the plasma density increases at a high (resonant) rate, even after exceeding a critical value, and can reach a very high (overcritical) level.  相似文献   

The parameters of a dense (1013–1014 cm−3) plasma produced by ionization of a H2 + Ti mixture in a moderate-power (W ≤ 10 MW) pulsed reflective discharge are investigated. The dynamics of the plasma density, the elemental composition of the generated plasma, the radial distribution of the electron density, the rotation velocity and frequency of the plasma layer with n p n cr, the radial electric field, the coefficient of plasma particle separation, and the coefficient of plasma recombination in the stage of plasma decay are determined.  相似文献   

A complete self-consistent electrodynamic model of a pulsed gas discharge excited by surface waves is developed. The model allows one to calculate both the initial phase of the discharge front propagation and the parameters of the produced plasma. The spatiotemporal evolution of the electromagnetic field and plasma parameters at the discharge front is investigated for the first time. It is shown that discharge propagation is mainly governed by a breakdown wave in an inhomogeneous electric field at the leading edge of the ionization front. It is found that the effect of the electric field enhancement in the plasma resonance region significantly affects the velocity of the breakdown wave. The results of calculations agree well with experimental data.  相似文献   

The gas temperature in an electrode microwave discharge in hydrogen at pressures of 1–8 torr and input powers of 20–90 W is determined from the relative intensities of the rotational lines of the electronically excited molecules of the Fulcher α system of molecular hydrogen. It is found that the gas temperature in the discharge is no higher than 800 K over the entire range of the experimental conditions under study. For this reason, plasma resonance cannot be regarded as a factor determining the physical processes in the discharge over the entire pressure range. Since the discharge unit is a nonuniform gas-dynamic system (the gas is fed through a small hole into a chamber of limited size), there is a possibility of generating vortex flows that intensively mix the gas. This results in a uniform distribution of the gas temperature throughout the entire volume of the spherical plasma structure produced in the experiment.  相似文献   

The dynamic processes by which an electrostatic plasma lens with a wide-aperture ion beam and electrons produced from the secondary ion-electron emission relaxes to a steady state is investigated for the first time by the particle-in-cell method. The parameters of a two-dimensional mathematical model were chosen to correspond to those of actual plasma lenses used in experimental studies on the focusing of high-current heavy-ion beams at the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley, USA). It is revealed that the ion background plays a fundamental role in the formation of a high potential relief in the cross section of a plasma lens. It is established that, in the volume of the plasma lens, a stratified electron structure appears that is governed by the nonuniform distribution of the external potential over the fixing electrodes and the insulating magnetic field. The stratification is very pronounced because of the finite sizes of the cylindrical fixing electrodes of the lens. It is shown that the presence of such a structure limits the maximum compression ratio for an ion beam to values that agree with those observed experimentally.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the energy spectra of an electron beam in a model beam-plasma oscillator based on a hybrid plasma waveguide in the pulsed mode of microwave generation with a pulse duration of 1 µs or shorter. The beam energy spent on sustaining the beam-plasma discharge in a slow-wave structure is measured. A correlation between the type of excited waves and the generation of a group of accelerated beam electrons with energies exceeding the injection energy is revealed. It is shown that the pulsed mode of microwave generation is related to the time variations in the plasma density profile in the waveguide and the trapping of beam electrons by the excited microwave field.  相似文献   

A numerical model of a spark discharge propagating along the ground surface from the point at which an ∼100-kA current pulse is input into the ground has been developed based on experiments in which the velocity of a long leader was measured as a function of the leader current. The results of numerical simulations are in good agreement with the measured characteristics of creeping discharges excited in field experiments by using a high-power explosive magnetic generator. The reason why the length of a spark discharge depends weakly on the number of simultaneously developing channels is found. Analysis of the influence of the temporal characteristics of the current pulse on the parameters of the creeping spark discharge shows that actual lighting may exhibit similar behavior.  相似文献   

The effect of the dc electric field on the near-surface plasma of an electrode microwave discharge at pressures of 1?C5 Torr was studied by the emission spectroscopy method. It is shown that the dc field weakly affects the vibrational distribution of nitrogen molecules in the C3??u state, but changes the structure of the near-surface plasma (shifting the intensity maxima of the emission bands) and the strength of the microwave field near the electrode surface. It is also found that the ratio between the intensities of bands of different sequences of the second positive system of nitrogen radiated from the same state depends on the position along the discharge axis.  相似文献   

The decay of air plasma produced by a high-voltage nanosecond discharge at room temperature and gas pressures in the range of 1–10 Torr was studied experimentally and theoretically. The time dependence of the electron density was measured with a microwave interferometer. The initial electron density was about 1012 cm−3. The discharge homogeneity was monitored using optical methods. The dynamics of the charged particle densities in the discharge afterglow was simulated by numerically solving the balance equations for electron and ions and the equation for the electron temperature. It was shown that, under these experimental conditions, plasma electrons are mainly lost due to dissociative and three-body recombination with ions. Agreement between the measured and calculated electron densities was achieved only when the rate constant of the three-body electron-ion recombination was increased by one order of magnitude and the temperature dependence of this rate constant was modified. This indicates that the mechanism for three-body recombination of molecular ions differs from that of the well-studied mechanism of atomic ion recombination.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the glow dynamics of active nitrogen in the stage of its excitation by a current pulse and during the discharge afterglow. The mechanism is proposed for the generation of a light splash in a highly activated nitrogen after the end of its pulsed excitation. The key role in the generation of this splash is played by the D-V processes, by which the dissociation energy is transferred to the vibrational degrees of freedom in the course of recombination of nitrogen atoms, and the V-E processes, by which the vibrational energy of highly excited molecules N2(X, v ≥ 25–27) is transferred to the emitting electronic states N2(B, v) after the V-V delay. Results of simulations based on the mechanism proposed are also presented.  相似文献   

Results are presented from studies of the possibility of using a thin metal foil for recyclable vacuum transmission lines with magnetic insulation in a conceptual fusion reactor based on high-voltage high-current electromagnetic generators. Numerical simulations and experiments in the Angara-5-1 facility were carried out to determine both the threshold for the explosion of a foil heated by a current pulse and the parameters of the plasma layer formed at the foil surface. It was found experimentally that an additional plasma current channel forms on the surface of a 120-μm stainless-steel foil at a linear current density of 0.25–0.5 MA/cm, which corresponds to a magnetic field of 0.3–0.6 MG. For the same conditions, one-dimensional computer simulations of the foil heating were performed in an MHD model by using a wide-range semiempirical equation of state for stainless steel. The calculated threshold for plasma generation on the foil surface is compared with the experimental data. The main parameters of the plasma layer are also calculated at linear current densities of 2–10 MA/cm, which far exceed the threshold current density. The plasma layer parameters as functions of the linear current density are determined for the case of an iron foil.  相似文献   

A study is made of the microwave beam evolution due to passing through the stagnation zone, where the group velocity vanishes, thus making the paraxial approximation for the wavefield inappropriate. An extension to the standard beam tracing technique is suggested that allows one to calculate the microwave beam parameters on either branch of its path apart from the stagnation zone, omitting the calculation of the wavefield inside it. Application examples of the extended technique are presented for the case of microwave reflection from the upper hybrid resonance layer in a tokamak plasma.  相似文献   

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