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A steroidogenic tilapia gonadotropin (taGtH=LH) was purified from pituitaries of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureus) and a homologous RIA was established. This RIA enabled the study of the endocrine regulation of GtH release, the transduction pathways involved in its secretion and its profile during the spawning cycle. Discrepancies between steroid and taGtH peaks during the cycle led to the conclusion that an additional gonadotropin similar to salmonid FSH operates early in the cycle. In order to identify this hormone and to study the endocrine control of synthesis of all gonadotropin (GtH) subunits, a molecular approach was taken. The cDNA sequences and the entire gene sequences encoding the FSHbeta and LHbeta subunits, as well as an incomplete sequence of the glycoprotein hormone alpha subunit (GPalpha), were cloned. Salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormone (sGnRH) elevated mRNA steady-state levels of all three GtH subunits in cultured pituitary cells. Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) also stimulated the expression of these subunits and potentiated the effect of GnRH, except that NPY did not affect FSHbeta. The GnRH and NPY effects were found to be mediated mainly through protein kinase C (PKC), while protein kinase A (PKA) cascade was involved to a lesser extent. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade takes part in mediating GnRH effects, possibly via PKC. Testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2), but not 11-ketotestosterone (KT), are able to elevate GPalpha and LHbeta mRNAs in pituitary cells of early maturing or regressing males. Low levels of T exposure are associated with elevated FSHbeta mRNA in cells of mature fish, while higher levels suppress it, but elevate LHbeta mRNA. In vivo observations also showed the association of low T levels with increased FSHbeta mRNA and high T levels with elevated LHbeta mRNA. In accordance with these findings, analysis of LHbeta and FSHbeta 5' gene-flanking regions revealed on both gene promoters a GtH-specific element (GSE), half site estrogen response elements (ERE), cAMP response element (CRE) and AP1. In vitro experiments showed that recombinant human activin-A leads to higher levels of GPalpha, FSHbeta and LHbeta mRNAs in pituitary cell culture. Porcine inhibin marginally decreased the mRNA levels of GPalpha and FSHbeta, but at a low level (1 ng/ml) it stimulated that of LHbeta. These results shed some light on certain hypothalamic and gonadal hormones regulating the expression of GtH subunit genes in tilapia. In addition, they provide evidence for their differential regulation, and insight into their mode of action.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of gonadal steroids on the pretranslational regulation of the gonadotropin subunits in the female, adult female rats, beginning 7 or 28 days after ovariectomy, received daily injections of testosterone propionate (T), dihydrotestosterone propionate (D), or estradiol benzoate (E) for 7 days. Intact cycling females and ovariectomized rats that received vehicle served as controls. Serum was obtained for LH and FSH levels to assess changes in gonadotropin secretion. Total RNA from individual rats was recovered and analyzed by blot hybridization with specific radiolabeled cDNA probes for the alpha, LH beta, and FSH beta subunits. Autoradiographic bands were quantitated and standardized to mRNA levels in the intact animals. Ovariectomy resulted in a rise in serum gonadotropin levels and all three gonadotropin subunit mRNA levels. Estrogen replacement resulted in suppression of alpha, LH beta, and FSH beta mRNAs whether given at 7 or 28 days after ovariectomy. In contrast, whereas androgen replacement decreased alpha and LH beta mRNAs, D or T did not consistently suppress FSH beta mRNAs. We conclude that chronic estrogen administration to the castrated female rat uniformly suppresses all three gonadotropin subunit mRNA levels. In female rats, as in male rats, chronic androgen administration fails to negatively regulate FSH beta mRNAs.  相似文献   

The adherens junction (AJ) is important for maintaining uterine structural integrity, composition of the luminal environment, and initiation of implantation by virtue of its properties of cell-cell recognition, adhesion, and establishment of cell polarity and permeability barriers. In this study, we investigated the uterine changes of AJ components E-cadherin, beta-catenin, and alpha-catenin at their mRNA and protein levels, together with the cellular distribution of meprinbeta, phospho-beta-catenin, and active beta-catenin proteins, in hamsters that show only ovarian progesterone-dependent uterine receptivity and implantation. By in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence, we have demonstrated that uterine epithelial cells expressed three of these AJ proteins and their mRNAs prior to and during the initial phase of implantation. Immunofluorescence study showed no change in epithelial expression patterns of uterine AJ proteins from Days 1 to 5 of pregnancy. With advancement of the implantation process, AJ components were primarily expressed in cells of the secondary decidual zone (SDZ), but not in the primary decidual zone (PDZ). In contrast, we noted strong expression of beta-catenin and alpha-catenin proteins in the PDZ, but not in the SDZ, of mice. Taken together, these results suggest that AJ proteins contribute to uterine barrier functions by cell-cell adhesion to ensure protection of the embryo. In addition, cleavage of E-cadherin by meprinbeta might contribute to weakening uterine epithelial cell-cell contact for blastocyst implantation. We also report that the nuclear localization of active beta-catenin from Day 4 onward in hamsters implies that beta-catenin/Wnt-signal transduction is activated in the uterus during implantation and decidualization.  相似文献   

A cosmid clone containing the entire hCG beta gene cluster has been isolated. The restriction map of this clone has been determined by an indirect-end-label FIGE (field inversion gel electrophoresis) method. Analysis of this cosmid clone shows that there are 6 hCG beta genes in human genomic DNA. A previously uncloned portion of the hCG beta cluster, termed the "gap" region, has been shown not to contain any sequences homologous to the hCG beta cDNA. The restriction mapping method employed in this study takes advantage of the superior resolution of FIGE for high molecular weight DNA fragments in the size range 15-50 kb. This method is broadly applicable and permits rapid and accurate restriction mapping for extended regions of genomic DNA that have been cloned into cosmid or lambda vectors.  相似文献   

Episodic GnRH input is necessary for the maintenance of LH and FSH secretion. In the current study we have assessed the requirement of a pulsatile GnRH signal for the regulation of gonadotropin alpha- and beta-subunit gene expression. Using a dispersed rat pituitary perifusion system, GnRH (10 nM) was administered as a continuous infusion vs. hourly pulses. Secretion of free alpha-subunit, LH, and FSH were monitored over 5-min intervals for the entire 12-h treatment period before the responses of alpha, LH beta, and FSH beta mRNAs were assessed. Basal release of all three glycoproteins declined slowly over 6-8 h before reaching a plateau. The cells were responsive to each pulse of GnRH, but continuous GnRH elicited only a brief episode of free alpha-subunit, LH, and FSH release, followed by a return to unstimulated levels. Despite the similar patterns of secretion, differences were observed in the responses of gonadotropin mRNAs to the two modes of GnRH. alpha mRNA increased in response to continuous (1.6-fold) or pulsatile (1.7-fold) GnRH. FSH beta mRNA was suppressed to 48% of the control value after continuous GnRH, but was stimulated over 4-fold by the pulses. LH beta mRNA was unresponsive to either treatment paradigm. We conclude that in vitro 1) alpha mRNA levels are increased in response to GnRH independent of the mode of stimulation; 2) under the conditions studied, LH beta mRNA levels are unresponsive to either mode of GnRH input; and 3) the response of FSH beta mRNA to GnRH is highly dependent on the mode of administration, with levels depressed in response to continuous GnRH, but stimulated by pulsatile GnRH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have used PCR to amplify and align the sequence of two genes encoding cGTH alpha. Both genes comprise four exons and three introns. The organization of cGTH alpha genes is very similar to that of mammalian GTH alpha genes. However, the cGTH alpha genes only span a region of 1.2 kb which is much smaller than those mammalian GTH alpha genes.  相似文献   

Changes in the frequency of GnRH and LH pulses have been shown to occur between the luteal and preovulatory periods in the ovine estrous cycle. We examined the effect of these different frequencies of GnRH pulses on pituitary concentrations of LH and FSH subunit mRNAs. Eighteen ovariectomized ewes were implanted with progesterone to eliminate endogenous GnRH release during the nonbreeding season. These animals then received 3 ng/kg body weight GnRH in frequencies of once every 4, 1, or 0.5 h for 4 days. These frequencies represent those observed during the luteal and follicular phases, and the preovulatory LH and FSH surge of the ovine estrous cycle, respectively. On day 4, the ewes were killed and their anterior pituitary glands were removed for measurements of pituitary LH, FSH, and their subunit mRNAs. Pituitary content of LH and FSH, as assessed by RIA, did not change (P greater than 0.10) in response to the three different GnRH pulse frequencies. However, subunit mRNA concentrations, assessed by solution hybridization assays and expressed as femtomoles per mg total RNA, did change as a result of different GnRH frequencies. alpha mRNA concentrations were higher (P less than 0.05) when the GnRH pulse frequency was 1/0.5 h and 1 h, whereas LH beta and FSH beta mRNA concentrations were maximal (P less than 0.05) only at a pulse frequency of 1/h. Additionally, pituitary LH and FSH secretory response to GnRH on day 4 was maximal (P = 0.05) when the pulse infusion was 1/h.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Genomic sequences of gonadotropin-releasing hormone genes were amplified and examined for sequence divergence among members of three different genera of the subfamily Salmoninae: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Sequences of GNRH3A and GNRH3B (formerly known as sGnRH1 and sGnRH2) were 97-99% similar in coding regions and 94-98% similar in non-coding regions among genera, but comparisons within species between GNRH3A and GNRH3B were only 90-92% similar in coding regions and 83-89% similar in non-coding regions. Polymorphisms in the parents of mapping families for each species allowed for linkage mapping of the GNRH3B gene in all three species and the GNRH3A gene in rainbow trout. GNRH3B maps to linkage group 6 in rainbow trout, linkage group 16 in Atlantic salmon and linkage group 25 in Arctic charr. GNRH3A mapped to linkage group 30 in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the COX5a and COX5b genes encode two forms of cytochrome c oxidase subunit V, Va and Vb. We report here that heme increases COX5a expression and decreases COX5b expression and that the HAP2 and REO1 genes are involved in positive regulation of COX5a and negative regulation of COX5b, respectively. Heme regulation of COX5a and COX5b may dictate which subunit V isoform is available for assembly into cytochrome c oxidase under conditions of high- and low-oxygen tension.  相似文献   

Expression of the dimeric glycoprotein hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), occurs either eutopically in placental trophoblast cells and trophoblastic tumor cells (choriocarcinoma) or ectopically in nontrophoblastic tumor cells. However, regulation of constitutive HCG-subunit mRNA production appears to differ in trophoblastic and nontrophoblastic cells, as evidenced by the fact that cAMP analogs and agonists enhance eutopic but not ectopic HCG-subunit mRNA synthesis. In the present study, we compared the effects of cAMP on HCG alpha-subunit expression in human choriocarcinoma cells and in nontrophoblastic mouse L-cells stably transfected with the HCG alpha-subunit gene. Constitutive levels of alpha-subunit expression in transfected mouse L-cells were equivalent to or exceeded those found in choriocarcinoma cells as determined by Northern blot analysis and indirect immunofluorescence for alpha-subunit protein. However, cAMP-mediated induction of alpha-subunit gene expression was retained in nontrophoblastic L-cells and closely paralleled that observed in human choriocarcinoma cells. These findings indicate that cells distinctly nontrophoblastic in origin may share the necessary cellular factors for cAMP-mediated induction of alpha-subunit gene expression. Failure of ectopic HCG-producing tumor cells to be stimulated by cAMP may thus be the result of deletion or mutation of such factors.  相似文献   

FSH levels begin to rise 3-5 days after male Siberian hamsters are transferred from inhibitory short photoperiods to stimulatory long photoperiods. In contrast, LH levels do not increase for several weeks. This differential pattern of FSH and LH secretion represents one of the most profound in vivo examples of differential regulation of the gonadotropins. The present study was undertaken to characterize the molecular mechanisms controlling differential FSH and LH synthesis and secretion in photostimulated Siberian hamsters. First, we cloned species-specific cDNAs for the three gonadotropin subunits: the common alpha subunit and the unique FSHbeta and LHbeta subunits. All three subunits share high nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence identity with the orthologous cDNAs from rats. We then used these new molecular probes to examine the gonadotropin subunit mRNA levels from pituitaries of short-day male hamsters transferred to long days for 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, or 20 days. Short-day (SD) and long-day (LD) controls remained in short and long days, respectively, from the time of weaning. We measured serum FSH and LH levels by RIA. FSHbeta, LHbeta, and alpha subunit mRNA levels were measured from individual pituitaries using a microlysate ribonuclease protection assay. Serum FSH and pituitary FSHbeta mRNA levels changed similarly following long-day transfer. Both were significantly elevated after five long days (2.3- and 3.6-fold, respectively; P < 0.02) and declined thereafter, but they remained above SD control values through 20 long days. Alpha subunit mRNA levels also increased significantly relative to SD control values (maximum 2-fold increase after seven long days; P < 0.03), although to a lesser extent than FSHbeta. Neither serum LH nor pituitary LHbeta mRNA levels changed significantly following long-day transfer. The results indicate that long-day-associated increases in serum FSH levels in Siberian hamsters reflect an underlying increase in pituitary FSHbeta and alpha subunit mRNA accumulation.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that protein-protein interaction is important for protein kinase C (PKC) alpha to activate phospholipase D1 (PLD1). To determine the one or more sites on PKCalpha that are involved in binding to PLD1, fragments containing the regulatory domain, catalytic domain, and C1-C3 domain of PKCalpha were constructed and shown to be functional, but they all failed to bind and activate PLD1 in vivo and in vitro. A C-terminal 23-amino acid (aa) deletion mutant of PKCalpha was also found to be inactive. To define the binding/activation site(s) in the C terminus of PKCalpha, 1- to 11-aa deletion mutants were made in this terminus. Deletion of up to 9 aa did not alter the ability of PKCalpha to bind and activate PLDl, whereas a 10-aa deletion was inactive. The residue at position 10 was Phe(663). Mutations of this residue (F663D and F663A) caused loss of binding, activation, and phosphorylation of PLD1, indicating that Phe(663) is essential for these activities. Time course experiments showed that the activation of PLD1 by PMA was much faster than its phosphorylation, and its activity decreased as phosphorylation increased with time. Staurosporine, a PKC inhibitor, completely inhibited PLD1 phosphorylation in response to 4beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate PMA and blocked the later decrease in PLD activity. The same results were found with the D481E mutant of PKCalpha, which is unable to phosphorylate PLD1. These results indicate that neither the regulatory nor catalytic domains of PKCalpha alone can bind to or activate PLD1 and that a residue in the C terminus of PKCalpha (Phe(663)) is required for these effects. The initial activation of PLD1 by PMA is highly correlated with the binding of PKCalpha. Although PKCalpha can phosphorylate PLD1, this is a relatively slow process and is associated with inactivation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

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