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B Mitra  R Sharma 《Biochemistry》2001,40(25):7694-7699
Soft metal-translocating P1-type ATPases have a distinctive amino-terminal domain that contains one to six copies of the conserved metal-binding motif, GXXCXXC. ZntA from Escherichia coli, a Pb(II)-, Zn(II)-, and Cd(II)-transporting ATPase, has an approximately 120 residue amino-terminal domain with one copy of the GXXCXXC motif as well as four additional cysteine residues. The function of this domain was investigated by constructing a mutant of ZntA lacking the first approximately 100 residues. The mutant, DeltaN-ZntA, was able to confer resistance to Pb(II), Zn(II), and Cd(II) salts, in a manner similar to ZntA. The soft metal dependent ATP hydrolysis activity of purified DeltaN-ZntA was characterized. Purified DeltaN-ZntA and ZntA were both inactivated by oxidation. The K(m) for MgATP was unchanged for DeltaN-ZntA relative to ZntA. DeltaN-ZntA displayed the same metal ion specificity as ZntA. Thiolates increased the activities of both ZntA and DeltaN-ZntA. The V(max) values for DeltaN-ZntA were approximately 3-fold lower than for ZntA for all three metal ions. Thus, the amino-terminal domain is not essential for the function of ZntA or for conferring specificity toward particular soft metals. Its function may be to increase the overall catalytic rate by increasing the rate of metal ion binding to the transporter. Residues involved in the ATP-dependent soft metal ion-translocating mechanism as well as those responsible for recognition of specific metal ions must be part of the core structure of the P1-type ATPases.  相似文献   

Plasmid pl258 carries the cadA gene that confers resistance to cadmium, lead, and zinc. CadA catalyzes ATP-dependent cadmium efflux from cells of Staphylococcus aureus. It is a member of the superfamily of P-type ATPases and belongs to the subfamily of soft metal ion pumps. In this study the membrane topology of this P-type ATPase was determined by constructing fusions with the topological reporter genes phoA or lacZ. A series of 44 C-terminal truncated CadAs were fused with one or the other reporter gene, and the activity of each chimeric protein was determined. In addition, the location of the first transmembrane segment was determined by immunoblot analysis. The results are consistent with the pl258 CadA ATPase having eight transmembrane segments. The first 109 residues is a cytosolic domain that includes the Cys(X)2Cys motif that distinguishes soft metal ion-translocating P-type ATPases from their hard metal ion-translocating homologues. Another feature of soft metal ion P-type ATPases is the CysProCys motif, which is found in the sixth transmembrane segment of CadA. The phosphorylation site and ATP binding domain conserved in all P-type ATPases are situated within the large cytoplasmic loop between the sixth and seventh transmembrane segments.  相似文献   

ATP7B, the Wilson disease-associated Cu(I)-transporter, and ZntA from Escherichia coli are soft metal P1-type ATPases with mutually exclusive metal ion substrates. P1-type ATPases have a distinctive amino-terminal domain containing the conserved metal-binding motif GXXCXXC. ZntA has one copy of this motif while ATP7B has six copies. The effect of interchanging the amino-terminal domains of ATP7B and ZntA was investigated. Chimeric proteins were constructed in which either the entire amino-terminal domain of ATP7B or only its sixth metal-binding motif replaced the amino-terminal domain of ZntA. Both chimeras conferred resistance to lead, zinc, and cadmium salts but not to copper salts. The purified chimeras displayed activity with lead, cadmium, zinc, and mercury, which are substrates of ZntA. There was no activity with copper or silver, which are substrates of ATP7B. The chimeras were 2-3-fold less active than ZntA. Thus, the amino-terminal domain of P1-type ATPases cannot alter the metal specificity determined by the transmembrane segment. Also, these results suggest that this domain interacts with the rest of the transporter in a metal ion-specific manner; the amino-terminal domain of ATP7B cannot replace that of ZntA in restoring full catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Binet MR  Poole RK 《FEBS letters》2000,471(1):67-70
Feeding bioassay results established that the soybean cysteine proteinase inhibitor N (soyacystatin N, scN) substantially inhibits growth and development of western corn rootworm (WCR), by attenuating digestive proteolysis [Zhao, Y. et al. (1996) Plant Physiol. 111, 1299-1306]. Recombinant scN was more inhibitory than the potent and broad specificity cysteine proteinase inhibitor E-64. WCR digestive proteolytic activity was separated by mildly denaturing SDS-PAGE into two fractions and in-gel assays confirmed that the proteinase activities of each were largely scN-sensitive. Since binding affinity to the target proteinase [Koiwa, H. et al. (1998) Plant J. 14, 371-380] governs the effectiveness of scN as a proteinase inhibitor and an insecticide, five peptides (28-33 kDa) were isolated from WCR gut extracts by scN affinity chromatographic separation. Analysis of the N-terminal sequence of these peptides revealed similarity to a cathepsin L-like cysteine proteinase (DvCAL1, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera cathepsin L) encoded by a WCR cDNA. Our results indicate that cathepsin L orthologs are pivotal digestive proteinases of WCR larvae, and are targets of plant defensive cystatins (phytocystatins), like scN.  相似文献   

A mutant of Proteus mirabilis had been previously isolated as defective in swarming. The mutation had been found to be in a gene related to the Escherichia coli zntA gene, which encodes the ZntA Zn(II)-translocating P-type ATPase. In this study the P. mirabilis gene was expressed in an E. coli strain in which the zntA gene had been disrupted. The P. mirabilis gene complemented the sensitivity to salts of zinc and cadmium. Everted membrane vesicles from the zntA-disrupted strain lost ATP-driven 65Zn(II) uptake. Membranes from the complemented strain had restored 65Zn(II) transport. These results demonstrate that the P. mirabilis homologue of ZntA is a Zn(II)-translocating P-type ATPase.  相似文献   

J Okkeri  T Haltia 《Biochemistry》1999,38(42):14109-14116
Cation-transporting P-type ATPases comprise a major membrane protein family, the members of which are found in eukaryotes, eubacteria, and archaea. A phylogenetically old branch of the P-type ATPase family is involved in the transport of heavy-metal ions such as copper, silver, cadmium, and zinc. In humans, two homologous P-type ATPases transport copper. Mutations in the human proteins cause disorders of copper metabolism known as Wilson and Menkes diseases. E. coli possesses two genes for heavy-metal translocating P-type ATPases. We have constructed an expression system for one of them, ZntA, which encodes a 732 amino acid residue protein capable of transporting Zn(2+). A vanadate-sensitive, Zn(2+)-dependent ATPase activity is present in the membrane fraction of our expression strain. In addition to Zn(2+), the heavy-metal ions Cd(2+), Pb(2+), and Ag(+) activate the ATPase. Incubation of membranes from the expression strain with [gamma-(33)P]ATP in the presence of Zn(2+), Cd(2+), or Pb(2+) brings about phosphorylation of two membrane proteins with molecular masses of approximately 90 and 190 kDa, most likely representing the ZntA monomer and dimer, respectively. Although Cu(2+) can stimulate phosphorylation by [gamma-(33)P]ATP, it does not activate the ATPase. Cu(2+) also prevents the Zn(2+) activation of the ATPase when present in 2-fold excess over Zn(2+). Ag(+) and Cu(+) appear not to promote phosphorylation of the enzyme. To study the effects of Wilson disease mutations, we have constructed two site-directed mutants of ZntA, His475Gln and Glu470Ala, the human counterparts of which cause Wilson disease. Both mutants show a reduced metal ion stimulated ATPase activity (about 30-40% of the wild-type activity) and are phosphorylated much less efficiently by [gamma-(33)P]ATP than the wild type. In comparison to the wild type, the Glu470Ala mutant is phosphorylated more strongly by [(33)P]P(i), whereas the His475Gln mutant is phosphorylated more weakly. These results suggest that the mutation His475Gln affects the reaction with ATP and P(i) and stabilizes the enzyme in a dephosphorylated state. The Glu470Ala mutant seems to favor the E2 state. We conclude that His475 and Glu470 play important roles in the transport cycles of both the Wilson disease ATPase and ZntA.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli CopA is a copper ion-translocating P-type ATPase that confers copper resistance. CopA formed a phosphorylated intermediate with [gamma-(32)P]ATP. Phosphorylation was inhibited by vanadate and sensitive to KOH and hydroxylamine, consistent with acylphosphate formation on conserved Asp-523. Phosphorylation required a monovalent cation, either Cu(I) or Ag(I). Divalent cations Cu(II), Zn(II), or Co(II) could not substitute, signifying that the substrate of this copper-translocating P-type ATPase is Cu(I) and not Cu(II). CopA purified from dodecylmaltoside-solubilized membranes similarly exhibited Cu(I)/Ag(I)-stimulated ATPase activity, with a K(m) for ATP of 0.5 mm. CopA has two N-terminal Cys(X)(2)Cys sequences, Gly-Leu-Ser-Cys(14)-Gly-His-Cys(17), and Gly-Met-Ser-Cys(110)-Ala-Ser-Cys(113), and a Cys(479)-Pro-Cys(481) motif in membrane-spanning segment six. The requirement of these cysteine residues was investigated by the effect of mutations and deletions. Mutants with substitutions of the N-terminal cysteines or deletion of the first Cys-(X)(2)-Cys motif formed acylphosphate intermediates. From the copper dependence of phosphoenzyme formation, the mutants appear to have 2-3 fold higher affinity for Cu(I) than wild type CopA. In contrast, substitutions in Cys(479) or Cys(481) resulted in loss of copper resistance, transport and phosphoenzyme formation. These results imply that the cysteine residues of the Cys-Pro-Cys motif (but not the N-terminal cysteine residues) are required for CopA function.  相似文献   

We have studied the inhibitory effect of five polyphenols namely, resveratrol, piceatannol, quercetin, quercetrin, and quercetin-3-β-d glucoside on Escherichia coli ATP synthase. Recently published X-ray crystal structures of bovine mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibited by resveratrol, piceatannol, and quercetin, suggest that these compounds bind in a hydrophobic pocket between the γ-subunit C-terminal tip and the hydrophobic inside of the surrounding annulus in a region critical for rotation of the γ-subunit. Herein, we show that resveratrol, piceatannol, quercetin, quercetrin, or quercetin-3-β-d glucoside all inhibit E. coli ATP synthase but to different degrees. Whereas piceatannol inhibited ATPase essentially completely (~0 residual activity), inhibition by other compounds was partial with ~20% residual activity by quercetin, ~50% residual activity by quercetin-3-β-d glucoside, and ~60% residual activity by quercetrin or resveratrol. Piceatannol was the most potent inhibitor (IC50 ~14 μM) followed by quercetin (IC50 ~33 μM), quercetin-3-β-d glucoside (IC50 ~71 μM), resveratrol (IC50 ~94 μM), quercitrin (IC50 ~120 μM). Inhibition was identical in both F1Fo membrane preparations as well as in isolated purified F1. In all cases inhibition was reversible. Interestingly, resveratrol and piceatannol inhibited both ATPase and ATP synthesis whereas quercetin, quercetrin or quercetin-3-β-d glucoside inhibited only ATPase activity and not ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

The prokaryotic KdpFABC complex from the enterobacterium Escherichia coli represents a unique type of P-type ATPase composed of four different subunits, in which a catalytically active P-type ATPase has evolutionary recruited a potassium channel module in order to facilitate ATP-driven potassium transport into the bacterial cell against steep concentration gradients. This unusual composition entails special features with respect to other P-type ATPases, for example the spatial separation of the sites of ATP hydrolysis and substrate transport on two different polypeptides within this multisubunit enzyme complex, which, in turn, leads to an interesting coupling mechanism. As all other P-type ATPases, also the KdpFABC complex cycles between the so-called E1 and E2 states during catalysis, each of which comprises different structural properties together with different binding affinities for both ATP and the transport substrate. Distinct configurations of this transport cycle have recently been visualized in the working enzyme. All typical features of P-type ATPases are attributed to the KdpB subunit, which also comprises strong structural homologies to other P-type ATPase family members. However, the translocation of the transport substrate, potassium, is mediated by the KdpA subunit, which comprises structural as well as functional homologies to MPM-type potassium channels like KcsA from Streptomyces lividans. Subunit KdpC has long been thought to exhibit an FXYD protein-like function in the regulation of KdpFABC activity. However, our latest results are in favor of the notion that KdpC might act as a catalytical chaperone, which cooperatively interacts with the nucleotide to be hydrolyzed and, thus, increases the rather untypical weak nucleotide binding affinity of the KdpB nucleotide binding domain.  相似文献   

The membrane-embedded K (+)-translocating KdpFABC complex from Escherichia coli belongs to the superfamily of P-type ATPases, which share common structural features as well as a well-studied catalytic mechanism. However, little is known about the oligomeric state of this class of enzymes. For many P-type ATPases, such as the Na (+)/K (+)-ATPase, Ca (2+)-ATPase, or H (+)-ATPase, an oligomeric state has been shown or is at least discussed but has not yet been characterized in detail. In the KdpFABC complex, kinetic analyses already indicated the presence of two cooperative ATP-binding sides within the functional enzyme and, thus, also point in the direction of a functional oligomer. However, the nature of this oligomeric state has not yet been fully elucidated. In the present work, a close vicinity of two KdpB subunits within the functional KdpFABC complex could be demonstrated by chemical cross-linking of native cysteine residues using copper 1,10-phenanthroline. The cysteines responsible for cross-link formation were identified by mutagenesis. Cross-linked and non-cross-linked KdpFABC complexes eluted with the same apparent molecular weight during gel filtration, which corresponded to the molecular weight of a homodimer, thereby clearly indicating that the KdpFABC complex was purified as a dimer. Isolated KdpFABC complexes were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy and exhibited an approximately 1:1 distribution of mono- and dimeric particles. Finally, reconstituted functional KdpFABC complexes were site-directedly labeled with flourescent dyes, and intermolecular single-molecule FRET analysis was carried out, from which a dissociation constant for a monomer/dimer equilibrium between 30 and 50 nM could be derived.  相似文献   

The Staphylococcus aureus plasmid pI258 CadC is a homodimeric repressor that binds Cd(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) and regulates expression of the cadAC operon. CadC binds two Cd(II) ions per dimer, with a tetrathiolate binding site composed of residues Cys(7), Cys(11), Cys(58), and Cys(60). It is not known whether each site consists of residues from a single monomer or from residues contributed by both subunits. To examine whether Cys(7) and Cys(11) are spatially proximate to Cys(58) and Cys(60) of the same subunit or of the other subunit, homodimers with the same cysteine mutation in each subunit and heterodimers containing different cysteine mutations in the two subunits were reacted with 4,6-bis(bromomethyl)-3,7-dimethyl-1,5-diazabicyclo[3.3.0]octa-3,6-diene-2,8-dione, which cross-links thiol groups that are within 3-6 A of each other. Cys(7) or Cys(11) cross-linked only with Cys(58) or Cys(60) on the other subunit. The data demonstrate that Cys(7) and Cys(11) from one monomer are within 3-6 A of either Cys(58) or Cys(60) in the other monomer. The results of this study strongly indicate that each of the two Cd(II) binding sites in the CadC homodimer is composed of Cys(7) and Cys(11) from one monomer and Cys(58) and Cys(60) from the other monomer.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli zupT (ygiE), encoding a ZIP family member, mediated zinc uptake. Growth of cells disrupted in both zupT and the znuABC operon was inhibited by EDTA at a much lower concentration than a single mutant or the wild type. Cells expressing ZupT from a plasmid exhibited increased uptake of (65)Zn(2+).  相似文献   

Ahmad Z  Senior AE 《FEBS letters》2006,580(2):517-520
Inhibition of ATPase activity of Escherichia coli ATP synthase by magnesium fluoride (MgFx) was studied. Wild-type F(1)-ATPase was inhibited potently, albeit slowly, when incubated with MgCl(2), NaF, and NaADP. The combination of all three components was required. Reactivation of ATPase activity, after removal of unbound ligands, occurred with half-time of approximately 14 h at 22 degrees C and was quasi-irreversible at 4 degrees C. Mutant F(1)-ATPases, in which catalytic site residues involved in transition state formation were modified, were found to be resistant to inhibition by MgFx. The data demonstrate that MgFx in combination with MgADP behaves as a tight-binding transition state analog in E. coli ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The effects of the divalent metal ions Zn, Cd, Hg, Cu and Pb on the ATPase activity of a plasma membrane fraction isolated from roots ofZea mays have been investigated. When Mg-ions (3 mM), with or without K-ions (50mM) are included in the reaction medium, inhibition of ATPase activity was found in all cases, the relative order of the inhibitors over the concentration range 10 to 100M, being Hg>>CuCd>ZnPb. Below 1.0M only Hg caused substantial inhibition. In the absence of Mg ions, Zn and to a lesser extent Cd, activated the enzyme up to a concentration of 1 mM, activity being further stimulated in the presence of K-ions (50mM). No activation of ATPase activity was found for Hg, Cu or Pb. It was concluded that Zn-ATP and Cd-ATP are both alternative substrates for the enzyme. Further experiments showed that both Km and Vmax for the substrates Zn-ATP and Cd-ATP are very much lower than for the usual substrate Mg-ATP.These present results are discussed in relation to the known actions of these divalent cations on the trans-root potential and H-ion efflux in excised maize roots (Kennedy and Gonsalves, 1987).  相似文献   

Hensley MP  Tierney DL  Crowder MW 《Biochemistry》2011,50(46):9937-9939
Escherichia coli 70S ribosomes tightly bind 8 equiv of Zn(II), and EXAFS spectra indicate that Zn(II) may be protein-bound. Ribosomes were incubated with EDTA and Zn(II), and after dialysis, the resulting ribosomes bound 5 and 11 equiv of Zn(II), respectively. EXAFS studies show that the additional Zn(II) in the zinc-supplemented ribosomes binds in part to the phosphate backbone of the ribosome. Lastly, in vitro translation studies demonstrate that EDTA-treated ribosomes do not synthesize an active Zn(II)-bound metalloenzyme, while the as-isolated ribosomes do. These studies demonstrate that the majority of intracellular Zn(II) resides in the ribosome.  相似文献   

D-Glyceraldehyde-induced hydrolysis of adenosine (R)-5'-[gamma-17O,18O,thio]triphosphate catalysed by glycerokinase from Escherichia coli gives inorganic [16O,17O,18O]thiophosphate with the (S)-configuration, showing that the reaction proceeds with inversion of configuration at phosphorus. This result provides powerful support for the chemically most plausible mechanism, namely, that the hydrate of D-glyceraldehyde is the effective substrate which after phosphorylation or thiophosphorylation eliminates inorganic phosphate or inorganic thiophosphate, respectively, with regeneration of D-glyceraldehyde.  相似文献   

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