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A segregating population derived from a cross between L. esculentum cv Madrigal and a line of L. pimpinellifolium was used to identify genetic markers linked to QTLs involved in salinity tolerance in terms of yield, under a conductivity of 15 dS/m (171.1 mM NaCl). Six markers resulted, associated with QTLs affecting average fruit weight, fruit number and total weight under salinity. One of them, Aco-1, behaves reversely to the expectation from parental means; this and other features make it a promising target to obtain salt-tolerant tomatoes. Epistatic interactions were also found, thus affecting the criteria for marker-assisted selection. Although only 41% of the loci assayed were polymorphic, a high efficiency in identifying QTLs was achieved, since 43% of the marker loci are linked to QTLs for the trait under study.  相似文献   

 The change from vegetative to reproductive development (earliness) in Lycopersicon chesmannii line L2 was delayed for 20 weeks when compared to other Lycopersicon species under greenhouse conditions. The interspecific hybrid of L. chesmannii L2 and L. esculentum E9, a cherry tomato cultivar, also showed this delay in reproductive development. The distribution of this character in the F2-derived population showed a bimodal shape, plants could be scored easily as “early” or “late” in two nutrient conditions (optimum and high salinity). A QTL with major effects on earliness was detected in salinity, which explained 35.6% of the phenotypic variation. The effect of this QTL greatly diminished under control conditions, indicating differences in the genetic control of earliness between treatments. ACC synthase or phytochrome B2 are the products of candidate genes for such a major QTL. Other QTLs with minor effects, and epistatic interactions, are also involved in earliness under both conditions. A “late” F2 subpopulation yielded twice as much as an “early” F2; conversely, “early” plants were taller than “late” plants, regardless of the treatment. QTL analysis, carried out in both subpopulations, showed that yield differences may be explained by chesmannii alleles showing negative additive effects at some QTLs only in the “early” subpopulation. The effect of population subdivision on QTL analysis was investigated by computer simulations to show sample-size or random effects; thus, important pleiotropic or regulatory effects of genes controlling earliness on yield that affect QTL analysis, have been reveiled. Therefore alleles controlling earliness in L. chesmannii have to be taken into account for a more efficient utilization of the genetic resources of this species. Received: 30 June 1998 / Accepted: 31 August 1998  相似文献   

 Regions of the genome influencing frost tolerance in an outbred family of Eucalyptus nitens have been identified. Two QTLs present on the same linkage group, but located 40 cM apart, were identified using single-factor analysis of variance. The QTLs explained between 7.7 and 10.8% of the phenotypic variation for frost tolerance in this family. Analysis of marker loci linked to the QTLs showed one of them to have a simple mode of action with the effect segregating from the male parent in the family. For the other QTL multiple alleles were identified. This QTL showed segregation from the female parent which gave a positive effect on frost tolerance; however, an allele segregating from the male parent was identified which showed a negative interaction with the allele for increased frost tolerance. Received: 10 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 June 1997  相似文献   

 We describe a computer program, Epistat, which combines statistical methods and color-graphic displays to facilitate the analysis of interactions between pairs of quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Epistat organizes genetic-mapping data and quantitative-trait values into graphic displays which illustrate the individual effects of single loci as well as the interactions between any two loci. Keyboard commands allow the user to search the data set for individual QTLs and to test for interactions between QTLs. For a given trait, the program displays the effects of the alleles at each of two loci on the quantitative-trait value, as well as the effects of the interactions between these alleles. Loglikelihood ratios are used to compare the likelihood of explaining the effects by null, additive, or epistatic models. Examples of interactions in soybean are presented for near-infrared transmittance (NIT), seed number, and reproductive period. Epistat has been used to find numerous interactions between QTLs in soybean in which trait variation at one locus is conditional upon a specific allele at another. Received: 16 January 1996 / Accepted: 27 September 1996  相似文献   

The near-isogenic Line TA523, containing a 40-cM introgression at the bottom of chromosome 1 from Lycopersicon hirsutum acc. LA1777, affects several agronomically important traits. A set of recombinant lines (subNILs) derived from the original NIL TA523 were developed in order to fine-map, by substitution mapping, the genetic factors included within the original introgression. In the current experiment, TA523 showed redder, rounded, less pigmented shoulder, lower-weighted fruits and higher brix, whereas higher yield and brix*yield was observed only in the hybrid TA253×TA209 suggesting heterosis for these traits. By substitution mapping we mapped independent genetic loci affecting brix, yield and fruit shape, whereas fruit weight, shoulder pigmentation and external color mapped to a position coincident with the brix locus. Analysis of the subNILs revealed that the gene action of most of the QTLs was additive or nearly additive. The exception was for the yield QTL which was dominant (d/a=0.7), eliminating the possibility that yield increase is due to true overdominance at a single gene locus. However, no negative yield effects were detected in other regions of the introgressed segment, as would be predicted by a dominance complementation model. Therefore, epistatic interactions among genetic factors along the introgressed segment are suggested as the cause of yield heterosis. Results from this study, combined with previous experiments involving different tomato wild species, demonstrate that the base of chromosome 1 of tomato contains multiple QTLs affecting various agronomic and fruit traits and that these effects can not be attributed to the pleiotropic effects of a single locus. Received: 21 April 1999 / Accepted: 17 June 1999  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic background for aluminum (Al) tolerance in rice, a recombinant inbred (RI) population, derived from a cross between an Al-sensitive lowland indica rice variety IR1552 and an Al-tolerant upland japonica rice variety Azucena, was used in culture solution. A molecular linkage map, together with 104 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers and 103 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, was constructed to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and epistatic loci for Al tolerance based on the segregation for relative root length (RRL) in the population. RRL was measured after stress for 2 and 4 weeks at a concentration of 1mM of Al3+ and a control with a pH 4.0, respectively. Two QTLs were detected at both the 2nd and the 4th weeks on chromosomes 1 and 12 from unconditional mapping, while the QTL on chromosome 1 was only detected at the 2nd stress week from conditional mapping. The effect of the QTL on chromosome 12 was increased with an increase of the stress period from 2 to 4 weeks. The QTL on chromosome 1 was expressed only at the earlier stress, but its contribution to tolerance was prolonged during growth. At least one different QTL was detected at the different stress periods. Mean comparisons between marker genotypic classes indicated that the positive alleles at the QTLs were from the Al-tolerant upland rice Azucena. An important heterozygous non-allelic interaction on Al tolerance was found. The results indicated that tolerance in the younger seedlings was predominantly controlled by an additive effect, while an epistatic effect was more important to the tolerance in older seedlings; additionally the detected QTLs may be multiple allelic loci for Al tolerance and phosphorus-uptake efficiency, or for Al and Fe2+ tolerance. Received: 29 July 1999 / Accepted: 13 October 1999  相似文献   

 Stay green in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is characterized by the plant’s ability to tolerate post-flowering drought stress, thereby delaying the premature leaf and plant death. It contributes to normal grain filling and reduces the incidence of stalk lodging and charcoal rot disease during the late stages of grain development. Breeding for improving post-flowering drought tolerance in sorghum hybrids remains an important objective of sorghum breeders. Since evaluation of the stay green response is difficult and unreliable under field conditions, due to the timing and intensity of moisture stress and large environmental interaction, progress in improving drought tolerance by conventional breeding methods has been slow. The objective of the present study was to determine the consistency of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling stay green in sorghum. We re-evaluated the Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL)-mapping population from the cross B35 x Tx7000 in two locations over 2 years and compared it with earlier reports. Analysis using the combined stay green-rating means of seven environments and the expanded molecular map reconfirmed all four stay green QTLs (Stg1, Stg2, Stg3 and Stg4) that were identified earlier by Xu et al. (2000). Similarly, comparison of the stay green QTL locations with earlier reported results indicated that all four stay green QTLs showed consistency across different genetic backgrounds. Examination of the stay green QTL profiles of the best and poorest stay-green lines indicated that three stay green QTLs, Stg1, Stg2 and Stg3, appear to be important for the expression of this trait when the percent phenotypic variation, and the consistency in different backgrounds and different environments, are considered. A significant epistatic interaction involving Stg2 and a region on linkage group C was also identified for the stay green and chlorophyll content. We concluded that Stg2 is the most important QTL controlling stay green, explaining the maximum amount of phenotypic variation. This report further strengthens our view to target the Stg2 QTL region for gene discovery in order to improve the basic understanding of the stay green phenomenon, which might be helpful in manipulating this trait not only in sorghum but also in other cereal crop species. Received: 12 January 2000 / Accepted: 12 February 2000  相似文献   

Thirty three unique quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting the timing of spring bud flush have been identified in an intraspecific mapping population of coastal Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii]. Both terminal and lateral bud flush were measured over a 4-year period on clonal replicates at two test sites, allowing for the repeated estimation of QTLs. QTLs were detected on 12 linkage groups and, in general, each explained a small proportion of the total phenotypic variance and were additive in effect. Several QTLs influence the timing of bud flush over multiple years, supporting earlier evidence that the timing of bud flush through developmental stages is under moderate to strong genetic control by the same suite of genes through developmental stages. However, only a few QTLs controlling the timing of bud flush were detected at both test sites, suggesting that geographic location plays a major role in the phenology of spring growth. A small number of QTLs with year and site interactions were also estimated. Received: 20 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

Drought is a major constraint in sorghum production worldwide. Drought-stress in sorghum has been characterized at both pre-flowering and post-flowering stages resulting in a drastic reduction in grain yield. In the case of post-flowering drought stress, lodging further aggravates the problem resulting in total loss of crop yield in mechanized agriculture. The present study was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling post-flowering drought tolerance (stay green), pre-flowering drought tolerance and lodging tolerance in sorghum using an F7 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross SC56×Tx7000. The RIL lines, along with parents, were evaluated for the above traits in multiple environments. With the help of a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) map, which spans 1,355 cM and consists of 144 loci, nine QTLs, located over seven linkage groups were detected for stay green in several environments using the method of composite interval mapping. Comparison of the QTL locations with the published results indicated that three QTLs located on linkage groups A, G and J were consistent. This is considered significant since the stay green line SC56 used in our investigation is from a different source compared to B35 that was used in all the earlier investigations. Comparative mapping has shown that two stay green QTLs identified in this study corresponded to stay green QTL regions in maize. These genomic regions were also reported to be congruent with other drought-related agronomic and physiological traits in maize and rice, suggesting that these syntenic regions might be hosting a cluster of genes with pleiotropic effects implicated in several drought tolerance mechanisms in these grass species. In addition, three and four major QTLs responsible for lodging tolerance and pre-flowering drought tolerance, respectively, were detected. This investigation clearly revealed the important and consistent stay green QTLs in a different stay green source that can logically be targeted for positional cloning. The identification of QTLs and markers for pre-flowering drought tolerance and lodging tolerance will help plant breeders in manipulating and pyramiding those traits along with stay green to improve drought tolerance in sorghum. Received: 2 June 2000 / Accepted: 15 November 2000  相似文献   

 A BC3 population previously developed from a backcross of Lycopersicon peruvianum, a wild relative of tomato, into the cultivated variety L. esculentum was analyzed for QTLs. Approximately 200 BC4 families were scored for 35 traits in four locations worldwide. One hundred and sixty-six QTLs were detected for 29 of those traits. For more than half of those 29 traits at least 1 QTL was detected for which the presence of the wild allele was associated with an agronomically beneficial effect despite the inferior phenotype of the wild parent. Eight QTLs for fruit weight could be followed through the BC2, BC3, and BC4, generations, supporting the authenticity of these QTLs. Comparisons were made between the QTLs found in this study and those found in studies involving two other wild species; the results showed that while some of these QTLs can be presumed to be allelic, most of the QTLs detected in this study are ones not previously discovered. Received: 9 April 1997 / Accepted: 20 May 1997  相似文献   

 Regions of the genome influencing height and leaf area in seedlings of a three-generation outbred pedigree of Eucalyptus nitens have been identified. Three QTLs affecting height and two QTLs affecting leaf area were located using single-factor analysis of variance. The three QTLs affecting height each explained between 10.3 and 14.7% of the phenotypic variance, while the two QTLs for leaf area each explained between 9.8 and 11.6% of the phenotypic variation. Analysis of fully informative marker loci linked to the QTLs enabled the mode of action of the QTLs to be investigated. For three loci the QTL effect segregated from only one parent, while for two loci the QTL showed multiple alleles and the effect segregated from both parents in the pedigree. The two QTLs affecting leaf area were located in the same regions as two of the QTLs affecting height. Analysis of these regions with fully informative markers showed that both QTLs were linked to the same markers, but one had a similar size of effects and a similar mode of action for both height and leaf area, whilst the other showed a different mode of action for the two traits. These regions may contain two closely linked genes or may involve a single gene with a pleiotrophic effect on both height and leaf area. The QTL with the greatest effect showed multiple alleles and an intra-locus interaction that reduced the size of the effect. Assessment for two of the QTLs in a second related family did not show an effect associated with the marker loci; however, this was consistent with the mode of action of these QTLs and the pattern of inheritance in the second family. Received: 1 August 1996 / Accepted: 25 October 1996  相似文献   

 Genome-analysis tools are useful for dissecting complex phenotypes and manipulating determinants of these phenotypes in breeding programs. Quantitative trait locus (QTL)-analysis tools were used to map QTLs conferring adult plant resistance to stripe rust (caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp. hordei) in barley. The resistance QTLs were introgressed into a genetic background unrelated to the mapping population with one cycle of marker-assisted backcrossing. Doubled-haploid lines were derived from selected backcross lines, phenotyped for stripe-rust resistance, and genotyped with an array of molecular markers. The resistance QTLs that were introgressed were significant determinants of resistance in the new genetic background. Additional resistance QTLs were also detected. The susceptible parent contributed resistance alleles at two of these new QTLs. We hypothesize that favorable alleles were fixed at these new QTLs in the original mapping population. Genetic background may, therefore, have an important role in QTL-transfer experiments. A breeding system is described that integrates single-copy and multiplex markers with confirmation of the target phenotype in doubled-haploid lines phenotyped in field tests. This approach may be useful for simultaneously producing agronomically useful germplasm and contributing to an understanding of quantitatively inherited traits. Received: 6 May 1997 / Accepted: 1 September 1997  相似文献   

In many wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growing areas, pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) may cause important damage, and in particular, it has deleterious effects on bread-making quality. The relationship between PHS and grain color is well known and could be due either to the pleiotropic effect of genes controlling red-testa pigmentation (R) or to linkage between these genes and other genes affecting PHS. In the present work, we have studied a population of 194 recombinant inbred lines from the cross between two cultivars, ’Renan’ and ’Récital’, in order to detect QTLs for both PHS resistance and grain color. The variety ’Renan’ has red kernels and is resistant to PHS, while ’Récital’ has white grain and is highly susceptible to PHS. A molecular-marker linkage map of this cross was constructed using SSRs, RFLPs and AFLPs. The population was evaluated over 2 years at Clermont-Ferrand (France). PHS was evaluated on mature spikes under controlled conditions and red-grain color was measured using a chromameter. Over the 2 years, we detected four QTLs for PHS, all of them being co-localized with QTLs for grain color. Three of them were located on the long arm of chromosomes 3 A, 3B and 3D, close to the loci where the genes R and taVp1 were previously mapped. For these three QTLs, the resistance to PHS is due to the allele of the variety ’Renan’. Another co-located QTL for PHS and grain color was detected on the short arm of chromosome 5 A. The resistance for PHS for this QTL is due to the allele of ’Récital’. Received: 13 December 2000 / Accepted: 24 April 2001  相似文献   

Grain yield is a complex trait, strongly influenced by the environment: severe losses can be caused by drought, a stress common in most maize-growing areas, including temperate climatic zones. Accordingly, drought tolerance is one of the main components of yield stability, and its improvement is a major challenge to breeders. The aim of the present work was the identification, in maize genotypes adapted to temperate areas, of genomic segments responsible for the expression of drought tolerance of yield components: ear length, ear weight, kernel weight, kernel number and 50-kernel weight. A linkage analysis between the expression of these traits and molecular markers was performed on a recombinant inbred population of 142 families, obtained by repeated selfing of the F1 between lines B73 and H99. The population, genotyped at 173 loci (RFLPs, microsatellites and AFLPs), was evaluated in well-watered and water-stressed conditions. A drought tolerance index was calculated as the ratio between the mean value of the trait in the two environments. For the traits measured, a highly positive correlation was found over the two water regimes, and more than 50% of the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) detected were the same in both; moreover, the direction of the allelic contribution was always consistent, the allele increasing the trait value being mostly from line B73. Several QTLs were common to two or more traits. For the tolerance index, however, most of the QTLs were specific for a single component and different from those controlling the basic traits; in addition, a large proportion of the alleles increasing tolerance were provided by line H99. The data suggest that drought tolerance for yield components is largely associated with genetic and physiological factors independent from those determining the traits per se. The implications of these results for developing an efficient strategy of marker-assisted selection for drought tolerance are discussed. Received: 19 October 1998 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting fall and spring cold-hardiness were identified in a three-generation outbred pedigree of coastal Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga meniziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii]. Eleven QTLs controlling fall cold-hardiness were detected on four linkage groups, and 15 QTLs controlling spring cold-hardiness were detected on four linkage groups. Only one linkage group contained QTLs for both spring and fall cold-hardiness, and these QTLs tended to map in close proximity to one another. Several QTLs were associated with hardiness in all three shoot tissues assayed in the spring, supporting previous reports that there is synchronization of plant tissues during de-acclimatization. For fall cold-hardiness, co-location of QTLs was not observed for the different tissues assayed, which is consistent with previous reports of less synchronization of hardening in the fall. In several cases, QTLs for spring or fall cold-hardiness mapped to the same location as QTLs controlling spring bud flush. QTL estimations, relative magnitudes of heritabilities, and genetic correlations based on clonal data in this single full-sib family, supports conclusions about the genetic control and relationships among cold-hardiness traits observed in population samples of Douglas-fir in previous studies. Received: 20 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

The Landsberg erecta× Columbia recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of Arabidopsis have been used in order to identify and localize chromosome regions involved in the genetic control of the in vitro regeneration ability. Callus morphology (CM) and shoot regeneration (SR) traits have been considered for both leaf and root explants. The MAPMAKER analysis of leaf culture data has revealed at least one chromosome region involved with CM and several with SR, the 29–30 region of chromosome 1 being common for the two traits. Root explants did not segregate for CM but several QTLs have been detected for SR. The chromosome regions involved with leaf culture regeneration seem to be different from those of root cultures, although the regeneration of abnormal shoots in leaf explants share two chromosome regions with the regeneration of normal shoots in root cultures. Received: 19 April 2000 / Accepted: 12 May 2000  相似文献   

 Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain quality, yield components and other traits were investigated in two Sorghum caudatum×guinea recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations. A total of 16 traits were evaluated (plant height, panicle length, panicle compactness, number of kernels/panicle, thousand-kernel weight, kernel weight/panicle, threshing percentage, dehulling yield, kernel flouriness, kernel friability, kernel hardness, amylose content, protein content, lipid content, germination rate and molds during germination and after harvest) and related to two 113- and 100-point base genetic maps using simple (SIM) and composite (CIM) interval mapping. The number, effects and relative position of QTLs detected in both populations were generally in agreement with the distributions, heritabilities and correlations among traits. Several chromosomal segments markedly affected multiple traits and were suspected of harbouring major genes. The positions of these QTLs are discussed in relation to previously reported studies on sorghum and other grasses. Many QTLs, depending on their relative effects and position, could be used as targets for marker-assisted selection and provide an opportunity for accelerating breeding programmes. Received: 14 February 1998 / Accepted: 4 March 1998  相似文献   

 Genetic variability for partial resistance to bacterial leaf streak in barley, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. hordei, was investigated in 119 doubled-haploid lines (DH) developed by the Hordeum bulbosum method from the F1 progeny of the cross between two cultivars, ‘Morex’ (resistant) and ‘Steptoe’ (susceptible). Two experiments were undertaken in a randomized complete block design with three replicates, in a controlled growth chamber. Twenty seeds per replicate were planted in plastic containers (60×40×8 cm) containing moistened vermiculite. At the two-leaf stage seedlings were inoculated with an Iranian strain of the pathogen. Genetic variability was observed among the 119 DH lines for partial resistance to the disease. Some DH lines were significantly more resistant than ‘Morex’ (resistant parent) to bacterial leaf streak. Genetic gain in percentage of resistant parent for 5% of the selected DH lines was significant (47.70% and 33.72% in the first and the second experiment, respectively). A QTL analysis of bacterial leaf streak resistance showed that three QTLs were detected on chromosomes 3 and 7. Multilocus allelic effects of the three QTLs account for almost 54% of the mean difference between the parents and nearly 30% of the phenotypic variation of the trait in the mean experiment. The resistance locus on chromosome 3, near ABG377, apprears to be a major gene. Received: 15 July 1997 / Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

 The electrophoretic patterns of dehydrins extracted from mature seeds of a range of pea (Pisum) species revealed extensive variation in dehydrin polypeptide mobility. Variation was also observed among lines of P. sativum. Crosses between lines with different dehydrin electrophoretic patterns produced F1 seeds with additive patterns, and segregation in the F2 generation was consistent with a 1 : 2 : 1 ratio, indicating allelic variation at each of two dehydrin loci (Dhn2, Dhn3). Genetic linkage was observed between Dhn2 and Dhn3, and the segregation ratios indicated preferential transmission of one allele at the Dhn3 locus. Dehydrin cDNA clones were characterised that encoded the allelic variants at Dhn2 and Dhn3. Their deduced amino-acid sequences were very similar to each other as well as to the product of the Dhn1 locus reported previously. Comparisons were made between the sequences of allelic variants at a single locus, and between the products of different loci. Differences in the electrophoretic mobilities between allelic variants at Dhn2 and Dhn3 were associated with differences in polypeptide length resulting principally from tandem duplications of 21 (Dhn2) or 24 (Dhn3) amino-acid residues. These duplications accounted for much of the difference in length between dehydrins encoded by the different loci. The conserved core of one of the duplicated regions varied in copy number, and small insertions/deletions of amino acids near this core also contributed to length variation both between allelic forms and between loci. Dehydrins possess characteristic highly conserved amino-acid sequence motifs, yet vary considerably in length. Mechanisms involving sequence duplication appear to be responsible for generating the length differences observed between allelic variants as well as between the products of different loci. Received: 12 June 1997 / Accepted: 29 October 1997  相似文献   

 Gametophytic apomixis in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) involves the parthenogenetic development of unreduced eggs from aposporic embryo sacs. Attempts to transfer the apomictic trait beyond natural sexual barriers require further elucidation of its inheritance. Controlled crosses were made between sexual clones and apomictic genotypes, and the parthenogenetic capacity of (poly)diploid hybrids was ascertained by the auxin test. A bulked segregant analysis with RAPD and AFLP markers was then used to identify a genetic linkage group related to the apomictic mode of reproduction. This approach enabled us to detect both an AFLP marker located 6.6 cM from the gene that putatively controls parthenogenesis and a 15.4-cM genomic window surrounding the target locus. A map of the P. pratensis chromosome region carrying the gene of interest was constructed using additional RAPD and AFLP markers that co-segregated with the parthenogenesis locus. Highly significant linkage between parthenogenesis and a number of AFLP markers that also appeared to belong to a tight linkage block strengthens the hypothesis of monogenic inheritance of this trait. If a single gene is assumed, apomictic polyploid types of P. pratensis would be simplex for a dominant allele that confers parthenogenesis, and this genetic model would be further supported by the bimodal distribution of the degree of parthenogenesis exhibited in the (poly)diploid progenies from sexual x apomictic matings. The molecular tagging of apomixis in P. pratensis is an essential step towards marker-assisted breeding and map-based cloning strategies aimed at investigating and manipulating its mode of reproduction. Received: 13 January 1998 / Accepted: 19 January 1998  相似文献   

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