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A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment is described for the direct detection of N-H[...]O=C hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) in 15N and 13C isotope-labeled biomolecules. This quantitative 'long-range' HNCO-COSY (correlation spectroscopy) experiment detects and quantifies electron-mediated scalar couplings across the H-bond (H-bond scalar couplings), which connect the magnetically active (15)N and (13)C nuclei on both sides of the H-bond. Detectable H-bonds comprise the canonical backbone H-bonds in proteins as well as other H-bonds in proteins and nucleic acids with N-H donors and O=C (carbonylic or carboxylic) acceptors. Unlike other NMR observables, which provide only indirect evidence of the presence of H-bonds, the H-bond scalar couplings identify all partners of the H-bond, the donor, the donor proton and the acceptor, in a single experiment. The size of the scalar couplings can be related to H-bond geometries. The time required to detect the N-H[...]O=C H-bonds in small proteins (< or = approximately 10 kDa) is typically on the order of 1 d at millimolar concentrations, whereas H-bond detection for larger proteins (< or = approximately 30 kDa) may be possible within several days depending on concentration, isotope composition, magnetic field strength and molecular weight. The proteins ubiquitin (8.6 kDa), dimeric RANTES (2 x 8.5 kDa) and MAP30 (30 kDa) are used as examples to illustrate this procedure.  相似文献   

It is shown that the recently developed quantitative J(NN)HNN-COSY experiment can be used for the direct identification of hydrogen bonds in non-canonical base pairs in RNA. Scalar(2h)J(NN)couplings across NH.N hydrogen bonds are observed in imino hydrogen bonded GA base pairs of the hpGA RNA molecule, which contains a tandem GA mismatch, and in the reverse Hoogsteen AU base pairs of the E-loop of Escherichia coli 5S rRNA. These scalar couplings correlate the imino donor(15)N nucleus of guanine or uridine with the acceptor N1 or N7 nucleus of adenine. The values of the corresponding(2h)J(NN)coupling constants are similar in size to those observed in Watson-Crick base pairs. The reverse Hoogsteen base pairs could be directly detected for the E-loop of E.coli 5S rRNA both in the free form and in a complex with the ribosomal protein L25. This supports the notion that the E-loop is a pre-folded RNA recognition site that is not subject to significant induced conformational changes. Since Watson-Crick GC and AU base pairs are also readily detected the HNN-COSY experiment provides a useful and sensitive tool for the rapid identification of RNA secondary structure elements.  相似文献   

Banci L  Felli IC  Kümmerle R 《Biochemistry》2002,41(9):2913-2920
Hydrogen bonds were directly determined via NMR with different experimental approaches at 600 and 800 MHz for reduced monomeric superoxide dismutase (Q133M2SOD, 16 kDa). This protein contains a copper and a zinc ion and shows the classical superoxide dismutase (SOD) eight-stranded beta-barrel fold. The best results for this intermediate molecular mass protein were obtained using a TROSY version of the long-range HNCO experiment at high magnetic field (800 MHz) or with a cryoprobe at 600 MHz. The backbone hydrogen bond network that defines the secondary structure of the protein was detected. Thirty-five backbone hydrogen bonds were identified. The lower limit for their detection, their relation to the TROSY R(2) rates, and the correlation between hydrogen bond detectability and signal line width are discussed. Experiments were also optimized to detect hydrogen bonds involving key side chains, which lead to the observation of five hydrogen bonds. In particular, the hydrogen bonds involving the side chain of Asp 124 were observed, which show significant differences with respect to the bonds expected on the basis of the crystal structure. The relevance of this finding relies also on the fact that Asp 124 is a key residue in determining the affinity of the protein for zinc. It has now been determined that the gain of the toxic function of peroxynitrite formation in SOD mutants related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is due to SOD species lacking the zinc ion, as a consequence of a reduced affinity for zinc. Therefore, this study provides structural hints for understanding the origin of the enzymatic behavior of the Zn-deficient SOD.  相似文献   

The chemical bonds of the pentapeptide sequence of elastin ValGlyGlyValGly (VGGVG), both in its monomer and polymer forms, were correlated with their XPS spectra through a well-established curve-fitting procedure. To aid in this correlation, the C1s, O1s, and N1s chemical shifts of the Boc-VGGVG-OEt, were validated by theoretical calculations, performed in the framework of the Koopman approximation of HF/6-31G molecular orbitals, leading to the "preferred" conformation of the protected monomer. Then the same curve-fitting procedure was adopted for interpreting the XPS spectra of the polypentapeptide as a powder, and the XPS results obtained both for monomer and polymer compounds were compared with those obtained by FT-IR. The polymer was then analyzed after deposition onto a silicon substrate, Si(100), either from methanol or water suspensions and the presence of hydrogen bonds was detected at the polymer/substrate interface and between the polymer chains. The "surface rearrangement" that could be inferred from XPS results strongly confirms that derived from AFM images previously obtained under the same experimental conditions. In particular, the observed amyloid conformation is stabilized by hydrogen bonds to water molecules included in the structure while the formation of the beaded string structure observed in deposits from methanolic suspension is probably mediated by hydrogen bonds to the hydrated silicon surface.  相似文献   

In sequence-function investigations, approaches are needed for rapidly screening protein variants for possible changes in conformation. Recent NMR methods permit direct detection of hydrogen bonds through measurements of scalar couplings that traverse hydrogen bonds (trans-hydrogen bond couplings). We have applied this approach to screen a series of five single site mutants of the sweet protein brazzein with altered sweetness for possible changes in backbone hydrogen bonding with respect to wild-type. Long range, three-dimensional data correlating connectivities among backbone 1HN, 15N, and 13C' atoms were collected from the six brazzein proteins labeled uniformly with carbon-13 and nitrogen-15. In wild-type brazzein, this approach identified 17 backbone hydrogen bonds. In the mutants, altered magnitudes of the couplings identified hydrogen bonds that were strengthened or weakened; missing couplings identified hydrogen bonds that were broken, and new couplings indicated the presence of new hydrogen bonds. Within the series of brazzein mutants investigated, a pattern was observed between sweetness and the integrity of particular hydrogen bonds. All three "sweet" variants exhibited the same pattern of hydrogen bonds, whereas all three "non-sweet" variants lacked one hydrogen bond at the middle of the alpha-helix, where it is kinked, and one hydrogen bond in the middle of beta-strands II and III, where they are twisted. Two of the non-sweet variants lack the hydrogen bond connecting the N and C termini. These variants showed greater mobility in the N- and C-terminal regions than wild-type brazzein.  相似文献   

The covalent OH bonds of water vibrate and absorb radiation in the near infrared (NIR) region at wavelengths that vary according to the strength of the bonds which, at the same time, are sensitive to the number and/or strength of hydrogen bonds. By means of multivariate analytical tools, such spectral shift was exploited to study the effect of temperature, 25-hydroxycholesterol and progesterone on the H-bonded network of water in DMPA membranes. Temperature was found as the dominating factor altering the NIR spectra of water and then the H-bonds. Increasing temperatures disrupt the H-bonds network, strengthening the OH covalent bonds. The disruption of the H-bonds along the 13–58 °C range was noticeably greater than that caused by lipids or steroids at 500 μM. The H-bonded network of the interfacial water in DMPA membranes was disrupted by the presence of 25-hydroxycholesterol, but no significant disruption was observed in the presence of progesterone. The reduction of the H-bonds entails a reduction in the aggregation of the interfacial water by a reduction in the number of H-bonded molecules. It is proposed that the number of water molecules bonded with two H-bonds diminishes and the number of molecules with no H-bond increases roughly at similar proportions, with a constant population of molecules with one H-bond. The opposed effects of steroids are discussed in the context of their opposed effects on the phase state of membranes, the membrane water content and the steroid molecular structure.  相似文献   

Changes in the molecular conformation of proteins can result from a variety of perturbations, and can play crucial roles in the regulation of biological activity. A new solution NMR method has been applied to monitor ligand-induced changes in hydrogen bond geometry in the chicken c-Src SH3 domain. The structural response of this domain to ligand binding has been investigated by measuring trans-hydrogen bond (15)N-(13)C' scalar couplings in the free state and when bound to the high affinity class I ligand RLP2, containing residues RALPPLPRY. A comparison between hydrogen bonds in high resolution X-ray structures of this domain and those observed via (h3)J(NC') couplings in solution shows remarkable agreement. Two backbone-to-side-chain hydrogen bonds are observed in solution, and each appears to play a role in stabilization of loop structure. Reproducible ligand-induced changes in trans-hydrogen bond scalar couplings are observed across the domain that translate into changes in hydrogen bond length ranging between 0.02 to 0.12 A. The observed changes can be rationalized by an induced fit mechanism in which hydrogen bonds across the protein participate in a compensatory response to forces imparted at the protein-ligand interface. Upon ligand binding, mutual intercalation of the two Leu-Pro segments of the ligand between three aromatic side-chains protruding from the SH3 surface wedges apart secondary structural elements within the SH3 domain. This disruption is transmitted in a domino-like effect across the domain through networks of hydrogen bonded peptide planes. The unprecedented resolution obtained demonstrates the ability to characterize subtle structural rearrangements within a protein upon perturbation, and represents a new step in the endeavor to understand how hydrogen bonds contribute to the stabilization and function of biological macromolecules.  相似文献   

Araç D  Murphy T  Rizo J 《Biochemistry》2003,42(10):2774-2780
Two methods for detecting protein-protein interactions in solution using one-dimensional (1D) NMR spectroscopy are described. Both methods rely on measurement of the intensity of the strongest methyl resonance (SMR), which for most proteins is observed at 0.8-0.9 ppm. The severe resonance overlap in this region facilitates detection of the SMR at low micromolar and even sub-micromolar protein concentrations. A decreased SMR intensity in the 1H NMR spectrum of a protein mixture compared to the added SMR intensities of the isolated proteins reports that the proteins interact (SMR method). Decreased SMR intensities in 1D 13C-edited 1H NMR spectra of 13C-labeled proteins upon addition of unlabeled proteins or macromolecules also demonstrate binding (SMRC method). Analysis of the interaction between XIAP and Smac, two proteins involved in apoptosis, illustrates both methods. A study showing that phospholipids compete with the neuronal core complex for Ca2+-dependent binding to the presynaptic Ca2+-sensor synaptotagmin 1 illustrates the usefulness of the SMRC method in studying multicomponent systems.  相似文献   

In this contribution we review recent NMR studies of protonation and hydrogen bond states of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) and PLP model Schiff bases in different environments, starting from aqueous solution, the organic solid state to polar organic solution and finally to enzyme environments. We have established hydrogen bond correlations that allow one to estimate hydrogen bond geometries from (15)N chemical shifts. It is shown that protonation of the pyridine ring of PLP in aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT) is achieved by (i) an intermolecular OHN hydrogen bond with an aspartate residue, assisted by the imidazole group of a histidine side chain and (ii) a local polarity as found for related model systems in a polar organic solvent exhibiting a dielectric constant of about 30. Model studies indicate that protonation of the pyridine ring of PLP leads to a dominance of the ketoenamine form, where the intramolecular OHN hydrogen bond of PLP exhibits a zwitterionic state. Thus, the PLP moiety in AspAT carries a net positive charge considered as a pre-requisite to initiate the enzyme reaction. However, it is shown that the ketoenamine form dominates in the absence of ring protonation when PLP is solvated by polar groups such as water. Finally, the differences between acid-base interactions in aqueous solution and in the interior of proteins are discussed. This article is part of a special issue entitled: Pyridoxal Phosphate Enzymology.  相似文献   

New nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods are described for the measurement of cross-correlation rates of zero- and double-quantum coherences involving two nitrogen nuclei belonging to successive amino acids in proteins and peptides. Rates due to the concerted fluctuations of two NHN dipole-dipole interactions and to the correlated modulations of two nitrogen chemical shift anisotropies have been obtained in a sample of doubly labeled Ubiquitin. Ambiguities in the determination of dihedral angles can be lifted by comparison of different rates. By defining a heuristic order parameter, experimental rates can be compared with those expected for a rigid molecule. The cross-correlation order parameter that can be derived from a model-free approach can be separated into structural and dynamic contributions.  相似文献   

RNA plays a central role in biological processes and exhibits a variety of secondary and tertiary structural features that are often stabilized via hydrogen bonds. The distance between the donor and acceptor nitrogen nuclei involved in NH…N hydrogen bonds in nucleic acid base pairs is typically in the range of 2.6–2.9 Å. Here, we show for the first time that such spatial proximity between 15N nitrogen nuclei can be conveniently monitored via magic angle spinning solid state NMR on a uniformly 15N-labelled RNA. The presence of NH…N hydrogen bonds is reflected as cross-peaks between the donor and acceptor nitrogen nuclei in 2D 15N dipolar chemical shift correlation spectra. The RNA selected for this experimental study was a CUG repeat expansion implicated in the neuromuscular disease myotonic dystrophy. The results presented provide direct evidence that the CUG repeat expansion adopts a double-stranded conformation.  相似文献   

Infrared (IR) spectra were measured for cellulose Ibeta prepared from the mantle of Halocynthia roretzi over a temperature range of 30-260 degrees C to explore the temperature-dependent changes in hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) in the crystal. Structural changes at the phase transition temperature of 220 degrees C are elucidated at the functional group level by perturbation-correlation moving-window two-dimensional (PCMW2D) correlation spectroscopy. The PCMW2D correlation spectra show that the intensities of bands arising from O3-H3...O5 and O2-H2...O6 intrachain H-bonds dramatically decrease at 220 degrees C, whereas the intensity changes of bands due to interchain H-bonds are not observed adequately. These results suggest that the phase transition is induced by the dissociation of the O3-H3...O5 and O2-H2...O6 intrachain H-bonds. However, the interchain H-bonds are not so much responsible for the transition directly.  相似文献   

Free amino acid turnover in methanogens measured by 15N NMR spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Turnover of the nitrogen moiety from free amino acid pools in two thermophilic methanogens, Methanobacterium thermautotrophicum delta H and Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus SN1, has been monitored with 15N NMR spectroscopy. In cells growing exponentially on 15NH4Cl, glutamate was the major soluble 15N-labeled species in both organisms. When the Mb. thermoautotrophicum cells were harvested, washed, and resuspended into medium containing 14NH4Cl, the resonance for [15N]glutamate decreased with a half-life of 0.5 h. This is considerably faster than the turnover rate for the carbon side chain of glutamate (7 h) obtained when a 13CO2 pulse followed by a 12CO2 chase was incorporated into the 15N/14N-labeling experiment. Such behavior is consistent with recycling of the glutamate carbon skeleton via alpha-ketoglutarate after transamination reactions remove the 15N for biosynthesis of other amino acids, nucleic acids, etc. When the cells were in stationary phase, 15N turnover was considerably slower indicating that transaminase activity had also decreased. Mc. thermolithotrophicus has a much more fragile cell wall and easily lyses. To avoid cell loss in the 15N/14N experiment, 15NH+4 growth followed by 14NH4+ dilution was used. In this organism the glutamate-labeled nitrogen turns over quite rapidly (t1/2 approximately 9 min), at a rate comparable to that for the carbon skeleton (t1/2 approximately 10 min). Beta-Glutamate, the second major carbon and nitrogen pool in this organism, turns over its 15N label very slowly. Therefore, this beta-amino acid does not appear to serve as a nitrogen donor in Mc. thermolithotrophicus.  相似文献   

A fast method for the simultaneous detection of different glycosidolytic activities in commercially available enzyme preparations and crude culture filtrates was found in using, as substrate, a mixture of different glycosyl fluorides and 19F NMR spectroscopy as a screening technique. Accompanying studies regarding the hydrolytic stability of these fluorides in various buffer systems, as well as conditions of their long-term storage, were carried out. A simple procedure for the preparation of beta-D-mannopyranosyl fluoride in gram quantities is given.  相似文献   

A variety of biomolecules acting on the cell membrane folds into a biologically active structure in the membrane environment. It is, therefore, important to determine the structures and dynamics of such biomolecules in a membrane environment. While several biophysical techniques are used to obtain low-resolution information, solid-state NMR spectroscopy is one of the most powerful means for determining the structure and dynamics of membrane bound biomolecules such as antibacterial biomolecules and amyloidogenic proteins; unlike X-ray crystallography and solution NMR spectroscopy, applications of solid-state NMR spectroscopy are not limited by non-crystalline, non-soluble nature or molecular size of membrane-associated biomolecules. This review article focuses on the applications of solid-state NMR techniques to study a few selected antibacterial and amyloid peptides. Solid-state NMR studies revealing the membrane inserted bent α-helical structure associated with the hemolytic activity of bee venom melittin and the chemical shift oscillation analysis used to determine the transmembrane structure (with α-helix and 310-helix in the N- and C-termini, respectively) of antibiotic peptide alamethicin are discussed in detail. Oligomerization of an amyloidogenic islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP, or also known as amylin) resulting from its aggregation in a membrane environment, molecular interactions of the antifungal natural product amphotericin B with ergosterol in lipid bilayers, and the mechanism of lipid raft formation by sphingomyelin studied using solid state NMR methods are also discussed in this review article. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Biophysical Exploration of Dynamical Ordering of Biomolecular Systems" edited by Dr. Koichi Kato.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate that the sensitivity of triple-resonance NMR experiments can be enhanced significantly through quenching scalar coupling mediated relaxation by using composite-pulse decoupling (CPD) or an adiabatic decoupling sequence on aliphatic, in particular alpha-carbons in 13C/15N-labeled proteins. The CPD-HNCO experiment renders 50% sensitivity enhancement over the conventional CT-HNCO experiment performed on a 12 kDa FK506 binding protein, when a total of 266 ms of amide nitrogen–carbonyl carbon defocusing and refocusing periods is employed. This is a typical time period for the direct detection of hydrogen bonds in proteins via trans-hydrogen bond 3h J NC couplings. The experimental data fit theoretical analysis well. The significant enhancement in sensitivity makes the experiment more applicable to larger-sized proteins without resorting to perdeuteration.  相似文献   

Solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of the following intact plant tissues were recorded by the crosspolarization magic-angle spinning technique: celery (Apium graveolens L.) collenchyma; carob bean (Ceratonia siliqua L.), fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.), and nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus L.) endosperm; and lupin (Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.) seed cotyledons. All these tissues had thickened cell walls which allowed them to withstand the centrifugal forces of magic angle spinning and which, except in the case of lupin seeds, dominated the NMR spectra. The celery collenchyma cell walls gave spectra typical of dicot primary cell walls. The carob bean and fenugreek seed spectra were dominated by resonances from galactomannans, which showed little sign of crystalline order. Resonances from β(1,4′)-d galactan were visible in the lupin seed spectrum, but there was much interference from protein. The nasturtium seed spectrum was largely derived from a xyloglucan, in which the conformation of the glucan core chain appeared to be intermediate between the solution form and solid forms of cellulose.  相似文献   

R Timkovich 《Biochemistry》1990,29(33):7773-7780
15N-1H correlation spectroscopy with detection at the 1H frequency has been used at natural abundance to detect nitrogen nuclei bonded to protons in the ferrocytochrome c-551 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 19429). Side-chain aromatic nitrogens, main-chain amides, and side-chain amides have been assigned to specific residues by comparison to previous proton assignments. Assignment ambiguities arising from overlap in the proton dimension have been resolved by examining spectra as a function of temperature and pH. Nitrogen chemical shifts are reported at pH 4.6 and 9.4 and three temperatures, 32, 50, and 60 degrees C. Significant differences arise from the observed protein shifts and expected shifts in the random coil polypeptide.  相似文献   

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