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Cytokinesis in mammalian cells requires actin assembly at the equatorial region. Although functions of RhoA in this process have been well established, additional mechanisms are likely involved. We have examined if Cdc42 is involved in actin assembly during cytokinesis. Depletion of Cdc42 had no apparent effects on the duration of cytokinesis, while overexpression of constitutively active Cdc42 (CACdc42) caused cytokinesis failure in normal rat kidney epithelial cells. Cells depleted of Cdc42 displayed abnormal cell morphology and caused a failure of tight accumulation of actin and RhoA at the equator. In contrast, in cells overexpressing CACdc42, actin formed abnormal bundles and RhoA was largely eliminated from the equator. Our results suggest that accurate regulation of Cdc42 activity is crucial for proper equatorial actin assembly and RhoA localization during cytokinesis. Notably, our observations also suggest that tight actin concentration is not essential for cytokinesis in adherent mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Enabled/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (Ena/VASP) proteins are established regulators of actin-based motility, platelet aggregation, and growth cone guidance. However, the molecular mechanisms involved essentially remain elusive. Here we report on a novel mechanism of VASP action, namely the regulation of tensile strength, contractility, and rigidity of the actin cytoskeleton. Compared to wild-type cells fibroblasts derived from VASP-deficient mice have thicker and more stable actin stress fibres. Furthermore focal adhesions are enlarged, myosin light chain phosphorylation is increased, and the rigidity of the filament-supported plasma membrane is elevated about three- to fourfold, as is evident from atomic force microscopy. Moreover, fibronectin-coated beads adhere stronger to the surface of VASP-deficient cells. The resistance of these beads to mechanical displacement by laser tweezers is dramatically increased in an F-actin-dependent mode. Cytoskeletal stabilization coincides with slower cell adhesion and detachment, while overall adhesion is increased. Interestingly, many of these effects observed in VASP (−/−) cells are recapitulated in VASP-overexpressing cells, hinting towards a balanced stoichiometry necessary for appropriate VASP function. Taken together, our results suggest that VASP regulates surface protrusion formation and cell adhesion through modulation of the mechanical properties of the actin cytoskeleton.Annette B. Galler, Maísa I. García Arguinzonis these authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Poly(A)-containing mRNA was isolated from division synchronized populations of the ciliated protozoan, Tetrahymena pyriformis. The level of tubulin and actin mRNA at specific cell cycle stages was analyzed by hybridization to tubulin and actin cDNA probes and by gel analysis of their in vitro translation products. The pattern of fluctuation of tubulin mRNA levels was similar to that observed for the in vivo tubulin synthesis previously reported [1]. This suggests that as the cells progress through the cell cycle, tubulin synthesis is controlled at the mRNA level. There was little fluctuation of actin synthesis or actin mRNA levels during the cell cycle, which may be indicative of a different regulatory mechanism for actin than for tubulin.  相似文献   

Diaphanous-related formins (DRFs) are actin nucleators that mediate rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton downstream of specific Rho GTPases. The DRF Formin Homology 2 Domain containing 1 (FHOD1) interacts with the Rac1 GTPase and induces the formation of and associates with bundled actin stress fibers. Here we report that active FHOD1 also coordinates microtubules with these actin stress fibers. Expression of a constitutive active FHOD1 variant in HeLa cells not only resulted in pronounced formation of FHOD1-actin fibers but also caused marked cell elongation and parallel alignment of microtubules without affecting cytokinesis of these cells. The analysis of deletions in the FH1 and FH2 functional regions revealed that the integrity of both domains was strictly required for FHOD1's effects on the cytoskeleton. Dominant-negative approaches demonstrated that filament coordination and cell elongation depended on the activity of the Rho-ROCK cascade, but did not involve Rac or Cdc42 activity. Experimental depolymerization of actin filaments or microtubules revealed that the formation of FHOD1-actin fibers was a prerequisite for the polarization of microtubules. However, only simultaneous disruption of both filament systems reversed the cell elongation induced by activated FHOD1. Thus, sustained cell elongation was a consequence of FHOD1-mediated actin-microtubule coordination. These results suggest filament coordination as a conserved function of mammalian DRFs.  相似文献   

To study cell motility in different phases of the cell cycle, time-lapse recording by computer-assisted microscopy of unsynchronised cells from three mammalian cell lines (L929, BT4Cn, HeLa) was used for the determination of the displacements of individual cells. The displacements were used for calculation of three key parameters describing cell motility: speed, persistence time and rate of diffusion. All investigated cell lines demonstrated a lower cell displacement in the G2 phase than in the G1/S phases. This was caused by a decrease in speed and/or persistence time. The decrease in motility was accompanied by changes in morphology reflecting the larger volume of cells in G2 than in G1. Furthermore, L-cells and HeLa-cells appeared to be less adherent in the G2 phase. Transfection of L-cells with constitutively active Rac1 led to a general increase in the speed and rate of diffusion in G2 to levels comparable to those of control cells in G1. In contrast, transfection with dominant-negative Rac1 reduced cell speed and resulted in cellular displacements, which were identical in G1 and G2. These observations indicate that migration of cultured cells is regulated in a cell-cycle-dependent manner, and that an enhancement of Rac1 activity is sufficient for a delay of the reduced cell displacement otherwise seen in G2.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of F-actin in the phragmoplast/cell plate complex of formaldehyde-fixedAllium root cells was visualized with rhodaminephalloidin (RP). Increased RP fluorescence appears in late anaphase in a broad zone between separating chromosomes. The fluorescence is mostly amorphous in appearance and does not resemble the distinct actin fibers seen in interphase cells. The actin becomes more concentrated near the midplane by telophase and takes the form of a relatively bright layer of fluorescence adjacent to the forming cell plate. This distribution differs markedly from that of phragmoplast microtubules (MTs) which extend back from the plate toward the daughter nuclei. F-actin continues to accumulate in new parts of the expanding phragmoplast, while RP fluorescence gradually decreases near older portions of the plate. It disappears completely near the new wall in most interphase cells. Treatment of root tips with cytochalasin B or D before fixation markedly reduces RP fluorescence, but phragmoplast MTs remain. Colchicine or oryzalin treatment leads to the disappearance of both phragmoplast actin and MTs. The possible function of actin in the phragmoplast/cell plate complex is discussed.Abbreviations CB cytochalasin B - CD cytochalasin D - CIPC isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl-)carbamate - DIC differential interference contrast - MT microtubule - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PM plasmalemma - RP rhodamine-phalloidin  相似文献   

Human heat shock 27-kDa protein 1 (HSPB1)/heat shock protein (Hsp) 27 is a small heat shock protein which is thought to have several roles within the cell. One of these roles includes regulating actin filament dynamics in cell movement, since Hsp27 has previously been found to inhibit actin polymerization in vitro. In this study, the role of Hsp27 in regulating actin filament dynamics is further investigated. Hsp27 protein levels were reduced using siRNA in SW480 cells, a human colon cancer cell line. An in vitro wound closure assay showed that cells with knocked down Hsp27 levels were unable to close wounds, indicating that this protein is involved in regulating cell motility. Immunoprecipitation pull down assays were done, to observe if and when Hsp27 and actin are in the same complex within the cell, before and after heat shock. At all time points tested, Hsp27 and actin were present in the same cell lysate fraction. Lastly, indirect immunostaining was done before and after heat shock to evaluate Hsp27 and actin interaction in cells. Hsp27 and actin showed colocalization before heat shock, little association 3 h after heat shock, and increased association 24 h after heat shock. Cytoprotection was observed as early as 3 h after heat shock, yet cells were still able to move. These results show that Hsp27 and actin are in the same complex in cells and that Hsp27 is important for cell motility. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

LIM kinases (LIMK1 and LIMK2) regulate actin cytoskeletal reorganization through phosphorylating and inactivating cofilin, an actin-depolymerizing factor of actin filaments. Here, we describe a detailed analysis of the cell-cycle-dependent activity of LIMK2, and a subcellular localization of LIMK1 and LIMK2. The activity of LIMK2, distinct from LIMK1, toward cofilin phosphorylation did not change in the normal cell division cycle. In contrast, LIMK2 was hyperphosphorylated and its activity was markedly increased when HeLa cells were synchronized at mitosis with nocodazole treatment. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that LIMK1 was localized at cell-cell adhesion sites in interphase and prophase, redistributed to the spindle poles during prometaphase to anaphase, and accumulated at the cleavage furrow in telophase. In contrast, LIMK2 was diffusely localized in the cytoplasm during interphase, redistributed to the mitotic spindle, and finally to the spindle midzone during anaphase to telophase. These findings suggest that LIMK2 is activated in response to microtubule disruption, and that LIMK1 and LIMK2 may play different roles in regulating for the mitotic spindle organization, chromosome segregation, and cytokinesis during the cell division cycle.  相似文献   

Cell migration plays vital roles in many biologically relevant processes such as tissue morphogenesis and cancer metastasis, and it has fascinated biophysicists over the past several decades. However, despite an increasing number of studies highlighting the orchestration of proteins involved in different signaling pathways, the functional roles of lipid membranes have been essentially overlooked. Lipid membranes are generally considered to be a functionless two-dimensional matrix of proteins, although many proteins regulating cell migration gain functions only after they are recruited to the membrane surface and self-organize their functional domains. In this review, we summarize how the logistical recruitment and release of proteins to and from lipid membranes coordinates complex spatiotemporal molecular processes. As predicted from the classical framework of the Smoluchowski equation of diffusion, lipid/protein membranes serve as a 2D reaction hub that contributes to the effective and robust regulation of polarization and migration of cells involving several competing pathways.  相似文献   

Differentiation of Naegleria amebae into flagellates was used to examine the interaction between actin, actomyosin and microtubules in defining cell shape. Amebae, which lack microtubules except during mitosis, differentiate into flagellates with a fixed shape and a complex microtubule cytoskeleton in 120 min. Based on earlier models of ameboid motility it has been suggested that actomyosin is quiescent in flagellates. This hypothesis was tested by following changes in the cytoskeleton using three-dimensional reconstructions prepared by confocal microscopy of individual cells stained with antibodies against actin and tubulin as well as with phalloidin and DNase I. F-actin as defined by phalloidin staining was concentrated in expanding pseudopods. Most phalloidin staining was lost as cells rounded up before the onset of flagellum formation. Actin staining with a Naegleria-specific antibody that recognizes both F- and G-actin was confined to the cell cortex of both amebae and flagellates. DNase I demonstrated G-actin throughout all stages. Most of the actin in the cortex was not bound by phalloidin yet was resistant to detergent extraction suggesting that it was polymerized. The microtubule cytoskeleton of flagellates was intimately associated with this actin cortex. Treatment of flagellates with cytochalasin D produced a rapid loss of flagellate shape and the appearance of phalloidin staining while latrunculin A stabilized the flagellate shape. These results suggest that tension produced by an actomyosin network is required to maintain the flagellate shape. The rapid loss of the flagellate shape induced by drugs, which specifically block myosin light chain kinase, supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Antizyme inhibitor (AIn), a homolog of ODC, binds to antizyme and inactivates it. We report here that AIn increased at the G1 phase of the cell cycle, preceding the peak of ODC activity in HTC cells in culture. During interphase AIn was present mainly in the cytoplasm and turned over rapidly with the half-life of 10 to 20 min, while antizyme was localized in the nucleus. The level of AIn increased again at the G2/M phase along with ODC, and the rate of turn-over of AIn in mitotic cells decreased with the half-life of approximately 40 min. AIn was colocalized with antizyme at centrosomes during the period from prophase through late anaphase and at the midzone/midbody during telophase. Thereafter, AIn and antizyme were separated and present at different regions on the midbody at late telophase. AIn disappeared at late cytokinesis, whereas antizyme remained at the cytokinesis remnant. Reduction of AIn by RNA interference caused the increase in the number of binucleated cells in HTC cells in culture. These findings suggested that AIn contributed to a rapid increase in ODC at the G1 phase and also played a role in facilitating cells to complete mitosis during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

A variety of mathematical models for the actin driven motility of eucaryotic cells have been discussed over the last decades. However, most of them do model polarized cells which are already in motion or at least have established lamellipods. Here we investigate the stimulus induced transition from a symmetric resting state of a cell to a polarized one. Our goal is to find a minimal scenario for this rearrangement of the cytoskeleton and to figure out which of the manifold proteins and processes associated with actin dynamics are essential for the initiation of movement.  相似文献   

In budding yeast the final stages of the cell division cycle, cytokinesis and cell separation, are distinct events that require to be coupled, both together and with mitotic exit. Here we demonstrate that mutations in genes of the mitotic exit network (MEN) prevent cell separation and are synthetically lethal in combination with both cytokinesis and septation defective mutations. Analysis of the synthetic lethal phenotypes reveals that Iqg1p functions in combination with the MEN components, Tem1p, Cdc15p Dbf20p and Dbf2p to govern the re-polarization of the actin cytoskeleton to either side of the bud neck. In addition phosphorylation of the conserved PCH protein, Hof1p, is dependent upon these activities and requires actin ring assembly. Recruitment of Dbf2p to the bud neck is dependent upon actin ring assembly and correlates with Hof1p phosphorylation. Failure to phosphorylate Hof1p results in the increased stability of the protein and its persistence at the bud neck. These data establish a mechanistic dependency of cell separation upon an intermediate step requiring actomyosin ring assembly.  相似文献   

A Schizosaccharomyces pombe cps8 mutant, of which the gene encodes a mutant actin with an amino acid substitution of Asp for Gly(273) [J. Ishiguro and W. Kobayashi (1996) FEBS Lett. 392, 237-241], was used to determine the role of the actin cytoskeleton in cell wall formation. In the cps8 mutant cells, atomic force microscopic and scanning electron microscopic images showed abnormal depolarized and branched morphology. Fibrous material covered a part of the surface of growing cps8 cells. Transmission electron microscopic images showed variable thickness of the cell wall due to multilayering of cell wall materials, and aberrant multisepta due to diagonal growth of the primary septum, whereas the normal primary septum grows at a right angle from the cortex. This abnormal septum formation may induce abnormality of the cell with multinuclei and/or multisepta, caused by non-separation of daughter cells. These results indicate that actin plays an important role in cell wall and septum formation.  相似文献   

Plant cells divide in two by constructing a new cell wall (cell plate) between daughter nuclei after mitosis. Golgi-derived vesicles are transported to the equator of a cytoskeletal structure called a phragmoplast, where they fuse together to form the cell plate. Orientation of new cell walls involves actindependent guidance of phragmoplasts and associated cell plates to cortical sites established prior to mitosis. Recent work has provided new insights into how actin filaments and other proteins in the phragmoplast and cell plate contribute to cytokinesis. Newly discovered mutations have identified a variety of genes required for cytokinesis or its spatial regulation.  相似文献   

The WAVE/SCAR complex promotes actin nucleation through the Arp2/3 complex, in response to Rac signaling. We show that loss of WVE-1/GEX-1, the only C. elegans WAVE/SCAR homolog, by genetic mutation or by RNAi, has the same phenotype as loss of GEX-2/Sra1/p140/PIR121, GEX-3/NAP1/HEM2/KETTE, or ABI-1/ABI, the three other components of the C. elegans WAVE/SCAR complex. We find that the entire WAVE/SCAR complex promotes actin-dependent events at different times and in different tissues during development. During C. elegans embryogenesis loss of CED-10/Rac1, WAVE/SCAR complex components, or Arp2/3 blocks epidermal cell migrations despite correct epidermal cell differentiation. 4D movies show that this failure occurs due to decreased membrane dynamics in specific epidermal cells. Unlike myoblasts in Drosophila, epidermal cell fusions in C. elegans can occur in the absence of WAVE/SCAR or Arp2/3. Instead we find that subcellular enrichment of F-actin in epithelial tissues requires the Rac-WAVE/SCAR-Arp2/3 pathway. Intriguingly, we find that at the same stage of development both F-actin and WAVE/SCAR proteins are enriched apically in one epithelial tissue and basolaterally in another. We propose that temporally and spatially regulated actin nucleation by the Rac-WAVE/SCAR-Arp2/3 pathway is required for epithelial cell organization and movements during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Germ cell suicide: new insights into apoptosis during spermatogenesis   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Mature sperm are the product of a precisely regulated developmental sequence in which germ cell proliferation, differentiation, self-renewal and apoptosis are carefully controlled. The control of germ cell apoptosis during spermatogenesis is especially important. It is mediated by signals derived from the Sertoli cells with which each germ cell is closely associated, as well as by signals originating outside the testis. A greater understanding of these signals is emerging from studies of the spermatogenic defects of genetically modified animals. In particular, the intracellular signaling cascades which ultimately determine germ cell fate are being illuminated by recent studies of the Bcl-2 protein family. This review summarises the crucial role which stringently regulated apoptosis plays in the production of male gametes.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic actin and cochlear outer hair cell motility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Isolated outer hair cells of the guinea pig lacking a cuticular plate and its associated infracuticular network retain the ability to shorten longitudinally and become thinner. Membrane ghosts lacking cytoplasm retain the cylindrical shape of the hair-cell, and although they do not shorten, they retain the ability to constrict and become thinner. These data suggest that cytoplasmic components are associated with outer hair-cell longitudinal shortening and that the lateral wall is responsible for maintaing cell shape and for constriction. Actin, a protein associated with the cytoskeleton and cell motility, is thought to be involved in outer hair-cell motility. To study its role, actin was localized in isolated outer hair cells by use of phalloidin labeled with fluorescein and antibodies against actin coupled to colloidal gold. In permeabilized guinea-pig hair cells stained with phalloidin, actin filaments are found along the lateral wall. In frozen-fixed hair cells actin filaments are distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. Electron-microscopic studies show that antibodies label actin throughout the outer hair-cell body. Thus cytoplasmic actin filaments may provide the structural basis for the contraction-like events.  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural study of cytokinesis, cell wall ontogenesis, and papilla development/form inCarteria crucifera Korsh. andChloromonas rosae Ettl was undertaken. After typical phycoplast-mediated cytokinesis, wall ontogenesis begins at the level of Golgi apparatus activation and secretion to the outside of the daughter cells of fibrillar wall precursors which self assemble into the typical chlamydomonad wall (sensuRoberts 1974). As wall ontogenesis approaches the flagellar region of the cell, several precisely timed events occur: flagellar apparatus formation, flagellar emergence, protoplasmic extension in the future papilla area underlined by series of parallel aligned microtubules, wall formation (at least the W2–W6 layers), retraction of the protoplasmic extension and loss of underlying microtubules, and final wall modification (gap filling by W1 material) to yield the characteristic wall papilla. The transient cytoplasmic extensions mimic the shape of the future wall papilla and are maintained, at least inCarteria, by underlying microtubules. Structural and developmental properties of the papilla are characterized and phylogenetic implications are discussed.This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant DEB 78-0554.  相似文献   

Recently, we have reported that cell wall pectins are internalized into apical meristem root cells. In cells exposed to the fungal metabolite brefeldin A, all secretory pathways were inhibited, while endocytic pathways remained intact, resulting in accumulation of internalized cell wall pectins within brefeldin A-induced compartments. Here we report that, in addition to the already published cell wall epitopes, rhamnogalacturonan I and xyloglucans also undergo large-scale internalization into dividing root cells. Interestingly, multilamellar endosomes were identified as compartments internalizing arabinan cell wall pectins reactive to the 6D7 antibody, while large vacuole-like endosomes internalized homogalacturonans reactive to the 2F4 antibody. As all endosomes belong topographically to the exocellular space, cell wall pectins deposited in these "cell wall islands", enclosed by the plasma-membrane-derived membrane, are ideally suited to act as temporary stores for rapid formation of cell wall and generation of new plasma membrane. In accordance with this notion, we report that all cell wall pectins and xyloglucans that internalize into endosomes are highly enriched within cytokinetic cell plates and accumulate within brefeldin A compartments. On the other hand, only small amounts of the pectins reactive to the JIM7 antibody, which are produced in the Golgi apparatus, localize to cell plates and they do not accumulate within brefeldin A compartments. In conclusion, meristematic root cells have developed pathways for internalization and recycling of cell wall molecules which are relevant for plant-specific cytokinesis.  相似文献   

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