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The proliferation of the epidermis in soft skin, claws, and scutes of the carapace and plastron in the tortoise (Testudo hermanni) and the turtle (Chrysemys picta) were studied using autoradiographic and immunocytochemical methods. During the growing season, a basal keratinocyte in the epidermis of soft skin and claws takes 5-9 days to migrate into the corneous layer. In the tortoise, during fall/winter (resting season) a few alpha-keratin cells are produced in soft epidermis and hinge regions among scutes and occasional beta-keratin cells in the outer scute surface. When growth is resumed in spring (growing season), cell proliferation is intense, mainly around hinge regions and tips of marginal scutes. No scute shedding occurs and numerous beta-keratin cells are produced around the hinge regions, while alpha-keratin cells disappear. Beta-cells form a new thick corneous layer around the hinge regions, which constitute the growing rings of scutes. Beta-keratin cells produced in more central parts of scutes maintain a homogeneous thickness of the corneous layer along the whole scute surface. In the turtle, a more complicated process of scute growth occurs than in the tortoise. At the end of the growing season (late fall) the last keratinocytes formed beneath the old stratum corneum of the outer scale surface and hinge regions produce more alpha- than beta-keratin. These thin alpha-keratin cells form a scission layer below the old stratum corneum, which extends from the hinge regions toward the center of scutes and the tip of marginal scutes. In the resting season (fall/winter) most cells remain within the germinative layer of the carapace and plastron and a few alpha-cells move in 7-9 days into the corneous layer above hinge regions. In the following spring/summer (growing season) a new generation of beta-keratin cells is produced beneath the scission layer from the hinge region and more central part of the scutes. The epidermis of the inner surface of scutes and hinge regions contains most of the cells incorporating thymidine and histidine, while the remaining outer scute surface is less active. It takes 5-9 days for a newly produced beta-cell to migrate into the corneous layer. These cells form a new corneous layer that extends the whole scute surface underneath the maturing scission layer. The latter contains lipids and eventually flakes off, determining shedding of the above outer corneous layer in late spring or summer.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that the scaly projections (scutes) on the shells of juvenile giant fluted clams, Tridacna squamosa, are an adaptation against crushing predators such as crabs. The forces required to crush scutes and clams were measured with a universal testing machine whereas crab chela strength was measured with a digital force gauge connected to a set of lever arms. Results for shell properties and chela strength are used to create two, non-mutually exclusive, predator–defense models. In Model 1, scutes increase the overall shell size, consequently reducing the number of crab predators with chelae that are large enough to seize and crush the prey. In Model 2, the chela has to open more to grasp a prey with these projecting structures which leads to a loss of claw-closing force such that crabs fail to crush the scutes, and consequently the clam. Clam scutes may also deter crab predators by increasing the risk of claw damage and/or handling time.  相似文献   



In this study we used a mice model of chronic arthritis to evaluate if bone fragility induced by chronic inflammation is associated with an imbalance in bone turnover and also a disorganization of the bone type I collagen network.


Serum, vertebrae and femur bones were collected from eight-month-old polyarthritis SKG mice and controls. Strength of the femoral bones was evaluated using three-point bending tests and density was assessed with a pycnometer. Bone turnover markers carboxy-terminal collagen cross-linking telopeptides (CTX-I) and amino-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen (PINP) were measured in serum. The organization and density of bone collagen were analyzed in vertebrae using second-harmonic generation (SHG) imaging with a two-photon microscope and trabecular bone microstructure was assessed by scanning electron microscope (SEM).


Femoral bones of SKG mice revealed increased fragility expressed by deterioration of mechanical properties, namely altered stiffness (P = 0.007) and reduced strength (P = 0.006), when compared to controls. Accordingly, inter-trabecular distance and trabecular thickness as observed by SEM were reduced in SKG mice. PINP was significantly higher in arthritic mice (9.18 ± 3.21 ng/ml) when compared to controls (1.71 ± 0.53 ng/ml, P < 0.001). Bone resorption marker CTX-I was 9.67 ± 3.18 ng/ml in arthritic SKG mice compared to 6.23 ± 4.11 ng/ml in controls (P = 0.176). The forward-to-backward signal ratio measured by SHG was higher in SKG animals, reflecting disorganized matrix and loose collagen structure, compared to controls.


We have shown for the first time that chronic arthritis by itself impairs bone matrix architecture, probably due to disturbed bone remodeling and increased collagen turnover. This effect might predispose patients to bone fragility fractures.  相似文献   

The development and the structure of the bony scutes have been studied in a growth series of the armored catfish Corydoras arcuatus using light and electron microscopy. Fibroblast-like cell condensations appear in the dermis, in the posterior region of the caudal peduncle, and these will constitute the scute papillae. Collagen bundles of the preexisting dermis colonized by the papilla cells are remodeled and incorporated in the papilla to form, in addition to newly synthesized woven-fibered bony material, the initium of the scute. This process of formation differs from that described for the dermal papilla of an elasmoid scale. During growth, the osteoblasts surrounding the scute constitute the scute sac in which the scute grows. Parallel-fibered bone is deposited on both sides of the initium, and osteoblasts are incorporated within the scute matrix. The remodeling and incorporation of collagen bundles of the preexisting dermis is maintained during growth only in the deep, anterior region of the scute. The posterior region and the upper surface of the scute are close to the epidermal-dermal boundary. When growth slows down in the upper part of the scute, a characteristic, well-mineralized tissue, composed of thin vertical fibrils and granules and devoid of typical striated collagen fibrils, is deposited on the scute surface. A new term, hyaloine, is introduced for this nonosseous, highly mineralized layer constituting the upper part of the scute. Hyaloine shows thin electron-dense lines, which probably correspond to periodic growth arrests. The structure and localization of the hyaloine are compared to other well-mineralized, similar tissues found on the surface of the dermal skeleton in lower vertebrates. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

For correction of the twisted nose, the use of a dorsal onlay cartilage graft, obtained from the resected septum, produces the illusion of a straight nose. This persists in spite of any recurrences of deviations in the septum or upper lateral cartilages.  相似文献   

The twisted 'life' of DNA in the cell: bacterial topoisomerases   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
DNA topoisomerases are essential to the cell for the regulation of DNA supercoiling levels and for chromosome decatenation. The proposed mechanisms for these reactions are essentially the same, except that a change in supercoiling is due to an intramolecular event, while decatenation requires an intermolecular event. The characterized bacterial topoisomerases appear capable of both types of reaction in vitro. Four DNA topoisomerases have been identified in Escherichia coli. Topoisomerase I, gyrase, and topoisomerase IV normally appear to have distinct essential functions within the cell, Gyrase and topoisomerase I are responsible for the regulation of DNA supercoiling. Both gyrase and topoisomerase IV are necessary for chromosomal decatenation. Multiple topoisomerases with distinct functions may give the cell more precise control over DNA topology by allowing tighter regulation of the principal enzymatic activities of these different proteins.  相似文献   

Type VII collagen forms an extended network of anchoring fibrils   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16  
Type VII collagen is one of the newly identified members of the collagen family. A variety of evidence, including ultrastructural immunolocalization, has previously shown that type VII collagen is a major structural component of anchoring fibrils, found immediately beneath the lamina densa of many epithelia. In the present study, ultrastructural immunolocalization with monoclonal and monospecific polyclonal antibodies to type VII collagen and with a monoclonal antibody to type IV collagen indicates that amorphous electron-dense structures which we term "anchoring plaques" are normal features of the basement membrane zone of skin and cornea. These plaques contain type IV collagen and the carboxyl-terminal domain of type VII collagen. Banded anchoring fibrils extend from both the lamina densa and from these plaques, and can be seen bridging the plaques with the lamina densa and with other anchoring plaques. These observations lead to the postulation of a multilayered network of anchoring fibrils and anchoring plaques which underlies the basal lamina of several anchoring fibril-containing tissues. This extended network is capable of entrapping a large number of banded collagen fibers, microfibrils, and other stromal matrix components. These observations support the hypothesis that anchoring fibrils provide additional adhesion of the lamina densa to its underlying stroma.  相似文献   

The sequence of differentiation of the epidermis of scutes during embryogenesis in the tortoise Testudo hermanni was studied using autoradiography, electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry. The study was mainly conducted on the epidermis of the carapace, plastron and nail. Epidermal differentiation resembles that described for other reptiles, and the embryonic epidermis is composed of numerous cell layers. In the early stages of differentiation of the carapacial ridge, cytoplasmic blebs of epidermal cells are in direct contact with the extracellular matrix and mesenchymal cells. The influence of the dermis on the formation of the beta‐layer is discussed. The dermis becomes rich in collagen bundles at later stages of development. The embryonic epidermis is formed by a flat periderm and four to six layers of subperidermal cells, storing 40–70‐nm‐thick coarse filaments that may represent interkeratin or matrix material. Beta‐keratin is associated with the coarse filaments, suggesting that the protein may be polymerized on their surface. The presence of beta‐keratin in embryonic epidermis suggests that this keratin might have been produced at the beginning of chelonian evolution. The embryonic epidermis of the scutes is lost around hatching and leaves underneath the definitive corneous beta‐layer. Beneath the embryonic epidermis, cells that accumulate typical large bundles of beta‐keratin appear at stage 23 and at hatching a compact beta‐layer is present. The differentiation of these cells shows the progressive replacement of alpha‐keratin bundles with bundles immunolabelled for beta‐keratin. The nucleus is degraded and electron‐dense nuclear material mixes with beta‐keratin. In general, changes in tortoise skin when approaching terrestrial life resemble those of other reptiles. Lepidosaurian reptiles form an embryonic shedding layer and crocodilians have a thin embryonic epidermis that is rapidly lost near hacthing. Chelonians have a thicker embryonic epidermis that accumulates beta‐keratin, a protein later used to make a thick corneous layer.  相似文献   



Prostacyclin analogs are potent vasodilators and possess anti-inflammatory properties. However, the effect of prostacyclin on extracellular matrix (ECM) in COPD is not well known. Collagen fibrils and proteoglycans are essential ECM components in the lung and fibroblasts are key players in regulating the homeostasis of ECM proteins. The aim was to study the synthesis of prostacyclin and its effect on fibroblast activity and ECM production, and in particular collagen I and the collagen-associated proteoglycans biglycan and decorin.


Parenchymal lung fibroblasts were isolated from lungs from COPD patients (GOLD stage IV) and from lungs and transbronchial biopsies from control subjects. The prostacyclin analog iloprost was used to study the effect of prostacyclin on ECM protein synthesis, migration, proliferation and contractile capacity of fibroblasts.


TGF-β1 stimulation significantly increased prostacyclin synthesis in fibroblasts from COPD patients (p < 0.01), but showed no effect on fibroblasts from control subjects. Collagen I synthesis was decreased by iloprost in both control and COPD fibroblasts (p < 0.05). Conversely, iloprost significantly altered biglycan and decorin synthesis in control fibroblasts, but iloprost displayed no effect on these proteoglycans in COPD fibroblasts. Proliferation rate was reduced (p < 0.05) and contractile capacity was increased in COPD fibroblasts (p < 0.05) compared to control fibroblasts. Iloprost decreased proliferative rate in control fibroblasts (p < 0.05), whereas iloprost attenuated contraction capacity in both COPD (p < 0.01) and control fibroblasts (p < 0.05).


Iloprost reduced collagen I synthesis and fibroblast contractility but did not affect the collagen-associated proteoglycans or proliferation rate in fibroblasts from COPD patients. Enhanced prostacyclin production could lead to improper collagen network fibrillogenesis and a more emphysematous lung structure in severe COPD patients.  相似文献   

Genomic propagation in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes is tightly regulated at the level of initiation, ensuring that the genome is accurately replicated and equally segregated to the daughter cells. Even though replication origins and the proteins that bind onto them (initiator proteins) have diverged throughout the course of evolution, the mechanism of initiation has been conserved, consisting of origin recognition, multi‐protein complex assembly, helicase activation and loading of the replicative machinery. Recruitment of the multiprotein initiation complexes onto the replication origins is constrained by the dense packing of the DNA within the nucleus and unusual structures such as knots and supercoils. In this review, we focus on the DNA topological barriers that the multi‐protein complexes have to overcome in order to access the replication origins and how the topological state of the origins changes during origin firing. Recent advances in the available methodologies to study DNA topology and their clinical significance are also discussed. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 35–43, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Abdominal aortic aneurysm is a prevalent cardiovascular disease with high mortality rates. The mechanical response of the arterial wall relies on the organizational and structural behavior of its microstructural components, and thus, a detailed understanding of the microscopic mechanical response of the arterial wall layers at loads ranging up to rupture is necessary to improve diagnostic techniques and possibly treatments. Following the common notion that adventitia is the ultimate barrier at loads close to rupture, in the present study, a finite element model of adventitial collagen network was developed to study the mechanical state at the fiber level under uniaxial loading. Image stacks of the rabbit carotid adventitial tissue at rest and under uniaxial tension obtained using multi-photon microscopy were used in this study, as well as the force–displacement curves obtained from previously published experiments. Morphological parameters like fiber orientation distribution, waviness, and volume fraction were extracted for one sample from the confocal image stacks. An inverse random sampling approach combined with a random walk algorithm was employed to reconstruct the collagen network for numerical simulation. The model was then verified using experimental stress–stretch curves. The model shows the remarkable capacity of collagen fibers to uncrimp and reorient in the loading direction. These results further show that at high stretches, collagen network behaves in a highly non-affine manner, which was quantified for each sample. A comprehensive parameter study to understand the relationship between structural parameters and their influence on mechanical behavior is presented. Through this study, the model was used to conclude important structure–function relationships that control the mechanical response. Our results also show that at loads close to rupture, the probability of failure occurring at the fiber level is up to 2%. Uncertainties in usually employed rupture risk indicators and the stochastic nature of the event of rupture combined with limited knowledge on the microscopic determinants motivate the development of such an analysis. Moreover, this study will advance the study of coupling microscopic mechanisms to rupture of the artery as a whole.


The interstitial matrix is comprised of cross-linked collagen fibers, generally arranged in nonisotropic orientations. Spatial alignment of matrix components within the tissue can affect diffusion patterns of drugs. In this study, we developed a methodology for the calculation of diffusion coefficients of macromolecules and nanoparticles in collagenous tissues. The tissues are modeled as three-dimensional, stochastic, fiber networks with varying degrees of alignment. We employed a random walk approach to simulate diffusion and a Stokesian dynamics method to account for hydrodynamic hindrance. We performed our analysis for four different structures ranging from nearly isotropic to perfectly aligned. We showed that the overall diffusion coefficient is not affected by the orientation of the network. However, structural anisotropy results in diffusion anisotropy, which becomes more significant with increase in the degree of alignment, the size of the diffusing particle, and the fiber volume fraction. To test our model predictions we performed diffusion measurements in reconstituted collagen gels and tumor xenografts. We measured fiber alignment and diffusion with second harmonic generation and multiphoton fluorescent recovery after photobleaching techniques, respectively. The results showed for the first time in tumors that the structure and orientation of collagen fibers in the extracellular space leads to diffusion anisotropy.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen was solubilized from a tumor basement membrane either by acid extraction or by limited digestion with pepsin. The two forms were similar in composition and the size of the constituent chains but differed when examined by electron microscopy and in the fragment pattern produced by bacterial collagenase. The acid-soluble form showed after rotary shadowing strands mainly of a length of 320 nm which terminated in a globule, or two strands connected by a similar globule. The globule was identified as a non-collagenous domain (NC1) which under dissociating conditions could be separated into two peptides showing a monomer-dimer relationship. Higher aggregates of NC1 were visualized under non-dissociating conditions. Some of the acid-extracted molecules have retained the previously 7-S collagen domain. The pepsin-solubilized form lacked domain NC1 and consisted mainly of four triple-helical strands (length 356 nm) joined together at the 7-S domain (length 30 nm). Common to both forms of type IV collagen was a small collagenase-resistant domain NC2 which was composed of collagenous and non-collagenous elements and located between the 7-S domain and the major triple helix. These data indicate that the collagenous matrix of basement membranes consists of a regular network of type IV collagen molecules which is generated by two different interacting sites located at opposite ends of each molecule. The 7-S collagen domain connects four molecules while the NC1 domain connects two molecules. The maximal distance between identical cross-linking sites (7-S or NC1) was estimated to be about 800 nm comprising the length of two molecules.  相似文献   

Collagens are the most abundant proteins in mammals. The collagen family comprises 28 members that contain at least one triple-helical domain. Collagens are deposited in the extracellular matrix where most of them form supramolecular assemblies. Four collagens are type II membrane proteins that also exist in a soluble form released from the cell surface by shedding. Collagens play structural roles and contribute to mechanical properties, organization, and shape of tissues. They interact with cells via several receptor families and regulate their proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Some collagens have a restricted tissue distribution and hence specific biological functions.  相似文献   

The antigenicity of collagen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

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