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European Wrynecks Jynx torquilla torquilla have generally been considered to be long‐distance Palaearctic–African migrants that spend the non‐breeding season in Sahelian Africa, where they have been reported regularly. Results from tracking individual birds showed that Wrynecks from two Central European populations migrated only relatively short distances to the Iberian Peninsula and northwestern Africa (c. 1500 km and 3000 km, respectively), compared with a minimum distance of about 4500 km to Sahelian Africa. Additionally, differences in wing lengths of populations from Central and Northern Europe support the idea of leap‐frog migration, populations from Northern Europe being long‐distance migrants with a non‐breeding distribution in Sahelian Africa.  相似文献   

Migration distance and sex are integral to avian migration strategies, yet these intrinsic factors are understudied with respect to their effects on stopover ecology and behavior. We investigated how individual variation in migration distance and sex affected body condition, refueling performance, and stopover durations of Wilson's Warblers (Cardellina pusilla) during spring and fall 2006 at a stopover site in southern Arizona. Migration distance of individuals was inferred using the hydrogen stable isotope ratio of feathers (δ2Hf) as an index of breeding latitude, refueling rate was assessed using plasma triglyceride and β‐OH‐butyrate, and minimum length of stay was estimated by re‐sighting color‐banded birds. In the spring, migration distance and sex were strong determinants of the timing of migration by Wilson's Warblers, with males and shorter‐distance migrants passing through the site earlier than females and longer‐distance migrants. Later‐arriving migrants also had higher fat scores and refueling rates. However, neither migration distance nor sex independently affected body condition (fat score or size‐corrected mass), refueling rate, or minimum length of stay. In a smaller sample of fall migrants, we found that longer‐distance migrants and males had higher refueling rates than shorter‐distance migrants and females. Our results show that differences in migration distance can, under some circumstances, affect how birds use stopover sites. Stable isotope analysis and other methods can provide information on migration distance, and should be integrated with measurements of timing, fuel stores, refueling performance, and departure behavior to gain a deeper understanding of bird migration.  相似文献   

In passerine birds, males are generally larger and dominant over females. In line with the dominance theory, in all known differential migrant passerines, females migrate further than males. However, there are alternative explanations to the dominance hypothesis, including the specialisation hypothesis, predicting that females should do better than males in habitats and/or regions to which they are specially adapted, and where they predominate in numbers. Few studies have aimed at comparing the behaviour and condition of males and females wintering in locations largely dominated by female birds. We studied a partly nomadic species, the common chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita, at a wintering site in Portugal. Most individuals caught at this site were transients. The only consistent and relatively powerful predictor of settlement behaviour was sex. Almost all the birds that settled in the study area were female, while there was an almost even sex ratio in the transient sample. Females had higher muscle and post-juvenile moult scores when first captured. In addition, there was a significant sex-based difference in mass trajectories, with females maintaining body mass and males losing body mass when settled at the study site. Results from this study suggest that the poor performance of males was either due to inferior male competitive ability in a region/habitat where females predominate and/or it resulted from the fact that males that reach these wintering grounds are of inferior individual quality.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic background of complex behavioral traits, showing multigenic control and extensive environmental effects, is a challenging task. Among such traits, migration is known to show a large additive genetic component. Yet, the identification of specific genes or gene regions explaining phenotypic variance in migratory behavior has received less attention. Migration ultimately depends on seasonal cycles, and polymorphism at phenological candidate genes may underlie variation in timing of migration or other aspects of migratory behavior. In this study of a Nearctic–Neotropical migratory songbird, the Wilson's warbler (Cardellina pusilla), we investigated the association between polymorphism at two phenological candidate genes, Clock and Adcyap1, and two aspects of the migratory phenotype, timing of spring migration through a stopover site and inferred latitude of the breeding destination. The breeding destination of migrating individuals was identified using feather deuterium ratio (δ2H), which reliably reflects breeding latitude throughout the species' western breeding range. Ninety‐eight percent of the individuals were homozygous at Clock, and the rare heterozygotes did not deviate from homozygous migration phenology. Adcyap1 was highly polymorphic, and allele size was not significantly associated with migration date. However, Adcyap1 allele size significantly positively predicted the inferred breeding latitude of males but not of females. Moreover, we found a strong positive association between inferred breeding latitude and Adcyap1 allele size in long‐distance migrating birds from the northern sector of the breeding range (western Canada), while this was not the case in short‐distance migrating birds from the southern sector of the breeding range (coastal California). Our findings support previous evidence for a role of Adcyap1 in shaping the avian migratory phenotype, while highlighting that patterns of phenological candidate gene–phenotype associations may be complex, significantly varying between geographically distinct populations and even between the sexes.  相似文献   

The timing and duration of each stage of the life of a long‐distance migrant bird are constrained by time and resources. If the parental roles of males and females differ, the timing of other life stages, such as moult or pre‐migratory fuelling, may also differ between the sexes. Little is known about sexual differences for species with weak sexual dimorphism, but DNA‐sexing enables fresh insights. The Little Stint Calidris minuta is a monomorphic long‐distance migrant wader breeding in the Arctic tundra. Males compete for territories and perform elaborate aerial displays. Females produce two clutches a season. Each sex may be a bigamist and incubate one nest a season, each with a different partner. We expect that these differences in breeding behaviour entail different preparations for breeding by males and females, so we aimed to determine whether Little Stints showed any sex differences in their strategies for pre‐breeding moult and pre‐migratory fuelling at their non‐breeding grounds in South Africa. We used body moult records, wing length and body mass of 241 DNA‐sexed Little Stints that we caught and ringed between 27 January and 29 April in 2008–2018 at two neighbouring wetlands in North West Province, South Africa. For each individual we assessed the percentage of breeding plumage on its upperparts and took blood samples for DNA‐sexing. We calculated an adjusted Body Moult Index and an adjusted Wing Coverts Moult Index, then used the Underhill–Zucchini moult model to estimate the start dates and the rate of body moult in males and females. We estimated the changes in the sex ratio of the local population during their stay in South Africa, and also estimated the timing and rate of pre‐migratory fuelling and the potential flight ranges for males and females. The males started body moult on average on 7 February and the females on 12 February, but the sexes did not differ in their timing of wing covert moult, which started on average on 10 February. In January to mid‐February, males constituted c. 57% of the population, but their proportion declined afterwards, indicating an earlier departure than females. We estimated that both sexes began pre‐migratory fuelling on average on 15 March. The sexes did not differ in fuelling rate, but most females stayed at the non‐breeding site longer than the males, and thus accumulated more fuel and had longer potential flight ranges. These patterns of moult and fuelling suggest sex differences in preparations for breeding. We suggest that the males depart from South Africa earlier but with smaller fuel loads than the females to establish breeding territories before the females arrive. We conclude that for each sex the observed trade‐offs between fuelling and moult at the non‐breeding grounds are precursors to different migration strategies, which in turn are adaptations for their different roles in reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

Wings have evolved in phylogenetically distant organisms with morphologies that depend on the combined effects of diverse, potentially contrasting selective forces. In birds, long pointed wings boost speed and energetic efficiency during cruising flight but reduce manoeuvrability. Migratory behavior is believed to lead to the evolution of more pointed wings, but selection on pointedness has never been estimated. Because annual routines of migrants are tightly scheduled, wing pointedness may be selected for because it allows for earlier arrival to the breeding grounds. In long‐distance migratory barn swallows Hirundo rustica we showed that selection via breeding date and thus annual fecundity operates on wing pointedness, but not on other wing traits, among yearling females but not among older females or males. Selection on wing pointedness specifically in yearling females may result from climatic effects, which favour earlier arrival from migration, and from yearling females being the sex‐by‐age class with the latest migration and the smallest wing pointedness. Wing morphology differed between sexes and age classes because of change in size of the outermost but not the innermost wing feathers. Hence, sex‐ and age‐specific selection on wing pointedness operates in a species with sex‐ and age‐dependent variation in phenology and wing morphology.  相似文献   

Studies of migration have revealed multiple trade‐offs with other life‐history traits that may underlie observed variation in migratory properties among ages and sexes. To assess whether, and to what extent, body size and/or sex‐specific differences in competition for resources (e.g. breeding territories or winter food) may shape variation in migration distance and timing of arrival in ecologically and phylogenetically related species, we combined over 30 000 sightings of individually marked, sexually mature males and females of Herring Gulls Larus argentatus and Lesser Black‐Backed Gulls Larus fuscus with biometric measurements and phenological observations at a mixed breeding colony. In L. argentatus, larger males migrated further from the breeding colony, whereas migration distance was independent of body size in adult females. In L. fuscus, no relationship between body size and migration distance was apparent in either sex. Mean arrival dates at the breeding colony did not vary with migration distances but differed between males and females of L. argentatus (but not L. fuscus). As allometry at least partly explains sexual segregation in migration behaviour in L. argentatus, but not in L. fuscus, we conclude that the effect of body size on sex‐related migratory strategies may vary between closely related, sympatric species despite similar size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Sexual segregation is common and can occur when sexes occupy different habitats, and/or when sexes aggregate assortatively within the same habitats. However, it is rarely studied in birds, with most previous work concentrating on differential settlement by the sexes in discrete habitats, often separated by large distances. Little attention has been paid to patterns of segregation within the same site. We reared 200 Common Pheasants Phasianus colchicus and released them onto a relatively small site of 250 ha and recorded their patterns of association and differential use of artificial feeders in space and time. Particular feeders were preferred by one sex, although we found no features of the local habitat which explained such preferences. Furthermore, we found sex differences in the use of feeders throughout the day, with females preferentially visiting them in the morning and the proportion of females visiting feeders increasing as the year progressed. Social network analyses found that in the first month after release into the wild, females did not associate strongly with other females, which was surprising as, prior to release, females have been shown to associate with other females in both semi‐natural conditions and when tested in isolation. However, sexual segregation was clearly seen after 1 month of being released and became more pronounced as the year progressed. Females associated with other females from November to February, whereas males avoided other males over this same period. Sexes became less likely to associate with one another in 5 of the 6 months monitored. Such avoidance observed in males suggests that they start to form territories much sooner than previously thought. Pheasants exhibit clear patterns of fine‐scale sexual segregation based on space and time, which was observed in their social preferences at feeding sites. Such detailed fine‐scale segregation is rarely observed in birds.  相似文献   

Sex biases in distributions of migratory birds during the non‐breeding season are widespread; however, the proximate mechanisms contributing to broad‐scale sex‐ratio variation are not well understood. We analyzed a long‐term winter‐banding dataset in combination with spring migration data from individuals tracked by using geolocators to test three hypotheses for observed variation in sex‐ratios in wintering flocks of snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis. We quantified relevant weather conditions in winter (temperature, snowfall and snow depth) at each banding site each year and measured body size and condition (fat scores) of individual birds (n > 5500). We also directly measured spring migration distance for 17 individuals by using light‐level geolocators. If the distribution pattern of birds in winter is related to interactions between individual body size and thermoregulation, then larger bodied birds (males) should be found in colder sites (body size hypothesis). Males may also winter closer to breeding grounds to reduce migration distance for early arrival at breeding sites (arrival timing hypothesis). Finally, males may be socially dominant over females, and thus exclude females from high‐quality wintering sites (social dominance hypothesis). We found support for the body size hypothesis, in that colder and snowier weather predicted both larger body size and higher proportions of males banded. Direct tracking revealed that males did not winter significantly closer to their breeding site, despite being slightly further north on average than females from the same breeding population. We found some evidence for social dominance, in that females tended to carry more fat than males, potentially indicating lower habitat quality for females. Global climatic warming may reduce temperature constraints on females and smaller‐bodied males, resulting in broad‐scale changes in distributional patterns. Whether this has repercussions for individual fitness, and therefore population demography, is an important area of future research.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Field methods for determining the sex of birds are often limited due to morphometric overlap between sexes, intermediate plumages, seasonality, and reliance on subjective age classification. Interpubic distance, characterized in birds as the distance between the distal ends of the pubic bones, has not been formally tested as a method for determining the sex of birds, despite references among parrot breeders and the frequent use of analogous measurements in mammals. We developed a harmless and easily performed field method for measuring interpubic distance in studies involving bird capture, and compared the interpubic distances of known sex White‐ruffed Manakins (Corapipo altera), Orange‐collared Manakins (Manacus aurantiacus), and Blue‐crowned Manakins (Lepidothrix coronata) to evaluate the possible use of this measurement to determine sex. Using interpubic distance ranges based on 85% confidence intervals where overlap existed between sexes, the sex of 92.8–100% of all manakins in our study was accurately determined with no misclassification. Interpubic distance performed better than plumage‐based methods that sexed 74.0% of all individuals and misclassified 1.5%. Using linear discriminant analysis, we developed classification equations that allowed us to accurately determine the sex of all individuals with 100% accuracy using mass and interpubic distance. Additionally, we compared the interpubic distances of female White‐ruffed Manakins to evaluate the potential to determine age and reproductive status. Despite an apparent relationship between interpubic distance, age and reproductive status, we concluded that interpubic distance has limited use for determining age and reproductive status due to extensive overlap (31.6–100%), but shows potential in other applications. Based on these results, we endorse the use of interpubic distance to determine the sex of manakins. We encourage further study to develop additional classification equations using different morphometric measurements and to test the efficacy of interpubic distance to determine sex in other bird species.  相似文献   

In many species, naïve first‐time migrants undertake migration without adults, supposedly on the basis of a ‘simple’ vector programme that combines an innate directional preference with a temporal programme that specifies distance. In strongly dimorphic species in which the sexes show distinct ecological requirements, the innate mechanisms of navigation may be expected to diverge between males and females with respect to their specific destinations. Based on captures of juvenile Ruff Philomachus pugnax at a migratory stopover over 21 years, a correlation was found between the year‐specific sex ratio and the global magnetic field disturbance during the 2 weeks prior to the peak of captures in that year. This suggests that males and females respond differently to geomagnetic disturbance with changes in either the direction of migration or the level of migratory activity, and implies sex‐specificity in the use of their geomagnetic navigational ‘toolbox’.  相似文献   

Bensch S  Jönsson J  Copete JL 《Parasitology》2012,139(3):302-309
Parasite prevalence is an important variable in many evolutionary and ecological studies. In birds, haemosporidian blood parasites have been in focus of many comparative analyses. Because low prevalence is difficult to estimate precisely and that studies finding low prevalence are more likely to remain unpublished, our knowledge of parasite prevalence is biased towards highly infected taxa. Species with naturally low levels of infection are nonetheless interesting as they may provide models for studying the evolution of pathogen resistance. In the present study we show that the prevalence of Haemoproteus parasites is markedly lower in several taxa within the widely distributed chiffchaff species-complex compared to other species within the genus Phylloscopus. Since chiffchaffs, P. collybita, commonly coexists in the same habitat as congeners frequently infected with Haemoproteus parasites, immediate ecological variables like abundance of vectors can hardly explain this difference. Some of the parasites infecting coexisting congeners are broad host generalists leaving it enigmatic why chiffchaffs are almost free of Haemoproteus infections. We propose that detailed infection experiments are needed to illuminate whether chiffchaffs possess a genetic immunity against Haemoproteus parasites or if other more subtle ecological processes, like anti-vector behaviour, play a role in its generally low level of infestation.  相似文献   

Avoidance of competition and inbreeding have been invoked as the major ultimate causes of natal dispersal, but proximate factors such as sex, body condition or birth date can also be important. Natal dispersal is expected to be of particular importance to understanding the ecological and evolutionary implications of dispersal strategies, since 1) numerous evidences suggest that individual differences in dispersal strategies are expressed early in life (i.e. at the onset of dispersal movement), 2) ultimate and proximate factors are more likely to act during this stage and 3) this stage is associated with the highest mortality rates in most vertebrates. We analysed the natal dispersal (hereafter, dispersal) behaviour in 100 marked individuals of a lekking species, the North African houbara bustards Chlamydotis undulata undulata, during four years. We investigated the effects of proximate factors on dispersal pattern and distance, as well as the mortality cost associated with movement using multievent models, allowing uncertainty in sex assignment and mixture of live recaptures and dead recoveries. Overall, males exhibited longer dispersal distances than females, contrary to the common pattern in birds. Moreover, males in poorer body condition moved further than those in better condition, whereas distance was independent of body condition in females. Finally, survival rates during dispersal were lower for females than for males and were negatively correlated with the distances covered with a similar distance‐survival slope in the two sexes. Collectively, our results suggest that 1) there is substantial dispersal cost in both sexes, 2) dispersal is strongly male‐biased, 3) this bias is unlikely to be explained by differential movement costs of each sex, and 4) dispersal differences found across different categories of individuals are in broad agreement with both the inbreeding avoidance and intraspecific competition mechanisms for dispersal.  相似文献   

Sexual dichromatism in birds is often attributed to selection for elaboration in males. However, evolutionary changes in either sex can result in plumage differences between them, and such changes can result in either gains or losses of dimorphism. We reconstructed the evolution of plumage colors in both males and females of species in Maluridae, a family comprising the fairy‐wrens (Malurus, Clytomias, Sipodotus), emu‐wrens (Stipiturus), and grasswrens (Amytornis). Our results show that, across species, males and females differ in their patterns of color evolution. Male plumage has diverged at relatively steady rates, whereas female coloration has changed dramatically in some lineages and little in others. Accordingly, in comparisons against evolutionary models, plumage changes in males best fit a Brownian motion (BM) model, whereas plumage changes in females fit an Ornstein Uhlenbeck (OU) multioptimum model, with different adaptive peaks corresponding to distributions in either Australia or New Guinea. Levels of dichromatism were significantly associated with latitude, with greater dichromatism in more southerly taxa. Our results suggest that current patterns of plumage diversity in fairy‐wrens are a product of evolutionary changes in both sexes, driven in part by environmental differences across the distribution of the family.  相似文献   

In seasonally migratory animals, migration distance often varies substantially within populations such that individuals breeding at the same site may overwinter different distances from the breeding grounds. Shorter migration may allow earlier return to the breeding grounds, which may be particularly advantageous to males competing to acquire a breeding territory. However, little is known about potential mechanisms that may mediate migration distance. We investigated naturally-occurring variation in androgen levels at the time of arrival to the breeding site and its relationship to overwintering latitude in male and female song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). We used stable isotope analysis of hydrogen (δ2H) in winter-grown claw tissue to infer relative overwintering latitude (migration distance), combined with 14 years of capture records from a long-term study population to infer the arrival timing of males versus females. Relative to females, males had higher circulating androgen levels, migrated shorter distances, and were more likely to be caught early in the breeding season. Males that migrate short distances may benefit from early arrival at the breeding grounds, allowing them to establish a breeding territory. Even after controlling for sex and date, androgen levels were highest in individuals that migrated shorter distances. Our findings indicate that androgens and migration distance are correlated traits within and between sexes that may reflect individual variation within an integrated phenotype in which testosterone has correlated effects on behavioral traits such as migration.  相似文献   

Sex‐related variation in survival is common in birds and, as it influences effective population size and population growth, is important for conservation and species management. Here we assessed incubation behaviour and sex‐related survival in a threatened sexually monomorphic shorebird, the St Helena Plover Charadrius sanctaehelenae. Males incubated at night, the period of highest activity of cats, which are likely to be predators of breeding birds. In spite of behavioural differences between the sexes, adult survival was not significantly different between males and females, suggesting that sex‐biased behaviour need not lead to sex‐related survival, and thus behavioural differences may not impact upon the adult sex ratio.  相似文献   

We investigated sex‐ and year‐dependent variation in the temporal and spatial movement pattern of barn swallows Hirundo rustica during the non‐breeding period. Hundred and three individuals equipped with miniaturized light‐level geolocators at three different breeding areas in southern Switzerland and northern Italy provided data for the analysis. We identified a region 1000 km in radius centred in Cameroon as the main non‐breeding residence area of these three geographical populations. Five residence areas of males only were in southern Africa, south of 19°S. Most individuals occupied a single site during their stay south of the Sahara. The timing of migration broadly overlapped between sexes and all geographical breeding populations. Between the two study years there was a distinct difference of 5 to 10 d in departure dates from and arrival at the breeding sites. Remarkably, the period of residence in sub‐Saharan Africa was very similar (157 d) in the two study years, but their positions in the first year (2010–2011) were about 400 km more to the north than in the second (2011–2012). Independent of the year, individuals with sub‐Saharan residence areas further north and east had a shorter pre‐breeding migration and arrived earlier than those staying further south and west. In addition, birds breeding in southern Switzerland arrived at their breeding colony 7–10 d later than those breeding only 100 km south, in the Po river plain. Our study provides new information on the variance in migration phenology and the distribution of residence areas in sub‐Saharan Africa in relation to sex, population and year. It supports the usefulness of light‐level geolocators for the study of annual routines of large samples of small birds.  相似文献   

Aim This paper has three aims: (1) to reconstruct the colonization history of two peripheral populations of the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus) presumably originating from the same source, one the result of an ancient expansion process and the other recently established and still expanding; (2) to estimate the importance of key events, such as past and current gene flow and bottlenecks, in both expansion processes and their contribution to the present population structure and genetic diversity; and (3) to find out whether two peripheral populations that established at widely differing times also differ in terms of genetic diversity. Location Northwest Africa (assumed source population), Canary Islands (long‐established peripheral) and south‐eastern Iberian Peninsula (recently established peripheral). Methods Bayesian analysis of population structure, individual assignment tests, F‐statistics, maximum likelihood migration estimates, genetic diversity indices and bottleneck tests were calculated with microsatellite data from 194 trumpeter finches from five breeding and two seasonal non‐breeding sites. Results Our data support the existence of two subpopulations (Canary Island and Ibero‐African) as the most likely population structure. Seasonal sites in the Iberian Peninsula had the highest percentage of birds assigned to other, mainly Iberian, sites. Pairwise FST values showed that the Canary Island localities were very similar to each other, but differed from the rest. Gene flow estimates within subpopulations were only slightly higher in the Canary Island population than in the Ibero‐African one. Gene diversity indices were similar at all localities. Canary Island sites show evidence of bottlenecks, whereas the Ibero‐African sites do not. Main conclusions Our data show that, at present, birds from the Canary Islands are genetically differentiated from those in North Africa and continental Spain. We could not unequivocally confirm the African origin of Canary populations because the contrary is also plausible. The Iberian Peninsula seems to have repeatedly received individuals from North Africa, which would have led to the relatively high genetic diversity found in these recently established localities and prevented bottlenecks. Movements of individuals towards sites outside their current range during the non‐breeding season are likely to precede the establishment of new breeding sites at the periphery of the distribution range.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Gesang des sibirischen ZilpzalpsPhylloscopus collybita tristis unterscheidet sich markant von jenem der beiden mittel- und ost-europäischen SubspeziesPh. c. collybita undPh. c. abietinus. Unterschiede betreffen Qualität und Quantität des Element-Repertoires, Syntax, Rhythmus innerhalb der Strophen und Frequenzumfang der Strophe.Tristis verfügt über den reicheren und vielfältigeren Gesang. Das wird als apomorphes Merkmal betrachtet. Eine mitteleuropäischecollybita-Population reagiert auftristis-Gesang im Feld-Experiment fast nicht. Nur solche Kunst-Strophen aus natürlichen Elementen vontristis werden vergleichsweise gut beantwortet, die Elementen entsprechen, über die auch mitteleuropäischecollybita verfügen. Die sibirische Gesangsform ist auf über 4000 km W-O-Erstreckung offensichtlich nahezu konstant. Der westliche Arealteil vonc. tristis, oft alsc. fulvescens bezeichnet (Ural bis Jenissei-Tal, 2000 km W-O) kann nicht als Hybrid-Population angesehen werden (abietinus xtristis), da sich in diesem Gebiet keine Merkmale desabietinus-Gesanges nachweisen lassen.
Territorial song of the siberian chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita tristis) and playback experiments within a central european population (Ph. c. collybita)
Summary Territorial songs of Siberian ChiffchaffsPhylloscopus collybita tristis distinctly differ from songs of the Central and East European subspeziesPh. c. collybita andPh. c. abietinus (which do not differ from each other). Differences betweentristis andcollybita/abietinus concern quality and quantity of the notes within the song verses, syntax, rhythm within the song verses, and frequency range of the song verses.Tristis disposes of richer and more manifold song which is said to be an apomorphic character.Ph. c. collybita from Central Europe (Mainz area) using much more limited numbers of differing notes, displays nearly no territorial response totristis song in the field experiments. Only those artificial verses consisting of notes which are used also byc. collybita, were reacted on. The Siberian form of chiffchaff song is apparently more or less constant to about 4000 km in W-E extension. The Western part of thetristis range, often calledc. fulvescens (Ural to Yenisei river, 2000 km W-E), is not to be considered a hybrid population ofabietinus andtristis proper, for no characteristics ofabietinus song are taceable in thefulvescens area.

Sex‐biased dispersal is pervasive and has diverse evolutionary implications, but the fundamental drivers of dispersal sex biases remain unresolved. This is due in part to limited diversity within taxonomic groups in the direction of dispersal sex biases, which leaves hypothesis testing critically dependent upon identifying rare reversals of taxonomic norms. Here, we use a combination of observational and genetic data to demonstrate a rare reversal of the avian sex bias in dispersal in the cooperatively breeding white‐browed sparrow weaver (Plocepasser mahali). Direct observations revealed that (i) natal philopatry was rare, with both sexes typically dispersing locally to breed, and (ii), unusually for birds, males bred at significantly greater distances from their natal group than females. Population genetic analyses confirmed these patterns, as (i) corrected Assignment index (AIc), FST tests and isolation‐by‐distance metrics were all indicative of longer dispersal distances among males than females, and (ii) spatial autocorrelation analysis indicated stronger within‐group genetic structure among females than males. Examining the spatial scale of extra‐group mating highlighted that the resulting ‘sperm dispersal’ could have acted in concert with individual dispersal to generate these genetic patterns, but gamete dispersal alone cannot account entirely for the sex differences in genetic structure observed. That leading hypotheses for the evolution of dispersal sex biases cannot readily account for these sex‐reversed patterns of dispersal in white‐browed sparrow weavers highlights the continued need for attention to alternative explanations for this enigmatic phenomenon. We highlight the potential importance of sex differences in the distances over which dispersal opportunities can be detected.  相似文献   

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