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The factors leading to pronounced emotional stress accompanied by changes in electrical activity of hippocampus were studied in four dogs during elaboration of conditioned switching-over of heterogeneous instrumental reflexes. Objectively recorded signs of emotional stress were observed in two cases: when the animal was not accurate enough in discerning defensive and alimentary situations and throughout the improvement of instrumental defensive reflex. Pronouncement of hippocampal theta-rhythm increased at those stages of switching-over elaboration where the probability of successful avoiding pain stimulation was relatively low. The data obtained permit the conclussion that theta-rhythm is the correlate of the degree of the emotional stress and not only a manifestation of general arousal reaction depending on the level of sensory input.  相似文献   

In experiments on three dogs there was shown that testing electrostimulation of the lateral hypothalamus reproduced the motor reaction which is a signal stimulus at elaboration of classic alimentary conditioned reflexes (CRs) and did not reproduce it at elaboration of classic defensive CR. Testing electrostimulation of medial parts of the hypothalamus reproduced, as LH electrostimulation the "signal" motor reaction, but in less percentage of cases, during elaboration of classic alimentary CRs and did not reproduce it at elaboration of classic defensive CRs. The reproduction of the signal motor reaction at LH electrostimulation is connected with activation of backward conditioned connection from motivation structures of the hypothalamus to representation of the signal stimulus in the motor cortex.  相似文献   

Tonic component of the conditioned reflex process and its functional role   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tonic background activity of 266 neurones in the hippocampus and different neocortical areas was studied in freely moving rabbits in the process of defensive and food instrumental conditioned performance and during switching-over of instrumental and classical food and defensive reflexes. Associations of CS and reinforcement evoke background activity changes in most of recorded cortical neurones preceding the development of other conditioned manifestations. Conditioned reflex was performed only after reaching the background firing rate of almost every examined neurone optimal for its realization. The performance of different conditioned reflexes was associated with different background activity levels of cortical neurones. The above mentioned data form the experimental basis for the identification of the tonic component in conditioned process which reflects tonic character of temporary connection formation and function.  相似文献   

Formation of conditioned switching-over of heterogeneous instrumental reflexes in dogs was more successful than in rats, which testifies about significant differences of the functional organization of analytical-synthetic brain activity in rodents and predatory animals. Experiments with lesion of the hippocampus (in rats) and the records of its electrical activity (in dogs) allowed to conclude that the hippocampus of the both types of animals belongs to the system of structures, participating in the formation of conditioned switching-over. The data, obtained in the process of elaboration of the switching-over and probabilistic reinforcement of the alimentary conditioned stimulus, testify that providing for the reactions to signals with low probability of reinforcement in different species of animals is one of the functions of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The activity of single units in the focus of conditioned excitation was studied during defensive conditioning to direct electrical stimulation of the cat sensorimotor cortex. Reorganizations of spike activity set in during the period of reflex elaboration, were manifest in the increased number of excited neurones and those which respond both to the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. In the course of elaboration, the inhibitory phase of unit responses to direct electrical stimulation of the sensorimotor cortex was reduced, while the frequency of background unit spike activity was enhanced. Acute extinction of the reflex restored the initial duration of the inhibitory phase and reduced the frequency of the background activity.  相似文献   

Experiments reported in this study have been performed in order to investigate cholinergic and GABA-ergic neurotransmitter systems and substance P in the realization of internal inhibition and pain reinforcement. This was accomplished during the elaboration of inhibitory and defensive conditioned reflexes to light flashes in alert, nonimmobilized rabbits. Present results together with a review of past research indicate that the cholinergic system is directly involved in transmitting the effects of pain reinforcement to neocortical neurons. Substance P, a neuropeptide, reduces the background activity of neocortical and hippocampal neurons and the response of cortical neurons to pain and positive conditioned stimuli. The cholinergic system and substance P exert a modulating effect on the elaboration of internal inhibition. Phenybut, a GABA derivative capable of penetrating the blood-brain barrier, enhances inhibitory hyperpolarization in the cerebral cortex and improves discrimination between the inhibitory and reinforcing light flashes. It appears, therefore, that the GABA-ergic system plays a leading part in the elaboration of internal inhibition. Neuronal activity and slow potential changes in response to positive conditioned and pain stimuli occur in the same direction after administering the preparations, and the dynamics of these changes is different from that in responses to inhibitory stimuli. It may be supposed on these grounds that the neurotransmitter and neuromodulator systems studied possess a considerable degree of plasticity.  相似文献   

In experiments on cats with chronically implanted electrodes a conditioned stimulus (200 c/s tone) was paired with electrical stimulation of limbic structures, which produces pronounced emotional behaviour: defensive, aggressive, alimentary or drinking reactions. It has been shown that conditioned reactions are not elaborated on the basis of electrical stimulation, which activates alimentary, drinking or aggressive behaviour. Neither is a conditioned reflex formed to the combination of sound and stimulation of the brain structures, which inhibits alimentary behaviour. A distinct conditioned fear reaction sets in as a result of combination of sound and electrical stimulation of brain structures, which evoke defensive behaviour. The data obtained are analyzed in the light of the significance of natural requirements of the organism for the elaboration of conditioned reflexes.  相似文献   

The protein content in neurons of areas CA-1 and CA-3 of the dorsal hippocampus has been determined by means of cytointerferometry in rats during elaboration of unlocal alimentary instrumental reflex (ULAIR) and local alimentary instrumental reflex (LAIR) on the background of increased and normal serotonine content in the brain. It has been found that during the ULAIR elaboration the hippocampal neurons react by an increase of dry mass, during the LAIR elaboration-by its decrease. Under condition of serotonine excess in the brain the changes of dry mass in hippocampal neurons during elaboration of the two reflexes are opposite to these observed during the ULAIR and LAIR elaboration with normal serotonine content.  相似文献   

In white rats resuscitated after 10-minutes stop of the blood circulation, conditioned switching over was elaborated on the basis of alimentary and defensive instrumental reflexes and the effect was studied of neurotizing influences. Single application of electrocutaneous pain stimulus in alimentary situation ("collision") led to more expressed disturbances of conditioned activity in resuscitated rats than in intact ones. Differentiation of a signal different from the positive conditioned stimulus only by the height of the tone, was practically not elaborated in resuscitated rats, and the disturbance of the conditioned alimentary reflex to the reinforced signal appearing during differentiation elaboration, was manifest in them to a greater degree. The obtained data testify that even a short-time brain ischemia, accompanied by a fast and full restoration of the neurological status, leads to functional defects of the CNS appearing at subsequent neurotic influences.  相似文献   

Conditioned switching-over was studied in unrestrained animals by means of instrumental alimentary conditioned reflexes of pressing the pedal. A complex of auditory and spatial factors (start-ground) served as conditioned alimentary signal. Backward connections were stable and were manifested in the teturning of the animal to the start-ground after feeding. It has been confirmed that the observed working readiness is a conditioned reflex of a tonic type.  相似文献   

Neuronal responses of the parietal associate cortex (field 5) was recorded in waking cat during electrical stimulation of the pyramidal tract axons and afferent stimulation. The electrical stimulation of the pyramid evoked marked responses in 39% of neurons. 87% of these neurons increased spike activity during sematic nociceptive stimulation, 61% of test neurons were activated by light or tonal stimulation. Neuronal activity was recorded during defensive conditioning to the pyramidal tract axons stimulation. It has been shown that conditioned stimulation of the pyramidal tract evoked plastic changes of responses in 66% of neurons of the parietal cortex. These data are discussed relative to the possible functional role of the efferent-afferent interaction to field 5.  相似文献   

In two dogs with electrodes chronically implanted in the hippocampus, hippocampal electrical activity and the heart rate were recorded in the process of elaboration of a conditioned switch-over of operant alimentary and defensive responses. Averaged computerized spectral characteristics of hippocampal theta-rhythm were essentially different between the alimentary and defensive situations in intersignal period as well as during the action of triggering conditioned stimulus. Individual differences in the dominant frequency of bioelectrical activity were observed. The animal with a higher theta-rhythm frequency elaborated conditioned switch-over of heterogeneous operant responses sooner and more successfully.  相似文献   

In experiments on two dogs it has been found that testing electric stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus reproduces instrumental movement in case of elaborated alimentary instrumental conditioned reflexes (CR) to a tone and does not reproduce it at elaborated acid-defensive instrumental CR. Under testing electric stimulation of the medial hypothalamus the instrumental movement practically is not reproduced neither in alimentary nor in defensive situation. Appearance of instrumental movement at LH electro-stimulation in alimentary situation is connected with activation of backward conditioned connection from motivation "alimentary" LH centre to representation of this movement in the motor cortex.  相似文献   

In dogs with electrodes chronically implanted in the hippocampus, the conditioned activity, heart rate frequency and spectral characteristics of the hippocampal theta-rhythm were studied in conditions of irregular presentation after a preparatory stimulus now of alimentary and now of defensive triggering conditioned stimuli. It is shown that uncertainty of alimentary or defensive reinforcement is a stronger emotiogenic factor than the action of the triggering defensive conditioned stimulus. Changes in electrical hippocampal activity and autonomous activity depend, along with other factors, on forecasted volume of the forthcoming motor activity. The speed of instrumental conditioned reflexes formation correlates with the hippocampal theta-rhythm frequency, typical for the given animal.  相似文献   

Properties were studied of elaboration of conditioned alimentary secretory reflexes to threshold electric stimulation of the caudate nucleus in dogs. The rate of formation of such a reflex and its magnitude were considerably lower than in reflexes elaborated to distant stimuli. Latencies were longer; dynamics of conditioned and unconditioned secretory reactions was similar to that of reflexes to a weak stimulus--light. The motor component of the conditioned alimentary reaction, as a rule, was absent. Characteristics were revealed of formation of alimentary reflexes to stimulation of the dorsal and ventral parts of the head and body of the caudate nucleus.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments on nine cats a study was made of different forms of their behavior in conditions of cold elimination of the cerebral cortex with the exception of the temporal areas. The first sessions of cooling produced a diminution of alimentary excitability, enhanced motor activity, loss of the reaction of mouse chasing and of a defensive reaction against the dog, and a disappearance of previously elaborated conditioned runnings to the feeding trough, etc. In the course of subsequent experiments with the neocortex cooling, the disturbed forms of behavior were restored. In the second and third sessions alimentary excitation was considerably restored; by the sixth and seventh sessions motor activity became normal, while the 20th to 25th sessions exhibited a protective reaction against the dog. Conditioned runnings restored in the seventinth session were manifest in the 20th to 25th sessions in 80% of cases. It is assumed that the temporal areas of the neocortex while playing a considerable part in integrating the activity of the whole brain, including the formation and manifestation of conditioned reflexes, under normal conditions, to a large extent lose their integrative role when the rest of the neocortex is elimated.  相似文献   

It has been shown that bilateral lesion of the substantia innominata has caused temporary depression of unconditioned and conditioned alimentary reflexes, disturbances of the elaboration and performance of conditioned reflexes. It is suggested that the latter produced by the operative memory disturbances.  相似文献   

In cats with elaborated alimentary instrumental reflexes to light net characteristics of neurones of visual, motor cortex and the hypothalamus lateral nucleus were studied on the basis of revealed interneuronal interactions by means of cross-correlation method of analysis. Different organization of net properties of the cortical neurones in organization of local and distributed neuronal networks was shown, namely: predominance of the divergent characteristics over the convergent ones for cells in local networks and levelling of these relations in distributed nets. Neurones of the lateral hypothalamus nucleus had equal presentation of divergent and convergent properties in organization of local and distributed networks. Net characteristics of neurones of the cortical and subcortical structures were manifested in the background after the elaboration and the extinction of conditioned reflexes. Only small cells of the visual cortex were functionally dependent and changed correlation of net characteristics in local networks at CR extinction.  相似文献   

Changes of slow spindle electrical activity (12 to 14 cps) and evoked potentials in the cat caudate nuclei and the motor cortex were studied at different stages of elaboration of differentiation inhibition of a conditioned food-procuring reflex to acoustic stimuli. It has been shown that participation of the caudate nuclei in the inhibitory process begins at the stage of enhancement of food-procuring activity (second stage) and is apparently due to the animal's strong alimentary motivational excitation. At the third stage the inhibitory influence of caudate nuclei on the animal's motor activity in general, and the activity of the motor cortex in particular, develops to the full.  相似文献   

On 24 males and 26 females of white rats of a mixed line, a study was carried out of the speed of formation and consolidation of instrumental drinking and defensive conditioned reflexes, elaboration of differentiation, changes in conditioned activity by the use of stochastic stereotype and by changing the meanings of the conditioned signals to opposite. Conditioned reflexes were elaborated more rapidly in female rats at drinking reinforcement and in male rats--at the defensive one. Differentiations were elaborated more rapidly and were better expressed in females than in males at both types of reinforcement.  相似文献   

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