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Geographical variation in two related seabird species, the razorbill (Alca torda) and common guillemot (Uria aalge), was investigated using sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control regions. We determined the nucleotide sequence of the variable 5' segment of the control region in razorbills and common guillemots from breeding colonies across the Atlantic Ocean. The ecology and life history characteristics of razorbill and common guillemot are in many respects similar. They are both considered highly philopatric and have largely overlapping distributions in temperate and subarctic regions of the North Atlantic, yet the species were found to differ widely in the extent and spatial distribution of mtDNA variation. Moreover, the differences in genetic differentiation and diversity were in the opposite direction to that expected from a consideration of traditional classifications and current population sizes. Indices of genetic diversity were highest in razorbill and varied among colonies, as did genotype frequencies, suggestive of restrictions to gene flow. The distribution of genetic variation suggests that razorbills originated from a refugial population in the south-western Atlantic Ocean through sequential founder events and subsequent expansion in the east and north. In common guillemots, genetic diversity was low and there was a lack of geographical structure, consistent with a recent population bottleneck, expansion and gene flow. We suggest that the reduced level of genetic diversity and differentiation in the common guillemot is caused by an inherent propensity for repeated population bottlenecks and concomitantly unstable population structure related to their specialized feeding ecology.  相似文献   

The genetic variability and population structure of worldwide populations of the sperm whale was investigated by sequence analysis of the first 5''L 330 base pairs in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. The study included a total of 231 individuals from three major oceanic regions, the North Atlantic, the North Pacific and the Southern Hemisphere. Fifteen segregating nucleotide sites defined 16 mtDNA haplotypes (lineages). The most common mtDNA types were present in more than one oceanic region, whereas ocean-specific types were rare. Analyses of heterogeneity of mtDNA type frequencies between oceans indicated moderate (GST = 0.03) but statistically significant (p = 0.0007) genetic differentiation on a global scale. In addition, strong genetic differentiation was found between potential social groups (GST = 0.03-0.6), indicating matrilineal relatedness within groups. The global nucleotide diversity was quite low (pi = 0.004) implying a recent common mtDNA ancestry (< 100,000) years ago) and a young global population structure. However, within this time period, female dispersal has apparently been limited enough to allow the development of global mtDNA differentiation. The results are consistent with those from observational studies and whaling data indicating stable social affiliations, some degree of area fidelity and latitudinal range limitations in groups of females and juveniles.  相似文献   

Living mysticetes (baleen whales) and odontocetes (toothed whales) differ significantly in auditory function in that toothed whales are sensitive to high‐frequency and ultrasonic sound vibrations and mysticetes to low‐frequency and infrasonic noises. Our knowledge of the evolution and phylogeny of cetaceans, and mysticetes in particular, is at a point at which we can explore morphological and physiological changes within the baleen whale inner ear. Traditional comparative anatomy and landmark‐based 3D‐geometric morphometric analyses were performed to investigate the anatomical diversity of the inner ears of extinct and extant mysticetes in comparison with other cetaceans. Principal component analyses (PCAs) show that the cochlear morphospace of odontocetes is tangential to that of mysticetes, but odontocetes are completely separated from mysticetes when semicircular canal landmarks are combined with the cochlear data. The cochlea of the archaeocete Zygorhiza kochii and early diverging extinct mysticetes plot within the morphospace of crown mysticetes, suggesting that mysticetes possess ancestral cochlear morphology and physiology. The PCA results indicate variation among mysticete species, although no major patterns are recovered to suggest separate hearing or locomotor regimes. Phylogenetic signal was detected for several clades, including crown Cetacea and crown Mysticeti, with the most clades expressing phylogenetic signal in the semicircular canal dataset. Brownian motion could not be excluded as an explanation for the signal, except for analyses combining cochlea and semicircular canal datasets for Balaenopteridae. J. Morphol. 277:1599–1615, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was sequenced in 37 sperm whales from a large part of the global range of the species. Nucleotide diversity was several-fold lower than that reported for control regions of abundant and outbred mammals, but similar to that for populations known to have experienced bottlenecks. Relative neck tests did not suggest that the low diversity is due to a lower substitution rate in sperm whale mtDNA. Rather, it is more likely that demographic factors have reduced diversity. The pattern of nucleotide substitutions was examined by cladistic methods, facilitated by the apparent monophyly of lineages from the Southern Hemisphere, as defined by a single base pair deletion. Substitutions were nonrandom in nature, confined to a few "hot spots," and parallel substitutions constituted a majority of the inferred changes. The substitution pattern fitted a negative binomial distribution better than a Poisson distribution, and the bias in number of substitutions among sites was considerably higher than previously reported for the mtDNA control region of any species. A novel method of estimating time since common ancestry was developed, which utilizes the transition/transversion ratio R and the number of substitutions inferred from a parsimony analysis. Using this method, we estimated the age of sperm whale mtDNA diversity to be about 6,000-25,000 years, and when the uncertainty of R was accounted for, a range of about 1,000- 100,000 years was obtained.   相似文献   

In the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) two different repeat types (A and B) of the common cetacean DNA satellite were identified. The evolution of each group of repeats appears to be independent from that of the other. The sequence similarity between the two groups is less than the similarity between group A and repeats of the satellite in related whale species. The systematic relationship within and between the families Physeteridae (sperm whales) and Ziphiidae (beaked whales) was addressed by both sequence analysis of the satellite and comparisons with the families Delphinidae and Phocoenidae. The mysticete blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) was used as an outgroup in the comparisons. The molecular phylogeny, when maximum-parsimony analysis and the neighbor-joining method were used, grouped together species of each family. At the family level the ziphiids grouped closet to the families Phocoenidae and Delphinidae. The similarities between the common cetacean satellite of the blue whale and the sperm whale were greater than those between the blue whale and the other odontocetes included, suggesting that the evolution of the satellite is slower in the sperm whale than in the other odontocetes.   相似文献   

Fixed nucleotide differences were found in the partial 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene sequences between two regional populations of Maurolicus (identified as M. muelleri and M. walvisensis ), indicating clear genealogical separation of the two taxa. Accordingly, the two taxa can be considered as recently diverged species, supporting the recent proposition of a polytypic genus Maurolicus .  相似文献   

The Lithuanians and Latvians are the only two Baltic cultures that survived until today. Since the Neolithic period the native inhabitants of the present-day Lithuanian territory have not been replaced by any other ethnic group. Therefore the genetic characterization of the present-day Lithuanians may shed some light on the early history of the Balts. We have analysed 120 DNA samples from two Lithuanian ethnolinguistic groups (Aukstaiciai and Zemaiciai) by direct sequencing of the first hypervariable segment (HVI) of the control region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and restriction enzyme digestion for polymorphic site 00073. On the basis of specific nucleotide substitutions the obtained sequences were classified to mtDNA haplogroups. This revealed the presence of almost all European haplogroups (except X) in the Lithuanian sample, including those that expanded through Europe in the Palaeolithic and those whose expansion occurred during the Neolithic. Molecular diversity indices (gene diversity 0.97, nucleotide diversity 0.012 and mean number of pairwise differences 4.5) were within the range usually reported in European populations. No significant differences between Aukstaiciai and Zemaiciai subgroups were found, but some slight differences need further investigation.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was analyzed from five species of the subfamily Caprinae; Naemorhedus caudatus, N. goral, Capra hircus, Capricornis swinhoei, and Capricornis crispus. Among these species, the control region ranged from 1,096 to 1,212 bp in length. Our results were compatible with the scheme of three domains (ETAS, Central, and CSB) within the control region. A + T < G + C was observed in all the domains. In the Korean gorals, of the 31 variable sites in the whole control region resulting in 15 haplotypes, 27 variable sites were in the ETAS domain. We found two to three tandem repeat in all five species examined in this study, three in N. caudatus and N. goral, two in Capra hircus and C. crispus, and one in C. swinhoei, respectively. All of these repeat units include two short sections of mirror symmetry (TACAT and ATGTA). Short mirror symmetries were well-resolved among five different species, although left domain has high substitution rates. By Kimura’s two parameter method, the genetic distances between the genera Naemorhedus and Capricornis were calculated and divergence time between Naemorhedus and Capricornis may be nearly 2Myr.  相似文献   

A heavy (GC rich) DNA satellite with terminal chromosomal localization is characteristic for all mysticete (whalebone whale) genomes. Sequences of 58 repeats of the satellite were compared in all ten extant mysticete species. In three families comprising eight species, the typical repeat length was 422(421) bp. In two species, the northern right whale and the bowhead, of family Balaenidae (right whales) the repeats were much longer, typically ca. 900 and ca. 1200 bp. In all species the repeats were composed of a unique portion of constant length (212/211 bp), and a subrepeat portion, the length of which was variable. The evolutionary rigidity of the unique portion of the repeat is contrasted by the pronounced length variability of the subrepeat portion. The subrepeat portion consists essentially of 6 bp motifs, such that length differences are usually in multiples of 6 bp. The motif TTAGGG constituted 35%–50% of the subrepeats. Comparison between the unique portion of the 58 sequenced repeats revealed that the repeats divided into two primary groups, one comprising the two balaenids, the other including the eight remaining species. The mean difference between the two groups averaged 8.4%. In this sequence comparison the repeats of the pygmy right whale constituted a group that was separated from repeats of the other species. In all other cases repeats were intermingled to some extent between species. Comparison of individual repeats suggests that the unique portion evolves in concert, at a slow rate. A neighborjoining comparison between the consensuses of all species suggests that the unique portion of the repeats evolves at a somewhat different rate in different lineages.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was amplified and directly sequenced in two species of shrew, Crocidura russula and Sorex araneus (Insectivora, Mammalia). The general organization is similar to that found in other mammals: a central conserved region surrounded by two more variable domains. However, we have found in shrews the simultaneous presence of arrays of tandem repeats in potential locations where repeats tend to occur separately in other mammalian species. These locations correspond to regions which are associated with a possible interruption of the replication processes, either at the end of the three-stranded D-loop structure or toward the end of the heavy-strand replication. In the left domain the repeated sequences (R1 repeats) are 78 bp long, whereas in the right domain the repeats are 12 bp long in C. russula and 14 bp long in S. araneus (R2 repeats). Variation in the copy number of these repeated sequences results in mtDNA control region length differences. Southern blot analysis indicates that level of heteroplasmy (more than one mtDNA form within an individual) differs between species. A comparative study of the R2 repeats in 12 additional species representing three shrew subfamilies provides useful indications for the understanding of the origin and the evolution of these homologous tandemly repeated sequences. An asymmetry in the distribution of variants within the arrays, as well as the constant occurrence of shorter repeated sequences flanking only one side of the R2 arrays, could be related to asymmetry in the replication of each strand of the mtDNA molecule. The pattern of sequence and length variation within and between species, together with the capability of the arrays to form stable secondary structures, suggests that the dominant mechanism involved in the evolution of these arrays in unidirectional replication slippage.   相似文献   

Shortnose sturgeon is an anadromous North American acipenserid that since 1973 has been designated as federally endangered in US waters. Historically, shortnose sturgeon occurred in as many as 19 rivers from the St. John River, NB, to the St. Johns River, FL, and these populations ranged in census size from 10(1) to 10(4), but little is known of their population structure or levels of gene flow. We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequence analysis of a 440 bp portion of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region to address these issues and to compare haplotype diversity with population size. Twenty-nine mtDNA nucleotide-substitution haplotypes were revealed among 275 specimens from 11 rivers and estuaries. Additionally, mtDNA length variation (6 haplotypes) and heteroplasmy (2-5 haplotypes for some individuals) were found. Significant genetic differentiation (P < 0.05) of mtDNA nucleotide-substitution haplotypes and length-variant haplotypes was observed among populations from all rivers and estuaries surveyed with the exception of the Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay collections. Significant haplotype differentiation was even observed between samples from two rivers (Kennebec and Androscoggin) within the Kennebec River drainage. The absence of haplotype frequency differences between samples from the Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay reflects a probable current absence of spawning within the Chesapeake Bay system and immigration of fish from the adjoining Delaware River. Haplotypic diversity indices ranged between 0.817 and 0.641; no relationship (P > 0.05) was found between haplotype diversity and census size. Gene flow estimates among populations were often low (< 2.0), but were generally higher at the latitudinal extremes of their distribution. A moderate level of haplotype diversity and a high percentage (37.9%) of haplotypes unique to the northern, once-glaciated region suggests that northern populations survived the Pleistocene in a northern refugium. Analysis of molecular variance best supported a five-region hierarchical grouping of populations, but our results indicate that in almost all cases populations of shortnose sturgeon should be managed as separate units.  相似文献   

Evolutionary processes in East Asian ninespine sticklebacks (Pungitius spp.), including both extremes of armor morphology in the genus, were demonstrated with mitochondrial DNA control region (CR) phylogeny. Entire CR sequences (830-930 bp long) were determined for three species: the most heavily armored (P. sinensis), the most reduced (P. tymensis), and an intermediate (P. pungitius). The former two species are endemic to East Asia, the latter being circumpolar. Three major lineages (A, B, and C) were revealed, whereas both the phylogenetic trees and the insertion sequence dynamics supported the polyphyly of P. sinensis. Haplotypes of the mainland populations of P. sinensis possessed lineage B, being the sister group of P. tymensis lineage A. Island populations of P. sinensis, however, possessed lineage C, along with all P. pungitius haplotypes. A molecular clock hypothesis was clearly rejected for the CR sequences, significantly slower evolutionary rates being observed in the P. tymensis lineage. The split of mainland P. sinensis and P. tymensis was considered to have preceded that of the lineage C colonization in East Asia. The contrasting morphology is probably attributable to adaptation of P. tymensis to island freshwater environments and an ecological interaction between P. tymensis and lineage C emigrants.  相似文献   

DNA sequences from the mitochondrial DNA control region are used to test the phylogeographic relationships among the pike-perches, Stizostedion (Teleostei: Percidae) and to examine patterns of variation. Sequences reveal two types of variability: single nucleotide polymorphisms and 6 to 14 copies of 10- to 11-base-pair tandemly repeated sequences. Numbers of copies of the tandem repeats are found to evolve too rapidly to detect phylogenetic signal at any taxonomic level, even among populations. Sequence similarities of the tandem repeats among Stizostedion and other percids suggest concerted evolutionary processes. Predicted folding of the tandem repeats and their proximity to termination-associated sequences indicate that secondary structure mediates slipped-strand mispairing among the d-loop, heavy, and light strands. Neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony analyses of sequences indicate that the genus is divided into clades on the continents of North America and Eurasia. Calibrating genetic distances with divergence times supports the hypothesis that Stizostedion dispersed from Eurasia to North America across a North Pacific Beringial land bridge approximately 4 million years before present, near the beginning of the Pliocene Epoch. The North American S. vitreum and S. canadense appear separated by about 2.75 million years, and the Eurasian S. lucioperca and S. volgensis are diverged by about 1.8 million years, suggesting that speciation occurred during the late Pliocene Epoch.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (CR) of numerous species is known to include up to five different repetitive sequences (RS1-RS5) that are found at various locations, involving motifs of different length and extensive length heteroplasmy. Two repetitive sequences (RS2 and RS3) on opposite sides of mtDNA central conserved region have been described in domestic cat (Felis catus) and some other felid species. However, the presence of repetitive sequence RS3 has not been detected in Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) yet. We analyzed mtDNA CR of 35 Eurasian lynx (L. lynx L.) samples to characterize repetitive sequences and to compare them with those found in other felid species. We confirmed the presence of 80 base pairs (bp) repetitive sequence (RS2) at the 5' end of the Eurasian lynx mtDNA CR L strand and for the first time we described RS3 repetitive sequence at its 3' end, consisting of an array of tandem repeats five to ten bp long. We found that felid species share similar RS3 repetitive pattern and fundamental repeat motif TACAC.  相似文献   

Two small endangered populations of Indian wolves were recently shown to be distant from other wolf and dog mtDNA lineages characterized so far. None of the inner branches in the tree of canid species based on partial hypervariable D-loop sequences were, however, statistically supported by the data raising the question whether the two Indian wolf lineages represent two new species, occupying an intermediate position between Canis latrans and C. lupus or have diverged from the sub-species of C. lupus due to isolation and drift. Here we report complete D-loop, cytochrome b, and 16S rRNA sequences data for 23 additional wolves from India analysed in the context of other canid species. Extended analyses of D-loop data and partial sequences of 16S rRNA showed highly reticulated pattern and were unable to resolve unambiguously the phylogenetic relationship of Indian wolves among other canid species. The phylogenetic reconstructions of cytochrome b sequences, however gave significant statistical support for the inner branches supporting genetic distinction of the two Indian wolf lineages within themselves as well as from all other wolves of the world, including individuals belonging to subspecies C. lupus chanco and C. lupus pallipes to which the two Indian wolf populations have been traditionally assigned. Their genetic differentiation relative to worldwide variation of wolves supports the suggestion to treat them as separate wolf species, C. himalayensis and C. indica .  相似文献   

The molecular evidence of phylogenetic status regarding the Formosan serow (Capricornis swinhoei) is not robust and little is known about the genetic diversity of the Sumatran serow (Capricornis sumatraensis), which partly is due to the hardness in sample collection. Here we determined the sequences of the complete mitochondrial DNA control region (1,014 bp) of 19 Sumatran-serow individuals. Nine new haplotypes were defined based on 78 variable sites. Combined analysis with other 32 haplotypes downloaded from the public database, including 1 Sumatran-serow, 11 Formosan-serow and 20 Japanese-serow (Capricornis crispus) haplotypes, a relatively high level of nucleotide diversity was first observed in Sumatran serow (π = 0.0249). By comparative analysis with structural consensus sequences from other mammals, we have identified central, left and right domains and depicted the putative functional structure, including extend termination associated sequences and conserve sequence blocks, in mtDNA control region. The alignment of mtDNA control region revealed that both Sumatran and Japanese serow have two tandem repeats (TRs), but three TRs in Formosan serow. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the Formosan serow is distinct species with the Japanese serow, but a sister group with the Sumatran serow. The divergence time estimated among three serow species revealed that Pleistocene climate changes and the uplift of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau might play an important role in the genetic differentiation of the serows. These results mainly provide the convinced evidence on the genetic relationship between three serow species.  相似文献   

Heteroplasmic tandem repeats in the mitochondrial control region have been documented in a wide variety of vertebrate species. We have examined the control region from 11 species in the family Crocodylidae and identified two different types of heteroplasmic repetitive sequences in the conserved sequence block (CSB) domain-an extensive poly-A tract that appears to be involved in the formation of secondary structure and a series of tandem repeats located downstream ranging from approximately 50 to approximately 80 bp in length. We describe this portion of the crocodylian control region in detail and focus on members of the family Crocodylidae. We then address the origins of the tandemly repeated sequences in this family and suggest hypotheses to explain possible mechanisms of expansion/contraction of the sequences. We have also examined control region sequences from Alligator and Caiman and offer hypotheses for the origin of tandem repeats found in those taxa. Finally, we present a brief analysis of intraindividual and interindividual haplotype variation by examining representatives of Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii).  相似文献   

We have amplified, by the polymerase chain reaction, and have sequenced the D-loop region of the mitochondrial DNA from the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). The sperm whale D-loop was aligned with D- loop sequences from four other cetaceans (Commerson's dolphin, orca, fin whale, and minke whale) and an out-group (cow). This alignment showed the sperm whale sequence to be larger than that of other cetaceans. In addition, some sequence blocks were highly conserved among all six species, suggesting roles in the functioning of mitochondrial DNA. Other blocks that were previously reported to be well conserved among cetaceans showed little sequence conservation with the sperm whale D-loop, which argues against the functional importance of these sequence blocks in cetaceans.   相似文献   

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