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植物交替氧化酶(Alternative Oxidase,AOX)位于高等植物线粒体内膜,从细胞色素途径的辅酶Q分岔,催化4个电子还原氧分子形成水的另一终端氧化酶。分离纯化有活性的AOX比较困难。本文研究AOX原核表达,选择pFLAG-1分泌表达载体,用异丙基硫代-β-D-半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导AOX优化表达,pFLAG-1-AOX大肠杆菌优化表达条件为:宿主DH5α、温度37℃、细胞密度OD600=0.6、IPTG浓度0.2mmol/L,诱导后60min收获细胞;获得少量可溶的细胞外周质AOX和大量不溶的AOX,为深入研究AOX打下基础,同时为研究膜蛋白原核表达提供依据。  相似文献   

按照交替氧化酶(alternative oxidase,AOX)位于线粒体内膜外侧亲水区S螺旋的氨基酸序列,用固相法合成由12个氨基酸残基组成的多肽,将此多肽与α-牛胰凝乳蛋白酶原A相连,用作半抗原,免疫家兔制备人工合成12肽的抗体.将此抗体与来自绿豆幼苗不同器官线粒体的总蛋白分别进行Western杂交,可观察到绿豆幼苗线粒体中具有两条清晰的AOX杂交带,它们的分子量分别为35和38 ku.同时,取绿豆幼苗的子叶、真叶和下胚轴,分别测定和计算它们的呼吸参数,可以得知真叶器官组织具有最大的总呼吸(Vt)、交替途径容量(Valt)及交替途径实际运行量(ρValt);其次是子叶的VtρValt;下胚轴的VtρValt最低,但是Valt却高于子叶.绿豆幼苗不同器官的有关呼吸参数测定结果与AOX表达的Western分析基本一致:真叶的Vt特别是ρValt最高,也具有35和38 ku的AOX的杂交多肽; 其次是子叶的VtρValt,且在子叶中,只见一条分子量为38 ku的AOX多肽;下胚轴的ValtρValt都最低,Western杂交显示只有一条分子量为38ku的多肽,而且表达量较少.35 ku的AOX可能对真叶的ρValt作出了主要贡献.  相似文献   

水稻白色转绿突变系W25转绿过程中,第5d后叶片内总糖、淀粉、蔗糖、还原糖及总氮的含量都逐渐增加,完全转绿后一星期达到亲本2177S水平。W25除还原糖含量一直较2177S高,蔗糖在完全转缓时已达2177S水平外,其叶片内总糖、淀粉和总氮的含量须再经一段时间才达到亲本的水平;总糖和淀粉含量在转绿开始时明显较亲本低,淀粉累积极微。总氮含量增加的幅度较条本明显,而蔗糖含量的变化与亲本相仿。2177S的C/N值一直大于W25。  相似文献   

利用RNAi技术抑制拟南芥NHX1基因家族的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用RNAi抑制NHX1基因家族的表达,并观察其对拟南芥耐盐性和耐旱性的影响.根据从拟南芥(Ara-bidopsis thaliana)cDNA中扩增出编码Na /H 反向转运蛋白基因AtNHX1长度为210 bp高度保守序列作为RNAi的靶标区,并正反2个方向插入载体pHANNIBAL中,2个片段用intron连接;将RNAi表达框连入具有NPTⅡ筛选标记基因的表达载体pART27中,构建以拟南芥NHX1基因家族为靶标的RNAi载体.采用农杆菌介导的真空渗透法转化拟南芥,得到T0代转基因拟南芥种子.对转基因阳性植株进行RT-PCR检测以及耐盐性和耐旱性分析.结果表明,利用本实验构建的NHX1基因家族RNAi载体,拟南芥NHX1基因家族表达被成功地抑制;耐盐和耐旱分析表明RNAi技术对基因表达沉默是有效的.  相似文献   

叶色突变体是研究植物光合作用机理的理想材料。该研究以小麦旗叶黄化转绿突变体LF2090及其野生型H_261为材料,对其主要农艺性状、光合色素含量、光合参数和叶绿体超微结构进行比较分析。结果显示:突变体在旗叶黄化期叶绿素b含量显著降低,叶绿体结构基本正常,光合速率无显著变化;在旗叶转绿期,突变体叶绿素b相对含量提高,但各色素含量均显著下降,叶绿体内基粒大部分消失,细胞间CO_2浓度及光合速率均显著下降。研究表明,叶绿素a与叶绿素b间的比例变化导致突变体旗叶叶片颜色发生由黄转绿的变化;突变体LF2090旗叶气孔部分关闭是该突变体光合速率降低和农艺性状较差的主要原因,同时色素含量降低导致叶绿体结构的改变也影响着旗叶的光合效率。  相似文献   

一个新的水稻白化转绿突变体的生理特性和基因定位   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
秋丰M来源于粳稻秋丰的自然白化转绿突变株。其主要特征为前三叶白化带绿,第四叶及以后叶片均为淡绿色,抽穗时,秋丰M的颖壳和前三叶一样仍出现带绿的白化现象。不同生长时期对野生型和突变型水稻叶片色素含量测定的结果与田间观察结果一致,秋丰M确实存在着一个叶色显著变化的过程。主要农艺性状的比较结果表明,秋丰与秋丰M除穗颈长和千粒重达到极显著差异外,其他农艺性状均无明显差异。遗传分析发现该突变性状受一对隐性核基因控制。以209株培矮64S×秋丰M F_2的隐性突变个体为定位群体,将突变基因定位在水稻第2染色体长臂上,位于 SSR 标记RM475和RM2-22之间,其遗传距离分别为17.3 cM和2.9 cM,并将该基因命名为gra_(t)。  相似文献   

水稻转绿型白化突变系W25与亲本2177s苗期叶片内碳水化合物总量及蛋白质含量差异明显。亲本2177s幼苗叶片内碳水化合物和蛋白质代谢在两种温度下基本稳定。但W25却有明显不同,25℃下W25叶片内蔗糖和淀粉的含量比20℃下的低,但还原糖含量明显地高,蛋白质含量较高,丙酮酸激酶和谷氨酸胺合成酶活性强,游离氨基酸中Ser、Glu、Val的含量明显较低,Arg、Pro、Thr的含量明显较高,尤其是Thr含量接近了亲本水平。  相似文献   

以菜豆黄化幼苗作为试验材料,探讨了铅(Pb)或PEG(聚乙二醇)胁迫下交替呼吸途径在植物转绿过程中对叶绿素含量以及叶绿素荧光特性的影响,以阐明逆境胁迫下植物交替呼吸途径的生理学作用。结果显示:(1)与菜豆黄化幼苗正常转绿过程(对照)相比,Pb或PEG胁迫导致菜豆黄化幼苗的叶绿素含量积累延迟,使叶片PSⅡ潜在最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)、光适应下最大光化学效率(Fv′/Fm′)、PSⅡ光适应下实际光化学效率(Y(Ⅱ))和光化学荧光猝灭系数(qP)显著下降,而非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)则显著增加。(2)在菜豆黄化幼苗转绿过程中,Pb或PEG胁迫导致其交替呼吸途径容量较对照均显著上升。(3)Pb或PEG胁迫下,交替呼吸途径抑制剂[水杨基氧肟酸(SHAM,1 mmol/L)]使菜豆黄化幼苗转绿过程中叶绿素含量、Fv/FmFv′/Fm′、Y(Ⅱ)和qP进一步下降, NPQ却进一步增加,说明抑制交替呼吸途径会加剧Pb或PEG胁迫对PSⅡ反应中心活性的进一步抑制,使还原力积累加剧,造成热耗散进一步增加。研究表明,Pb或PEG胁迫均显著降低了菜豆黄化幼苗PSⅡ对光能的利用率,进而阻碍了菜豆黄化幼苗转绿进程;交替呼吸途径有助于在胁迫条件下缓解PSⅡ的过度还原,可能在一定程度上缓解了Pb或PEG胁迫对其转绿进程的阻碍作用。  相似文献   

【目的】为研究转Bt水稻对其非靶标害虫稻飞虱的主要捕食性天敌黑肩绿盲蝽Cyrtorhinus lividipennis种群发生动态的影响。【方法】本研究以cry1Ac/cry1Ab融合基因型转Bt抗虫水稻"华恢1号"及其对照亲本"明恢63"为供试水稻,于2011、2012和2013连续3年在广西兴安县"转基因水稻试验基地"开展大田试验。【结果】与对照亲本稻田相比,转Bt水稻稻田黑肩绿盲蝽种群发生量有增加趋势,且在2012年出现极显著差异。此外,就被捕食者褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens和白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera而言,无论在水稻品种,年份还是两者交互作用之间都存在极显著差异;而就两种稻飞虱总量而言,只在不同年份间存在极显著差异,在水稻品种及两者交互作用间不存在显著性差异。进一步通过相关分析表明,2011—2013连续3年黑肩绿盲蝽与褐飞虱、白背飞虱和两者总虫量之间均存在极显著正相关关系。【结论】转Bt水稻稻田捕食性天敌黑肩绿盲蝽的数量较大,这与非靶标害虫褐飞虱和白背飞虱种群发生量较大有关。  相似文献   

Twelve peptides, including eight conservative amino acid residues in the amino acid sequence of hydrophilic S helix of the alternative oxidase (AOX), were synthesized by solid-phase method. The polypeptide was coupled to αchymotrypsinogen, and the antibodies against this complex were obtained in rabbit. By using these antibodies, which were raised to immunoreact with total proteins of purified mitochondria from different organs of mung bean (Phaseolous radiatus L.) seedlings, it was found that there were two hybridizable AOX fractions in the mitochondria of mung bean seedlings. Their molecular weight was about 35 kD and 38 kD, respectively. Moreover, among the respiratory parameters obtained in hypocotyl, true leaf and cotyledon of mung bean seedlings true leaf had the highest total respiration (Vt), alternative pathway (AP) capacity(Valt) and the activity of AP (ρValt). Hypocotyl Vt and ρValt were the lowest, but its Vt was higher than that of the cotyledon. The activities of total and cyanide-resistant respiration were consistant with the analysis of Western blotting of AOX expression. The highest Vt and ρValt in true leaf were accompanied by two hybridizable polypeptides of AOX protein. The next was cotyledon Vt and ρValt with only one 38 kD hybridizable polypeptide of AOX protein. Hypocotyl Vt and ρValt were the lowest and its immunobloting band was similar to that of the cotyledon, but the expression amount of 38 kD protein was less than that of the cotyledon. The 35 kD AOX may make the main contribution to the true leaf ρValt.  相似文献   

交替氧化酶结构和功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交替氧化酶(a lternative ox idase,AOX)是植物线粒体呼吸链中抗氰呼吸途径(cyan ide-res istan t resp irationpathw ay)的末端氧化酶,它广泛存在于高等植物及部分真菌和藻类中。交替氧化酶是一种双铁羧基蛋白(d i-ironcarboxy late prote in),它不仅具有其它双铁羧基蛋白共有的结构特点以及去除分子氧的功能,更重要的是它还可以通过改变自身结构等方式来主动调节抗氰呼吸途径的运行程度,进而调节细胞多方面的代谢和功能,以适应环境条件的改变,增强植物适应各种逆境的能力,调节植物生长速率,并与细胞凋亡和光合作用相关。本文主要对交替氧化酶的结构与其在植物体内功能的最新研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

The phytopathogenic fungusMagnaporthe griseahas a cyanide-resistant respiratory pathway. The fungicide SSF-126 ((E)-2-methoxyimino-N-methyl-2-(2-phenoxyphenyl) acetamide) blocks the cytochrome electron transport ofM. griseaand induces the alternative respiratory pathway. Twelve mutants ofM. griseamore susceptible to SSF-126 than wild type were identified afterN-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. Five mutants retained a reduced alternative respiration activity, and seven mutants lacked alternative pathway activity. A monoclonal antibody against the maize alternative oxidase cross-reacted against a 40-kDa mitochondrial protein ofM. grisea,indicating that the 40-kDa protein is an alternative oxidase. Immunoblot analysis indicated that the seven completely deficient mutants grouped into two classes: four mutants produced the 40-kDa proteins while the other three mutants failed to produce the functional protein.  相似文献   

Osmotic dehydration of wheat seedlings in-0.5 MPa polyethylene glycol (PEG) solutions for 24, 48 and 72 h resulted in mild, moderate and severe water stress respectively in leaves, but only caused mild water stress in roots as reflected by the changes in relative water content (RWC). In response to the above water stress conditions, leaf total respiratory rate (V_t) decreased progressively, and the alternative pathway (AP) capacity (V_(alt)) and its actual operation activity (ρV_(alt)) decreased more severely. Water stress also led to continuous reduction in cytochrome pathway (CP) activity ((ρ' V_(cyt)) and different changes in the contribution of ρV_(alt) and ρ' V_(cyt) to V_t in leaves, with ρV_(alt)/V_t decreasing and ρ' V_(cyt)/V_t increasing. The change pattern of root V_t was similar to that of its RWC, while root V_(alt) and ρV_(alt) were found to decrease during the first 24 h of stress and thereafter recover to a level close to that of the control (O h). These data indicate that the alt  相似文献   

Twelve peptides, including eight conservative amino acid residues in the amino acid sequence of hydrophilic S helix of the alternative oxidase (AOX), were synthesized by solid-phase method. The polypeptide was coupled with α-chymotrypsinogen, and the antibodies were obtained through immunizing domestic rabbit by injecting this complex. By using these antibodies, which were raised to immunoreact with total proteins of purified mitochondria from different organs of mung bean seedlings, we find that there are two hybridizable AOX bands in mitochondria. Their molecular weights are about 35 and 38 ku, respectively. Moreover, the respiratory parameters of hypocotyl, true leaf and cotyledon of mung bean seedlings show that true leaf has the highest total respiration (Vt), alternative pathway (AP) capacity (Valt) and the activity of AP (ρValt) among the three organs. Vt and ρValt of cotyledon ranked the second. Hypocotyl has the lowest V, and ρValt, but its Valt is higher than that of cotyledon. These result  相似文献   

Cultivars of maize (Zea mays L.) with different sensitivity to drought were exposed to 0.3 mol/L sorbitol (-1.4 MPa water potential) for 24 h. Exposure to water deficiency significantly reduced the growth of both shoots (coleoptile and hypocotyl) and roots. Shoot growth was inhibited more than the growth of roots. Osmotic stress enhanced accumulation of soluble sugars. Electrolyte leakage, a cell injury index, was slightly increased after 0.3 mol/L sorbitoh Respiration was measured in the presence and absence of 2,6-dlchloro-phenol indophenoh 2,6-Dichloro-phenol indophenol did not influence respiration rates, because statistically equal results were observed under both conditions. Total respiration (VT) decreased after osmoticum treatment. There were no significant differences in the VT among the cultlvars analysed. The decrease In VT was caused by a decline In the activities and capacities of both cytochrome (Vcyt, Vcyt) and alternative pathway (Valt, Valt) of respiration. A high residual respiration (Vres) was observed, up to 27% of total uninhibited respiration. The result of uncoupler use clearly indicated that coupling was maintained after 24 h of osmotic stress. The recovery of the respiration rate was comparable with that of non-stressed control rates. According to these observations, no possible mltochondrial damage is expected. Water deficiency did not induce a stimulation of the alternative oxidase, so we assume that the stimulation of the alternative pathway is not related to drought stress resistance; rather, the function of the alternative pathway is to balance carbon metabolism and electron transport in a response to a changing environment.  相似文献   

The activity of the cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase (pathway) of Yarrowia lipolytica mitochondria was studied as a function of the activity of the major, cyanide-sensitive, cytochrome pathway. The contribution of the alternative oxidase to the total respiration of mitochondria was evaluated by measuring the rate of oxygen consumption in the presence of cyanide (an inhibitor of the cytochrome pathway). The potential activity of the cytochrome pathway was evaluated spectrophotometrically, by measuring the oxidation rate of cytochrome c by ferricyanide, which accepts electrons from complex III (cytochrome c) of this pathway. The oxidation of succinate by mitochondria in the presence of ferricyanide and cyanide was accompanied by oxygen consumption due to the transfer of electrons through the alternative pathway. The subsequent addition of ADP or FCCP (an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation in the cytochrome pathway) completely inhibited the consumption of oxygen by the mitochondria. Under these conditions, the inhibition of the alternative pathway by benzohydroxamic acid failed to affect the transfer of electrons from cytochrome c to ferricyanide. Benzohydroxamic acid did not influence the rate of ferricyanide reduction by the cytochrome pathway occurring in controlled state 4, nor could it change the phosphorylation quotient ATP/O upon the oxidation of various substrates. These findings indicate that the alternative pathway is unable to compete with the cytochrome respiratory chain for electrons. The alternative pathway transfers only electrons that are superfluous for the cytochrome chain.  相似文献   

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