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DbcAMP, when added at 10?3M for the first 12 hr, can increase the number of AFC to SRBC (a TD antigen) and POL (a TI antigen) in antigen-stimulated CBA/ J spleen cell cultures. The cellular basis of dbcAMP action was therefore investigated. It was found that dbcAMP does not act by a direct B cell effect. It also does not stimulate the activity of T helper cells, and it inhibits the function of macrophages. The stimulatory activity of dbcAMP to anti-SRBC and anti-POL responses is through inhibition of a θ-bearing regulator (or suppressor) cell. Removal of T cells by anti-θ treatment has the same effect on the anti-POL response as treatment with dbcAMP. Furthermore, in the absence of T cells, the enhanced anti-POL response was insensitive of dbcAMP treatment. The data also support the hypothesis that the number of anti-SRBC AFC formed is regulated by the ratio of T helper to T regulator cells.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis utilizes many mechanisms to establish itself within the macrophage, and bacterially derived cAMP is important in modulating the host cellular response. Although the genome of M. tuberculosis is endowed with a number of mammalian-like adenylyl cyclases, only a single cAMP phosphodiesterase has been identified that can decrease levels of cAMP produced by the bacterium. We present the crystal structure of the full-length and sole cAMP phosphodiesterase, Rv0805, found in M. tuberculosis, whose orthologs are present only in the genomes of slow growing and pathogenic mycobacteria. The dimeric core catalytic domain of Rv0805 adopts a metallophosphoesterase-fold, and the C-terminal region builds the active site and contributes to multiple substrate utilization. Localization of Rv0805 to the cell wall is dependent on its C terminus, and expression of either wild type or mutationally inactivated Rv0805 in M. smegmatis alters cell permeability to hydrophobic cytotoxic compounds. Rv0805 may therefore play a key role in the pathogenicity of mycobacteria, not only by hydrolyzing bacterial cAMP, but also by moonlighting as a protein that can alter cell wall functioning.  相似文献   

E De Cercq  M Luczak 《Life sciences》1975,17(2):187-194
Some recent studies relating the effects of individual housing (isolation) and group housing to behavior, physiology and neurochemistry in laboratory rats and mice are reviewed and these accounts related to comparable information derived from experiments employing “social stresses” e.g. subjecting the animal to defeat. The data is discussed in relation to the problem of whether individual housing constitutes a “stress” (in terms of adrenocortical and adrenal medullary functioning) in these species, as it appears to do in primates. In spite of the large number of papers which ascribe the behavioral and endocrine changes obtained in isolation versus grouping comparisons to the effects of “the isolation-induced stress syndrome”, it is concluded that, in terms of adrenal function, there is little evidence that isolation perse constitutes a stress in rats and mice, although there is some evidence that adrenocortical reactivity is increased by housing animals in this manner. It should be noted that the wild progenitor of the laboratory strains of house mouse often appears to evidence territoriality. The view is advanced that the isolated condition in male mice may result in changes characteristic of territorial dominance. This may represent a mechanism for inducing social or territorial stability in this species. It appears that experiments involving physical isolation in laboratory rodents are unlikely to provide good models for the effects of “social deprivation” in man. It is thought that more studies employing measurement of hormone titers in biological samples, obtained as a result of non-stressful procedures, will lead to a clearer understanding of the effects seen in isolation versus grouping studies. Organ weight studies often appear to be very misleading, particularly in female rodents. It is also hoped that other studies will concern themselves with effects of isolation with respect to other social cues in rodents including odors and ultrasound.  相似文献   

Addition of histamine (0.1 mM) to guinea-pig hippocampal slices causes a 20- to 30-fold increase in the accumulation of cyclic AMP compared with basal levels. This accumulation represents a balance between cyclic AMP production by adenylate cyclase and cyclic AMP breakdown mediated by phosphodiesterase (PDE). However, brain tissues are known to contain several different PDE isozymes. To determine which are involved in this response to histamine, the effect of isozyme-specific PDE inhibitors on cyclic AMP accumulation was examined in the hippocampus. MB 22948 (0.1 mM), an inhibitor of PDEs I and II, had no significant effect on the response to either 1 microM or 0.1 mM histamine. SKF 94120 (0.1 mM), a PDE III inhibitor, was also without effect in the presence of 1 microM histamine, although with 0.1 mM histamine, it caused a weak (1.25-fold compared with control), but statistically significant, enhancement of cyclic AMP accumulation. However, both rolipram (0.1 mM), a PDE IV inhibitor, and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (0.1 or 1 mM), an inhibitor of all forms of PDE, significantly increased cyclic AMP accumulation (2.8- to 6.5-fold compared with controls), and the relative size of this effect decreased with increasing histamine concentration. It is concluded that PDE IV is the main PDE isozyme involved in cyclic AMP turnover in guinea-pig hippocampal slices responding to histamine.  相似文献   

M T Record 《Biopolymers》1967,5(10):993-1008
The theory developed in the previous paper to discuss changes in electrostatic free energies in polynucleotide order–disorder transitions is extended to cases where one or more of the participating species is titrated to some degree α. It is shown that, for any class of transition, the melting temperature Tm at constant pH is a linear function of the logarithm of the monovalent counterion concentration M, that at high salt the logarithm of the depression of the melting temperature by pH titration is proportional to the pH change, and that the stability of the ordered form as measured by its melting temperature at neutral pH, is a monotonic function of the quantity pHm – pK, where pHm and pK are the pH of melting and the monomer base pK, both measured under similar conditions of temperature and ionic strength. For the transition from double helix to coil, the dependences of Tm and dTm/d log M on pH are determined experimentally and compared with the qualitative predictions of the theory. It is found that dTm/dlog M, a measure of – ΔF?el (the negative of the electrostatic free energy change in the transition), decreases with increasing pH. In acid solution, where the coil is more extensively prolonated than the helix, the change in electrostatic free energy in the transition is larger than at neutral pH. Conversely, in alkali the electrostatic five energy change is smaller than at neutral pH. Hence (dTm/d log M)acid > (dTm/d log M neutral) > (dTm/d log M)alkali. At Suffeciently high pH, dTm/d log M is observed to become negative, indicating that the electrostatic free energy change is positive in the transition of this region. Date from the literature on the ionic strength dependence of the melting temperature for the acid helices of poly rA, poly rC, and poly dC are also considered from the standpoint of the theory.  相似文献   

Agents that raise intracellular cAMP levels (dibutyryl cyclic AMP, aminophylline, adenosine and butyric acid) increase the magnitude of an in vitro primary humoral immune response when added at 10?3M during the first 12 hr of a 108 hr culture. Under the same conditions, cGMP has no direct effect but inhibits cAMP-mediated stimulation. DbcAMP (10?3M or 10?4M), present from 0 to 12 hr, also increases the number of cytotoxic lymphocytes in CBA/J (H-2k) spleen cell cultures stimulated in a one-way mixed lymphocyte reaction with DBA/2J (H-2d) spleen cells. The dbcAMP effect is antigen-dependent in both humoral and cell-mediated immunity and antigen-specific in the case of humoral responses.  相似文献   

The amount of asparaginase II in an Escherichia coli wild-type strain (cya+, crp+) markedly increased upon a shift from aerobic to anaerobic growth. However, no such increase occurred in a mutant (cya) lacking cyclic AMP synthesis unless supplemented with exogenous cyclic AMP. Since a mutant (crp) deficient in cyclic AMP receptor protein also did not support the anaerobic formation of this enzyme, it is concluded that the formation of E. coli asparaginase II depends on both cyclic AMP and cyclic AMP receptor protein.  相似文献   

Normal adult Sprague-Dawley rats were bled serially over a 30-week period and their sera were examined for antibodies to polyglycerophosphate (PGP) by a standardized passive hemolysis test. Levels of "natural" antibodies to PGP fluctuated during this period with a majority of animals exhibiting pronounced cycling of serum antibody levels, however, the individual cycles were not synchronized with each other. Feeding of radiolabeled Gram-positive bacilli to these animals and examination of lymphoid tissue by liquid scintillation counting revealed that the antigen persisted mainly in the mesenteric lymph nodes. A second group of rats was injected i.v. with radiolabeled Gram-positive bacilli and tissues were examined for plaque-forming cells (PFC) of PGP specificity, and the sera were examined by passive hemolysis. Cycling of both anti-PGP antibodies and PFC became synchronized in the injected animals with peaks of serum antibody evident at 16 and 28 days post-injection and splenic PFC peaks at 4 and 16 days post-injection. Cycling was also observed in the mesenteric lymph nodes and bone marrow Examination of lymphoid tissue from the rats injected i.v. revealed that antigen introduced by this route also perisisted mainly in the mesenteric lymph nodes, This report demonstrates individual cycling of natural responses to environmental antigen and to the same determinant in secondary responses, indicating its importance as a regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Unidirectional (36Cl) chloride fluxes across isolated and short-circuited frog skin were measured, with both sides bathed in low chloride solution. Transepithelial chloride influx was inhibited by exogenous cAMP as well as by substances enhancing its cellular concentration, such as epinephrine, isoproterenol, and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). Epinephrine and isoproterenol addition resulted in an increase of transepithelial chloride outflux, but exogenous cAMP or IBMX had no significant effect on this unidirectional flux. Phenylephrine had no significant effect on influx or outflux. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity in extracts obtained from frog skin epithelium was inhibited by pretreatment with IBMX at 4-5 degrees C and prolonged exposure to cAMP at freezing point. cAMP or IBMX alone had no significant effects on CA activity. This catalytic activity was chloride insensitive and was abolished by 0.1 microM acetazolamide. Results suggest a Cl(-)-HCO3- exchange inhibition by cAMP via carbonic anhydrase inactivation. Chloride outflux stimulation by beta-adrenergic agonists does not seem to depend solely on an increase in cAMP concentration.  相似文献   

N L Marky  W K Olson 《Biopolymers》1987,26(3):415-438
The flexibility of hairpin loops containing n bases (residues) has been examined using a theoretical model [N. L. Marky and W. K. Olson (1982), Biopolymers, 21 , 2329–2344] of oligonucleotide loop closure. The study is based on correlated probabilities of chain separation and terminal residue orientation as outlined previously. The probabilities are calculated using standard statistical mechanical methods as functions of local conformational changes of the chain backbone. Our results for an RNA chain of 9 residues suggest that the anticodon loop is a dynamic structure capable of assuming a variety of different spatial conformations. Free energy values related to the various conformations span a narrow range of values (2–4 kcal/mole) and compare well with experimental observations in aqueous solution. Conformational transitions between the loop conformations are within less than 0.5 kcal/mole in free energy. The different spatial loop conformations and the likely pathways between them may have potential relevance to the molecular translation of the genetic code.  相似文献   


Dihydropyridazinone(DHP) derivatives such as indolidan are positive inotropic agents that show inhibition of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase(PDE) activity. Indolidan inhibition is selective for PDE3 among the seven PDE gene families. DHP derivatives and related analogs have been used to define critical regions of the active site of PDE3 isoforms and radiolabeled analogs have been used to define indolidan sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) receptor sites. We report here studies comparing the structure-activity relationships (SAR) for PDE3 inhibition with indolidan binding to two types of sites: canine SR and a monoclonal antibody derived against indolidan conjugated to a hemocyanin. SR and monoclonal antibody binding both fit single-site, high affinity models (IC50 = 1.2 and 62 nM) that were near 52 and 360 times that of SR PDE3. Indolidan and thirteen analogs showed similar competition with either SR 3H-LY186126 binding or SR PDE3 inhibition. Antibody binding maintained selectivity but showed a different rank order potency for SR binding. Indole ring C3 methylation increased and DHP ring C4′ methylation decreased indolidan monoclonal antibody binding while both substitutions increased SR binding. These studies support the hypothesis that SR PDE3 is a cardiotonic receptor site in myocardial membranes and indicate that models of the structural features of binding sites derived from inhibitor data alone could produce models with limited topography relative to the natural ligand.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP mediates the effects of adrenaline on cardiac purkinje fibres   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

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