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Variance stabilization is a step in the preprocessing of microarray data that can greatly benefit the performance of subsequent statistical modeling and inference. Due to the often limited number of technical replicates for Affymetrix and cDNA arrays, achieving variance stabilization can be difficult. Although the Illumina microarray platform provides a larger number of technical replicates on each array (usually over 30 randomly distributed beads per probe), these replicates have not been leveraged in the current log2 data transformation process. We devised a variance-stabilizing transformation (VST) method that takes advantage of the technical replicates available on an Illumina microarray. We have compared VST with log2 and Variance-stabilizing normalization (VSN) by using the Kruglyak bead-level data (2006) and Barnes titration data (2005). The results of the Kruglyak data suggest that VST stabilizes variances of bead-replicates within an array. The results of the Barnes data show that VST can improve the detection of differentially expressed genes and reduce false-positive identifications. We conclude that although both VST and VSN are built upon the same model of measurement noise, VST stabilizes the variance better and more efficiently for the Illumina platform by leveraging the availability of a larger number of within-array replicates. The algorithms and Supplementary Data are included in the lumi package of Bioconductor, available at: www.bioconductor.org.  相似文献   

Rosetta error model for gene expression analysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MOTIVATION: In microarray gene expression studies, the number of replicated microarrays is usually small because of cost and sample availability, resulting in unreliable variance estimation and thus unreliable statistical hypothesis tests. The unreliable variance estimation is further complicated by the fact that the technology-specific variance is intrinsically intensity-dependent. RESULTS: The Rosetta error model captures the variance-intensity relationship for various types of microarray technologies, such as single-color arrays and two-color arrays. This error model conservatively estimates intensity error and uses this value to stabilize the variance estimation. We present two commonly used error models: the intensity error-model for single-color microarrays and the ratio error model for two-color microarrays or ratios built from two single-color arrays. We present examples to demonstrate the strength of our error models in improving statistical power of microarray data analysis, particularly, in increasing expression detection sensitivity and specificity when the number of replicates is limited.  相似文献   

Transformation and normalization of oligonucleotide microarray data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: Most methods of analyzing microarray data or doing power calculations have an underlying assumption of constant variance across all levels of gene expression. The most common transformation, the logarithm, results in data that have constant variance at high levels but not at low levels. Rocke and Durbin showed that data from spotted arrays fit a two-component model and Durbin, Hardin, Hawkins, and Rocke, Huber et al. and Munson provided a transformation that stabilizes the variance as well as symmetrizes and normalizes the error structure. We wish to evaluate the applicability of this transformation to the error structure of GeneChip microarrays. RESULTS: We demonstrate in an example study a simple way to use the two-component model of Rocke and Durbin and the data transformation of Durbin, Hardin, Hawkins and Rocke, Huber et al. and Munson on Affymetrix GeneChip data. In addition we provide a method for normalization of Affymetrix GeneChips simultaneous with the determination of the transformation, producing a data set without chip or slide effects but with constant variance and with symmetric errors. This transformation/normalization process can be thought of as a machine calibration in that it requires a few biologically constant replicates of one sample to determine the constant needed to specify the transformation and normalize. It is hypothesized that this constant needs to be found only once for a given technology in a lab, perhaps with periodic updates. It does not require extensive replication in each study. Furthermore, the variance of the transformed pilot data can be used to do power calculations using standard power analysis programs. AVAILABILITY: SPLUS code for the transformation/normalization for four replicates is available from the first author upon request. A program written in C is available from the last author.  相似文献   

In the quantitative analysis of behaviour, choice data are most often plotted and analyzed as logarithmic transforms of ratios of responses and of ratios of reinforcers according to the generalized-matching relation, or its derivatives such as conditional-discrimination models. The relation between log choice ratios and log reinforcer ratios has normally been found using ordinary linear regression, which minimizes the sums of the squares of the y deviations from the fitted line. However, linear regression of this type requires that the log choice data be normally distributed, of equal variance for each log reinforcer ratio, and that the x (log reinforcer ratio) measures be fixed with no variance. We argue that, while log transformed choice data may be normally distributed, log reinforcer ratios do have variance, and because these measures derive from a binomial process, log reinforcer ratio distributions will be non-normal and skewed to more extreme values. These effects result in ordinary linear regression systematically underestimating generalized-matching sensitivity values, and in faulty parameter estimates from non-linear regression to assume hyperbolic and exponential decay processes. They also lead to model comparisons, which assume equal normally distributed error around every data point, being incorrect. We describe an alternative approach that can be used if the variance in choice is measured.  相似文献   

Conventional statistical methods for interpreting microarray data require large numbers of replicates in order to provide sufficient levels of sensitivity. We recently described a method for identifying differentially-expressed genes in one-channel microarray data 1. Based on the idea that the variance structure of microarray data can itself be a reliable measure of noise, this method allows statistically sound interpretation of as few as two replicates per treatment condition. Unlike the one-channel array, the two-channel platform simultaneously compares gene expression in two RNA samples. This leads to covariation of the measured signals. Hence, by accounting for covariation in the variance model, we can significantly increase the power of the statistical test. We believe that this approach has the potential to overcome limitations of existing methods. We present here a novel approach for the analysis of microarray data that involves modeling the variance structure of paired expression data in the context of a Bayesian framework. We also describe a novel statistical test that can be used to identify differentially-expressed genes. This method, bivariate microarray analysis (BMA), demonstrates dramatically improved sensitivity over existing approaches. We show that with only two array replicates, it is possible to detect gene expression changes that are at best detected with six array replicates by other methods. Further, we show that combining results from BMA with Gene Ontology annotation yields biologically significant results in a ligand-treated macrophage cell system.  相似文献   

lumi: a pipeline for processing Illumina microarray   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Illumina microarray is becoming a popular microarray platform. The BeadArray technology from Illumina makes its preprocessing and quality control different from other microarray technologies. Unfortunately, most other analyses have not taken advantage of the unique properties of the BeadArray system, and have just incorporated preprocessing methods originally designed for Affymetrix microarrays. lumi is a Bioconductor package especially designed to process the Illumina microarray data. It includes data input, quality control, variance stabilization, normalization and gene annotation portions. In specific, the lumi package includes a variance-stabilizing transformation (VST) algorithm that takes advantage of the technical replicates available on every Illumina microarray. Different normalization method options and multiple quality control plots are provided in the package. To better annotate the Illumina data, a vendor independent nucleotide universal identifier (nuID) was devised to identify the probes of Illumina microarray. The nuID annotation packages and output of lumi processed results can be easily integrated with other Bioconductor packages to construct a statistical data analysis pipeline for Illumina data. Availability: The lumi Bioconductor package, www.bioconductor.org  相似文献   

Bayesian mixture model based clustering of replicated microarray data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: Identifying patterns of co-expression in microarray data by cluster analysis has been a productive approach to uncovering molecular mechanisms underlying biological processes under investigation. Using experimental replicates can generally improve the precision of the cluster analysis by reducing the experimental variability of measurements. In such situations, Bayesian mixtures allow for an efficient use of information by precisely modeling between-replicates variability. RESULTS: We developed different variants of Bayesian mixture based clustering procedures for clustering gene expression data with experimental replicates. In this approach, the statistical distribution of microarray data is described by a Bayesian mixture model. Clusters of co-expressed genes are created from the posterior distribution of clusterings, which is estimated by a Gibbs sampler. We define infinite and finite Bayesian mixture models with different between-replicates variance structures and investigate their utility by analyzing synthetic and the real-world datasets. Results of our analyses demonstrate that (1) improvements in precision achieved by performing only two experimental replicates can be dramatic when the between-replicates variability is high, (2) precise modeling of intra-gene variability is important for accurate identification of co-expressed genes and (3) the infinite mixture model with the 'elliptical' between-replicates variance structure performed overall better than any other method tested. We also introduce a heuristic modification to the Gibbs sampler based on the 'reverse annealing' principle. This modification effectively overcomes the tendency of the Gibbs sampler to converge to different modes of the posterior distribution when started from different initial positions. Finally, we demonstrate that the Bayesian infinite mixture model with 'elliptical' variance structure is capable of identifying the underlying structure of the data without knowing the 'correct' number of clusters. AVAILABILITY: The MS Windows based program named Gaussian Infinite Mixture Modeling (GIMM) implementing the Gibbs sampler and corresponding C++ code are available at http://homepages.uc.edu/~medvedm/GIMM.htm SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: http://expression.microslu.washington.edu/expression/kayee/medvedovic2003/medvedovic_bioinf2003.html  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Standard statistical techniques often assume that data are normally distributed, with constant variance not depending on the mean of the data. Data that violate these assumptions can often be brought in line with the assumptions by application of a transformation. Gene-expression microarray data have a complicated error structure, with a variance that changes with the mean in a non-linear fashion. Log transformations, which are often applied to microarray data, can inflate the variance of observations near background. RESULTS: We introduce a transformation that stabilizes the variance of microarray data across the full range of expression. Simulation studies also suggest that this transformation approximately symmetrizes microarray data.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Microarray experiments often have complex designs that include sample pooling, biological and technical replication, sample pairing and dye-swapping. This article demonstrates how statistical modelling can illuminate issues in the design and analysis of microarray experiments, and this information can then be used to plan effective studies. METHODS: A very detailed statistical model for microarray data is introduced, to show the possible sources of variation that are present in even the simplest microarray experiments. Based on this model, the efficacy of common experimental designs, normalisation methodologies and analyses is determined. RESULTS: When the cost of the arrays is high compared with the cost of samples, sample pooling and spot replication are shown to be efficient variance reduction methods, whereas technical replication of whole arrays is demonstrated to be very inefficient. Dye-swap designs can use biological replicates rather than technical replicates to improve efficiency and simplify analysis. When the cost of samples is high and technical variation is a major portion of the error, technical replication can be cost effective. Normalisation by centreing on a small number of spots may reduce array effects, but can introduce considerable variation in the results. Centreing using the bulk of spots on the array is less variable. Similarly, normalisation methods based on regression methods can introduce variability. Except for normalisation methods based on spiking controls, all normalisation requires that most genes do not differentially express. Methods based on spatial location and/or intensity also require that the nondifferentially expressing genes are at random with respect to location and intensity. Spotting designs should be carefully done so that spot replicates are widely spaced on the array, and genes with similar expression patterns are not clustered. DISCUSSION: The tools for statistical design of experiments can be applied to microarray experiments to improve both efficiency and validity of the studies. Given the high cost of microarray experiments, the benefits of statistical input prior to running the experiment cannot be over-emphasised.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: DNA microarrays are now capable of providing genome-wide patterns of gene expression across many different conditions. The first level of analysis of these patterns requires determining whether observed differences in expression are significant or not. Current methods are unsatisfactory due to the lack of a systematic framework that can accommodate noise, variability, and low replication often typical of microarray data. RESULTS: We develop a Bayesian probabilistic framework for microarray data analysis. At the simplest level, we model log-expression values by independent normal distributions, parameterized by corresponding means and variances with hierarchical prior distributions. We derive point estimates for both parameters and hyperparameters, and regularized expressions for the variance of each gene by combining the empirical variance with a local background variance associated with neighboring genes. An additional hyperparameter, inversely related to the number of empirical observations, determines the strength of the background variance. Simulations show that these point estimates, combined with a t -test, provide a systematic inference approach that compares favorably with simple t -test or fold methods, and partly compensate for the lack of replication.  相似文献   

In the last years, biostatistical research has begun to apply linear models and design theory to develop efficient experimental designs and analysis tools for gene expression microarray data. With two-colour microarrays, direct comparisons of RNA-targets are possible and lead to incomplete block designs. In this setting, efficient designs for simple and factorial microarray experiments have mainly been proposed for technical replicates. But for biological replicates, which are crucial to obtain inference that can be generalised to a biological population, this question has only been discussed recently and is not fully solved yet. In this paper, we propose efficient designs for independent two-sample experiments using two-colour microarrays enabling biologists to measure their biological random samples in an efficient manner to draw generalisable conclusions. We give advice for experimental situations with differing group sizes and show the impact of different designs on the variance and degrees of freedom of the test statistics. The designs proposed in this paper can be evaluated using SAS PROC MIXED or S+/R lme.  相似文献   

Gene expression studies generate large quantities of data with the defining characteristic that the number of genes (whose expression profiles are to be determined) exceed the number of available replicates by several orders of magnitude. Standard spot-by-spot analysis still seeks to extract useful information for each gene on the basis of the number of available replicates, and thus plays to the weakness of microarrays. On the other hand, because of the data volume, treating the entire data set as an ensemble, and developing theoretical distributions for these ensembles provides a framework that plays instead to the strength of microarrays. We present theoretical results that under reasonable assumptions, the distribution of microarray intensities follows the Gamma model, with the biological interpretations of the model parameters emerging naturally. We subsequently establish that for each microarray data set, the fractional intensities can be represented as a mixture of Beta densities, and develop a procedure for using these results to draw statistical inference regarding differential gene expression. We illustrate the results with experimental data from gene expression studies on Deinococcus radiodurans following DNA damage using cDNA microarrays.  相似文献   

The importance of variance modelling is now widely known for the analysis of microarray data. In particular the power and accuracy of statistical tests for differential gene expressions are highly dependent on variance modelling. The aim of this paper is to use a structural model on the variances, which includes a condition effect and a random gene effect, and to propose a simple estimation procedure for these parameters by working on the empirical variances. The proposed variance model was compared with various methods on both real and simulated data. It proved to be more powerful than the gene-by-gene analysis and more robust to the number of false positives than the homogeneous variance model. It performed well compared with recently proposed approaches such as SAM and VarMixt even for a small number of replicates, and performed similarly to Limma. The main advantage of the structural model is that, thanks to the use of a linear mixed model on the logarithm of the variances, various factors of variation can easily be incorporated in the model, which is not the case for previously proposed empirical Bayes methods. It is also very fast to compute and is adapted to the comparison of more than two conditions.  相似文献   

Beckman KB  Lee KY  Golden T  Melov S 《Mitochondrion》2004,4(5-6):453-470
Mitochondrial diseases are a heterogeneous array of disorders with a complex etiology. Use of microarrays as a tool to investigate complex human disease is increasingly common, however, a principle drawback of microarrays is their limited dynamic range, due to the poor quantification of weak signals. Although it is generally understood that low-intensity microarray 'spots' may be unreliable, there exists little documentation of their accuracy. Quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) is frequently used to validate microarray data, yet few Q-PCR validation studies have focused on the accuracy of low-intensity microarray signals. Hence, we have used Q-PCR to systematically assess microarray accuracy as a function of signal strength in a mouse model of mitochondrial disease, the superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) nullizygous mouse. We have focused on a unique category of data--spots with only one weak signal in a two-dye comparative hybridization--and show that such 'high-low' signal intensities are common for differentially expressed genes. This category of differential expression may be more important in mitochondrial disease in which there are often mosaic expression patterns due to the idiosyncratic distribution of mutant mtDNA in heteroplasmic individuals. Using RNA from the SOD2 mouse, we found that when spotted cDNA microarray data are filtered for quality (low variance between many technical replicates) and spot intensity (above a negative control threshold in both channels), there is an excellent quantitative concordance with Q-PCR (R2 = 0.94). The accuracy of gene expression ratios from low-intensity spots (R2 = 0.27) and 'high-low' spots (R2 = 0.32) is considerably lower. Our results should serve as guidelines for microarray interpretation and the selection of genes for validation in mitochondrial disorders.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Here, we describe a tool for VARiability Analysis of DNA microarrays experiments (VARAN), a freely available Web server that performs a signal intensity based analysis of the log2 expression ratio variability deduced from DNA microarray data (one or two channels). Two modules are proposed: VARAN generator to compute a sliding windows analysis of the experimental variability (mean and SD) and VARAN analyzer to compare experimental data with an asymptotic variability model previously built with the generator module from control experiments. Both modules provide normalized intensity signals with five possible methods, log ratio values and a list of genes showing significant variations between conditions. AVAILABILITY: http://www.bionet.espci.fr/varan/ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://www.bionet.espci.fr/varan/help.html  相似文献   

Hierarchical Bayes models for cDNA microarray gene expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
cDNA microarrays are used in many contexts to compare mRNA levels between samples of cells. Microarray experiments typically give us expression measurements on 1000-20 000 genes, but with few replicates for each gene. Traditional methods using means and standard deviations to detect differential expression are not satisfactory in this context. A handful of alternative statistics have been developed, including several empirical Bayes methods. In the present paper we present two full hierarchical Bayes models for detecting gene expression, of which one (D) describes our microarray data very well. We also compare the full Bayes and empirical Bayes approaches with respect to model assumptions, false discovery rates and computer running time. The proposed models are compared to existing empirical Bayes models in a simulation study and for a set of data (Yuen et al., 2002), where 27 genes have been categorized by quantitative real-time PCR. It turns out that the existing empirical Bayes methods have at least as good performance as the full Bayes ones.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The numerical values of gene expression measured using microarrays are usually presented to the biological end-user as summary statistics of spot pixel data, such as the spot mean, median and mode. Much of the subsequent data analysis reported in the literature, however, uses only one of these spot statistics. This results in sub-optimal estimates of gene expression levels and a need for improvement in quantitative spot variation surveillance. RESULTS: This paper develops a maximum-likelihood method for estimating gene expression using spot mean, variance and pixel number values available from typical microarray scanners. It employs a hierarchical model of variation between and within microarray spots. The hierarchical maximum-likelihood estimate (MLE) is shown to be a more efficient estimator of the mean than the 'conventional' estimate using solely the spot mean values (i.e. without spot variance data). Furthermore, under the assumptions of our model, the spot mean and spot variance are shown to be sufficient statistics that do not require the use of all pixel data.The hierarchical MLE method is applied to data from both Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and a two-channel dye-swapped spotted microarray experiment. The MC simulations show that the hierarchical MLE method leads to improved detection of differential gene expression particularly when 'outlier' spots are present on the arrays. Compared with the conventional method, the MLE method applied to data from the microarray experiment leads to an increase in the number of differentially expressed genes detected for low cut-off P-values of interest.  相似文献   

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