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Densities of bacterioplankton and phytoplankton were studied in relation to water retention time, temperature, nutrient concentrations, and other variables in a eutrophic montane reservoir (Bluestone Lake, West Virginia, U.S.A.). Weak temperature stratification occurred occasionally during the summer, but the reservoir did not become anaerobic. Water retention times were short (3.9 to 9.7 days between June and December), and differences in flushing rate within that range were important in regulating phytoplankton populations. Green algae and planktonic diatoms were dominant in summer during periods when water residence times were shorter. The occurrence of blue-green algal blooms in fall was related to increased water residence times. Retention time was highly correlated with the percent composition of phytoplankton represented by Anabaena spp. and Microcystis sp. (r=0.898, p<0.001). Advective effects limited phytoplankton biomass when retention time was shortest, but were not as important when retention times were longer. Peaks in bacterial densities often coincided with decreases in viable algal cell densities, so bacterioplankton were less directly related to retention time.  相似文献   

The effects of viral lysis and heterotrophic nanoflagellate (HNF) grazing on bacterial mortality were estimated in a eutrophic lake (Lake Plußsee in northern Germany) which was separated by a steep temperature and oxygen gradient into a warm and oxic epilimnion and a cold and anoxic hypolimnion. Two transmission electron microscopy-based methods (whole-cell examination and thin sections) were used to determine the frequency of visibly infected cells, and a model was used to estimate bacterial mortality due to viral lysis. Examination of thin sections also showed that between 20.2 and 29.2% (average, 26.1%) of the bacterial cells were empty (ghosts) and thus could not contribute to viral production. The most important finding was that the mechanism for regulating bacterial production shifted with depth from grazing control in the epilimnion to control due to viral lysis in the hypolimnion. We estimated that in the epilimnion viral lysis accounted on average for 8.4 to 41.8% of the summed mortality (calculated by determining the sum of the mortalities due to lysis and grazing), compared to 51.3 to 91.0% of the summed mortality in the metalimninon and 88.5 to 94.2% of the summed mortality in the hypolimnion. Estimates of summed mortality values indicated that bacterial production was controlled completely or almost completely in the epilimnion (summed mortality, 66.6 to 128.5%) and the hypolimnion (summed mortality, 43.4 to 103.3%), whereas in the metalimnion viral lysis and HNF grazing were not sufficient to control bacterial production (summed mortality, 22.4 to 56.7%). The estimated contribution of organic matter released by viral lysis of cells into the pool of dissolved organic matter (DOM) was low; however, since cell lysis products are very likely labile compared to the bulk DOM, they might stimulate bacterial production. The high mortality of bacterioplankton due to viral lysis in anoxic water indicates that a significant portion of bacterial production in the metalimnion and hypolimnion is cycled in the bacterium-virus-DOM loop. This finding has major implications for the fate and cycling of organic nutrients in lakes.  相似文献   

This study explored the spatiotemporal dynamics of the bacterioplankton community composition in the Gulf of Finland (easternmost sub-basin of the Baltic Sea) based on phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences acquired from community samples via pyrosequencing. Investigations of bacterioplankton in hydrographically complex systems provide good insight into the strategies by which microbes deal with spatiotemporal hydrographic gradients, as demonstrated by our research. Many ribotypes were closely affiliated with sequences isolated from environments with similar steep physiochemical gradients and/or seasonal changes, including seasonally anoxic estuaries. Hence, one of the main conclusions of this study is that marine ecosystems where oxygen and salinity gradients co-occur can be considered a habitat for a cosmopolitan metacommunity consisting of specialized groups occupying niches universal to such environments throughout the world. These niches revolve around functional capabilities to utilize different electron receptors and donors (including trace metal and single carbon compounds). On the other hand, temporal shifts in the bacterioplankton community composition at the surface layer were mainly connected to the seasonal succession of phytoplankton and the inflow of freshwater species. We also conclude that many relatively abundant populations are indigenous and well-established in the area.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton abundance, [H]thymidine incorporation, CO(2) uptake in the dark, and fractionated primary production were measured on several occasions between June and August 1982 in eutrophic Lake Norrviken, Sweden. Bacterioplankton abundance and carbon biomass ranged from 0.5 x 10 to 2.4 x 10 cells liter and 7 to 47 mug of C liter, respectively. The average bacterial cell volume was 0.185 mum. [H]thymidine incorporation into cold-trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material ranged from 12 x 10 to 200 x 10 mol liter h. Bacterial carbon production rates were estimated to be 0.2 to 7.1 mug of C liter h. Bacterial production estimates from [H]thymidine incorporation and CO(2) uptake in the dark agreed when activity was high but diverged when activity was low and when blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) dominated the phytoplankton. Size fractionation indicated negligible uptake of [H]thymidine in the >3-mum fraction during a chrysophycean bloom in early June. We found that >50% of the H activity was in the >3-mum fraction in late August; this phenomenon was most likely due to Microcystis spp., their associated bacteria, or both. Over 60% of the CO(2) uptake in the dark was attributed to algae on each sampling occasion. Algal exudate was an important carbon source for planktonic bacteria. Bacterial production was roughly 50% of primary production.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton abundance, [3H]thymidine incorporation, 14CO2 uptake in the dark, and fractionated primary production were measured on several occasions between June and August 1982 in eutrophic Lake Norrviken, Sweden. Bacterioplankton abundance and carbon biomass ranged from 0.5 × 109 to 2.4 × 109 cells liter−1 and 7 to 47 μg of C liter−1, respectively. The average bacterial cell volume was 0.185 μm3. [3H]thymidine incorporation into cold-trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material ranged from 12 × 10−12 to 200 × 10−12 mol liter−1 h−1. Bacterial carbon production rates were estimated to be 0.2 to 7.1 μg of C liter−1 h−1. Bacterial production estimates from [3H]thymidine incorporation and 14CO2 uptake in the dark agreed when activity was high but diverged when activity was low and when blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) dominated the phytoplankton. Size fractionation indicated negligible uptake of [3H]thymidine in the >3-μm fraction during a chrysophycean bloom in early June. We found that >50% of the 3H activity was in the >3-μm fraction in late August; this phenomenon was most likely due to Microcystis spp., their associated bacteria, or both. Over 60% of the 14CO2 uptake in the dark was attributed to algae on each sampling occasion. Algal exudate was an important carbon source for planktonic bacteria. Bacterial production was roughly 50% of primary production.  相似文献   

[3H]thymidine incorporation, the rate of reduction of iodonitrotetrazolium violet (INT) to INT formazan normalized to DNA, and the ratio of ATP to DNA were adapted to measure the activity of attached and unattached microbial assemblages of Bayboro Harbor, Fla. Activity measurements by [3H]thymidine incorporation were made of cells attached to polystyrene culture dishes, in unfiltered water samples, and in the <1-μm-filtered fraction. In most cases, the activity of attached cells was greater than that of unattached cells either in unfiltered water samples or in the <1-μm fraction. The calculated thymidine incorporation rates for cells in the >1-μm fraction were higher than those for cells either in unfiltered water or in the <1-μm-filtered fraction. By the rate of reduction of INT to INT formazan normalized to DNA and by ATP-to-DNA ratios, attached cells were also more active than cells in unfiltered water samples. These results indicate that the microenvironment afforded by attachment is a more beneficial habitat for microbial growth. Reasons for greater activity by natural populations of attached bacteria are discussed.  相似文献   

Production and Consumption of Hydrogen in a Eutrophic Lake   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The vertical distribution of hydrogen was measured in the Loclat, a eutrophic and holomictic lake near Neuchâtel, Switzerland, before and during summer stratification. H2 concentrations decreased with depth in the anaerobic hypolimnion and were often below the detection limit (2.5 nl of H2 liter−1) in the water adjacent to the lake sediment. H2 was apparently not released from the lake sediment. The highest H2 concentrations (>4 μl of H2 liter−1) were observed in the aerobic water of the epilimnion and metalimnion. There, the H2 concentrations changed with time, indicating a turnover of H2. The H2 production processes could not be studied in the laboratory since incubation of water samples in light or darkness did not result in H2 production but rather always in H2 consumption. The possible role of cyanobacteria and algae for H2 production is discussed. Aerobic or anaerobic H2 consumption activities were observed at all depths of the water column, with highest activities in the hypolimnion. Aerobic H2 consumption activity was insensitive to azide inhibition, but sensitive to heat, mercuric chloride, or cyanide. It was restricted to a particle fraction of 0.2 to 3.0 μm in size, so that it must be due to single bacterial cells. Aerobic hydrogen bacteria, on the other hand, occurred in clusters of >3.0 μm. Therefore, the hydrogen bacteria could not have caused the H2 consumption in lake water. The aerobic H2 consumption activity followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with a Km of 67 nM H2. This is an exceptionally low value compared with Km values of hydrogenases in hydrogen bacteria and other species, but is similar to that for H2-decomposing abiontic soil hydrogenases.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine whether production of heterotrophic bacterioplankton in a small meso-eutrophic lake was influenced by the dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) supply. DIP may indirectly limit bacterial production by limiting phytoplankton, which in turn may limit the carbon available to bacteria. Direct DIP limitation of bacteria occurs where the availability of DIP for bacteria is insufficient to maintain growth. This work examined direct DIP limitation of bacteria by removing phytoplankton and incubating flasks with or without added P in the dark. Bacterial production was measured via the rate of incorporation of [3H]thymidine ([3H]TdR) into DNA. Bacterial abundance was followed with epifluorescent direct counts. Rates of [3H]TdR incorporation were significantly greater in flasks with added DIP, and changes in cell abundances generally paralleled increases in [3H]TdR incorporation. Even very small additions of P (0.05 μM) were sufficient to stimulate production. DIP addition to whole lakewater also stimulated [3H]TdR incorporation relative to that in zero-addition controls, but there was not a concurrent increase in bacterial cell numbers. The stimulation of [3H]TdR incorporation after DIP addition to whole lakewater was significantly less than the stimulation due to DIP addition to 1-μm-pore-size-filtered lakewater. In this study, addition of DIP caused as much as an eightfold stimulation of [3H]TdR incorporation.  相似文献   

Most cells possess mechanisms that are able to detect cellular volume shifts and to signal the initiation of appropriate volume regulatory responses. However, the identity and characteristics of the detecting mechanism remain obscure. In this study, we explored the influence of hypertonic and hypotonic challenges of varying magnitude on the characteristics of the ensuing regulatory volume increase (RVI) and regulatory volume decrease (RVD) of cultured bovine corneal endothelial cells (CBCECs). The main question we asked was whether a threshold of stimulation existed that would unleash a regulatory response. CBCECs (passage 1–3) were seeded on rectangular glass coverslips and grown for 1–2 days. We used a procedure based on detection of light scattering to monitor the transient volume changes of such plated cells when subjected to osmotic challenge. The osmometric responses were asymmetric: cells shrank faster than they swelled (by a factor of 3). Complete volume regulatory responses took 10–12 min. Bumetanide (50 μM) resulted in incomplete (50%) RVI. We found no threshold as the cells examined responded to hypertonic and hypotonic stimuli as low as 1%. There was some gradation as stimuli of <4% resulted in incomplete volume regulation. The degree of activation of the volume responses grew as an exponential buildup with the strength of the anisotonic challenge. We discuss how our observations are consistent with volume sensing mechanisms based on both ionic strength and the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Marine bacterioplankton were isolated and grown in batch cultures until their growth became limited by organic carbon (C), nitrogen (N), or phosphorus (P). Samples were taken from the cultures at both the exponential and stationary phases. The elemental composition of individual bacterial cells was analyzed by X-ray microanalysis with an electron microscope. The cell size was also measured. The elemental content was highest in exponentially growing cells (149 ± 8 fg of C cell−1, 35 ± 2 fg of N cell−1, and 12 ± 1 fg of P cell−1; average of all isolates ± standard error). The lowest C content was found in C-limited cells (39 ± 3 fg of C cell−1), the lowest N content in C- and P-limited cells (12 ± 1 and 12 ± 2 fg of N cell−1, respectively), and the lowest P content in P-limited cells (2.3 ± 0.6 fg of P cell−1). The atomic C:N ratios varied among treatments between 3.8 ± 0.1 and 9.5 ± 1.0 (average ± standard error), the C:P ratios between 35 ± 2 and 178 ± 28, and the N:P ratios between 6.7 ± 0.3 and 18 ± 3. The carbon-volume ratios showed large variation among isolates due to different types of nutrient limitation (from 51± 4 to 241 ± 38 fg of C μm−1; average of individual isolates and treatments ± standard error). The results show that different growth conditions and differences in the bacterial community may explain some of the variability of previously reported elemental and carbon-volume ratios.  相似文献   

We developed a dynamic model of a rat proximal convoluted tubule cell in order to investigate cell volume regulation mechanisms in this nephron segment. We examined whether regulatory volume decrease (RVD), which follows exposure to a hyposmotic peritubular solution, can be achieved solely via stimulation of basolateral K\(^+\) and \(\hbox {Cl}^-\) channels and \(\hbox {Na}^+\)\(\hbox {HCO}_3^-\) cotransporters. We also determined whether regulatory volume increase (RVI), which follows exposure to a hyperosmotic peritubular solution under certain conditions, may be accomplished by activating basolateral \(\hbox {Na}^+\)/H\(^+\) exchangers. Model predictions were in good agreement with experimental observations in mouse proximal tubule cells assuming that a 10% increase in cell volume induces a fourfold increase in the expression of basolateral K\(^+\) and \(\hbox {Cl}^-\) channels and \(\hbox {Na}^+\)\(\hbox {HCO}_3^-\) cotransporters. Our results also suggest that in response to a hyposmotic challenge and subsequent cell swelling, \(\hbox {Na}^+\)\(\hbox {HCO}^-_3\) cotransporters are more efficient than basolateral K\(^+\) and \(\hbox {Cl}^-\) channels at lowering intracellular osmolality and reducing cell volume. Moreover, both RVD and RVI are predicted to stabilize net transcellular \(\hbox {Na}^+\) reabsorption, that is, to limit the net \(\hbox {Na}^+\) flux decrease during a hyposmotic challenge or the net \(\hbox {Na}^+\) flux increase during a hyperosmotic challenge.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, small changes in cell volume can serve as important signals for cell proliferation, death, and migration. Volume and shape regulation also directly impacts the mechanics of cells and tissues. Here, we develop a mathematical model of cellular volume and pressure regulation, incorporating essential elements such as water permeation, mechanosensitive channels, active ion pumps, and active stresses in the cortex. The model can fully explain recent experimental data, and it predicts cellular volume and pressure for several models of cell cortical mechanics. Moreover, we show that when cells are subjected to an externally applied load, such as in an atomic force microscopy indentation experiment, active regulation of volume and pressure leads to a complex cellular response. Instead of the passive mechanics of the cortex, the observed cell stiffness depends on several factors working together. This provides a mathematical explanation of rate-dependent response of cells under force.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, small changes in cell volume can serve as important signals for cell proliferation, death, and migration. Volume and shape regulation also directly impacts the mechanics of cells and tissues. Here, we develop a mathematical model of cellular volume and pressure regulation, incorporating essential elements such as water permeation, mechanosensitive channels, active ion pumps, and active stresses in the cortex. The model can fully explain recent experimental data, and it predicts cellular volume and pressure for several models of cell cortical mechanics. Moreover, we show that when cells are subjected to an externally applied load, such as in an atomic force microscopy indentation experiment, active regulation of volume and pressure leads to a complex cellular response. Instead of the passive mechanics of the cortex, the observed cell stiffness depends on several factors working together. This provides a mathematical explanation of rate-dependent response of cells under force.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in α-and β-glucosidase activities, dissolved organic matter content, and bacterial biomass were studied in the superficial sediment layer of a eutrophic lake during the period of anoxia. The mean α-and β-glucosidase activities were 30.7±11.0 and 15.1±6.2 nmol h−1 g−1 of dry sediment, respectively. The specifc β-glucosidase activity seemed to be stimulated by carbohydrates (r=0.80, P<0.05), whereas the specifc α-glucosidase activity was negatively correlated with the dissolved protein concentration (r=−0.72, P<0.10). To test the effect of organic matter on hydrolytic activities under controlled conditions, changes in specific activities were studied in relation to the concentrations of different types of organic matter: phytoplankton, polymers (proteins, cellobiose, and starch) and monomers (glucose and amino acids). The specifc α-and β-glucosidase activities were strongly induced by their natural substrates (starch and cellobiose, respectively) (P<0.05) and were not inhibited by glucose. Proteins inhibited these activities (P<0.05), whereas supplementation with amino acids had no effect on specifc glycolytic activities.  相似文献   

Through lysis of bacterioplankton cells, viruses mediate an important, but poorly understood, pathway of carbon and nutrients from the particulate to the dissolved form. Via this activity, nutrient-rich cell lysates may become available to noninfected cells and support significant growth. However, the nutritional value of lysates for noninfected bacteria presumably depends on the prevailing nutrient limitation. In the present study, we examined dynamics of dissolved DNA (D-DNA) and viruses along a transect in the phosphorus (P)-limited Ore Estuary, northern Baltic Sea. We found that viruses were an important mortality factor for bacterioplankton and that their activity mediated a significant recycling of carbon and especially of P. Uptake of dissolved DNA accounted for up to 70% of the bacterioplankton P demand, and about a quarter of the D-DNA pool was supplied through viral lysis of bacterial cells. Generally, the importance of viral lysates and uptake of D-DNA was highest at the estuarine and offshore stations and was positively correlated with P limitation measured as alkaline phosphatase activity. Our results highlight the importance of viral activity for the internal recycling of principal nutrients and pinpoints D-DNA as a particularly relevant compound in microbial P dynamics.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinases in the regulation of astrocytic cell volume. Calmodulin (CaM) antagonists were used to inhibit CaM and thus Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase. The effect of these inhibitors as well as activators and inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC) on astrocytic volume was measured in response to hypoosmotic stress and under isoosmotic conditions. In conditions of hypoosmolarity, CaM antagonists had no effect on swelling, but inhibited the regulatory volume decrease. PKC activation facilitated the swelling induced by hypoosmotic stress. PKC inhibitors induced cell shrinkage and inhibited the initial phase of regulatory volume decrease, whereas PKC down-regulation caused pronounced swelling and partial inhibition of regulatory volume decrease. In isoosmotic conditions, CaM antagonists and PKC activation did not affect astrocytic volume, but PKC inhibitors caused shrinking and PKC down-regulation led to swelling of these cells. These studies indicate the importance of Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinases in the regulation of astrocytic cell volume.  相似文献   

The distribution of vitamin B(12) within Upper Klamath Lake was surveyed at approximately monthly intervals during a period from September 1968 to November 1969. High concentrations (up to 1.8 mug/g of dry sediment) characteristically occurred at the water-sediment interface, with a sharp decline below this area. A heavy bloom of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae occurred from the latter part of May through October 1969. B(12) concentrations of the uppermost sediments, from all but one sampling site, increased gradually through the bloom, followed by a drastic increase during the die-off period. B(12) is probably not a limiting factor for primary productivity, since sufficient levels of this vitamin were found to occur throughout the year. Of 42 cultures isolated from Upper Klamath Lake water and sediments, 20 were found capable of producing 50 pg or more of B(12)/ml of medium. Phytoplankton samples were found to contain up to 5 mug of B(12)/g of dry material. Degradation of B(12) occurred in sterilized as well as fresh sediment samples.  相似文献   

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