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Refinement of a perfusion technique permitted the simultaneous measurement of cAMP-elicited [3H]cAMP secretion and intracellular [3H]cAMP levels in sensitive D. discoideum amoebae. These data were compared with measurements of the rate of [32P]cAMP synthesis by extracts of amoebae sonicated at different times during the cAMP signaling response. cAMP stimulation of intact cells led to a transient activation of adenylate cyclase, which was blocked if 10(-4) M NaN3 was added with the stimulus. During responses elicited by 10(-6) M cAMP, 10(-8) M cAMP, and an increment in cAMP from 10(-8) M to 10(-7) M, the rate of cAMP secretion was proportional to the intracellular cAMP concentration. Removal of a 10(-6) M cAMP stimulus 2 min after the initiation of the response led to a precipitous decline in intracellular cAMP. This decline was more rapid than could be accounted for by secretion alone, suggesting intracellular phosphodiesterase destruction of newly synthesized cAMP. Employing these data and a simple rate equation, estimates of the time-course of the transient activation of adenylate cyclase and the rate constants for cAMP secretion and intracellular phosphodiesterase activity were obtained. The calculated rate of cAMP synthesis rose for approximately 1 to 2 min, peaked, and declined to approach prestimulus levels after 3 to 4 min. This time-course agreed qualitatively with direct measurements of the time-course of activation, indicating that the activation of adenylate cyclase is a major in determining the time-course of the cAMP secretion response.  相似文献   

In dictyostelium discoideum, extracellular cAMP activates adenylate cyclase, which leads to an increase in intracellular cAMP and the rate of cAMP secretion. The signaling response to a constant cAMP stimulus is terminated after several minutes by an adaptation mechanism. The time- course of adaptation stimuli of 10(-6) or 10(-7) M cAMP was assessed. We used a perfusion technique to deliver defined cAMP stimuli to [(3)H]adenosine-labeled amoebae and monitored their secretion of [(3)H]cAMP. Amoebae were pretreated with 10(-6) or 10(-7) M cAMP to periods of 0.33-12 minutes, and then immediately given test stimuli of 10(-8) M to 2.5 x 10(-7) M cAMP. The response to a given test stimulus was progressively attenuated and finally extinguished as the duration of the pretreatment stimulus increased. During concentration of the test stimulus. The responses to test stimuli of 10(-8), 5 x 10(-8), 10(-7), or 2.5 x 10(-7) M cAMP were extinguished after approximately 1, 2.25,2.5, and 10 min, respectively. 1.5 min of stimulation with 10(-7) M cAMP was necessary to extinguish the response of a test stimulus of 10(-8) M cAMP. Our data suggest that adaptation begins within 20 s of stimulation, rises rapidly for approximately 2.5 min, and reaches a plateau after approximately 10 min. The absolute rate of rise was faster during pretreatment with 10(-6) than with 10(-7) M cAMP. These results support a working hypothesis in which the occupancy of surface cAMP receptors leads to changes in two opposing cellular processes, excitation and adaptation, that control the activity of D. discoideum adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

In Dictyostelium discoideum, binding of cAMP to high affinity surface receptors leads to a rapid activation of adenylate cyclase followed by subsequent adaptation within several minutes. The rate of secretion of [ 3H ]cAMP, which reflects the state of activation of the enzyme, was measured. Caffeine noncompetitively inhibited the response to cAMP. Inhibition was rapidly reversible and pretreatment of cells with caffeine for up to 22 min had little effect on the subsequent responsiveness to cAMP. However, cells pretreated with caffeine plus cAMP for greater than or equal to 8 min did not respond when caffeine was removed and the same concentration of cAMP was applied. The following observations indicate that both adaptation and deadaptation to cAMP occurred to the same extent and at the same rate whether or not cAMP synthesis was inhibited. First, when cells were pretreated with 10(-9)-10(-6) M cAMP in the presence or absence of caffeine and the stimulus was switched to a saturating dose of cAMP, the response to the increment was the same whether or not the initial response was blocked. Second, cells progressively lost responsiveness to 10(-6) M cAMP as pretreatment with 10(-6) M cAMP plus caffeine was extended from 0 to 8 min with the same time course as for those pretreated with 10(-6) M cAMP alone. Third, cells which were adapted in the presence of caffeine and cAMP deadapted within the same time period as controls when cAMP was removed. These observations demonstrate that while some part of the activation process is inhibited by caffeine the adaptation process is unaffected. Our conclusion is that adaptation does not depend on the activation of adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

The secretion of 3H-cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) by prelabeled and suitably differentiated Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae was elicited in a perfusion apparatus by 10(-10) to 10(-5) M [14C]cAMP stimuli of defined magnitude and duration. Exogenous stimuli evoked an immediate increase in the rate of [3H]cAMP secretion which accelerated continuously to reach a peak of up to 100 times the unstimulated rate after 2--3 min of stimulation. Withdrawal of the stimulus at any time during the response led to a rapid decline to basal levels. Furthermore, a spontaneous decline in secretion rate was observed during prolonged cAMP stimulation, with a return to basal levels after 3--8 min of stimulation. After the initial secretory event, cells did not respond further to the continued presence of external [14C]cAMP unless (a) it was interrupted by a brief recovery period or (b) the level of the stimulus was increased sufficiently. Since the second increment could follow the first at any time, continuous secretion of [3H]cAMP could be sustained for up to 30 min by progressively increasing the stimulus between 10(-10) and 10(-5) M cAMP. The total magnitude of spontaneously terminated responses depended on the size of the increment in applied cAMP, larger stimuli evoking both a more rapid acceleration and a slower deceleration in [3H]cAMP secretion rate. The integrated response to a given increment in stimulus level was apparently independent of its "shape" - i.e., the duration, magnitude, and number of sub-steps in the increment. These data support two mechanistic inferences: that amoebae respond in proportion to relative increases in extracellular cAMP concentration, but adapt to the concentration of cAMP itself. The data further suggest that the initiation and termination of the response are mediated by cellular component(s) beyond cAMP-occupied receptors.  相似文献   

A perfusion technique was developed to deliver [14C]adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) stimuli of well-defined magnitude and duration to tritium-labeled Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae and simultaneously monitor the elicited secretion of [3H]cAMP (i.e., the relay response). The tritiated compounds secreted in response to [14C]cAMP stimuli were highly enriched in [3H]cAMP and reflected an increase in intracellular cAMP accompanying stimulation rather than the release of a preexisting store or bulk cellular contents. The secretory response (per 10(6) cells) to 2-min stimuli increased during differentiation from about 0.2 pmol at 0.5 h to approximately 5 pmol of cAMP at 7 h. Without adequate perfusion, amoebae altered the level of cAMP in their environment in two ways: phosphodiesterases destroyed cAMP stimuli under some conditions so as to attenuate the relay response; under other circumstances, secreted cAMP magnified minimal exogenous stimuli into maximal responses. Amoebae, furthermore, would respond to their basal secretion of cAMP autocatalytically if its removal or destruction were interrupted. The perfusion system minimized these cell-induced modifications, allowing control of the level of the stimulus and response in quantitative studies.  相似文献   

In developmentally competent Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae, binding of cAMP to high-affinity surface receptors produces a rapid activation of adenylate cyclase which adapts within minutes. The result is a transient increase in intracellular cAMP which is rapidly secreted. Adenosine inhibited this cAMP signaling response with an apparent Ki of 300 microM. The apparent Ki's for 2'-O-methyladenosine and 2-chloroadenosine were approximately 30 and 100 microM, respectively. Inhibition by adenosine was rapid, reversible, and depended on the cAMP stimulus concentration. In addition, the adaptation of the cAMP signaling response was blocked by adenosine. As has been previously reported, adenosine inhibits cAMP binding to intact cells. Under the same developmental conditions as in the perfusion studies, we find the binding inhibition depends on both the cAMP and adenosine concentrations, with an apparent Ki of 100 microM. The apparent Ki's for 2'-O-methyl- and 2-chloroadenosine were approximately 8 and 35 microM, respectively. However, with cells developed for short times and with an axenic strain, inhibition was independent of cAMP concentration or cells showed mixed-type binding inhibition. The effect of adenosine on the cAMP signaling response is consistent with the reported effects of adenosine on other cAMP-mediated processes such as chemotaxis and the increase in intracellular cGMP, and may provide an explanation for the reported inhibition of center formation.  相似文献   

Adaptation in the motility response to cAMP in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When developing amebae of Dictyostelium discoideum are treated with constant concentrations of cAMP above 10(-8)M, the average rate of motility is depressed, with maximum inhibition at roughly 10(-6)M. It is demonstrated that shifting the concentration of cAMP from 0 M to concentrations ranging from 10(-8) to 10(-6)M in a perfusion chamber results in the immediate inhibition of motility. After shifting from 0 M to 10(-8) or 10(-7)M, the rate of cell motility remains low, then rebounds to a higher level, exhibiting a standard adaptation response. No adaptation is exhibited after a shift from 0 M to 10(-6)M, a concentration resulting in maximum inhibition. It is demonstrated that the level of inhibition and the extent of the adaptation period are dependent upon the concentration of cAMP after the shift, and that submaximal inhibition is additive. The characteristics of adaptation in this motility response are very similar to the characteristics of adaptation for the relay system and phosphorylation of the putative cAMP receptor.  相似文献   

Cells of Dictyostelium discoideum respond to extracellular cyclic AMP with marked changes in intracellular cyclic GMP levels and light scattering. In this work, defined temporal increases in cyclic AMP were produced by the continuous addition of cyclic AMP to agitated suspensions of cells; concomitant hydrolysis of cyclic AMP by the cells subsequently established a constant, steady state concentration. The cells responded to the initial increase in extracellular cyclic AMP with a rapid increase in the intracellular cyclic GMP concentration and a rapid decrease in light scattering. At cyclic AMP input rates of 0.5-5 nM X s-1, the fast reactions of cyclic GMP and light scattering had already relaxed while the cyclic AMP concentration in the cell suspension was still increasing. The cells responded to constant concentrations of cyclic AMP with constant elevated cyclic GMP concentrations and constant decreased levels of light scattering. Our results are consistent with the existence of two types of perception systems, one of which adapts to constant stimuli and one of which does not adapt.  相似文献   

A modified Gilman assay was used to determine the concentrations of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) in rapidly filtered cells and in the culture filtrates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli K-12, and Bacteroides fragilis. In P. aeruginosa cultures, levels of cAMP in the filtrate increased with the culture absorbance (3.5 to 19.8 X 10(-9) M) but did not vary significantly with the carbon source used to support growth. Intracellular concentrations (0.8 to 3.2 X 10(-5) M) were substantially higher and did not vary appreciably during growth or with carbon source. Sodium cAMP (5 mM) failed to reverse the catabolite repression of inducible glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC synthesis caused by the addition of 10 mM succinate. Exogenous cAMP also had no discernible effect on the catabolite repression control of inducible mannitol dehydrogenase (EC P. aeruginosa was found to contain both soluble cAMP phosphodiesterase (EC and membrane-associated adenylate cyclase (EC activity, and these were compared to the activities detected in crude extracts of E. coli. B. fragilis crude cell extracts contain neither of these enzyme activities, and little or no cAMP was detected in cells or culture filtrates of this anaerobic bacterium.  相似文献   

An enzyme degradable substance in an amoebae extract from Dictyostelium discoideum has been observed to exhibit properties of 3′,5′-guanosine monophosphate (cyclic GMP). This is the simplest differentiating system yet shown to contain cyclic GMP.  相似文献   

cDNA fragments putatively encoding amino acid sequences characteristic of the fatty acid desaturase were obtained using expressed sequence tag (EST) information of the Dictyostelium cDNA project. Using this sequence, we have determined the cDNA sequence and genomic sequence of a desaturase. The cloned cDNA is 1489 nucleotides long and the deduced amino acid sequence comprised 464 amino acid residues containing an N-terminal cytochrome b5 domain. The whole sequence was 38.6% identical to the initially identified Delta5-desaturase of Mortierella alpina. We have confirmed its function as Delta5-desaturase by over expression mutation in D. discoideum and also the gain of function mutation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Analysis of the lipids from transformed D. discoideum and yeast demonstrated the accumulation of Delta5-desaturated products. This is the first report concering fatty acid desaturase in cellular slime molds.  相似文献   

Two compounds, ammonia (NH3) and 3′5′ cyclic AMP (cAMP) act as specific morphogens in regulating the development of Dictyostelium discoideum [1–11]. A previous study [12] demonstrated that NH3 at concentrations that affect the course of morphogenesis completely inhibits the extracellular release of cAMP by aggregation competent cells incubated in shaken suspension. The present study extends this finding in two respects:
  • 1 Exposure of aggregation competent cells to NH3 (supplied as ammonium carbonate) is followed within a few minutes by the complete disappearance of intracellular cAMP. Subsequent removal of NH3 is followed by a rapid, complete restoration of the level. Neither the disappearance nor the reappearance is affected by the presence of cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis.
  • 2 In a mutant strain of D discoideum, greatly increased sensitivity to NH3 as a regulator of morphogenesis is coupled with a correspondingly increased sensitivity to NH3 as an inhibitor of cAMP accumulation.
These results are consistent with a recently proposed [13, 14] model of morphogenetic regulation that is based on the supposition that NH3, by inhibiting cAMP production, restricts cAMP accumulation to specified constrained areas within the developing multicellular aggregate and thereby dictates the course of morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation.  相似文献   

The subcutaneous injection of isoprenaline, salbutamol, histamine, and adrenaline to rats, which were subsequently killed by microwave irradiation, resulted in a rapid increase in the cyclic AMP content of the carotid body. On the other hand, noradrenaline, dopamine, adenosine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine, at doses at least 100 times greater than that of isoprenaline, did not significantly alter the cyclic nucleotide content in vivo. The response to isoprenaline was dose related, with an ED50 of 15 micrograms X kg-1, and reached a peak level 1-1.5 min after injection. Incubation of intact carotid bodies with isoprenaline (10(-5) M) in vitro also resulted in a 10-fold increase in cyclic AMP content. The in vivo response to isoprenaline could be blocked stereo-selectively by propranolol, and ICI 118.551, a beta 2-selective antagonist, blocks the isoprenaline-elicited increase in cyclic AMP completely at a dose of 30 micrograms X kg-1; whereas betaxolol, a beta 1-selective antagonist, was ineffective, even at a dose of 300 micrograms X kg-1. Hypoxia (5% oxygen in 95% N2) did not result in a significant increase in the cyclic AMP content, nor did it significantly alter the isoprenaline-stimulated increase in the cyclic AMP content of the rat carotid body. These results suggest that some catecholamines may stimulate cyclic AMP formation by interacting with a beta 2-adrenoceptor in the rat carotid body.  相似文献   

Detritylation of 2',3'-O-carbonyl-5'-O-trityluridine (Ia) with ethereal hydrogen chloride affords 2',3'-O-carbonyluridine (Ib; 83%) which is converted by mesylation to the 5'-mesylcarbonate Ic (75%). Reaction of compound, Ic with tetrabutylammonium bromide in DMF affords the 5'-bromo carbonate Id (77%) which is reduced with tributyltin hydride to the 5'-deoxyuridine 2',3'-cyclic carbonate Ie (70%). When heated with imidazole, compound Ie affords the 2,2'-anhydro derivative IIa (76%) which is converted to the 2'-chloro derivative IIIa (88%) on heating with HC1/DMF. The tributyltin hydride reduction of compound IIIa gives 2',5'-dideoxyuridine (IIIb; 68%). When heated with NaHCO3 in DMF, the 5'-bromo carbonate Id affords the anhydro bromo derivative IIb (50%) which is converted to the 2',5'-dichloro derivative IIIc (86%) on heating with HC1/DMF. The tributyltin hydride reduction of compound IIIc affords the 2',5'-dideoxy derivative IIIb (59%). Alkaline hydrolysis of the 2,2'-anhydro derivative IIa affords the arabinosyl derivative IVa which is converted to the diacetyl derivative IVb (34%) by acetylation. When refluxed in water, the 2',3'-cyclic carbonates Ib, Id, and Ie are hydrolysed to the parent nucleosides, namely, uridine (Va; 81%), 5'-bromo-5'-deoxyuridine (Vb; 78%), and 5'-deoxyuridine (Vc; 83%). Hydrolysis of carbonates Ib and Ie is accompanied by the formation of the 2,2'-anhydro derivatives IIc (10%) and IIa (5%) as by-products.  相似文献   

Binding of cyclic adenosine 3' ,5'-monophosphate (cAMP) by the cAMP receptor protein in crude cell-free extracts of Escherichia coli was characterized. When cell were grown in glucose, binding was inhibited 50% relative to extracts from cells grown with succinate as carbon source . This inhibition could be relieved by dialysis.  相似文献   

We describe a Dictyostelium STAT, Dd-STATc, which regulates the speed of early development and the timing of terminal differentiation. Dd-STATc also functions as a repressor, which directs graded expression of the ecmA gene in different prestalk cell populations. Developing Dictyostelium cells produce a chlorinated hexaphenone, DIF, which directs prestalk cell differentiation. Dd-STATc is tyrosine phosphorylated, dimerizes, and translocates to the nucleus when cells are exposed to DIF. Surprisingly, however, SH2 domain-phosphotyrosine interaction is not necessary for the DIF-induced nuclear translocation of Dd-STATc. In this respect, Dd-STATc activation resembles several recently described, noncanonical mammalian STAT signaling processes. We show instead that DIF mediates nuclear translocation via sequences located in the divergent, N-terminal half of the Dd-STATc molecule.  相似文献   

Adenosine 3'',5''-phosphate in fungi.   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文

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