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间接性害虫为害与作物产量损失的关系Ⅰ.食叶害虫   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文将繁多的农作物害虫分为间接性害虫和直接性害虫.间接性害虫造成的作物的某类器官或组织的损失率小于产量损失率.食叶害虫是间接性害虫中的一大类.作物对叶面积损失的产量反应很不一致,从完全失收到增产10倍.影响叶面积损失与产量关系的首要因素通常是作物在受害时的生长阶段.在叶面积损失率一定时,处于生长中期(最终营养库迅速增大期)的作物出现最大程度减产.在损失率过大,上部功能叶受害,为害持续时间过长,作物矮秆紧凑,水、肥及气象条件不良以及损失的叶面积分布不均匀等情形下,叶片受害后易于减产;反之则减产较少甚至增产.从分散的材料中归纳出这一基本关系,对当前广泛开展的食叶害虫的产量损失评价工作可能有参考和改进意义.  相似文献   

植物用于防御的资源有限,而那些具有生物防御的物种,其叶片可能会较少地用于其他类型的防御。我们比较了机械防御能力较弱,但具有花外蜜腺的植物,与没有花外蜜腺但叶片更有韧性的植物是否更不容易被取食。我们通过分析文献数据,调查有无花外蜜腺的植物被取食的情况。在巴西南部的热带稀树草原植被中,我们采集了6种热带植物的叶片数据,并测定了被取食情况和比叶面积。我们进一步评估了有无花外蜜腺的物种之间以及植物之间被取食情况和比叶面积的差异。为了检验动物取食与叶片韧性之间的关系,我们对单株平均被取食情况和平均叶片韧性进行了回归。研究结果表明,植物表现出不同程度的叶片损伤,但没有蚂蚁防御的植物因被取食造成的叶面积损失最大。不同植物的机械防御水平也不相同。无花外蜜腺的植株更坚韧,比叶面积值更小。虽然无花外蜜腺的植物有更多的坚硬叶片,但这种机械防御不足以损害和/或减少食草动物的取食,这表明由蚂蚁形成的生物防御可能比用于与叶片适口性相关的机械防御更有效。  相似文献   

周昊  李钰  滕子文  杜凌君  万方浩  周洪旭 《昆虫学报》1950,63(10):1207-1214
【目的】苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum、绣线菊蚜Aphis citricola和梨网蝽Stephanitis nashi是苹果园的一类重要害虫,它们以刺吸式口器对苹果树造成不同程度的危害。本研究旨在明确这3种刺吸式昆虫在苹果树上取食行为差异。【方法】利用刺吸电位(electrical penetration graph, EPG)技术对苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成虫在苹果苗韧皮部和非韧皮部上的EPG指标,以及苹果绵蚜、绣线菊蚜和梨网蝽成虫苹果苗上的取食行为进行了比较分析,分析了这3种害虫的成虫在苹果苗上取食8 h各种波形平均持续时间的占比。【结果】结果表明,苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成蚜在苹果苗上均产生6种取食波形,即非刺探波(np)、路径波(C)、意外穿刺细胞非主动取食细胞波(pd)、木质部取食波(G)、韧皮部唾液分泌波(E1)和韧皮部取食波(E2);而梨网蝽成虫取食过程中只产生非刺探波(np)、表皮刺穿波(A)、叶肉细胞取食波(Gc)和木质部取食波(E)4种波形。从蚜虫在苹果苗非韧皮部上取食的EPG指标看,苹果绵蚜成蚜pd波平均时间显著高于绣线菊蚜的,而刺探次数、np波总时间和pd波次数均显著低于绣线菊蚜的。从蚜虫在苹果苗韧皮部上取食的EPG指标来看,除第1次出现E2波的时间外,各指标没有显著差异。从3种害虫在苹果苗上取食8 h各波形的占比来看,梨网蝽成虫的np波总时间所占比例最高(53%),其次是绣线菊蚜成虫的(24%),苹果绵蚜成虫的最低(为1%)。同时,苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成虫取食波为E2波,所占总时间比例分别为35%和25%,而梨网蝽的取食波为Gc波(占总时间比例为36%)和E波(占总时间比例为11%)。【结论】本研究阐释了苹果园刺吸式口器害虫的生态位分离和取食行为学机制,为果园刺吸式口器害虫的综合治理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

通过小菜蛾Plutella xylostellaL.幼虫对菜心取食量变化的研究,得知小菜蛾幼虫在不同阶段的取食量以及变化规律,累计取食量在一定程度上表明了害虫的某一发育阶段对寄主的危害程度.并根据小菜蛾幼虫取食量与时间关系使用SAS 8.1和Matlab 7.1软件进行曲线拟合.小菜蛾幼虫取食菜心的叶面积的拟合曲线为f...  相似文献   

【目的】苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum、绣线菊蚜Aphis citricola和梨网蝽Stephanitis nashi是苹果园的一类重要害虫,它们以刺吸式口器对苹果树造成不同程度的危害。本研究旨在明确这3种刺吸式昆虫在苹果树上取食行为差异。【方法】利用刺吸电位(electrical penetration graph, EPG)技术对苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成虫在苹果苗韧皮部和非韧皮部上的EPG指标,以及苹果绵蚜、绣线菊蚜和梨网蝽成虫在苹果苗上的取食行为进行了比较分析,分析了这3种害虫的成虫在苹果苗上取食8 h各种波形平均持续时间的占比。【结果】结果表明,苹果绵蚜和绣线菊蚜成蚜在苹果苗上均产生6种取食波形,即非刺探波(np)、路径波(C)、意外穿刺细胞非主动取食细胞波(pd)、木质部取食波(G)、韧皮部唾液分泌波(E1)和韧皮部取食波(E2);而梨网蝽成虫取食过程中只产生非刺探波(np)、表皮刺穿波(A)、叶肉细胞取食波(Gc)和木质部取食波(E)4种波形。从蚜虫在苹果苗非韧皮部上取食的EPG指标看,苹果绵蚜成蚜pd波平均时间显著高于绣线菊蚜的,而刺探次数、np波总时间和pd...  相似文献   

为摸清沈阳花生田东北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia diomphalia Bates的发生数量,明确幼虫的取食为害水平,本研究采用诱虫灯对花生田内栖息的东北大黑鳃金龟害虫开展了多年的监测,并将诱集到的成虫带回室内饲养观察,研究其卵的发育和幼虫取食量变化。结果表明,东北大黑鳃金龟每年均有两个上灯活动高峰,不同年度间金龟的始现期存在差异,上灯虫量在不同年度间呈多寡交替的特征;降雨对东北大黑鳃金龟的上灯活动产生较大影响,雨天金龟基本不上灯。东北大黑鳃金龟3龄幼虫期长达329.8±1.80 d,其取食量随取食时间的增加符合正态分布,食物利用率(ECI)达1.32%±0.339%,幼虫3龄末期体重达到最大,但化蛹后随最后一次蜕皮又损失部分体重。东北大黑鳃金龟是沈阳花生田的重要害虫,以3龄幼虫取食幼苗造成的危害损失最大。金龟出土活动与环境温度和降雨发生均有密切关系。利用诱虫灯在6-7月集中诱杀金龟,可有效地减轻下一年蛴螬的危害损失。  相似文献   

水稻食叶类害虫等量损害系统与复合防治指标   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
陆自强  沈国清 《昆虫学报》1991,34(3):319-325
稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis.medinalis Guenèe中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis(Thunberg)稻苞虫Parnara guttatus (Bremer et Grey)是江苏地区水稻的主要食叶类害虫,取食水稻叶片,导致光合叶面积减少.剪叶模拟试验表明,水稻不同生育阶段叶面积损失率与产量损失率呈线性相关.其回归方程分蘖期、孕穗期、腊熟期分别为 D(It)=72.50759It1.15906、D(It)=141.61737It1.08002、D(It)=25.12434It1.00569.在叶面积损失率相同的情况下,产量损失率孕穗期>分蘖期>腊熟期.试验通过三种害虫的各龄取食量,不同生育阶段水稻叶面积及为害与损失率之间的关系,建立了不同生育阶段的经济允许损害水平(EILt).并根据各种害虫的相对潜在取食量,计算了校正等量损害系数,为制订复合防治指标提供了依据.实践证明:以等量损害为单位的复合防治指标有较大的实用价值,生态效益、经济效益、社会效益明显.  相似文献   

本文介绍了植物耐虫性的研究方法, 包括植物功能损失指数(耐虫指数)、产量损失率、植株被害率、存活率、根系体积(受害程度)、植株和害虫干重、叶片叶绿素荧光特性、保护酶活性和主茎伤流液量等生理生化指标以及害虫的种群发展和取食行为等方法, 并提出植物耐虫性机理的研究思路和方向。  相似文献   

植物耐虫性的研究方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍了植物耐虫性的研究方法,包括植物功能损失指数(耐虫指数)、产量损失率、植株被换害率、存活率、根系体积(受害程度)、植株和害虫干重、叶片叶绿素荧光特性、保护酶活性和主茎伤流液量等生理生化指标以及害虫的种群发展和取食行为等方法,并提出植物耐虫性机理的研究思路和方向.  相似文献   

黄脊竹蝗(Ceracris kiangsu)是中国南方地区重要的竹子害虫。为了揭示黄脊竹蝗发生趋尿行为的驱动力,测定了黄脊竹蝗在生长发育过程中氮素收支,分析了氮素流失与竹蝗趋泥行为间的关系。结果表明:黄脊竹蝗取食与排粪的高峰期均发生在成虫期,显著高于若虫期(P0.001);蜕皮是造成竹蝗氮素损失的重要原因,羽化期是氮素损失的重要时期;氮素损失可能是激发黄脊竹蝗成虫趋泥行为的重要原因。  相似文献   

The allometric equation, y=gxh, was applied monthly to the relationships between two different dimensions of tree seedlings of hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) during a course of self-thinning from April 1990 to March 1991 to detect differences in biomass allocation among individuals. As the h-value in the allometry of crown length and seedling height was greater than unity for all seasons, crown ratio became greater as seedling height increased. Leaf weight ratio increased with increasing seedling size because the h-value in the allometry of leaf dry weight and whole seedling dry weight was greater than unity in every month. Therefore, smaller seedlings are disadvantageous to photosynthetic production by leaves. In contrast, the leaf area ratio was constant irrespective of seedling size because the h-value in the allometry of leaf area and whole seedling dry weight was nearly equal to unity in most seasons. In addition, because the h-value in the allometry of leaf area and leaf dry weight was less than unity in all seasons, specific leaf area decreased with an increase in leaf dry weight, indicating that smaller seedlings adapt to low light environments by possessing shade leaves. Root weight ratio decreased with increasing seedling size because the h-value in the allometry of root dry weight and whole seedling dry weight was less than unity in most seasons.  相似文献   

Ancymidol foliar spray at 132 mg·liter–1 a.i. modified leaf anatomy of developing Helianthus annuus L. Mammoth Russian leaves, but not of mature leaves. Ancymidol was effective in retarding plant growth when applied at the young seedling or at a more mature stage of growth. Ancymidol increased leaf weight per unit area and chlorophyll content on an area and unit weight basis, regardless of stage of leaf development. Total chlorophyll per leaf was also increased in mature leaves. Thus, darker green foliage due to increased chlorophyll content and modified leaf anatomy responses were determined to be independent effects.Texas Agricultural Experiment Station paper no. 22927.  相似文献   

The leaf miner Cameraria ohridella causes premature defoliation of Aesculus hippocastanum trees. In order to assess the whole-plant loss of productivity caused by the parasite, we monitored seasonal changes of leaf gas exchange and leaf area losses in horse chestnut trees freely infested or chemically treated to prevent moth infestation (controls). Data were integrated in a model and the annual loss of net primary productivity (NPP) was calculated for infested trees with respect to controls. Measurements showed marked vertical stratification of C. ohridella attacks, with lower crown strata being more infested than higher ones. Leaf gas exchange was maximum between May and early June, but it strongly decreased starting from mid-June even in controls. Model calculations showed that NPP loss of infested trees was about 30% on an annual basis (when the first moth attack is recorded at the end of April). Model simulations showed that postponing the start day of attack would have important positive effects on plants NPP. For example, if the start day of attack was postponed to 20 May, the annual loss of NPP would be about 15%. Our study suggests that A. hippocastanum trees attacked by C. ohridella are not facing serious risks of decline, especially if methods are adopted to postpone the start day of attack (e.g. removal of fallen leaves in autumn). Our data do not support the view that plants need to be totally protected from the parasite by application of insecticides.  相似文献   

亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶小枝的异速生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 植物生态学研究的重要内容之一是识别和定量刻画种间生态变异的主要维数,叶大小小枝大小维(谱)是其中之一,目前的研究相对比较薄弱,两者之间是异速还是等速生长关系仍存在着争论。亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶大小-枝大小维的研究报道很少。该文以我国东部亚热带典型区域福建梅花山常绿阔叶林的68种常绿乔灌木植物为对象,进行了叶-小枝关系及其生态意义的研究。结果表明:1)小枝茎截面积与叶干重、总叶面积和单叶面积之间的SMA斜率分别为1.29、1.23和1.18,呈现异速生长关系,支持叶大小 小枝大小为异速生长的相关研究结论,但SMA斜率低于预期值,其原因及生态意义有待进一步研究;2)小枝总叶面积与单叶面积呈显著正相关,而与叶片数量不相关,反映了小枝总叶面积的增加主要是由单叶面积大小决定的,可能与这一地区湿润气候有关;而单叶面积与枝条长度呈正相关则可能反映了植物对常绿阔叶林内较弱光照环境的适应;3)叶干重同小枝干重、叶面积为等速生长关系,可能反映了植物与动物之间代谢方式的差异。  相似文献   

Recent investigations of relationships among plant traits have generated important insights into plant form and function. However, relationships involving leaf area, leaf shape and plant height remain poorly resolved. Previous work has also focused on correlations between average trait values for individual species. It is unclear whether similar relationships occur within species. We searched for novel plant trait correlations by comparing leaf area, leaf circularity, specific leaf area (SLA) and plant height among 16 common woody plant species from a temperate forest in New Zealand. Analyses were conducted both within species (intra‐specifically) and among species (inter‐specifically) to determine whether trait correlations were scale dependent. Leaf area was unrelated to other leaf traits inter‐specifically. However, leaf area declined with plant height and increased with SLA intra‐specifically. Leaf circularity decreased with plant height inter‐specifically, but increased with plant height intra‐specifically. SLA increased with plant height both inter‐ and intra‐specifically. Leaf circularity increased with SLA inter‐specifically, but decreased with SLA intra‐specifically. Overall results showed that leaf shape, SLA and plant height are interrelated. However, intra‐specific relationships often differed substantially from inter‐specific relationships, suggesting that the processes shaping relationships between this suite of plant traits are scale‐dependent.  相似文献   

Abstract: Plant species vary widely in their average leaf lifespan (LL) and specific leaf area (SLA, leaf area per dry mass). The negative LL–SLA relationship commonly seen among species represents an important evolutionary trade‐off, with higher SLA indicating greater potential for fast growth (higher rate of return on a given investment), but longer LL indicating a longer duration of the revenue stream from that investment. We investigated how these leaf‐economic traits related to aggregate properties of the plant crown. Across 14 Australian sclerophyll shrub species, those with long LL accumulated more leaf mass and leaf area per unit ground area. Light attenuation through their canopies was more severe. Leaf accumulation and light attenuation were more weakly related to SLA than to LL. The greater accumulation of foliage in species with longer LL and lower SLA may counterbalance their generally lower photosynthetic rates and light‐capture areas per gram of leaf.  相似文献   

半干旱黄土丘陵区人工林叶面积特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 该文通过对黄土丘陵区4个密度的刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)人工林、3个密度的侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)人工林生长季叶面积变化的研究,揭示了不同密度林分叶面积生长与林分密度的关系;通过对灌木生长季叶面积变化的研究,建立了灌木柠条(Caragana korshinskii)、沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)和紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa)叶面积与叶鲜重、枝条基径的经验公式,为半干旱区灌木生长调查提供了一种方便、快捷的方法。结果表明:1)刺槐和侧柏各密度林分的单株林木叶面积和叶面积指数均在9月达到最大值,其中刺槐林叶面积指数峰值可达到10.5,侧柏峰值可达到3.2;灌木柠条、沙棘和紫穗槐叶面积和叶面积指数都在8月份达到各自的最大值,柠条、沙棘和紫穗槐的叶面积指数峰值分别为1.1 95、1.123和1.882;2)刺槐叶面积与叶鲜重具有极显著相关的幂函数关系,侧柏、柠条、沙棘、紫穗槐叶面积与叶鲜重具有极显著相关的线性函数关系,其中柠条枝条基径与叶面积还具有极显著相关的幂函数关系,沙棘、紫穗槐枝条基径与叶面积还具有极显著相关的线性函数关系;3)黄土丘陵区,由于林地土壤水分条件的限制,承载力有限。人工林进入生长盛期后, 不同密度刺槐和侧柏林分叶面积指数趋于一致,与最初的造林密度和现存密度没有关系。在不同密度的刺槐和侧柏林分间,单株叶面积与其林分密度成反比。在对上述结果分析的基础上得出:黄土丘陵区,由于林地土壤水分条件的限制,承载力有限。该文所研究的刺槐和侧柏各林分均已达到了当地土地承载力的上限,基于提高单株林木质量的考虑,建议刺槐林郁闭后的密度不超过833株&;#8226;hm-2,侧柏则不超过1 111株&;#8226;hm-2。如以全林分生物量为目标,林分密度也可适当减小。  相似文献   

Leaf area estimation in a sugar beet cultivar by linear models   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Tsialtas  J. T.  Maslaris  N. 《Photosynthetica》2005,43(3):477-479
An indirect method of leaf area measurement for Rizor sugar beet cultivar was tested. Leaves were sampled during two growing seasons in a Randomised Complete Block Design experiment. For 2002 samplings, leaf area [cm2] was linearly correlated with maximum leaf width [cm] using all leaf samples (r 2 = 0.83, p < 0.001) or using the means of the 8 sampling occasions (r 2 = 0.97, p < 0.001). Correlations between leaf area and leaf mid vein length [cm] were weaker (r 2 = 0.75, p < 0.001 and r 2 = 0.93, p < 0. 001, respectively). For 2003 samplings, the area estimated by the equations was highly correlated to the measured leaf area.  相似文献   

Long-term experimental plots of Norway spruce and European beech are investigated for a link between stand-level self-thinning and tree-level leaf biomass allometry. Self-thinning refers to the finding of Reineke (1933), who postulated for unthinned forest stands that with β = −1.605; i.e. an increase of mean (quadratic) diameter d q by 1% results in a decrease of tree number N by 1.605%. On the individual tree level, leaf biomass (w L) can be related allometrically to the tree diameter d: w L = ad α. If we assume that (a) the stands have reached the ceiling leaf area, (b) the specific leaf area (leaf area/leaf weight) is constant, and (c) differences resulting from the use of mean quadratic diameter or individual tree diameter are negligible, then the decrease in the stands’ leaf biomass due to the trees lost in self-thinning must be compensated by an equivalent increase in the remaining trees’ leaf biomass. This means, the absolute slope of the individual trees’ leaf biomass allometry α and the self-thinning allometry β would be equal and just have the opposite sign: α = −β. The analysis of the two long-term plots reveals that α is stronger than β, both for spruce (β = −1.744, α = 1.840) and especially for beech (β = −1.791, α = 2.181). The cause is traced back to a changing average specific leaf area during stand development [assumption (b) is wrong]. The results do not only bridge a gap between tree and stand allometry, but also emphasize an important effect for the understanding and modelling of the resource allocations in trees and forests.  相似文献   

植物叶片性状随叶龄的变化是植物生活史策略的体现, 反映了植物叶片的物质投资和分配方式。该研究通过在个体和物种2个水平, 比较浙江天童1 hm 2样地内常绿阔叶树种的平均叶面积(MLA)、比叶面积(SLA)和叶片干物质含量(LDMC)在当年生和往年生叶片间的差异和关联, 探究叶片物质分配策略在异龄叶间的变化, 并分析叶龄对植物叶片性状, 特别是叶片面积建成消耗的影响。结果显示: 1)在个体和物种水平上, MLA变异系数最大(个体: 79.5%; 物种: 66.5%), SLA次之(个体: 28.1%; 物种: 24.7%), LDMC较低(个体: 17.0%, 物种: 14.1%); 当年生叶片MLA、LDMCSLA的变异系数均高于往年生叶片; 2)往年生叶MLA显著大于当年生叶(t = -38.53, p < 0.001), 往年生叶SLA显著小于当年生叶(t = 45.30, p < 0.001), 往年生叶LDMC显著大于当年生叶(t = -9.71, p < 0.001); 3)在个体水平, 当年生叶片MLA、SLALDMC值分别解释了往年生叶片MLA、SLALDMC变异的86%、48%和41%; 在物种水平, 当年生叶片MLA、SLALDMC值分别解释了往年生叶片MLA、SLALDMC变异的97%、83%和85%; 4) SLA在异龄叶间的变化表明, 与往年生叶片相比, 投资相同干物质, 当年生叶片可形成较大的叶面积, 其叶片面积建成消耗较小。研究认为, 植物叶性状在异龄叶间具有较大的变异性和关联性, 叶面积形成过程中生物量建成与消耗的协调可能影响植物叶片的发育。  相似文献   

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