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Summary With an antiserum to the molluscan cardioactive tetrapeptide FMRF-amide immunoreactive perikarya and nerve fibers were identified in the central and peripheral nervous system of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Their localization is described. The same antiserum yielded reactive product in particular cells of the epithelium of the alimentary tract. The use of two different fixatives, glutaraldehyde, and a mixture of glutaraldehyde, picric acid, and acetic acid (GPA) showed that certain nerve cells can be identified only in material fixed with either the one or the other of these two fixatives, a result which indicates that in Lymnaea more than one FMRF-amide-like substance may occur.Positive axon endings were found in the periphery of various nerves, i.e., in places where neurohormones are released into the blood. Other fibers were found to end, probably synaptically, on other neurons, on epithelial cells in the stomach, and between muscle cells in various parts of the body, e.g., in the heart. In these cases the FMRF-amide-like substance may function as a neurotransmitter or a neuromodulator.  相似文献   

Summary Electron micrographs of pore cells of Lymnaea stagnalis suggest that these cells produce and store haemocyanin.  相似文献   

Summary The caudo-dorsal cells (CDC) in the cerebral ganglia of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis synthesize the 36-amino acid ovulation hormone (CDCH). We have used immuno-cytochemistry and in situ hybridization to reveal the localization of neurons and axons containing CDCH-like material.A monoclonal antibody to a fragment of CDCH and a cDNA probe encoding CDCH reacted with the CDC-system, with specific cell groups in the cerebral and pleural ganglia, and with individually occurring neurons throughout the central nervous system. The cells in the pleural ganglia, which were found in about 50% of the preparations studied, are considered as ectopic CDC. They are morphologically similar to CDC in their somal dimensions and axonal organization. By means of immuno-electron microscopy it was shown that these neurons contain secretory vesicles that are similar to those of the CDC. The neurons of the bilateral groups occurring in the cerebral ganglia in addition to the CDC are smaller and more intensely stained than the CDC. Axons of these small neurons probably have varicosities located on the CDC axons in the neuropil of the cerebral ganglion, indicating synaptic contacts. Two major axon tracts could be followed from (or toward) the neuropil of the cerebral ganglion. One tract runs from the cerebral gangion via the pleural and parietal ganglia to the visceral ganglion, giving off branches to most nerves emanating from these ganglia. The other tract could be traced through the cerebro-pedal connective to the pedal ganglia. Only in the right pedal ganglion was extensive axonal branching observed. The nerves emanating from this ganglion contained many more immunoreactive axons than those from the left pedal ganglion. A polyclonal antibody raised against the synthetic fragment of CDCH stained, in addition to the neurons and axons revealed with the monoclonal antibody and the cDNA probe, three other major groups of neurons. Two are located in the cerebral ganglion, the other in the left pedal ganglion.The present findings suggest the presence of a system of neurons that contain CDCH or CDCH-like peptides. The role this system may play in the control of egg-laying and egg-laying behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

We have previously described the isolation of a complementary DNA (cDNA) from the freshwater molluscLymnaea stagnalis encoding a polypeptide that exhibits 50% identity to the ß-subunits of vertebrate -aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A (GABAA) receptor. When expressed inXenopus laevis oocytes fromin vitro-transcribed RNA, the snail subunit forms functional homo-oligomeric receptors possessing chloride-selective ion channels. In recordings from voltage-clamped oocytes held at –60 mV, GABA induced an inward current, whereas application of the chloride-channel blocker picrotoxin (in the absence of agonist) elicited an apparent outward current. Single channel recordings obtained from cell-attached patches have revealed a single population of 20 pS channels, with an open probability greater than 90% (at a pipette potential of –100 mV) in the absence of GABA. The relationship between single channel current and pipette potential was linear over the studied range (–100 mV to +60 mV), but the open probability was less for hyperpolarizations than for depolarizations. The spontaneous channel openings were blocked by micromolar concentrations of picrotoxin. Functional hetero-oligomeric receptors were formed when the molluscan subunit was co-expressed in oocytes with the bovine GABAA receptor 1-subunit, but the channels gated by these receptors did not open spontaneously.  相似文献   

Summary Monolayers of blood cells (amoebocytes) and sections of connective tissue and of amoebocyte pellets of the freshwater pulmonate gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis were stained immunocytochemically with antisera to snail agglutinin/opsonin. The presence of this substance was demonstrated light microscopically both in the cytoplasm and on the cell membrane of amoebocytes. This suggests that amoebocytes synthesize agglutinin/opsonin, and bear it at their surface as receptors for foreign materials.  相似文献   

Summary Several types of receptor endings were identified with scanning electron microscopy and silver-impregnation techniques in the skin of the tentacles, lips, dorsal surface of the head and mouth region of the pond snails Lymnaea stagnalis and Vivipara viviparus. Sensory endings at the tips of dendrites of primary receptor neurones, scattered below the epithelium, differ in structure, i.e., the endings exposed to the surface of the skin possess different proportions of cilia and microvilli, which vary in number, length, and packing. Type-I endings have microvilli and a few (1–5) cilia, 5–12 m in length. Type-2 endings have abundant (20–40), interwoven long (9–12 m) cilia and random microvilli. Type-3 endings show typical packing of 10–25 cilia in the form of bundles or brushes. They may be composed either of long (9–18 m) or short (2–7 m) cilia, or of both long and short ones. Microvilli here are absent. Type-4 endings have only microvilli. Two other types of skin receptors do not extend their sensory endings to the surface and can be indentified only in silver-stained preparations. Type-5 endings are branching dendrites of skin receptors cells that terminate among epithelial cells. In type-6, the sensory endings also terminate among epithelial cells but their cell bodies are located outside of the skin. In both species all skin regions examined possess the receptors of all six types differing only in their relative proportion. Possible functional roles of different receptors are discussed.  相似文献   

The attachment of the body of the snail Lymnaea stagnalis to the shell was studied by histochemistry and light and electron microscopy. Muscles of the body wall insert into the connective tissue by way of long thin projections of sarcolemma. The muscle cells end under the basement membrane of a specialised area of the epidermis, the adhesive epithelium. The cells of this epithelium are filled with microfilaments and possess characteristic knob-like microvilli. The epithelium is attached to the shell by way of an adhesive substance containing proteins and mucopolysaccharides.This research was made possible by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Pure Research (Z.W.O.)  相似文献   

Summary The cerebral caudodorsal cells (CDC) of the pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis are involved in the control of egg laying and associated behaviour by releasing various peptides. One of these is the ovulation hormone (CDCH). The cellular dynamics of this peptide have been studied using an antiserum raised to a synthetic portion of CDCH comprising the 20–36 amino acid sequence. With the secondary antibody-immunogold technique, specific immunoreactivity was found in all CDC. Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus showed very little reactivity as did secretory granules that were in the process of being budded off from the Golgi apparatus. However, secretory granules that were being discharged from the Golgi apparatus, were strongly reactive. Secretory granules within lysosomal structures revealed various degrees of immunoreactivity, indicating their graded breakdown. Large electrondense granules, formed by the Golgi apparatus and thought to be involved in intracellular degradation of secretory material, were only slightly reactive. In the axon terminals secretory granules released their contents into the haemolymph by the process of exocytosis. The exteriorized contents were in most cases clearly immunopositive.The possibility has been discussed that CDCH is cleaved from its polypeptide precursor within secretory granules during granule discharge from the Golgi apparatus; subsequently, the mature secretory granules would be transported towards the neurohaemal axon terminals where they release CDCH into the haemolymph. Superfluous secretory material would be degraded by the lysosomal system including the large electron-dense granules.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular localization of calcium by means of cytochemical techniques was studied in smooth muscle cells of mouse intestine. When the lead acetate method according to Carasso and Favard (1966) was used calcium was found in mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum and occasionally between the myofilaments. The active ATP-dependent accumulation of calcium into cell structures was investigated by the oxalate method (Heumann and Zebe, 1967). After appropriate treatment the only structures of smooth muscle cells which contained calcium oxalate (identified by microprobe analysis) were elements of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.The results are discussed in relation to the role of calcium in the control of muscle activity during the contraction-relaxation cycle.The electron probe microanalysis was carried out at SIEMENS (Berlin) in collaboration with Dr. von Muschwitz. I thank Miss M. Schlatter for her skillful assistance. The investigation was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Consecutive sections of certain neurons in the central ganglia of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis appear to be immunoreactive to anti-dopamine and anti-serotonin. The Cerebral Giant Neurons stain in addition with antivasotocin. The observations indicate the presence of two biogenic amines within the same neuron and in addition their co-existence with a biologically active peptide.  相似文献   

The neurosecretory Caudo-Dorsal Cells (CDC) in the cerebral ganglia of the freshwater pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis produce an ovulation stimulating hormone. Previously it has been shown that neuronal and non-neuronal inputs are involved in the regulation of their activity. The degree of autonomy of these cells has been investigated by studying with morphometric methods the ultrastructure of CDC maintained in vitro. CDC of isolated cerebral ganglia which were cultured for 7 days show a considerable rate of synthesis, transport and release of neurohormone. Apparently these processes can proceed in the absence of neuronal and hormonal inputs from outside the cerebral ganglia. Completely isolated CDC, however, do not show neurosecretory activity in vitro; active Golgi zones, indicating the formation of neurosecretory elementary granules, are absent from such cells. Isolation does not seem to affect general cell functions such as protein synthesis and respiration. It is suggested that a neuronal input, originating within the cerebral ganglia, is necessary for the stimulation of CDC neurosecretory activity. Techniques are described for the isolation and culture of neurosecretory cells of L. stagnalis.  相似文献   

The pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis (L.) was used for a laboratory assessment of seasonal variation in palatability of three freshwater macrophytes: Potamogeton lucens, Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii. For each species, 2–5 populations were investigated in spring and in summer. Preliminary results showed that the feeding rate of similarly-aged snails bred under standard conditions was stable over time. In contrast, snail feeding rate on the three macrophyte species decreased from spring to summer, which was therefore interpreted as a decrease in plant palatability. This decrease was probably due to tissue maturation, as suggested by the concomitant increase in the dry matter content of leaves of the three species. The high palatability of the species studied during the spring may prove detrimental in cases of strong herbivore pressure, and could have consequences for macrophyte distribution among aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

The cerebral ganglia of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis contain two clusters of neurosecretory Caudo-Dorsal Cells (CDC). These cells produce a neurohormone which stimulates ovulation. Ganglion transplantation and quantitative electron microscopy show that neuronal isolation of the cerebral ganglia complex (CCC) results in an activation of the CDC. It was, therefore, concluded that the CDC are controlled by an inhibitory neuronal input originating outside the cerebral ganglia. Ultrastructural studies on synaptic degeneration in the CCC suggest that this input reaches the CDC via a special type of synapse-like structure, the type C-SLS.Furthermore, transplantation of CCC into acceptor snails leads to a reduced release and an increased intracellular breakdown of neurohormone in the CDC of the nervous system of the acceptors. It is supposed that these phenomena are caused by the release of an (unknown) factor from the transplanted CCC. Special attention was given to the formation and degradation of a peculiar type of neurohormone granule, the large electron dense granule.  相似文献   

Summary The functional morphology of the neuroendocrine system producing sodium influx-stimulating (SIS) peptide in the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, was studied by in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry. The SIS-peptide, which is 76 amino acids long, stimulates sodium uptake from the ambient medium. Two synthetic DNA probes were used for in situ hybridization. The nucleotide sequences were chosen from the cDNA structure; they encode amino acids 8–17 and 64–73, respectively. SIS-peptide sequences 10–20 and 67–76 were synthesized and antibodies were raised to them and affinity-purified. In addition to these antibodies, a monoclonal antibody raised to a bioactive, high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)-purified brain extract was used for immunocytochemistry. Paraffin sections of central nervous systems and of whole snails were studied. The SIS-peptide system could be identified as the previously described yellow cell (YC) system by comparing alternate sections treated with the DNA probes, stained with the antibodies, or stained with alcian blue-alcian yellow. SIS-peptide neurons (45) occur in the ganglia of the visceral ring and in the proximal parts of visceral nerves. Axons run in the nerves of these and in several nerves of other ganglia. Numerous axon branches penetrate the perineurium forming a vast central neurohemal area. The SIS-peptide system innervates the pericardium, the nephridial gland, the reno-pericardial canal, the ureter, the spermoviduct and gonadal acini, the anterior aorta, the ventral buccal artery, and the penis protractor muscle. The morphology of the system is discussed in relation to the process of sodium ion uptake from the ambient medium and from pro-urine, and to that of regulating blood pressure. In the central nervous system and other organs, neurons and axons not labeled with the DNA probes, but immunoreactive to one or two of the antibodies, were observed. It seems unlikely that these elements are functionally related to the SIS-peptide system.  相似文献   

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