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Each Drosophila genital imaginal disc contains primordia for both male and female genitalia and analia. The sexually dimorphic development of this disc is governed by the sex-specific expression of doublesex (dsx). We present data that substantially revises our understanding of how dsx controls growth and differentiation in the genital disc. The classical view of genital disc development is that in each sex, dsx autonomously "represses" the development of the inappropriate genital primordium while allowing the development of the appropriate primordium. Instead, we show that dsx regulates the A/P organizer to control growth of each genital primordium, and then directs each genital primordium to differentiate defined adult structures in both sexes.  相似文献   

The imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster, which form the adult epidermal structures, are a good experimental model for studying morphogenesis. The genital disc forms the terminalia, which are the most sexually dimorphic structures of the fly. Both sexes of Drosophila have a single genital disc formed by three primordia. The female genital primordium is derived from 8(th) abdominal segment and is located anteriorly, the anal primordium (10 and 11(th) abdominal segments) is located posteriorly, and the male genital primordium from the 9(th) abdominal segment lies between them. In both sexes, only two of these three primordia develop to form the adult terminalia. The anal primordium develops in both sexes but, depending on the genetic sex, will form either male or female analia. However, only one of the genital primordia develops in each sex, forming either the male or the female genitalia. This depends on the genetic sex of the fly. Therefore, the genital disc is a very good experimental model of how the sex-determination and homeotic genes - which determine cell identity - interact to direct the development of a population of cells into male or female terminalia. It has been proposed that the sexually dimorphic development of the genital disc is the result of an integrated genetic input, made up by the sex-determination gene doublesex and the homeotic gene Abdominal-B. This input acts by modulating the response to Hedgehog, Wingless, and Decapentaplegic morphogenetic signals.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic characters have two-fold complexities in pattern formation as they have to get input from both somatic sex determination as well as the positional determining regulators. Sex comb development in Drosophila requires functions of the somatic sex-determining gene doublesex and the homeotic gene Sex combs reduced. Attempts have not been made to decipher the role of dsx in imparting sexually dimorphic expression of SCR and the differential function of sex-specific variants of dsx products in sex comb development. Our results in this study indicate that male-like pattern of SCR expression is independent of dsx function, and dsx F must be responsible for bringing about dimorphism in SCR expression, whereas dsx M function is required with Scr for the morphogenesis of sex comb.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis regulates the steady-state abundance of proteins and controls cellular homoeostasis by abrupt elimination of key effector proteins. A multienzyme system targets proteins for destruction through the covalent attachment of a multiubiquitin chain. The specificity and timing of protein ubiquitination is controlled by ubiquitin ligases, such as the Skp1-Cullin-F box protein complex. Cullins are major components of SCF complexes, and have been implicated in degradation of key regulatory molecules including Cyclin E, beta-catenin and Cubitus interruptus. Here, we describe the genetic identification and molecular characterisation of the Drosophila Cullin-3 homologue. Perturbation of Cullin-3 function has pleiotropic effects during development, including defects in external sensory organ development, pattern formation and cell growth and survival. Loss or overexpression of Cullin-3 causes an increase or decrease, respectively, in external sensory organ formation, implicating Cullin-3 function in regulating the commitment of cells to the neural fate. We also find that Cullin-3 function modulates Hedgehog signalling by regulating the stability of full-length Cubitus interruptus (Ci155). Loss of Cullin-3 function in eye discs but not other imaginal discs promotes cell-autonomous accumulation of Ci155. Conversely, overexpression of Cullin-3 results in a cell-autonomous stabilisation of Ci155 in wing, haltere and leg, but not eye, imaginal discs suggesting tissue-specific regulation of Cullin-3 function. The diverse nature of Cullin-3 phenotypes highlights the importance of targeted proteolysis during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors play particularly important roles in many organisms. The novel Drosophila gene anchor is an orthologue of vertebrate GPR155. However, the roles of anchor in molecular functions and biological processes, especially in wing development, remain unknown. Knockdown of anchor resulted in an increased wing size and additional and thickened veins. These abnormal wing phenotypes were similar to those observed in BMP signalling gain-of-function experiments. We observed that the BMP signalling indicator p-Mad was significantly increased in wing discs in which anchor RNAi was induced in larvae and accumulated abnormally in intervein regions in pupae. Furthermore, the expression of target genes of the BMP signalling pathway was examined using a lacZ reporter, and the results indicated that omb and sal were substantially increased in anchor-knockdown wing discs. An investigation of genetic interactions between Anchor and the BMP signalling pathway revealed that the thickened and ectopic vein tissues were rescued by knocking down BMP levels. These results suggested that Anchor functions to negatively regulate BMP signalling during wing development and vein formation.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the Hox gene Abdominal-B is required to specify the posterior abdomen and the genitalia. Homologues of Abdominal-B in other species are also needed to determine the posterior part of the body. We have studied the function of Abdominal-B in the formation of Drosophila genitalia, and show here that absence of Abdominal-B in the genital disc of Drosophila transforms male and female genitalia into leg or, less frequently, into antenna. These transformations are accompanied by the ectopic expression of genes such as Distal-less or dachshund, which are normally required in these appendages. The extent of wild-type and ectopic Distal-less expression depends on the antagonistic activities of the Abdominal-B gene, as a repressor, and of the decapentaplegic and wingless genes as activators. Absence of Abdominal-B also changes the expression of Homothorax, a Hox gene co-factor. Our results suggest that Abdominal-B forms genitalia by modifying an underlying positional information and repressing appendage development. We propose that the genital primordia should be subdivided into two regions, one of them competent to be transformed into an appendage in the absence of Abdominal-B.  相似文献   

Multicellular development requires the correct spatial and temporal regulation of cell division and differentiation. These processes are frequently coordinated by the activities of various signaling pathways such as Notch signaling. From a screen for modifiers of Notch signaling in Drosophila we have identified the RNA helicase Belle, a recently described component of the RNA interference pathway, as an important regulator of the timing of Notch activity in follicle cells. We found that loss of Belle delays activation of Notch signaling, which results in delayed follicle cell differentiation and defects in the cell cycle. Because mutations in well-characterized microRNA components phenocopied the Notch defects observed in belle mutants, Belle might be functioning in the microRNA pathway in follicle cells. The effect of loss of microRNAs on Notch signaling occurs upstream of Notch cleavage, as expression of the constitutively active intracellular domain of Notch in microRNA-defective cells restored proper activation of Notch. Furthermore, we present evidence that the Notch ligand Delta is an important target of microRNA regulation in follicle cells and regulates the timing of Notch activation through cis inhibition of Notch. Here we have uncovered a complex regulatory process in which the microRNA pathway promotes Notch activation by repressing Delta-mediated inhibition of Notch in follicle cells.  相似文献   

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