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To diagnose the nutritional status of phytoplankton in Lake Baikal, surveys for the determination of concentrations of particulate carbon (PC), nitrogen (PN) and phosphorus (PP) and their ratios were conducted at six stations in March, June, August and October 1999. The concentrations of PC and PN were lower than, and those of PP were similar to, those in another mesotrophic lake except at the station near the mouth of the largest input river, Selenga River, of Lake Baikal. The PC : PN : PP ratio was 102 : 13 : 1, considerably close to the Redfield ratio. The ratio was constant against spatiotemporal changes. These indicate that phytoplankton in Lake Baikal were exposed to no deficiency in nitrogen nor phosphorus. From a viewpoint of the nutritional status of phytoplankton, Lake Baikal might be viewed as an ocean rather than as a lake.  相似文献   

We propose a general mathematical model describing the growth and dispersal of a single species living in a 1-D spatially discrete array of habitat patches affected by a sustained and directional change in climate. Our model accounts for two important characteristics of the climate change phenomenon: (1) Scale dependency: different species may perceive the change in the environment as occurring at different rates because they perceive the environment at different scales, and (2) measure dependency: different species measure the environment differently in the sense that they may be sensible to or cue in on different aspects of it (e.g., maximum temperature, minimum temperature, accumulated temperature) which is associated with their physiological, ecological, and life history attributes, which renders some characteristics of the environment more biologically relevant than others. We show that the deterioration in the quality of habitable patches as a consequence of climate change drives the species to extinction when dispersal is not possible; otherwise, we proof and provide a numerical example that, depending on the velocity of climate change, the scale at which a species measures it, and the particular attribute of the environment that is more biologically relevant to the species under analysis, there is always a migration strategy that allows the persistence of the species such that it tracks its niche conditions through space, thus shifting its geographic range. Our mathematical analysis provides a general framework to analyze species’ responses to climate change as a relational property of a given species in interaction with a change in climate. In particular, we can analyze the persistence of species by taking into account the ways in which they measure and filter the environment. Indeed, one of our main conclusions is that there is not a single climate change but many, as it depends on the interaction between a particular species and climate. Thus, the problem is more complex than assumed by analytically tractable models of species responses to climate change.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of phytoplankton in Lake Baikal, Spring 1991   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 Studies carried out in Lake Baikal in late spring (late May-early June) 1991 showed marked differences in the species composition and abundance of phytoplankton in different regions of the lake. The south and north basins were characterized by small forms of algae. The middle basin, Maloe More and the shallow waters of the Selenga had species with large cells including Aulacoseira islandica subsp. helvetica, Dinobryon cylindricum and D. divergens.
  • 2 Areas of high biomass were correlated with shallow waters and river inputs. This was especially apparent in the region of the Selenga delta. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton indicated the non-synchronous start of the spring homothermy throughout the lake. Phytoplankton were concentrated in the upper 100 m layer with subsurface maxima resulting from the sinking of large algae.
  • 3 The concentration of phytoplankton biomass in general at this time characterized the lake as moderately productive.

Lake Baikal, Russian Siberia, was sampled in July 1990 during the period of spring mixing and initiation of thermal stratification. Vertical profiles of temperature, dissolved nutrients (nitrate and soluble reactive phosphorus), phytoplankton biomass, and primary productivity were determined in an eleven-station transect encompassing the entire 636 km length of the lake. Pronounced horizontal variability in hydrodynamic conditions was observed, with the southern region of the lake being strongly thermally stratified while the middle and north basins were largely isothermal through July. The extent of depletion of surface water nutrients, and the magnitude of phytoplankton biomass and productivity, were found to be strongly correlated with the degree of thermal stratification. Horizontal differences likely reflected the contribution of two important factors: variation in the timing of ice-out in different parts of the lake (driving large-scale patterns of thermal stratification and other limnological properties) and localized effects of river inflows that may contribute to the preliminary stabilization of the water column in the face of intense turbulent spring mixing (driving meso-scale patterns). Examination of the relationships between surface water inorganic N and P depletion suggested that during the spring and early summer, phytoplankton growth in unstratified portions of the lake was largely unconstrained by nutrient supplies. As summer progressed, the importance of co-limitation by both N and P became more apparent. Uptake and regeneration rates, measured directly using the stable isotope 15N, revealed that phytoplankton in stratified portions of the lake relied primarily on NH4 as their N source. Rates of NH4 regeneration were in approximate equilibrium with uptake; both processes were dominated by organisms <2 µm. This pattern is similar to that observed for oligotrophic marine systems. Our study underscores the importance of hydrodynamic conditions in influencing patterns of biological productivity and nutrient dynamics that occur in Lake Baikal during its brief growing season.  相似文献   

Nutrient limitation of the primary production of phytoplankton at some stations in southern and central Lake Baikal was studied by nutrient enrichment experiments in August 2002. Chlorophyll (Chl.) a concentrations ranged from 0.7 to 5.8μgl−1. Inorganic nutrient concentrations were low: soluble reactive phosphorus ranged from 0.05 to 0.20μmoll−1, ammonia from 0.21 to 0.41μmoll−1, and nitrite plus nitrate from 0.33 to 0.37μmoll−1. In the five enrichment experiments, phosphate spikes and phosphate plus nitrate spikes always stimulated primary production. Nitrate spikes also stimulated primary production in four of the experiments. Significant differences were detected between the controls and phosphate spikes and between the controls and phosphate plus nitrate spikes. Thus, the first limiting nutrient is thought to be phosphorus, but once phosphorus is supplied to the surface water, the limiting nutrient will quickly shift from phosphorus to nitrogen.  相似文献   

An HPLC analysis of the summer phytoplankton assemblage in Lake Baikal   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. The enormous size and spatial heterogeneity of Lake Baikal require rapid methods for large sample sets. We therefore tested the applicability of a novel, high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)‐based, combination of methods for analysing phytoplankton. In July 2001, samples were collected in a transect across the lake at various depths down to 30 m. Phytoplankton (>3 μm) and autotrophic picoplankton (APP) were counted under light and epifluorescence microscopes, respectively. Pigments were analysed with HPLC. 2. The pigment data allowed the contributions of the dominant phytoplankton groups to the total chlorophyll a (Chl a) in the lake to be estimated by multiple linear regression and by the CHEMTAX matrix factorisation program. Three marker pigments, fucoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin, were shown to be useful indicators of the abundance and spatial distribution of certain phytoplankton groups. The relative contributions of the various phytoplankton groups to the total Chl a in the lake determined using these marker pigments were similar, but not identical, to those determined by cell counts. 3. Pigment analyses of isolated strains from Lake Baikal and some European lakes confirmed that phycoerythrin‐containing Cyanobacteria with very high amounts of zeaxanthin were responsible for the low Chl a/zeaxanthin ratios of the water samples. A picoplanktonic species of Eustigmatophyceae was isolated from the lake. Its high violaxanthin content, responsible for very low Chl a/violaxanthin ratios of some water samples, can be used to estimate the contribution of this group to total Chl a.  相似文献   

Where biodiversity conservation and environmental preservation are significant concerns, rapid assessment and monitoring of the colonization and spread of non-native species are essential for timely decision-making and response. We developed and evaluated the adequacy of a rapid assessment protocol (RAP) for detecting non-native fish species in 74 Eastern Brazilian lakes. The RAP consists of a single field day employing two surveyors to conduct interviews with local sport fishers, visual surveys of fish, angling with lures, and gillnetting. We compared our results with those from separate, intense, large sampling effort (LSE) field surveys. Despite requiring less than 1/100th of the field effort, the RAP was able to detect the presence of most non-native fish species that were reported in the same lakes by LSE surveys. Information from local sport fishers was invaluable, particularly for detecting species that were in low abundance, but was not available for lakes within a forest preserve area. Non-native introductions commonly lead to rapid and widespread invasion and adverse effects on native biota. Our results strongly suggest that the RAP could function as a cost-effective tool for efficiently assessing the presence of non-native fishes in lakes and monitoring their colonization and spread over large geographic areas.  相似文献   

The species diversity of planktonic diatoms in thanatocenoses of bottom sediments in Lake Bol’shoe Miassovo (Southern Urals) has been studied and a reconstruction of the thermal regime of the lake for the last 1000 years is made. It is established that the restructuring of the diatom assemblage and decrease in species diversity in thanatocenoses are caused by rapid climate warming that began in the 19th century in the Southern Urals.  相似文献   

We examined the photosynthetic activity of the phytoplankton community collected from the surface to a depth of 1000m in the south basin of Lake Baikal. Experiments were conducted in June (mixing period) and August (stratified period). The carbon fixation rate was measured by the use of a 13C tracer after the incubation of samples under light conditions in the upper water column. Photosynthetic fixation of 13C was detected for samples collected from a depth of 500m, indicating the viability of phytoplankton in deep water. The community composition was dominated by Bacillariophyceae in deep water. The finding of lower activity at a depth of 200m than that at a depth of 500m in August suggests that the spring diatom bloom could be a significant source of viable populations at a depth of 500m. Photosynthetic activity was not detected in samples collected at a depth of 1000m.  相似文献   

  • 1 Growth rates of two dominant Lake Baikal phytoplankton, the winter diatom Aulacoseira baicalensis and the summer cyanobacterium Synechocystis limnetica, were measured in the laboratory under varied temperature and light regimes to determine the potential role of these abiotic factors in seasonal species succession in the lake.
  • 2 Aulacoseira baicalensis grew best at low temperature and not at all above 8 °C. Its maximum instantaneous growth rate was 0.15 d‐1 recorded at 2–3 °C. Cells grew faster as temperature decreased, apparently in contrast to conventional Q10‐based temperature‐growth relationships.
  • 3 The picoplankter Synechocystis limnetica did not grow at 2–3 or 5–6 °C, but grew at a rate of 0.24 d‐1 at the highest incubation temperature of 17 °C. Maximum growth rate was 0.35 d‐1 at 8 °C.
  • 4 Saturation irradiances (Ik) for growth of Aulacoseira baicalensis and Synechocystis limnetica were near pre‐acclimation values of 40 µmol m‐2 s‐1. At temperatures conducive to growth, both phytoplankters grew at all irradiances tested, except for A. baicalensis which would not grow at values above 300 µmol m‐2 s‐1 at 8 °C.
  • 5 We conclude that temperature is a major driving force for the seasonal succession of species in Lake Baikal. Other factors, including vertical mixing of the water column and grazing by zooplankton, may also play important roles.

One striking feature of coral reef ecosystems is the complex benthic architecture which supports diverse and abundant fauna, particularly of reef fish. Reef‐building corals are in decline worldwide, with a corresponding loss of live coral cover resulting in a loss of architectural complexity. Understanding the dynamics of the reef architecture is therefore important to envision the ability of corals to maintain functional habitats in an era of climate change. Here, we develop a mechanistic model of reef topographical complexity for contemporary Caribbean reefs. The model describes the dynamics of corals and other benthic taxa under climate‐driven disturbances (hurricanes and coral bleaching). Corals have a simplified shape with explicit diameter and height, allowing species‐specific calculation of their colony surface and volume. Growth and the mechanical (hurricanes) and biological erosion (parrotfish) of carbonate skeletons are important in driving the pace of extension/reduction in the upper reef surface, the net outcome being quantified by a simple surface roughness index (reef rugosity). The model accurately simulated the decadal changes of coral cover observed in Cozumel (Mexico) between 1984 and 2008, and provided a realistic hindcast of coral colony‐scale (1–10 m) changing rugosity over the same period. We then projected future changes of Caribbean reef rugosity in response to global warming. Under severe and frequent thermal stress, the model predicted a dramatic loss of rugosity over the next two or three decades. Critically, reefs with managed parrotfish populations were able to delay the general loss of architectural complexity, as the benefits of grazing in maintaining living coral outweighed the bioerosion of dead coral skeletons. Overall, this model provides the first explicit projections of reef rugosity in a warming climate, and highlights the need of combining local (protecting and restoring high grazing) to global (mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions) interventions for the persistence of functional reef habitats.  相似文献   

Hannaea baicalensis is a benthic pennate diatom that predominantly grows at depths of less than a metre attached to rocks and filamentous algae in Lake Baikal, Russia. This narrow zone at the edge of the lake is subject to frequent wave action and lake level fluctuations, which combine with other factors to affect seasonal abundance. During ice cover from January to May in 2008, when lake levels decreased from 42 to 14 cm above datum, H. baicalensis cell abundance remained low (0.39 × 106 cells cm–2). The main period of net cell increase occurred in autumn, when there was a period of stable lake level (±10 cm changes in water depth) that coincided with the return of nutrients during autumn overturn. Cell abundance reached 1.52 × 106 cells cm–2 on 31 October. Alongside the changes in abundance, cyclic size changes in cell apical lengths were found (40 to 144 µm), which were associated with timing of the length of the life cycle. Size decline occurred in both spring and autumn, with an average decrease in apical length of 36 µm per year. It took two years for the mean apical length of a single cohort to decrease from 128 µm to 56 µm, which was then below the threshold (< 65 µm) for initiation of size regeneration.  相似文献   

Warming has profound effects on biological rates such as metabolism, growth, feeding and death of organisms, eventually affecting their ability to survive. Using a nonlinear bioenergetic population-dynamic model that accounts for temperature and body-mass dependencies of biological rates, we analysed the individual and interactive effects of increasing temperature and nutrient enrichment on the dynamics of a three-species food chain. At low temperatures, warming counteracts the destabilizing effects of enrichment by both bottom-up (via the carrying capacity) and top-down (via biological rates) mechanisms. Together with increasing consumer body masses, warming increases the system tolerance to fertilization. Simultaneously, warming increases the risk of starvation for large species in low-fertility systems. This effect can be counteracted by increased fertilization. In combination, therefore, two main drivers of global change and biodiversity loss can have positive and negative effects on food chain stability. Our model incorporates the most recent empirical data and may thus be used as the basis for more complex forecasting models incorporating food-web structure.  相似文献   

Diatoms in Lake Baikal exhibit significant spatial variation, related to prevailing climate, lake morphology and fluvial input into the lake. Here we have assessed the threats to endemic planktonic diatom species (through the development of empirical models), which form a major component of primary production within the lake. Multivariate techniques employed include redundancy analysis (RDA) and Huisman–Olff–Fresco (HOF) models. Our analyses suggest that eight environmental variables were significant in explaining diatom distribution across the lake, and in order of importance these are snow thickness on the ice, water depth, duration of days with white ice, suspended matter in the lake, days of total ice duration, temperature of the water surface in July, concentration of zooplankton and suspended organic matter. Impacts on dominant phytoplankton diatom species are highlighted using t‐value biplots. Predictions of future climate change on Lake Baikal are likely to result in shorter periods of ice cover, decreased snow cover across the lake in spring, increased fluvial input into the lake, and an increase in the intensification of surface water stratification during summer months. All these factors are likely to impact negatively on the slow‐growing, cold‐water endemics such as Aulacoseira baicalensis and Cyclotella minuta, which currently dominate diatom assemblages. Instead, taxa that are only intermittently abundant, at present, in offshore areas (e.g. Stephanodiscus meyerii) are likely to become more frequent. However, given the climatic gradient across the lake, the timing and extent of changes in community structure are likely to vary. Moreover, palaeolimnological records show that Lake Baikal diatom assemblages have been dynamic throughout the Holocene, with both endemic and cosmopolitan species exhibiting periods of dominance. Effects of climate change on the entire lake ecosystem may yet be profound as the structure of the pelagic food web may change from one based on endemic diatom taxa to one dominated by nondiatom picoplankton, and as limnological functioning (e.g. stratification and mixing) affects deepwater oxygen availability, nutrient cycling and trophic linkages.  相似文献   

Climate change has been identified as one of the most important drivers of wildlife population dynamics. The in‐depth knowledge of the complex relationships between climate and population sizes through density dependent demographic processes is important for understanding and predicting population shifts under climate change, which requires integrated population models (IPMs) that unify the analyses of demography and abundance data. In this study we developed an IPM based on Gaussian approximation to dynamic N‐mixture models for large scale population data. We then analyzed four decades (1972–2013) of mallard Anas platyrhynchos breeding population survey, band‐recovery and climate data covering a large spatial extent from North American prairies through boreal habitat to Alaska. We aimed to test the hypothesis that climate change will cause shifts in population dynamics if climatic effects on demographic parameters that have substantial contribution to population growth vary spatially. More specifically, we examined the spatial variation of climatic effects on density dependent population demography, identified the key demographic parameters that are influential to population growth, and forecasted population responses to climate change. Our results revealed that recruitment, which explained more variance of population growth than survival, was sensitive to the temporal variation of precipitation in the southern portion of the study area but not in the north. Survival, by contrast, was insensitive to climatic variation. We then forecasted a decrease in mallard breeding population density in the south and an increase in the northwestern portion of the study area, indicating potential shifts in population dynamics under future climate change. Our results implied that different strategies need to be considered across regions to conserve waterfowl populations in the face of climate change. Our modelling approach can be adapted for other species and thus has wide application to understanding and predicting population dynamics in the presence of global change.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of field manipulations of local climate to determine the potential impact of climate change on plant community dynamics in a calcareous grassland. The experimental site is located in a grassland at the Wytham estate, Oxfordshire, UK. The one hectare study area is within a 10 ha abandoned arable field on Jurassic corallian limestone. Two climate change scenarios were used: warmer winters with increased summer rainfall and warmer winters with summer drought. Plant cover and species richness were significantly increased in plots receiving supplemented summer rainfall, while the amount of litter was significantly reduced. Litter formation was significantly increased by winter warming and drought. The responses of the plant community to the climate manipulations were related to the life-history attributes of the dominant species. Seedling recruitment was limited by microsite availability, which also varied in the different climate manipulations. The results are discussed in terms of successional dynamics. They suggest that warmer winters may delay succession, as gap formation in the sward will provide sites for colonisation of annuals, thereby enabling their persistence in the sward. Under wetter conditions during summer, perennial grasses tend to close the sward, thereby inhibiting the establishment of later successional species.  相似文献   

Long-term phytoplankton assemblages in a large shallow Chineselake, Lake Taihu, were presented using the monthly monitoringdata from October 1991 to December 1999. Earlier research results(1960, 1981 and 1988) were applied to discuss the differenttrophic stages of the lake. The species composition in the lakewas more closely related to eutrophication level than to lake-size,shallowness, or turbidity. Each summer, a single peak of phytoplanktonbiovolume appeared in Meiliang Bay. The results of principalcomponents analysis showed a distinct temporal shift in speciescomposition between summer and winter. A clear spatial differencein phytoplankton occurred between Meiliang Bay and the lakecentre. Wind speed and direction affected the horizontal distributionof phytoplankton, especially Microcystis, in the lake. Temperature,underwater light climate, nutrients and grazing by zooplanktonand by fish were discussed to explain the overwhelming dominanceof Microcystis. Four nutrient-phytoplankton stages were identifiedin the lake: an oligo-mesotrophic stage with low algal biomassuntil 1981, a eutrophic situation with blooms of Microcystisduring 1988–1995, hypertrophic conditions with the dominanceof Planctonema and total phosphorus up to 200 mg m-3 from 1996to 1997 and the restoration period after 1997. The wax and waneof the phytoplankton assemblages were mainly controlled by temperature,wind and turbidity while long-term biomass dynamics were influencedby the level of nutrients.  相似文献   

A 3-year phytoplankton study was carried out in Lake Baikal(Siberia) as part of the CONTINENT project and in conjunctionwith a 60-year long monitoring programme by the Irkutsk StateUniversity. A combination of microscopy and high performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC) pigment analysis was used. Allover the lake, the dominant functional group (by biovolume)was the vernal diatom blooms, due to the dominance of endemicCyclotella species. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) was significantlyhighest at the Selenga and Barguzin inflows (2.39 ± 0.34and 2.49 ± 0.18 nmol L–1, mean ± 95% CI,respectively) and higher in the South than in the North (1.43± 0.26 and 0.96 ± 0.13 nmol L–1). This variationof Chl a reflected changes in the phytoplankton composition.Diatoms and Chrysophyceae were the major contributors to thetotal Chl a except in the South (Chlorophyceae) and SelengaDelta (cyanobacterial picoplankton). There were also indicationsof species composition changes due to enhanced P-loading fromthe Selenga River. However, canonical analyses indicated thattemperature and stratification were the major driving forcesfor regional distribution patterns and seasonal succession.It seems likely that further global warming will cause a shiftin the species and group composition towards small cells atthe expense of the large endemic diatom flora.  相似文献   

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