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The effect of induced erythrocythemia on hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) and aerobic work capacity was determined for nine women. Cycle tests were performed at prereinfusion (T1), 2 days after a placebo infusion (T2), 2 days postreinfusion of 334 ml of red blood cells (T3), 8 days postreinfusion (T4), and 14 days postreinfusion (T5). T1 and T2 responses did not differ, negating a placebo effect. [Hb] increased from 12.7 g X dl at T1 to 14.7 g X dl at T3 and then remained constant at T4 and T5. Hematocrit increased from 38.1% at T1 to 44.9% at T3 and then remained constant at T4 and T5. Submaximal O2 uptake (VO2) and stroke volume (SV) did not change from T1 through T5. Submaximal cardiac output (Q) and heart rate (HR) decreased from T1 to T3 and then remained constant at T4 and T5. Arteriovenous O2 difference increased from T1 to T3 and then remained constant at T4 and T5. Maximal VO2 was greater at T3 (2.65 l X min-1), T4 (2.66 l X min-1), and T5 (2.60 l X min-1) than at T1 (2.41 l X min-1). Physical work capacity was greater at T3 (10,740 kg X m), T4 (10,980 kg X m), and T5 (10,380 kg X m) than at T1 (8,747 kg X m). Maximal values for Q, HR, and SV were unchanged from T1 through T5. At maximum, arteriovenous O2 difference and Hb flow rate increased from T1 to T3 and then remained constant at T4 and T5. The greater postreinfusion [Hb] improved O2 transport capacity and appeared to regulate circulatory responses.  相似文献   

Hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR), hypercapnic ventilatory response (HCVR), and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) were measured in elite male climbers (Clim.: n = 4) and physically active controls (Con.: n = 8). Although mean value of S, an index of HCVR, showed almost the same values in both groups (Clim.: 2.26 +/- 0.62 vs. Con.: 1.85 +/- 0.58 l.min-1.Torr-1), mean value of A, an index of HVR, was significantly higher in climbers than controls (Clim.: 237.8 +/- 109.2 vs. Con.: 111.3 +/- 62.0 l.min-1.Torr-1). Mean value of VO2max in climbers was not different from that in controls (Clim.: 49.3 +/- 2.9 vs. Con.: 47.5 +/- 5.7 ml.kg-1.min-1). These results demonstrate that elite climbers are characterized by their enhanced ventilatory response to hypoxia rather than prominency in aerobic work capacity. It is speculated that enhanced HVR in climbers makes compensation for decreased VO2max at high altitude. The enhanced HVR in elite climbers who have ordinary values in VO2max may be one of factors in their successful performance at extreme altitude.  相似文献   

The methodology of assessing the optimality of ontogeny (physical development of children and adolescents) by bioenergetic criteria is substantiated and the lower limit of aerobic capacity as an optimum of development is determined on the basis of theoretical analysis of the literature and original experimental data.  相似文献   

Observation of the physiological responses during exercise in a hot environment and measurement of maximal work capacity were made on eight young male subjects, ages 20--22. Exercise was performed on a bicycle ergometer at a constant work load of 450 kg . m/min at a cycling rate of 50 rpm for 30 min in a climatic chamber at 30 degree C with 70% relative humidity. The maximum work capacity was measured by bicycle ergometer exercise. Heat tolerance during exercise was assessed by the magnitude of physiological strain expressed by the combination of relative rise in rectal temperature, relative water loss and relative salt loss. Heat load during exercise was calculated using metabolic rates at rest and during exercise, assuming heat loss through the respiratory tract to be 10 percent of metabolic rate. Fairly good correlations were found between the ratio of work done to maximum work capacity and rise in rectal temperature, ratio of body weight loss to body weight and heat tolerance during exercise. Close correlations were found among relative heat load during exercise and rise in rectal temperature, relative body weight loss and heat tolerance. Heat tolerance during exercise in a hot environment correlated well to capacity of heat dissipation and maximum work capacity.  相似文献   

Physical work capacity (PWC180) was assessed with different levels of hypohydration in 25 heat-acclimatized male volunteers in hot dry (45°C DB, 30% RH) and hot humid (39°C DB, 60% RH) conditions equated to a heat stress level of 34°C on the WBGT scale. Heat acclimatization was carried out by exposing the subjects for 8 consecutive days in a climatic chamber with moderate work for two 50 min work cycles and 10 min intervening rest pauses. Acclimatization resulted in significant decreases in heart rate (27 bpm), oral temperature (0.8°C), mean skin temperature (1.2°C) and a significant increase in sweating rate (120 g h–1 m–2). Day-to-day variations in body hypohydration levels during heat acclimatization were not significantly different, although water intake was found to increase significantly from day 3 onwards when the subjects were in ad lib water intake state. The heat acclimatized subjects were then hypohydrated to varying degrees, viz. 1%, 2% and 3% body weight deficit, with moderate work in heat in the climatic chamber and after successful recovery from the effects of thermal stress and exercise; their physical work capacity was assessed individually. Physical work capacity was found to decrease significantly with hypohydration as compared to controls. The decrease was of the order of 9%, 11% and 22% in the hot dry condition and 6%, 8% and 20% in the hot humid condition with hypohydration levels of 1%, 2% and 3% respectively. The decrease was more pronounced during 3% hypohydration level under both heat stress conditions. This decrease was in spite of significant increases in maximal ventilation. However, the PWC180 under the two heat stress conditions, when compared, did not reveal any significant difference. It was concluded that the heat stress vehicle did not adversely affect the physical work capacity. On the other hand, the decreases in physical work capacity were found to be closely related to the primary hypohydration level in heat-acclimatized tropical subjects.Abbreviations WBGT wet bulb globe temperature - bam beats per minute - YSI Yellow Springs Instrument - EKG electrocardiogram  相似文献   

The effects of graded induced erythrocythemia on cardiovascular and metabolic responses to intense treadmill running were studied in four highly trained endurance runners. Three autologous infusions of 1 unit (U) whole blood (450 ml/U) were administered sequentially 2-7 days apart. Maximal O2 consumption (VO2max) increased from 5.04 l/min at control (C) to 5.24 l/min after 2 U (R2) and 5.38 l/min after 3 U (R3). Cardiac output during treadmill running at 91% control VO2max was 28.2 l/min at C, 29.8 l/min at R2, and 33.1 l/min at R3. Corresponding heart rates were unchanged, and stroke volume was increased at R3. Peak lactate concentration was reduced, and arterial acid-base status improved at R2 and R3 after standardized bouts of intense exercise. Arterial blood pressures and electrocardiograms during exercise were not affected by erythrocythemia. We conclude that the reinfusion of up to 3 U of autologous blood into highly trained endurance runners who have normal hematology does not adversely affect their cardiovascular response to maximal exercise. In addition, the increases in VO2max following reinfusion of 2 U, and again after 3 U, suggest that the aerobic power of the working muscles was not surpassed at these levels of erythrocythemia.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between cardiopulmonary fitness as indicated by maximal work rate (Wmax) production and aerobic capacities (WAT), body mass index (BMI) and heart rate reserve. A total of 60 sedentary subjects (30 males, 30 females, aged 18-25 years) were enrolled in the study. Each subject performed an incremental exercise test (15 W/min) to the limit of tolerance on an electromagnetically-braked cycle ergometer. There was a negative correlation between increased BMI to Wmax capacity per kilogram body weight in male (r=-0.846, P=0.0001) and in female (r=-0.896, P=0.0001) subjects. In addition, W(AT) for each kilogram body weight also negatively correlated with increased BMI in male (r=-0.870, P=0.0001) and in females (r=-0.807, P=0.0001). The heart rate reserve correlated negatively with increasing BMI: r=-0.699, P=0.0001 (males) and r=-0.655, P=0.0001 (females). The results of the present study have suggested that, due to the inverse correlation between BMI, Wmax capacity, aerobic fitness and heart rate reserve, it may be useful to consider BMI in establishing cardiopulmonary fitness in various subjects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of spontaneous recovery or recovery by treadmill training (180 min/day, 5 days/wk, 30 m/min for 8 wk) on maximal O2 uptake (VO2max), histochemical and biochemical muscular properties (soleus), of rats subsequent to 5 wk of hindlimb suspension. Spontaneous recovery reversed the 15% reduction in VO2max, whereas training posthypokinesia induced a 20% increase over control values. In the spontaneous recovery group, both citrate synthase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activities, decreased by hypokinesia (-40%), increased but remained 20% below the control level. In the training posthypokinesia group, an increase of these activities over control occurred (+50 and +20%, respectively). Recovery or training led to a 100% type I distribution in soleus muscle and to a recovery of all fibers' cross-sectional areas. In the spontaneous recovery group, capillaries per fiber, decreased by 46%, returned to the normal range. In the training posthypokinesia group, training induced an increase in capillaries per fiber above their control values (+23%). These results point to the plasticity of the muscle and indicate the necessity of a posthypokinesia training program for recovery of the total oxidative enzyme capacity.  相似文献   

To assess whether decreased aerobic work capacity was associated with albuminuria in insulin dependent diabetics aerobic capacity was measured in three groups of 10 patients matched for age, sex, duration of diabetes, and degree of physical activity. Group 1 comprised 10 patients with normal urinary albumin excretion (<30 mg/24 h), group 2 comprised 10 with incipient diabetic nephropathy (urinary albumin excretion 30-300 mg/24 h, and group 3 comprised 10 with clinical diabetic nephropathy (urinary albumin excretion >300 mg/24 h). Ten non-diabetic subjects matched for sex, age, and physical activity served as controls. Oxygen uptake was similar in the four groups at rest and during a 75 W workload. Maximal oxygen uptake was also similar in the control subjects and group 1 (median 41·7, (range 29·1-53·0) ml/kg/min v 38·5 (26·6-59·2) ml/kg/min, respectively), but was significantly lower in group 2 (27·7 (13·9-44·3) ml/kg/min) and group 3 (26·8 (22·6-36·7) ml/kg/min). The difference in maximal oxygen uptake between groups 1 and 2 was 10·8 ml/kg/min (95% confidence interval 3·6 to 23·4 ml/kg/min) and between groups 1 and 3, 11·7 ml/kg/min (4·9 to 22·5 ml/kg/min). These differences were not explained by differences in metabolic control or the degree of autonomic neuropathy.Thus the insulin dependent diabetics with only slightly increased urinary albumin excretion had an appreciably impaired aerobic work capacity which could not be explained by autonomic neuropathy or the duration of diabetes. Whether the reduced capacity is due to widespread microangiopathy or another pathological process affecting the myocardium remains to be established.  相似文献   

The effect of simulated altitude erythrocythemia on hemoglobin flow rate and maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) was determined for nine women sea-level residents. Test conditions included normoxia and normobaric hypoxia (16% O2-84% N2). Cycle tests were performed under normoxia (T1-N) and hypoxia (T1-H) at prereinfusion control and under hypoxia 48 h after a placebo infusion (T2-H) and 48 h after autologous infusion of 334 ml of erythrocytes (T3-H). Hematocrit (38.1-44.9%) and hemoglobin concentration (12.7-14.7 g.dl-1) increased from control to postreinfusion. At peak exercise, VO2max decreased from T1-N (2.40 l.min-1) to T1-H (2.15 l.min-1) then increased at T3-H (2.37 l.min-1). Maximal arterial-mixed venous O2 difference decreased from T1-N to T1-H and increased at T3-H. Cardiac output (Q), stroke volume, heart rate, and total peripheral resistance during maximal exercise were unchanged from T1-N through T3-H. Hemoglobin flow rate (Hb flow) at maximum did not change from T1-N to T1-H but increased at T3-H. When compared with submaximal values for T1-N, VO2 was unchanged at T1-H and T3-H; Q increased at T1-H and decreased at T3-H; arterial-mixed venous O2 difference decreased at T1-H and increased at T3-H; Hb flow did not change at T1-N but increased at T3-H. For young women, simulated altitude erythrocythemia increased peak Hb flow and decreased physiological altitude (227.8 m) but did not affect maximum cardiac output (Qmax).  相似文献   

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