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Visual performance and visual interactions in pelagic animals are notoriously hard to investigate because of our restricted access to the habitat. The pelagic visual world is also dramatically different from benthic or terrestrial habitats, and our intuition is less helpful in understanding vision in unfamiliar environments. Here, we develop a computational approach to investigate visual ecology in the pelagic realm. Using information on eye size, key retinal properties, optical properties of the water and radiance, we develop expressions for calculating the visual range for detection of important types of pelagic targets. We also briefly apply the computations to a number of central questions in pelagic visual ecology, such as the relationship between eye size and visual performance, the maximum depth at which daylight is useful for vision, visual range relations between prey and predators, counter-illumination and the importance of various aspects of retinal physiology. We also argue that our present addition to computational visual ecology can be developed further, and that a computational approach offers plenty of unused potential for investigations of visual ecology in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   

The lens and cornea combine to form a single optical element in which transparency and refraction are the fundamental biophysical characteristics required for a functional visual system. Although lens and cornea have different cellular and extracellular specializations that contribute to transparency and refraction, their development is closely related. In the embryonic mouse, the developing cornea and lens separate early. In contrast, zebra fish lens and cornea remain connected during early development and the optical properties of the cornea and lens observed by slit lamp and quasielastic laser light scattering spectroscopy (QLS) are more similar in the zebra fish eye than in the mouse eye. Optical similarities between cornea and lens of zebra fish may be the result of similarities in the cellular development of the cornea and lens.  相似文献   

Arctic and boreal/temperate species are likely to be evolutionary adapted to different light regimes. Currently, the boreal/temperate Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is coexisting with the native polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the Arctic waters around Svalbard, Norway. Here, we studied light/dark adaptative optical plasticity of their eye lenses by exposing fish to bright light during the polar night. Schlieren photography, high-definition laser scanning and ray tracing were used to determine the optical properties of excised crystalline lenses. Both species have multifocal lenses, an optical adaptation for improved color vision. In polar cod, the optical properties of the lens were independent of light exposure. In the more southern Atlantic cod, the optical properties of the lens changed within hours upon exposure to light, even after months of darkness. Such fast optical adjustment has previously only been shown in a tropical cichlid. During the polar night the Atlantic cod lens seems to be unregulated and dysfunctional since it had an unsuitable focal length and severe spherical aberration. We present a system, to our knowledge unique, for studying visual plasticity on different timescales in relation to evolutionary history and present the first study on the polar cod visual system.  相似文献   

The visual ecology of fishes places changing demands on their visual system during development. Study of changes in the eye can suggest possible changes in behavioral ecology. The spectral transmission of the pre-retinal ocular media controls the wavelength of light that reaches the retina and is a simply measured indication of their potential visual capabilities. Dascyllus albisella is a coral reef planktivore known to have UV-sensitive retinal cone cells. UV vision probably aids in detection of zooplankton. As a juvenile it is very closely associated with branching coral heads or, more rarely, sea anemones. As it matures, it ventures farther from its coral, above the reef, and eventually assumes a more vagile life style, moving farther and more frequently afield. Their eyes contain short-wavelength blocking compounds in the lens, cornea and humors. As they age, both the lens and the cornea accumulate blocking compounds that increase the 50% transmission cutoff of the whole eye from ca. 330nm in 2–3cm juveniles to ca. 360nm in the largest adults. The cornea increases its cutoff wavelength faster than the lens and becomes the primary filter in large adults. The cutoff of the aqueous and vitreous humors combined does not change with size. The slope of the transmission cutoff curve increases with the size of the fish. The increased blocking of UV radiation is likely not an adaptation to protect the eye from short-wavelength induced damage. Instead it probably reduces the image degradation effects of short-wavelength light in the largest eyes and still allows sufficient penetration of UV radiation to permit functional UV vision.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The eye is an extraordinary organ in terms of itsdevelopment and evolution. In cave animals, the eye is sometimesreduced or eliminated as a consequence of adaptation to lifein perpetual darkness. We have used the characid teleost Astyanaxmexicanus as a model system to investigate the mechanisms ofeye degeneration during the evolution of a cave vertebrate.Eyed surface populations of Astyanax entered caves during thePleistocene, and their descendants lost their eyes and pigmentation.Astyanax populations exhibiting various degrees of eye regressionhave been reported in 29 Mexican caves. Surface populationswith characteristics of the ancestral stock still exist in thevicinity of these caves. Thus, Astyanax represents one of thefew instances in which the ancestral (surface fish) and thederived (cavefish) developmental modes are extant and availablefor comparative studies. The cavefish embryo develops an opticprimordium consisting of a lens vesicle and optic cup but therudimentary eye arrests in development and degenerates. Herewe report that eye degeneration is accompanied by extensiveapoptosis and downregulation of the Pax-6 gene in the developinglens. The results suggest that alterations in lens developmentare important factors in eye regression during cavefish evolution.  相似文献   

There are several methods for presbyopia treatment. Refractive lens exchange (RLE) followed by multifocal intraocular lens (MFIOL) implantation enables high rate of spectacle independence but have some visual disturbances. Laser in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) monovision gives patient ability to have good distant vision with dominant eye and good near vision with nondominant eye. In this prospective randomized study we wanted to compare clinical outcomes in patients who underwent either of the mentioned procedures. The first group included 50 patients (N = 100 eyes) who underwent RLE with MFIOL implantation and the second group included 50 patients (N = 100 eyes) who underwent LASIK monovision as presbyopia treatment. Uncorrected distant, near and intermediate visual acuity, patient's subjective satisfaction and visual disturbances were measured. Follow up was 6 months. Patients in RLE group had better near uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) and patients in LASIK monovision group had better distant and intermediate vision. Patients in RLE group reported visual disturbances (halo, glare). Patients satisfaction and spectacle independence was high in both groups. Refractive lens exchange with multifocal intraocular lens implantation and LASIK monovision are effective methods for presbyopia treatment. LASIK monovision with -0.50D - 1.25D of residual dioptry at nondominant eye in patients under 50 years enables good vision at all distances without affecting stereovision. Patient selection and preoperative counseling are key to success.  相似文献   

This study examines some peculiarities of the eye organization and spectral properties of retinal photoreceptors of the Pacific saury Cololabis saira. The saury has relatively large eyes with a developed accomodation apparatus and an area of enhanced visual acuity (the fovea) in the retina. A specialized pigmented septum is observed in the vitreal cavity, which is supposed to function as a light-shading screen. The retina contains numerous rods and single and double cones arranged in a square mosaic pattern. Microspectrophotometric measurements indicated that their max occurs at 502 (rods), 380 (single cones), and 478/565 (double cones) nm. Such properties can provide color vision in a broad spectral range, including UV light. The peripheral visual apparatus of the Pacific saury is typical of active diurnal predatory fish that inhabit shallow and upper pelagic water layers.  相似文献   

Parasites have a variety of harmful effects on their hosts, some of which may be overlapping or complementary and thus easily overlooked but which are still important for the overall severity of infection. We investigated the effect of Diplostomum sp. eye fluke infection on the size of the eye lens in a range of wild and farmed fish species and those exposed to controlled parasite infection. We found that asymmetry in intensity of infection between the right and left lens of an individual fish affected lens size such that the lens with the higher intensity of infection was smaller. Interestingly, however, this was observed only in 3 of the 10 species studied (whitefish, smelt and sea trout) although in these 3 species the effect had already became evident at low intensities of infection. Furthermore, the average lens size was significantly smaller in experimentally exposed whitefish Coregonus lavaretus with a higher intensity of infection than the controls, emphasising the sensitivity of this species to parasite-induced changes in lens size. Reduction in lens size may contribute to the deleterious effects of cataract formation by intensifying the effects of individual parasites in the lens. It may also directly affect the overall optical performance of the lens and already impair host vision at low intensities of infection.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses exist to explain ontogenetic eye reduction in Astyanax cave fish: first, after lens induction by the primordial eye cup, the lens plays the role of a central regulator of eye and retina regression or, second, the retina itself is an independent unit of eye development. A comparative study of five blind cave fish populations and their surface sister form was performed to investigate the differences of ontogenetic eye regression between the cave populations during different stages of development. The study revealed that, in addition to the initial formation of smaller primordia, eye regression is also caused during later ontogeny by different relative growth and specific histological characteristics. Whereas the cave fish lens never properly differentiates, the regressive process of the retina is transitorily interrupted by ongoing differentiation. In the newly-discovered Molino cave population, even visual cells with well-organized outer segments develop, which are secondarily reduced at a later ontogenetic stage. This result shows that the retina and lens are independent developmental units within the eye ball. Presumably, the genetic systems responsible for both show independent inheritance, which is also corroborated by hybrids of F 2-crosses between the cave and surface fish, in which lens and retina development do not correlate. During ontogeny, the eye size differs between the cave populations. In Pachón cave fish, the relatively large eye size correlates with an ancient introgression from a surface population, which may have delayed eye regression.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 287–296.  相似文献   

Refractive errors in vision can be caused by aberrant axial length of the eye, irregular corneal shape, or lens abnormalities. Causes of eye length overgrowth include multiple genetic loci, and visual parameters. We evaluate zebrafish as a potential animal model for studies of the genetic, cellular, and signaling basis of emmetropization and myopia. Axial length and other eye dimensions of zebrafish were measured using spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). We used ocular lens and body metrics to normalize and compare eye size and relative refractive error (difference between observed retinal radial length and controls) in wild-type and lrp2 zebrafish. Zebrafish were dark-reared to assess effects of visual deprivation on eye size. Two relative measurements, ocular axial length to body length and axial length to lens diameter, were found to accurately normalize comparisons of eye sizes between different sized fish (R2 = 0.9548, R2 = 0.9921). Ray-traced focal lengths of wild-type zebrafish lenses were equal to their retinal radii, while lrp2 eyes had longer retinal radii than focal lengths. Both genetic mutation (lrp2) and environmental manipulation (dark-rearing) caused elongated eye axes. lrp2 mutants had relative refractive errors of −0.327 compared to wild-types, and dark-reared wild-type fish had relative refractive errors of −0.132 compared to light-reared siblings. Therefore, zebrafish eye anatomy (axial length, lens radius, retinal radius) can be rapidly and accurately measured by SD-OCT, facilitating longitudinal studies of regulated eye growth and emmetropization. Specifically, genes homologous to human myopia candidates may be modified, inactivated or overexpressed in zebrafish, and myopia-sensitizing conditions used to probe gene-environment interactions. Our studies provide foundation for such investigations into genetic contributions that control eye size and impact refractive errors.  相似文献   

Synopsis The cichlid fish, Haplochromis burtoni, is highly dependent on vision for survival in its natural habitat. As is true of most teleost fishes, the eyes continue to grow throughout life without any obvious changes in visual capability. In H. burtoni, for example, retinal area may increase by 27 × in just 6 months. During growth, there is no obvious change in the visual sensitivity, visual acuity or lens quality which must all be appropriate for the enlarging eye. This requires that during growth competing constraints be met. For example, to maintain visual acuity, the number of ganglion cells per visual angle subtended on the retina must remain the same as must the convergence ratio of the cones onto those ganglion cells. In contrast, to maintain visual sensitivity, the number of rod photoreceptors per unit retinal area must remain the same. These requirements are in conflict since a larger eye may preserve acuity with fewer cells per unit area in a larger retina. In addition, the lens properties must remain the same as the animal increases in size so that the image available is of similar quality throughout life. Experiments have been performed to reveal the adaptations during growth which allow the fish to preserve its image of the world throughout life.  相似文献   

Prey location by clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion) larvae feedingon rotifers was accurately characterized. Cruise predator cloworishlarvae locate prey throughout a threedimensional search space,not only on the boundaries of this space as previously predicted.The search space ranged from 0 to 120° away from the lengthaxis of the fish in the horizontal plane and from 0 to 150°in the transverse plane. The boundaries of the search spacewere 1.3 body lengths away along the axis of the fish and 1body length away to the sides and above. First-feeding clownfishlarvae have well-developed visual acuity and binocular vision.  相似文献   

本文演示了四焦点开关傅里叶域光学相干断层扫描系统用于全眼段成像和体内视轴参数(VAP)测量的可行性.使用包括不同厚度平行玻璃板的两个同步转盘来将探测光束的焦点位置从角膜以及晶状体的前部和后部切换到视网膜.该过程同时增加了参考光束的深度范围.这种多级聚焦的方法可以使探测光束完全聚焦在人眼的每个部分.初步实验表明,该方法可...  相似文献   

This review identifies a number of exciting new developments in the understanding of vision in cartilaginous fishes that have been made since the turn of the century. These include the results of studies on various aspects of the visual system including eye size, visual fields, eye design and the optical system, retinal topography and spatial resolving power, visual pigments, spectral sensitivity and the potential for colour vision. A number of these studies have covered a broad range of species, thereby providing valuable information on how the visual systems of these fishes are adapted to different environmental conditions. For example, oceanic and deep-sea sharks have the largest eyes amongst elasmobranchs and presumably rely more heavily on vision than coastal and benthic species, while interspecific variation in the ratio of rod and cone photoreceptors, the topographic distribution of the photoreceptors and retinal ganglion cells in the retina and the spatial resolving power of the eye all appear to be closely related to differences in habitat and lifestyle. Multiple, spectrally distinct cone photoreceptor visual pigments have been found in some batoid species, raising the possibility that at least some elasmobranchs are capable of seeing colour, and there is some evidence that multiple cone visual pigments may also be present in holocephalans. In contrast, sharks appear to have only one cone visual pigment. There is evidence that ontogenetic changes in the visual system, such as changes in the spectral transmission properties of the lens, lens shape, focal ratio, visual pigments and spatial resolving power, allow elasmobranchs to adapt to environmental changes imposed by habitat shifts and niche expansion. There are, however, many aspects of vision in these fishes that are not well understood, particularly in the holocephalans. Therefore, this review also serves to highlight and stimulate new research in areas that still require significant attention.  相似文献   

Changes in retinal structure during settlement were investigated in four species of tropical reef-associated teleost fishes with differing periods of planktonic duration and post-settlement lifestyles. They were: Apogon doederleini (Apogonidae), a nocturnal planktivore; Stethojulis strigiventer (Labridae), a diurnal microcarnivore; Upeneus tragula (Mullidae), a carnivore which uses chin barbels to disturb invertebrates from the sediment; and Pomacentrus moluccensis (Pomacentridae), a diurnal herbivorous planktivore. The densities of cones, rods, cells in the inner nuclear layer and cells in the ganglion cell layer were estimated in a size range of each species. Visual acuity was calculated using cone densities and lens diameter. The ontogenetic sequence of changes in cell density was similar in all species but interspecific variation in the timing and rates of change was found and could be related to lifestyle. For example, cone densities decreased and rod densities increased most rapidly in the nocturnal species, A. doederleini, during settlement. In contrast, high cone densities were maintained in the species adopting a diurnal lifestyle. Theoretical visual acuity was found to increase rapidly as lens size increased, but was similar for all species at similar lens sizes, indicating the importance of larger eye size as a means for improving resolution during early stages of eye growth. It was concluded that for the species undergoing abrupt lifestyle changes at settlement, structural re-organisation of the retina is important for the survival of the fish as they leave the pelagic environment and take up their reef-associated lifestyle.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The visual system of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus,provides an excellent opportunity for studying the neural basisof behavior. Quantitative analysis of the animal's visual behavioris now possible as is theoretical analysis of information processingin its retina. We combine these theoretical and behavioral approachesto investigate the nature of the signals the eye transmits tothe brain for the animal to see. Over the years theoretical studies of the Limulus eye were restrictedby the limited capabilities of single processor digital computers.However, a breakthrough in technology with the advent of parallelcomputers greatly enhances the analysis of large neural networkssuch as that of the retina. We have developed a time-dependentmodel of the Limulus retina on the Connection Machine (ModelCM-2), which is a massively parallel computer containing 32,768processors. The model represents a matrix of 64 x 128 receptorsand simulates interactions among receptors with digital filtersand transduction and adaptation within a receptor by a multistagecascade. Neural response patterns computed with the ConnectionMachine model replicate to a first approximation the patternsof neural activity recorded in the laboratory. Behavioral studies of Limulus vision carried out in the fieldcan be simulated on the Connection Machine. Neural responsesrecorded from behaving animals serve to test the accuracy ofthe model. Thus far we have developed just one model of theretina, but it eventually will have two forms, "daytime" and"nighttime," to account for the known circadian rhythms in retinalfunction. With a combination of field, physiological, and theoreticalstudies, we hope to gain a better understanding of the neuralmechanisms that underlie the animal's visually-guided behavior.  相似文献   

Natural compound eyes combine small eye volumes with a large field of view at the cost of comparatively low spatial resolution. For small invertebrates such as flies or moths, compound eyes are the perfectly adapted solution to obtaining sufficient visual information about their environment without overloading their brains with the necessary image processing. However, to date little effort has been made to adopt this principle in optics. Classical imaging always had its archetype in natural single aperture eyes which, for example, human vision is based on. But a high-resolution image is not always required. Often the focus is on very compact, robust and cheap vision systems. The main question is consequently: what is the better approach for extremely miniaturized imaging systems-just scaling of classical lens designs or being inspired by alternative imaging principles evolved by nature in the case of small insects? In this paper, it is shown that such optical systems can be achieved using state-of-the-art micro-optics technology. This enables the generation of highly precise and uniform microlens arrays and their accurate alignment to the subsequent optics-, spacing- and optoelectronics structures. The results are thin, simple and monolithic imaging devices with a high accuracy of photolithography. Two different artificial compound eye concepts for compact vision systems have been investigated in detail: the artificial apposition compound eye and the cluster eye. Novel optical design methods and characterization tools were developed to allow the layout and experimental testing of the planar micro-optical imaging systems, which were fabricated for the first time by micro-optics technology. The artificial apposition compound eye can be considered as a simple imaging optical sensor while the cluster eye is capable of becoming a valid alternative to classical bulk objectives but is much more complex than the first system.  相似文献   

PurposeTo evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of a double-pass instrument (OQASII, Visiomereics SL, Spain), which objectively measures overall optical quality of the human eyes.MethodsThe right eye of 119 healthy subjects with best corrected visual acuity of 20/25 or better was included in this prospective, comparative, observational study. Two separate tests with OQASII were conducted sequentially on the same day by two different examiners. A week later, the first examiner conducted the third measurement. All subjects underwent three consecutive tests during each session. The repeatability and reproducibility of the modulation transfer function cut off frequency (MTF cutoff), the Strehl ratio, the OQAS values (OVs) at contrasts of 100%, 20% and 9%, and the objective scatter index (OSI) were analyzed.ResultsFor MTF cutoff, Strehl ratio, OV100%, OV20%, OV9%, and OSI, the mean values were 39.32±9.75cpd, 0.22±0.06, 1.31±0.33, 1.33±0.39, 1.33±0.41, 0.60±0.42, respectively. Repeatability and reproducibility were good with a very low coefficient of variation and high interclass correlation coefficients (>0.88) for all parameters. Bland-Altman plots showed good correlation with 95% limits of agreement ranged from -6.04 to 6.78cpd, -0.05 to 0.05, -0.20 to 0.23, -0.29 to 0.32, -0.40 to 0.42, -0.23 to 0.21 in inter-observer, and -6.56 to 7.42cpd, -0.06 to 0.06, -0.22 to 0.24, -0.30 to 0.32, -0.35 to 0.34, -0.24 to 0.23 in inter-visit, respectively.ConclusionThe OQASII system yields excellent repeatability and good reproducibility for objective measurements of overall optical quality in clinic.  相似文献   

Four cruises were conducted in the northern Gulf of Mexico overtwo spawning seasons of the sciaenid fish Leiostomus xanthurus.On only one occasion did unusually high densities of larvaeand their principal microzooplanktonic foods co-occur. Peakdensities of larvae and microzooplankton were observed in athin lens of cool surface water that characterized a hydrographicdiscontinuity, and all larvae contained high numbers of foodorganisms in their guts. Instantaneous exponential growth ratesestimated from measurements of otolith growth increments, indicatedaccelerated growth on the day that larvae were collected. Alaboratory experiment verified that larval L. xanthurus respondsto an increased ration with accelerated growth that is detectableon otoliths. Together these data suggest that the spatial distributionof L. xanthurus larvae and their microzooplanktonic food ispatchy and that interactions of larvae and microzooplanktonmay be episodic.  相似文献   

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