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Abstract: Eight fossil (Cretaceous) insect cocoons were discovered within the infillings of a broken dinosaur egg of a clutch from a Patagonian locality. Cocoons are considered to be in situ based on detailed preservation of thin, delicate walls with surface texture, infillings that are similar to the surrounding rock matrix and the clustered distribution of cocoons in only one egg out of the clutch of five eggs. According to the shape, size, and thin wall with surface texture, the cocoons are interpreted as having been produced by wasps. The wasps may have been attracted to the egg because of the presence of scavenging insects feeding on the decaying organic matter, or they may have been attracted to spiders feeding on the scavenging insects. In either scenario, after attacking the insects or spiders inside the sand infillings of the egg, the wasp larvae produced the cocoons described herein. The presence of wasps, which are at the top of the scavenging food webs, suggests that a complex community of invertebrates would have developed around rotten dinosaur eggs.  相似文献   

The multiple use of distinct ecological environments in the search for wild resources has been practiced since ancestral times in aboriginal communities inhabiting northwestern Patagonia. This paper examines the actual use and knowledge of wild edible plants in a Mapuche community presently settled in one of the most arid areas of Patagonia, far from the temperate forests where their ancestors used to live. The difference between knowledge of and use of wild plants is analyzed emphasizing that these differences could contribute to the understanding of eroding processes believed to be occurring in the community. These objectives are studied quantitatively by utilizing ethnobotanical indices, partially derived from ecological theory. Our results indicate that the Paineo dwellers still utilize multiple ecological gathering environments and have thorough plant knowledge of both native and exotic species. The Andean forest, more than 50km away from this community, is the environment from which the Paineo dwellers know the greatest total richness and the highest diversity of wild edible plants, followed by the Monte–Steppe species and lastly, those growing around their homes. The transmission of wild edible plant knowledge in the Paineo community diminishes with age, and the forest plants are the most vulnerable to loss. Our results have shown that the knowledge and consumption of wild edible plants follows a pattern according to ecological conditions of the gathering environments, as well as the cultural heritage of the Paineo people.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Influences of annual climatic variation on fire occurrence were examined along a rainfall gradient from temperate rainforest to xeric woodlands in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Fire chronologies were derived from fire scars on trees and related to tree-ring proxy records of climate over the period 1820–1974. Similarly, fire records of four Patagonian national parks for the period 1940–1988 were compared to instrumental weather data. Finally, the influences of broad-scale synoptic weather patterns on fire occurrence in northern Patagonia were explored.
Fire in Nothofagus rainforests is highly dependent on drought during the spring and summer of the same year in which fires occur and is less strongly favoured by drought during the spring of the previous year. The occurrence of fire in dry vegetation types near the steppe ecotone is less dependent on drought because even during years of normal weather fuels are thoroughly desiccated during the dry summer. In xeric Austrocedrus woodlands, fire occurrence and spread are promoted by droughts during the fire season and also appear to be favoured by above-average moisture conditions during the preceding 1 to 2 growing seasons which enhances fuel production. Thus, in the xeric woodlands fire is not simply dependent on drought but is favoured by greater climatic variability over time scales of several years.
Fire activity in northern Patagonia is greatly influenced by the intensity and latitudinal position of the subtropical high pressure cell of the southeast Pacific. Greater fire activity is associated with a more intense and more southerly located high pressure cell which blocks the influx of Pacific moisture into the continent. Although long-term changes in fire occurrence along the rainforest-to-xeric woodland gradient have been greatly influenced by human activities, annual variation in fire frequency and extent is also strongly influenced by annual climatic variation.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen in San Carlos de Bariloche was sampled from September to March 2001–2004 with a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap placed at a height of 15 m in a city extending from the humid forests, through the mesic forests, to the steppe. The total amount of pollen recorded varied widely from year to year. The pollen index was 4,395 in the sampling period 2001/2002; 9,055 in 2002/2003 and 2,756 in 2003/2004. The main pollen period extended from October to January. In October, pollen concentration was the highest. Sixty-six pollen types were identified. Cupressaceae and Nothofagus were the major contributors. Betula, Prunus, Pinus and Populus, the most abundant ornamental taxa in the city, also contributed to the pollen record. Pollen of Maytenus and Lomatia was representative of the mesic forest, while pollen in the lower layers of the humid forest was present in trace amounts. Cupressaceae, Nothofagus and Betula prevailed during spring (September–December), and Plantago, Rumex and Poaceae during summer (December–March). The association of daily pollen concentration and meteorological variables, temperature (mean, maximum, minimum), dew point, rainfall and wind speed, was significant. Correlations showed to be negative, with the exception of that to wind speed. The total sum of fungi spores increased from 1,771 in 2001/2002; through 8,441 in 2002/2003 to 13,782 in 2003/2004. Relative concentration rose to 29%, 48% and 84% of the total number of pollen and fungal spores recorded during each sampling period.  相似文献   

A scanning and transmission electron microscopy-based ultrastructural study of Arcellites humilis Villar de Seoane and Archangelsky, 2008, from the Kachaike Formation and Piedra Clavada Formation (Albian-Cenomanian) from several localities in Patagonia (Argentina), is presented in this paper. TEM-photographs of thin-sectioned specimens show a thick spore body wall composed of three layers: a thin and dense exine, an inner granular perine sublayer with irregularly disposed small channels and lacunae, and an outer alveolate perine sublayer with channels perpendicular to the external surface. Transverse sections of the A. humilis wall are compared with fossil and extant species of Marsileaceae. We show that the wall ultrastructure is similar in A. humilis, A. santacrucensis, A. disciformis, A. stellatus and Regnellidium upatoiensis. However, the body wall and acrolamella of A. humilis are more similar to those of R. diphyllum Lindman than to those of the Marsilea L. or Pilularia L. species. Water ferns such as members of the Marsileaceae played an important role in aquatic or semi-aquatic niches in Patagonian Cretaceous floras, suggesting that high humidity and temperature prevailed during the Albian-Cenomanian in this region of Argentina.  相似文献   

One of the diagnostic characters of dicraeosaurid sauropods is a reduction of pneumatization of dorsal and caudal vertebrae relative to their Flagellicaudata sister taxon, Diplodocidae. Here, we analyse pneumatic structures in the dicraeosaurid sauropod Pilmatueia faundezi, compare them to those of diplodocoids and report the first record of camerate chambers in a dicraeosaurid. The pneumatic structures are in a posterior cervical centrum (MLL-Pv-002) and consist of lateral pneumatic fossae on the centrum that communicate internally with large camerae. By contrast, Pilmatueia's dorsal and caudal vertebrae (MLL-Pv-005-016) lack pneumatic fossae on the centra, which is consistent with the previously reported reduced pneumaticity in dicraeosaurids. Nevertheless, the base of the neural arch and possibly the base of the bifid neural spines of a posterior dorsal vertebra (MLL-Pv-005) show pneumatic internal chambers. The pneumatic features of the Pilmatueia cervical centrum and dorsal neural arch we describe indicate that the degree of pneumatization is variable within dicraeosaurids.  相似文献   

Population dynamics can be influenced by physical and biological factors, particularly in stressful environments. Introduced species usually have great physiological plasticity, resulting in populations with different traits. Undaria pinnatifida, a macroalga originally described from northeast Asia, was introduced in Northern Patagonia, Argentina (San Matías Gulf) around 2010. To describe the spatio-temporal variability in population structure and morphometry of U. pinnatifida, we conducted monthly field samplings for 2 years at the intertidal area of two contrasting sites in the San Matías Gulf. Individuals of U. pinnatifida were classified by developmental stage, and their morpho-gravimetric variables were measured. In both intertidal sites juveniles were found in higher proportion during austral autumn and grew and matured during the autumn-winter months (from May onwards), and individuals senesced during early austral summer (December and January). Conversely, density and biomass were largely different between sites, and individuals showed slight morphological variability between sites. Environmental (e.g., nutrient concentration, available substrate) and biological factors (e.g., facilitation, competition) may explain the observed differences. Since there is not a macroalga with U. pinnatifida morphometrical characteristics in the intertidal environments of San Matías Gulf, studying this recent introduction gives us a better understanding of its potential ecological effects.  相似文献   

The Japanese kelp Undaria pinnatifida was found on 7th September 2005 in Ría Deseado (Santa Cruz, Argentina). This invasive algae was registered from the lower intertidal to the upper levels of the subtidal zone. The sporophytes were fixed to slabs, gravel and rocks of variable sizes and were also present as epibionts of tunicates. The sporophytes total length ranged between 3 and 88 cm, with a mean of 28.75 cm in the intertidal and 38.3 cm in the subtidal. The density and biomass increased from the intertidal to the subtidal. The kelp population showed a higher number of small immature individuals in the intertidal than␣subtidal where the organisms were bigger and with more individual biomass. This first record of U. pinnatifida in Southern Patagonia extends its southern distribution limit in Argentina, showing progressive expansion in the southwestern Atlantic. More surveys must be conducted to understand the evolution of U. pinnatifida invasion and its impact on the native benthic community.  相似文献   

The first step to understanding the species present in a particular area is to perform inventory and assemblage studies. To obtain a species inventory, it is important to determine parameters such as species richness and relative abundance. This information can be useful for future studies and decision-making purposes in the conservation area. Despite the fundamental role of the terrestrial Heteroptera in ecosystems, they remain poorly known. We expected that the terrestrial Heteroptera species assemblage would be strongly associated with plant communities. Presently, 840 samples were collected in northern Argentine Patagonia during two years, 2013 and 2014. A total of 1950 adults of terrestrial Heteroptera belonging to 12 families, 32 species, and 8 morphospecies were found. Various statistical techniques were applied to correct the observed data for undersampling bias. These suggested that the lower boundary of the summer Heteroptera species richness in northern Patagonia was about 44–54 species. We concluded that the high regional habitat heterogeneity along the west-to-east and south-to-north gradients was paralleled by the turnover of Heteroptera. However, the Patagonian steppe shared a high number of species with the Monte and Subantarctic provinces. The suction sampling technique is an efficient technique to collect Heteroptera in environments with different plant structure and should thus be used in a complementary way with the sweeping technique.  相似文献   

Edible Wild Plant Use in a Mapuche Community of Northwestern Patagonia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mapuche Indians have a long tradition of using edible wild resources. The people of Rams (Neuquén, Argentina) consider themselves descendants of the Pehuenches, an Indian group that once inhabited the Pehuén forest region. They now live in the steppe, far away from the forest. Our primary interests are how this community uses edible resources and in analyzing which plants are still utilized. We conducted an ethnobotanical study, which consisted in interviewing several Mapuche families and collecting plants with their help. Ecological variables of plant use, such as search cost, handling time, and nutritional content, were analyzed from the perspective of Optimal Foraging Theory. Our results indicate that the Rams inhabitants have a thorough understanding of their environment, expressed in a selective gathering of wild resources. Cost and benefit trade-offs seem to be considered when edible plants are collected.  相似文献   

Cattle transhumance has been practiced since colonial times in Mapuche communities of northwestern Patagonia, which travelled seasonally along the Andean valleys from arid lands towards temperate forests. In this study, we analyzed how this migratory practice affects the abundance and variety of wild edible plants utilized by the Mapuche community of Paineo. Patterns of use for those who practice transhumance were compared with those who do not utilizing ecological variables. Gender and age were also evaluated. The Paineo people collect wild plants in 3 different gathering sites: the A. araucana forest, the Travesía, and their dwelling surroundings. However, those who practice summer transhumance utilize a more diverse variety and a tan greater quantity of wild edible forest plants than those who do not. Moreover, the nutritional value of plants collected by transhumants is greater than those used by non-transhumants. Men practice summer cattle transhumance in a greater proportion than do women and consume significantly more wild edible plants. In contrast, plants from their dwellings and from the Travesía are used in a similar way by both sexes. It was observed that the elderly do not presently participate in transhumance. Our results illustrate a change in wild plant knowledge influenced by the transformation of the summer transhumance pattern.  相似文献   

Baffico  Gustavo D. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,455(1-3):79-85
Little is known about periphyton community in Patagonia and the influence that urban development has on a particular water body. Lake Nahuel Huapi is located in a National Park with little industrial or agricultural activity in the basin, but it is influenced by urban discharges from San Carlos de Bariloche, a town of 80000 inhabitants located on its south shore. Variations in structure and dynamics of the periphyton community in Lake Nahuel Huapi were studied during 1 year, to examine the influence of urban discharges on this community. Periphyton samples were collected on the shoreline of the lake and evaluated for biomass (as chlorophyll a concentration) and cell density of the main algal groups, at sites with and without urban influence. Results indicated the major influence of pollution from urban sources on periphyton at the most impacted sites, as well as the effect of different local events at each site (degree of contamination, type of coast, wind exposure, etc.). Higher biomass and cell densities at contaminated sites were evident, but the variation of main algal groups through the year was similar in all the sites. Periphyton in Lake Nahuel Huapi proved to be an important bioindicator of urban impacts on this water body.  相似文献   

A new genus of Aeshnidae, Huncoaeshna n. gen., based on Huncoaeshna corrugata n. gen., n. sp., is erected from Laguna del Hunco (Ypresian) in Patagonia Argentina. The specimen presents a special kind of preservation with the middle part of the wing wrinkled. The presence of only two fossil specimens of Aeshnidae in South America is surely due to the lack of paleontomologists and collections of fossil insects in the subcontinent.  相似文献   

 AFLP markers were used to analyse the intra- and interspecific relationships among 22 natural populations of 13 Patagonian species of Berberis and the relationships among the taxa belonging to homoploid and polyploid complexes. Seven primer combinations gave rise to 231 AFLP bands, of which 199 were polymorphic. Correspondence between AFLP data, morphological traits and seed protein bands was also assessed. The dendrogram inferred from AFLP fingerprints showed that, in general, populations of the same species formed closely related groups with high coefficients of similarity. Principal co-ordinates analysis showed two separate subgroups: (i) B. bidentata and their putative ancestors –B. darwinii and B. linearifolia– which form a homogamic group, and (ii) B. buxifolia, B. heterophylla and B. parodii– which could form a polyploid hybrid complex. Received March 21, 2001 Accepted September 11, 2001  相似文献   

Hypsosteiromys is the only New World porcupine that shows a tendency to hypsodonty. It is recorded exclusively from the Colhuehuapian Age (Early Miocene) of central Patagonia (Argentina). In addition to the type species, a second one, Hypsosteiromys nectus(AMEGHINO, 1902), is recognized, from the southern cliff of Colhuehuapi Lake (Chubut province). It differs from the type species in the lesser development of the anterolabial and posteroflexid notches of the m1-3, shorter p4 and dp4, and more slender incisors. Dental morphology suggests that the species of Hypsosteiromys lived in more open areas than most fossil and living Erethizontidae.  相似文献   

Grindelia coronensis, a new species from the Meseta del Somuncura, Prov. Río Negro, Argentina, is described and illustrated. It is similar toG. chiloensis (Cornel.) Cabrera but it is readily distinguished by its leaves which are conspicuosly differentiated into a obovate blade and a long petiole.  相似文献   

Reproductive phenology is likely to vary spatially with environmental conditions that alter microclimate, in particular temperature. We hypothesized that within the same plant community type, environmental changes produced by recent burning would alter plant phenological patterns and temporal structure of the plant community. Specifically, we predicted accelerated flowering and fruiting dates in the burned, open environment compared with the unburned, intact community. We tested this hypothesis in a post-fire tall shrubland (matorral) in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. During the reproductive season, phenological stages of seven vascular plant species were monitored weekly. Temperature, humidity, soil nutrients and photosynthetically-active radiation were also recorded. At the burned site, flowering began earlier in all species and the success rate of fruiting was higher. These patterns correlated with significant environmental differences, including higher mean temperatures at the burned site.  相似文献   

Selection of nest-site habitat by a population of wild Lesser Rheas (Rhea pennata pennata) was studied in the northwestern Patagonia steppe, Argentina, during two reproductive seasons (2004/2005 and 2005/2006). Nest spatial distribution was compared with randomly selected points in the study area. Contrary to observations in other ratite species, nest distribution showed an aggregate pattern associated with “mallín” (meadow) areas, which are habitats of higher productivity in the Patagonia steppe. Moreover, similar to observations made on the Greater Rhea (Rhea americana), vegetation cover was higher in nest sites than in randomly selected sites, probably because higher vegetation provides concealment from predators and protection from the strong westerly winds that frequent in this region. Our results reinforce the importance of “mallín” areas for the reproduction and conservation of this threatened ratite species.  相似文献   

The occurrence of culturable yeasts in glacial meltwater from the Frías, Casta?o Overo and Río Manso glaciers, located on Mount Tronador in the Nahuel Huapi National Park (Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina) is presented. Subsurface water samples were filtered for colony counting and yeast isolation. The total yeast count ranged between 6 and 360 CFU L(-1). Physiologic and molecular methods were employed to identify 86 yeast isolates. In agreement with yeast diversity data from studies for Antarctic and Alpine glaciers, the genera Cryptococcus, Leucosporidiella, Dioszegia, Rhodotorula, Rhodosporidium, Mrakia, Sporobolomyces, Udeniomyces and Candida were found. Cryptococcus and Leucosporidiella accounted for 50% and 20% of the total number of strains, respectively. Among 21 identified yeast species, Cryptococcus sp. 1 and Leucosporidiella fragaria were the most frequent. The typically psychrophilic Mrakia yeast strain and three new yeast species, yet to be described, were also isolated. All yeast strains were able to grow at 5, 10, and 15 degrees C. Among yeast strains expressing extracellular enzymatic activity, higher proteolytic and lipolytic activities were obtained at 4 degrees C than at 20 degrees C.  相似文献   

A new vertebrate faunal assemblage was recently discovered from the uppermost part of the late Miocene Puerto Madryn Formation. These deposits crop out along the southwestern coast of the Península Valdés area near Punta Delgada (Chubut Province, Argentina). The exhumed vertebrate fauna includes a range of fish, bird and mammal taxa, of which the latter are most varied and abundant. The new findings represent the first record of continental fossil vertebrates in the Puerto Madryn Formation and this is the first assemblage of late Miocene continental vertebrates recorded to the south of Río Negro Province. It also includes the southernmost record of Hydrochoeridae rodents, Dendrocygninae birds and Loricariidae fishes. The mammals suggest that the fossil-bearing sediments are Huayquerian in age. The climate during the accumulation of late Miocene deposits in this region is inferred to have been warmer and seasonally drier than that of today.  相似文献   

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