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Host-virus interactions control disease progression in human immunodeficiency virus-infected human beings and in nonhuman primates infected with simian or simian/human immunodeficiency viruses (SHIV). These interactions evolve rapidly during acute infection and are key to the mechanisms of viral persistence and AIDS. SHIV(89.6PD) infection in rhesus macaques can deplete CD4(+) T cells from the peripheral blood, spleen, and lymph nodes within 2 weeks after exposure and is a model for virulent, acute infection. Lymphocytes isolated from blood and tissues during the interval of acute SHIV(89.6PD) infection have lost the capacity to proliferate in response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA). T-cell unresponsiveness to mitogen occurred within 1 week after mucosal inoculation yet prior to massive CD4(+) T-cell depletion and extensive virus dissemination. The lack of mitogen response was due to apoptosis in vitro, and increased activation marker expression on circulating T cells in vivo coincided with the appearance of PHA-induced apoptosis in vitro. Inappropriately high immune stimulation associated with rapid loss of mature CD4(+) T cells suggested that activation-induced cell death is a mechanism for helper T-cell depletion in the brief period before widespread virus dissemination. Elevated levels of lymphocyte activation likely enhance SHIV(89.6PD) replication, thus increasing the loss of CD4(+) T cells and diminishing the levels of virus-specific immunity that remain after acute infection. The level of surviving immunity may dictate the capacity to control virus replication and disease progression. We describe this level of immune competence as the host set point to show its pivotal role in AIDS pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The development of anti-human immunodeficiency virus (anti-HIV) neutralizing antibodies and the evolution of the viral envelope glycoprotein were monitored in rhesus macaques infected with a CCR5-tropic simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV), SHIVSF162P4. Homologous neutralizing antibodies developed within the first month of infection in the majority of animals, and their titers were independent of the extent and duration of viral replication during chronic infection. The appearance of homologous neutralizing antibody responses was preceded by the appearance of amino acid changes in specific variable and conserved regions of gp120. Amino acid changes first appeared in the V1, V2, C2, and V3 regions and subsequently in the C3, V4, and V5 regions. Heterologous neutralizing antibody responses developed over time only in animals with sustained plasma viremia. Within 2 years postinfection the breadth of these responses was as broad as that observed in certain patients infected with HIV type 1 (HIV-1) for over a decade. Despite the development of broad anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibody responses, viral replication persisted in these animals due to viral escape. Our studies indicate that cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies are elicited in a subset of SHIVSF162P4 infected macaques and that their development requires continuous viral replication for extended periods of time. More importantly, their late appearance does not prevent progression to disease. The availability of an animal model where cross-reactive anti-HIV neutralizing antibodies are developed may facilitate the identification of virologic and immunologic factors conducive to the development of such antibodies.  相似文献   

The development of the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1)/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) chimeric virus macaque model (SHIV) permits the in vivo evaluation of anti-HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein immune responses. Using this model, others, and we have shown that passively infused antibody can protect against an intravenous challenge. However, HIV-1 is most often transmitted across mucosal surfaces and the intravenous challenge model may not accurately predict the role of antibody in protection against mucosal exposure. After controlling the macaque estrous cycle with progesterone, anti-HIV-1 neutralizing monoclonal antibodies 2F5 and 2G12, and HIV immune globulin were tested. Whereas all five control monkeys displayed high plasma viremia and rapid CD4 cell decline, 14 antibody-treated macaques were either completely protected against infection or against pathogenic manifestations of SHIV-infection. Infusion of all three antibodies together provided the greatest amount of protection, but a single monoclonal antibody, with modest virus neutralizing activity, was also protective. Compared with our previous intravenous challenge study with the same virus and antibodies, the data indicated that greater protection was achieved after vaginal challenge. This study demonstrates that antibodies can affect transmission and subsequent disease course after vaginal SHIV-challenge; the data begin to define the type of antibody response that could play a role in protection against mucosal transmission of HIV-1.  相似文献   

High levels of infused anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can completely protect macaque monkeys against mucosal chimeric simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) infection. Antibody levels below the protective threshold do not prevent infection but can substantially reduce plasma viremia. To assess if HIV-1/SIV-specific cellular immunity could combine with antibodies to produce sterile protection, we studied the effect of a suboptimal infusion of anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies in macaques with active cellular immunity induced by interleukin-2 (IL-2)-adjuvanted DNA immunization. Twenty female macaques were divided into four groups: (i). DNA immunization plus irrelevant antibody, (ii). DNA immunization plus infusion of neutralizing MAbs 2F5 and 2G12, (iii). sham DNA plus 2F5 and 2G12, and (iv). sham DNA plus irrelevant antibody. DNA-immunized monkeys developed CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses as measured by epitope-specific tetramer staining and by pooled peptide ELISPOT assays for gamma interferon-secreting cells. After vaginal challenge, DNA-immunized animals that received irrelevant antibody became SHIV infected but displayed lower plasma viremia than control animals. Complete protection against SHIV challenge occurred in three animals that received sham DNA plus MAbs 2F5 and 2G12 and in two animals that received the DNA vaccine plus MAbs 2F5 and 2G12. Thus, although DNA immunization produced robust HIV-specific T-cell responses, we were unable to demonstrate that these responses contributed to the sterile protection mediated by passive infusion of neutralizing antibodies. These data suggest that although effector T cells can limit viral replication, they are not able to assist humoral immunity to prevent the establishment of initial infection.  相似文献   

现行抗反转录病毒治疗药物的联合应用可有效抑制艾滋病进程并显著延长患者寿命,但由于人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(human immunodeficiency virus type 1,HIV-1)潜伏库的存在,艾滋病迄今尚无法治愈。近年发现抗HIV广谱中和抗体能有效降低患者体内病毒载量并延缓疾病进程,为研发艾滋病疫苗和治愈策略带来了曙光,尤其是序贯免疫策略的使用极大推进了广谱中和抗体的开发和应用进程。2018年,美国食品药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)批准了第1个临床应用的广谱中性单克隆和抗体,无疑为抗HIV单克隆抗体药物的研发注入了一支强心剂。本文围绕近年来抗HIV广谱中和抗体的研究进展进行综述,探讨未来广谱中和抗体研发面临的挑战。  相似文献   

One of three full-length infectious molecular clones of SHIV(DH12R), designated SHIV(DH12R-CL-7) and obtained from productively infected rhesus monkey peripheral blood mononuclear cells, directed rapid and irreversible loss of CD4+ T cells within 3 weeks of its inoculation into Indian rhesus monkeys. Induction of complete CD4+ T-cell depletion by SHIV(DH12R-CL-7) was found to be dependent on inoculum size. The acquisition of this pathogenic phenotype was accompanied by the introduction of 42 amino acid substitutions into multiple genes of parental nonpathogenic SHIV(DH12). Transfer of the entire SHIV(DH12R-CL-7) env gene into the genetic background of nonpathogenic SHIV(DH12) failed to confer the rapid CD4+ T-lymphocyte-depleting syndrome; similarly, the substitution of gag plus pol sequences from SIV(smE543) for analogous SIV(mac239) genes in SHIV(DH12R-CL-7) attenuated the pathogenic phenotype. Amino acid changes affecting multiple viral genes are necessary, but insufficient by themselves, to confer the prototypically rapid and irreversible CD4+ T-cell-depleting phenotype exhibited by molecularly cloned SHIV(DH12R-CL-7).  相似文献   

We studied the capacity of active immunization of rhesus monkeys with HIV-1 envelope protein (Env) to induce primary virus cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies to prevent infection following intravenous challenge with simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV). Monkeys were immunized with the human immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) strain R2 Env. Initially, the Env was expressed in vivo by an alphavirus replicon particle system, and then it was administered as soluble oligomeric gp140. Concurrently, groups of monkeys received expression vectors that encoded either simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) gag/pol genes or no SIV genes in vivo to test the additional protective benefit of concurrent induction of virus-specific cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses. Groups of control monkeys received either the gag/pol regimen or sham immunizations. The antibodies induced by the Env immunization regimen neutralized diverse primary HIV-1 strains. Similarly, potent CMI responses were induced by the gag/pol regimen, as measured by gamma interferon enzyme-linked immunospot assays. Differences in the responses among groups of monkeys strongly suggested that there was interference between the Env and gag/pol immunization regimens. Complete protection of some of the monkeys against infection after intravenous challenge with the partially pathogenic SHIV(DH12R (Clone 7)) was associated independently with both neutralizing antibody and CMI responses. Protection was associated with SHIV(DH12 (Clone 7)) serum neutralizing antibody titers of > or =1:80 or with cellular immune responses corresponding to >2,000 spot forming cells per 10(6) peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Immunization was also associated with a reduction in the magnitude and duration of virus load. Induction of cross-reactive, primary HIV-1-neutralizing antibodies is feasible and, when potent, may result in complete protection against infection with a heterologous challenge virus strain.  相似文献   

A major challenge for the development of an effective HIV vaccine is to elicit neutralizing antibodies against a broad array of primary isolates. Monomeric gp120-based vaccine approaches have not been successful in inducing this type of response, prompting a number of approaches designed to recreate the native glycoprotein complex that exists on the viral membrane. Gag-Env pseudovirions are noninfectious viruslike particles that recreate the native envelope glycoprotein structure and have the potential to generate neutralizing antibody responses against primary isolates. In this study, an inducible cell line was created in order to generate Gag-Env pseudovirions for examination of neutralizing antibody responses in guinea pigs. Unadjuvanted pseudovirions generated relatively weak anti-gp120 responses, while the use of a block copolymer water-in-oil emulsion or aluminum hydroxide combined with CpG oligodeoxynucleotides resulted in high levels of antibodies that bind to gp120. Sera from immunized animals neutralized a panel of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 primary isolate viruses at titers that were significantly higher than that of the corresponding monomeric gp120 protein. Interpretation of these results was complicated by the occurrence of neutralizing antibodies directed against cellular (non-envelope protein) components of the pseudovirion. However, a major component of the pseudovirion-elicited antibody response was directed specifically against the HIV envelope. These results provide support for the role of pseudovirion-based vaccines in generating neutralizing antibodies against primary isolates of HIV and highlight the potential confounding role of antibodies directed at non-envelope cell surface components.  相似文献   

We have compared the abilities of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope V3 peptides and recombinant gp120 to induce antibodies that neutralize simian/human immunodeficiency viruses (SHIVs). SHIV-89.6 is a nonpathogenic SHIV that expresses the envelope protein of primary HIV-1 isolate 89.6. SHIV-89.6P, clone KB9, is a pathogenic SHIV variant derived from SHIV-89.6. Infection of rhesus monkeys with these SHIVs rarely induces anti-V3 region antibodies. To determine the availability of the gp120 V3 loop for neutralizing antibody binding on SHIV-89.6 and KB9 virions, we have constructed immunogenic C4-V3 peptides from these SHIVs and induced anti-V3 antibodies in guinea pigs and rhesus monkeys. We found that both SHIV-89.6 and KB9 C4-V3 peptides induced antibodies that neutralized SHIV-89.6 but that only SHIV-KB9 C4-V3 peptide induced antibodies that neutralized SHIV-KB9. Immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that SHIV-KB9 C4-V3 peptide-induced antibodies had a greater ability to bind SHIV-KB9 envelope proteins than did antibodies raised against SHIV-89.6 C4-V3 peptide. We have used a series of mutant HIV-1 envelope constructs to map the gp120 determinants that affect neutralization by anti-V3 antibodies. The residue change at position 305 of arginine (in SHIV-89.6) to glutamic acid (in SHIV-KB9) played a central role in determining the ability of peptide-induced anti-V3 antiserum to neutralize primary isolate SHIVs. Moreover, residue changes in the SHIV-89.6 V1/V2 loops also played roles in regulating the availability of the V3 neutralizing epitope on SHIV-89.6 and -KB9. Thus, SHIV-89.6 and -KB9 V3 region peptides are capable of inducing neutralizing antibodies against these primary isolate SHIVs, although the pathogenic SHIV-KB9 is less easily neutralized than its nonpathogenic variant SHIV-89.6. In contrast to natural infection with SHIV-89.6, in which few animals make anti-V3 antibodies, C4-V3 peptides frequently induced anti-V3 antibodies that neutralized primary isolate SHIV strains.  相似文献   

Although several human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine approaches have elicited meaningful antigen-specific T-cell responses in animal models, no single vaccine candidate has engendered antibodies that broadly neutralize primary isolates of HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Thus, there remains a significant gap in the design of HIV vaccines. To address this issue, we exploited the existence of rare human monoclonal antibodies that have been isolated from HIV-infected individuals. Such antibodies neutralize a wide array of HIV-1 field isolates and have been shown to be effective in vivo. However, practical considerations preclude the use of antibody preparations as a prophylactic passive immunization strategy in large populations. Our concept calls for an antibody gene of choice to be transferred to muscle where the antibody molecule is synthesized and distributed to the circulatory system. In these experiments, we used a recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector to deliver the gene for the human antibody IgG1b12 to mouse muscle. Significant levels of HIV-neutralizing activity were found in the sera of mice for over 6 months after a single intramuscular administration of the rAAV vector. This approach allows for predetermination of antibody affinity and specificity prior to "immunization" and avoids the need for an active humoral immune response against the HIV envelope protein.  相似文献   

Viral suppression by noncytolytic CD8+ T cells, in addition to that by classic antiviral CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes, has been described for human immunodeficiency virus and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infections. However, the role of soluble effector molecules, especially beta-chemokines, in antiviral immunity is still controversial. In an attenuated vaccine model, approximately 60% of animals immunized with simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) 89.6 and then challenged intravaginally with SIVmac239 controlled viral replication (viral RNA level in plasma, <10(4) copies/ml) and were considered protected (K. Abel, L. Compton, T. Rourke, D. Montefiori, D. Lu, K. Rothaeusler, L. Fritts, K. Bost, and C. J. Miller, J. Virol. 77:3099-3118, 2003). To determine the in vivo importance of beta-chemokine secretion and CD8+-T-cell proliferation in the control of viral replication in this vaccine model, we examined the relationship between viral RNA levels in the axillary and genital lymph nodes of vaccinated, protected (n = 20) and vaccinated, unprotected (n = 11) monkeys by measuring beta-chemokine mRNA levels and protein expression, the frequency of CD8+ T cells expressing beta-chemokines, and the extent of CD8+-T-cell proliferation. Tissues from uninfected (n = 3) and unvaccinated, SIVmac239-infected (n = 9) monkeys served as controls. Axillary and genital lymph nodes from unvaccinated and vaccinated, unprotected monkeys had significantly higher beta-chemokine mRNA expression levels and increased numbers of beta-chemokine-positive cells than did vaccinated, protected animals. Furthermore, the lymph nodes of vaccinated, unprotected monkeys had significantly higher numbers of beta-chemokine(+) CD8+ T cells than did vaccinated, protected monkeys. Lymph nodes from vaccinated, unprotected animals also had significantly more CD8+-T-cell proliferation and marked lymph node hyperplasia than the lymph nodes of vaccinated, protected monkeys. Thus, higher levels of virus replication were associated with increased beta-chemokine secretion and there is no evidence that beta-chemokines contributed to the SHIV89.6-mediated control of viral replication after intravaginal challenge with SIVmac239.  相似文献   

Rabies virus (RV) has recently been developed as a novel vaccine candidate for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The RV glycoprotein (G) can be functionally replaced by HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) if the gp160 cytoplasmic domain (CD) of HIV-1 Env is replaced by that of RV G. Here, we describe a pilot study of the in vivo replication and immunogenicity of an RV with a deletion of G (DeltaG) expressing a simian/human immunodeficiency virus SHIV(89.6P) Env ectodomain and transmembrane domain fused to the RV G CD (DeltaG-89.6P-RVG) in a rhesus macaque. An animal vaccinated with DeltaG-89.6P-RVG developed SHIV(89.6P) virus-neutralizing antibodies and SHIV(89.6P)-specific cellular immune responses after challenge with SHIV(89.6P). There was no evidence of CD4(+) T-cell loss, and plasma viremia was controlled to undetectable levels by 6 weeks postchallenge and has remained suppressed out to 22 weeks postchallenge.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus Tat regulatory protein is essential for virus replication and pathogenesis. From human peripheral blood mononuclear cells of three Tat toxoid-immunized volunteers, we isolated five Tat-specific human monoclonal antibodies (HMAbs): two full-length immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies and three single-chain fragment-variable (scFv) antibodies. The two IgGs were mapped to distinct epitopes within the basic region of Tat, and the three scFvs were mapped to the N-terminal domain of Tat. The three scFvs were highly reactive with recombinant Tat in Western blotting or immunoprecipitation, but results were in contrast to those for the two IgGs, which are sensitive to a particular folding of the protein. In transactivation assays, scFvs were able to inhibit both active recombinant Tat and native Tat secreted by a transfected CEM cell line while IgGs neutralized only native Tat. These HMAbs were able to reduce viral p24 production in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 strain IIIB chronically infected cell lines in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to functionally assess gamma/delta (γδ) T cells following pathogenic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection of humans and nonpathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of sooty mangabeys. γδ T cells were obtained from peripheral blood samples from patients and sooty mangabeys that exhibited either a CD4-healthy (>200 CD4+ T cells/μl blood) or CD4-low (<200 CD4 cells/μl blood) phenotype. Cytokine flow cytometry was utilized to assess production of Th1 cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha and gamma interferon following ex vivo stimulation with either phorbol myristate acetate/ionomycin or the Vδ2 γδ T-cell receptor agonist isopentenyl pyrophosphate. Sooty mangabeys were observed to have higher percentages of γδ T cells in their peripheral blood than humans did. Following stimulation, γδ T cells from SIV-positive (SIV+) mangabeys maintained or increased their ability to express the Th1 cytokines regardless of CD4+ T-cell levels. In contrast, HIV-positive (HIV+) patients exhibited a decreased percentage of γδ T cells expressing Th1 cytokines following stimulation. This dysfunction is primarily within the Vδ2+ γδ T-cell subset which incurred both a decreased overall level in the blood and a reduced Th1 cytokine production. Patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy exhibited a partial restoration in their γδ T-cell Th1 cytokine response that was intermediate between the responses of the uninfected and HIV+ patients. The SIV+ sooty mangabey natural hosts, which do not proceed to clinical AIDS, provide evidence that γδ T-cell dysfunction occurs in HIV+ patients and may contribute to HIV disease progression.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infects cells by membrane fusion that is mediated by the envelope proteins gp120/gp41 and the cellular receptors CD4 and CCR5. During this process, some conserved viral epitopes are temporarily exposed and may induce a neutralizing antibody response when fixed in the fusogenic conformation. These transient structures are conserved and may be effective antigens for use in an anti-HIV-1 vaccine. In this study we tested different conditions of preparation of fusion complexes inducing neutralizing antibodies against both R5 and X4 tropic HIV-1 strains. Cell lines expressing HIV-1 gp120/gp41 and CD4-CCR5 were prepared and conditions for producing fusion complexes were tested. Complexes produced at different temperature and fixative combinations were used to immunize mice. Results indicated that (a) fusion complexes prepared at either 21 degrees C, 30 degrees C or 37 degrees C were immunogenic and induced neutralizing antibodies against both R5 and X4 HIV-1 heterologous isolates; (b) after extensive purification of antibodies there was no cytotoxic effect; (c) complexes prepared at 37 degrees C were more immunogenic and induced higher titers of neutralizing antibodies than complexes prepared at either 21 degrees C or 30 degrees C; (d) the fixative used did not affect the titer of neutralizing antibodies except for glutaraldehyde which was ineffective; (e) the neutralizing activity was retained after CD4-CCR5 antibody removal. The production of higher titers of neutralizing antibody with fusion complexes prepared at 37 degrees C, as compared to lower temperatures, may be related to the induction of antibodies against many different conformation intermediates that subsequently act synergistically at different steps in the fusion process.  相似文献   

The antigenic polymorphism of HIV-1 is a major obstacle in developing an effective vaccine. Accordingly, we screened random peptide libraries (RPLs) displayed on phage with antibodies from HIV-infected individuals and identified an array of HIV-specific epitopes that behave as antigenic mimics of conformational epitopes of gp120 and gp41 proteins. We report that the selected epitopes are shared by a collection of HIV-1 isolates of clades A-F. The phage-borne epitopes are immunogenic in rhesus macaques, where they elicit envelope-specific antibody responses. Upon intravenous challenge with 60 MID50 of pathogenic SHIV-89.6PD, all monkeys became infected; however, in contrast to the naive and mock-immunized monkeys, four of five mimotope-immunized monkeys experienced lower levels of peak viremia, followed by viral set points of undetectable or transient levels of viremia and a mild decline of CD4+ T cells, and were protected from progression to AIDS-like illness. These results provide a new approach to the design of broadly protective HIV-1 vaccines.  相似文献   

Expression vectors based on DNA or plus-stranded RNA viruses are being developed as vaccine carriers directed against various pathogens. Less is known about the use of negative-stranded RNA viruses, whose genomes have been refractory to direct genetic manipulation. Using a recently described reverse genetics method, we investigated whether influenza virus is able to present antigenic structures from other infectious agents. We engineered a chimeric influenza virus which expresses a 12-amino-acid peptide derived from the V3 loop of gp120 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) MN. This peptide was inserted into the loop of antigenic site B of the influenza A/WSN/33 virus hemagglutinin (HA). The resulting chimeric virus was recognized by specific anti-V3 peptide antibodies and a human anti-gp120 monoclonal antibody in both hemagglutination inhibition and neutralization assays. Mice immunized with the chimeric influenza virus produced anti-HIV antibodies which were able to bind to synthetic V3 peptide, to precipitate gp120, and to neutralize MN virus in human T-cell culture system. In addition, the chimeric virus was also capable of inducing cytotoxic T cells which specifically recognize the HIV sequence. These results suggest that influenza virus can be used as an expression vector for inducing both B- and T-cell-mediated immunity against other infectious agents.  相似文献   

We previously reported that high-titered neutralizing antibodies directed against the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope can block the establishment of a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)/HIV chimeric virus (SHIV) infection in two monkeys following passive transfer (R. Shibata et al., Nat. Med. 5:204-210, 1999). In the present study, increasing amounts of neutralizing immunoglobulin G (IgG) were administered to 15 pig-tailed macaques in order to obtain a statistically valid protective neutralization endpoint titer in plasma. Using an in vitro assay which measures complete neutralization of the challenge SHIV, we correlated the titers of neutralizing antibodies in plasma at the time of virus inoculation (which ranged from 1:3 to 1:123) with the establishment of infection in virus-challenged animals. Ten of 15 monkeys in the present experiment were virus free as a result of neutralizing IgG administration as monitored by DNA PCR (peripheral blood mononuclear cells and lymph node cells), RNA PCR (plasma), virus isolation, and the transfer of lymph node cell suspensions (10(8) cells) plus 8 ml of whole blood from protected animals to na?ve macaques. The titer of neutralizing antibodies in the plasma calculated to protect 99% of virus-challenged monkeys was 1:38.  相似文献   

Vaccine vectors derived from Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE) that expressed simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) immunogens were tested in rhesus macaques as part of the effort to design a safe and effective vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus. Immunization with VEE replicon particles induced both humoral and cellular immune responses. Four of four vaccinated animals were protected against disease for at least 16 months following intravenous challenge with a pathogenic SIV swarm, while two of four controls required euthanasia at 10 and 11 weeks. Vaccination reduced the mean peak viral load 100-fold. The plasma viral load was reduced to below the limit of detection (1,500 genome copies/ml) in one vaccinated animal between 6 and 16 weeks postchallenge and in another from week 6 through the last sampling time (40 weeks postchallenge). The extent of reduction in challenge virus replication was directly correlated with the strength of the immune response induced by the vectors, which suggests that vaccination was effective.  相似文献   

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